1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 1991, Shinji Kono, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Inc.
3 The University, Newcastle upton Tyne
5 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
6 of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also
7 use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
9 send your comments to kono@csl.sony.co.jp
10 $Id$
12 Examples
13 */
15 ex(0,(p)).
16 ex(1,((p&q))).
17 ex(2,( (fin(p)&true) <-> '<>'p)).
18 ex(3,( fin(p) <-> '[]'( '<>' p) )).
19 ex(4,(~(true&q))).
20 ex(5,(~(true& ~q))).
21 ex(6,(((true& p),(true& q)))).
22 ex(7,('[]'((p -> '<>' q)))).
23 ex(8,( '<>' '[]'(p))).
24 ex(9,( '[]'( '<>'(p)))).
25 ex(10,((p && p && p && p && p && ~p && p)-> '[]'('<>'(p)))).
26 % weak closure (or finite closure)
27 ex(11,+ (a,@ (b,@ (c,@empty)))).
28 % quantifier
29 ex(12,exists(R,(R,keep(@R = ~R),'[]'((R->p))))).
30 % temporal assignment
31 ex(13,exists(R,(R = p,keep(@R = R),fin(R = p)))).
32 %
33 ex(14,
34 exists(Q,(Q,
35 '[]'((Q ->
36 (((((a,skip) & (b,skip)), @ keep(~Q)) & Q)
37 ;empty))
38 )))
39 <-> *(((a,skip) & (b,skip) ; empty))
40 ).
41 ex(15,
42 while(q,((a,skip) & (b,skip)))
43 <-> exists(C,(C,
44 '[]'(
45 (C ->
46 (((q -> ((a,skip) & (b,skip)), @ keep(~C)) & C),
47 (~q -> empty))
48 ))))
49 ).
50 ex(16,even(p)<->evenp(p)).
51 % wrong example, but hard to solve
52 % ex(17,(p=>(q=>r)) <-> ((p=>q)=>r)).
53 % ex(18,exists(Q,(p=>Q & Q=>r)) <-> (p=>r)).
54 % dining philosopher
55 % note: unspecified resource increase states
56 % ex ((true & al,skip & al,ar,skip & ar,~al,skip) ;empty) *
57 ex(19,(more,
58 % three philosophers
59 *( ('[]'((~al, ~ar)) & @ (al, ~ar,@ (al,ar, @ (ar,'[]'( ~al)))) ;empty) ) ,
60 *( ('[]'((~bl, ~br)) & @ (bl, ~br,@ (bl,br, @ (br,'[]'( ~bl)))) ;empty) ) ,
61 *( ('[]'((~cl, ~cr)) & @ (cl, ~cr,@ (cl,cr, @ (cr,'[]'( ~cl)))) ;empty) ) ,
62 % shared resources
63 '[]'( ~ ( ar, bl)),
64 '[]'( ~ ( br, cl)),
65 '[]'( ~ ( cr, al))
66 )).
67 ex(20,(more,
68 % five philosophers
69 *( ('[]'((~al, ~ar)) & @ (al, ~ar,@ (al,ar, @ (ar,'[]'( ~al)))) ;empty) ) ,
70 *( ('[]'((~bl, ~br)) & @ (bl, ~br,@ (bl,br, @ (br,'[]'( ~bl)))) ;empty) ) ,
71 *( ('[]'((~cl, ~cr)) & @ (cl, ~cr,@ (cl,cr, @ (cr,'[]'( ~cl)))) ;empty) ) ,
72 *( ('[]'((~dl, ~dr)) & @ (dl, ~dr,@ (dl,dr, @ (dr,'[]'( ~dl)))) ;empty) ) ,
73 *( ('[]'((~el, ~er)) & @ (el, ~er,@ (el,er, @ (er,'[]'( ~el)))) ;empty) ) ,
74 % shared resources
75 '[]'( ~ ( ar, bl)), '[]'( ~ ( br, cl)), '[]'( ~ ( cr, dl)),
76 '[]'( ~ ( dr, el)), '[]'( ~ ( er, al))
77 )):-fail. % too big to verify (sigh...)
