1 ! { dg-do run }
2 ! { dg-options "-fbounds-check" }
3 ! Tests the fix for PR31257, in which achar caused an ICE because it had no
4 ! charlen.
5 !
6 ! The code comes from http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~cgp/fortran.html (by Clive Page)
7 ! Reported by Thomas Koenig <tkoenig@gcc.gnu.org>
8 !
9 if (any (Up ("AbCdEfGhIjKlM") .ne. (/"ABCDEFGHIJKLM"/))) STOP 1
10 contains
11 Character (len=20) Function Up (string)
12 Character(len=*) string
13 Up = &
14 transfer(merge(achar(iachar(transfer(string,"x",len(string)))- &
15 (ichar('a')-ichar('A')) ), &
16 transfer(string,"x",len(string)) , &
17 transfer(string,"x",len(string)) >= "a" .and. &
18 transfer(string,"x",len(string)) <= "z"), repeat("x", len(string)))
19 return
20 end function Up
21 end