diff runtime/syntax/vmasm.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vmasm.vim	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	(VAX) Macro Assembly
+" Maintainer:	Tom Uijldert <tom.uijldert [at] cmg.nl>
+" Last change:	2004 May 16
+" This is incomplete. Feel free to contribute...
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn case ignore
+" Partial list of register symbols
+syn keyword vmasmReg	r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12
+syn keyword vmasmReg	ap fp sp pc iv dv
+" All matches - order is important!
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode adawi adwc ashl ashq bitb bitw bitl decb decw decl
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode ediv emul incb incw incl mcomb mcomw mcoml
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode movzbw movzbl movzwl popl pushl rotl sbwc
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode cmpv cmpzv cmpc3 cmpc5 locc matchc movc3 movc5
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode movtc movtuc scanc skpc spanc crc extv extzv
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode ffc ffs insv aobleq aoblss bbc bbs bbcci bbssi
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode blbc blbs brb brw bsbb bsbw caseb casew casel
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode jmp jsb rsb sobgeq sobgtr callg calls ret
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode bicpsw bispsw bpt halt index movpsl nop popr pushr xfc
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode insqhi insqti insque remqhi remqti remque
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode addp4 addp6 ashp cmpp3 cmpp4 cvtpl cvtlp cvtps cvtpt
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode cvtsp cvttp divp movp mulp subp4 subp6 editpc
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode prober probew rei ldpctx svpctx mfpr mtpr bugw bugl
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode vldl vldq vgathl vgathq vstl vstq vscatl vscatq
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode vvcvt iota mfvp mtvp vsync
+syn keyword vmasmOpcode beql[u] bgtr[u] blss[u]
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<add[bwlfdgh][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<bi[cs][bwl][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<clr[bwlqofdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<cmp[bwlfdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<cvt[bwlfdgh][bwlfdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<cvtr[fdgh]l\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<div[bwlfdgh][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<emod[fdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<mneg[bwlfdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<mov[bwlqofdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<mul[bwlfdgh][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<poly[fdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<sub[bwlfdgh][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<tst[bwlfdgh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<xor[bwl][23]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<mova[bwlfqdgho]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<push[bwlfqdgho]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<acb[bwlfgdh]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<b[lng]equ\=\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<b[cv][cs]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<bb[cs][cs]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]add[lfdg]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]cmp[lfdg]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]div[fdg]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]mul[lfdg]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]sub[lfdg]\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]bi[cs]l\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]xorl\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]merge\>"
+syn match vmasmOpcode "\<v[vs]s[rl]ll\>"
+" Various number formats
+syn match vmasmdecNumber	"[+-]\=[0-9]\+\>"
+syn match vmasmdecNumber	"^d[0-9]\+\>"
+syn match vmasmhexNumber	"^x[0-9a-f]\+\>"
+syn match vmasmoctNumber	"^o[0-7]\+\>"
+syn match vmasmbinNumber	"^b[01]\+\>"
+syn match vmasmfloatNumber	"[-+]\=[0-9]\+E[-+]\=[0-9]\+"
+syn match vmasmfloatNumber	"[-+]\=[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*\(E[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\="
+" Valid labels
+syn match vmasmLabel		"^[a-z_$.][a-z0-9_$.]\{,30}::\="
+syn match vmasmLabel		"\<[0-9]\{1,5}\$:\="          " Local label
+" Character string constants
+"       Too complex really. Could be "<...>" but those could also be
+"       expressions. Don't know how to handle chosen delimiters
+"       ("^<sep>...<sep>")
+" syn region vmasmString		start="<" end=">" oneline
+" Operators
+syn match vmasmOperator	"[-+*/@&!\\]"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"="
+syn match vmasmOperator	"=="		" Global assignment
+syn match vmasmOperator	"%length(.*)"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"%locate(.*)"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"%extract(.*)"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"^[amfc]"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"[bwlg]^"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<\(not_\)\=equal\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<less_equal\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<greater\(_equal\)\=\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<less_than\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<\(not_\)\=defined\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<\(not_\)\=blank\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<identical\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<different\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<eq\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<[gl]t\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<n\=df\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<n\=b\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<idn\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<[nlg]e\>"
