changeset 0:cfb7c6b24319

Initial revision
author kono
date Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:57:44 +0900
children 09586da5afa8 61743469ee56
files .swp .xpce/Geometry.cnf Examples/6502/RTL Examples/6502/a.hex Examples/6502/a.s65 Examples/6502/isp.mc6502 Examples/6502/mc6502.tokio Examples/6502/multi.s65 Examples/6502/run.tokio Examples/dining_phil/di Examples/dining_phil/ve Examples/etc/dekker Examples/etc/mac Examples/etc/memory Examples/etc/rsffdelay Examples/etc/rsflipflop Examples/etc/send Examples/etc/solve Examples/etc/talk Examples/kiss/keyc.kiss2 Examples/kiss/ Examples/lecture/manual Examples/lecture/tuexample Examples/lecture/tutorial Examples/multiply/mul_al Examples/multiply/mul_al9 Examples/multiply/mul_chop Examples/multiply/multi Examples/multiply/multi2 Examples/ Examples/sorter/pipe Examples/sorter/pipe_sort Examples/sorter/psort Examples/sorter/sort Examples/sorter/sort2 Examples/sorter/sort3 Examples/sorter/tpip Examples/toy/gi.tokio Examples/toy/ Examples/toy/toy.tokio Examples/unifier/up Examples/unifier/upm call example iall lall mall
diffstat 65 files changed, 7527 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
Binary file .swp has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.xpce/Geometry.cnf	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/*  XPCE configuration file for "persistent_frame"
+    Saved Sat Aug  6 10:43:13 2005 by kono
+% Option lines starting with a `%' indicate      %
+% the value is equal to the application default. %
+/* (X-)geometry for persistent frames */
+history/geometry/pui_manual =   '880x335+2+21'.
+/* Sub-window layout for persistent frames */
+history/subwindow_layout/pui_manual = layout(*, [*, layout(*, [200, *]), *]).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/RTL	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Problem of RTL transition.
+	1. First get current predicate.
+	2. Its all variables become terminal or register.
+		If variable's value is transfer to futer, it is register.
+		Otherwise it is only a terminal.
+	3.	So it is necessary to make variable table.
+	4. Trace all ( non assigned ) computation.
+		Then we get net-time queue for one alternatives.
+	5. How to designate, state?
+		Sort up predicat and store into some database,
+		B-tree will be ok.
+	6. add empty or not empty for sub-intervals.
+		main interval never terminate. it is an error.
+Restriction of Tokio in translating to hardware.
+	1. Only First time execution generates true parallel state machine.
+                 -------------->
+                 |------------->
+        2. In the 1th to nth clock, State is binary for each parallel state.
+		a,b,a ----> (a & a ),b
+		ex. parallel quick sort
+		a -> a,a --> a,a,a,a ----> a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a
+		( hard ware restriction ).
+        3. Hardware had his own restriction. It makes this algorithm
+		terminate.
+		i.e. in order to terminate expasion, we have
+			to implement hardware restreiction.
+				( = smae thing in PITL )
+		Over expresivness is necssary.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/a.hex	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/a.s65	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;;   ackerman function
+;;   procedure name ACK
+;;      ACK(X,Y)
+;;	   == if X=0 then Y+1
+;;	      else if Y=0 then ACK(X-1,1)
+;;	      else ACK(X-1, ACK(X,Y-1))
+;;   calling sequence
+;;	X  on   x
+;;      Y  on   y
+;;		non compile 11.86 sec on Sun 140
+;;		    compile  7.54 sec on Sun 140
+start		cld
+		ldx	#1
+		ldy	#1
+		jsr	ack
+		brk
+ack		cpx	#0
+		bne	xneqzero	
+xeqzero		iny
+		tya
+		rts			
+xneqzero	cpy	#0
+		bne	yneqzero	
+		dex			;; x <- x-1
+yeqzero		ldy	#1
+		jmp	ack		 ;; tail recursion
+yneqzero	txa
+		pha
+		dey			;; y <- y-1
+		jsr	ack		;; ack x,y-1
+		tay
+		pla
+		tax
+		dex			;; x <- x-1
+		jmp	ack		;; tail recursion
+		end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/isp.mc6502	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+! ISPS Description of the MOS Technology MCS 6502 Microprocessor
+!	G.W.Leive
+!	10 July 1978		ISPS Version
+!	COPYRIGHT (C) 1978
+MC6502 :=
+    BEGIN
+	MACRO romlow:= |"F800 |,
+	MACRO romhi := |"FFFF |,
+	MACRO ramlow:= |"0000 |,
+	MACRO ramhi := |"1000 |,
+	MACRO maxb  := |"FFFF |,	! High end of byte memory
+    Mb[0:maxb]<7:0>,			! Primary memory range
+	ram[ramlow:ramhi]<7:0> := mb[ramlow:ramhi]<7:0>,	! RAM
+	rom[romlow:romhi]<7:0> := mb[romlow:romhi]<7:0>	! ROM
+    Pc<15:0>,				! Program counter
+    Y<7:0>,				! Index register
+    X<7:0>,				! Index register
+    S<7:0>,				! Stack pointer
+    Dl<7:0>,				! Input data latch
+    A<7:0>,				! Accumulator
+    Ir<7:0>,				! Instruction register
+    P<7:0>,				! Processor status
+	n<>	:= P<7>,		! Negative result
+	v<>	:= P<6>,		! Overflow
+	b<>	:= P<4>,		! Break command
+	d<>	:= P<3>,		! Decimal mode
+	i<>	:= P<2>,		! Interrupt disable
+	z<>	:= P<1>,		! Zero
+	c<>	:= P<0>,		! Carry
+    Irq<>,				! Interrupt request
+    Nmi<>,				! Non-maskable interrupt
+    IFSync<>,				! High when instruction fetch
+    Rw<>,				! Read/Write control pin
+    So<>,				! Set overflow pin
+    Reset<>,				! Power up bit
+    Ready<>				! 1 means run, 0 means stop
+    immed()<15:0> := 		! Immediate
+	immed = ab = Pc NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    zp()<15:0> := 		! Zero page
+	zp = ab = read(Pc) NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    abs()<15:0> := 		! Absolute
+	abs = ab(Pc + 1, Pc) NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 2
+	END,
+    indx()<15:0> := 		! Indexed indirect - (IND, X)
+	indx = ab((read(Pc) + X + 1)<7:0>, (read(Pc) + X)<7:0>) NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    indy()<15:0> := 		! Indirect indexed - (IND), Y
+	indy = ab = ab(read(Pc) + 1, read(Pc)) + Y NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    zpx()<15:0> := 		! Zero page indexed by X
+	zpx = ab = (read(Pc) + X)<7:0> NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    zpy()<15:0> := 		! Zero page indexed by Y
+	zpy = ab = (read(Pc) + Y)<7:0> NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    absy()<15:0> := 		! Absolute modified by Y
+	absy = ab = ab(Pc + 1, Pc) + Y NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 2
+	END,
+    absx()<15:0> := 		! Ablolute modified by X
+	absx = ab = ab(Pc + 1, Pc) + X NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 2
+    push(dbb.<7:0>) :=			! Push a byte on the stack
+	write(1@S, dbb.) NEXT
+	S = S - 1
+	END,
+    pull<7:0> := 			! Pull a byte off the stack
+	S = S + 1 NEXT
+	pull = read(1@S)
+	END,
+    opex := 	 			! Operation exception
+	Ready = 0 NEXT
+	END,
+    setnz(ta.<7:0>) :=			! Set neg and zero condition code
+	z = ta. EQL 0; n = ta.<7>
+	END,
+    branch(cond<>) :=
+	DECODE cond =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    0 := Pc = Pc + 1,
+	    1 := Pc = (Pc + 1) + read(PC)	! Relative addressing
+	    END
+	END,
+    decimal.adjust(tac.<8:0>) :=		! Used by sbc and adc
+	IF A<7> EQV read<7> => v = tac.<7> XOR A<7>; c = tac.<8> NEXT
+	IF d =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    tac.<8> = 0 NEXT
+	    IF tac.<3:0> GTR{US} "9 => tac. = tac.<7:0> + "6 NEXT
+	    IF NOT c => c = tac.<8> NEXT
+	    IF tac.<7:4> GTR{US} "9 => tac. = tac.<7:0> + "60 NEXT
+	    IF NOT c => c = tac.<8>
+	    END NEXT
+	A = tac.<7:0> NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    ab(adh.<15:0>, adl.<15:0>)<15:0> :=		! Address buffer
+	ab<15:8> = read(adh.) NEXT
+	ab<7:0>  = read(adl.)
+	END,
+    ! Read and write memory access routines
+    read(ab.<15:0>)<7:0> :=		! Read from valid memory
+	Rw = 1 NEXT
+	IF NOT Ready => RESTART run NEXT
+	read = "FF NEXT			! Fake a nonexistant memory access
+	IF (ab. GEQ{US} ramlow) AND (ab. LEQ{US} ramhi) => read = ram[ab.];
+	IF (ab. GEQ{US} romlow) AND (ab. LEQ{US} romhi) => read = rom[ab.]
+	END,
+    write(ab.<15:0>, dbb.<7:0>) :=	! Write to valid memory
+	IF (ab. GEQ{US} ramlow) AND (ab. LEQ{US} ramhi) => ram[ab.] = dbb.;
+	Rw = 0
+	END,
+    ! Interrupt routines
+    intstk := 				! Interrupt stack operations
+	push(Pc<15:8>) NEXT
+	push(Pc<7:0>) NEXT
+	push(P) NEXT
+	i = 1
+	END,
+    int := 				! Interrupt processing
+	IF NOT Reset =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    Reset = Irq = Nmi = Ready = 1 NEXT
+	    Pc = ab("FFFD, "FFFC) NEXT
+	    i = 1 NEXT
+	    LEAVE int
+	    END  NEXT
+	IF NOT Nmi =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    Nmi = 1 NEXT
+	    intstk() NEXT
+	    Pc = ab("FFFB, "FFFA) NEXT
+	    LEAVE int
+	    END  NEXT
+	IF b OR (NOT Irq AND NOT i) =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    intstk() NEXT
+	    b = 0 NEXT
+	    Pc = ab("FFFF, "FFFE)
+	    END
+    run :=
+	IF NOT Reset => int() NEXT		! Initial startup
+	IF NOT ready => stop() NEXT
+	IFSync = 1 NEXT				! Instruction fetch
+	Ir = read(Pc) NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1 NEXT
+	IFSync = 0 NEXT				! Execute
+	DECODE IR<1:0> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    '01 := group1(),
+	    '10 := group2(),
+	    '00 := group3(),
+	    '11 := opex()
+	    END NEXT
+	int() NEXT
+	IF So => v = 1 NEXT
+	END,
+    ! Group 1 instruction decode
+    group1 :=
+	DECODE Ir<7:5> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #0 := ora(),
+	    #1 := and.(),
+	    #2 := eor(),
+	    #3 := adc(),
+	    #4 := sta(),
+	    #5 := lda(),
+	    #6 := cmp(),
+	    #7 := sbc()
+	    END
+	END,
+    ! Group 2 instruction decode
+    group2 :=
+	DECODE Ir<7:5> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #0 := asl(),
+	    #1 := rol(),
+	    #2 := lsr(),
+	    #3 := ror(),
+	    #4 := stx(),	    ! Includes txa, txs
+	    #5 := ldx(),	    ! Includes tax, tsx
+	    #6 := dec(),	    ! Includes dex
+	    #7 := inc()	    	    ! Includes no.op
+	    END
+	END,
+    ! Group 3 instruction decode
+    group3 :=
+	DECODE Ir =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    "00 := brk(),		! Break
+	    "08 := php(),		! Push status on stack
+	    "28 := plp(),		! Pull status from stack
+	    "48 := pha(),		! Push accumulator
+	    "68 := pla(),		! Pull accumulator
+	    "10 := bpl(),		! Branch on plus
+	    "30 := bmi(),		! Branch on minus
+	    "50 := bvc(),		! Branch if overflow clear
+	    "70 := bvs(),		! Branch if overflow set
+	    "90 := bcc(),		! Branch on carry clear
+	    "D0 := bne(),		! Branch on not equal
+	    "F0 := beq(),		! Branch if equal
+	    "B0 := bcs(),		! Branch if carry set
+	    "18 := clc(),		! Clear carry
+	    "38 := sec(),		! Set carry
+	    "58 := cli(),		! Clear interrupt enable
+	    "78 := sei(),		! Set interrupt enable
+	    "B8 := clv(),		! Clear overflow
+	    "D8 := cld(),		! Clear decimal mode
+	    "F8 := sed(),		! Set decimal mode
+	    "20 := jsr(),		! Jump to subroutine
+	    "24 := bit(read(zp())),	! Bit test - zero page
+	    "2C := bit(read(abs())),	! Bit test - absolute
+	    "40 := rti(),		! Return from interrupt
+	    "4C := jmp(),		! Jump - absolute
+	    "6C := jmp(),		! Jump - indirect
+	    "60 := rts(),		! Return from subroutine
+	    "84 := sty(zp()),		! Store Y - zero page
+	    "8C := sty(abs()),		! Store Y - absolute
+	    "94 := sty(zpx()),		! Store Y - zero page, X
+	    "88 := dey(),		! Decrement Y
+	    "C8 := iny(),		! Increment Y
+	    "E8 := inx(),		! Increment X
+	    "98 := tya(),		! Transfer Y to A
+	    "A8 := tay(),		! Transfer A to Y
+	    "A0 := ldy(immed()),	! Load Y - immediate
+	    "A4 := ldy(zp()),		! Load Y - zero page
+	    "AC := ldy(abs()),		! Load Y - absolute
+	    "B4 := ldy(zpx()),		! Load Y - zero page, X
+	    "BC := ldy(absx()),		! Load Y - absolute, X
+	    "C0 := cpy(immed()),	! Compare immediate to Y
+	    "C4 := cpy(zp()),		! Compare zero page to Y
+	    "CC := cpy(abs()),		! Compare absolute to Y
+	    "E0 := cpx(immed()),	! Compare immediate to X
+	    "E4 := cpx(zp()),		! Compare zero page to X
+	    "EC := cpx(abs()),		! Compare absolute to X
+	    OTHERWISE := opex()
+	    END
+    ! Group 1 instruction execution
+    addrs1()<15:0> := 				! Group 1 address generation
+	DECODE Ir<4:2> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #0 := addrs1 = indx(),
+	    #1 := addrs1 = zp(),
+	    #2 := addrs1 = immed(),
+	    #3 := addrs1 = abs(),
+	    #4 := addrs1 = indy(),
+	    #5 := addrs1 = zpx(),
+	    #6 := addrs1 = absy(),
+	    #7 := addrs1 = absx()
+	    END
+	END,
+    ora := 						! Or
+	A = A OR read(addrs1()) NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    and. := 						! And
+	A = A AND read(addrs1()) NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    eor := 						! Exclusive or
+	A = A XOR read(addrs1()) NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    adc := (decimal.adjust(A +{US} c + read(addrs1()))),	! Add with carry
+    sta := (IF Ir NEQ{US} "89 => write(addrs1(),A)),	! Store immediate
+    lda := 						! Load accumulator
+	A = read(addrs1()) NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    cmp := 						! Compare
+	setnz(A - read(addrs1())) NEXT
+	c = A GEQ read
+	END,
+    sbc := (decimal.adjust(A +{US} c + NOT read(addrs1()))),	! Sub/carry
+    ! Group 2 addressing mode selection
+    ! Group 2 gets and puts
+    get2()<8:0> := 	! Get the correct operand and return it in "get2"
+	DECODE Ir<4:2> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #1 := get2<7:0> = read(zp()),
+	    #2 := get2<7:0> = A,
+	    #3 := get2<7:0> = read(abs()),
+	    #5 := get2<7:0> = read(zpx()),
+	    #7 := get2<7:0> = read(absx()),
+     OTHERWISE := opex()
+	    END NEXT
+	get2<8> = c
+	END,
+    put2(ta.<7:0>) := 	! Put the operand in the proper location
+	DECODE Ir<4:2> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    [#1,#3,#5,#7] := write(ab, ta.),
+	    #2		  := A = ta.,
+	    OTHERWISE	  := opex()
+	    END NEXT
+	setnz(ta.)
+	END,
+    ! Group 2 instruction execution
+    asl := 					! Arithmetic shift left
+	get2 = get2() SL0 1 NEXT
+	c = get2<8>; put2(get2)
+	END,
+    rol := 					! rotate left
+	get2 = get2() SLR 1 NEXT
+	c = get2<8>; put2(get2)
+	END,
+    lsr := 					! Logical shift right
+	c = get2<2> NEXT
+	get2 = get2<7:0> SR0 1 NEXT
+	put2(get2)
+	END,
+    ror := 					! Rotate right
+	get2 = get2() SRR 1 NEXT
+	c = get2<8>; put2(get2)
+	END,
+    stx := 					! Store index register
+	DECODE Ir<4:2> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #1 := write(zp(), X),
+	    #2 := A = X,			! Txa
+	    #3 := write(abs(), X),
+	    #5 := write(zpy(), X),
+	    #6 := S = X,			! Txs
+     OTHERWISE := opex()
+	    END
+	END,
+    ldx := 					! Load index register
+	DECODE Ir<4:2> =>
+	    BEGIN
+	    #0 := X = read(immed()),
+	    #1 := X = read(zp()),
+	    #2 := X = A,			! Tax
+	    #3 := X = read(abs()),
+	    #4 := opex(),
+	    #5 := X = read(zpy()),
+	    #6 := X = S,			! Tsx
+	    #7 := X = read(absy())
+	    END  NEXT
+	setnz(X)
+	END,
+    dec := 					! Decrement
+	    BEGIN
+	    0 := put2(get2() - 1),
+	    1 := BEGIN				! Dex
+		 X = X - 1 NEXT
+		 setnz(X)
+		 END
+	    END
+	END,
+    inc := 					! Increment
+	IF Ir NEQ "EA => put2(get2() + 1)	! Op "EA => no.op
+	END,
+    ! Group 3 instruction execution
+    brk := (b = 1; Pc = Pc+1),	! Break
+    php := (push(P)),		! Push processor status on stack
+    plp := (P = pull()),	! Pull processor status from stack
+    pha := (push(A)),		! Push accumulator on stack
+    pla := 			! Pull accumulator from stack
+	A = pull() NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    bpl := (branch(NOT n)),	! Branch on plus
+    bmi := (branch(n)),		! Branch on minus
+    bvc := (branch(NOT v)),	! Branch on overflow clear
+    bvs := (branch(v)),		! Branch if overflow set
+    bcc := (Branch(NOT c)),	! Branch on carry clear
+    bne := (branch(NOT z)),	! Branch if not equal
+    beq := (branch(z)),		! Branch on equal
+    bcs := (branch(c)),		! Branch on carry set
+    clc := (c = 0),		! Clear carry flag
+    sec := (c = 1),		! Set carry
+    cli := (i = 0),		! Clear interrupt disable bit
+    sei := (i = 1),		! Set interrupt disable status
+    clv := (v = 0),		! Clear overflow
+    cld := (d = 0),		! Clear decimal mode
+    sed := (d = 1),		! Set decimal mode
+    jsr := 			! Jump to subroutine
+	push((Pc + 1)<15:8>) NEXT
+	push((Pc + 1)<7:0>) NEXT
+	Pc = abs()
+	END,
+    bit(ta.<7:0>) :=		! Bit test
+	n = ta.<7>; v = ta.<6>; z = (ta. AND A) EQL 0
+	END,
+    rti :=			! Return from interrupt
+	P = pull() NEXT
+	Pc<7:0>  = pull() NEXT
+	Pc<15:8> = pull(); b = 0
+	END,
+    jmp :=			! Jump
+	Pc = abs() NEXT
+	IF Ir EQL "6C => Pc = abs()	! Indirect
+	END,
+    ! Group 3 instruction execution (page 2)
+    rts := 				! return from subroutine
+	Pc<7:0> = pull() NEXT
+	Pc<15:8> = pull() NEXT
+	Pc = Pc + 1
+	END,
+    sty(ab.<15:0>) := (write(ab., Y)), 	! Store index Y in memory
+    dey := 				! Decrement index Y by one
+	Y = Y - 1 NEXT
+	setnz(Y)
+	END,
+    tya := 				! Transfer index Y to accumulator
+	A = Y NEXT
+	setnz(A)
+	END,
+    ldy(ab.<15:0>) := (Y = read(ab.)), 	! Load index Y with memory
+    tay := 			     	! Transfer accumulator to index Y
+	Y = A NEXT
+	setnz(Y)
+	END,
+    cpy(ab.<15:0>) := 		     	! Compare memory and index Y
+	setnz(Y - read(ab.)) NEXT
+	c = Y GEQ read
+	END,
+    iny := 			     	! Increment index Y by one
+	Y = Y + 1 NEXT
+	setnz(Y)
+	END,
+    cpx(ab.<15:0>) := 			! Compare memory and index X
+	setnz(X - read(ab.)) NEXT
+	c = X GEQ read
+	END,
+    inx := 				! Increment index X by one
+	X = X + 1 NEXT
+	setnz(X)
+    END		! End of MC6502
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/mc6502.tokio	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+% ISPS Description of the MOS Technology MCS 6502 Microprocessor
+%	G.W.Leive
+%	10 July 1978		ISPS Version
+%	COPYRIGHT (C) 1978
+%	rewriten for Tokio
+% MC6502 :-
+'$function'  bit(Bit,I) = ( I >> Bit ) /\ 1 :-true .
+'$function'  high(Word) = (Word>>8)/\hex("ff") :-true .
+'$function'  low(Word)  = (Word/\hex("ff")) :-true .
+'$function'  signed(Data)  = Signed :- signed(Data,Signed) .
+'$function'  byte(Word)  = (Word/\hex("ff")) :-true .
+signed(Data,Signed) :- Data >127,!, Signed = Data - 256.
+:-op(600,xfy, xor).
+'$function'  xor(A,B)   = ( (-A) /\ B) \/ (A /\ (-B)) :-true .
+	mem(_),
+	pc,		% program counter
+	y,		% Index register
+	x,		% Index register
+	s,		% stack pointer
+	dl,		% Input data latch
+	a,		% accumulator
+	ir,		% Instruction register
+	p,		% processor status
+	n,		% Negative result
+	v,		% Overflow
+	b,		% Break command
+	d,		% Decimal mode
+	i,		% Interrupt disable
+	z,		% Zero
+	c,		% Carry
+	irq,		% Interrupt request
+	nmi,		% Non-maskable interrupt
+	ifsync,		% High when instruction fetch
+	rw,		% Read/Write control pin
+	so,		% set overflow pin
+	reset,		% power up bit
+	ready		% 1 means run, 0 means stop
+status_report :-
+	write(('pc=',*pc,' y=', *y, ' x=',*x , ' dl=', *dl,
+		' a=',*a,' ir=',*ir, ' rw=', *rw, 
+		' s=',*s, ' c=', *c, ' z=' ,*z)).
+immed(R):- 		% Immediate
+	R <- *pc,
+	*pc <= *pc + 1.
+zp(R):- 		% Zero page
+	read(*pc,R) , *pc <= *pc + 1.
+abs(R):- 		% Absolute
+	ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R),
+	*pc <= *pc + 2.
+indx(R):- 		% Indexed indirect - (IND, *x)
+	read(*pc,R) &&
+	R1 = R + *x, read_2(R1+1,R1,H,L) &&
+	ab(H,L,R), *pc <= *pc + 1.
+indy(R):- 		% Indirect indexed - (IND), *y
+	read(*pc,R) &&
+	ab(R + 1,R ,R) &&
+	R <- R + *y, *pc <= *pc + 1.
+zpx(R):- 		% Zero page indexed by *x
+	read(*pc,R1) && 
+	R <- byte(R1 + *x), *pc <= *pc + 1.
+zpy(R):- 		% Zero page indexed by *y
+	read(*pc,R1) && 
+	R <- byte(R1 + *y), *pc <= *pc + 1.
+absy(R):- 		% absolute modified by *y
+	ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R1) && 
+	R <- R1 + *y , *pc <= *pc + 2.
+absx(R) :- 		% absolute modified by *x
+	ab(*pc + 1, *pc,R1) &&
+	R <- R1 + *x , *pc <= *pc + 2.
+push(Dbb) :-			% Push a byte on the stack
+	write(hex("100") + *s, Dbb),
+	*s <= *s - 1.
+pull(R):- 			% pull a byte off the stack
+	*s <= *s + 1 &&
+	read(hex("100") + *s,R).
+opex :- 	 			% Operation exception
+	*ready <= 0 && run.
+setnz(Ta):-			% Set neg and zero condition code
+	Ta = 0,!, *z <= 1, *n <= 0.
+	Ta < 0,!, *z <= 0, *n <= 1.
+	Ta > 0,!, *z <= 0, *n <= 0.
+branch(0) :-  *pc <= *pc + 1.
+branch(1) :-  read(*pc,R) && 
+	*pc <= *pc + 1 + signed(R). % Relative addressing
+decimal_adjust(Tac):-		% Used by sbc and adc
+	( if (bit(7,*a) = bit(7,Tac))
+	 then 
+		*v <= bit(7,Tac) xor bit(7,*a),
+		*c <= bit(8,Tac)  ) &&
+	( if (*d = 1) then (
+		(if Tac /\ binary("1111") > 9 then
+			 Tac <- (Tac/\hex("ff") + 6)) &&
+		(if *c = 0 then *c <= bit(8,Tac)) &&
+		(if (Tac /\ binary("11110000")>>4) > 9 then
+			 Tac <- (Tac/\hex("ff") + hex("60"))) &&
+		(if *c = 0 then *c <= bit(8,Tac))
+	)) &&
+	*a <= byte(Tac) &&
+	setnz(*a).
+ab(Adh,Adl,R):-		% *address buffer
+	read_2(Adh,Adl,R1,R2),
+	fin( R = R1<<8 + R2 ).
+% Read and write memory access routines
+read(Adr,Value):-		% Read from valid memory
+	*rw <= 1, Adr <- Adr &&
+	read_1(Adr,Value).
+	*ready=0,!, int,Adr <- Adr && read_1(Adr,Value).
+read_1(Adr,Value) :-
+	Value <- *mem(Adr).
+read_2(AdrH,AdrL,Vh,Vl) :-
+	read(AdrH,Vh) && read(AdrL,Vl), Vh <- Vh.
+write(Adr,Value) :-	% Write to valid memory
+	*rw <=0,Adr <- Adr,Value <-Value &&
+	*mem(Adr) <= Value.
+% Interrupt routines
+intstk :- 				% Interrupt stack operations
+	push(high(*pc)) &&
+	push(low(*pc)) &&
+	push(*p), *i <= 1.
+int :- 				% Interrupt processing
+    *reset = 0,!,
+    *reset <= 1,*irq <= 1,*nmi <= 1,*ready <= 1 &&
+    ab(hex("FFFD"), hex("FFFC"),R) &&
+    *pc <= R, *i <= 1.
+int :-	
+    *nmi = 0,!,
+    *nmi <= 1 &&
+    intstk &&
+    ab(hex("FFFB"), hex("FFFA"),R) &&
+    *pc <= R.
+int :-	    
+    (*b = 1 ; *irq = 0, *i =  0),!,
+    intstk, *b <= 0 &&
+    ab(hex("FFFF"), hex("FFFE"),R) &&
+    *pc <= R.
+%      Yes It is the main routine.
+run :-
+    (if *reset = 0 then int ) &&		% Initial startup
+	run1.
+run1 :-	*ready = 0 ,! , empty.
+run1 :- *ifsync <= 1 &&				% Instruction fetch
+    read(*pc,R) &&
+    *ir <= R , *pc <= *pc + 1, *ifsync <= 0 &&	% Execute
+    run_decode(*ir/\binary("11")) &&
+    int &&
+    ( if *so=1 then *v <= 1), status_report && 
+    run.
+    run_decode(binary("01")) :- !, 
+	    I1 = (*ir>>5)/\binary("111"),group1(I1).
+    run_decode(binary("10")) :- !, 
+	    I1 = (*ir>>5)/\binary("111"),group2(I1).
+    run_decode(binary("00")) :- !, group3(*ir).
+    run_decode(binary("11")) :- !, opex.
+% Group 1 instruction decode
+group1( 0 ):- ora.
+group1( 1 ):- and.
+group1( 2 ):- eor.
+group1( 3 ):- adc.
+group1( 4 ):- sta.
+group1( 5 ):- lda.
+group1( 6 ):- cmp.
+group1( 7 ):- sbc.
+% Group 2 instruction decode
+group2( 0 ):- asl.
+group2( 1 ):- rol.
+group2( 2 ):- lsr.
+group2( 3 ):- ror.
+group2( 4 ):- stx.	    % Includes txa. txs
+group2( 5 ):- ldx.	    % Includes tax. tsx
+group2( 6 ):- dec.	    % Includes dex
+group2( 7 ):- inc.	    % Includes no.op
+% Group 3 instruction decode
+group3(hex("00")) :- !, brk.	% Break
+group3(hex("08")) :- !, php.	% push status on stack
+group3(hex("28")) :- !, plp.	% pull status from stack
+group3(hex("48")) :- !, pha.	% push accumulator
+group3(hex("68")) :- !, pla.	% pull accumulator
+group3(hex("10")) :- !, bpl.	% Branch on plus
+group3(hex("30")) :- !, bmi.	% Branch on minus
+group3(hex("50")) :- !, bvc.	% Branch if overflow clear
+group3(hex("70")) :- !, bvs.	% Branch if overflow set
+group3(hex("90")) :- !, bcc.	% Branch on carry clear
+group3(hex("D0")) :- !, bne.	% Branch on not equal
+group3(hex("F0")) :- !, beq.	% Branch if equal
+group3(hex("B0")) :- !, bcs.	% Branch if carry set
+group3(hex("18")) :- !, clc.	% Clear carry
+group3(hex("38")) :- !, sec.	% set carry
+group3(hex("58")) :- !, cli.	% Clear interrupt enable
+group3(hex("78")) :- !, sei.	% set interrupt enable
+group3(hex("B8")) :- !, clv.	% Clear overflow
+group3(hex("D8")) :- !, cld.	% Clear decimal mode
+group3(hex("F8")) :- !, sed.	% set decimal mode
+group3(hex("20")) :- !, jsr.	% Jump to subroutine
+group3(hex("24")) :- !, 	% Bit test - zero page
+    zp(Adr) && read(Adr,V) && bit(V).
+group3(hex("2C")) :- !, 	% Bit test - absolute
+    abs(Adr) && read(Adr,V) && bit(V).
