diff runtime/syntax/vrml.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vrml.vim	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	   VRML97
+" Modified from:   VRML 1.0C by David Brown <dbrown@cgs.c4.gmeds.com>
+" Maintainer:	   vacancy!
+" Former Maintainer:    Gregory Seidman <gsslist+vim@anthropohedron.net>
+" Last change:	   2006 May 03
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" keyword definitions
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       ambientIntensity appearance attenuation
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       autoOffset avatarSize axisOfRotation backUrl
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       bboxCenter bboxSize beamWidth beginCap
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       bottom bottomRadius bottomUrl ccw center
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       children choice collide color colorIndex
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       colorPerVertex convex coord coordIndex
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       creaseAngle crossSection cutOffAngle
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       cycleInterval description diffuseColor
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       directOutput direction diskAngle
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       emissiveColor enabled endCap family
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       fieldOfView fogType fontStyle frontUrl
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       geometry groundAngle groundColor headlight
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       height horizontal info intensity jump
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       justify key keyValue language leftToRight
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       leftUrl length level location loop material
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       maxAngle maxBack maxExtent maxFront
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       maxPosition minAngle minBack minFront
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       minPosition mustEvaluate normal normalIndex
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       normalPerVertex offset on orientation
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       parameter pitch point position priority
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       proxy radius range repeatS repeatT rightUrl
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       rotation scale scaleOrientation shininess
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       side size skyAngle skyColor solid source
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       spacing spatialize specularColor speed spine
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       startTime stopTime string style texCoord
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       texCoordIndex texture textureTransform title
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       top topToBottom topUrl translation
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       transparency type url vector visibilityLimit
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       visibilityRange whichChoice xDimension
+syn keyword VRMLFields	       xSpacing zDimension zSpacing
+syn match   VRMLFields	       "\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>" contains=VRMLComment,VRMLProtos,VRMLfTypes
+" syn match   VRMLFields	 "\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>\(,\|\s\)*\(#.*$\)*\<IS\>\(#.*$\)*\(,\|\s\)*\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>\(,\|\s\)*\(#.*$\)*" contains=VRMLComment,VRMLProtos
+" syn region  VRMLFields	 start="\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>" end=+\(,\|#\|\s\)+me=e-1 contains=VRMLComment,VRMLProtos
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       addChildren ambientIntensity_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       appearance_changed attenuation_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       autoOffset_changed avatarSize_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       axisOfRotation_changed backUrl_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       beamWidth_changed bindTime bottomUrl_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       center_changed children_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       choice_changed collideTime collide_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       color_changed coord_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       cutOffAngle_changed cycleInterval_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       cycleTime description_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       diffuseColor_changed direction_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       diskAngle_changed duration_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       emissiveColor_changed enabled_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       enterTime exitTime fogType_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       fontStyle_changed fraction_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       frontUrl_changed geometry_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       groundAngle_changed headlight_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       hitNormal_changed hitPoint_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       hitTexCoord_changed intensity_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       isActive isBound isOver jump_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       keyValue_changed key_changed leftUrl_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       length_changed level_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       location_changed loop_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       material_changed maxAngle_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       maxBack_changed maxExtent_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       maxFront_changed maxPosition_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       minAngle_changed minBack_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       minFront_changed minPosition_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       normal_changed offset_changed on_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       orientation_changed parameter_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       pitch_changed point_changed position_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       priority_changed radius_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       removeChildren rightUrl_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       rotation_changed scaleOrientation_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       scale_changed set_ambientIntensity
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_appearance set_attenuation
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_autoOffset set_avatarSize
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_axisOfRotation set_backUrl set_beamWidth
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_bind set_bottomUrl set_center
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_children set_choice set_collide
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_color set_colorIndex set_coord
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_coordIndex set_crossSection
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_cutOffAngle set_cycleInterval
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_description set_diffuseColor
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_direction set_diskAngle
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_emissiveColor set_enabled set_fogType
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_fontStyle set_fraction set_frontUrl
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_geometry set_groundAngle set_headlight
