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% ISPS Description of the MOS Technology MCS 6502 Microprocessor % G.W.Leive % 10 July 1978 ISPS Version % COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 % rewriten for Tokio % MC6502 :- '$function' bit(Bit,I) = ( I >> Bit ) /\ 1 :-true . '$function' high(Word) = (Word>>8)/\hex("ff") :-true . '$function' low(Word) = (Word/\hex("ff")) :-true . '$function' signed(Data) = Signed :- signed(Data,Signed) . '$function' byte(Word) = (Word/\hex("ff")) :-true . signed(Data,Signed) :- Data >127,!, Signed = Data - 256. signed(Data,Data). :-op(600,xfy, xor). '$function' xor(A,B) = ( (-A) /\ B) \/ (A /\ (-B)) :-true . :-static([ mem(_), % *PCSTATE pc, % program counter y, % Index register x, % Index register s, % stack pointer dl, % Input data latch a, % accumulator ir, % Instruction register p, % processor status n, % Negative result v, % Overflow b, % Break command d, % Decimal mode i, % Interrupt disable z, % Zero c, % Carry irq, % Interrupt request nmi, % Non-maskable interrupt ifsync, % High when instruction fetch rw, % Read/Write control pin so, % set overflow pin reset, % power up bit ready % 1 means run, 0 means stop ]). status_report :- write(('pc=',*pc,' y=', *y, ' x=',*x , ' dl=', *dl, ' a=',*a,' ir=',*ir, ' rw=', *rw, ' s=',*s, ' c=', *c, ' z=' ,*z)). % ADDRESS.CALCULATION immed(R):- % Immediate R <- *pc, *pc <= *pc + 1. zp(R):- % Zero page read(*pc,R) , *pc <= *pc + 1. abs(R):- % Absolute ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R), *pc <= *pc + 2. indx(R):- % Indexed indirect - (IND, *x) read(*pc,R) && R1 = R + *x, read_2(R1+1,R1,H,L) && ab(H,L,R), *pc <= *pc + 1. indy(R):- % Indirect indexed - (IND), *y read(*pc,R) && ab(R + 1,R ,R) && R <- R + *y, *pc <= *pc + 1. zpx(R):- % Zero page indexed by *x read(*pc,R1) && R <- byte(R1 + *x), *pc <= *pc + 1. zpy(R):- % Zero page indexed by *y read(*pc,R1) && R <- byte(R1 + *y), *pc <= *pc + 1. absy(R):- % absolute modified by *y ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R1) && R <- R1 + *y , *pc <= *pc + 2. absx(R) :- % absolute modified by *x ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R1) && R <- R1 + *x , *pc <= *pc + 2. % *SERVICE.FACILITIES push(Dbb) :- % Push a byte on the stack write(hex("100") + *s, Dbb), *s <= *s - 1. pull(R):- % pull a byte off the stack *s <= *s + 1 && read(hex("100") + *s,R). opex :- % Operation exception *ready <= 0 && run. setnz(Ta):- % Set neg and zero condition code Ta = 0,!, *z <= 1, *n <= 0. setnz(Ta):- Ta < 0,!, *z <= 0, *n <= 1. setnz(Ta):- Ta > 0,!, *z <= 0, *n <= 0. branch(0) :- *pc <= *pc + 1. branch(1) :- read(*pc,R) && *pc <= *pc + 1 + signed(R). % Relative addressing decimal_adjust(Tac):- % Used by sbc and adc ( if (bit(7,*a) = bit(7,Tac)) then *v <= bit(7,Tac) xor bit(7,*a), *c <= bit(8,Tac) ) && ( if (*d = 1) then ( (if Tac /\ binary("1111") > 9 then Tac <- (Tac/\hex("ff") + 6)) && (if *c = 0 then *c <= bit(8,Tac)) && (if (Tac /\ binary("11110000")>>4) > 9 then Tac <- (Tac/\hex("ff") + hex("60"))) && (if *c = 0 then *c <= bit(8,Tac)) )) && *a <= byte(Tac) && setnz(*a). ab(Adh,Adl,R):- % *address buffer read_2(Adh,Adl,R1,R2), fin( R = R1<<8 + R2 ). % Read and write memory access routines read(Adr,Value):- % Read from valid memory *rw <= 1, Adr <- Adr && read_1(Adr,Value). read_1(Adr,Value):- *ready=0,!, int,Adr <- Adr && read_1(Adr,Value). read_1(Adr,Value) :- Value <- *mem(Adr). read_2(AdrH,AdrL,Vh,Vl) :- read(AdrH,Vh) && read(AdrL,Vl), Vh <- Vh. write(Adr,Value) :- % Write to valid memory *rw <=0,Adr <- Adr,Value <-Value && *mem(Adr) <= Value. % Interrupt routines intstk :- % Interrupt stack operations push(high(*pc)) && push(low(*pc)) && push(*p), *i <= 1. int :- % Interrupt processing *reset = 0,!, *reset <= 1,*irq <= 1,*nmi <= 1,*ready <= 1 && ab(hex("FFFD"), hex("FFFC"),R) && *pc <= R, *i <= 1. int :- *nmi = 0,!, *nmi <= 1 && intstk && ab(hex("FFFB"), hex("FFFA"),R) && *pc <= R. int :- (*b = 1 ; *irq = 0, *i = 0),!, intstk, *b <= 0 && ab(hex("FFFF"), hex("FFFE"),R) && *pc <= R. int. % INSTRUCTION.INTERPRETATION % Yes It is the main routine. run :- (if *reset = 0 then int ) && % Initial startup run1. run1 :- *ready = 0 ,! , empty. run1 :- *ifsync <= 1 && % Instruction fetch read(*pc,R) && *ir <= R , *pc <= *pc + 1, *ifsync <= 0 && % Execute run_decode(*ir/\binary("11")) && int && ( if *so=1 then *v <= 1), status_report && run. run_decode(binary("01")) :- !, I1 = (*ir>>5)/\binary("111"),group1(I1). run_decode(binary("10")) :- !, I1 = (*ir>>5)/\binary("111"),group2(I1). run_decode(binary("00")) :- !, group3(*ir). run_decode(binary("11")) :- !, opex. % Group 1 instruction decode group1( 0 ):- ora. group1( 1 ):- and. group1( 2 ):- eor. group1( 3 ):- adc. group1( 4 ):- sta. group1( 5 ):- lda. group1( 6 ):- cmp. group1( 7 ):- sbc. % Group 2 instruction decode group2( 0 ):- asl. group2( 1 ):- rol. group2( 2 ):- lsr. group2( 3 ):- ror. group2( 4 ):- stx. % Includes txa. txs group2( 5 ):- ldx. % Includes tax. tsx group2( 6 ):- dec. % Includes dex group2( 7 ):- inc. % Includes no.op % Group 3 instruction decode group3(hex("00")) :- !, brk. % Break group3(hex("08")) :- !, php. % push status on stack group3(hex("28")) :- !, plp. % pull status from stack group3(hex("48")) :- !, pha. % push accumulator group3(hex("68")) :- !, pla. % pull accumulator group3(hex("10")) :- !, bpl. % Branch on plus group3(hex("30")) :- !, bmi. % Branch on minus group3(hex("50")) :- !, bvc. % Branch if overflow clear group3(hex("70")) :- !, bvs. % Branch if overflow set group3(hex("90")) :- !, bcc. % Branch on carry clear group3(hex("D0")) :- !, bne. % Branch on not equal group3(hex("F0")) :- !, beq. % Branch if equal group3(hex("B0")) :- !, bcs. % Branch if carry set group3(hex("18")) :- !, clc. % Clear carry group3(hex("38")) :- !, sec. % set carry group3(hex("58")) :- !, cli. % Clear interrupt enable group3(hex("78")) :- !, sei. % set interrupt enable group3(hex("B8")) :- !, clv. % Clear overflow group3(hex("D8")) :- !, cld. % Clear decimal mode group3(hex("F8")) :- !, sed. % set decimal mode group3(hex("20")) :- !, jsr. % Jump to subroutine group3(hex("24")) :- !, % Bit test - zero page zp(Adr) && read(Adr,V) && bit(V). group3(hex("2C")) :- !, % Bit test - absolute abs(Adr) && read(Adr,V) && bit(V). group3(hex("40")) :- !, rti. % Return from interrupt group3(hex("4C")) :- !, jmp. % Jump - absolute group3(hex("6C")) :- !, jmp. % Jump - indirect group3(hex("60")) :- !, rts. % Return from subroutine group3(hex("84")) :- !, % Store *y - zero page zp(Adr) && sty(Adr). group3(hex("8C")) :- !, % Store *y - absolute abs(Adr) && sty(Adr). group3(hex("94")) :- !, % Store *y - zero page, *x zpx(Adr) && sty(Adr). group3(hex("88")) :- !, dey. % Decrement *y group3(hex("C8")) :- !, iny. % Increment *y group3(hex("E8")) :- !, inx. % Increment *x group3(hex("98")) :- !, tya. % Transfer *y to *a group3(hex("A8")) :- !, tay. % Transfer *a to *y group3(hex("A0")) :- !, % Load *y - immediate immed(Adr) && ldy(Adr). group3(hex("A4")) :- !, % Load *y - zero page zp(Adr) && ldy(Adr). group3(hex("AC")) :- !, % Load *y - absolute abs(Adr) && ldy(Adr). group3(hex("B4")) :- !, % Load *y - zero page, *x zpx(Adr) && ldy(Adr). group3(hex("BC")) :- !, % Load *y - absolute, *x absz(Adr) && ldy(Adr). group3(hex("C0")) :- !, % Compare immediate to *y immed(Adr) && cpy(Adr). group3(hex("C4")) :- !, % Compare zero page to *y zp(Adr) && cpy(Adr). group3(hex("CC")) :- !, % Compare absolute to *y abs(Adr) && cpy(Adr). group3(hex("E0")) :- !, % Compare immediate to *x immed(Adr) && cpx(Adr). group3(hex("E4")) :- !, % Compare zero page to *x zp(Adr) && cpx(Adr). group3(hex("EC")) :- !, % Compare absolute to *x abs(Adr) && cpx(Adr). group3(I) :- opex. % INSTRUCTION.EXECUTION % Group 1 instruction execution addrs1(Adr) :- % Group 1 address generation I = (*ir >> 2 ) /\ binary("111"), addrs1(I,Adr). addrs1( 0 , Adr):- indx(Adr). addrs1( 1 , Adr):- zp(Adr). addrs1( 2 , Adr):- immed(Adr). addrs1( 3 , Adr):- abs(Adr). addrs1( 4 , Adr):- indy(Adr). addrs1( 5 , Adr):- zpx(Adr). addrs1( 6 , Adr):- absy(Adr). addrs1( 7 , Adr):- absx(Adr). ora :- % Or addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a /\ R && setnz(*a). and :- % And addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a /\ R && setnz(*a). eor :- % Exclusive or addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a xor R && setnz(*a). adc :- addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && decimal_adjust(*a + *c + R). % add with carry sta :- *ir \= hex("89"),!, addrs1(Adr) && write(Adr,*a). % store immediate lda :- % Load accumulator addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= R && setnz(*a). cmp :- % Compare addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && setnz(*a - R) && if *a > R then *c<=1 else *c<=0. sbc :- addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && decimal_adjust(*a + *c - R). % Sub/carry % Group 2 addressing mode selection % Group 2 gets and puts get2(R1,Adr) :- % Get the correct operand and return it in R1 I = (*ir >> 2) /\ binary("111"), get2(I,R,Adr) ,fin( R1 = R + (*c << 8)). get2(1,R,Adr) :- zp(Adr) && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R). get2(2,R,Adr) :- R <- *a, Adr <- Adr. get2(3,R,Adr) :- abs(Adr) && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R). get2(5,R,Adr) :- zpx(Adr) && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R). get2(7,R,Adr) :- absx(Adr) && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R). get2(_,R,Adr) :- opex. put2(Ta,Adr) :- % put the operand in the proper location I = (*ir >> 2) /\ binary("111"), put2(I,Ta,Adr),Ta<-Ta && setnz(Ta). put2(1,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta). put2(3,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta). put2(5,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta). put2(7,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta). put2(2,Ta,Adr) :- *a <= Ta. put2(_,Ta,Adr) :-opex. % Group 2 instruction execution asl :- % Arithmetic shift left get2(V,Adr) && V1 = V << 1, *c <= (V1 >> 8) /\ 1,put2(byte(V1),Adr). rol :- % rotate left get2(V,Adr) && V1 = (V << 1)+ *c, *c <= (V1 >> 8) /\ 