1 #include "LibcBenchmark.h"
2 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
3 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
4 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
5 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
6 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
7 #include <chrono>
8 #include <limits>
9 #include <queue>
10 #include <vector>
12 using std::chrono::nanoseconds;
13 using ::testing::ElementsAre;
14 using ::testing::Field;
15 using ::testing::IsEmpty;
16 using ::testing::SizeIs;
18 namespace llvm {
19 namespace libc_benchmarks {
20 namespace {
22 // A simple parameter provider returning a zero initialized vector of size
23 // `iterations`.
24 struct DummyParameterProvider {
25 std::vector<char> generateBatch(size_t iterations) {
26 return std::vector<char>(iterations);
27 }
28 };
30 class LibcBenchmark : public ::testing::Test {
31 public:
32 // A Clock interface suitable for testing.
33 // - Either it returns 0,
34 // - Or a timepoint coming from the `setMeasurements` call.
35 Duration now() {
36 if (!MaybeTimepoints)
37 return {};
38 assert(!MaybeTimepoints->empty());
39 const Duration timepoint = MaybeTimepoints->front();
40 MaybeTimepoints->pop();
41 return timepoint;
42 }
44 protected:
45 void SetUp() override { Options.Log = BenchmarkLog::Full; }
47 void TearDown() override {
48 // We make sure all the expected measurements were performed.
49 if (MaybeTimepoints)
50 EXPECT_THAT(*MaybeTimepoints, IsEmpty());
51 }
53 BenchmarkResult run() {
54 return benchmark(Options, ParameterProvider, DummyFunction, *this);
55 }
57 void setMeasurements(llvm::ArrayRef<Duration> Durations) {
58 MaybeTimepoints.emplace(); // Create the optional value.
59 Duration CurrentTime = nanoseconds(1);
60 for (const auto &Duration : Durations) {
61 MaybeTimepoints->push(CurrentTime);
62 CurrentTime += Duration;
63 MaybeTimepoints->push(CurrentTime);
64 CurrentTime += nanoseconds(1);
65 }
66 }
68 BenchmarkOptions Options;
70 private:
71 DummyParameterProvider ParameterProvider;
72 static char DummyFunction(char Payload) { return Payload; }
73 llvm::Optional<std::queue<Duration>> MaybeTimepoints;
74 };
76 TEST_F(LibcBenchmark, MaxSamplesReached) {
77 Options.MaxSamples = 1;
78 const auto Result = run();
79 EXPECT_THAT(Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog->size(), 1);
80 EXPECT_THAT(Result.TerminationStatus, BenchmarkStatus::MaxSamplesReached);
81 }
83 TEST_F(LibcBenchmark, MaxDurationReached) {
84 Options.MaxDuration = nanoseconds(10);
85 setMeasurements({nanoseconds(11)});
86 const auto Result = run();
87 EXPECT_THAT(Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog->size(), 1);
88 EXPECT_THAT(Result.TerminationStatus, BenchmarkStatus::MaxDurationReached);
89 }
91 TEST_F(LibcBenchmark, MaxIterationsReached) {
92 Options.InitialIterations = 1;
93 Options.MaxIterations = 20;
94 Options.ScalingFactor = 2;
95 Options.Epsilon = 0; // unreachable.
96 const auto Result = run();
97 EXPECT_THAT(*Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog,
98 ElementsAre(Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 1),
99 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 2),
100 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 4),
101 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 8),
102 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 16),
103 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 32)));
104 EXPECT_THAT(Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog->size(), 6);
105 EXPECT_THAT(Result.TerminationStatus, BenchmarkStatus::MaxIterationsReached);
106 }
108 TEST_F(LibcBenchmark, MinSamples) {
109 Options.MinSamples = 4;
110 Options.ScalingFactor = 2;
111 Options.Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // always reachable.
112 setMeasurements(
113 {nanoseconds(1), nanoseconds(2), nanoseconds(4), nanoseconds(8)});
114 const auto Result = run();
115 EXPECT_THAT(*Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog,
116 ElementsAre(Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 1),
117 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 2),
118 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 4),
119 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 8)));
120 EXPECT_THAT(Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog->size(), 4);
121 EXPECT_THAT(Result.TerminationStatus, BenchmarkStatus::PrecisionReached);
122 }
124 TEST_F(LibcBenchmark, Epsilon) {
125 Options.MinSamples = 4;
126 Options.ScalingFactor = 2;
127 Options.Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // always reachable.
128 setMeasurements(
129 {nanoseconds(1), nanoseconds(2), nanoseconds(4), nanoseconds(8)});
130 const auto Result = run();
131 EXPECT_THAT(*Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog,
132 ElementsAre(Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 1),
133 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 2),
134 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 4),
135 Field(&BenchmarkState::LastSampleIterations, 8)));
136 EXPECT_THAT(Result.MaybeBenchmarkLog->size(), 4);
137 EXPECT_THAT(Result.TerminationStatus, BenchmarkStatus::PrecisionReached);
138 }
140 TEST(ArrayRefLoop, Cycle) {
141 std::array<int, 2> array = {1, 2};
142 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 0), ElementsAre());
143 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 1), ElementsAre(1));
144 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 2), ElementsAre(1, 2));
145 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 3), ElementsAre(1, 2, 1));
146 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 4), ElementsAre(1, 2, 1, 2));
147 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(array, 5), ElementsAre(1, 2, 1, 2, 1));
148 }
150 TEST(ByteConstrainedArray, Simple) {
151 EXPECT_THAT((ByteConstrainedArray<char, 17>()), SizeIs(17));
152 EXPECT_THAT((ByteConstrainedArray<uint16_t, 17>()), SizeIs(8));
153 EXPECT_THAT((ByteConstrainedArray<uint32_t, 17>()), SizeIs(4));
154 EXPECT_THAT((ByteConstrainedArray<uint64_t, 17>()), SizeIs(2));
156 EXPECT_LE(sizeof(ByteConstrainedArray<char, 17>), 17U);
157 EXPECT_LE(sizeof(ByteConstrainedArray<uint16_t, 17>), 17U);
158 EXPECT_LE(sizeof(ByteConstrainedArray<uint32_t, 17>), 17U);
159 EXPECT_LE(sizeof(ByteConstrainedArray<uint64_t, 17>), 17U);
160 }
162 TEST(ByteConstrainedArray, Cycle) {
163 ByteConstrainedArray<uint64_t, 17> TwoValues{{1UL, 2UL}};
164 EXPECT_THAT(cycle(TwoValues, 5), ElementsAre(1, 2, 1, 2, 1));
165 }
166 } // namespace
167 } // namespace libc_benchmarks
168 } // namespace llvm