+group3(hex("40")) :- !, rti.	% Return from interrupt
+group3(hex("4C")) :- !, jmp.	% Jump - absolute
+group3(hex("6C")) :- !, jmp.	% Jump - indirect
+group3(hex("60")) :- !, rts.	% Return from subroutine
+group3(hex("84")) :- !, 	% Store *y - zero page
+    zp(Adr) && sty(Adr).
+group3(hex("8C")) :- !, 	% Store *y - absolute
+    abs(Adr) && sty(Adr).
+group3(hex("94")) :- !, 	% Store *y - zero page, *x
+    zpx(Adr) && sty(Adr).
+group3(hex("88")) :- !, dey.	% Decrement *y
+group3(hex("C8")) :- !, iny.	% Increment *y
+group3(hex("E8")) :- !, inx.	% Increment *x
+group3(hex("98")) :- !, tya.	% Transfer *y to *a
+group3(hex("A8")) :- !, tay.	% Transfer *a to *y
+group3(hex("A0")) :- !, 	% Load *y - immediate
+    immed(Adr) && ldy(Adr).
+group3(hex("A4")) :- !, 	% Load *y - zero page
+    zp(Adr) && ldy(Adr).
+group3(hex("AC")) :- !, 	% Load *y - absolute
+    abs(Adr) && ldy(Adr).
+group3(hex("B4")) :- !, 	% Load *y - zero page, *x
+    zpx(Adr) && ldy(Adr).
+group3(hex("BC")) :- !, 	% Load *y - absolute, *x
+    absz(Adr) && ldy(Adr).
+group3(hex("C0")) :- !, 	% Compare immediate to *y
+    immed(Adr) && cpy(Adr).
+group3(hex("C4")) :- !, 	% Compare zero page to *y
+    zp(Adr) && cpy(Adr).
+group3(hex("CC")) :- !, 	% Compare absolute to *y
+    abs(Adr) && cpy(Adr).
+group3(hex("E0")) :- !, 	% Compare immediate to *x
+    immed(Adr) && cpx(Adr).
+group3(hex("E4")) :- !, 	% Compare zero page to *x
+    zp(Adr) && cpx(Adr).
+group3(hex("EC")) :- !, 	% Compare absolute to *x
+    abs(Adr) && cpx(Adr).
+group3(I) :- opex.
+% Group 1 instruction execution
+addrs1(Adr) :- 				% Group 1 address generation
+    I =  (*ir >> 2 ) /\ binary("111"),
+    addrs1(I,Adr).
+addrs1( 0 , Adr):- indx(Adr).
+addrs1( 1 , Adr):- zp(Adr).
+addrs1( 2 , Adr):- immed(Adr).
+addrs1( 3 , Adr):- abs(Adr).
+addrs1( 4 , Adr):- indy(Adr).
+addrs1( 5 , Adr):- zpx(Adr).
+addrs1( 6 , Adr):- absy(Adr).
+addrs1( 7 , Adr):- absx(Adr).
+ora :- 						% Or
+    addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a /\ R &&
+    setnz(*a).
+and :- 						% And
+    addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a /\ R &&
+    setnz(*a).
+eor :- 						% Exclusive or
+    addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= *a xor R &&
+    setnz(*a).
+adc :- 
+    addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && 
+    decimal_adjust(*a + *c + R).	% add with carry
+sta :- *ir \= hex("89"),!,
+    addrs1(Adr) && write(Adr,*a).	% store immediate
+lda :- 						% Load accumulator
+    addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && *a <= R &&
+    setnz(*a).
+    cmp :- 						% Compare
+	addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && setnz(*a - R) &&
+	if *a > R then *c<=1 else *c<=0.
+    sbc :- 
+	addrs1(Adr) && read(Adr,R) && 
+	decimal_adjust(*a + *c - R).			% Sub/carry
+    % Group 2 addressing mode selection
+    % Group 2 gets and puts
+    get2(R1,Adr) :- 	% Get the correct operand and return it in R1
+	I = (*ir >> 2) /\ binary("111"),
+	get2(I,R,Adr) ,fin( R1 = R + (*c << 8)).
+        get2(1,R,Adr) :- zp(Adr)   && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R).
+        get2(2,R,Adr) :- R <- *a, Adr <- Adr.
+        get2(3,R,Adr) :- abs(Adr)  && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R).
+        get2(5,R,Adr) :- zpx(Adr)  && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R).
+        get2(7,R,Adr) :- absx(Adr) && Adr <- Adr, read(Adr,R).
+	get2(_,R,Adr) :- opex.
+    put2(Ta,Adr) :- 	% put the operand in the proper location
+	I = (*ir >> 2) /\ binary("111"),
+	put2(I,Ta,Adr),Ta<-Ta && setnz(Ta).
+	put2(1,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta).
+	put2(3,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta).
+	put2(5,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta).
+	put2(7,Ta,Adr) :- write(Adr, Ta).
+	put2(2,Ta,Adr) :- *a <= Ta.
+	put2(_,Ta,Adr) :-opex.
+    % Group 2 instruction execution
+    asl :- 					% Arithmetic shift left
+	get2(V,Adr) &&	
+	V1 = V << 1,
+	*c <= (V1 >> 8) /\ 1,put2(byte(V1),Adr).
+    rol :- 					% rotate left
+	get2(V,Adr) &&
+	V1 = (V << 1)+ *c,
+	*c <= (V1 >> 8) /\ 1,put2(byte(V1),Adr).
+    lsr :- 					% Logical shift right
+	get2(V,Adr) &&
+	V1 = (V >> 1)/\ hex("7f") ,
+	 *c <= V /\ 1, put2(byte(V1),Adr).
+    ror :- 					% Rotate right
+	get2(V,Adr) &&
+	V1 = (V >> 1)/\ hex("7f") + ( (V /\ 1) << 8), 
+	*c <= V /\ 1 , 	put2(byte(V1),Adr).
+    stx :- 					% store index register
+	I = (*ir>>2)/\binary("111"),
+	stx(I,*x).
+	stx(1,X) :- zp(Adr) && write(Adr, X).
+	stx(2,X) :- *a <= X.			% Txa
+	stx(3,X) :- as(Adr) && write(Adr, X).
+	stx(5,X) :- zpy(Adr) && write(Adr, X).
+	stx(6,X) :- *s <= X.			% Txs
+    	stx(_,_) :- opex.
+    ldx :- 					% Load index register
+	I = (*ir>>2)/\binary("111"),
+	ldx(I,X) && *x <= X && setnz(*x).
+	ldx(0,X) :- immed(Adr) && read(Adr,X).
+	ldx(1,X) :- zp(Adr) && read(Adr,X).
+	ldx(2,X) :- X <- *a.			% Tax
+	ldx(3,X) :- abs(Adr) && read(Adr,X).
+	ldx(4,X) :- opex.
+	ldx(5,X) :- zpy(Adr) && read(Adr,X).
+	ldx(6,X) :- X <- *s.			% Tsx
+	ldx(7,X) :- absy(Adr) && read(Adr,X).
+    dec :- 					% Decrement
+	*ir = hex("CA"),!,			% Dex
+		 X = *x - 1,*x <= X, setnz(X).
+    dec :- get2(Value,Adr) && put2(Value - 1,Adr).
+    inc :- 					% Increment
+	*ir = hex("EA"),!.			% EA no.op
+    inc :-	
+	get2(Value,Adr) && put2(Value + 1,Adr).
+    % Group 3 instruction execution
+    brk :- 
+	*ready <= 0.			%   for Debug
+%	(*b <= 1, *pc <= *pc+1).	% Break
+    php :- push(*p).		% push processor status on stack
+    plp :- pull(A),*p <= A.	% pull processor status from stack
+    pha :- push(*a).		% push accumulator on stack
+    pla :- 			% pull accumulator from stack
+	pull(A) && *a <= A, setnz(A).
+    bpl :- boolNot(*n,B),branch(B).	% Branch on plus
+    bmi :- bool(*n,B),branch(B).	% Branch on minus
+    bvc :- boolNot(*v,B),branch(B).	% Branch on overflow clear
+    bvs :- bool(*v,B),branch(B).	% Branch if overflow set
+    bcc :- boolNot(*c,B),branch(B).	% Branch on carry clear
+    bne :- boolNot(*z,B),branch(B).	% Branch if not equal
+    beq :- bool(*z,B),branch(B).	% Branch on equal
+    bcs :- bool(*c,B),branch(B).	% Branch on carry set
+bool(1,1). bool(0,0).
+boolNot(1,0). boolNot(0,1).
+    clc :- *c <= 0.		% Clear carry flag
+    sec :- *c <= 1.		% Set carry
+    cli :- *i <= 0.		% Clear interrupt disable bit
+    sei :- *i <= 1.		% Set interrupt disable status
+    clv :- *v <= 0.		% Clear overflow
+    cld :- *d <= 0.		% Clear decimal mode
+    sed :- *d <= 1.		% Set decimal mode
+    jsr :- 			% Jump to subroutine
+	push(high(*pc + 1)) &&
+	push(low(*pc + 1)) &&
+	abs(Value) && *pc <= Value.
+    bit(Ta) :-		% Bit test
+	*n <= Ta, (if (Ta /\ *a)=0 then *z <= 1 else *z <= 0).
+    rti :-			% Return from interrupt
+	pull(P) && *p <= P &&
+	pull(P) && *pc<= P &&
+	pull(P) && *pc<= (P<<8)+ *pc, *b <= 0.
+    jmp :- *ir = hex("6C"),!,
+	abs(Value) && *pc <= Value &&
+	abs(Value) && *pc <= Value .	% Indirect
+    jmp :- abs(Value) && *pc <= Value.
+    % Group 3 instruction execution (page 2)
+    rts :- 				% return from subroutine
+	pull(P) && *pc<= P &&
+	pull(P) && *pc<= (P<<8)+ *pc &&
+	*pc <= *pc+1.
+    sty(X) :- write(X, *y).		% Store index *y in memory
+    dey :- 				% Decrement index *y by one
+	Y = *y - 1,*y <= Y, setnz(Y).
+    tya :- 				% Transfer index *y to accumulator
+	*a <= *y, setnz(*y).
+    ldy(A) :- read(A,Value) && *y <= Value. 	% Load index *y with memory
+    tay :- 			     	% Transfer accumulator to index *y
+	*y <= *a, setnz(*a).
+    cpy(A) :- 		     	% Compare memory and index *y
+	read(A,Value) && setnz(*y - Value), 
+	(if *y > Value then *c <= 1 else *c <= 0).
+    iny :- 			     	% Increment index *y by one
+	Y = *y + 1 , *y <= Y, setnz(*y).
+    cpx(A) :- 			% Compare memory and index *x
+	read(A,Value) && setnz(*x - Value), 
+	(if *x > Value then *c <= 1 else *c <= 0).
+    inx :- 				% Increment index *x by one
+	X = *x + 1, *x <= X, setnz(*x).
+% End of MC6502
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/multi.s65	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+;;	16 bit multply
+last	equ	$80
+d1	equ	last
+d2	equ	last+2
+result	equ	last+4
+count	equ	last+8
+work	equ	last+9
+	org	$0
+start	cld
+	lda	#$92
+	sta	d1
+	lda	#$34
+	sta	d1+1
+	lda	#$83
+	sta	d2
+	lda	#$21
+	sta	d2+1
+	jsr	multi16
+	brk
+multi16	lda	#0
+	sta	result
+	sta	result+1
+	sta	result+2
+	sta	result+3
+	ldx	#d1
+	jsr	multil
+	inx
+;;			fall into multi8
+multi8	lda	#0
+multil	sta	work
+	lda	d2
+	sta	work+1
+	lda	d2+1
+	sta	work+2
+	jmp	entry
+adding	clc
+	lda	work+2
+	adc	6,x
+	sta	6,x
+	lda	work+1
+	adc	5,x
+	sta	5,x
+	lda	work
+	adc	4,x
+	sta	4,x
+loop	asl	work+2
+	rol	work+1
+	rol	work
+entry	lsr	0,x
+	bcs	adding
+	bne	loop
+	rts
+	end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/6502/run.tokio	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+	read intel hex data  from file
+	write into internal memory. (assert )
+run0(Filename) :- 
+	fname(Filename,".hex",Filename1),
+	ld0(Filename1),!,
+	*p := 0, *reset := 0, *s := 0, *b := 0, *so := 0, *y := 0, *x := 0,
+	*dl := 0, *a := 0, *c := 0, *z := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFC")) := 0, *mem(hex("FFFD")) := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFE")) := 0, *mem(hex("FFFF")) := 0
+	&&	run.
+run(Filename) :- 
+	fname(Filename,".hex",Filename1),
+	ld0(Filename1),!,
+	*p := 0,
+	*reset := 0,
+	*s := 0,
+	*b := 0,
+	*so := 0,
+	*y := 0,
+	*x := 0,
+	*dl := 0,
+	*a := 0,
+	*c := 0,  *z := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFC")) := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFD")) := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFE")) := 0,
+	*mem(hex("FFFF")) := 0
+	&&	X <- cputime, run, fin((
+		X1 = cputime - X,nl,write(X1),nl)).
+fname(Output,Option,Loutput) :-
+	name(Output,L),append(L,Option,LC),name(Loutput,LC).
+append([H|X],Y,[H|Z]) :- append(X,Y,Z).
+append([],X,X) .
+ld0(File) :- seeing(O),ld1(File,Lines),seen,see(O).
+ld1(File,Lines) :-
+%    abolish(mem,2),
+    see(File), % nofileerrors,
+    get0(Ch),lines(Ch),!,seen.
+ld1(File,Lines) :- seen,  % fileerrors,
+    !,fail.
+lines(-1) :-!.
+lines(26) :-!.
+lines(58) :- !,
+	get0(C),	count(N,[C|N],1,I),
+	get0(C0),	count(N1,[C0|N1],3,Adr0),
+	get0(C1),	count(N2,[C1|N2],1,Adr1),
+	Adr = Adr1*65536+Adr0+I,
+	data(I,Adr),
+	get0(NNC),	lines(NNC).
+lines(X) :- get0(C),lines(C).
+count([],NC,0,I) :-!, hex(NC,I).
+count([H|T],NC,N,I) :- N1 = N-1, get0(H),
+	count(T,NC,N1,I).
+hex(L,V) :- hex(L,V,0).
+hex([],V,V) :-!.
+hex([H|T],Y,V) :- H>47,H<58, !,V1 = V*16+H-48,hex(T,Y,V1).
+hex([H|T],Y,V) :- H>64,H<71, !,V1 = V*16+H-65+10,hex(T,Y,V1).
+hex([H|T],Y,V) :- H>96,H<103,!,V1 = V*16+H-97+10,hex(T,Y,V1).
+data(0,_) :-!.
+data(N,Adr) :-
+	get0(C),count(T,[C|T],1,Data),
+	Adr1 = Adr-N,
+%	assert(mem(Adr1,Data)),
+	*mem(Adr1) := Data,
+	N1 = N-1,
+	data(N1,Adr).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/dining_phil/di	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+	Sta=think_,
+	@Sta=pick_l.
+	(@Lfork=Id,	@Sta=pick_r
+	; @Sta=pick_l).
+philosopher(Lfork,Rfork,Sta,Id):-Sta=pick_r, @Lfork=Lfork,
+	(@Rfork=Id,	@Sta=eating
+	; @Sta=pick_r).
+	Sta=eating,
+	@Rfork=Rfork,
+	@Sta=free_l.
+	Sta=free_l,
+	@Sta=free_r.
+	Sta=free_r,
+	@Sta=think_.
+	length(20),
+	[Fa,Fb,Fc,Fd,Fe]=F,
+	[Sta,Stb,Stc,Std,Ste]=S,
+       #philosopher(Fa,Fb,Sta,a),
+       #philosopher(Fb,Fc,Stb,b),
+       #philosopher(Fc,Fd,Stc,c),
+       #philosopher(Fd,Fe,Std,e),
+       #philosopher(Fe,Fa,Ste,f),
+       #write((Sta,Stb,Stc,Std,Ste,-(Fa,Fb,Fc,Fd,Fe))).
+d0:- dining_philosopher(
+	[_,b,b,e,e],
+	[think_,eating,think_,eating,think_]).
+d1:- dining_philosopher(
+	[_,_,_,_,_],
+	[think_,think_,think_,think_,think_]).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/dining_phil/ve	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ph_think(L,R,I)         :- @free(L,R,I),less(4)
+	&& ph_left(L,R,I).
+ph_left(L,R,I)          :- @left(L,R,I),skip
+	&& ph_eat(L,R,I).
+ph_eat(L,R,I)           :- @both(L,R,I),length(2)
+	&& ph_left_off(L,R,I).
+ph_left_off(L,R,I)      :- @right(L,R,I),skip
+	    && ph_think(L,R,I).
+    less(N) :- M=N,less1(M).
+    less1(N) :- N = 0, empty.
+    less1(N) :- @N = N+1,next(less1(N)).
+ph_think(L,R,I)         :- empty.
+ph_left(L,R,I)          :- empty.
+ph_eat(L,R,I)           :- empty.
+ph_left_off(L,R,I)      :- empty.
+diningPh(Sa,Sb,Sc) :- 
+	ph_think(A,B,(1,Sa)),
+	ph_think(B,C,(2,Sb)),
+	ph_think(C,A,(3,Sc)),
+	#write((Sa,Sb,Sc)).
+test :- length(10),diningPh(A,B,C).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/dekker	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+'$define' progress(Cr1,Crit,Conc):-
+		#(Cr1=true),Crit
+	&&	@ (#(Cr1=false),Conc).
+'$define' ( exclusion(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2,Crit,Conc):- H )
+'$clause' ( H :-
+	Cr1=true,
+	enter(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2)
+	&&	progress(Cr1,Crit,Conc)
+	&&	@ H) .
+enter(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2) :-
+	Cr2=true,T=Id2,@Cr1=false,
+	@enter(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2).
+enter(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2) :-
+	Cr2=true,T=Id,@Cr1=true,@T=Id,
+	@trust(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2).
+enter(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2) :-
+	Cr2=false,@Cr1=true,skip.
+trust(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2) :-stable(T),
+	Cr2=true,@Cr1=true,
+	@trust(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2).
+trust(Id,Id2,T,Cr1,Cr2) :-
+	Cr2=false,@Cr1=true,skip.
+	exclusion(0,1,T,Cr1,Cr2,critical(0),concurrent(0)),
+	exclusion(1,0,T,Cr2,Cr1,critical(1),concurrent(1)).
+	keep((write('critical-region'),write(Id),nl)).
+	keep((write('concurrent-region'),write(Id),nl)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/mac	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* Three diferent descriptions of
+	calcurate maginitude of vector */
+/* data flow calcuration */
+	Aab = 0, Bab = 0, G = 0, Res = 0,
+	L = 0, Sqs = 0, G1 = 0,  % initialize 
+	#abs_unit(A,Aab),
+	#abs_unit(B,Bab),
+	#maxmin(Aab,Bab,G,L),
+	#calc(G,L,Sqs),
+	#delay(G,G1),
+	#result(G1,Sqs,Res).
+	@G1 = G.
+	if I < 0 then @O = -I else @O = I .
+	if I1 > I2 then (@O1 = I1, @O2 = I2)
+        	   else (@O1 = I2, @O2 = I1) .
+	@O = I1 * 7 / 8 + I2 / 2 .
+	if I1 > I2 then @O = I1 else @O = I2 .
+/* algorithmic description */
+	(if A < 0 
+	   then Aab <- - A
+	   else Aab <- A ),
+	(if B < 0 
+	   then Bab <- - B
+	   else Bab <- B )
+    &&
+	(if Aab > Bab 
+	   then G <- Aab, L <- Bab
+	   else G <- Bab, L <- Aab)
+    &&
+     	Sqs <- G * 7 / 8 + L / 2 , G <- G
+    &&
+	(if G > Sqs 
+	   then Res <- G
+	   else Res <- Sqs).
+/* head is interval name */
+mag_name(A,B,Res) :- int1(A,B,Res).
+int1(A,B,Res) :-
+        skip,
+        (if A < 0 then Aab <- - A
+                  else Aab <- A ),
+        (if B < 0 then Bab <- - B
+                  else Bab <- B )
+    &&  int2(Aab,Bab,Res).
+int2(Aab,Bab,Res) :-
+        skip,
+        (if Aab > Bab
+           then (G <- Aab, L <- Bab)
+           else (G <- Bab, L <- Aab))
+    &&  int3(G,L,Res).
+int3(G,L,Res) :-
+        skip,
+        Sqs <- G * 7 / 8 + L / 2 , G <- G
+    &&  int4(Sqs,G,Res).
+int4(Sqs,G,Res) :-
+	skip,
+        (if G > Sqs
+           then Res <- G
+           else Res <- Sqs)
+    &&	true.
+/* data generator */
+input_data(0,[]) :- !,empty.
+	V = H,
+	@T = T,
+	@input_data(V,T).
+write_fk(A) :- fin(write(A)),keep(write(A)).
+test1:- A=5,B=6,
+	magasync(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+test2:- Va = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], Vb = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
+	input_data(A,Va),input_data(B,Vb),
+	magasync_dataflow(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+test3:- A=5,B=6,
+	mag_name(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/memory	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+store(Adr,Value0,Contents) :-
+    Value = Value0,
+    Now = Contents,
+    store0(0,Adr,Value,Now,Next),
+    Contents <- Next.
+store0(Adr,Adr1,Value,N,NN) :- Adr=Adr1,!,N=[_|Tail],NN=[Value|Tail].
+store0(I,  Adr,Value,N,NN) :- N=[V|Now],NN=[V|Next],
+    I1 = I+1,
+    store0(I1,Adr,Value,Now,Next). 
+fetch(Adr,Value0,Contents) :-
+    Now = Contents,
+    fetch0(0,Adr,Value,Now),
+    stable( Contents ),
+    Value0 <- Value.
+fetch0(Adr,Adr1,N,NN) :- Adr=Adr1,!,N=Value,NN=[Value|_].
+fetch0(I,  Adr,N,NN) :- N=Value,NN=[_|Now],
+    I1 = I+1,
+    fetch0(I1,Adr,Value,Now). 
+memory(Adr,Cmd,Data,Contents) :- (
+    if Cmd=read       then fetch(Adr,Data,Contents)
+    else if Cmd=write then store(Adr,Data,Contents)
+    else stable(Contents)) && memory(Adr,Cmd,Data,Contents).
+memory(Adr,Cmd,Data,Contents) :- empty.
+test :- store(0,0,Contents) && store(3,1,Contents) &&
+	stable(Contents) &&
+	fetch(0,A,Contents),fetch(3,B,Contents),
+	fin(write( (A,B) )).
+test2 :- length(20),(
+    Cmd=write,Data=1,Adr=0 &&
+    Cmd=write,Data=2,Adr=3 &&
+    Cmd=off &&
+    Cmd=read,Adr=0 &&
+    Cmd=off &&
+    Cmd=read,Adr=3 &&
+    Cmd=off ),
+    memory(Adr,Cmd,Data,Contents),
+    #write((Adr,Cmd,Data)),#nl.
+% memory using global variable
+memory :- (
+    if *cmd=read       then fetch
+    else if *cmd=write then store) && memory.
+memory :- empty.
+store :-
+    Value = *data,
+    Now = *contents, Adr = *adr, Value = *data,
+    store0(0,Adr,Value,Now,Next),
+    *contents <= Next. 
+fetch :-
+    Adr = *adr, Now = *contents,
+    fetch0(0,Adr,Value,Now),
+    *data <= Value.
+test3 :- length(20),(
+    *cmd:=write,*data:=1,*adr:=0 &&
+    *cmd:=write,*data:=2,*adr:=3 &&
+    *cmd:=off &&
+    *cmd:=read,*adr:=0 &&
+    *cmd:=off &&
+    *cmd:=read,*adr:=3 &&
+    *cmd:=off ),
+    memory,
+    #((  Adr = *adr, Cmd = *cmd, Data = *data,
+	write((Adr,Cmd,Data)),
+	nl )).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/rsffdelay	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+rs(R,S,NQ,Q) :-
+    (nand(S,Q,NQ,2) && true),
+    (nand(R,NQ,Q,3) && true).
+nand(A,B,Out,Delay) :-
+    A = 1,B = 1,
+    length(Delay),
+    Out <- 0 .
+nand(A,B,Out,Delay) :-
+    A = 1,B = 0,
+    length(Delay), 
+    Out <- 1 .
+nand(A,B,Out,Delay) :-
+    A = 0,B = 1,
+    length(Delay), 
+    Out <- 1 .
+nand(A,B,Out,Delay) :-
+    A = 0,B = 0,
+    length(Delay), 
+    Out <- 1 .
+test :- data(R,S),
+    #rs(R,S,NQ,Q),
+    #write((NQ,Q)).
+data(R,S) :- length(4),
+    read((R,S)),
+    stable(R),stable(S)
+ && @data(R,S).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/rsflipflop	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+rs(R,S,Q,NQ) :-
+	nand(R,NQ,Q),
+	nand(S,Q,NQ).
+nand(A,B,Out) :-
+	A = 1,B = 1,
+	@Out = 0.
+nand(A,B,Out) :-
+	A = 1,B = 0,
+	@Out = 1.
+nand(A,B,Out) :-
+	A = 0,B = 1,
+	@Out = 1.
+nand(A,B,Out) :-
+	A = 0,B = 0,
+	@Out = 1.
+test :- #(notEmpty),
+	#read((R,S)),
+	#rs(R,S,Q,NQ),
+	#write((Q,NQ)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/send	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%                                                %
+% example of handshake                           %
+%                                                %
+% try  tokio hand. I don't know how to stop it
+$define (loop(X) :- H) $clause (H :- X && H).
+hand :-	Hear=0,Call=0,
+	send(Call,Hear,Data),		% all always
+	receive(Call,Hear,Data),
+	#(write((Call,Hear,Data))).
+% sender and receiver
+send(Call,Hear,Data) :- 
+	#send_sync(Call,Hear),send_data(Call,Hear,Data,0).
+    send_sync(Call,Hear) :- Hear=0, Call=0, @Call = 1.
+    send_sync(Call,Hear) :- Hear=0, Call=1.
+    send_sync(Call,Hear) :- Hear=1, Call=1, @Call = 0.
+    send_sync(Call,Hear) :- Hear=1, Call=0.
+    send_data(Call,Hear,Data,I) :-
+	halt(Call=1)
+	&	#(Data=I), halt(Call=0)
+	&	J <-- I+1, @send_data(Call,Hear,Data, J).
+receive(Call,Hear,Data) :-
+	#receive_sync(Call,Hear),receive_data(Call,Hear,Data).
+    receive_sync(Call,Hear) :- Call=1, Hear=0, @Hear = 1.
+    receive_sync(Call,Hear) :- Call=1, Hear=1.
+    receive_sync(Call,Hear) :- Call=0, Hear=1, @Hear = 0.
+    receive_sync(Call,Hear) :- Call=0, Hear=0.
+    receive_data(Call,Hear,Data) :-
+	halt(Hear=1)
+	&	write(accept(Data)),halt(Hear=0)
+	&	@receive_data(Call,Hear,Data).
+% end of examples
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/solve	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+	tokio interpreter on tokio
+		Thu Sep  4 11:06:06 GMT+9:00 1986
+% main parts
+solve((A,B)):- solve(A),solve(B).
+solve(A):- t_clause(A,B),solve(B).
+%% temporal operators
+solve((A && B)):-
+	solve(A) && solve(B).
+	#solve(A).
+	@solve(A).
+	next(solve(A)).
+	keep(solve(A)).
+	length(N).
+%% functions
+solve(A=B) :- eval(A,V),eval(B,V1),!,V=V1.
+eval(V1,V) :- atomic(V1),!,V=V1.
+eval(V1,V) :- var(V1),!,V=V1.
+eval(@A,V) :- next(eval(A,V1)), V = @V1.
+eval(A+B,V) :- eval(A,AA),eval(B,BB), V=AA+BB.
+%% system predicates
+solve(A):- sys(A),prolog(A).
+%% assertions
+t_clause( counter(A) , (@A=A+1, next(counter(A)))).
+t_clause( ap([],A,A) , true).
+t_clause( ap([H|X],Y,[H|Z]), ap(X,Y,Z)).
+%% tester
+test1 :- solve((
+	length(5),#write(1)
+    )).
+test2 :- solve((
+	length(3),#write(0) &&
+	length(2),#write(1)
+    )).
+test3 :- solve((    % this does not work
+	length(5),A=1, #(@A=A+1), #write(A)
+    )).
+test4 :- solve((
+	length(5),A=1,counter(A),#write(A)
+    )).
+test5 :- solve((
+	ap(A,B,[1,2,3]),write((A,B)),nl,fail
+    )).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/etc/talk	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%  Talk Program for Tokio
+% 	Tue Jul  5 01:18:04 JST 1988 
+talk(A,B) :- 
+	#key(A,In1),#crt(A,Out1),
+	#key(B,In2),#crt(A,Out2),
+	Buffer1 = [],   Buffer2 = [],
+	merge_dequeue(In1,In2,Out1,Buffer1),
+	merge_dequeue(In2,In1,Out2,Buffer2).
+key(Who,Input) :-  write(Who),write(':in:'), read(Input).
+crt(Who,Output) :- write(Who),write(':out:'),write(Output),nl.  
+merge_dequeue(In1,In2,Out,Buffer) :-
+	merge(In1,In2,Buffer),
+	@ dequeue(Out,Buffer),
+	@ @ merge_dequeue(In1,In2,Out,Buffer).
+merge(In1,In2,Buffer) :- In1 = none, In2 = none,!, 
+	@Buffer = Buffer.
+merge(In1,In2,Buffer) :- In1 = none, !,
+	ap(Buffer,[In2],@Buffer).
+merge(In1,In2,Buffer) :- In2 = none, !,
+	ap(Buffer,[In1],@Buffer).
+merge(In1,In2,Buffer) :- 			% non deterministic choice
+	ap(Buffer,[In2],@Buffer).
+merge(In1,In2,Buffer) :- 
+	ap(Buffer,[In1],@Buffer).
+dequeue(Out, Buffer) :- Buffer = [],!.
+dequeue(Out, Buffer) :- Buffer = [Out|@Buffer].
+ap(Nil,X,X1) :- Nil = [], X = X1.
