1 ! { dg-do compile }
2 ! Tests the fix for PR36700, in which the call to the function would
3 ! cause an ICE.
4 !
5 ! Contributed by <terry@chem.gu.se>
6 !
7 module Diatoms
8 implicit none
9 contains
10 function InitialDiatomicX () result(v4) ! { dg-error "has a type" }
11 real(kind = 8), dimension(4) :: v4
12 v4 = 1
13 end function InitialDiatomicX
14 subroutine FindDiatomicPeriod
15 call InitialDiatomicX () ! { dg-error "which is not consistent with the CALL" }
16 end subroutine FindDiatomicPeriod
17 end module Diatoms