79 ex(21,(more,
80 share([ar,bl]),share([br,cl]),share([cr,dl]),
81 share([dr,el]),share([er,al]),
82 *( ((true && '[]'(al) && '[]'((al,ar)) && '[]'(ar));empty) ) ,
83 *( ((true && '[]'(bl) && '[]'((bl,br)) && '[]'(br));empty) ) ,
84 *( ((true && '[]'(cl) && '[]'((cl,cr)) && '[]'(cr));empty) ) ,
85 *( ((true && '[]'(dl) && '[]'((dl,dr)) && '[]'(dr));empty) ) ,
86 *( ((true && '[]'(el) && '[]'((el,er)) && '[]'(er));empty) ) ,
87 true)):-fail. % too big to verify (sigh...)
89 ex(22,(more,
90 % three philosophers with no iteration
91 ( ('[]'((~al, ~ar)) & @ (al, ~ar,@ (al,ar, @ (ar,'[]'( ~al)))) ;empty) ) ,
92 ( ('[]'((~bl, ~br)) & @ (bl, ~br,@ (bl,br, @ (br,'[]'( ~bl)))) ;empty) ) ,
93 ( ('[]'((~cl, ~cr)) & @ (cl, ~cr,@ (cl,cr, @ (cr,'[]'( ~cl)))) ;empty) ) ,
94 % shared resources
95 '[]'( ~ ( ar, bl)),
96 '[]'( ~ ( br, cl)),
97 '[]'( ~ ( cr, al))
98 )).
99 % These are not schema. Just check
100 % Linear Time Axioms, valid in ITL
101 ex(100,('[]'((a->b)) -> ('[]'(a) -> '[]'(b)))). % K
102 ex(101,('[]'(((a , '[]'(a))->b));'[]'(((b , '[]'(b))->a)))). % 4
103 ex(102,('[]'(a)-> '<>'(a))). % D
104 ex(103,('[]'(a)-> '[]'('[]'(a)))). % L
105 ex(104,(('[]'(a)) -> a)). % T
106 ex(105,('[]'('[]'((((a-> '[]'(a)))->a))) -> ((('<>'('[]'(a)))-> '[]'(a))))). % Diodorean discreteness
107 % Linear Time Axioms, not valid in ITL
108 ex(106,('[]'(('[]'(a)->a))-> ((('<>'('[]'(a)))-> '[]'(a))))). % Z discreteness
109 ex(107,('[]'(('[]'(a)->a))-> ('[]'(a)))). % W weak density
110 % Other Axioms, not valid in ITL
111 ex(108,(a-> '[]'('<>'(a)))). % B
112 ex(109,(('<>'a)-> '[]'('<>'(a)))). % 5
114 ex(110,(more-> (more&more))). % our dense time
116 ex(demo(X),Y) :- demo(X,Y).
117 demo(X) :- number(X),demo(X,ITL),nl,ex(ITL),nl,write(ITL).
119 % length 5 interval
120 demo(1, length(5)).
122 % p is trun at the top of a interval
123 demo(2, (length(5),p)).
125 % @ meas next time.
126 demo(3, (length(5),@p,@ @q,@ @ @r)).
128 % &(chop) devides an interval into to parts
129 demo(4, ((length(2),p)) & (length(3),q)).
131 % there are several ways of division.
132 demo(5, (length(5),(p&q))).
134 % sometime usinng chop
135 demo(6, (length(5),(true & p))).
137 % always: dual of sometime
138 demo(7, (length(5),not(true & not(p)))).
140 % counter intutive theorem
141 demo(8, '<>' '[]'(p) = '[]'('<>'(p))).
143 % shared resource / exclusive condition
144 demo(9, (length(5),
145 '[]'((( ac ,not(bc),not(cc),not(dc));
146 (not(ac), bc ,not(cc),not(dc));
147 (not(ac),not(bc), cc ,not(dc));
148 (not(ac),not(bc),not(cc), dc ))))).
150 % periodical task by Projection
151 demo(10, (more,
152 proj((@ '<>'(q),length(2)),true))).
154 % time sharing taks by Projection
155 demo(11, (more,length(7),
156 proj(true,('[]'(p),length(4))))).
158 % combination of periodical task
159 demo(12, (more,
160 proj(length(2),'[]'(ac)),
161 proj(length(3),'[]'(bc)),
162 proj(length(5),'[]'(cc)))).
164 % periodical task with shared resources
165 demo(13, (more,
166 proj((length(3),@ '<>'(ac)),true),
167 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(bc)),true),
168 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(cc)),true),
169 '[]'((not((ac,bc)),not((bc,cc)),not((cc,ac)))),
170 true)).
