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view runtime/syntax/stp.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1
Initial revision
author | atsuki |
date | Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900 |
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" Vim syntax file " Language: Stored Procedures (STP) " Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta ( " URL: " Last Change: March 05, 2002 " For version 5.x, clear all syntax items. " For version 6.x, quit when a syntax file was already loaded. if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case ignore " Specials. syn keyword stpSpecial null " Keywords. syn keyword stpKeyword begin break call case create deallocate dynamic syn keyword stpKeyword execute from function go grant syn keyword stpKeyword index insert into leave max min on output procedure syn keyword stpKeyword public result return returns scroll table to syn keyword stpKeyword when syn match stpKeyword "\<end\>" " Conditional. syn keyword stpConditional if else elseif then syn match stpConditional "\<end\s\+if\>" " Repeats. syn keyword stpRepeat for while loop syn match stpRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>" " Operators. syn keyword stpOperator asc not and or desc group having in is any some all syn keyword stpOperator between exists like escape with union intersect minus syn keyword stpOperator out prior distinct sysdate " Statements. syn keyword stpStatement alter analyze as audit avg by close clustered comment syn keyword stpStatement commit continue count create cursor declare delete syn keyword stpStatement drop exec execute explain fetch from index insert syn keyword stpStatement into lock max min next noaudit nonclustered open syn keyword stpStatement order output print raiserror recompile rename revoke syn keyword stpStatement rollback savepoint select set sum transaction syn keyword stpStatement truncate unique update values where " Functions. syn keyword stpFunction abs acos ascii asin atan atn2 avg ceiling charindex syn keyword stpFunction charlength convert col_name col_length cos cot count syn keyword stpFunction curunreservedpgs datapgs datalength dateadd datediff syn keyword stpFunction datename datepart db_id db_name degree difference syn keyword stpFunction exp floor getdate hextoint host_id host_name index_col syn keyword stpFunction inttohex isnull lct_admin log log10 lower ltrim max syn keyword stpFunction min now object_id object_name patindex pi pos power syn keyword stpFunction proc_role radians rand replace replicate reserved_pgs syn keyword stpFunction reverse right rtrim rowcnt round show_role sign sin syn keyword stpFunction soundex space sqrt str stuff substr substring sum syn keyword stpFunction suser_id suser_name tan tsequal upper used_pgs user syn keyword stpFunction user_id user_name valid_name valid_user message " Types. syn keyword stpType binary bit char datetime decimal double float image syn keyword stpType int integer long money nchar numeric precision real syn keyword stpType smalldatetime smallint smallmoney text time tinyint syn keyword stpType timestamp varbinary varchar " Globals. syn match stpGlobals '@@char_convert' syn match stpGlobals '@@cient_csname' syn match stpGlobals '@@client_csid' syn match stpGlobals '@@connections' syn match stpGlobals '@@cpu_busy' syn match stpGlobals '@@error' syn match stpGlobals '@@identity' syn match stpGlobals '@@idle' syn match stpGlobals '@@io_busy' syn match stpGlobals '@@isolation' syn match stpGlobals '@@langid' syn match stpGlobals '@@language' syn match stpGlobals '@@max_connections' syn match stpGlobals '@@maxcharlen' syn match stpGlobals '@@ncharsize' syn match stpGlobals '@@nestlevel' syn match stpGlobals '@@pack_received' syn match stpGlobals '@@pack_sent' syn match stpGlobals '@@packet_errors' syn match stpGlobals '@@procid' syn match stpGlobals '@@rowcount' syn match stpGlobals '@@servername' syn match stpGlobals '@@spid' syn match stpGlobals '@@sqlstatus' syn match stpGlobals '@@testts' syn match stpGlobals '@@textcolid' syn match stpGlobals '@@textdbid' syn match stpGlobals '@@textobjid' syn match stpGlobals '@@textptr' syn match stpGlobals '@@textsize' syn match stpGlobals '@@thresh_hysteresis' syn match stpGlobals '@@timeticks' syn match stpGlobals '@@total_error' syn match stpGlobals '@@total_read' syn match stpGlobals '@@total_write' syn match stpGlobals '@@tranchained' syn match stpGlobals '@@trancount' syn match stpGlobals '@@transtate' syn match stpGlobals '@@version' " Todos. syn keyword stpTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE " Strings and characters. syn match stpStringError "'.*$" syn match stpString "'\([^']\|''\)*'" " Numbers. syn match stpNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>" " Comments. syn region stpComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=stpTodo syn match stpComment "--.*" contains=stpTodo syn sync ccomment stpComment " Parens. syn region stpParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,stpParenError syn match stpParenError ")" " Syntax Synchronizing. syn sync minlines=10 maxlines=100 " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.x and earlier, only when not done already. " For version 5.8 and later, only when and item doesn't have highlighting yet. if version >= 508 || !exists("did_stp_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_stp_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink stpConditional Conditional HiLink stpComment Comment HiLink stpKeyword Keyword HiLink stpNumber Number HiLink stpOperator Operator HiLink stpSpecial Special HiLink stpStatement Statement HiLink stpString String HiLink stpStringError Error HiLink stpType Type HiLink stpTodo Todo HiLink stpFunction Function HiLink stpGlobals Macro HiLink stpParen Normal HiLink stpParenError Error HiLink stpSQLKeyword Function HiLink stpRepeat Repeat delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "stp" " vim ts=8 sw=2