1 /* Test for scanf formats. %m extensions. */
2 /* { dg-do compile } */
3 /* { dg-options "-std=gnu99 -Wformat" } */
5 #include "format.h"
7 void
8 foo (char **sp, wchar_t **lsp, int *ip, float *fp, void **pp)
9 {
10 /* m assignment-allocation modifier, recognized in both C90
11 and C99 modes, is a POSIX and ISO/IEC WDTR 24731-2 extension. */
12 scanf ("%ms", sp);
13 scanf ("%mS", lsp);
14 scanf ("%mls", lsp);
15 scanf ("%m[bcd]", sp);
16 scanf ("%ml[bcd]", lsp);
17 scanf ("%mc", sp);
18 scanf ("%mlc", lsp);
19 scanf ("%mC", lsp);
20 scanf ("%*ms");
21 scanf ("%*mS");
22 scanf ("%*mls"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
23 scanf ("%*m[bcd]");
24 scanf ("%*ml[bcd]"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
25 scanf ("%*mc");
26 scanf ("%*mlc"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
27 scanf ("%*mC");
28 scanf ("%10ms", sp);
29 scanf ("%5mS", lsp);
30 scanf ("%9mls", lsp);
31 scanf ("%25m[bcd]", sp);
32 scanf ("%41ml[bcd]", lsp);
33 scanf ("%131mc", sp);
34 scanf ("%27mlc", lsp);
35 scanf ("%2mC", lsp);
36 scanf ("%*10ms");
37 scanf ("%*5mS");
38 scanf ("%*9mls"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
39 scanf ("%*25m[bcd]");
40 scanf ("%*41ml[bcd]"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
41 scanf ("%*131mc");
42 scanf ("%*27mlc"); /* { dg-warning "assignment suppression and length modifier" } */
43 scanf ("%*2mC");
45 scanf ("%md", ip); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
46 scanf ("%mi", ip); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
47 scanf ("%mo", ip); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
48 scanf ("%mu", ip); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
49 scanf ("%mx", ip); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
50 scanf ("%ma", fp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
51 scanf ("%mA", fp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
52 scanf ("%me", fp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
53 scanf ("%mf", fp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
54 scanf ("%mg", fp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
55 scanf ("%mp", pp); /* { dg-warning "flag used with" } */
56 }