1 ! { dg-do run }
2 !
3 ! Test the fix for PR57116 as part of the overall fix for PR34640.
4 !
5 ! Contributed by Reinhold Bader <Bader@lrz.de>
6 !
7 module mod_rtti_ptr
8 implicit none
9 type :: foo
10 real :: v
11 integer :: i
12 end type foo
13 contains
14 subroutine extract(this, v, ic)
15 class(*), target :: this(:)
16 real, pointer :: v(:)
17 integer :: ic
18 select type (this)
19 type is (real)
20 v => this(ic:)
21 class is (foo)
22 v => this(ic:)%v
23 end select
24 end subroutine extract
25 end module
27 program prog_rtti_ptr
28 use mod_rtti_ptr
29 class(*), allocatable, target :: o(:)
30 real, pointer :: v(:)
32 allocate(o(3), source=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
33 call extract(o, v, 2)
34 if (size(v) == 2 .and. all (v == [2.0, 3.0])) then
35 deallocate(o)
36 else
37 call abort
38 end if
40 allocate(o(3), source=[foo(1.0, 1), foo(4.0, 4), foo(5.0, 5)])
41 call extract(o, v, 2)
42 if (size(v) == 2 .and. all (v == [4.0, 5.0])) then
43 deallocate(o)
44 else
45 call abort
46 end if
48 ! The rest tests the case in comment 2 <janus@gcc.gnu.org>
50 call extract1 (v, 1)
51 if (any (v /= [1.0, 2.0])) call abort
52 call extract1 (v, 2) ! Call to deallocate pointer.
54 contains
55 subroutine extract1(v, flag)
56 type :: foo
57 real :: v
58 character(4) :: str
59 end type
60 class(foo), pointer, save :: this(:)
61 real, pointer :: v(:)
62 integer :: flag
64 if (flag == 1) then
65 allocate (this(2), source = [foo (1.0, "one "), foo (2.0, "two ")])
66 select type (this)
67 class is (foo)
68 v => this(1:2)%v
69 end select
70 else
71 deallocate (this)
72 end if
73 end subroutine
75 end program prog_rtti_ptr