+ap(HX,Z,HY)  :- HX = [H|X], HY = [H|Y],
+	ap(X,Y,Z).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/kiss/keyc.kiss2	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+.i 7 
+.o 6 
+.p 170 
+.s 19
+---0000 st0 st1 1-0000
+---0100 st0 st2 1-0001
+---0010 st0 st2 1-0001
+---0001 st0 st2 1-0001
+---1100 st0 st3 1-0001
+---1000 st0 st3 1-0001
+---011- st0 st0 -00001
+---01-1 st0 st0 -00001
+---101- st0 st0 -00001
+---10-1 st0 st0 -00001
+---111- st0 st0 -00001
+---11-1 st0 st0 -00001
+-----11 st0 st0 -00001
+0000000 st1 st4 1-0010
+1000000 st1 st5 0-0010
+0100000 st1 st5 0-0010
+0010000 st1 st5 0-0010
+0001000 st1 st5 0-0010
+0000100 st1 st5 0-0010
+0000010 st1 st5 0-0010
+0000001 st1 st5 0-0010
+11----- st1 st0 -00010
+1-1---- st1 st0 -00010
+1--1--- st1 st0 -00010
+1---1-- st1 st0 -00010
+1----1- st1 st0 -00010
+1-----1 st1 st0 -00010
+-11---- st1 st0 -00010
+-1-1--- st1 st0 -00010
+-1--1-- st1 st0 -00010
+-1---1- st1 st0 -00010
+-1----1 st1 st0 -00010
+--11--- st1 st0 -00010
+--1-1-- st1 st0 -00010
+--1--1- st1 st0 -00010
+--1---1 st1 st0 -00010
+---11-- st1 st0 -00010
+---1-1- st1 st0 -00010
+---1--1 st1 st0 -00010
+----11- st1 st0 -00010
+----1-1 st1 st0 -00010
+-----11 st1 st0 -00010
+0000000 st2 st5 --0011
+1------ st2 st0 -00011
+-1----- st2 st0 -00011
+--1---- st2 st0 -00011
+---1--- st2 st0 -00011
+----1-- st2 st0 -00011
+-----1- st2 st0 -00011
+------1 st2 st0 -00011
+0000000 st3 st6 1-0100
+0011000 st3 st5 0-0100
+0000100 st3 st5 0-0100
+0000010 st3 st5 0-0100
+0000001 st3 st5 0-0100
+1------ st3 st0 -00100
+-1----- st3 st0 -00100
+--01--- st3 st0 -00100
+--10--- st3 st0 -00100
+--111-- st3 st0 -00100
+--11-1- st3 st0 -00100
+--11--1 st3 st0 -00100
+----11- st3 st0 -00100
+----1-1 st3 st0 -00100
+-----11 st3 st0 -00100
+-000000 st4 st7 1-0101
+-100000 st4 st8 0-0101
+-010000 st4 st8 0-0101
+-001000 st4 st8 0-0101
+-000100 st4 st8 0-0101
+-000010 st4 st8 0-0101
+-000001 st4 st8 0-0101
+-11---- st4 st0 -00101
+-1-1--- st4 st0 -00101
+-1--1-- st4 st0 -00101
+-1---1- st4 st0 -00101
+-1----1 st4 st0 -00101
+--11--- st4 st0 -00101
+--1-1-- st4 st0 -00101
+--1--1- st4 st0 -00101
+--1---1 st4 st0 -00101
+---11-- st4 st0 -00101
+---1-1- st4 st0 -00101
+---1--1 st4 st0 -00101
+----11- st4 st0 -00101
+----1-1 st4 st0 -00101
+-----11 st4 st0 -00101
+-000000 st5 st8 0-0110
+-1----- st5 st0 -00110
+--1---- st5 st0 -00110
+---1--- st5 st0 -00110
+----1-- st5 st0 -00110
+-----1- st5 st0 -00110
+------1 st5 st0 -00110
+-011000 st6 st8 0-0111
+-000100 st6 st8 0-0111
+-000010 st6 st8 0-0111
+-000001 st6 st8 0-0111
+-000000 st6 st9 1-0111
+-1----- st6 st0 -00111
+--01--- st6 st0 -00111
+--10--- st6 st0 -00111
+--111-- st6 st0 -00111
+--11-1- st6 st0 -00111
+--11--1 st6 st0 -00111
+----11- st6 st0 -00111
+----1-1 st6 st0 -00111
+-----11 st6 st0 -00111
+--00000 st7 st10 1-1000
+--10000 st7 st11 0-1000
+--01000 st7 st11 0-1000
+--00100 st7 st11 0-1000
+--00010 st7 st11 0-1000
+--00001 st7 st11 0-1000
+--11--- st7 st0 -01000
+--1-1-- st7 st0 -01000
+--1--1- st7 st0 -01000
+--1---1 st7 st0 -01000
+---11-- st7 st0 -01000
+---1-1- st7 st0 -01000
+---1--1 st7 st0 -01000
+----11- st7 st0 -01000
+----1-1 st7 st0 -01000
+-----11 st7 st0 -01000
+--00000 st8 st11 0-1001
+--1---- st8 st0 -01001
+---1--- st8 st0 -01001
+----1-- st8 st0 -01001
+-----1- st8 st0 -01001
+------1 st8 st0 -01001
+--00000 st9 st12 --1010
+--11000 st9 st11 0-1010
+--00100 st9 st11 0-1010
+--00010 st9 st11 0-1010
+--00001 st9 st11 0-1010
+--01--- st9 st0 -01010
+--10--- st9 st0 -01010
+--111-- st9 st0 -01010
+--11-1- st9 st0 -01010
+--11--1 st9 st0 -01010
+----11- st9 st0 -01010
+----1-1 st9 st0 -01010
+-----11 st9 st0 -01010
+----000 st10 st13 1-1011
+----100 st10 st14 0-1011
+----010 st10 st14 0-1011
+----001 st10 st14 0-1011
+----11- st10 st0 -01011
+----1-1 st10 st0 -01011
+-----11 st10 st0 -01011
+----000 st11 st14 0-1100
+----1-- st11 st0 -01100
+-----1- st11 st0 -01100
+------1 st11 st0 -01100
+-----00 st12 st14 --1101
+-----1- st12 st0 -01101
+------1 st12 st0 -01101
+-----00 st13 st15 1-1110
+-----10 st13 st16 0-1110
+-----01 st13 st16 0-1110
+-----11 st13 st0 -01110
+-----00 st14 st16 0-1111
+-----1- st14 st0 -01111
+------1 st14 st0 -01111
+------0 st15 st17 --0000
+------1 st15 st18 0-0000
+------0 st16 st18 0-0001
+------1 st16 st0 -00001
+------- st17 st0 -00010
+------- st18 st0 -10011
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/kiss/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/lecture/manual	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ 10 
+.ll 50 
+.ul 1
+1   What is Tokio
+.sp 1
+1.1 Preface
+.sp 1
+      Tokio is a hardware description language based on Interval Temporal
+Logic (ITL) [1], which can also describe concurrency.
+Although Tempura (by Moszkowski) [2], based on Interval Temporal Logic (ITL),
+is well known as such a language,
+ITL also completely includes First Order Predicate Logic,
+and therefore Tokio includes Prolog, too .
+.sp 1
+1.2 Tokio Time
+.sp 1
+      Time in Tokio is discrete and represented by integers.
+An interval I in Tokio has a finite length, its beginning time is I.beg
+and its ending time is I.fin.
+It is necessary that 'I.beg' =< 'I.fin' .
+.sp 1
+1.3 Temporal Operators
+.sp 1
+       In order to introduce the idea of time into Prolog, we need 
+.ul 1
+temporal operators. 
+These operators describe time relationships.
+A goal is executed in an interval 'I'. In fact,
+a goal which has no temporal operators 
+is executed at the beginning of the interval
+ie. 'I.beg'.
+    A Tokio program with no temporal
+operator is executed in (the beginning of) the same
+In this case, programs run in the same way as Prolog. For example,
+the goals 'q','r' of the following clause
+    p:-q,r.
+are executed in the same interval 'I' (exactly speaking, at the beginning 
+of the interval 'I', that is 'I.beg').
+.sp 1
+    Here we introduce several temporal operators.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    We introduce the
+.ul 1 
+chop operator
+which describes the order of execution of two goals.
+The chop operator is defined as '&&' .
+    p:-q && r.
+    The chop operator divides the interval 'Ip'
+(in which 'p' is executed)
+into two intervals. In the first one (that is in Iq) 'q' is executed,
+and in the latter one (that is in Ir) 'r' is executed.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    The
+.ul 1
+next operator
+\'@' means the execution at the next time.
+While the present interval is between 'I.beg' and 'I.fin',
+goals with a next operator are executed
+at the beginning of the interval 
+which is between 'I.beg+1' and 'I.fin'.
+    p :- @q.
+\'q' is executed at the next time 'p' is executed.
+    If I.beg = I.fin (that is length(I) = 0), @p will
+.ul 1
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    The
+.ul 1
+next operator
+\'next' means almost same as '@'.
+    But if I.beg = I.fin, next(p) is
+.ul 1
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    Goals with the
+.ul 1
+always operator
+\'#' are executed in all the subintervals of the interval.
+    p :- #q. 
+\'q' is executed in all the subintervals of
+the interval in which 'P' is executed. 
+    The ends of all subintervals must be same.
+This is the difference from another next operator '||'.
+(See 1.6 Definition of Interval)
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    Goals with the
+.ul 1
+always operator
+\'||' are executed in all the subintervals of the interval.
+    p :- '||'q. 
+\'q' is executed in all the  subintervals of
+the interval in which 'p' is executed. 
+    The ends of all subintervals must
+.ul 1
+be same.
+(See 1.6 Definition of Interval)
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    Goals with the
+.ul 1
+sometime oprator
+\'<>' are executed at some time in the interval.
+    p :- <>q.
+\'q' is executed at some time in the interval in which 'P' is executed.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    Goals with the
+.ul 1
+keep operator	
+are executed all times except the last one of the interval.
+    p :- keep(q).
+    'q' is executed all the time in interval 'Ip' in which 'p' is executed
+except the last time 'I.fin'.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    The
+.ul 1
+fin operator
+is used when we execute the goal at the end of the interval.
+    p :- fin(q).
+    'q' is executed at the end time ('Ip.fin') of the interval
+in which 'p' is executed.
+.sp 1
+1.4 Tokio Variables
+.sp 1 2
+1.4.1 Form
+    The
+.ul 1
+Tokio variable
+has different values at every time
+and each of them is logic variable in Prolog.
+Tokio variable is considered a sequence of logic variables.
+    A tokio variable is essentially only a logic variable,
+there are some forms of variables in order to ease programming.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    When the predicate stable(X) is executed,
+variable 'X' has the same value throughout the interval
+in which this predicate is executed.
+stable(X) is defined as follows.
+       stable(X) :- keep(@X = X).
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    When the predicate 
+global([atom1,atom2, ... ,atomN]) is defined,
+atoms in the list are
+recorded as variable names of global variables.
+After the definition, the name is used as a normal Tokio variable
+in the form of '*variableName'. With global variable, the following clauses
+    a(X,Y) :- 
+      X = 1, Y = 1, b(X), c(Y).
+    b(X) :- X = ...
+    c(Y) :- Y = ...
+can be translated as follows.
+    global([x,y]).
+    a :- *x = 1, *y = 1, b, c.
+    b :- *x = ...
+    c :- *y = ...
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+    A static variable keeps a value from an old binding until new binding.
+This is the same as variables in Pascal etc.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+:=, <=
+    There are two ways to assign the static variables a value as follows.
+    *s := 1. ---(1)
+    *s <= 1. ---(2)
+    A value is assigned at current time in (1),
+but the value is assigned at the end of the interval in (2).
+\':=' corresponds to '=' in the case of general Tokio variables,
+and '<=' corresponds to '<-' in that case. (See 1.4.2)
+.sp 1
+1.4.2 Evaluation
+    Usually Tokio variables have all the values of each time.
+In executing goals, unification is done from now to infinite future.
+    On the other hand, some predicates are necessary
+to deal with individual value of variable at a certain time.
+Such predicates are called evaluable predicates.
+.ul 1
+    '=' unifies a value at current time and another at current time.
+    X = Y.
+means to take out the value of Tokio variables 'X' and 'Y'
+which have all the values of each time and unify them.
+    '=' can unify static variables or function, too.
+.ul 1
+    '<-' unifies a value at the beginning of an interval
+and another value at the end of that interval.
+    X <- Y.
+means to unify the value of 'Y' at the beginning of an interval
+and the value of 'X' at the end of that interval.
+.ul 1
+    '@' unifies a value at current time
+and another value at the next time.
+    @X = Y. 
+means to unify the value of 'Y' at current time
+and the value of 'X' at the next time.
+.sp 1 -2
+1.5 Tokio Function
+.sp 1
+gets : 8 
+\'A gets B' means 'keep(B = @A)'.
+The value of a Tokio variable B at current time
+is unified with the value of Tokio variable A
+at the next time, and this operation is
+executed at all times of an interval
+except at the end of that interval. -8
++,-,*,/,mod,^,int,var : 8
+These functions can be used. -8
+size(U) : 8
+Return the number of arguments in the list U. -8
+I thof U : 8
+Return the I'th argument in the list U.
+Example; 2 thof [a,b,c,d] is c.
+                 0 1 2 3 -8
+slice(U,H,T) : 8
+Return a list consists of H'th, H+1'th, ... , T'th arguments
+of the list U.
+Example; slice([a,b,c,[d,e]],2,3) is [c,[d,e]]. -8
+Begin to End; 8
+Begin and End is integer.
+Return the list of [Begin, Begin + 1, ... , End]. -8
+.sp 1
+1.6 Definition of Interval
+.sp 1
+    Interval I is defined by a pair of integers <I.beg, I.fin>,
+and the value of I.fin is decided nondeterminately.
+    In Tokio, an execution of a goal G in the interval Ig starts at Ig.big
+and ends at I.fin.(=I.beg + N). 
+In this case, N is an integer which is larger than 0 or equal to 0 
+and is decided nondeterminately. N varies by time backtrack.(See 1.7
+.ul 1
+    In order to decide the length of an interval, there is 
+a predicate 
+.ul 1
+For example, the predicate length(N) sets the I.fin to 
+satisfy I.fin = I.beg + N . 1
+.ul 1
+    The predicate 
+.ul 1
+means length(0).
+.sp 1
+    Temporal operators also decide intervals. 1
+.ul 1
+chop operator
+    For example; p && q. ----- (1)
+    At first, we assume that I is an interval of 'p && q', Ip is that of 'p',
+and Iq is that of 'q'.
+Then I, Ip, and Iq are decided as follows.
+    |----------|----------|
+    \\_____________________/       I
+    \\__________/\\_________/  
+        Ip   	    Iq
+.sp 1
+    The execution is as follows.
+[1] 'p && q' is tried to be executed at I.beg.
+[2] Ip.beg is equal to I.beg, and 'p' is executed at Ip.beg(=I.beg).
+[3] Ip.fin = Ip.beg + Np, and Np is decided nondeteminately.
+[4] Iq.beg is equal to Ip.fin, and
+'q' is executed at Iq.beg(=Ip.fin).
+[5] Iq.fin = Iq.beg + Nq.
+[6] The execution of the whole goal
+'p && q' ends and I.fin is equal to Iq.fin.
+    Then we consider the case of including the 'length' predicate.
+    For example; length(2),p && q. ------(2)
+    I.fin is decided as mentioned. Because of 'length(2)',
+if I.fin is not equal to I.beg + 2, time backtrack arises
+and Np and Nq are decided in another way.
+    In Tokio, the length of an interval is decided in the following way.
+[1] If there is a length specification (such as length(2) )
+it must be satisfied.
+[2] If there are no length appointment,
+length is decided 1,2,3, ----,N.
+N is smaller than the length of the parent interval.
+That is, the length of 'p' is shorter than the length of 'p && q'.
+[3] The length is 0.
+But if N in case [2] is infinite, length cannot be 0.
+    In case of example(1),
+Np and Nq are decided in following order.
+    Np    Nq
+    1	  1 
+    1     2 
+    1     3
+    1     4 
+    .     .
+    .     .
+.sp 1
+    In case of example(2),
+Np and Nq cannot be larger than 2, they are decided in following order.
+    Np    Nq
+    1     1
+    2     0
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+next operator
+    Examples;
+    p,@q.
+    At first, we assume the interval of 'p,@q' is I and that of 'q"
+is Iq.
+    The execution of 'p,@q' in the interval I consists of the
+execution of 'p' in I and the execution of 'q' in Iq.
+    I and Iq are as follows:
+    |----|----|----|----|----|
+    \\________________________/ I
+         \\___________________/ Iq
+    The execution is as follows:
+[1] 'p,@q' is tried to be executed at I.beg.
+[2] 'p' is executed at I.beg.
+[3] '@q' is also tried to be executed at I.beg.
+[4] 'q' is executed at Iq.beg(= I.beg + 1).
+[5] The execution 
+of whole goal 'p,@q' ends, and I.fin is equal to Iq.fin. 
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+always operators # , ||
+    Examples;
+test1 :- length(5),#bb.
+test2 :- length(5),#aa.
+test3 :- length(5),'||'aa.
+aa    :- length(1),write(aa),nl.
+bb    :- write(bb),nl.
+    Test1 and test3 succeed but test2 fails.
+    Subintervals in the case of test1 and test3 are as follows.
+(See 1.3 Temporal Operator)
+    |----|----|----|----|----|  
+    \\________________________/ interval of test1 
+    \\________________________/
+         \\___________________/ subintervals 
+ 	      \\______________/ in which
+                   \\_________/ bb is executed
+                        \\____/	
+    |----|----|----|----|----|  
+    \\________________________/ interval of test3 
+    \\____/
+         \\____/                subintervals 
+              \\____/  	        in which
+                   \\____/      aa is executed
+                        \\____/	
+    In case of test2, the ends of subintervals in which aa is executed
+cannot be same because of length specification, and so test2 fails.
+.sp 1
+1.7 Backtrack
+.sp 1
+    There are two kinds of backtrack in Tokio. 
+One is the same as in Prolog, and 
+the other is time backtrack. 
+Time backtrack redefines the length of interval. 
+    Time backtrack cause fail in prolog mode or repeat_fail mode.
+(See 2.3 Modes)
+.ul 1
+.sp 1
+2   Using Tokio
+    The usage of Tokio is very similar to that of Prolog. 
+.sp 1
+2.1 Startup, Halt, and Reading-in programs
+.sp 1
+    These are same as in Prolog.
+    Prompt in Tokio is 'tokio: ?-'. This is different from in Prolog.
+.sp 1
+2.2 Break and Abort
+.sp 1
+    The way to break or abort is
+the same as in Prolog.
+But when break or abort arises,
+the prompt is turned into '| ?- ' and in this condition
+Tokio cannot be executed.
+    After a break or abort arises,
+there are two ways to execute Tokio.
+    One is to give the directive '| ?-
+.ul 1
+\', and Tokio can be executed again and the prompt is turned
+into 'tokio: ?- ' again. The other way is to give the directives
+'| ?-
+.ul 1
+tokio aa.
+\' and the Tokio predicate aa can be executed.
+.sp 1
+2.3 Modes
+.sp 1
+    There are three modes in Tokio. 
+That is (1) recursion (2) repeat_fail (3) prolog.
+    In prolog mode the system executes Prolog,
+in repeat_fail mode the system executes Tokio without time backtrack,
+and in recursion mode the system executes Tokio normally.
+    When system gives us the message "out of global stack" in Tokio mode,
+we may change the mode from recursion to repeat_fail, because 
+in recursion mode system needs very large stack area for time backtrack.
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+2.4 Source files
+    Executable file 'tokio' is made by 'makefile'.
+Following is a list of makefile.
+% makefile
+tokio		: tokio.bin
+	echo	'exec cprolog -q tokio.bin' > tokio
+	chmod 755 tokio
+tokio.bin	: tokio_src tokio_dat tokio_dbg
+                  tokio_evl tokio_startup
+                  tokio_sys tokio_uty
+	cprolog < tokio_startup 
+.sp 1
+    Therefore following files are consulted in executing Tokio.
+    tokio_dat : date structure
+    tokio_dbg : debugger
+    tokio_evl : function evaluator
+    tokio_src : main routine
+    tokio_startup : tokio startup
+    tokio_sys : system predicate
+    tokio_uty : utility
+    xref.def  : prolog predicate
+.sp 1
+2.5 Operator declaration
+.sp 1
+    Operators in Tokio is declared as follows.
+:-op(1170, xfx  ,( :: )).
+                  % tokio formula  definition
+:-op(1160, fx   ,(tokio)).         
+          % tokio formula  interpreter
+:-op(1150, fx   , [(if),(while)]).
+:-op(1140, xfx  , [(else),(do)]).
+:-op(1130, xfx  , (then)).
+:-op(1120, xfy  , ('&&')).
+:-op(900,  fx   ,
+           ['<>',#,'|a|','|t|','||',beg,halt]).        
+:-op(700,  xfy , [\=,===] ).
+:-op(700,  xfy , [:=] ).
+          % static assignment instanteanous
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<=] ).          
+          % static temporal assignment 
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<-] ).
+          % temporal assignment
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<--] ).
+          % force constrant
+:-op(700,  xfy , gets ).
+          % repeatedly assignment
+:-op(600,  xfx , to ).         % range
+:-op(150,  fy  , @).           % next oprator
+:-op(140,  fx  , *).           % variables
+.sp 1
+.ul 1
+3.  Debugging
+    Debugging in Tokio is also very similar to that in Prolog.
+Resemblance between Tokio and Prolog is almost omitted in this section.
+.sp 1
+3.1 The Procedure of Debugging 
+.sp 1
+    Debugging starts by the command 'tokiotrace'.
+    For example, to debug a predicate 'ppp',
+give the directives 'tokiotrace, ppp.'.
+    Call, Fail, and Back are the same as those in Prolog.
+Exit is a little different from that in Prolog.
+In Tokio, any predicate "exit" at the time when it is called.
+    Following is an example.
+.sp 1
+Script started on Thu Aug 29 17:48:07 1985
+% tokio
+C-Prolog version 1.5
+A tokio interpreter 	Ver 7.0 8/26/85
+		S.Kohno and M.Fujita  Tokyo Univ.
+tokio: ?- [ab].
+ab consulted 140 bytes 0.266669 sec.
+tokio: ?- tokiotrace,testd.
+t0:tokiodebugon   h:s
+t0:testd   h:
+t0:aa   h:
+t0:write(aa)   h:
+.ul 1
+t1:bb   h:
+t1:write(bb)   h:
+tokio: ?- halt.
+[ Prolog execution halted ]
+.sp 1
+---------- list of file ab ----------
+testd :- aa && bb.
+aa    :- length(1),write(aa).
+bb    :- length(1),write(bb).
+.sp 1
+3.2 Options
+.sp 1
+    Options available during debugging are following.
+       a : abort 		b : break
+       d : dump 		h : help 
+       l : leap 		s : skip
+       q : quasi-skip           t : time skip
+       End-of-Line : creep
+    These are also the same as in Prolog except 'd' and 't'.
+    Dump shows the value of static variables at each time
+like the following.
+    2 of addr is [a,s]
+    1 of addr is [a]
+This expression means that the value of a static variable 'addr'
+is [a,s] at time 2 and [a] at time 1.
+    Time skip means to skip to the end of the time.
+.sp 1
+3.3 Time Trace
+.sp 1
+    There are three modes of tracing, that is tron, trtime, and troff.
+    In 'tron' mode, system shows us the clauses 
+which are executed at that time and outputs (if there are)
+every time.
+    In 'trtime' mode, the system shows us outputs (if there are) every time.
+    'Troff' mode is the so called normal mode.
+    To change mode, do as follows. 
+| ?- tron.
+.sp 1
+3.4 Help
+.sp 1
+    There is a 
+.ul 1
+command. Give the directive 'help', and following messages is echoed back.
+    'tokiobreak	tokio break call'
+    'tron 	     display queue in each clock'
+    'trtime    	     display only time'
+    'troff	     no display'
+    'tokiodebugon    tokio spy mode on'
+    'tokiodebugoff   tokio spy mode off'
+    'tokiodebugall   trace all predicate'
+    'tokiospy(X/N)   trace predicate X with arity N'
+    'tokiospy(X)     trace predicate X'
+    'tokionospy      remove all spy point'
+    'tokionospy(X)   remove spy point of predicate X'
+    'tokiotrace      trace mode on'
+    'tokionotrace    trace mode off'
+    'recursion       main loop is recursion'
+    'repeat_fail     main loop is repeat fail'
+    'prolog	     main loop is prolog'
+    'tokio X	     execute X'
+    'tokio	     main loop'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/lecture/tuexample	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+%    Temporal Logic Programming Language Tokio		
+%				Fri Jun  6 1986
+%				S.Kono
+%				The Faculty of Engineering
+%				The University of Tokyo
+%				a83793@tansei.u-tokyo.csnet
+%	4.1  simple examples
+%   No.0	always operator   #
+%		length operator
+%   1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t0 :- #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.1	chop operator
+%   0   0   0   0
+%               1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t1 :- #write(0),length(3) && #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.2	fin and keep
+%   0   0   0
+%               1
+%               2   2   2   2   2   2
+%                                   3
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t2 :- keep(write(0)), fin(write(1)), length(3)
+	&& #write(2), fin(write(3)), length(5).
+%   No.3	next operator
+%   0   1   2   3   4   5
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t3 :- length(5), I = 1, counter(I), #write(I).
+    counter(I) :- keep( @I = I+1 ).
+%   No.4	stable operator
+%   2   2   2   2   2   2
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t4 :- length(5), I = 2, stable(I), #write(I).
+% stable(I) :- keep( @I = I ).    (defined internally)
+%   No.5	temporal assignment
+% A 0           1       0
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+% B 1           0       1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t5 :- A = 0, B = 1, 
+	( A <- B, B <- A, length(3) &&
+	  A <- B, B <- A, length(2) && true ),
+     #write((A,B)).
+%  A <- B :- C = B, stable(C), fin( A = C ).
+%     (defined internally)
+%   No.6	interval join 
+t6 :-	length(8),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1, halt( N=5 ) && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1, fin( M=6 )  && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+% A gets B :- keep(@A=B).
+%   No.7	back track to the past
+t7:-	length(5),
+	fin(M=N),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1 && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1 && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+% 4.2  two way description of Tokio
+% 1) algorithm description using "chop operator"
+	(if A < 0 
+	   then Aab <- - A
+	   else Aab <- A ),
+	(if B < 0 
+	   then Bab <- - B
+	   else Bab <- B )
+    &&
+	(if Aab > Bab 
+	   then G <- Aab, L <- Bab
+	   else G <- Bab, L <- Aab)
+    &&
+     	Sqs <- G * 7 / 8 + L / 2 , G <- G
+    &&
+	(if G > Sqs 
+	   then Res <- G
+	   else Res <- Sqs).
+% 2) "Always operator" based description
+/* data flow calculation */
+	Aab = 0, Bab = 0, G = 0, Res = 0,
+	L = 0, Sqs = 0, G1 = 0,  % initialize 
+	#abs_unit(A,Aab),
+	#abs_unit(B,Bab),
+	#maxmin(Aab,Bab,G,L),
+	#calc(G,L,Sqs),
+	#delay(G,G1),
+	#result(G1,Sqs,Res).
+	@G1 = G.
+	if I < 0 then @O = -I else @O = I .
+	if I1 > I2 then (@O1 = I1, @O2 = I2)
+        	   else (@O1 = I2, @O2 = I1) .
+	@O = I1 * 7 / 8 + I2 / 2 .
+	if I1 > I2 then @O = I1 else @O = I2 .
+mag1:- A=5,B=6,
+	magasync(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+mag2:- Va = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], Vb = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
+	input_data(A,Va),input_data(B,Vb),
+	magasync_dataflow(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+write_fk(X) :- keep(write(X)),fin(write(X)).
+input_data(0,[]) :- !,empty.
+	V = H,
+	@T = T,
+	@input_data(V,T).
+write_fk(A) :- fin(write(A)),keep(write(A)).
+%4.3  pipeline merge sorter
+sorter :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18),
+    #write(Out).
+        % Data Generator
+datagen([H|T],Out) :-
+    Out = [H],
+    @T = T, @datagen(T,Out).
+        % Pipeline Merge Sorter
+pipe(I0,Out) :-
+    I1 = [], I2 = [], Out = [],
+    proc_start(I0,I1, 2,1),
+    proc_start(I1,I2, 4,2),
+    proc_start(I2,Out,8,4).
+    % Processor Unit
+proc_start(I,O,P,PP) :-
+    X = [], Y = [], Z = [], T = 1,
+    #proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP).
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :- X=[],Y=[],I=[],!,
+    @X=X, @Y=Y, @Z=Z, @O=[], @T=1.
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :-
+     load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP),
+    merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP).
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- T=<PP, !,
+    append(Z,I,Zn), @Z=Zn, Yn=Y,
+    @T=T+1.
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- 
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],
+    (if T<P then @T=T+1 else @T=1).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- X=[A|L],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[A], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=L).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    @O=[B], @Y=N,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    (if A<B then
+	@O=[A], @X=L, @Y=Yn
+    else
+	@O=[B], @Y=N, @X=X).
+append(Nil,L,L1) :- Nil=[],L=L1.
+append(X,L,Y) :-[H|T]=X,[H1|M]=Y,
+     H=H1,append(T,L,M).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/lecture/tutorial	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+%    Temporal Logic Programming Language Tokio		
+%				Fri Jun  6 1986
+%				S.Kono
+%				The Faculty of Engineering
+%				The University of Tokyo
+%				a83793@tansei.u-tokyo.csnet
+     1.  Hardware description using Temporal Logic
+     2.  Interval Temporal Logic
+     3.  Execution of Interval Temporal Logic Tokio
+     4.  How to write Hardware description in Tokio
+	4.1  simple examples
+	4.2  two way description of Tokio
+	4.3  pipeline merge sorter
+     5.    Support tool for Tokio
+1.  Hardware description using Temporal Logic
+       Logic Circuit <---> Logic Programming
+       Declarative meaning in Classical Logic
+       Control Information  in Modal Logic
+       Much suitable for automatic Verification, Synthesis
+       and early time Simulation.
+   Verification/Synthesis -----   Propositional Logic (decidable)
+   Low Level Simulation
+   High Level Simulation  -----   1st order Logic (non decidable)
+2.  Interval Temporal Logic
+    local ITL (  B. Moszkowski 1983  )
+    three main modal logic operator
+	chop(&&)  next(@)  empty
+    other modal logic operator
+	<>p <-> (true & p) 
+	#p <-> ~ <> ~p
+	fin(p)   <->	#(empty->p)
+	keep(p)   <->	#(~empty->p)
+	halt(p)   <->	#(empty->p,p->empty)
+    Advantage of ITL
+	It is easy to write sequentiality.