1,put2(byte(V1),Adr). lsr :- % Logical shift right get2(V,Adr) && V1 = (V >> 1)/\ hex("7f") , *c <= V /\ 1, put2(byte(V1),Adr). ror :- % Rotate right get2(V,Adr) && V1 = (V >> 1)/\ hex("7f") + ( (V /\ 1) << 8), *c <= V /\ 1 , put2(byte(V1),Adr). stx :- % store index register I = (*ir>>2)/\binary("111"), stx(I,*x). stx(1,X) :- zp(Adr) && write(Adr, X). stx(2,X) :- *a <= X. % Txa stx(3,X) :- as(Adr) && write(Adr, X). stx(5,X) :- zpy(Adr) && write(Adr, X). stx(6,X) :- *s <= X. % Txs stx(_,_) :- opex. ldx :- % Load index register I = (*ir>>2)/\binary("111"), ldx(I,X) && *x <= X && setnz(*x). ldx(0,X) :- immed(Adr) && read(Adr,X). ldx(1,X) :- zp(Adr) && read(Adr,X). ldx(2,X) :- X <- *a. % Tax ldx(3,X) :- abs(Adr) && read(Adr,X). ldx(4,X) :- opex. ldx(5,X) :- zpy(Adr) && read(Adr,X). ldx(6,X) :- X <- *s. % Tsx ldx(7,X) :- absy(Adr) && read(Adr,X). dec :- % Decrement *ir = hex("CA"),!, % Dex X = *x - 1,*x <= X, setnz(X). dec :- get2(Value,Adr) && put2(Value - 1,Adr). inc :- % Increment *ir = hex("EA"),!. % EA no.op inc :- get2(Value,Adr) && put2(Value + 1,Adr). % Group 3 instruction execution brk :- *ready <= 0. % for Debug % (*b <= 1, *pc <= *pc+1). % Break php :- push(*p). % push processor status on stack plp :- pull(A),*p <= A. % pull processor status from stack pha :- push(*a). % push accumulator on stack pla :- % pull accumulator from stack pull(A) && *a <= A, setnz(A). bpl :- boolNot(*n,B),branch(B). % Branch on plus bmi :- bool(*n,B),branch(B). % Branch on minus bvc :- boolNot(*v,B),branch(B). % Branch on overflow clear bvs :- bool(*v,B),branch(B). % Branch if overflow set bcc :- boolNot(*c,B),branch(B). % Branch on carry clear bne :- boolNot(*z,B),branch(B). % Branch if not equal beq :- bool(*z,B),branch(B). % Branch on equal bcs :- bool(*c,B),branch(B). % Branch on carry set bool(1,1). bool(0,0). boolNot(1,0). boolNot(0,1). clc :- *c <= 0. % Clear carry flag sec :- *c <= 1. % Set carry cli :- *i <= 0. % Clear interrupt disable bit sei :- *i <= 1. % Set interrupt disable status clv :- *v <= 0. % Clear overflow cld :- *d <= 0. % Clear decimal mode sed :- *d <= 1. % Set decimal mode jsr :- % Jump to subroutine push(high(*pc + 1)) && push(low(*pc + 1)) && abs(Value) && *pc <= Value. bit(Ta) :- % Bit test *n <= Ta, (if (Ta /\ *a)=0 then *z <= 1 else *z <= 0). rti :- % Return from interrupt pull(P) && *p <= P && pull(P) && *pc<= P && pull(P) && *pc<= (P<<8)+ *pc, *b <= 0. jmp :- *ir = hex("6C"),!, abs(Value) && *pc <= Value && abs(Value) && *pc <= Value . % Indirect jmp :- abs(Value) && *pc <= Value. % Group 3 instruction execution (page 2) rts :- % return from subroutine pull(P) && *pc<= P && pull(P) && *pc<= (P<<8)+ *pc && *pc <= *pc+1. sty(X) :- write(X, *y). % Store index *y in memory dey :- % Decrement index *y by one Y = *y - 1,*y <= Y, setnz(Y). tya :- % Transfer index *y to accumulator *a <= *y, setnz(*y). ldy(A) :- read(A,Value) && *y <= Value. % Load index *y with memory tay :- % Transfer accumulator to index *y *y <= *a, setnz(*a). cpy(A) :- % Compare memory and index *y read(A,Value) && setnz(*y - Value), (if *y > Value then *c <= 1 else *c <= 0). iny :- % Increment index *y by one Y = *y + 1 , *y <= Y, setnz(*y). cpx(A) :- % Compare memory and index *x read(A,Value) && setnz(*x - Value), (if *x > Value then *c <= 1 else *c <= 0). inx :- % Increment index *x by one X = *x + 1, *x <= X, setnz(*x). % End of MC6502