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_height set_intensity set_jump set_key
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_keyValue set_leftUrl set_length
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_level set_location set_loop set_material
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_maxAngle set_maxBack set_maxExtent
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_maxFront set_maxPosition set_minAngle
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_minBack set_minFront set_minPosition
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_normal set_normalIndex set_offset set_on
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_orientation set_parameter set_pitch
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_point set_position set_priority
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_radius set_rightUrl set_rotation
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_scale set_scaleOrientation set_shininess
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_size set_skyAngle set_skyColor
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_source set_specularColor set_speed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_spine set_startTime set_stopTime
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_string set_texCoord set_texCoordIndex
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_texture set_textureTransform set_topUrl
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_translation set_transparency set_type
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_url set_vector set_visibilityLimit
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       set_visibilityRange set_whichChoice
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       shininess_changed size_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       skyAngle_changed skyColor_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       source_changed specularColor_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       speed_changed startTime_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       stopTime_changed string_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       texCoord_changed textureTransform_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       texture_changed time topUrl_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       touchTime trackPoint_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       translation_changed transparency_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       type_changed url_changed value_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       vector_changed visibilityLimit_changed
+syn keyword VRMLEvents	       visibilityRange_changed whichChoice_changed
+syn region  VRMLEvents	       start="\S+[^0-9]+\.[A-Za-z_]+"ms=s+1 end="\(,\|$\|\s\)"me=e-1
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       Anchor Appearance AudioClip Background
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       Billboard Box Collision Color
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       ColorInterpolator Cone Coordinate
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       CylinderSensor DirectionalLight
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       ElevationGrid Extrusion Fog FontStyle
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       Group ImageTexture IndexedFaceSet
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       IndexedLineSet Inline LOD Material
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       MovieTexture NavigationInfo Normal
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       PixelTexture PlaneSensor PointLight
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       PointSet PositionInterpolator
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       ProximitySensor ScalarInterpolator
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       Script Shape Sound Sphere SphereSensor
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       SpotLight Switch Text TextureCoordinate
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       TextureTransform TimeSensor TouchSensor
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       Transform Viewpoint VisibilitySensor
+syn keyword VRMLNodes	       WorldInfo
+" the following line doesn't catch <node><newline><openbrace> since \n
+" doesn't match as an atom yet :-(
+syn match   VRMLNodes	       "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\(,\|\s\)*{"me=e-1
+syn region  VRMLNodes	       start="\<EXTERNPROTO\>\(,\|\s\)*[A-Za-z_]"ms=e start="\<EXTERNPROTO\>\(,\|\s\)*" end="[\s]*\["me=e-1 contains=VRMLProtos,VRMLComment
+syn region  VRMLNodes	       start="PROTO\>\(,\|\s\)*[A-Za-z_]"ms=e start="PROTO\>\(,\|\s\)*" end="[\s]*\["me=e-1 contains=VRMLProtos,VRMLComment
+syn keyword VRMLTypes	       SFBool SFColor MFColor SFFloat MFFloat
+syn keyword VRMLTypes	       SFImage SFInt32 MFInt32 SFNode MFNode
+syn keyword VRMLTypes	       SFRotation MFRotation SFString MFString
+syn keyword VRMLTypes	       SFTime MFTime SFVec2f MFVec2f SFVec3f MFVec3f
+syn keyword VRMLfTypes	       field exposedField eventIn eventOut
+syn keyword VRMLValues	       TRUE FALSE NULL
+syn keyword VRMLProtos	       contained EXTERNPROTO PROTO IS
+syn keyword VRMLRoutes	       contained ROUTE TO
+if version >= 502
+  syn include @jscript $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/javascript.vim
+  syn region VRMLjScriptString contained start=+"\(\(javascript\)\|\(vrmlscript\)\|\(ecmascript\)\):+ms=e+1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+me=e-1 contains=@jscript
+" match definitions.
+syn match   VRMLSpecial		  contained "\\[0-9][0-9][0-9]\|\\."
+syn region  VRMLString		  start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+	contains=VRMLSpecial,VRMLjScriptString
+syn match   VRMLCharacter	  "'[^\\]'"
+syn match   VRMLSpecialCharacter  "'\\.'"
+syn match   VRMLNumber		  "[-+]\=\<[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\=\([eE]\{1}[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>\|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
+syn match   VRMLNumber		  "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
+syn match   VRMLComment		  "#.*$"
+" newlines should count as whitespace, but they can't be matched yet :-(
+syn region  VRMLRouteNode	  start="[^O]TO\(,\|\s\)*" end="\."me=e-1 contains=VRMLRoutes,VRMLComment
+syn region  VRMLRouteNode	  start="ROUTE\(,\|\s\)*" end="\."me=e-1 contains=VRMLRoutes,VRMLComment
+syn region  VRMLInstName	  start="DEF\>"hs=e+1 skip="DEF\(,\|\s\)*" end="[A-Za-z0-9_]\(\s\|$\|,\)"me=e contains=VRMLInstances,VRMLComment
+syn region  VRMLInstName	  start="USE\>"hs=e+1 skip="USE\(,\|\s\)*" end="[A-Za-z0-9_]\(\s\|$\|,\)"me=e contains=VRMLInstances,VRMLComment
+syn keyword VRMLInstances      contained DEF USE
+syn sync minlines=1
+if version >= 600
+  syn sync fromstart
+  "setlocal foldmethod=syntax
+  syn region braceFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold contains=TOP
+  syn region bracketFold start="\[" end="]" transparent fold contains=TOP
+  syn region VRMLString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ fold contains=VRMLSpecial,VRMLjScriptString
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_VRML_syntax_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_VRML_syntax_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink VRMLCharacter  VRMLString
+  HiLink VRMLSpecialCharacter VRMLSpecial
+  HiLink VRMLNumber     VRMLString
+  HiLink VRMLValues     VRMLString
+  HiLink VRMLString     String
+  HiLink VRMLSpecial    Special
+  HiLink VRMLComment    Comment
+  HiLink VRMLNodes      Statement
+  HiLink VRMLFields     Type
+  HiLink VRMLEvents     Type
+  HiLink VRMLfTypes     LineNr
+"  hi     VRMLfTypes     ctermfg=6 guifg=Brown
+  HiLink VRMLInstances  PreCondit
+  HiLink VRMLRoutes     PreCondit
+  HiLink VRMLProtos     PreProc
+  HiLink VRMLRouteNode  Identifier
+  HiLink VRMLInstName   Identifier
+  HiLink VRMLTypes      Identifier
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "vrml"
+" vim: ts=8