+	   ---> more suitable for Programming Language than other
+		temporal logic
+3.  Execution of Interval Temporal Logic Tokio
+    Unification on Temporal Logic Variable
+    Refutation on next operator
+    Refutation on chop operator
+    Extended Horn Clause for temporal operator
+    Compilation to Prolog
+4.  How to write Hardware description in Tokio
+	4.1  simple examples
+%   No.0	always operator   #
+%		length operator
+%   1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t0 :- #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.1	chop operator
+%   0   0   0   0
+%               1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t1 :- #write(0),length(3) && #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.2	fin and keep
+%   0   0   0
+%               1
+%               2   2   2   2   2   2
+%                                   3
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t2 :- keep(write(0)), fin(write(1)), length(3)
+	&& #write(2), fin(write(3)), length(5).
+%   No.3	next operator
+%   0   1   2   3   4   5
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t3 :- length(5), I = 1, counter(I), #write(I).
+    counter(I) :- keep( @I = I+1 ).
+%   No.4	stable operator
+%   2   2   2   2   2   2
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t4 :- length(5), I = 2, stable(I), #write(I).
+% stable(I) :- keep( @I = I ).    (defined internally)
+%   No.5	temporal assignment
+% A 0           1       0
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+% B 1           0       1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t5 :- A = 0, B = 1, 
+	( A <- B, B <- A, length(3) &&
+	  A <- B, B <- A, length(2) && true ),
+     #write((A,B)).
+%  A <- B :- C = B, stable(C), fin( A = C ).
+%     (defined internally)
+%   No.6	interval join 
+t6 :-	length(8),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1, halt( N=5 ) && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1, fin( M=6 )  && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+% A gets B :- keep(@A=B).
+%   No.7	back track to the past
+t7:-	length(5),
+	fin(M=N),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1 && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1 && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+4.2  two way description of Tokio
+Example of two different descriptions of
+	calculating magnitude of vector 
+1) algorithm description using "chop operator"
+		loosely timing
+	(if A < 0 
+	   then Aab <- - A
+	   else Aab <- A ),
+	(if B < 0 
+	   then Bab <- - B
+	   else Bab <- B )
+    &&
+	(if Aab > Bab 
+	   then G <- Aab, L <- Bab
+	   else G <- Bab, L <- Aab)
+    &&
+     	Sqs <- G * 7 / 8 + L / 2 , G <- G
+    &&
+	(if G > Sqs 
+	   then Res <- G
+	   else Res <- Sqs).
+2) "Always operator" based description
+		tightly synchronized module
+/* data flow calculation */
+	Aab = 0, Bab = 0, G = 0, Res = 0,
+	L = 0, Sqs = 0, G1 = 0,  % initialize 
+	#abs_unit(A,Aab),
+	#abs_unit(B,Bab),
+	#maxmin(Aab,Bab,G,L),
+	#calc(G,L,Sqs),
+	#delay(G,G1),
+	#result(G1,Sqs,Res).
+	@G1 = G.
+	if I < 0 then @O = -I else @O = I .
+	if I1 > I2 then (@O1 = I1, @O2 = I2)
+        	   else (@O1 = I2, @O2 = I1) .
+	@O = I1 * 7 / 8 + I2 / 2 .
+	if I1 > I2 then @O = I1 else @O = I2 .
+4.3  pipeline merge sorter
+test :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18),
+    #write(Out).
+        % Data Generator
+datagen([H|T],Out) :-
+    Out = [H],
+    @T = T, @datagen(T,Out).
+        % Pipeline Merge Sorter
+pipe(I0,Out) :-
+    I1 = [], I2 = [], Out = [],
+    proc_start(I0,I1, 2,1),
+    proc_start(I1,I2, 4,2),
+    proc_start(I2,Out,8,4).
+    % Processor Unit
+proc_start(I,O,P,PP) :-
+    X = [], Y = [], Z = [], T = 1,
+    #proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP).
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :- X=[],Y=[],I=[],!,
+    @X=X, @Y=Y, @Z=Z, @O=[], @T=1.
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :-
+     load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP),
+    merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP).
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- T=<PP, !,
+    append(Z,I,Zn), @Z=Zn, Yn=Y,
+    @T=T+1.
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- 
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],
+    if T<P then @T=T+1 else @T=1.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[], @Y=Yn,
+    if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- X=[A|L],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[A], @Y=Yn,
+    if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=L.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    @O=[B], @Y=N,
+    if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    if A<B then
+	@O=[A], @X=L, @Y=Yn
+    else
+	@O=[B], @Y=N, @X=X.
+append(Nil,L,L1) :- Nil=[],L=L1.
+append(X,L,Y) :-[H|T]=X,[H1|M]=Y,
+     H=H1,append(T,L,M).
+5.    Support tool for Tokio
+	Verifier for Propositional Logic
+	Synthesizer for Propositional Logic
+	We use Cube description
+ B. Moszkowski, "A Temporal Logic for Multi Level Reasoning about
+ Hardware", IEEE Computer Magazine, February 1985.
+ B. Moszkowski, "Executing Temporal Logic Programs",
+ Technical Report No. 55 University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory 1984.
+ M. Fujita, S. Kono, "Temporal Logic Programming Language: Tokio and
+ its compilation to Prolog", ICLP'86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/multiply/mul_al	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+mul2(X1,X0,Y1,Y0,M3,M2,M1,M0) :-
+	cell(0,  0,  X0,Y0,M0, C00),
+	cell(0,  0,  X1,Y0,S10,C10),
+	cell(S10,C00,X0,Y1,M1, C01),
+	cell(0  ,C10,X1,Y1,S11,C11),
+	cell(S11,C01,0, 0, M2, M3 ),
+	cell(0,  C11,0, 0, _, _  ).
+cell(Sin,Cin,X,Y,Sout,Cout) :-
+	#delay(Sin,S1),
+	#delay(Cin,C1),
+	#and(X,Y,L1),
+	#delay(L1,L2),
+	#half_adder(S1,C1,S2,C2),
+	#delay(C2,C4),
+	#half_adder(S2,L2,S3,C3),
+	#delay(S3,Sout),
+	#or(C3,C4,Cout).
+delay(X,X1) :-
+	@X1 = X.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@S = 0, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@S = 0, @C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+test2 :-
+	length(12),
+	mul2(1,1,1,1,M3,M2,M1,M0),
+	#write((M3,M2,M1,M0)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/multiply/mul_al9	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+mul2(X1,X0,Y1,Y0,M3,M2,M1,M0) :-
+	length(4),
+	cell(0,  0,  X0,Y0,M0, C00),
+	cell(0,  0,  X1,Y0,S10,C10)
+	&&
+	length(4),
+	cell(S10,C00,X0,Y1,M1, C01),
+	cell(0  ,C10,X1,Y1,S11,C11)
+	&&
+	length(4),
+	cell(S11,C01,0, 0, M2, M3 ),
+	cell(0,  C11,0, 0, _, _  ).
+cell(Sin,Cin,X,Y,Sout,Cout) :-
+	#delay(Sin,S1),
+	#delay(Cin,C1),
+	#and(X,Y,L1),
+	#delay(L1,L2),
+	#half_adder(S1,C1,S2,C2),
+	#delay(C2,C4),
+	#half_adder(S2,L2,S3,C3),
+	#delay(S3,Sout),
+	#or(C3,C4,Cout).
+delay(X,X1) :-
+	@X1 = X.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@S = 0, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@S = 0, @C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+test2 :-
+	length(12),
+	mul2(1,1,1,1,M3,M2,M1,M0),
+	#write((M3,M2,M1,M0)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/multiply/mul_chop	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+mul2(X1,X0,Y1,Y0,M3,M2,M1,M0) :-
+	cell(0,  0,  X0,Y0,M0,C00),
+	cell(0,  0,  X1,Y0,S10,C10)
+	&&
+	cell(S10,C00,X0,Y1,M1, C01),
+	cell(0  ,C10,X1,Y1,S11,C11)
+	&&
+	cell(S11,C01,0, 0,M2 , M3),
+	cell(0,  C11,0, 0, _, _  ).
+cell(Sin,Cin,X,Y,Sout,Cout) :-
+	and(X,Y,L1),S1 <- Sin,C1<- Cin
+	&&
+	full_adder(S1,C1,L1,Sout,Cout).
+full_adder(S1,C1,L1,Sout,Cout) :-
+	half_adder(S1,C1,S2,C2),L2 <- L1
+	&&
+	half_adder(S2,L2,S3,C3),
+	C4 <- C2
+	&&
+	or(C3,C4,Cout),
+	Sout <- S3.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@S = 0, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@S = 1, @C = 0.
+half_adder(A,B,S,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@S = 0, @C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 1.
+or(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 0, B = 1,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 0,
+	@C = 0.
+and(A,B,C) :-
+	length(1),
+	A = 1, B = 1,
+	@C = 1.
+test1 :-
+	mul2(1,1,1,1,M3,M2,M1,M0),
+ 	fin(write((M3,M2,M1,M0))),
+ 	keep(write((M3,M2,M1,M0))).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/multiply/multi	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* multipiler by Ben Moszkowski */
+mux(Switch,In1,In2,Out) :- 
+	if Switch = 0
+		then Out = In2
+		else Out = In1.
+reg(In,Out) :- @Out = In.
+flipflop(In,Out) :- @Out = In.
+dec(In,Out) :- 
+	if In = 0 
+		then Out = 0
+		else Out = In-1.
+adder(In1,In2,Out) :- Out = In1+In2.
+zero_test(In,Out) :- 
+	if In = 0 
+		then Out = 1
+		else Out = 0.
+or_gate(In1,In2,Out) :- 
+	Out1 is In1 \/ In2,
+	Out = Out1.
+mult_imp(In1,In2,M,N,Done) :- 
+% exists,(B1,B2,B3,B4,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10)
+	#zero_test(In1,B4),
+	#(L10 = 0),
+	#mux(B4,L10,In2,L9),
+	#zero_test(In2,B2),
+	#dec(In1,L6),
+	#adder(L9,M,L8),
+	#dec(N,L3),
+	#mux(Done,L9,L8,L7),
+	#reg(L7,M),
+	#mux(Done,In1,L3,L1),
+	#reg(L1,N),
+	#dec(L3,L4),
+	#mux(Done,L6,L4,L5),
+	#zero_test(L5,B1),
+	#or_gate(B1,B2,B3),
+	#flipflop(B3,Done).
+main :- 
+	read((In1,In2)),
+	Done = 1,
+	M = 39,
+	N = 83,
+	In1 <-- In1,In2 <-- In2,
+	mult_imp(In1,In2,M,N,Done),
+	@(halt(Done=1)),
+	#write((Done,M,N)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/multiply/multi2	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+main :- read((In1,In2)),
+	mult_imp4(In1,In2,M,N,Done),
+	#write((Done,M,N)).
+mult_imp4(In1,In2,M,N,Done) :- 
+	#stable(In1),#stable(In2),
+	@ (
+		M = In2,
+		N = In1,
+		Done = 0,
+		int1(In1,In2,Done,M,N)
+	).
+int1(In1,In2,Done,M,N) :-
+	halt(Done=1),
+	intN(In2,Done,M,N).
+intN(In2,Done,M,N) :- 
+	@M = M+In2,
+	@N = N-1,
+	(if N-2=0 then @Done=1 else @Done=0),
+	next(intN(In2,Done,M,N)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+	Tokio examples
+		Fri May  6 11:53:58 JST 1994
+		*/
+dining_phil: (Tokio)
+		% Dining Philosopher Problem Description
+    di		% state transition version
+    ve		% using backtracking
+etc: (Tokio)
+    dekker	% dekker's algorithm
+    mac		% three way calcuration of magnitude of vector
+    memory	% memory simulation
+    rsffdelay	% rs filp flop with dealy
+    rsflipflop	% simple filp flop
+    send	% handshaking example
+    solve	% meta interpreter
+multiply: (Tokio)
+    mul_al	% hardware multiplier
+    mul_al9	%          much more bit
+    mul_chop	% serial implementation
+    multi	% Moszkowski's example
+    multi2	%    it's translation form
+sorter: (Tokio)
+    pipe	% pipeline merge sort for prolog
+    tpip	% its modified version for tokio
+    sort	% Moszkowski's example (list implementation)
+    sort2	%   implicit sync
+    sort3	%   functor implementation
+    pipe_sort	% hardware pipeline merge sorter
+unifier: (Tokio)
+		% hardware unifier for Parallel Inference Engine: PIE
+    up		% main part
+    upm		% its macro definitions
+6502: (Tokio)
+		% MC6502 chip specification
+     a.hex	% Intel Hex of Sample Machine code
+     a.s65	% Asembler source of Sample Machine code
+     asm	% A Free 6502 Assembler
+     isp.mc6502 % ISP specification
+     mc6502.tokio  % Tokio specification
+     multi.s65  % more complex example
+     run.tokio	% Test routine for mc6502.tokio
+kiss: (LITE)
+		% KISS2 format example for UCB/SIS
+		% for LITE verifier
+      keyc.kiss2	% KISS2 format input
+	% FSA input for LITE
+toy:	(LITE/Tokio)
+		% Toy GUI example. This is an example of LITE - Tokio 
+		% combination. Sicstus/GM X-Window interface is required.
+      gi.tokio  % generated Tokio source. this is generated from
+  % ITL specification of gi.tokio 
+      toy.tokio % Tool kit parts (written in Tokio)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/pipe	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* pipe-line merge sorter */
+test(X) :- pipe([10,5,3,1,7,2,4,6,5,100,5,12,150], X).
+pipe(X,Y) :-
+	lap(X,XX),
+	mergeAll(XX,Y).
+mergeAll([Single],Single) :- !.
+mergeAll(S,Out) :-
+	merge2(S,Out1),mergeAll(Out1,Out).
+merge2([A,B|T],[YY|Y]) :-
+	merge(A,B,YY),
+	merge2(T,Y).
+	lap(L,S).
+merge([A|X],[B|Y],[A|Z]) :- 
+	A =< B, !,
+	merge(X,[B|Y],Z).
+merge([A|X],[B|Y],[B|Z]) :- 
+	merge([A|X],Y,Z).    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/pipe_sort	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+test :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18),
+    #write(Out).
+        % Data Generator
+datagen([H|T],Out) :-
+    Out = [H],
+    @T = T, @datagen(T,Out).
+        % Pipeline Merge Sorter
+pipe(I0,Out) :-
+    I1 = [], I2 = [], Out = [],
+    proc_start(I0,I1, 2,1),
+    proc_start(I1,I2, 4,2),
+    proc_start(I2,Out,8,4).
+    % Processor Unit
+proc_start(I,O,P,PP) :-
+    X = [], Y = [], Z = [], T = 1,
+    #proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP).
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :- X=[],Y=[],I=[],!,
+    @X=X, @Y=Y, @Z=Z, @O=[], @T=1.
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :-
+     load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP),
+    merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP).
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- T=<PP, !,
+    append(Z,I,Zn), @Z=Zn, Yn=Y,
+    @T=T+1.
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- 
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],
+    (if T<P then @T=T+1 else @T=1).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- X=[A|L],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[A], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=L).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    @O=[B], @Y=N,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    (if A<B then
+	@O=[A], @X=L, @Y=Yn
+    else
+	@O=[B], @Y=N, @X=X).
+append(Nil,L,L1) :- Nil=[],L=L1.
+append(X,L,Y) :-[H|T]=X,[H1|M]=Y,
+     H=H1,append(T,L,M).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/psort	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+test :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18),
+    #write(Out).
+run :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18).
+        % Data Generator
+datagen([H|T],Out) :-
+    Out = [H], @T = T, @datagen(T,Out).
+        % Pipeline Merge Sorter
+pipe(I0,Out) :-
+    I1 = [], I2 = [], Out = [],
+    proc_start(I0,I1, 2,1),
+    proc_start(I1,I2, 4,2),
+    proc_start(I2,Out,8,4).
+    % Processor Unit
+proc_start(I,O,P,PP) :-
+    X = [], Y = [], Z = [], T = 1,
+    #proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP).
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :- X=[],Y=[],I=[],
+    @X=X, @Y=Y, @Z=Z, @O=[], @T=1.
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :- 
+     load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP),
+    merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP).
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- PP>=T,
+    append(Z,I,Zn), @Z=Zn, Yn=Y, @T=T+1.
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- T>PP,T<P,
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],@T=T+1.
+load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- T>PP,T>=P,
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],@T=1.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[],
+    @O=[], @Y=Yn,switch(T,PP,X,Zn,X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :- X=[A|L],Yn=[],
+    @O=[A], @Y=Yn,switch(T,PP,X,Zn,L).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[B|N],
+    @O=[B], @Y=N,switch(T,PP,X,Zn,X).
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],
+    A<B,
+	@O=[A], @X=L, @Y=Yn.
+merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],
+    A>=B,
+	@O=[B], @Y=N, @X=X.
+switch(T,PP,X,Zn,L) :- T=PP, @X=Zn.
+switch(T,PP,X,Zn,L) :- T\=PP, @X=L.
+append(Nil,L,L1) :- Nil=[],L=L1.
+append(X,L,Y) :-[H|T]=X,[H1|M]=Y,
+     H=H1,append(T,L,M).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/sort	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* Program to do parallel quicksort.  Ben Moszkowski
+  Initial version written around 29 Apr 84.
+  Subsequent changes made.
+  Updated 7 Feb 85.
+  translate to Tokio by S.Kono
+				Sun Aug 31 21:29:10 JST 1986
+				using list and implicit sync
+  */
+/* Support Routines */
+'$function' (len(L) = Length :- list_length(L,Length)).
+list_length(Nil, -1 ) :- Nil=[],!.
+list_length(List,N) :- List=[H|L],list_length(L,NN),
+    N = NN+1,!.
+'$function' (slice(List,From,To) = Slice :- slice(0,List,From,To,Slice)).
+slice(N,List,From,To,[]) :- N>To,!.
+slice(N,[H|List],From,To,[H|Slice]) :- N>=From,!,
+    NN = N+1,
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,Slice).
+slice(N,[H|List],From,To,Slice) :-
+    NN = N+1,
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,Slice).
+'$function' (thof(I,L) = E :- thof(I,L,E)).
+thof(0,[H|L],H) :- !.
+thof(N,[H|L],H1) :- NN = N-1, thof(NN,L,H1).
+fixed_list([],Length) :- Length = -1 ,!.
+fixed_list([H|L],Length) :- Length1 = Length-1,
+    fixed_list(L,Length1).
+'$function' ( (if Cond then Yes else No) = Reply :-
+    if Cond then Yes=Reply else No=Reply).
+/* Support Routines end */
+par_quicksort(L) :- 
+    if len(L) < 1
+    then empty
+    else 
+	stable(Pivot),
+	(   quick_partition(L,Pivot) &
+	    sort_parts(L,Pivot) ).
+quick_partition(L,Pivot) :- 
+	I = 1, Z=0, J = len(L), J1=J+1,skip, 
+	P = thof(0,L),
+	partition(I,J1,P,Z,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,K,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- !,@Pivot=I,@I=I,@thof(I,L)=P.
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- thof(K,L) < P,!, II=I+1,
+	@I=I, @thof(I,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,II,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- JJ=J-1,
+	@J=J, @thof(J,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,I,JJ,L,Pivot).
+sort_parts(L,Pivot) :- 
+	stable(thof(Pivot,L)),
+	quicksort_process(slice(L,0,Pivot-1)),
+	quicksort_process(slice(L,Pivot+1, len(L))).
+quicksort_process(L) :-
+	par_quicksort(L) & stable(L).
+monitor(L) :- 
+	fixed_list(Tag_list,len(L)),
+	#tag(0,L,Tag_list),
+    	#((write('''List='''),write(L),put(" "),
+	   write('''Tag_list='''),write(Tag_list))).
+tag(_,Nil,Nil) :- Nil=[],!.
+tag(I,[H|L],[TH|TL]) :- TH = (if I=H then 1 else 0),
+	J=I+1,tag(J,L,TL).
+/*  test of quicksort */
+sort_test(Init_vector) :- 
+     %exists L : 
+	stable(Init_vector),
+        fixed_list(L,len(Init_vector)),
+	L=Init_vector,
+	par_quicksort(L),
+%	#write(L).
+	monitor(L).
+sort_test1 :- [2,0,1]=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test2 :-  [2,4,9,1,0,10,6,8,7,5,3]=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test3 :- [13,7,5,3,1,9,8,6,2,0,12,11,4,10]=List,sort_test(List).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/sort2	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* Program to do parallel quicksort.  Ben Moszkowski
+  Initial version written around 29 Apr 84.
+  Subsequent changes made.
+  Updated 7 Feb 85.
+  translate to Tokio by S.Kono
+				Sun Aug 31 21:29:10 JST 1986
+				using list and explicit sync
+  */
+/* Support Routines */
+'$function' (len(L) = Length :- list_length(L,Length)).
+list_length(Nil, -1 ) :- Nil=[],!.
+list_length(List,N) :- List=[H|L],list_length(L,NN),
+    N = NN+1,!.
+'$function' (slice(List,From,To) = Slice :- slice(0,List,From,To,Slice)).
+slice(N,List,From,To,[]) :- N>To,!.
+slice(N,[H|List],From,To,[H|Slice]) :- N>=From,!,
+    NN = N+1,
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,Slice).
+slice(N,[H|List],From,To,Slice) :-
+    NN = N+1,
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,Slice).
+'$function' (thof(I,L) = E :- thof(I,L,E)).
+thof(0,[H|L],H) :- !.
+thof(N,[H|L],H1) :- NN = N-1, thof(NN,L,H1).
+fixed_list([],Length) :- Length = -1,!.
+fixed_list([H|L],Length) :- Length1 = Length-1,
+    fixed_list(L,Length1).
+'$function' ( (if Cond then Yes else No) = Reply :-
+    if Cond then Yes=Reply else No=Reply).
+/* Support Routines end */
+par_quicksort(L) :- 
+    if len(L) < 1
+    then empty
+    else 
+	stable(Pivot),
+	(   quick_partition(L,Pivot) &
+	    sort_parts(L,Pivot) ).
+quick_partition(L,Pivot) :- 
+	I = 1, Z=0, J = len(L), J1=J+1,skip, 
+	P = thof(0,L),
+	partition(I,J1,P,Z,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,K,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- !,@Pivot=I,@I=I,@thof(I,L)=P.
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- thof(K,L) < P,!, II=I+1,
+	@I=I, @thof(I,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,II,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- JJ=J-1,
+	@J=J, @thof(J,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,I,JJ,L,Pivot).
+sort_parts(L,Pivot) :- 
+	quicksort_process(Done,Ready1, slice(L,0,Pivot-1)),
+	quicksort_process(Done,Ready2, slice(L,Pivot+1, len(L))),
+	#((if 1 = Ready1, 1 = Ready2 then 1 = @Done else 0 = @Done)),
+	stable(thof(Pivot,L)).
+quicksort_process(Done,Ready,L) :-
+	par_quicksort(L),
+	#(Ready=0)
+    &
+	skip, @Ready=1, stable(L)
+    &
+	halt(Done=1),
+	#(Ready=1),stable(L).
+monitor(L) :- 
+	fixed_list(Tag_list,len(L)),
+	#tag(0,L,Tag_list),
+    	#((write('''List='''),write(L),put(" "),
+	   write('''Tag_list='''),write(Tag_list))).
+tag(_,Nil,Nil) :- Nil=[],!.
+tag(I,[H|L],[TH|TL]) :- TH = (if I=H then 1 else 0),
+	J=I+1,tag(J,L,TL).
+/*  test of quicksort */
+sort_test(Init_vector) :- 
+     %exists L : 
+	stable(Init_vector),
+        fixed_list(L,len(Init_vector)),
+	L=Init_vector,
+	par_quicksort(L),
+        monitor(L).
+%	#write(L).
+sort_test1 :- [2,0,1]=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test2 :-  [2,4,9,1,0,10,6,8,7,5,3]=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test3 :- [13,7,5,3,1,9,8,6,2,0,12,11,4,10]=List,sort_test(List).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/sort3	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* Program to do parallel quicksort.  Ben Moszkowski
+  Initial version written around 29 Apr 84.
+  Subsequent changes made.
+  Updated 7 Feb 85.
+  translate to Tokio by S.Kono
+				Sun Aug 31 21:29:10 JST 1986
+				using functor and implicit sync
+  */
+/* Support Routines */
+'$function' (len(L) = Length :- functor(L,_,Length)).
+'$function' (slice(List,From,To) = Slice
+ :- Size<--To-From+1,From=From1,To=To1,
+	(Size < 1, #(Slice = array) ; 
+	#functor(Slice,array,Size),
+	slice(1,List,From1,To1,1,Slice))).
+slice(N,List,From,To,_,_) :- N>To,!.
+slice(N,List,From,To,I,Slice) :- N>=From,!,
+    NN = N+1,II = I+1,arg(N,List,E),arg(I,Slice,E),
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,II,Slice).
+slice(N,List,From,To,I,Slice) :-
+    NN = N+1,
+    slice(NN,List,From,To,I,Slice).
+'$function' (thof(I,L) = E :- arg(I,L,E)).
+fixed_list(Array,Length) :- L <-- Length,
+	#functor(Array,array,L).
+'$function' ( (if Cond then Yes else No) = Reply :-
+    if Cond then Yes=Reply else No=Reply).
+/* Support Routines end */
+par_quicksort(L) :- 
+    if len(L) =< 1
+    then empty
+    else 
+	stable(Pivot),
+	(   quick_partition(L,Pivot) &
+	    sort_parts(L,Pivot) ).
+quick_partition(L,Pivot) :- 
+	I = 2, Z=1, J = len(L), J1=J+1,skip, 
+	P = thof(1,L),
+	partition(I,J1,P,Z,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,K,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- !,@Pivot=I,@I=I,@thof(I,L)=P.
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- thof(K,L) < P,!, II=I+1,
+	@I=I, @thof(I,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,II,J,L,Pivot).
+partition(K,E,P,I,J,L,Pivot) :- JJ=J-1,
+	@J=J, @thof(J,L) = thof(K,L), KK=K+1,
+	partition(KK,E,P,I,JJ,L,Pivot).
+sort_parts(L,Pivot) :- 
+	stable(thof(Pivot,L)),
+	quicksort_process(slice(L,1,       Pivot-1)),
+	quicksort_process(slice(L,Pivot+1, len(L) )).
+quicksort_process(L) :-
+	par_quicksort(L) & stable(L).
+monitor(L) :- 
+	fixed_list(Tag_list,len(L)),
+	#tag(1,len(L),L,Tag_list),
+    	#((write('''List='''),write(L),put(" "),
+	   write('''Tag_list='''),write(Tag_list))).
+tag(I,J,_,_) :- I>J,!.
+tag(I,K,L,T) :- (if I-1=thof(I,L) then 1 else 0) = thof(I,T),
+	J=I+1,tag(J,K,L,T).
+/*  test of quicksort */
+sort_test(Init_vector) :- 
+     %exists L : 
+	stable(Init_vector),
+        fixed_list(L,len(Init_vector)),
+	L=Init_vector,
+	par_quicksort(L),
+%	#write(L).
+	monitor(L).
+sort_test1 :- array(2,0,1)=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test2 :-  array(2,4,9,1,0,10,6,8,7,5,3)=List,sort_test(List).
+sort_test3 :- array(13,7,5,3,1,9,8,6,2,0,12,11,4,10)=List,sort_test(List).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/sorter/tpip	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* pipe-line merge sorter */
+test :- lap([10,5,3,1,7,2,4,6,5,100,5,12,150], X),
+	pipe(X),
+	#write(X).
+lap(In,Out) :- In=[],Out=[].
+lap(In,Out) :- In=[X|L],Out=[[X]|S],
+	lap(L,S).
+pipe(In) :- In=[I],In<-I,!.
+pipe(In) :- mergeProcess(In) && pipe(In).
+mergeProcess([]) :-!.
+mergeProcess([In]) :- In<-In,!.
+mergeProcess(In) :- In=[A,B|T],
+    merge(A,B,X),fin(In=[X|T]),
+    mergeProcess(T).
+merge(X,Y,Z) :- Y=[],!,Z<-X.
+merge(Y,X,Z) :- Y=[],!,Z<-X.
+merge([A|X],[B|Y],[C|Z]) :-
+	A =< B,!, C<-A,
+	merge(X,[B|Y],Z).
+merge([A|X],[B|Y],[C|Z]) :-
+	B =< A,!, C<-B,
+	merge([A|X],Y,Z). 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/toy/gi.tokio	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+print_state:-(_2577= *green,_2593= *move,_2609= *quit,_2625= *red,_2641= *start,_2654= *stop),write((*green=_2577,*move=_2593,*quit=_2609,*red=_2625,*start=_2641,*stop=_2654)).
+true :- empty,empty.
+true :- more,true.
+s1 :- empty,*stop= 1,*quit= 1,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,empty.
+s1 :- empty,*stop= 1,*quit= 1,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,empty.
+s1 :- empty,*stop= 0,*start= 1,*quit= 1,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,empty.
+s1 :- empty,*stop= 0,*start= 1,*quit= 1,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,empty.
+s1 :- more,*stop= 1,*start= 0,*quit= 0,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,@s2.
+s1 :- more,*stop= 0,*start= 1,*quit= 0,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,@s3.
+s2 :- empty,*quit= 1,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,empty.
+s2 :- empty,*quit= 1,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,empty.
+s2 :- more,*stop= 1,*start= 0,*quit= 0,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,@s2.
+s2 :- more,*stop= 0,*start= 0,*quit= 0,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,@s2.
+s2 :- more,*stop= 0,*start= 1,*quit= 0,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,@s3.
+s3 :- empty,*quit= 1,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,empty.
+s3 :- empty,*quit= 1,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,empty.
+s3 :- more,*stop= 0,*start= 1,*quit= 0,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,@s3.
+s3 :- more,*stop= 0,*start= 0,*quit= 0,*green:= 1,*move:= 1,*red:= 0,@s3.
+s3 :- more,*stop= 1,*start= 0,*quit= 0,*green:= 0,*move:= 0,*red:= 1,@s2.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/toy/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% specification for simple graphics interaction
+)) :-
+      asserta(lite:st_variables([stop,start,quit],[red,gree,move])).
+giout :- gi_ex(X),lite:ex(X),tell('gi.tokio'),lite:tgen,told.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/toy/toy.tokio	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+%% ------------------------------------------------- BOUNCE
+toy :-  static([green, red, move, stop, start,quit]),
+	*move:=1,*quit:=0,*stop:=0,*start:=1,*red:=0,*green:=1,
+        bounce_init(W,R,G),@toy1(W,R,G).
