1 ! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %flang_fc1
2 ! REQUIRES: shell
3 ! Testing point 4 (What function-name refers to depending on the
4 ! presence of RESULT).
7 module m_no_result
8 ! Without RESULT, it refers to the result object (no recursive
9 ! calls possible)
10 contains
11 ! testing with data object results
12 function f1()
13 real :: x, f1
14 !ERROR: 'f1' is not a function
15 x = acos(f1())
16 f1 = x
17 x = acos(f1) !OK
18 end function
19 function f2(i)
20 integer i
21 real :: x, f2
22 !ERROR: 'f2' is not an array
23 x = acos(f2(i+1))
24 f2 = x
25 x = acos(f2) !OK
26 end function
27 function f3(i)
28 integer i
29 real :: x, f3(1)
30 ! OK reference to array result f1
31 x = acos(f3(i+1))
32 f3 = x
33 x = sum(acos(f3)) !OK
34 end function
36 ! testing with function pointer results
37 function rf()
38 real :: rf
39 end function
40 function f4()
41 procedure(rf), pointer :: f4
42 f4 => rf
43 ! OK call to f4 pointer (rf)
44 x = acos(f4())
45 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
46 x = acos(f4)
47 end function
48 function f5(x)
49 real :: x
50 interface
51 real function rfunc(x)
52 real, intent(in) :: x
53 end function
54 end interface
55 procedure(rfunc), pointer :: f5
56 f5 => rfunc
57 ! OK call to f5 pointer
58 x = acos(f5(x+1))
59 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
60 x = acos(f5)
61 end function
62 ! Sanity test: f18 handles C1560 violation by ignoring RESULT
63 function f6() result(f6) !OKI (warning)
64 end function
65 function f7() result(f7) !OKI (warning)
66 real :: x, f7
67 !ERROR: 'f7' is not a function
68 x = acos(f7())
69 f7 = x
70 x = acos(f7) !OK
71 end function
72 end module
74 module m_with_result
75 ! With RESULT, it refers to the function (recursive calls possible)
76 contains
78 ! testing with data object results
79 function f1() result(r)
80 real :: r
81 r = acos(f1()) !OK, recursive call
82 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
83 x = acos(f1)
84 end function
85 function f2(i) result(r)
86 integer i
87 real :: r
88 r = acos(f2(i+1)) ! OK, recursive call
89 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
90 r = acos(f2)
91 end function
92 function f3(i) result(r)
93 integer i
94 real :: r(1)
95 r = acos(f3(i+1)) !OK recursive call
96 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
97 r = sum(acos(f3))
98 end function
100 ! testing with function pointer results
101 function rf()
102 real :: rf
103 end function
104 function f4() result(r)
105 real :: x
106 procedure(rf), pointer :: r
107 r => rf
108 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
109 x = acos(f4()) ! recursive call
110 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
111 x = acos(f4)
112 x = acos(r()) ! OK
113 end function
114 function f5(x) result(r)
115 real :: x
116 procedure(acos), pointer :: r
117 r => acos
118 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
119 x = acos(f5(x+1)) ! recursive call
120 !ERROR: Actual argument for 'x=' may not be a procedure
121 x = acos(f5)
122 x = acos(r(x+1)) ! OK
123 end function
125 ! testing that calling the result is also caught
126 function f6() result(r)
127 real :: x, r
128 !ERROR: 'r' is not a function
129 x = r()
130 end function
131 end module
133 subroutine array_rank_test()
134 real :: x(10, 10), y
135 !ERROR: Reference to rank-2 object 'x' has 1 subscripts
136 y = x(1)
137 !ERROR: Reference to rank-2 object 'x' has 3 subscripts
138 y = x(1, 2, 3)
139 end