diff runtime/indent/dtd.vim @ 5:db46d51a3939

Initial revision
author axmo
date Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:36:09 +0900
children c16898406ff2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/indent/dtd.vim	Wed Aug 13 17:36:09 2008 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language:	    DTD (Document Type Definition for XML)
+" Maintainer:       Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
+" Latest Revision:  2008-07-18
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+setlocal indentexpr=GetDTDIndent()
+setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,>
+setlocal nosmartindent
+if exists("*GetDTDIndent")
+  finish
+" TODO: Needs to be adjusted to stop at [, <, and ].
+let s:token_pattern = '^[^[:space:]]\+'
+function s:lex1(input, start, ...)
+  let pattern = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : s:token_pattern
+  let start = matchend(a:input, '^\_s*', a:start)
+  if start == -1
+    return ["", a:start]
+  endif
+  let end = matchend(a:input, pattern, start)
+  if end == -1
+    return ["", a:start]
+  endif
+  let token = strpart(a:input, start, end - start)
+  return [token, end]
+function s:lex(input, start, ...)
+  let pattern = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : s:token_pattern
+  let info = s:lex1(a:input, a:start, pattern)
+  while info[0] == '--'
+    let info = s:lex1(a:input, info[1], pattern)
+    while info[0] != "" && info[0] != '--'
+      let info = s:lex1(a:input, info[1], pattern)
+    endwhile
+    if info[0] == ""
+      return info
+    endif
+    let info = s:lex1(a:input, info[1], pattern)
+  endwhile
+  return info
+function s:indent_to_innermost_parentheses(line, end)
+  let token = '('
+  let end = a:end
+  let parentheses = [end - 1]
+  while token != ""
+    let [token, end] = s:lex(a:line, end, '^\%([(),|]\|[A-Za-z0-9_-]\+\)[?*+]\=')
+    if token[0] == '('
+      call add(parentheses, end - 1)
+    elseif token[0] == ')'
+      if len(parentheses) == 1
+        return [-1, end]
+      endif
+      call remove(parentheses, -1)
+    endif
+  endwhile
+  return [parentheses[-1] - strridx(a:line, "\n", parentheses[-1]), end]
+" TODO: Line and end could be script global (think OO members).
+function GetDTDIndent()
+  if v:lnum == 1
+    return 0
+  endif
+  " Begin by searching back for a <! that isn’t inside a comment.
+  " From here, depending on what follows immediately after, parse to
+  " where we’re at to determine what to do.
+  if search('<!', 'bceW') == 0
+    return indent(v:lnum - 1)
+  endif
+  let lnum = line('.')
+  let col = col('.')
+  let indent = indent('.')
+  let line = join(getline(lnum, v:lnum - 1), "\n")
+  let [declaration, end] = s:lex1(line, col)
+  if declaration == ""
+    return indent + &sw
+  elseif declaration == '--'
+    " We’re looking at a comment.  Now, simply determine if the comment is
+    " terminated or not.  If it isn’t, let Vim take care of that using
+    " 'comments' and 'autoindent'. Otherwise, indent to the first lines level.
+    while declaration != ""
+      let [declaration, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+      if declaration == "-->"
+        return indent
+      endif
+    endwhile
+    return -1
+  elseif declaration == 'ELEMENT'
+    " Check for element name.  If none exists, indent one level.
+    let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if name == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    endif
+    " Check for token following element name.  This can be a specification of
+    " whether the start or end tag may be omitted.  If nothing is found, indent
+    " one level.
+    let [token, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    let n = 0
+    while token =~ '[-O]' && n < 2
+      let [token, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^\%([-O(]\|ANY\|EMPTY\)')
+      let n += 1
+    endwhile
+    if token == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    endif
+    " Next comes the content model.  If the token we’ve found isn’t a
+    " parenthesis it must be either ANY, EMPTY or some random junk.  Either
+    " way, we’re done indenting this element, so set it to that of the first
+    " line so that the terminating “>” winds up having the same indention.
+    if token != '('
+      return indent
+    endif
+    " Now go through the content model.  We need to keep track of the nesting
+    " of parentheses.  As soon as we hit 0 we’re done.  If that happens we must
+    " have a complete content model.  Thus set indention to be the same as that
+    " of the first line so that the terminating “>” winds up having the same
+    " indention.  Otherwise, we’ll indent to the innermost parentheses not yet
+    " matched.
+    let [indent_of_innermost, end] = s:indent_to_innermost_parentheses(line, end)
+    if indent_of_innermost != -1
+      return indent_of_innermost
+    endif
+    " Finally, look for any additions and/or exceptions to the content model.
+    " This is defined by a “+” or “-” followed by another content model
+    " declaration.
+    " TODO: Can the “-” be separated by whitespace from the “(”?
+    let seen = { '+(': 0, '-(': 0 }
+    while 1
+      let [additions_exceptions, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^[+-](')
+      if additions_exceptions != '+(' && additions_exceptions != '-('
+        let [token, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+        if token == '>'
+          return indent
+        endif
+        " TODO: Should use s:lex here on getline(v:lnum) and check for >.
+        return getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*>' || count(values(seen), 0) == 0 ? indent : (indent + &sw)
+      endif
+      " If we’ve seen an addition or exception already and this is of the same
+      " kind, the user is writing a broken DTD.  Time to bail.
+      if seen[additions_exceptions]
+        return indent
+      endif
+      let seen[additions_exceptions] = 1
+      let [indent_of_innermost, end] = s:indent_to_innermost_parentheses(line, end)
+      if indent_of_innermost != -1
+        return indent_of_innermost
+      endif
+    endwhile
+  elseif declaration == 'ATTLIST'
+    " Check for element name.  If none exists, indent one level.