+toy1(W,R,G) :- 
+	[](event),					% input
+	s1,						% automaton
+	[]((button_red(R),button_green(G),bounce(W))).  % output
+% ?- compile(['../tableau/gi.out']).
+event :- nextevent(E),E=E1,event_select(E1).
+event_select(noevent) :- true.
+event_select(button(_,start)) :- *start := 1, *stop  := 0.
+event_select(button(_,stop)) :-  *stop  := 1, *start := 0.
+event_select(button(_,quit)) :-  *quit := 1.
+button_red(Out) :-
+        *red =0, Out => out("").
+button_red(Out) :-
+        *red =1, Out => out("Red").
+button_green(Out) :-
+        *green =0, Out => out("").
+button_green(Out) :-
+        *green =1, Out => out("Green").
+% size(400,400,10,fixed) :- true.
+size(200,200,5,'7x14') :- true.
+bounce_init( [Window0, View0, Circ0, Xout0, X, Yout0, 
+        Y, Xd, Yd, Ydd, Xlim, Ylim],Xout0,Yout0) :-
+        size(Hight,Width,R,Font),
+	H0 = Hight-2, W0 = Width-2,
+	H1 = Hight/2, W1 = Width/2,
+	View <= view(Hight,Width),
+%        View => setcolors(rgb(65000,0,0),white),
+	Xout <= output("Red",font(Font)),
+	Yout <= output("Green",font(Font)),
+	Start <= button("Start",start,font(Font)),
+	Stop <= button("Stop",stop,font(Font)),
+	Quit <= button("Quit",quit,font(Font)),
+	Box <= hbox([vbox([Xout,Yout,space,Start,Stop,Quit]),View]),
+	Window <= window("Toy Program",Box),
+	Window => open,
+	View => rect(0,0,H0,W0),
+        View => fillcircle(Circ,H1,W1,R),	
+	Window0<--Window, View0<--View, Circ0<--Circ, 
+	Xout0<--Xout,  Yout0<--Yout,
+	Ylim = Hight-10, Xlim = Width-10, Ydd = -R/2,
+	#((@Ylim=Ylim,@Xlim=Xlim,@Ydd=Ydd)),
+	@X = H1, @Y = W1, @Xd = R/2, @Yd = R*2.
+bounce([_, View, Obj, _Xout, X, _Yout, Y, Xd, Yd, Ydd, Xlim, _]) :- 
+	*move = 1,*quit = 0,
+	X0 is integer(X), Y0 is integer(Y),
+	View => moveto(Obj,X0,Y0),	
+	Y1 is Y+Yd,
+	calc_xd(X, Xd, Xd1, Xlim),
+	calc_yd(Y, Yd, Ydt, Y1, Yt1),
+	@X = X+Xd,@Xd = Xd1, @Y = Yt1, @Yd = Ydt+Ydd.
+bounce([_, _, _, _, X, _, Y, Xd, Yd, _, _, _]) :- 
+	*move = 0,*quit = 0,
+	@X = X,@Xd = Xd, @Y = Y, @Yd = Yd.
+bounce([W|_]) :-
+	*quit = 1,
+	W => close.
+calc_xd(X, Xd, Xd1, _) :- X < 10,  Xd1 is abs(Xd).
+calc_xd(X, Xd, Xd1, Xlim) :- X > Xlim,  Xd1 is -abs(Xd).
+calc_xd(_, Xd, Xd, _):-true.
+calc_yd(Y, Yd, Ydt, _, Y0) :-
+	Y < 10,  Yd > 0 , Ydt = Yd,Y0 = 10.
+calc_yd(Y, Yd, Ydt, _, Y0) :-
+	Y < 10, Ydt = -Yd*0.9,Y0 = 10.
+calc_yd(_, Yd, Yd, Y1, Y1):-true.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/unifier/up	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+	?-com([upm,up]).
+	?-tokio test.
+		Thu Sep  4 22:22:41 GMT+9:00 1986
+	*/
+:- static([
+	memory(_), g_addr, d_addr, g_cell, d_cell, g_mem, d_mem,
+	length, stack_ln(_), stack_ga(_), stack_da(_),
+	stack_depth, return_code, run, d_bus, g_bus]).
+	*length <= (*memory(*g_addr) - 1,int,0),
+	*d_addr <= (* + 2,int,*,
+	*g_addr <= (* + 2,int,*,
+	*stack_depth <= 0,
+	*run <= 1
+    &&  loop_unif.
+	if * > 0
+		then fetch_unif1
+		else if *stack_depth = 0
+			then (*return_code <= (0,int,0), *run <= 0  && idle)
+			else   *length <= *stack_ln(*stack_depth - 1),
+			       *g_addr <= *stack_ga(*stack_depth - 1),
+			       *d_addr <= *stack_da(*stack_depth - 1),
+			       *stack_depth <= *stack_depth - 1 
+			   &&  fetch_unif1.
+	 fetch_unif0g, 
+	 fetch_unif0d &&
+	 *length <= (* - 1,int,0),
+	 *g_addr <= (* + 1,int, *,
+	 *d_addr <= (* + 1,int, * &&
+	 fetch_unif2.
+	 fetch(*g_addr,*g_cell,*g_bus), *g_mem <= *g_addr  && 
+	 if *g_cell..tag = var
+		then fetch_unif1g.
+	 fetch(*g_cell,*g_cell,*g_bus), *g_mem <= *g_cell  && 
+	 if *g_cell..tag = var
+		then fetch_unif1g.
+	 fetch(*d_addr,*d_cell,*d_bus), *d_mem <= *d_addr  &&
+	 if *d_cell..tag = var
+		then fetch_unif1d.
+	 fetch(*d_cell,*d_cell,*d_bus), *d_mem <= *d_cell  && 
+	 if *d_cell..tag = var
+		then fetch_unif1d.
+	if *g_mem = *d_mem then loop_unif 
+	else {
+	      G = *g_cell..tag, D = *d_cell..tag, {
+	      if (G=undef,D=undef) then
+		(store(*g_mem,*d_mem, *g_bus) && loop_unif)
+	      else if (G=undef,D\=undef) then
+		(store(*g_mem,*d_cell,*g_bus) && loop_unif)
+	      else if (G\=undef,D=undef) then
+		(store(*d_mem,*g_cell,*d_bus) && loop_unif)
+	      else if (G=list,D=list) then
+		(if * > 0 
+		    then ((*stack_depth <= *stack_depth + 1,
+			   S<-- *stack_depth,
+			   *stack_ga(S) <= *g_addr,
+			   *stack_da(S) <= *d_addr,
+			   *stack_ln(S) <= *length,
+			   *length <= (2,int,g),
+			   *g_addr <= *g_cell,
+			   *d_addr <= *d_cell) && fetch_unif1)
+		    else loop_unif)
+	      else if (*g_cell..tag \= *d_cell..tag ; 
+		     * \= * then
+		 ((*return_code <= fail, *run <= 0) && idle)
+	      else loop_unif }}.
+idle:- if *run = 1 
+		then (true && init).
+	*memory((0,_,g)) := (4,int,g), 	% length
+	*memory((1,_,g)) := (append,atom,g),	%  append
+	*memory((2,_,g)) := (100,list,g),
+	*memory((3,_,g)) := (200,list,g),
+	*memory((4,_,g)) := (300,var,g),
+	*memory((5,_,g)) := (2,int,g),
+	*memory((6,_,g)) := (print,atom,g),	% print
+	*memory((7,_,g)) := (400,var,g),
+	*memory((8,_,g)) := (0,int,g),	% length = 0
+	*memory((100,_,g)) := (a,atom,g),
+	*memory((101,_,g)) := (102,list,g),
+	*memory((102,_,g)) := (b,atom,g),
+	*memory((103,_,g)) := ([],atom,g),
+	*memory((200,_,g)) := (c,atom,g),
+	*memory((201,_,g)) := (102,list,g),
+	*memory((202,_,g)) := (d,atom,g),
+	*memory((203,_,g)) := ([],atom,g),
+	*memory((300,_,g)) := (0,undef,g),
+	*memory((400,_,g)) := (0,undef,g),
+	*memory((0,_,d)) := (5,int,d),
+	*memory((1,_,d)) := (append,atom,d),	% append([H|X],Y,[H|Z])
+	*memory((2,_,d)) := (200,list,d),
+	*memory((3,_,d)) := (300,var,d),
+	*memory((4,_,d)) := (400,list,d),
+	*memory((5,_,d)) := (5,int,d),
+	*memory((6,_,d)) := (append,atom,d),   % append([],X,X)
+	*memory((7,_,d)) := ([],atom,d),
+	*memory((8,_,d)) := (100,var,d),
+	*memory((9,_,d)) := (100,var,d),
+	*memory((100,_,d)) := (0,undef,d),
+	*memory((200,_,d)) := (500,var,d),    % [H|X]
+	*memory((201,_,d)) := (600,var,d),  
+	*memory((300,_,d)) := (0,undef,d),	% Y
+	*memory((400,_,d)) := (700,list,d),	% [H|Z]
+	*memory((500,_,d)) := (0,undef,d),	% H
+	*memory((600,_,d)) := (0,undef,d),	% X
+	*memory((700,_,d)) := (500,var,d),	% H
+	*memory((701,_,d)) := (800,var,d),	% Z
+	*memory((800,_,d)) := (0,undef,d),	% Z
+	*g_addr := (0,int,g),
+	*d_addr := (0,int,d),
+	*return_code := (0,undef,0),
+	*length := (0,int,0),
+	*g_mem := (0,int,g),
+	*d_mem := (0,int,d),
+	*g_cell := (0,int,g),
+	*d_cell := (0,int,d),
+	*run := 0,
+	*d_bus := free, *g_bus := free,
+	*stack_depth := 0 &&
+	init,
+	# (Write = (*g_addr, *d_addr, *return_code, *run, *length, 
+		 *g_mem, *d_mem, *g_cell, *d_cell, *stack_depth, 
+		 *g_bus, *d_bus), write(Write) ).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Examples/unifier/upm	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+'$function' X..tag  =  Tag	:- X = (Data,Tag,Map).
+'$function' =  Data	:- X = (Data,Tag,Map).
+'$function'  =  Map	:- X = (Data,Tag,Map).
+'$define'	(store(ADR,Data,Bus):-
+	Address <-- ADR,Bus := ,H,
+	*memory(Address) <= Data,Bus <= free)
+'$clause' (H:-
+	if *d_bus = *g_bus ,Bus = d
+	    then (true && H)).
+'$define'	(fetch(ADR,Data,Bus):-
+	Address<--ADR,Bus :=,H,
+	Data <= *memory(Address),Bus <= free)
+'$clause' (H:-
+	if *d_bus = *g_bus ,Bus = d
+	    then (true && H)).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/call	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+?- ['ts'],
+   compile('to'),
+   compile('tc'),
+   compile('th'),
+   compile('td'),
+   compile('te'),
+   compile('tg'),
+   compile('tr'),
+   compile('tu'),
+   compile('tf'),
+   compile('xf'),
+   compile('cp'),
+   compile('tp').
+?- com('', user), 'r_header'.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+compile0(F) :-
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,_),!,
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,X,off),
+    prolog_flag(discontiguous_warnings,Y,off),
+    compile(F),
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,_,X),
+    prolog_flag(discontiguous_warnings,_,Y).
+compile0(F) :-
+    style_check(-singleton),!,
+    style_check(-discontiguous),!,
+    compile(F),
+    style_check(+discontiguous),
+    style_check(+singleton).
+compile0(F) :-
+    compile(F).
+copy(X,Y) :- copy_term(X,Y).
+ttynl :- nl,flush.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+   support routine for compatibilities
+   */
+#ifdef CPROLOG
+help :- tokio_help.
+compile0(X) :- [X].
+numbervars(X, V, V).
+% numbervars('$VAR'(V0), V0, V) :- !, V is V0+1.
+numbervars(Vname, Vname, V0, V) :- 
+  	var(Vname),!, 
+	V is V0+1,name(V0,Lv),name(Vname,[95|Lv]).  %%% _001
+numbervars(X, V0, V) :-
+	functor(X, F, A), 
+	numbervars_args(0, A, X, V0, V),!.
+% :- mode numbervars_args(+,+,+,-,+,-).
+numbervars_args(N, N, _, V, V) :- !.
+numbervars_args(K, N, X, V0, V) :-
+	K1 is K+1, 
+	arg(K1, X, XK),   
+	numbervars(XK, V0, V1), 
+	numbervars_args(K1, N, X, V1, V).
+#ifdef CPROLOG15
+:- (ttyflush;assert((ttyflush:-nl))).
+:-asserta((c_post(Vname, Vname, V0, V) :- 
+  	var(Vname),!, 
+	V is V0+1,name(V0,Lv),name(Vname,[95|Lv]))).  %%% _001
+% c_post continue to
+c_post_atomic([],[]) :- !.
+c_post_atomic(Number,Number) :- number(Number),!.
+c_post_atomic(=,' = ') :- !.     % for 1.2, Do not ask me why.
+     name(Atomic,La),La=[H|_],[H]\="'",[H]\="_",!,
+     concatenate(["'",La,"'"],Nla),name(Qatomic,Nla).
+write_clause0((X:-true)) :- 
+    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), write(XX), put("."), nl,!,fail. %%% writeq --> write
+write_clause0(X) :- 
+    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), write(XX), put("."), nl,!,fail. %%% writeq --> write
+r_cputime(X) :- X is cputime.
+tokiocomp1(X) :- tokiocomp2(X).
+tokiocomp1(_) :-
+    telling(I),tell(user),
+    read(Next),tell(I), !, tokiocomp1(Next). 
+tokiocomp1(_) :- c_error((nl,write('read error'),nl)).
+read_filter(X,Name) :- telling(I),tell(user),
+        repeat,read(X),
+	filter(X,Name),tell(I).
+ttynl :- nl,flush.
+#if defined(SICSTUS) || defined(SWIPROLOG)
+compile0(F) :- 
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,_),!,
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,X,off),
+    prolog_flag(discontiguous_warnings,Y,off),
+    compile(F),
+    prolog_flag(single_var_warnings,_,X),
+    prolog_flag(discontiguous_warnings,_,Y).
+compile0(F) :- 
+    style_check(-singleton),!,
+    style_check(-discontiguous),!,
+    compile(F),
+    style_check(+discontiguous),
+    style_check(+singleton).
+compile0(F) :- 
+    compile(F).
+#if !defined(SICSTUS)||!defined(SWIPROLOG)
+% copy(X,Y) :- copy_term(X,Y). % for sicstus prolog 
+copy(X, Y) :- copy(X, Y, var, _). 
+copy(X, Y, Vlist0, Vlist1) :- nonvar(X), 
+    functor(X, F, A), functor(Y, F, A), !, 
+    copy(A, X, Y, Vlist0, Vlist1). 
+copy(X, Y, Vlist0, Vlist0) :- map(Vlist0, X, Y), !. 
+copy(X, Y, Vlist0, var(X, Y, Vlist0)). 
+copy(0, _, _, Vlist0, Vlist0) :- !. 
+copy(N, X, Y, Vlist0, Vlist2) :- 
+    arg(N, X, Xn), copy(Xn, Yn, Vlist0, Vlist1), arg(N, Y, Yn), 
+    M is N-1, !, copy(M, X, Y, Vlist1, Vlist2). 
+map(var(X, Y, _), Var, Y) :- X==Var, !. 
+map(var(_,_,Rest), Var, Y) :- map(Rest, Var, Y). 
+copy(X,Y) :- copy_term(X,Y).
+/* end  */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/example	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+%    Temporal Logic Programming Language Tokio		
+%				Fri Jun  6 1986
+%				S.Kono
+%				The Faculty of Engineering
+%				The University of Tokyo
+%				a83793@tansei.u-tokyo.csnet
+%	4.1  simple examples
+%   No.0	always operator   #
+%		length operator
+%   1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+%  t0  t1  t2  t3  t4  t5
+t0 :- #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.1	chop operator
+%   0   0   0   0
+%               1   1   1   1   1   1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+%   |--- I0 ----|------- I1 --------|
+%   |------------ I ----------------|
+t1 :- #write(0),length(3) && #write(1),length(5).
+%   No.2	fin and keep
+%   0   0   0
+%               1
+%               2   2   2   2   2   2
+%                                   3
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t2 :- keep(write(0)), fin(write(1)), length(3)
+	&& #write(2), fin(write(3)), length(5).
+%   No.3	next operator
+%   1   2   3   4   5
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t3 :- length(5), I = 1, counter(I), #write(I).
+    counter(I) :- keep( @I = I+1 ).
+%   No.4	stable operator
+%   2   2   2   2   2   2
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t4 :- length(5), I = 2, stable(I), #write(I).
+% stable(I) :- keep( @I = I ).    (defined internally)
+%   No.5	temporal assignment
+% A 0           1       0
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+% B 1           0       1
+%   |---|---|---|---|---|---->
+t5 :- A = 0, B = 1, 
+	( A <- B, B <- A, length(3) &&
+	  A <- B, B <- A, length(2) && true ),
+     #write((A,B)).
+%  A <- B :- C = B, stable(C), fin( A = C ).
+%     (defined internally)
+% B 0   ?  ...  ?   ? 
+%   |---|--   --|---|---->
+% C 0   0  ...  0   0
+%   |---|--   --|---|---->
+% A ?   ?  ...  ?   0
+%   |---|--   --|---|---->
+%   No.6	interval join 
+t6 :-	length(8),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1, halt( N=5 ) && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1, fin( M=6 )  && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+% A gets B :- keep(@A=B).
+%   No.7	back track to the past
+t7:-	length(5),
+	fin(M=N),
+	N=3,(N gets N+1 && stable(N)),
+	M=0,(M gets M+1 && stable(M)),
+	#write((N,M)).
+%   No.8	correct chop
+%	        Not so important.... but	
+%               Chop becomes slow in correct execution
+c(X) :- a(X) & @ b(X).
+t8 :- length(3),c(X),#write(X).
+%  No.9 and No. 10 projection
+%  Simple example of projection.   Ben Moszkowski.   Updated 19 Aug 85.
+%  changing unit of time using projection
+%    length(2) proj body(I,J)
+%   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| (skip,stable(I),stable(J) & skip)
+% I 0     1     2     3     4 
+%   |-----|-----|-----|-----| body(I,J)
+body(I,J) :- 
+    I=0,I gets I+1,J=0,J gets J+I,halt(I=4).
+t9 :-   (skip,stable(I),stable(J) & skip) proj body(I,J),
+	#((write('I='),write(I),write(' J='),write(J))).
+%   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|  (length(I),stable(I),stable(J)& skip)
+% I 0  1     2        3           4
+%   |--|-----|--------|-----------|  body(I,J)
+t10:- (length(I),stable(I),stable(J)& skip) proj body(I,J),
+	#((write('I='),write(I),write(' J='),write(J))).
+%  No.11 prefix
+%  Terminate an interval early  
+t11:-A=1,prefix((A gets 2*A,length(10))),halt(A=16),#write('I='),#write(A).
+% 4.2  two way description of Tokio
+% 1) algorithm description using "chop operator"
+	(if A < 0 
+	   then Aab <- - A
+	   else Aab <- A ),
+	(if B < 0 
+	   then Bab <- - B
+	   else Bab <- B )
+    &&
+	(if Aab > Bab 
+	   then G <- Aab, L <- Bab
+	   else G <- Bab, L <- Aab)
+    &&
+     	Sqs <- G * 7 / 8 + L / 2 , G <- G
+    &&
+	(if G > Sqs 
+	   then Res <- G
+	   else Res <- Sqs).
+% 2) "Always operator" based description
+/* data flow calculation */
+	Aab = 0, Bab = 0, G = 0, Res = 0,
+	L = 0, Sqs = 0, G1 = 0,  % initialize 
+	#abs_unit(A,Aab),
+	#abs_unit(B,Bab),
+	#maxmin(Aab,Bab,G,L),
+	#calc(G,L,Sqs),
+	#delay(G,G1),
+	#result(G1,Sqs,Res).
+	@G1 = G.
+	if I < 0 then @O = -I else @O = I .
+	if I1 > I2 then (@O1 = I1, @O2 = I2)
+        	   else (@O1 = I2, @O2 = I1) .
+	@O = I1 * 7 / 8 + I2 / 2 .
+	if I1 > I2 then @O = I1 else @O = I2 .
+mag1:- A=5,B=6,
+	magasync(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+mag2:- Va = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], Vb = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
+	input_data(A,Va),input_data(B,Vb),
+	magasync_dataflow(A,B,Res), write_fk([A,B,Res]).
+write_fk(X) :- keep(write(X)),fin(write(X)).
+write_fk(A) :- fin(write(A)),keep(write(A)).
+input_data(0,[]) :- !,empty.
+	V = H,
+	@T = T,
+	@input_data(V,T).
+%4.3  pipeline merge sorter
+sorter :- Strdata = [10,20,5,100,1,6,2,3],
+    datagen(Strdata,Data),
+    pipe(Data,Out),
+    length(18),
+    #write(Out).
+        % Data Generator
+datagen([H|T],Out) :-
+    Out = [H],
+    @T = T, @datagen(T,Out).
+        % Pipeline Merge Sorter
+pipe(I0,Out) :-
+    I1 = [], I2 = [], Out = [],
+    proc_start(I0,I1, 2,1),
+    proc_start(I1,I2, 4,2),
+    proc_start(I2,Out,8,4).
+    % Processor Unit
+proc_start(I,O,P,PP) :-
+    X = [], Y = [], Z = [], T = 1,
+    #proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP).
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,_P,_PP) :- X=[],Y=[],I=[],!,
+    @X=X, @Y=Y, @Z=Z, @O=[], @T=1.
+proc(I,O,X,Y,Z,T,P,PP) :-
+     load(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP),
+    merge(I,O,X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,P,PP).
+load(I,_O,_X,Y,Yn,Z,Zn,T,_P,PP) :- T=<PP, !,
+    append(Z,I,Zn), @Z=Zn, Yn=Y,
+    @T=T+1.
+load(I,_O,_X,Y,Yn,Z,_Zn,T,P,_PP) :- 
+    append(Y,I,Yn), @Z=[],
+    (if T<P then @T=T+1 else @T=1).
+merge(_I,O,X,Y,Yn,_Z,Zn,T,_P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(_I,O,X,Y,Yn,_Z,Zn,T,_P,PP) :- X=[A|L],Yn=[],!,
+    @O=[A], @Y=Yn,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=L).
+merge(_I,O,X,Y,Yn,_Z,Zn,T,_P,PP) :-X=[],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    @O=[B], @Y=N,
+    (if T=PP then @X=Zn else @X=X).
+merge(_I,O,X,Y,Yn,_Z,_Zn,_T,_P,_PP) :-X=[A|L],Yn=[B|N],!,
+    (if A<B then
+	@O=[A], @X=L, @Y=Yn
+    else
+	@O=[B], @Y=N, @X=X).
+append(Nil,L,L1) :- Nil=[],L=L1.
+append(X,L,Y) :-[H|T]=X,[H1|M]=Y,
+     H=H1,append(T,L,M).
+test :- t0 & @
+	t1 & @
+	t2 & @
+	t3 & @
+	t4 & @
+	t5 & @
+	t6 & @
+	t7 & @
+	t8 & @
+%	t9 & @
+%	t10 & @
+%	t11 & @
+	mag1 & @
+	mag2 & @
+	sorter.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/iall	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+?- nl,consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult(''),
+   consult('').
+?- [''], com('', '/dev/null').
+% ?- save((tokio)), 'r_header'.
+?- 'r_header'.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lall	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+?- nl,load('ts.ql'),
+   load('to.ql'),
+   load('tc.ql'),
+   load('th.ql'),
+   load('td.ql'),
+   load('te.ql'),
+   load('tg.ql'),
+   load('tr.ql'),
+   load('tu.ql'),
+   load('tf.ql'),
+   load('xf.ql'),
+   load('cp.ql'),
+   load('tp.ql').
+?- [ts], com('', '/dev/null').
+% ?- gc, ttyflush, save((tokio)), 'r_header', (tokio).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mall	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+   com/1,		% compile & compile program.    
+   com/2,		% compile & counsult & save file.    
+   pcom/2,		% compile specified predicates.    
+   pcom/3,		% compile specified predicates.    
+   mcom/1,		%  preprocess 
+   mcom/2,		% preprocess & outputfile.
+   static/1, 		% static variable declaration
+   restart/1,		% run tokio save file.    
+   tokiodebug/0,	% All computation will be traced.    
+   tokionodebug/0,	% Debug mode is switched off.    
+   tokiodebugging/0,	% Display some informations about tracing.    
+   notimebacktrack/0,	% no time backtrack.. 
+   timebacktrack/0,	% time backtrack.. 
+   tokio/0,		% start tokio top-level. 
+   tokio/1, 		% run tokio program. 
+   tokio_help/0,	% help
+   user_help/0,		% help
+   reset_macro/1	% Reset Macro Definition. com predicates also reset Macros.
+?- ['ts'],
+   ensure_loaded('to'),
+   ensure_loaded('tc'),
+   ensure_loaded('th'),
+   ensure_loaded('td'),
+   ensure_loaded('te'),
+   ensure_loaded('tg'),
+   ensure_loaded('tr'),
+   ensure_loaded('tu'),
+   ensure_loaded('tf'),
+   ensure_loaded('xf'),
+   ensure_loaded('cp'),
+   ensure_loaded('tp').
+% :-prolog_flag(single_var_warnings, _, off),
+%   prolog_flag(compiling,_,compactcode).
+% end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+Tokio / Prolog Compiler
+				Fri Aug  5 19:35:55 JST 2005
+				Shinji KONO
+				University of the Ryukyus
+1.  Change -D flag in Makefile
+    Supporting Prologs    PROLOG_TYPE    PROLOG
+       SICStus            SICSTUS        sicstus
+       Quintus            QUINTUS        quintus
+       SWI-Prolog         SWIPROLOG      swipl
+2. File List
+    call 		prolog bootup file
+		file for compatiblities
+		file for compatiblities (no longer used)
+		tokio clause compiler
+		debugger
+		expression basics
+		predicates compiler
+		one line compiler
+		head unification
+		basic macros
+		tokio compiler main routines
+		macro expansion
+		runtime support
+		system definition & operator
+		temporal logic unification
+		system-predicates list
+		module definition
+    call iall lall mall   load file
+3. How to run
+In SICStus, use tokio module.
+    % sicstus
+    SICStus 3.12.1 (powerpc-darwin-7.8.0): Mon Apr 18 20:00:24 CEST 2005
+    Licensed to
+    | ?- use_module(tokio).
+    % compiling /Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/
+    %  compiled /Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/ in module tokio, 60 msec 19832 bytes
+    END 
+    0.0 sec.
+    % compiled /Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/ in module tokio, 350 msec 153404 bytes
+    yes
+    | ?- com(example).
+    Compiling: t0/0
+    Compiling: test/0
+    END 
+    0.10999999999999999 sec.
+    % compiling /Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio...
+    * [E] - singleton variables in (tokio):t1/2
+    * Approximate lines: 873-877, file: '/Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio'
+    % compiled /Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio in module tokio, 210 msec 57528 bytes
+    yes
+    | ?- tokio.
+    tokio: test.
+    t0:1
+    t1:1
+     ...
+    t90:[100]
+    t91:[]
+    91 clock and 0.010000000000000009 sec. 
+    tokio: ^D
+    yes
+    | ?- ^D
+In SWI Prolog, use script.
+    % swipl
+    Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, Version 5.4.7)
+    Copyright (c) 1990-2003 University of Amsterdam.
+    SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
+    and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+    Please visit for details.
+    For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
+    ?- [tokio_swi].
+    %   ts compiled into tokio 0.00 sec, 1,984 bytes
+     ...
+    %   tp compiled into tokio 0.00 sec, 18,668 bytes
+    END 
+    0 sec.
+    %  tokio compiled into tokio 0.06 sec, 142,720 bytes
+    %  ts compiled 0.00 sec, 840 bytes
+    % tokio_swi compiled 0.06 sec, 143,952 bytes
+    Yes
+    tokio:  ?- com(example).
+    Compiling: t0/0
+    Compiling: t1/0
+    Compiling: test/0
+    END 
+    0.14 sec.
+    Warning: (/Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio:18):
+	    Singleton variables: [E]
+      ...
+    Warning: (/Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio:873):
+	    Singleton variables: [E]
+    % #temp.tokio compiled into tokio 0.02 sec, 68,272 bytes
+    Yes
+    tokio:  ?- tokio.
+    tokio: test.
+    t0:1
+    t1:1
+    t2:1
+    t90:[100]
+    t91:[]
+    91 clock and 0.02 sec. 
+    tokio: 
+    Yes
+    tokio:  ?- 
+    % halt
+You can run each small test in example file,
+    ?- tokio t0.
+or in tokio top level,
+    ?- tokio.
+    tokio: t0.
+To try more examles, 
+    % cd Examples/6502
+    % sicstus
+    ?-use_module('../../Tokio/tokiko').
+    ?-com(mc6502).
+    ?-com(run).
+    ?-tokio run(a).
+Some of them may not work, such as toy.
+3. Notice
+If you are going to create very large program in Tokio,
+use com/2 instead of com/1. It greatly reduces compile time and you 
+can use Prolog output for debugging purpose. 
+Converting Tokio Program into Prolog is quite fast. But 
+compiling the output by Prolog compiler takes long time (in some prolog).  
+Execution speed of Tokio program mainly depends on runtime library, so
+Tokio code can run reasonably fast even if generated code is not compiled.
+"com(file)" command translates and compiles Tokio program, but 
+"com(file,output)" translates and consults Tokio program.
+In this reason, it is better to use com(file,output) than com(file) to 
+speed up Tokio to Prolog translation.
+When you exit Prolog  top level, use ``tokio'' to reenter Tokio top level. 
+In SICStus/Quintus, com/2 automatically try to add '.tokio' postfix,
+but SWI-Prolog does not. You need type com('mc6502.tokio') in SWI-Prolog.
+SICStus/Quintus complains,
+    * nofileerrors/0 - NOT redefined
+Please ignore.
+4. Module
+   ?- use_module(tokio).
+   ?- com(example).
+   ?- tokio test.
+will work on SICStus Prolog.
+In SWI-Prolog,
+   ?- use_module(tokio).
+   ?- [ts].
+   ?- module(tokio).
+   ?- com(example).
+   ?- tokio test.
+Yes, we should have seprate space for compiled tokio clauses.