172 % combination of periodical taks and aperiodical task with shared resource
173 demo(14, (
174 ((proj(true,(length(5),'[]'(dc))),length(15) )&true),
175 proj((length(3),@ '<>'(ac)),true),
176 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(bc)),true),
177 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(cc)),true),
178 '[]'((( ac ,not(bc),not(cc),not(dc));
179 (not(ac), bc ,not(cc),not(dc));
180 (not(ac),not(bc), cc ,not(dc));
181 (not(ac),not(bc),not(cc), dc ))),
182 true)).
183 % combination of periodical taks and aperiodical task with shared resource
184 % schedulable case
185 demo(15, (
186 ((proj(true,(length(4),'[]'(dc))),length(15) )&true),
187 proj((length(3),@ '<>'(ac)),true),
188 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(bc)),true),
189 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(cc)),true),
190 '[]'((( ac ,not(bc),not(cc),not(dc));
191 (not(ac), bc ,not(cc),not(dc));
192 (not(ac),not(bc), cc ,not(dc));
193 (not(ac),not(bc),not(cc), dc ))),
194 true)).
197 % model restriction by share predicate ( a little smaller.... :-)
198 demo(16, (
199 share([ac,bc,cc,dc]),
200 ((proj(true,(length(4),'[]'(dc))),length(15) )&true),
201 proj((length(3),@ '<>'(ac)),true),
202 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(bc)),true),
203 proj((length(5),@ '<>'(cc)),true),
204 true)).
205 demo(17, (
206 ((proj(true,(length(5),'[]'(c))),length(15))&true),
207 (proj((length(3),@ '<>'(a)),true)&less(3)),
208 (proj((length(5),@ '<>'(b)),true)&less(5)),
209 '[]'(not((a,b))),
210 '[]'(not((b,c))),
211 '[]'(not((c,a)))
212 )).
214 % Regular variable examples ( doesnot work now....)
216 ex(200,^r).
217 ex(201,true & ^r). % will terminate?
218 ex(202,((^r & ^r),not(^r))). % is non-local?
219 ex(203,(^r,length(4))). % distinguish different state?
220 ex(204,('[a]'(^r))). % non-deterministic?
221 ex(205,('[a]'(^r = length(2)))). % imitate length?
222 ex(206,('[a]'(^r = length(4)),(^r& ^r))).
223 ex(207,('[a]'(^r = (length(4);empty)),* ^r)).
224 ex(208,('[]'(^r = (
225 a,@ ^r;
226 not(a),c,@ @ ^r;
227 not(a),not(c),b,empty)),^r)). % RE
228 ex(209,('[a]'(^r = (
229 a,@((^r & @((b,empty)))) ;
230 not(a),b,empty)),
231 ^r)). % CFG
233 % Linear Time Axioms, valid in ITL
234 ex(210,('[]'((^a-> ^b)) -> ('[]'(^a) -> '[]'(^b)))). % K
235 ex(211,('[]'(((^a , '[]'(^a))-> ^b));'[]'(((^b , '[]'(^b))-> ^a)))). % 4
236 ex(212,('[]'(^a)-> '<>'(^a))). % D
237 ex(213,('[]'(^a)-> '[]'('[]'(^a)))). % L
238 ex(214,(('[]'(^a))-> ^a)). % T
239 % Diodorean discreteness
240 ex(215,('[]'('[]'((((^a-> '[]'(^a)))-> ^a))) -> ((('<>'('[]'(^a)))-> '[]'(^a))))).
241 % Linear Time Axioms, not valid in ITL
242 % Z discreteness
243 ex(216,('[]'(('[]'(^a)-> ^a))-> ((('<>'('[]'(^a)))-> '[]'(^a))))).
244 % W weak density
245 ex(217,('[]'(('[]'(^a)-> ^a))-> ('[]'(^a)))).
246 % Other Axioms, not v^alid in ITL
247 ex(218,(^a-> '[]'('<>'(^a)))). % B
248 ex(219,(('<>' ^a)-> '[]'('<>'(^a)))). % 5
250 % State Diagram Support
252 ex(300,(((length(2), @ '<>'(q)) proj true),
253 st(ns0)
254 )) :- ensure_loaded(kiss_ex).
256 /* end */