+    let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if name == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    endif
+    " Check for any number of attributes.
+    while 1
+      " Check for attribute name.  If none exists, indent one level, unless the
+      " current line is a lone “>”, in which case we indent to the same level
+      " as the first line.  Otherwise, if the attribute name is “>”, we have
+      " actually hit the end of the attribute list, in which case we indent to
+      " the same level as the first line.
+      let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+      if name == ""
+        " TODO: Should use s:lex here on getline(v:lnum) and check for >.
+        return getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*>' ? indent : (indent + &sw)
+      elseif name == ">"
+        return indent
+      endif
+      " Check for attribute value declaration.  If none exists, indent two
+      " levels.  Otherwise, if it’s an enumerated value, check for nested
+      " parentheses and indent to the innermost one if we don’t reach the end
+      " of the listc.  Otherwise, just continue with looking for the default
+      " attribute value.
+      " TODO: Do validation of keywords
+      let [value, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^\%((\|[^[:space:]]\+\)')
+      if value == ""
+        return indent + &sw * 2
+      elseif value == 'NOTATION'
+        " If this is a enumerated value based on notations, read another token
+        " for the actual value.  If it doesn’t exist, indent three levels.
+        " TODO: If validating according to above, value must be equal to '('.
+        let [value, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^\%((\|[^[:space:]]\+\)')
+        if value == ""
+          return indent + &sw * 3
+        endif
+      endif
+      if value == '('
+        let [indent_of_innermost, end] = s:indent_to_innermost_parentheses(line, end)
+        if indent_of_innermost != -1
+          return indent_of_innermost
+        endif
+      endif
+      " Finally look for the attribute’s default value.  If non exists, indent
+      " two levels.
+      " TODO: Do validation of keywords (#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED)?
+      let [default, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^\%("\_[^"]*"\|[^[:space:]]\+\)')
+      if default == ""
+        return indent + &sw * 2
+      elseif default == '#FIXED'
+        " We need to look for the fixed value.  If non exists, indent three
+        " levels.
+        let [default, end] = s:lex(line, end, '^"\_[^"]*"')
+        if default == ""
+          return indent + &sw * 3
+        endif
+      endif
+    endwhile
+  elseif declaration == 'ENTITY'
+    " Check for entity name.  If none exists, indent one level.  Otherwise, if
+    " the name actually turns out to be a percent sign, “%”, this is a
+    " parameter entity.  Read another token to determine the entity name and,
+    " again, if none exists, indent one level.
+    let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if name == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    elseif name == '%'
+      let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+      if name == ""
+        return indent + &sw
+      endif
+    endif
+    " Now check for the entity value.  If none exists, indent one level.  If it
+    " does exist, indent to same level as first line, as we’re now done with
+    " this entity.
+    "
+    " The entity value can be a string in single or double quotes (no escapes
+    " to worry about, as entities are used instead).  However, it can also be
+    " that this is an external unparsed entity.  In that case we have to look
+    " further for (possibly) a public ID and an URI followed by the NDATA
+    " keyword and the actual notation name.  For the public ID and URI, indent
+    " two levels, if they don’t exist.  If the NDATA keyword doesn’t exist,
+    " indent one level.  Otherwise, if the actual notation name doesn’t exist,
+    " indent two level.  If it does, indent to same level as first line, as
+    " we’re now done with this entity.
+    let [value, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if value == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    elseif value == 'SYSTEM' || value == 'PUBLIC'
+      let [quoted_string, end] = s:lex(line, end, '\%("[^"]\+"\|''[^'']\+''\)')
+      if quoted_string == ""
+        return indent + &sw * 2
+      endif
+      if value == 'PUBLIC'
+        let [quoted_string, end] = s:lex(line, end, '\%("[^"]\+"\|''[^'']\+''\)')
+        if quoted_string == ""
+          return indent + &sw * 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      let [ndata, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+      if ndata == ""
+        return indent + &sw
+      endif
+      let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+      return name == "" ? (indent + &sw * 2) : indent
+    else
+      return indent
+    endif
+  elseif declaration == 'NOTATION'
+    " Check for notation name.  If none exists, indent one level.
+    let [name, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if name == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    endif
+    " Now check for the external ID.  If none exists, indent one level.
+    let [id, end] = s:lex(line, end)
+    if id == ""
+      return indent + &sw
+    elseif id == 'SYSTEM' || id == 'PUBLIC'
+      let [quoted_string, end] = s:lex(line, end, '\%("[^"]\+"\|''[^'']\+''\)')
+      if quoted_string == ""
+        return indent + &sw * 2
+      endif
+      if id == 'PUBLIC'
+        let [quoted_string, end] = s:lex(line, end, '\%("[^"]\+"\|''[^'']\+''\|>\)')
+        if quoted_string == ""
+          " TODO: Should use s:lex here on getline(v:lnum) and check for >.
+          return getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*>' ? indent : (indent + &sw * 2)
+        elseif quoted_string == '>'
+          return indent
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    return indent
+  endif
+  " TODO: Processing directives could be indented I suppose.  But perhaps it’s
+  " just as well to let the user decide how to indent them (perhaps extending
+  " this function to include proper support for whatever processing directive
+  " language they want to use).
+  " Conditional sections are simply passed along to let Vim decide what to do
+  " (and hence the user).
+  return -1
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save