+5. Sample Run
+Here is an example script....
+Script started on Fri Aug  5 19:39:20 2005
+% swipl
+Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, Version 5.4.7)
+Copyright (c) 1990-2003 University of Amsterdam.
+SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
+and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Please visit for details.
+For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
+?- [call].
+%  ts compiled 0.00 sec, 1,880 bytes
+%  to compiled 0.01 sec, 16,656 bytes
+ ...
+%  tp compiled 0.01 sec, 18,156 bytes
+0 sec.
+ Tokio to prolog compiler $Revision$ $Date$
+           try ?- tokio_help.
+% call compiled 0.08 sec, 257,608 bytes
+?- com(example)
+?- com
+?- com(example).
+Compiling: t0/0
+Compiling: t1/0
+ ....
+Compiling: append/3
+Compiling: test/0
+0.14 sec.
+Warning: (/Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio:18):
+	Singleton variables: [E]
+   ...
+Warning: (/Users/kono/ITL/Tokio/#temp.tokio:873):
+	Singleton variables: [E]
+% #temp.tokio compiled 0.02 sec, 68,272 bytes
+?- tokio test.
+ ...
+91 clock and 0.02 sec. 
+?- tokiodebug.
+Tokio debug mode switched on.
+All computation will be traced.
+ERROR: Undefined procedure: ttynl/0
+?- tokio t0.
+Tokio Trace t0:h.
+help/h/?             	 print this
+next/n               	 skip to next clock
+dump/d               	 dump current static value
+all                  	 all history of static value
+save(file)           	 save current state
+skip(n)/s(n)/+-Number	 goto +-Number clock
+abort/a              	 abort tokio execution
+break/b              	 break to prolog
+value(Name)/*Name    	 examine static value
+queue/q              	 show current process queue
+trace/t              	 enter prolog tracer
+Tokio Trace t0:next.
+Tokio Trace t1:next.
+Tokio Trace t2:q.
+:-abolish(restart, 1), recorda(time, 2, _G415).
+restart:-r_solve_t((r_0t00(['$t'(B, C, D, $(5, 2, A))|E], ['$t'(true, true, true, $(5, 2, A))|F]), true), 5, 2, ['$t'(B, C, D, $(5, 2, A))|E], ['$t'(true, true, true, $(5, 2, A))|F]).
+Tokio Trace t2:skip(3).
+Script done on Fri Aug  5 19:41:30 2005
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	Tokio compiler to prolog
+					Thu Aug 15 12:17:04 JST 1985
+					Fri Jan 10 16:11:31 JST 1986
+					Fri Sep  5 09:51:36 JST 1986 for 1.2a
+					Thu Mar 26 16:19:10 JST 1987
+					Wed Oct 14 13:35:54 JST 1987 full time F
+					Fri Oct 16 11:28:26 JST 1987 Sicstus
+					$Header$
+	  body-compiler
+c_clause((Head :- Body), (H :- B)) :- !, 
+    c_opt(Body, NBody, _), 				% delete true
+    c_body(NBody, Control,
+	['$t'(B1,_,_,_)|Q] , ['$t'(true,_,_,_)|T1], before_cut-_), 	
+							% make queue structure
+    c_head(Head, H0, B2, B1,Control,Q),  			% inline unification
+    c_opt(B2, B, _),					% off tailing true
+    c_make_pred(H0, H, Q, T1). 
+c_clause(Head, H) :-					% fact
+    c_head(Head, H0, B2, true,_,_),
+    c_make_pred(H0, H1, Q, Q),
+    c_opt(B2, B, _),					% off tailing true
+    (B = true, H = H1,! ; H = (H1 :- B)).
+c_error(A) :-
+    telling(Old),tell(user),
+    call(A),
+    tell(Old).
+    c_head(Head, ModfiedHead, Qhead, Qtail)
+c_head(H,Mh,Qh0,Qt,Control,Q) :-
+    c_control_reference(Control,Qh0,Qh,Q),
+    functor(H,F,A),functor(Mh,F,A),
+    c_args(0,A, H, Mh, Qh, Qt).
+c_args(N, N, _, _, Q, Q) :- !. 
+c_args(K, N, Head, H, Q, Q1) :- 
+    K1 is K+1, arg(K1, Head, AK), arg(K1, H, HK), 
+    c_unify(AK, HK, Q, Q2, 8),  
+    c_args(K1, N, Head, H, Q2, Q1). 
+% We needs NOW value however sometines is is hiden in Next time Queue
+c_control_reference(Control,(Q=['$t'(_N,_F,_K,'$'(_,NowTime,_))|_],Qh),Qh,Q) :- 
+	Control = '$'(_Fin,Now,_Empty),nonvar(Now),var(Q),
+	Now = '$REF'(NowTime),!.
+    Tokio compiler Queue structure
+    [Qnow,Qnext1,Qnext2,......|_],[QnowTail,Qnext1Tail,Qnext2Tail,.....|_]
+			D-list
+    Qnow = '$t'(Next,Fin,Keep,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))
+	predicate(A):- p,q.
+	    ---> predicate(A,Q,Q1) :- 
+		    p(Q,Q2),q(Q2,Q1).
+c_body(E=E1, Control, 
+	['$t'(N1,F,K,C)|Q], 
+	['$t'(N,F,K,C)|Q], before_cut-before_cut) :- !, 
+    c_eval(E, EE, N1, N2, Control), c_eval(E1, EE1, N2, N, Control),
+    c_equate(EE,EE1).
+c_body(E=E1, Control, 
+	['$t'(N1,F,K,C)|Q], 
+	['$t'(N,F,K,C)|Q], after_cut-after_cut) :- !, 
+    c_eval(E, EE, N1, N2, Control), c_eval(E1, EE1, N2, (EE  =  EE1,N), Control).
+c_body(E is E1, Control, 
+	['$t'(N1,F,K,C)|Q], 
+	['$t'(N,F,K,C)|Q], Cut-Cut) :- !, 
+    c_eval(E, EE, N1, N2, Control), c_eval(E1, EE1, N2, (EE is EE1,N), Control).
+c_body('$chop'(Former,Later), Control,			% later must be atomic
+	['$t'(('r_subBegin'(Q,QF,QF1,_Sfin),FF),F,K,Control)|Q],
+	['$t'(FF1,F,K,Control)|Q1],Cut) :- !,
+    Control = '$'(_CFin,CNow,_CEmpty), NC = '$'(_,CNow,_), % subtle code
+    c_body(Former,NC,['$t'(FF,_,_,NC)|QF1],['$t'((L1,FF1),_,_,NC)|QF2],Cut),
+    c_chop_later(Later, L1, Q, Q1, QF, QF2).
+c_body((A,B), Control, Q, Q1, Cut-Cut1) :- !,
+    c_body(A, Control, Q, Q2, Cut-Cut2),
+    c_body(B, Control, Q2, Q1, Cut2-Cut1).
+%c_body(empty, '$'(Fin,Now,empty), 
+%	[Now,'$t'(N,F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,empty))|Q1],
+%	[Now,'$t'(N,F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,empty))|Q1], Cut) :- !, % strong next
+c_body(empty, Control,
+    ['$t'(('r_empty'(Q),N),F,K,Control)|Q],
+    ['$t'(N,F,K,Control)|Q],Cut-Cut) :- !.
+c_body(notEmpty, Control,
+    ['$t'(('r_notEmpty'(Q),N),F,K,Control)|Q],
+    ['$t'(N,F,K,Control)|Q],Cut-Cut) :- !.
+c_body(length(L), Control,
+    ['$t'(N2,F,K,Control)|Q],
+    ['$t'(N,F,K,Control)|Q],Cut-Cut) :- !,
+    c_eval(L, LL, N2, ('r_length'(LL,Q),N), Control).
+%% c_body(@true, C, Q, Q, Cut-Cut) :-!.			% special optimize
+c_body(next(true), _C, Q, Q, Cut-Cut) :-!.
+c_body(@A, '$'(Fin,NowTime,notEmpty), 
+	[Now|Q],
+	[Now,'$t'(N,F,K,'$'(Fin,NowTime,notEmpty))|Q1], Cut) :- !, % strong next
+     c_seperate_next(A, NextA),
+     c_body(NextA, _Control, 
+	Q,
+	['$t'(N,F,K,'$'(Fin,NowTime,notEmpty))|Q1], Cut).
+c_body(next(A), _Control,
+	 [Now|Q], [Now|Q1], Cut) :- !,   % weak next
+     c_seperate_next(A, NextA),
+     c_body(NextA, _Control1, Q, Q1, Cut). 
+c_body(ifEmpty(A), Control, 			% fin don't care queue
+	[Now,'$t'(N,F,K,Control)|Q],[Now,'$t'(N,F1,K,Control)|Q], 
+		Cut-Cut) :- !,
+     c_body(A, Control,
+	['$t'(F,F2,_,Control)|_],
+	['$t'(F2,F1,_,Control)|_] , after_cut-_).
+c_body(ifNotEmpty(A), Control, 
+	[Now,'$t'(N,F,K,Control)|Q],[Now,'$t'(N1,F,K1,Control1)|Q1], 
+		Cut-Cut) :- !,
+     c_body(A, Control,
+	['$t'(K ,_,_,Control),'$t'(N, _,K2,Control) |Q],
+	['$t'(K2,_,_,Control),'$t'(N1,_,K1,Control1)|Q1] , after_cut-_).
+c_body(A, Control, ['$t'(System,F,K,Control)|Q], 
+	['$t'(System1,F,K,Control)|Q], Cut) :- 
+    c_system(A, System, System1, Control, Cut), !.
+c_body(A, Control, 
+	['$t'((A1,Now),F,K,Control)|Q],
+	['$t'(Now,F,K,Control)|Q1], Cut-Cut) :- !,
+    c_make_pred(A,A1,Q,Q1).
+c_make_pred(X, XX, Q, T) :- 
+    functor(X, F, A),  
+    A1 is A+1, A2 is A+2, 
+    functor(XX, F, A2), 
+    c_copy_args(A, X, XX), 
+    arg(A1, XX, Q), arg(A2, XX, T).
+c_copy_args(0, _, _) :- !. 
+c_copy_args(K, X, XX) :- 
+    arg(K, X, XK), arg(K, XX, XK), K1 is K-1, c_copy_args(K1, X, XX). 
+c_system(true,Q, Q, _, Cut-Cut) :- !. 
+c_system('r_read_value'(A,B),('r_read_value'(A1,B),Q), Q, _, Cut-Cut) :- !,
+	c_seperate_now(A,A1). 
+c_system(!, (!,Q), Q, _, _Cut-after_cut) :- !. 
+c_system(prolog(A), (call(A1),Q), Q, _, Cut-Cut) :- !, c_seperate_now(A,A1). 
+%% c_system(A<--B, Q, Q1, Control, Cut-Cut) :- !,
+%%     c_eval(B, V, Q, Q2, Control),
+%%     (A = '$CNT'(V),!,Q1=Q2 ; Q2 = (unifyAll(A,V),Q1)). 
+c_system(*A:=B, Q, Q1, Control, Cut-Cut) :- !,
+    '$'(_Fin,'$REF'(NowTime),_Empty)=Control,
+    c_eval(A, Name, Q, Q2, Control),
+    c_eval(B, Value, Q2, ('r_set_value'(Name,Value,NowTime),Q1), Control).
+c_system(Op, Q, Q1, Control, Cut-Cut) :- n_predicate(Op,A,B,Op2,AA,BB),!,
+    c_eval(A, AA, Q, Q2, Control), c_eval(B, BB, Q2, (Op2,Q1), Control).
+c_system(System,(System1,Q), Q, _, Cut-Cut) :- systemp(System),
+    c_seperate_now(System,System1).
+% compile chop operator
+%    c_chop_later(Later, GenerateLater, Q, Q1, QF, QF1).
+c_chop_later(Later, GenerateLater, Q, Q1, QF, QF1) :-
+	%	0r(X, '$'(Q,Q1,QF,QF1))
+    functor(Later, LH1, A),
+    A1 is A+1,
+    functor(GenerateLater, LH1, A1),
+    arg(A1, GenerateLater, '$'(Q,Q1,QF,QF1)),  
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 0, A, Later, GenerateLater),
+	% 0r(X, '$'(Q, Q1, QF, QF1)) :- 'r_subFin'(QF, QF1),r(X, Q, Q1).
+    functor(Later0, LH1, A),
+    c_make_pred(Later0, Later1, QQ, QQ1),
+    functor(L2, LH1, A1),
+    arg(A1, L2, '$'(QQ,QQ1,QQF,QQF1)), 
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 0, A, Later0, L2),
+    write_clause( (L2 :- 'r_subFin'(QQF,QQF1), Later1)),
+	% 0r(X, '$'(Q, Q1, QF, QF1)) :- 
+	%	'r_subNotFin'(
+	%		0r(Xn,'$'(NQ,NQ1,NQF,NQF1)), '$'(NQ,NQ1,NQF,NQF1),
+	%		'$'(Q, Q1, QF, QF1)).
+    functor(Later00, LH1, A),
+    functor(L3, LH1, A1),
+    arg(A1, L3, '$'(QQ,QQ1,QQF,QQF1)), 
+    functor(L4, LH1, A1),
+    arg(A1, L4, '$'(NQQ,NQQ1,NQQF,NQQF1)), 
+    c_seperate_next(Later00,Later00Next),
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 0, A, Later00Next, L4),
+    c_args(0,A,Later00, L3, Body,
+	'r_subNotFin'( L4, '$'(NQQ,NQQ1,NQQF,NQQF1),
+                QQ, QQ1, QQF, QQF1)),
+    write_clause(( L3 :- Body )).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+tokiodebug_on :- recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !. 
+tokiodebug_on :- recorda(tokiodebug, on, _),  
+     write('Tokio debug mode switched on.'), nl. 
+tokiodebug_off :- recorded(tokiodebug, _, R), !, 
+    erase(R), write('Tokio debug mode  switched off.'), nl. 
+'tokiodebugon?' :-  
+     recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !, uhihi. 
+uhihi :- 
+    recorded(tokiotraceat, _, _), !, fail. 
+% Clocked Stepping
+r_tokioDebug(Q,Now) :- 
+	r_skip(S),
+	r_tokioDebug(S,Q,Now).
+r_tokioDebug(S,_Q,Now) :- S > Now,!.
+r_tokioDebug(S,_Q,Now) :- 0<S,S < Now,!,fail.
+r_tokioDebug(_,Q,Now) :- 
+	abolish(r_skip,1),
+	assert(r_skip(-1)),!,
+	r_select(Q,Now),!,r_skip(S),(S>Now;S= -1).
+r_select(Q,Now) :- repeat,nl,write('Tokio Trace t'),write(Now),write(:),
+	read(Key),r_menu(Key,Key1),
+	r_tokioDebug_menu(Key1,Q,Now),!.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(help,_,_) :- 
+	write('help/h/?             '),put(9),	write(' print this'),nl,
+	write('next/n               '),put(9),	write(' skip to next clock'),nl,
+	write('dump/d               '),put(9),	write(' dump current static value'),nl,
+	write('all                  '),put(9),	write(' all history of static value'),nl,
+	write('save(file)           '),put(9),	write(' save current state'),nl,
+	write('skip(n)/s(n)/+-Number'),put(9),write(' goto +-Number clock'),nl,
+	write('abort/a              '),put(9),	write(' abort tokio execution'),nl,
+	write('break/b              '),put(9),	write(' break to prolog'),nl,
+	write('value(Name)/*Name    '),put(9),write(' examine static value'),nl,
+	write('queue/q              '),put(9),	write(' show current process queue'),nl,
+	write('trace/t              '),put(9),	write(' enter prolog tracer'),
+	nl,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(dump,_,_) :- 
+	recorded(r_static,Name,_),record1(Name,(Name,Value,Time),_Ref),
+	write(at),write(Time),write(': '),put(9),
+	write(*Name),write( = ),write(Value),nl,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(abort,_,_Time):- !,abort.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(break,_,_Time):- !,break,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(next,_,_Time):- !.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(trace,_,_Time):- !,trace.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(all,_,Time) :- % recorded(time,Now,_),!,
+	r_inc_time(Now,Time), assert(r_fififi),
+	recorded(r_static,Name,_),recorded(Name,(Name,Value,Now),_Ref),
+	(r_fififi,write(Now),write(': '),retract(r_fififi),fail; put(9)),
+	write(*),write(Name),write(' = '),write(Value),
+	nl,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(queue,Q,_Time) :-
+	numbervars(Q,0,_),r_save_queue(Q),!,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(value(Name),_Q,_) :-
+	recorded(Name,(Name,Value,Time),_Ref),
+	write(*),write(Name),write(' = '),write(Value),
+	write(' at: '),write(Time),nl,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(save(File),Q,_Time) :-
+	tell(File),
+	write((:- init_static)),write('.'),nl,
+	r_save_static,numbervars(Q,0,_),
+	r_save_queue(Q),
+	told,!,fail.
+r_tokioDebug_menu(skip(N),_,Time) :- !,
+	M is N+Time,abolish(r_skip,1),
+	assert(r_skip(M)).
+r_tokioDebug_menu(_,_,_Time) :- !,fail.
+r_inc_time(X,Now) :- r_inc_time(X,Now,0).
+r_inc_time(N,Now,M) :- M1 is M+1,M1 =< Now, r_inc_time(N,Now,M1).
+r_save_static :-
+	recorded(r_static,Name,_),recorded(Name,(Value,Time),_Ref),
+	write_term((:- recordz(Name,(Value,Time),_)),[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]),
+	% writeq((:- recordz(Name,(Value,Time),_))),
+	write('.'),nl,fail.
+r_save_queue(t(Empty,X,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Futures,True)) :-
+	nl,write((:- abolish(restart,1),recorda(time,Now,_))),write('.'),
+	nl,
+	OO = ( restart
+    :- r_solve_t(X,Fin,Now,['$t'(Next,F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|Futures],
+		    ['$t'(true,true,true,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|True]) ),
+        % writeq(OO),
+        write_term(OO,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]),
+	write('.'),nl.
+restart(File) :- [-File],restart.
+record1(Name,Value,Ref) :- recorded(Name,Value,Ref),!.
+% Clause Tracer (N.Y.I)
+tokiospied(G) :-  
+    functor(G, F, A), A2 is A-2, recorded(tokiospy, F/A2, _), !. 
+tokiofailed1(_G) :- recorded(tokiofail, _, _), !. 
+tokiofailed(G) :-  
+     functor(G, F, A), A2 is A-2, recorded(tokiofail, F/A2, _), !. 
+% tokiodebug :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+% tokiodebug :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+tokiodebug :- tokiodebug_on, 
+    recorda(tokiospy, _, _), recorda(tokiofail, _, _), 
+    write('All computation will be traced.'), ttynl. 
+% tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+% tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+% tokionodebug :- recorded(tokiotraceat, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+tokionodebug :- tokiodebug_off. 
+(tokiospy) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+(tokiospy) :- recorded(tokiofail, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+(tokiospy) :- tokiodebug_on, recorda(tokiospy, _, _), 
+    write('All Tokio reductions will be traced.'), ttynl. 
+tokiospy(X) :-  
+    tokiodebug_on, 
+  ( X=_F/_A, !, recorda(tokiospy, X, _); recorda(tokiospy, X/_, _) ), 
+    write('Tokio spy-point placed on '), write(X), put("."), nl. 
+(tokionospy) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, R), erase(R), fail. 
+(tokionospy) :- tokiodebug_off. 
+tokionospy(F/A) :- 
+    recorded(tokiospy, F/A, R), erase(R), 
+    write('Tokio spy-point on '), write(F/A), write(' removed.'), nl, fail. 
+tokionospy(X) :- 
+    recorded(tokiospy, X/_, R), erase(R), 
+    write('Tokio spy-point on '), write(X), write(' removed.'), nl, fail. 
+tokionospy(_X) :- recorded(tokiospy, _, _), !. 
+tokionospy(_) :- tokiodebug_off. 
+tokiodebugging :- recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !, 
+    write('Tokio debug mode is switched on.'), nl, 
+    tokiodebugging1. 
+tokiodebugging :- write('Tokio debug mode is switched off.'), nl. 
+tokiodebugging1 :- 
+  ( setof(X, R^recorded(tokiospy, X, R), S), !, 
+      ( S=[V|_], var(V), !, write('All Tokio reductions are traced.'); 
+	write('Tokio spy-points set on: '), write(S) ), nl; 
+    true ). 
+/* end td */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	tokio compier function evaluator
+					Sat Jan 11 12:11:22 JST 1986
+	Now we move hole computation routines to tp
+	preprocessor part. So we only try to make temporal varible
+	structures here.
+% c_eval(Expression, Generate_Expression, Qhead, Qtail, Control).
+c_eval(Var, Now, Q, Q, _C) :- 
+    variable(Var),!,
+    c_seperate_now(Var, Now).
+%c_eval(Exp, Value, Q, Q1, C) :- n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!,
+%    c_eval_exp(A, AA, Q, Q2, C),
+%    c_eval_exp(B, BB, Q2, (Value is Exp1,Q1), C).
+c_eval(Atomic, Atomic, Q, Q, _C) :- atomic(Atomic),!.
+c_eval(@E, Next, Q, Q1, C) :- !,
+    c_seperate_next(E, EE),
+    c_eval(EE, Next, Q, Q1, C).
+% c_eval(*S, Value, Q, Q1, C) :- !,	% move into tp (macro expanstion)
+%    c_eval(S, Name, Q, ('r_read_value'(Name,Value),Q1), C).
+c_eval(Func, Value, Q, Q1, C) :-
+    functor(Func, H, A), functor(Value, H, A),
+    c_eval_arg(0, A, Func, Value, Q, Q1, C).
+c_eval_arg(N, N, _, _, Q, Q, _) :- !.
+c_eval_arg(N, M, A, B, Q, Q2, C) :-
+    N1 is N+1,
+    arg(N1, A, A1), arg(N1, B, B1),
+    c_eval(A1, B1, Q, Q1, C),
+    c_eval_arg(N1, M, A, B, Q1, Q2, C).
+%c_eval_exp(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C) :- nonvar(Exp),
+%    n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!,
+%    c_eval_exp(A, AA, Q,  Q2, C),
+%    c_eval_exp(B, BB, Q2, Q1, C).
+%c_eval_exp(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C) :- 
+%    c_eval(Exp, Exp1, Q, Q1, C).
+c_hex(H,V) :- c_hex(H,0,V).
+c_hex([H|T],V,V1) :- c_hex1([H],VH), V2 is V*16+VH,
+	c_hex(T,V2,V1).
+c_binary(H,V) :- c_binary(H,0,V).
+c_binary([H|T],V,V1) :- c_binary1([H],VH), V2 is V*2+VH,
+	c_binary(T,V2,V1).
+c_binary1("0",0). c_binary1("1",1).
+c_hex1("0",0). c_hex1("1",1). c_hex1("2",2). c_hex1("3",3).
+c_hex1("4",4). c_hex1("5",5). c_hex1("6",6). c_hex1("7",7).
+c_hex1("8",8). c_hex1("9",9). c_hex1("A",10). c_hex1("B",11).
+c_hex1("C",12). c_hex1("D",13). c_hex1("E",14). c_hex1("F",15).
+c_hex1("a",10). c_hex1("b",11). c_hex1("c",12). c_hex1("d",13).
+c_hex1("e",14). c_hex1("f",15).
+% n_function(cputime,0,0,cputime,_,_).
+n_function(A mod B,A,B,AA mod BB,AA,BB).
+/* evalator end */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	filter for partial compile
+				Sun Oct 13 18:35:19 JST 1985
+				Sun Nov 17 00:03:22 JST 1985 :-static
+				Wed Mar 25 23:00:23 JST 1987 rewrite
+				$Header$
+	*/
+pcom(File,Name) :- reset_macro,tokiopcompile(File,Name).
+pcom(File,Name,Out) :- reset_macro,tokiopcompile(File,Out,Name),
+    (Out = user,!;reconsult(Out)).
+tokiopcompile(S,Names) :-
+    tokiopcompile(S, '#temp.tokio', Names),
+    reconsult('#temp.tokio').   % I suppose we are in debugging.
+tokiopcompile(S, O,Names) :- 
+    cputime(Time),
+    init_tokiocomp,
+    tell(O), 
+    tokiopcomp(S, [], _L, Names), told,
+    cputime(Time1),Time0 is Time1-Time,
+    c_error((write('END '), nl, 
+    write(Time0), write(' sec.'),nl)).
+tokiopcomp([], L, L, _Names) :- !. 
+tokiopcomp([H|T], L0, L, Names) :- !,
+	tokiopcomp(H, L0, L1, Names), tokiopcomp(T, L1, L, Names). 
+tokiopcomp(F, L, L, Names) :- 
+    seeing(O), nofileerrors, 
+    tokiofile(F,F1),see(F1), !, 
+    tokiopcomp1('$$$$',Names), seen, see(O), !. 
+tokiopcomp(F, _, _, _) :- 
+    fileerrors, 
+    c_error((
+    display('Cannot open file: '), display(F), ttynl)),fail.
+tokiopcomp1(X,_Names) :- tokiocomp2(X),!.
+tokiopcomp1(_,Names) :-
+    read_filter(Next,Names), 
+    tokiopcomp1(Next,Names). 
+tokiopcomp1(_,_Names) :- 
+    c_error((nl,write('read error'),nl)).
+read_filter(X,Name) :- repeat,read(X),
+	filter(X,Name).
+filter((H:-_),Name) :- !,functor(H,HH,_),
+    (HH=Name ; member(HH,Name)),!.
+filter(X,Name) :- functor(X,HH,_),
+    (HH=Name ; member(HH,Name)),!.
+cputime(T) :- 'r_cputime'(T).
+/* Macro Level Only Output */
+mcom(File) :- reset_macro,tokiomcompile(File).
+mcom(File,Out) :- reset_macro,tokiomcompile(File,Out).
+tokiomcompile(S) :-
+    tokiomcompile(S, '#temp.tokio').
+tokiomcompile(S, O) :- 
+    cputime(Time),
+    init_tokiocomp,
+    tell(O), 
+    tokiomcomp(S, [], _L), told,
+    cputime(Time1),Time0 is Time1-Time,
+    c_error((write('END '), nl, 
+    write(Time0), write(' sec.'),nl)).
+tokiomcomp([], L, L) :- !. 
+tokiomcomp([H|T], L0, L) :- !,
+	tokiomcomp(H, L0, L1), tokiomcomp(T, L1, L). 
+tokiomcomp(F, L, L) :- 
+    seeing(O), nofileerrors, 
+    tokiofile(F,F1),see(F1), !, 
+    tokiomcomp1('$$$$'), seen, see(O), !. 
+tokiomcomp(F, _, _) :- 
+    fileerrors, 
+    c_error((
+    display('Cannot open file: '), display(F), ttynl)),fail.
+tokiomcomp1(X) :- tokiomcomp2(X),!.
+tokiomcomp1(_) :-
+    read(Next),!,tokiomcomp1(Next). 
+tokiomcomp1(_) :- 
+    c_error((nl,write('read error'),nl)).
+tokiomcomp2(end_of_file) :- !. 
+tokiomcomp2('$$$$') :- !,fail. 
+tokiomcomp2('$define'(Macro)) :- 
+     read_macro(Macro),!,fail.
+tokiomcomp2('$function'(Function)) :-
+     read_function(Function),!,fail.
+tokiomcomp2((:- X)) :- 		
+    call(X), write_clause((:- X)),!,fail.
+tokiomcomp2((?- X)) :- 		
+    call(X), write_clause((:- X)),!,fail.
+% tokiomcomp2(Head) :- compiling_message(Head),fail.
+tokiomcomp2(X) :- preprocess(X,X1),!,
+    numbervars(X1,0,_),
+    write_clause(X1),!,fail.
+/* end */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	Tokio to prolog compiler
+		One line compiler 
+					Mon Jun 18 16:09:07 JST 1990
+	$Header$
+% Main Loop
+(tokio) :- repeat, init_static, nl,
+    display('tokio: '), ttyflush,
+    read(G), r_tokio_loop(G).
+r_tokio_loop(end_of_file) :- !.
+r_tokio_loop(G) :- r_goal(G),
+    !,fail.
+% Now main loop becomes one line compiler in
+% tokio(Goals) :- init_static,
+%     copy(Goals, G), 'r_tokio0'(G),
+%     Goals = G.
+tokio(Goals) :- init_static,
+        r_goal(Goals).
+%  call '$g$g$g'(Varlists)
+r_goal(Goal) :-
+        r_goals_retract,
+	get_variable(Goal,Vlist,[],_,0,Vcount),
+	functor(GGG, '$g$g$g', Vcount),
+	get_variable(GGG,Vlist,[],_,0,_),!,
+	preprocess((GGG :- Goal),Processed),
+	r_goal1(GGG,Processed).
+% success on compiler failuer
+r_goal1(_GGG,Processed) :-
+	r_goals(Processed),!,r_goals_retract.
+% Then execute goal
+r_goal1(GGG,_Processed) :-
+	'r_tokio0'(GGG),r_goals_retract.
+% Real Fail
+r_goal1(_GGG,_Processed) :- r_goals_retract,fail.
+r_goals((X,_Y)) :- r_goals(X).	% fail and fall into next line
+r_goals((_X,Y)) :- !,r_goals(Y).
+r_goals(X) :- 
+        recorda('r_assert',on,Ref),
+            c_clause(X, C),       % clitical on asserting clause
+        erase(Ref),
+        assert_clause(C),!, fail. % to reduce stack
+r_goals(X) :- 
+	c_error((nl,write('compiler error on '),write(X),nl)).
+r_goals_retract :- recorded('r_run',XXX,Ref),erase(Ref),retract(XXX),fail.
+c_melt('$VAR'(N), Var, Vs) :- !,
+	c_nlist(N,Var,Vs).	
+c_melt([X|TX], [XX|TXX], Vs) :-
+	c_melt(X,XX,Vs),c_melt(TX,TXX,Vs).
+c_melt('$t'(X,TX), '$t'(XX,TXX), Vs) :-
+	c_melt(X,XX,Vs),c_melt(TX,TXX,Vs).
+c_melt(X, XX, Vs) :-
+	functor(X, F, A), 
+	functor(XX, F, A), 
+	c_melt_args(0, A, X, XX, Vs),!.
+c_melt_args(N, N, _X, _, _) :- !.
+c_melt_args(K, N, X, XX, Vs) :-
+	K1 is K+1, 
+	arg(K1, X, XK),   
+	arg(K1, XX,XXK),   
+	c_melt(XK, XXK, Vs), 
+	c_melt_args(K1, N, X, XX, Vs).
