1 ! { dg-do run }
2 ! PR fortran/34133
3 ! PR fortran/34162
4 !
5 ! Test of using internal bind(C) procedures as
6 ! actual argument. Bind(c) on internal procedures and
7 ! internal procedures are actual argument are
8 ! Fortran 2008 (draft) extension.
9 !
10 module test_mod
11 use iso_c_binding
12 implicit none
13 contains
14 subroutine test_sub(a, arg, res)
15 interface
16 subroutine a(x) bind(C)
17 import
18 integer(c_int), intent(inout) :: x
19 end subroutine a
20 end interface
21 integer(c_int), intent(inout) :: arg
22 integer(c_int), intent(in) :: res
23 call a(arg)
24 if(arg /= res) STOP 1
25 end subroutine test_sub
26 subroutine test_func(a, arg, res)
27 interface
28 integer(c_int) function a(x) bind(C)
29 import
30 integer(c_int), intent(in) :: x
31 end function a
32 end interface
33 integer(c_int), intent(in) :: arg
34 integer(c_int), intent(in) :: res
35 if(a(arg) /= res) STOP 2
36 end subroutine test_func
37 end module test_mod
39 program main
40 use test_mod
41 implicit none
42 integer :: a
43 a = 33
44 call test_sub (one, a, 7*33)
45 a = 23
46 call test_func(two, a, -123*23)
47 contains
48 subroutine one(x) bind(c)
49 integer(c_int),intent(inout) :: x
50 x = 7*x
51 end subroutine one
52 integer(c_int) function two(y) bind(c)
53 integer(c_int),intent(in) :: y
54 two = -123*y
55 end function two
56 end program main