1 ! { dg-do compile }
2 ! PR fortran/88072
3 ! Original code contributed by Andrew Wood <andrew at fluidgravity dot co.uk>
4 module m1
6 implicit none
8 type, abstract, public :: t1
9 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i
10 contains
11 procedure(f1), deferred :: f
12 end type t1
14 type, extends(t1), public :: t2 ! { dg-error "must be ABSTRACT because" }
15 contains
16 procedure :: f => f2 ! { dg-error "mismatch for the overriding" }
17 end type t2
19 abstract interface
20 function f1(this) ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or" }
21 import
22 class(t1) :: this
23 class(t1) :: f1
24 end function f1
25 end interface
26 contains
27 type(t2) function f2(this)
28 class(t2) :: this
29 end function f2
30 end module m1