+c_nlist(0,V,[V|_]) :-!.
+c_nlist(N,V,[_|T]) :-
+	N1 is N-1,
+	c_nlist(N1,V,T).
+/* */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+%% Tokio to Prolog compiler
+%%    variable classification and head compile
+%% Sat Jan 11 11:31:10 JST 1986
+%% $Header$
+c_equate(EE,EE) :-!.
+c_equate('$CNT'(EE),EE) :-!.
+c_equate(EE,'$CNT'(EE)) :-!.
+%% variable separation for temporality
+c_seperate(Var,Now,Next) :- Var = '$TMP'(_,Now,Next),!.
+c_seperate(Var,Var,'$CNT'(Var1)) :- Var = '$CNT'(Var1),!.
+c_seperate(Var,Now,Next) :- Var = '$NOW'(Var1,Now),!,
+    c_seperate(Var1,Now,Next).
+c_seperate(Var,Now,Next) :- Var = '$NXT'(Var1,Next),!,
+    c_seperate(Var1,Now,Next).
+c_seperate(Atomic,Atomic,Atomic) :- atomic(Atomic),!.
+c_seperate(Op, Op1, Op2) :- 
+    functor(Op, H, N),functor(Op1, H, N),functor(Op2, H, N),
+    c_seperate_arg(0, N, Op, Op1, Op2).
+c_seperate_arg(N, N, _, _, _) :- !.
+c_seperate_arg(M, N, Op, Op1, Op2) :-
+    M1 is M+1,arg(M1, Op, A), arg(M1, Op1, A1),arg(M1, Op2, A2),
+    c_seperate(A,A1,A2),
+    c_seperate_arg(M1, N, Op, Op1, Op2).
+c_seperate_now(Var,Now) :- Var = '$NOW'(_,Now),!.
+c_seperate_now(Var,Var) :- Var = '$CNT'(_Var1),!.
+c_seperate_now(Var,Now) :- Var = '$TMP'(_,Now,_Next),!.
+c_seperate_now(Var,Now) :- Var = '$NXT'(Var1,Next),!,
+    c_seperate(Var1,Now,Next).
+c_seperate_now(Atomic,Atomic) :- atomic(Atomic),!.
+c_seperate_now(Op, Op1) :- 
+    functor(Op, H, N),functor(Op1, H, N),
+    c_seperate_now_arg(0, N, Op, Op1).
+c_seperate_now_arg(N, N, _, _) :- !.
+c_seperate_now_arg(M, N, Op, Op1) :-
+    M1 is M+1,arg(M1, Op, A), arg(M1, Op1, A1),
+    c_seperate_now(A,A1),
+    c_seperate_now_arg(M1, N, Op, Op1).
+c_seperate_next(Var,Next) :- Var = '$NXT'(_,Next),!.
+c_seperate_next(Var,'$CNT'(Var1)) :- Var = '$CNT'(Var1),!.
+c_seperate_next(Var,Next) :- Var = '$TMP'(_,_Now,Next),!.
+c_seperate_next(Var,Next) :- Var = '$NOW'(Var1,Now),!,
+    c_seperate(Var1,Now,Next).
+c_seperate_next(Atomic,Atomic) :- atomic(Atomic),!.
+c_seperate_next(Op, Op1) :- 
+    functor(Op, H, N),functor(Op1, H, N),
+    c_seperate_next_arg(0, N, Op, Op1).
+c_seperate_next_arg(N, N, _, _) :- !.
+c_seperate_next_arg(M, N, Op, Op1) :-
+    M1 is M+1,arg(M1, Op, A), arg(M1, Op1, A1),
+    c_seperate_next(A,A1),
+    c_seperate_next_arg(M1, N, Op, Op1).
+% c_unify(Original_argument, Generated_argument, Unification_code, ItsBase, 
+%         Level). 
+%	Tokio has same problem as ghc. f(X,X) must be comipled into
+%	f(X, Y) :- unify(X, Y).
+c_unify(X, Y, Q, Q, _) :-  
+     var(X), !, X= '$REF'(Y).   % mark X as "used!" 
+c_unify('$REF'(X), Y, (unifyAll(X, Y),Q), Q, _) :- !. 
+% c_unify('$CNT'(X), X, Q, Q, _) :- !. 
+c_unify('$CNT'(X), Y, (uconst(Y,X),Q), Q, _) :- !. 
+c_unify('$TMP'(Org,Now,Next), Org1, Q1, Q, L) :- !,
+    c_nownext(Org, Org1, Now, Next, Q1, Q, L).
+c_unify('$NOW'(Org,Now), Org1, Q1, Q, L) :- !,
+    c_now(Org, Org1, Now, Q1, Q, L).
+c_unify('$NXT'(Org,Next), Org1, Q1, Q, L) :- !,
+    c_next(Org, Org1, Next, Q1, Q, L).
+c_unify([], X, (unil(X),Q), Q, _) :- !. 
+c_unify(A, X, (uatom(X, A),Q), Q, _) :- atomic(A), !. 
+c_unify(X, Y, (unifyAll(X, Y),Q), Q, 0) :- !. % Stop expansion at given level 
+c_unify([H|T], X, (ulist(X, H0, T0), Q1), Q, L) :- !, 
+    L1 is L-1, c_unify(H, H0, Q1, Q2, L1),  
+    c_unify(T, T0, Q2, Q, L1). 
+c_unify(S, X, Q1, Q, L) :-  		% compile unification
+    functor(S, F, A), A < 4, !, functor(S0, F, A), 
+    make_skel_name(F, Us, A),
+    c_skel(Us, S0, X, F, A, Q1, Q2, L), 
+    L1 is L-1,
+    c_unify_args(0, A, S, S0, Q2, Q, L1). 
+c_unify(S, X, (uskel(X, S0), Q1), Q, L) :- !, 
+    L1 is L-1, functor(S, F, A), functor(S0, F, A), 
+    c_unify_args(0, A, S, S0, Q1, Q, L1). 
+c_unify_args(N, N, _, _, Q, Q, _) :- !. 
+c_unify_args(K, N, S, X, Q1, Q, L) :- 
+    K1 is K+1, arg(K1, S, SK), arg(K1, X, XK),  
+    c_unify(SK, XK, Q1, Q2, L), 
+    c_unify_args(K1, N, S, X, Q2, Q, L). 
+% compile skelton unifications
+%	f(_,_,_) ---> 'r_f3'
+make_skel_name(F, U, A) :-
+    name(A, AL), name(F, FL), 
+%    concatenate(["'r_",FL,AL,"'"], UL),
+    concatenate(["r_",FL,AL], UL),		%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    name(U, UL).
+concatenate([H|T],X) :- concatenate(T,X1),append(H,X1,X).
+c_skel(U, S, X, _F, A, (Uc,Q), Q, _L) :- recorded('$uskel',U,_),!,
+    A1 is A+1, functor(Uc, U, A1), 
+    arg(1, Uc, X),
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 1, A1, S, Uc).
+c_skel(U, S, X, F, A, (Uc,Q), Q, _L) :- recordz('$uskel',U,_),!,
+    A1 is A+1, functor(Uc, U, A1),
+    arg(1, Uc, X),
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 1, A1, S, Uc),
+    functor(U1, U, A1), functor(Us, F, A),
+    c_skel_copy_arg(0, 1, A1, Us, U1),
+    arg(1, U1, Us),
+    write_clause((U1 :- !)),
+    functor(U2, U, A1), functor(Us2, F, A), functor(Un, U, A1),
+    c_skel_copy_arg_tmp(0, 1, A1, Us2, U2, Un),
+    arg(1, U2, '$t'(Us2, N)),
+    arg(1, Un, N),
+    write_clause((U2 :- Un)).
+c_skel_copy_arg(_L, N, N, _A, _B) :- !.
+c_skel_copy_arg(L, N, M, A, B) :-
+    L1 is L+1, N1 is N+1,
+    arg(L1, A, Arg), arg(N1, B, Arg),
+    c_skel_copy_arg(L1, N1, M, A, B).
+c_skel_copy_arg_tmp(_L, N, N, _A, _B, _C) :- !.
+c_skel_copy_arg_tmp(L, N, M, A, B, C) :-
+    L1 is L+1, N1 is N+1,
+    arg(L1, A, Now), arg(N1, B, '$t'(Now,Next)), arg(N1, C, Next),
+    c_skel_copy_arg_tmp(L1, N1, M, A, B, C).
+% optimiser check variables
+%	now only referenced	unifyNow
+%	next only referenced	unifyNext
+%	both referenced		unifyNowNext
+%	if already referenced then product unifyAll code
+%    c_now/next(Org, Modyfied, Now/Next, Q1, Q),
+c_nownext(Org, Org1, Now, Next, (unifyNowNext(Org1,Now,Next1),Q1), Q, L) :- 
+    var(Org),!,Org = '$REF'(Org1),
+    c_unify(Next,Next1, Q1, Q, L).
+c_nownext('$REF'(O2), O, _Now, _Next, (unifyAll(O2,O),Q), Q, _L).
+c_now(Var, Var1, Now, (unifyNow(Var1,Now), Q), Q, _L) :- var(Var),!,
+    Var = '$REF'(Var1).
+c_now('$REF'(O2), O, _Now, (unifyAll(O2,O),Q), Q, _L) :- !.
+c_now('$TMP'(O,Now,Next), O1, Now, Q, Q1, L) :- 
+    c_nownext(O, O1, Now, Next, Q, Q1, L).
+c_next(Var, Var, Next, (unifyNext(Var1,Next1), Q), Q1, L) :- var(Var),!,
+    Var = '$REF'(Var1),
+    c_unify(Next,Next1, Q, Q1, L).
+c_next('$REF'(O2), O, _Next, (unifyAll(O2,O),Q), Q, _L) :- !.
+c_next('$TMP'(O,Now,Next), O1, Next, Q, Q1, L) :-
+    c_nownext(O, O1, Now, Next, Q, Q1, L).
+% c_opt(Before, After, Optimized_or_not) 
+c_opt(X,X,0) :- var(X),!.
+c_opt((true, X), Y, 1) :- !, c_opt(X, Y, _). 
+c_opt((X0, true), X, 1) :- !, c_opt(X0, X, _). 
+c_opt((X0, Y0), R, C) :- !, 
+    c_opt(X0, X1, CX), c_opt(Y0, Y1, CY), C0 is CX\/CY, 
+  ( C0 =:= 0, !, C is C0, R = (X1, Y1);  
+    c_opt((X1, Y1), R, C) ).            % X1/Y1 may be optimized to 'true' 
+c_opt(X, X, 0). 
+/* end of compiler */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+%	tokio standard macro definition
+%		Sat Sep  7 16:45:15 JST 1985
+%               $Header$
+'$define'	( *A :- *A = 1 ).
+'$define'	( not(*A) :- *A = 0 ).
+% '$define'	( (A | B) :- A,!,B ).   ! = | in some prolog
+'$define' 	(A ; B :- H)
+'$clause' 	(H :- A)
+'$clause' 	(H :- B). 
+'$define' 	(if A then B else C :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- A,!,B)
+'$clause'	(H :- C).
+'$define'	(if A then B :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- A,!,B)
+'$clause' 	(H).
+'$define'	(not(A) :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- A,!,fail)
+'$clause' 	(H).
+'$define'	(while A do B :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- A,!,( B && H))
+'$clause'	(H :- empty).
+'$define'	(A && B) :- A,@true & B.	% strong chop
+'$define'	(fin(A) :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- ifEmpty(A), next(H)).
+'$define'	(keep(A) :- H)
+'$clause'	(H :- ifNotEmpty(A), next(H)).
+'$define'	(more :- @true).		% better than notEmpty?
+'$define'	(#P :- Q)			% |t|
+'$clause'	(Q :- P, next(Q)).
+'$define'	([](P) :- Q)			% |t|
+'$clause'	(Q :- P, next(Q)).
+'$define'	('||'P :- Q)			% Sun Oct 13 16:48:00 JST 1985
+'$clause'	(Q :- (P & true), next(Q)).
+'$define' 	( {P} :- P ).
+'$define'	( A gets B :- keep(@A = B) ).
+'$define'	( stable(A) :- A gets A ).
+'$define'	( <>P :- true &&  P).
+'$define'	( halt(P) :- # (if P then empty else @true)).
+'$define' 	( '$CNT'(A) <-- B :- '$CNT'(A) = B ).    %% tricky!
+% many kind of temporal assignments
+'$define'	( A <- B	:- C <-- B, fin( A =  C) ).
+'$define'	( A <= B	:- C <-- B, fin( A :=  C) ).
+'$define'	( [] <<- B	:- true).
+'$define'	( [H|T] <<- B	:- C <-- B, fin( H =  C), T <<- C).
+'$define'	( [] <== B	:- true).
+'$define'	( [H|T] <== B	:- C=B,H <== B,T <== C).
+% next two macros are processed in
+% '$define'	( A <= B	:- C <-- B, fin( A := C) ).
+% '$define'	( *A <= B	:- D <-- A, C <-- B, fin( *D := C) ).
+'$define'	( skip :- @empty ).
+'$define'	( beg(X) :- empty,X & true ).
+'$define' 	(call(H) :- r_tokio_call(H)).
+ %% system macro end
+'$define' 	('r_initr_').
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	Tokio compiler to prolog
+			Thu Aug 15 12:17:04 JST 1985
+			Fri Jan 10 16:11:31 JST 1986
+			Fri Sep  5 09:51:36 JST 1986 for 1.2a
+			Thu Mar 26 16:19:10 JST 1987
+			Wed Oct 14 13:35:54 JST 1987 full time F
+			Fri Oct 16 11:28:26 JST 1987 Sicstus
+			$Header$
+	compiler main routine 
+com(X) :- reset_macro,tokiocompile(X). 
+com(X,Y) :- reset_macro,tokiocompile(X, Y),
+	(Y = user,!;reconsult(Y)). 
+tokiocompile(S) :-
+    tokiocompile(S, '#temp.tokio'),
+%   reconsult('#temp.tokio'). 
+    compile0('#temp.tokio'). 
+tokiocompile(S, O) :- 
+    cputime(Time),
+    init_tokiocomp,
+    tell(O), 
+    tokiocomp(S, [], _L), told, 
+    cputime(Time1),Time0 is Time1-Time, 
+    c_error((write('END '), nl, write(Time0), write(' sec.'),nl)).
+init_tokiocomp :- recorded('$uskel', _X, R), erase(R), fail.
+init_tokiocomp :- recorded('$mnum', _X, R), erase(R), fail.
+tokiocomp([], L, L) :- !. 
+tokiocomp([H|T], L0, L) :- !, tokiocomp(H, L0, L1), tokiocomp(T, L1, L). 
+tokiocomp(F, _L0, _L) :- 
+    seeing(O), nofileerrors, tokiofile(F,F1),see(F1), !, 
+    tokiocomp1('$$$$'), seen, see(O), !. 
+tokiocomp(F, _, _) :- 
+    fileerrors, 
+    c_error((write('Cannot open file: '), write(F), nl)), !, fail. 
+tokiofile(F,F1) :- name(F,FL),concatenate([FL,".tokio"],NewL),name(F1,NewL).
+tokiofile(F,F1) :- name(F,FL),concatenate([FL,".t"],NewL),name(F1,NewL).
+/* tokiocomp1
+	read loop (fail loop)
+tokiocomp1(X) :- tokiocomp2(X).
+tokiocomp1(_) :-
+    read(Next), !, tokiocomp1(Next). 
+tokiocomp1(_) :- c_error((nl,write('read error'),nl)).
+/* tokocomp2
+	compiler directive 
+	this predicate never success except file end.
+tokiocomp2(end_of_file) :- !. 
+tokiocomp2('$$$$') :- !,fail. 
+tokiocomp2('$define'(Macro)) :- 
+     read_macro(Macro),!,fail.
+tokiocomp2('$function'(Function)) :-
+     read_function(Function),!,fail.
+tokiocomp2((:- X)) :- 		
+    call(X), write_clause((:- X)),!,fail.
+tokiocomp2((?- X)) :- 		
+    call(X), write_clause((:- X)),!,fail.
+tokiocomp2(Head) :- compiling_message(Head),fail.
+tokiocomp2(X) :- preprocess(X,X1),!,tokiocomp3(X1).
+compiling_message((Head :- _Body)) :- !,compiling_message(Head).
+compiling_message(Head) :- 
+    (systemp(Head);Head = (_,_);Head = [_|_];functor(Head,'{}',_)),!,
+    functor(Head,H,A),
+    c_error((
+    write('Compiling System Predicate: '), 
+    write(H/A),nl)),!.
+compiling_message(Head) :- 
+    functor(Head,H,A),
+    c_error((
+    write('Compiling: '), 
+    write(H/A),nl)),!,!.
+/* tokiocomp3
+	if end_of_file then success otherwise fail
+tokiocomp3((X,_Y)) :- tokiocomp3(X),fail.	% fail and fall into next line
+tokiocomp3((_X,Y)) :- !,tokiocomp3(Y).
+tokiocomp3(X) :- 
+    c_clause(X, C), write_clause(C),!, fail. % to reduce stack
+tokiocomp3(X) :- 
+    c_error((nl,write('compiler error on '),write(X),nl)),fail.
+% preprocess(X,X).			% no development
+display_fa(F/A) :- display(F), display('/'), display(A), display(','). 
+writel([]) :- !. 
+writel([X|L]) :- writel(L), write(X), write(', '). 
+%   varialble type
+%	'$REF'       full referenced variable
+%	'$TMP'	   both now and next are referenced
+%	'$NOW','$NXT'  either now or next is referenced
+%	'$CNT'	   this variable is constnat in time transition
+variable(X) :- var(X), !. 
+variable('$REF'(_)) :- !. 
+variable('$CNT'(_)) :- !. 
+variable('$NOW'(_,_)) :- !.
+variable('$NXT'(_,_)) :- !.
+% c_post(Vname, Vname, V0, V) :- 
+%  	var(Vname),!, V is V0+1,name(V0,Lv),name(Vname,[95|Lv]).  %%% _001
+c_post(Vname, Vname, V0, V) :- 
+ 	var(Vname),!, V is V0+1,Vname = '$VAR'(V0).		%%% _001
+c_post('$VAR'(X), '$VAR'(X), V, V) :- !. 
+c_post('$CNT'(X), XX, V0, V) :- !, c_post(X, XX, V0, V). 
+c_post('$REF'(X), XX, V0, V) :- !, c_post(X, XX, V0, V). 
+c_post('$TMP'(X,Now,Nxt), XX, V0, V) :- !, c_post_tvar(X,Now,Nxt, XX, V0, V).
+c_post('$NOW'(X,Now), XX, V0, V) :- !, c_post_tvar(X,Now,_Nxt, XX, V0, V).
+c_post('$NXT'(X,Nxt), XX, V0, V) :- !, c_post_tvar(X,_Now,Nxt, XX, V0, V).
+c_post(Atomic,Qatomic,V,V) :- atomic(Atomic),!,
+     c_post_atomic(Atomic,Qatomic).
+c_post([A|B],[AA|BB], V0, V) :- !, 
+	c_post(A,AA,V0,V1),c_post(B,BB,V1,V).
+c_post((A,B),(AA,BB), V0, V) :- !, 
+	c_post(A,AA,V0,V1),c_post(B,BB,V1,V).
+% Special Hack.... ( nonvar for C-Prolog)
+c_post('r_eq'(A,B,Q1,Q2), B1=A1, V0, V) :- nonvar(A),nonvar(B),
+	functor(A,'$CNT',_),functor(B,'$CNT',_),!,
+	c_post(A,A1,V0,V1),c_post(B,B1,V1,V2),
+	c_post(Q1,Q11,V2,V3),c_post(Q2,Q12,V3,V),Q11=Q12.
+c_post('r_eq'(A,B,Q1,Q2), 'r_eqn'(B1,A1,Q11,Q12), V0, V) :- nonvar(A),
+	functor(A,'$CNT',_),!,
+	c_post(A,A1,V0,V1),c_post(B,B1,V1,V2),
+	c_post(Q1,Q11,V2,V3),c_post(Q2,Q12,V3,V).
+c_post('r_eq'(A,B,Q1,Q2), 'r_eqn'(A1,B1,Q11,Q12), V0, V) :- nonvar(B),
+	functor(B,'$CNT',_),!,
+	c_post(A,A1,V0,V1),c_post(B,B1,V1,V2),
+	c_post(Q1,Q11,V2,V3),c_post(Q2,Q12,V3,V).
+c_post('r_eq'(A,B,Q1,Q2), 'r_eq'(A1,B1,Q11,Q12), V0, V) :- !,
+	c_post(A,A1,V0,V1),c_post(B,B1,V1,V2),
+	c_post(Q1,Q11,V2,V3),c_post(Q2,Q12,V3,V).
+c_post(X, XX, V0, V) :- 
+    functor(X, F, A), c_post_atomic(F,F1),!, functor(XX, F1, A), 
+    c_post_args(0, A, X, XX, V0, V). 
+% c_post_atomic([],[]) :- !.
+% c_post_atomic(Number,Number) :- number(Number),!.
+% c_post_atomic(Atomic,Qatomic):-
+%     name(Atomic,La),La=[H|_],[H]\="'",[H]\="_",!,
+%     concatenate(["'",La,"'"],Nla),name(Qatomic,Nla).
+% c_post_atomic(Atomic,Atomic).
+c_post_args(N, N, _, _, V, V) :- !. 
+c_post_args(K, N, X, XX, V0, V) :- 
+    K1 is K+1, arg(K1, X, XK), c_post(XK, XXK, V0, V1), arg(K1, XX, XXK), 
+    c_post_args(K1, N, X, XX, V1, V). 
+c_post_tvar(X, Now, Nxt, '$t'(Now1,Nxt1), V0, V) :- var(X),!,
+    X='$TMP'(_,Now,Nxt),
+    c_post(Now, Now1, V0, V1),
+    c_post(Nxt, Nxt1, V1, V).
+c_post_tvar('$REF'(X), _Now, _Nxt, XX, V0, V) :- !,
+    c_post(X, XX, V0, V).
+c_post_tvar('$CNT'(X), _Now, _Nxt, XX, V0, V) :- !,
+    c_post(X, XX, V0, V).
+c_post_tvar('$TMP'(X,Now,Nxt), Now, Nxt, XX, V0, V) :- !,
+    c_post_tvar(X, Now, Nxt, XX, V0, V).
+write_clause(X) :- recorded('r_assert',_,_),assert_clause0(X).
+write_clause(_) :- recorded('r_assert',_,_).
+write_clause(X) :- write_clause0(X).
+write_clause0((X:-true)) :- 
+    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), 
+    write_term(XX,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]),
+    % writeq(XX), 
+    put("."), nl,!,fail. %%% writeq --> write
+write_clause0(X) :- 
+    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), writeq1(XX), put("."), nl,!,fail. %%% writeq --> write
+% a little pretty print
+writeq1((A,B)) :- !,writeq1(A),put("."), nl,
+    writeq1(B).
+writeq1((H:-B)) :- !,
+    % writeq(H),
+    write_term(H,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]),
+    write((:-)),
+    writeq2(B).
+writeq1(X) :- 
+    % writeq(X).
+    write_term(X,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]).
+writeq2((A,B)) :- !,nl,tab(4),
+    % writeq(A),
+    write_term(A,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]),
+    put(","),writeq2(B).
+writeq2(X) :- nl,tab(4),
+    write_term(X,[numbervars(true),quoted(true)]).
+    % writeq(X).
+assert_clause(X) :- assert_clause0(X).
+%assert_clause0((X:-true)) :- 
+%    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), c_melt(XX,XXX,_),
+%    recorda('r_run',XXX,Ref),assertz(XXX), !,fail. 
+assert_clause0(X) :- 
+    c_post(X, XX, 0, _), c_melt(XX,((XXX:-Y)),_),
+    recorda('r_run',((XXX:-_)),_Ref),assertz((XXX:-Y)), !,fail. 
+/* end  */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+   com/1,		% compile & compile program.    
+   com/2,		% compile & counsult & save file.    
+   pcom/2,		% compile specified predicates.    
+   pcom/3,		% compile specified predicates.    
+   mcom/1,		%  preprocess 
+   mcom/2,		% preprocess & outputfile.
+   static/1, 		% static variable declaration
+   restart/1,		% run tokio save file.    
+   tokiodebug/0,	% All computation will be traced.    
+   tokionodebug/0,	% Debug mode is switched off.    
+   tokiodebugging/0,	% Display some informations about tracing.    
+   notimebacktrack/0,	% no time backtrack.. 
+   timebacktrack/0,	% time backtrack.. 
+   (tokio)/0,		% start tokio top-level. 
+   (tokio)/1, 		% run tokio program. 
+   tokio_help/0,	% help
+   user_help/0,		% help
+   reset_macro/0	% Reset Macro Definition. com predicates also reset Macros.
+:- ['ts'],
+   % ensure_loaded('ts'),
+   ensure_loaded('to'),
+   ensure_loaded('tc'),
+   ensure_loaded('th'),
+   ensure_loaded('td'),
+   ensure_loaded('te'),
+   ensure_loaded('tg'),
+   ensure_loaded('tr'),
+   ensure_loaded('tu'),
+   ensure_loaded('tf'),
+   ensure_loaded('xf'),
+   ensure_loaded('cp'),
+   ensure_loaded('tp').
+% :-prolog_flag(single_var_warnings, _, off),
+%   prolog_flag(compiling,_,compactcode).
+% :-module(user),['ts'].
+% :-module(tokio),['ts'],module(user).
+% end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	Tokio preprosessor
+					Thu Aug 22 15:52:08 JST 1985
+					Wed Sep  4 16:07:39 JST 1985
+					$Header$
+	use 'r_prepr' record to generate new predicate
+read_macro( (A '$clause' B) ) :- !,recordz('r_prepr',(A,B),_).
+read_macro( A ) :- recordz('r_prepr',(A,true),_).
+read_function( (A '$clause' B ) ) :- !,recordz('r_func',(A,B),_).
+read_function( A ) :- recordz('r_func',(A,true),_).
+reset_macro :- recorda('r_tmp',0,_),fail.
+reset_macro :- recorded('r_prepr', X, R), check_init(X),
+    erase(R), fail.
+reset_macro :- recorded('r_func', X, R), check_init(X),
+    erase(R), fail.
+check_init(('r_initr_',true)) :- !,recorded('r_tmp',_,Ref),erase(Ref),fail.
+check_init(_) :- recorded('r_tmp',_,_),!,fail.
+preprocess((X,Y),(XX,YY)) :- !,preprocess(X,XX),preprocess(Y,YY).
+% preprosess(( :- X),( :- X) ) :- !.
+preprocess((H :- B), OUT) :- !,
+    functor(H,HH,NN),
+    (recorded('$mnum',(HH,NN,N),R),erase(R) ; N = 0),!,
+    functor(H1,HH,NN),
+    develop_args(0, NN, N, N1, H, H, H1, OUT1, (H1 :- B0),B0,BB),
+    develop(B, BB, H, N1, N2, OUT, OUT1),
+    recordz('$mnum',(HH,NN,N2),_).
+preprocess(H,H1) :- preprocess((H :- true),H1).
+	develop(Original, Head, Base, NextBase, Qhead, Qtail).
+develop(A,'tokio_call'(A),_H,N,N,Q,Q) :- var(A),!.
+develop((A,B),(AA,BB),H,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(A,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2),
+    develop(B,BB,H,N2,N1,Q2,Q1).
+develop(@(A),@(AA),H,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(A,AA,H,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop(next(A),next(AA),H,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(A,AA,H,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop(ifEmpty(A),ifEmpty(AA),H,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(A,AA,H,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop(ifNotEmpty(A),ifNotEmpty(AA),H,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(A,AA,H,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop((A & B),'$chop'(AA,BBB),H,N,N1,Q3,Q1) :- !,
+    copyv(A,Acopy,V,Vcopy),(
+	V = [],
+	develop(A,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2),!
+	;
+	length(V,VN),VN>8,!,
+	develop(( 'r_eq'(V,Vcopy),Acopy ) ,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2)
+        ;
+	V=[V1],Vcopy=[Vc1],!,
+	develop(( 'r_eq'(V1,Vc1),Acopy ) ,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2)
+        ;
+	V=[V1,V2],Vcopy=[Vc1,Vc2],!,
+	develop(( 'r_eq'(V1,Vc1),'r_eq'(V2,Vc2),Acopy ) ,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2)
+        ;
+	V=[V1,V2,V3],Vcopy=[Vc1,Vc2,Vc3],!,
+	develop(( 'r_eq'(V1,Vc1),'r_eq'(V2,Vc2),'r_eq'(V3,Vc3),
+	          Acopy ) ,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2)
+	;
+	develop(( #(V=Vcopy),Acopy ) ,AA,H,N,N2,Q,Q2)),!,
+    develop(B,BB,H,N2,N3,Q2,Q1),!,
+    (	var(BB), !, Q3 = Q, BBB = B, N1 = N3
+    ;	get_variable(BB,Vlist,[],_,0,_Vcount),
+    	new_head(H,BBB,N3,Vlist),       % necessary to reduce variable copy..
+	N1 is N3+1,
+	Q3 = ((BBB :- BB),Q)),!.
+% single time funcitons
+develop(A:=B, true, _Root, M, M, Q, Q) :- 
+	(A \= *('$CNT'(_)),A \= *(_); var(A)) ,!,
+	c_error((write('assign to non static:'),write(A:=B),nl)).
+% <= use current value for addressing
+develop(A<==B, true, _Root, M, M, Q, Q) :- 
+	(A \= *_,A \= [_|_]; var(A)) ,!,
+	c_error((write('assign to non static:'),write(A<==B),nl)).
+develop(*A<==B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C, C2),
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C2, 
+	('$CNT'(YY)=AA,'$CNT'(VV)=BB, 'r_assign'('$CNT'(YY),'$CNT'(VV)))).
+% develop(*A<=B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- atomic(A),!,
+%    d_function(B, BB, M,M1, Root, Q,Q1, C, 'r_assign'(A,'$CNT'(BB))).
+develop(*('$CNT'(A)):=B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C2, *('$CNT'(AA)):=BB),!,
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C,  C2).
+develop(*A:=B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C2, *AA:=BB),!,
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C,  C2).
+develop(A=B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C2, AA=BB),!,
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C,  C2).
+develop(A<B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C2, AA<BB),!,
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C,  C2).
+develop(A>B, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    d_function(A, AA, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C2, AA>BB),!,
+    d_function(B, BB, M2,M1, Root, Q2,Q1, C,  C2).