+syn match vmasmOperator	"\<dif\>"
+" Special items for comments
+syn keyword vmasmTodo		contained todo
+" Comments
+syn match vmasmComment		";.*" contains=vmasmTodo
+" Include
+syn match vmasmInclude		"\.library\>"
+" Macro definition
+syn match vmasmMacro		"\.macro\>"
+syn match vmasmMacro		"\.mexit\>"
+syn match vmasmMacro		"\.endm\>"
+syn match vmasmMacro		"\.mcall\>"
+syn match vmasmMacro		"\.mdelete\>"
+" Conditional assembly
+syn match vmasmPreCond		"\.iff\=\>"
+syn match vmasmPreCond		"\.if_false\>"
+syn match vmasmPreCond		"\.iftf\=\>"
+syn match vmasmPreCond		"\.if_true\(_false\)\=\>"
+syn match vmasmPreCond		"\.iif\>"
+" Loop control
+syn match vmasmRepeat		"\.irpc\=\>"
+syn match vmasmRepeat		"\.repeat\>"
+syn match vmasmRepeat		"\.rept\>"
+syn match vmasmRepeat		"\.endr\>"
+" Directives
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.address\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.align\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.asci[cdiz]\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.blk[abdfghloqw]\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.\(signed_\)\=byte\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.\(no\)\=cross\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.debug\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.default displacement\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.[dfgh]_floating\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.disable\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.double\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.dsabl\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.enable\=\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.endc\=\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.entry\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.error\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.even\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.external\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.extrn\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.float\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.globa\=l\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.ident\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.link\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.list\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.long\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.mask\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.narg\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.nchr\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.nlist\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.ntype\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.octa\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.odd\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.opdef\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.packed\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.page\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.print\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.psect\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.quad\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.ref[1248]\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.ref16\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.restore\(_psect\)\=\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.save\(_psect\)\=\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.sbttl\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.\(no\)\=show\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.\(sub\)\=title\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.transfer\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.warn\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.weak\>"
+syn match vmasmDirective	"\.\(signed_\)\=word\>"
+syn case match
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_macro_syntax_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_macro_syntax_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  " The default methods for highlighting.  Can be overridden later
+  " Comment Constant Error Identifier PreProc Special Statement Todo Type
+  "
+  " Constant		Boolean Character Number String
+  " Identifier		Function
+  " PreProc		Define Include Macro PreCondit
+  " Special		Debug Delimiter SpecialChar SpecialComment Tag
+  " Statement		Conditional Exception Keyword Label Operator Repeat
+  " Type		StorageClass Structure Typedef
+  HiLink vmasmComment		Comment
+  HiLink vmasmTodo		Todo
+  HiLink vmasmhexNumber		Number		" Constant
+  HiLink vmasmoctNumber		Number		" Constant
+  HiLink vmasmbinNumber		Number		" Constant
+  HiLink vmasmdecNumber		Number		" Constant
+  HiLink vmasmfloatNumber	Number		" Constant
+"  HiLink vmasmString		String		" Constant
+  HiLink vmasmReg		Identifier
+  HiLink vmasmOperator		Identifier
+  HiLink vmasmInclude		Include		" PreProc
+  HiLink vmasmMacro		Macro		" PreProc
+  " HiLink vmasmMacroParam	Keyword		" Statement
+  HiLink vmasmDirective		Special
+  HiLink vmasmPreCond		Special
+  HiLink vmasmOpcode		Statement
+  HiLink vmasmCond		Conditional	" Statement
+  HiLink vmasmRepeat		Repeat		" Statement
+  HiLink vmasmLabel		Type
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "vmasm"
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2