+% full time functions
+develop(A,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- 
+    recorded('r_prepr', ((A :- AA),Body),_),!,
+    develop_macro(Body,A,AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop(A, C, Root, M, M1, Q, Q1) :- functor(A,H,N),functor(AA,H,N),
+    develop_args(0, N, M, M1, Root, A, AA, Q, Q1, C, AA).
+develop_args(N , N, M, M , _Root, _A, _AA, Q, Q,  C, C) :- !.
+develop_args(N1, N, M, M1, Root, A, AA, Q, Q1, C, C1) :-
+    N2 is N1+1, arg(N2,A,B), arg(N2,AA,BB),
+    d_function(B, BB, M, M2, Root, Q, Q2, C, C2),!,   %%% check full time here?
+    develop_args(N2, N, M2, M1, Root, A, AA, Q2, Q1, C2, C1).
+develop_macro(true,_A,AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1) :- !,
+    develop(AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+develop_macro(Body,A,AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q2) :- 
+    get_variable(A,Vlist,[],_,0,_Vcount),
+    macro(Body, Root, N, N2, Vlist, Q, Q1),
+    develop(AA,AAA,Root,N2,N1,Q1,Q2),!.
+/* make original head
+	Root head
+	New head
+	uniq Id
+	variable list
+new_head(Root,New,No,Vlist) :- 
+    new_head(Root,New,No,Vlist,_,T,T).
+new_head(Root,New,No,Vlist,large,T,T1) :- 
+    length(Vlist,N),N>10,!,
+    [A,B,C|T] = Vlist,
+    functor(Root,HH,Arity),
+    name(HH,HL),name(No,NL),name(Arity,NAL),
+    concatenate(["r_",NL,HL,NAL],NewL),
+    name(NewH,NewL),
+    New =.. [NewH,A,B,C,T1].
+new_head(Root,New,No,Vlist,small,_,_) :- functor(Root,HH,A),
+    name(HH,HL),name(No,NL),name(A,NAL),
+    concatenate(["r_",NL,HL,NAL],NewL),
+    name(NewH,NewL),
+    New =.. [NewH|Vlist].
+/* make variable list */
+get_variable(H,V,V1,VL,N,N1) :- 
+    var(H),!,
+    not_vmember(H,V,V1,VL,N,N1).
+get_variable(H,V,V1,VL,N,N1) :- 
+    H = '$CNT'(_),!,			% inherit constant
+    not_vmember(H,V,V1,VL,N,N1).
+get_variable(F,V,V1,VL,N,N1) :-
+    functor(F,_,A),
+    get_variable_arg(0,A,F,V, V1, VL, N,N1).
+get_variable_arg(A,A,_F,V,V,_VL, N,N) :- !.
+get_variable_arg(A,A1,F,V,V1,VL,N,N1) :-
+    A2 is A+1, arg(A2, F, Arg),
+    get_variable(Arg,V,V2,VL,N, N2),
+    get_variable_arg(A2,A1,F,V2,V1,VL,N2,N1).
+not_vmember(H,[H|T],T,VL,N,N1) :- var(VL),!,VL = [H|_],N1 is N+1.
+not_vmember(H, T,T,[H1|_VL],N,N) :- H == H1,!.
+not_vmember(H, T,T,[H1|_VL],N,N) :- H == '$CNT'(H1),!.
+not_vmember(H, T, T1,[_|VL], N, N1) :- not_vmember(H,T,T1,VL,N,N1).
+/* copyv
+	make copy with new variables
+	  and its old variable list and new variable list 
+	copyv(Old, New, OldVariable, NewVariable)
+	a little dum algorithm
+copyv(O,N,OV,NV) :- 
+    get_variable(O,OV,[],_,0,_Vcount),!,
+    copy((O,OV),(N,NV)).   
+	macro
+macro((A '$clause' B), Root, N, N1, Vs, Q, Q2) :- !,
+    single_macro(A, Root, N, N2, Vs, Q, Q1),
+    macro(B, Root, N2, N1, Vs, Q1, Q2).
+macro(A, Root, N, N1, Vs, Q, Q1) :-
+    single_macro(A, Root, N, N1, Vs, Q, Q1).
+single_macro(A , Root, N, N1, Vlist, (A,Q), Q) :- var(A),!,
+    new_head(Root,A,N,Vlist),
+    N1 is N+1.
+single_macro((A :- B), Root, N, N2, Vlist, Q, Q2) :- !,
+    head_optimize(BB,A,Root,Vlist,N,N1,Q,Q1),!,
+    develop(B,BB,Root,N1,N2,Q1,Q2),!.
+single_macro(A, _Root, N, N, _Vlist, (A,Q), Q).
+head_optimize(BB,A,Root,Vlist,N,N2,((A:-BB),Q),Q) :-
+    var(A), 
+    !,
+    new_head(Root,A,N,Vlist),
+    N2 is N+1.
+	functions	
+		should be seprated full time function and
+			now only function
+d_function(A,AA,N,N,_Root,Q,Q,C,C) :- var(A),!, A = AA. % not interval constant
+d_function(A,R1,N,N1,Root,Q,Q1,(AAA,C1),C) :- 	       % not interval constant
+    recorded('r_func', ((A = R :-  AA),Body) ,_),!,
+    d_function(R,R1,N,N2,Root,Q2,Q1,C1,C),
+    d_f_dev(Body,A,AA,AAA,Root,N2,N1,Q,Q2).
+d_function(cputime, '$CNT'(Value), N,N,_R,Q, Q, ('r_cputime'(Value),C),C) :- !.
+d_function(A,AA,N,N,_Root,Q,Q,C,C) :- atomic(A),!, A = AA.
+d_function(@A,@AA,N,N2,Root,Q,Q1,Next,C) :- !, % not interval constant
+    d_function(A,AA,N,N2,Root,Q,Q1,CN,true),
+    d_next_check(CN,Next,C).
+d_function(*Name,'$CNT'(V),N,N2,Root,Q,Q1,C,C1) :- !,  % not interval constant
+    d_function(Name,Name1,N,N2,Root,Q,Q1,C,('r_read_value'(Name1,'$CNT'(V)),C1)).
+d_function(binary(B), Value, N,N,_R,Q, Q, C,C) :- !,
+    c_binary(B,Value),!.
+d_function(hex(H), Value, N,N,_R,Q, Q, C,C) :- !,
+    c_hex(H,Value),!.
+d_function(Exp, '$CNT'(Value), N,N1,R,Q, Q1, C,C1) :-  % not interval constant
+    n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!,
+    d_function_exp(A, AA, N,N2,R,Q, Q2,C, C2),
+    d_function_exp(B, BB, N2,N1,R,Q2,Q1,C2,('$CNT'(Value) is Exp1,C1)).
+d_function(A,AA,N,N1,Root,Q,Q1,C,C1) :- functor(A,H,M),functor(AA,H,M),
+    d_function_args(0,M,A,AA,N,N1,Root,Q,Q1,C,C1),!.
+d_function_args(M,M,_A,_AA,N,N,_Root,Q,Q,C,C) :- !.
+d_function_args(M1,M,A,AA,N,N1,Root,Q,Q1,C,C1) :-
+    M2 is M1+1, arg(M2,A,B), arg(M2,AA,BB),
+    d_function(B,BB,N,N2,Root,Q,Q2,C,C2),!,
+    d_function_args(M2,M,A,AA,N2,N1,Root,Q2,Q1,C2,C1),!.
+d_function_exp(Exp, Exp1, N,N1,R,Q, Q1, C,C1) :- nonvar(Exp),
+    n_function(Exp,A,B,Exp1,AA,BB),!,
+    d_function_exp(A, AA, N,N2,R,Q,  Q2, C,C2),
+    d_function_exp(B, BB, N2,N1,R,Q2, Q1, C2,C1).
+d_function_exp(Exp, Exp1, N,N1,R,Q, Q1, C,C1) :- 
+    d_function(Exp, Exp1, N,N1,R,Q, Q1, C,C1).
+d_f_dev(true,_A,AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1) :-!,
+    develop(AA, AAA, Root, N, N1, Q, Q1).
+d_f_dev(Body,A,AA,AAA,Root,N,N1,Q,Q1) :-
+    get_variable(A,Vs,[],_,0,_Vcount),!,
+    develop(AA, AAA, Root, N, N2, Q, Q2),!,
+    macro(Body, Root, N2, N1, Vs, Q2, Q1),!.
+/* */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	Tokio to prolog compiler
+		Runtime routine
+		with register list
+ 					Mon Aug  5 09:01:29 JST 1985
+	fix put_queue			Fri Jan 24 11:47:11 JST 1986
+	add tracer			Sun Jun 22 12:47:21 JST 1986
+	fix empty/notempty		Wed Mar  9 09:24:47 JST 1988
+        reducing compile time   	Fri Oct 14 03:27:08 JST 1988
+	add mcom and fix chop		Sat Aug  5 22:25:15 JST 1989
+        meta call supported             Sun Aug  6 00:55:42 JST 1989
+	$Header$
+r_header :-
+ write('
+ Tokio to prolog compiler $Revision$ $Date$
+           try ?- tokio_help.
+  ').
+user_help :- tokio_help.
+tokio_help :-
+    nl, r_header,nl,
+write('   com(File).       : compile & compile program.    '),nl,
+write('   com(File,Output).: compile & counsult & save file.    '),nl,
+write('   pcom(File,Predicate-heads).       : compile specified predicates.    '),nl,
+write('   pcom(File,Predicate-heads,Output).: compile specified predicates.    '),nl,
+write('   mcom(File).       : preprocess '),nl,
+write('   mcom(File,Output).: preprocess & outputfile.'),nl,
+write('   restart(File).   : run tokio save file.    '),nl,
+write('   tokiodebug.      : All computation will be traced.    '),nl,
+write('   tokionodebug.    : Debug mode is switched off.    '),nl,
+write('   tokiodebugging.  : Display some informations about tracing.    '),nl,
+write('   notimebacktrack. : no time backtrack.. '),nl,
+write('   timebacktrack.   : time backtrack.. '),nl,
+write('   tokio.           : start tokio top-level. '),nl,
+write('   tokio predicate.   : run tokio program. '),nl,
+write('   reset_macro.     : Reset Macro Definition. com predicates also reset Macros.'),nl.
+% write('   tokiospy         : All predicate will be traced.   '),nl,
+% write('   tokiospy(F/N)    : Predicate F which have N arity will be traced.'),nl,
+% write('   tokionospy       : All spy point are removed.    '),nl,
+% write('   tokionospy(F/N)  : Spy point F/N will be removed.    '),nl,
+% write('   tokiodebugat(T)  : Tracing will be start at time=Time.    '),nl,
+% write('   tokionodebugat   : Start point of tracing is removed.    '),nl,
+r_tokio0(Goals) :-
+    cputime(Time),
+    r_do_solve(Goals, C),
+    cputime(Time1),
+    T is (Time1-Time),				% sec
+    r_tokiostats(C, T).
+r_tokio0(_Goals) :- nl, write('--fail--'), nl.
+r_do_solve(Goals,C) :-
+    r_put_queue(Goals, X, true, Q, Q1),
+    r_notEmpty(Q),
+  ( recorded(tokiodebug, on, _), !,
+	r_solve_t(X,C,0,Q,Q1);
+    recorded(timebacktrack, off, _), !,
+	r_solve_d(X,C,0,Q,Q1);
+    r_solve(X,C,0,Q,Q1)).
+notimebacktrack :- recorded(timebacktrack,_,Ref),erase(Ref),fail.
+notimebacktrack :- recorda(timebacktrack,off,_Ref).
+timebacktrack :- recorded(timebacktrack,_,Ref),erase(Ref),fail.
+timebacktrack :- recorda(timebacktrack,on,_Ref).
+% Quick and Easy Compile
+r_put_queue(X, Y, Y, Q, Q) :- var(X),!,
+	write('cannot call variable:'),write(X),nl.
+r_put_queue(X, (unifyNow(X,Xn),Xn,Y), Y, Q, Q) :- systemp(X),!.
+% Tokio's varible is local, so, meta call is also local to 
+% its value. But I don't care about its arguments.
+r_put_queue('$t'(Now,_Next),Z, Z1,Q, Q1) :- !,
+	r_put_queue(Now, Z, Z1,Q, Q1).
+r_put_queue((X,Y), Z, Z1, Q, Q1) :- !,
+    r_put_queue(X,Z, Z2, Q,Q2),
+    r_put_queue(Y,Z2,Z1,Q2,Q1).
+r_put_queue(#P, (r_always(P,Q,Q1),Y), Y, Q, Q1) :- !.
+r_put_queue(next(P), (r_next(P,Q,Q1),Y), Y, Q, Q1) :- !.
+r_put_queue(length(N), (r_length(M,Q),Y), Y, Q, Q) :- !,	% restricted length
+    M is N.
+r_put_queue(P, (P1,Y), Y, Q, Q1) :-
+    functor(P, H, N), N2 is N+2, N1 is N+1,
+    functor(P1, H, N2), arg(N1, P1, Q), arg(N2, P1, Q1),
+    r_put_queue_arg(N,P,P1).
+r_put_queue_arg(0,_,_) :- !.
+r_put_queue_arg(M,F,F1) :-
+    arg(M,F,FA),arg(M,F1,FA),M1 is M-1,
+    r_put_queue_arg(M1,F,F1).
+r_tokiostats(L, T) :-  nl,
+        write(L), write(' clock and '),
+	write(T), write(' sec. '), nl.
+r_always(X,['$t'((r_always(Xn,Q,Q2),N),F,E,C)|Q],Q1) :- 
+	unifyNowNext(X,Xx,Xn),
+	'tokio_call'(Xx,['$t'(N,F,E,C)|Q2],Q1).
+r_next(X,['$t'(N,F,E,C)|Q],                  % same as next(tokio_call(X))
+	['$t'(N1,F,E,C)|Q1]) :- unifyNext(X,Xn),
+	r_put_queue(Xn,N,N1,Q,Q1).
+% Tokio Temporal Resolution
+r_solve(r_end,_Fin,_Now,_X,_Y) :- !.
+		['$t'(true,true,true,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|True]) :-
+	NextTime is Now+1,
+	nl,write('t'),write(Now),write(':'),ttyflush,
+	call(X),
+	r_exec_fin_keep(Empty,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Next1),
+	r_solve(Next1, Fin, NextTime, Futures, True).
+r_solve(_,_,Now,_,_) :- B is Now-1, B>0, nl,write(b),write(B),write(':'),
+	ttyflush,!,fail.
+r_solve_t(r_end,_Fin,_Now,_X,_Y) :- !.
+		['$t'(true,true,true,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|True]) :-
+	r_tokioDebug(t(Empty,X,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Futures,True),Now),
+	NextTime is Now+1,
+	nl,write('t'),write(Now),write(':'),ttyflush,
+	call(X),
+	r_exec_fin_keep(Empty,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Next1),
+	r_solve_t(Next1, Fin, NextTime, Futures, True).
+r_solve_t(_,_,Now,_,_) :- B is Now-1, B>0, nl,write(b),write(B),write(':'),
+	ttyflush,!,fail.
+r_solve_d(r_end,_Fin,_Now,_X,_Y) :- !.
+		['$t'(true,true,true,'$'(Fin,Now,Empty))|True]) :-!,
+	NextTime is Now+1, call(X),
+	r_exec_fin_keep(Empty,Fin,Now,F,K,Next,Next1),
+	r_solve_d(Next1, Fin, NextTime, Futures, True).
+r_exec_fin_keep(empty,	Fin, Fin, F, _, _, r_end) :- !,	% end at this time
+	call(F).
+r_exec_fin_keep(notEmpty,	Now, Fin, _, K, Next, Next) :-
+	Now \== Fin,
+	call(K).
+% Chop Operator Runtime
+r_subBegin(['$t'(_,_,_,'$'(_,Now,_))|Q],		% original interval
+	['$t'((r_subBegin(Q,SQ,SQ1,Fin),N),F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,E))|SQ],
+	['$t'(N,F,K,'$'(Fin,Now,E))|SQ1],Fin).	% subinterval's Fin
+r_subFin( ['$t'(_, F   , _, '$'(Fin,Fin,empty))  | _  ],	% outer fin?
+	['$t'(_, true, _, '$'(Fin,Fin,empty))  | _  ]) :-
+	call(F).
+r_subNotFin( LaterLoop, '$'(Q,Q1,QF,QF1),
+	['$t'(N,  F,  K,  '$'(OuterFin,Now,notEmpty)) | Q   ],
+	['$t'(N1, F1, K1, '$'(OuterFin,Now,notEmpty)) | Q1  ],
+	['$t'(N,  F,  K,  '$'(Fin,Now,Empty)) | QF ],
+	['$t'((LaterLoop,N1), F1, K1, '$'(Fin,Now,Empty)) | QF1  ]) :-
+	r_sub_check(OuterFin,Now,Fin).
+r_sub_check(OuterFin,Now,Fin) :- var(OuterFin),!,
+	r_sub_check2(Fin,Now).
+r_sub_check(OuterFin,Now,Fin) :- 
+	OuterFin > Now,r_sub_check3(OuterFin,Now,Fin). %%%% Fin > Now, OuterFin > Now
+r_sub_check2(Fin,_Now) :- var(Fin),!.                  %%%% freeze(Fin,Fin>Now).
+r_sub_check2(Fin,Now) :- Fin>Now.
+r_sub_check3(_OuterFin,_Now,Fin) :- var(Fin),!.       %%%% freeze(Fin,(N<F,F<O))
+r_sub_check3(OuterFin,Now,Fin) :- Now<Fin,Fin<OuterFin.
+% meta call ( same restriction as top level )
+tokio_call(A,Q,Q) :- var(A),!,
+	write('uninstantiated meta call'),nl.
+tokio_call(A,Q,Q1) :-
+	r_put_queue(A, X, true, Q, Q1),
+	call(X).
+% Tokio System Call
+%  Thanks for Prof. Esterline and Dr. Kilis
+r_notEmpty(['$t'(_,_,_,'$'(F,N,notEmpty))|_]):- F\==N.
+r_length( 0, ['$t'(_,_,_,'$'(Fin,Fin,empty))|_] ) :-!.
+r_length( L, ['$t'(_,_,_,'$'(Fin,Now,notEmpty))|_] ) :-
+	Fin is Now+L.
+r_cputime(X) :- statistics(runtime,[X1,_]),X is X1/1000.
+r_cputime(X,Q,Q) :- r_cputime(X).
+% Static Variable Runtime
+r_set_value(Name,Value) :- var(Value),!,
+	write('Assign non fixed value = '),
+	write(Name),nl.
+r_set_value(Name,Value) :-
+%%%%%%%	r_check(Name,Time),
+	recorded(Name,(Name,V,_Time),_),!,V=Value.
+r_set_value(Name,Value) :-
+%%%%%%%	r_check(Name,Time),
+	recorda(Name,(Name,Value,_Time),_).
+r_set_value(Name,Value) :-
+	recorded(Name,(Name,Value,_),Ref),
+	erase(Ref),!,fail.
+r_set_value(Name,Value,_Time) :- var(Value),!,
+	write('Assign non fixed value = '),
+	write(Name),nl.
+r_set_value(Name,Value,Time) :-
+	recorded(Name,(Name,V,Time),_),!,V=Value.
+r_set_value(Name,Value,Time) :-
+	recorda(Name,(Name,Value,Time),_).
+r_set_value(Name,Value,Time) :-
+	recorded(Name,(Name,Value,Time),Ref),
+	erase(Ref),!,fail.
+% Special Cases
+% #(A=B)
+%    variable vs varible
+%    variable vs time constance
+% *i <= ??
+r_eq(A,B,['$t'((r_eq(C,D,E,F),G),H,I,J)|E],['$t'(G,H,I,J)|F]) :- 
+	unifyNowNext(A,K,C),unifyNowNext(B,K,D).
+r_eqn(A,B,['$t'((r_eqn(C,B,D,E),F),G,H,I)|D],['$t'(F,G,H,I)|E]) :- 
+	unifyNowNext(A,B,C).
+	['$t'(D,E,F,G)|C]):- G='$'(_Fin,Time,_Empty).
+% r_check(Name,Time) :- 
+% 	recorded(time,Time,_),
+%	(	recorded(Name,(Name,Value1,Time),_),
+%		report_conflict(Name,Name,Time)
+%	;	true),
+%	(	recorded(r_write,(Name,Bus),_),(
+%		    recorded(Bus,(Name2,Time),_),
+%		    report_conflict(Name,Name2,Time)
+%	    	;   recorda(Bus,(Name,Time),_))
+%	; true),!.
+r_read_value(Name,Value) :- recorded(Name,(Name,Value1,_),_),!,
+%	recorded(time,Time,_),
+%	recorda(Name,(Name,Value1,Time),_),
+%	(	recorded(r_read,(Name,Bus),_),(
+%		    recorded(Bus,(Name2,Time),_),Name2 \= Name,
+%		    report_conflict(Name,Name2,Time)
+%		;   recorda(Bus,Name,_))
+%	;	true),!,
+	Value = Value1.
+r_read_value(Name,_Value) :- nl,
+	write('Reference Not assigned value -- '),
+	write(Name),nl.
+init_static :- recorded(r_static,Name,_),recorded(Name,_,Ref),
+	erase(Ref),fail.
+init_static :- abolish(r_skip,1),
+	assert(r_skip(-1)).
+reset_static :- recorded(r_static,Name,Iref),recorded(Name,_,Ref),
+	erase(Ref),erase(Iref),fail.
+static([]) :- !.
+static([H|T]) :- !,static(H),static(T).
+% static(Name=Bus) :- !,static(Name),static(Bus),
+% 	r_read_bus(Name,Bus),r_write_bus(Name,Bus).
+% static(Name=[RBus,WBus]) :- !,static(Name),static(Bus),
+% 	r_read_bus(Name,RBus),r_write_bus(Name,WBus).
+static(Name) :- functor(Name,_H,_),recorded(r_static,Name,_),!.
+static(Name) :- functor(Name,_H,_),recordz(r_static,Name,_).
+static_memory(L) :- static(L).
+static_register(L) :- static(L).
+r_read_bus(Name,Bus) :-
+	(recorded(r_read,(Name,Bus),_);recordz(r_read,(Name,Bus),_)).
+r_write_bus(Name,Bus) :-
+	(recorded(r_write,(Name,Bus),_);recordz(r_write,(Name,Bus),_)).
+/* :- static(time). */
+% r_report_conflict(Name,Name2,Time) :- nl,
+% 	write('Conflict *'),
+% 	write(Name),write(' and *'),
+% 	write(Name2),write(' at '),
+% 	write(Time).
+% A \= A :-!,fail.
+% _ \= _.
+append([H|X],Y,[H|Z]) :- append(X,Y,Z).
+member(H,[H|_]) :-!.
+member(H,[_|T]) :- member(H,T).
+/* for ttyflush  */
+/* :- (ttyflush ; assert(ttyflush) ). */
+/* end of runtime */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+/*    Tokio interpreter on prolog */
+/*    operator definitions */
+/*	@  	.. next */
+/*	#,[]  	.. always */
+/*	<> 	.. sometime */
+:-op(1200, fy	,[(('$define')),(('$function'))]).	/* macro definitions */
+/* :-op(1250, xfy	,[('$clause'),('r_call')]).	 macro development */
+:-op(1200, xfy	,[('$clause'),('$call')]).	/* macro development */
+:-op(1100, xfy	,[( '|' )]).			/* guard */
+:-op(1160, fx   ,[(tokio)]).	/* Tokio formula  interpreter */
+:-op(1150, fy   , [(if),(while)]).
+:-op(1150, xfy  , [(else)]).
+:-op(1150, xfy  , [(do)]).
+:-op(1150, xfy  , (then)).
+:-op(1150, xfy  , [('&&'),( & )]).
+:-op(900,  fx   , ['<>',#,'|a|','|t|','||',beg,halt]).	
+:-op(700,  xfy , [\=,===,' = '] ).
+:-op(700,  xfy , [:=] ).		/* static assignment instanteanous */
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<=] ).		/* temporal assignment instanteanous */
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<==] ).		/* static temporal assignment  */
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<-] ).		/* temporal assignment */
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<<-] ).		/* multiple temporal assignment */
+:-op(700,  xfy , [<--] ).		/* force constrant */
+:-op(700,  xfy , proj ).		/* projection */
+:-op(700,  xfy , gets ).		/* repeatedly assignment */
+:-op(600,  xfx , to ).			/* range */
+:-op(150,  fy  , @).			/* next oprator */
+:-op(140,  fx  , *).			/* variables */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+	temporal unifier
+					Tue Oct 15 11:36:12 JST 1985
+unifyAll(V,V) :- !.				% variable case
+unifyAll('$t'(Now,Nxt),'$t'(Now,Nxt1)) :-!,
+	unifyAll(Nxt,Nxt1).
+	unifyNowNext(D,Now,Nxt1),
+	unifyAll(Nxt,Nxt1).
+	unifyNowNext(D,Now,Nxt1),
+	unifyAll(Nxt,Nxt1).
+unifyAll([H|L],[H1|L1]) :- !,
+	unifyAll(H,H1),unifyAll(L,L1).
+	functor(Sa,H,N),functor(Sb,H,N),
+	unify_arg(N,N,Sa,Sb).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),
+	unifyAll(Aa,Ab),M1 is M-1,!,
+	unify_arg(M1,N,Sa,Sb).
+	unifyNowNext(H,Hn,Hnn),
+	unifyNowNext(L,Ln,Lnn).
+	functor(S,H,N),functor(Sn,H,N),functor(Snn,H,N),
+	unifyNowNextArg(N,N,S,Sn,Snn).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),arg(M,Sc,Ac),
+	unifyNowNext(Aa,Ab,Ac),M1 is M-1,!,
+	unifyNowNextArg(M1,N,Sa,Sb,Sc).
+	unifyNow(H,Hn),
+	unifyNow(L,Ln).
+	functor(S,H,N),functor(Sn,H,N),
+	unifyNowArg(N,N,S,Sn).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),
+	unifyNow(Aa,Ab),M1 is M-1,!,
+	unifyNowArg(M1,N,Sa,Sb).
+	unifyNext(H,Hn),
+	unifyNext(L,Ln).
+	functor(S,H,N),functor(Sn,H,N),
+	unifyNextArg(N,N,S,Sn).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),
+	unifyNext(Aa,Ab),M1 is M-1,!,
+	unifyNextArg(M1,N,Sa,Sb).
+% uatom(X, Atom) 
+uatom(X, X) :- !. 
+uatom('$t'(Atom,Next), Atom) :- uatom(Next, Atom).
+uconst(X, X) :- var(X),!. 
+uconst('$t'(Atom,Next), Atom) :- uatom(Next, Atom).
+uconst(X, Y) :- nonvar(X),!,X=Y. 
+% unil(X) : Hacked version of uatom. 
+unil([]) :- !. 
+unil('$t'([],Next)) :- unil(Next).
+% uskel(X, Skeleton) 
+uskel(X,X) :- !. 
+uskel('$t'(X,Next),S) :- 
+    functor(S,H,N),functor(X,H,N),functor(Sn,H,N),
+    uskelArg(N,N,S,X,Sn),
+    uskel(Next,Sn).
+uskelArg(0, _, _, _, _) :- !.
+uskelArg(M, N, S, X, Sn) :-
+    arg(M, S, '$t'(Now, Next)),
+    arg(M, X, Now),
+    arg(M, Sn, Next),
+    M1 is M-1,
+    uskelArg(M1, N, S, X, Sn).
+% ulist(X, Car, Cdr) : Hacked version of uskel. 
+ulist([H|T], H, T) :- !. 
+ulist('$t'([H|T],Next), '$t'(H,NH), '$t'(T,NT)) :- !, ulist(Next, NH, NT).
+% readonly unify
+	(var(G) ; var(D)),!,G==D.
+	r_unify_flt(Fl,D).
+	r_unify_flt(Fl,D).
+	functor(Sa,H,N),functor(Sb,H,N),
+	r_unify_arg(N,N,Sa,Sb).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),
+	r_unifyAll(Aa,Ab),M1 is M-1,!,
+	r_unify_arg(M1,N,Sa,Sb).
+r_unify_flt('$t'(Now,Nxt),'$t'(Now1,Nxt1)) :-!,Now==Now1,
+	r_unifyAll(Nxt,Nxt1).
+r_unify_flt('$t'(Now,Nxt),S) :- nonvar(Now),nonvar(Nxt),
+	r_unifyNowNext(S,Now,Nxt1),
+	r_unifyAll(Nxt,Nxt1).
+r_unifyNowNext(V,_,_) :- var(V),!,fail.
+	functor(S,H,N),functor(Sn,H,N),functor(Snn,H,N),
+	r_unifyNowNext(N,N,S,Sn,Snn).
+	arg(M,Sa,Aa),arg(M,Sb,Ab),arg(M,Sc,Ac),
+	r_unifyNowNext(Aa,Ab,Ac),M1 is M-1,!,
+	r_unifyNowNextArg(M1,N,Sa,Sb,Sc).
+/* end of unifier */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Aug 30 14:57:44 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1988,2005, Shinji Kono 
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also
+ use this wording to make the terms for other programs.
+ send your comments to
+% This routine is faster than predicate_property.
+% This is a old fashsioned method for C-Prolog.
+% $Header$
+systemp(   com(_File)). 
+systemp(   com(_File,_Output)).
+systemp(   mcom(_File)). 
+systemp(   mcom(_File,_Output)).
+systemp(   pcom(_File,_PredicateHeads)).
+systemp(   pcom(_File,_PredicateHeads,_Output)).
+systemp(   restart(_File)).
+systemp(   tokiodebug).
+systemp(   tokionodebug). 
+systemp(   tokiodebugging).
+systemp(   notimebacktrack).
+systemp(   timebacktrack).
+systemp(   (tokio)).
+systemp(   tokio(_)).
+systemp(   static(_)).
+systemp(   reset_macro).
+systemp( tokiospy).
+systemp( tokiospy(_F/_N)).
+systemp( tokionospy).
+systemp( tokionospy(_F/_N)).
+systemp( tokiodebugat(_T)).
+systemp( tokionodebugat).
+systemp( help).
+systemp( tokio_help).
+systemp( unix(_)).
+systemp( vms(_)).
+systemp( compile(_)).
+systemp( fcompile(_)).
+systemp( load(_)).
+systemp( use_module(_)).
+systemp( use_module(_,_)).
+systemp( use_module(_,_,_)).
+systemp( module(_)).
+systemp( =>(_,_)).
+systemp( <=(_,_)).
+systemp( nextevent(_)).
+systemp( waitevent(_)).