view mlir/test/mlir-tblgen/ @ 266:00f31e85ec16 default tip

Added tag current for changeset 31d058e83c98
author Shinji KONO <>
date Sat, 14 Oct 2023 10:13:55 +0900
parents 1f2b6ac9f198
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line source

// RUN: mlir-tblgen -gen-op-decls -asmformat-error-is-fatal=false -I %S/../../include %s -o=%t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s

// This file contains tests for the specification of the declarative op format.

include "mlir/IR/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"

def TestDialect : Dialect {
  let name = "test";
class TestFormat_Op<string fmt, list<Trait> traits = []>
    : Op<TestDialect, "format_op", traits> {
  let assemblyFormat = fmt;

// Directives

// attr-dict

// CHECK: error: 'attr-dict' directive not found
def DirectiveAttrDictInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: 'attr-dict' directive has already been seen
def DirectiveAttrDictInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  attr-dict attr-dict
// CHECK: error: 'attr-dict' directive has already been seen
def DirectiveAttrDictInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
  attr-dict attr-dict-with-keyword
// CHECK: error: 'attr-dict' directive can only be used as a top-level directive
def DirectiveAttrDictInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{

// custom

// CHECK: error: expected '<' before custom directive name
def DirectiveCustomInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected custom directive name identifier
def DirectiveCustomInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected '>' after custom directive name
def DirectiveCustomInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected '(' before custom directive parameters
def DirectiveCustomInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: only variables and types may be used as parameters to a custom directive
def DirectiveCustomInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected ')' after custom directive parameters
def DirectiveCustomInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: type directives within a custom directive may only refer to variables
def DirectiveCustomInvalidH : TestFormat_Op<[{

// functional-type

// CHECK: error: 'functional-type' is only valid as a top-level directive
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected '(' before argument list
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected ',' after inputs argument
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected ')' after argument list
def DirectiveFunctionalTypeInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
  functional-type(operands, results

// operands

// CHECK: error: 'operands' directive creates overlap in format
def DirectiveOperandsInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
  operands operands
// CHECK: error: 'operands' directive creates overlap in format
def DirectiveOperandsInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $operand operands
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;

// ref

// CHECK: error: 'ref' is only valid within a `custom` directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'type($operand)' is not bound by a prior 'type' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'type(operands)' is not bound by a prior 'type' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'type($result)' is not bound by a prior 'type' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Results<(outs I64:$result)>;

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'type(results)' is not bound by a prior 'type' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'successors' is not bound by a prior 'successors' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'regions' is not bound by a prior 'regions' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidG : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: expected '(' before argument list
def DirectiveRefInvalidH : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: expected ')' after argument list
def DirectiveRefInvalidI : TestFormat_Op<[{
  operands custom<Foo>(ref(operands(

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'operands' is not bound by a prior 'operands' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidJ : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: 'ref' of 'attr-dict' is not bound by a prior 'attr-dict' directive
def DirectiveRefInvalidK : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: successor 'successor' must be bound before it is referenced
def DirectiveRefInvalidL : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]> {
  let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$successor);

// CHECK: error: region 'region' must be bound before it is referenced
def DirectiveRefInvalidM : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);

// CHECK: error: attribute 'attr' must be bound before it is referenced
def DirectiveRefInvalidN : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64Attr:$attr)>;

// CHECK: error: operand 'operand' must be bound before it is referenced
def DirectiveRefInvalidO : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;

// regions

// CHECK: error: 'regions' directive creates overlap in format
def DirectiveRegionsInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
  regions regions attr-dict
// CHECK: error: 'regions' directive creates overlap in format
def DirectiveRegionsInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $region regions attr-dict
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
// CHECK: error: 'regions' is only valid as a top-level directive
def DirectiveRegionsInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: format ambiguity caused by `attr-dict` directive followed by region `foo`
// CHECK: note: try using `attr-dict-with-keyword` instead
def DirectiveRegionsInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
  attr-dict $foo
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$foo);

// results

// CHECK: error: 'results' directive can can only be used as a child to a 'type' directive
def DirectiveResultsInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{

// successors

// CHECK: error: 'successors' is only valid as a top-level directive
def DirectiveSuccessorsInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{

// type

// CHECK: error: expected '(' before argument list
def DirectiveTypeInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def DirectiveTypeInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected ')' after argument list
def DirectiveTypeInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{

// functional-type/type operands

// CHECK: error: literals may only be used in the top-level section of the format
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: 'operands' 'type' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type(operands) type(operands)
// CHECK: error: 'operands' 'type' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type($operand) type(operands)
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: 'type' of 'operand' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type(operands) type($operand)
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: 'type' of 'operand' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type($operand) type($operand)
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: 'results' 'type' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type(results) type(results)
// CHECK: error: 'results' 'type' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidG : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type($result) type(results)
}]>, Results<(outs I64:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: 'type' of 'result' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidH : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type(results) type($result)
}]>, Results<(outs I64:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: 'type' of 'result' is already bound
def DirectiveTypeZOperandInvalidI : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type($result) type($result)
}]>, Results<(outs I64:$result)>;

// Literals

// Test all of the valid literals.
// CHECK: error: expected valid literal but got 'a:': keywords should contain only alphanum, '_', '$', or '.' characters
def LiteralInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected valid literal but got '1': single character literal must be a letter or one of '_:,=<>()[]{}?+*'
def LiteralInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected valid literal but got ':abc': valid keyword starts with a letter or '_'
def LiteralInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{

// CHECK: error: unexpected end of file in literal
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def LiteralInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{

// OIList Element

// CHECK: error: format ambiguity because bar is used in two adjacent oilist elements.
def OIListAdjacentOIList : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist ( `foo` | `bar` ) oilist ( `bar` | `buzz` ) attr-dict
// CHECK: error: expected literal, but got ')'
def OIListErrorExpectedLiteral : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist( `keyword` | ) attr-dict
// CHECK: error: expected literal, but got ')'
def OIListErrorExpectedEmpty : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist() attr-dict
// CHECK: error: expected literal, but got '$arg0'
def OIListErrorNoLiteral : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist( $arg0 `:` type($arg0) | $arg1 `:` type($arg1) ) attr-dict
}], [AttrSizedOperandSegments]>, Arguments<(ins Optional<AnyType>:$arg0, Optional<AnyType>:$arg1)>;
// CHECK: error: format ambiguity because foo is used both in oilist element and the adjacent literal.
def OIListLiteralAmbiguity : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist( `foo` | `bar` ) `foo` attr-dict
// CHECK: error: expected '(' before oilist argument list
def OIListStartingToken : TestFormat_Op<[{
  oilist `wrong` attr-dict

// Optional Groups

// CHECK: error: optional groups can only be used as top-level elements
def OptionalInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type(($attr^)?) attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def OptionalInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  () attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: optional group has no anchor element
def OptionalInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
  ($attr)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: first parsable element of an optional group must be a literal or variable
def OptionalInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
  (type($operand) $operand^)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins Optional<I64>:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: only literals, types, and variables can be used within an optional group
def OptionalInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
  (`,` $attr^ type(operands))? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: only one element can be marked as the anchor of an optional group
def OptionalInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
  ($attr^ $attr2^)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr, OptionalAttr<I64Attr>:$attr2)>;
// CHECK: error: only optional or default-valued attributes can be used to anchor an optional group
def OptionalInvalidG : TestFormat_Op<[{
  ($attr^)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64Attr:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: only variable length operands can be used within an optional group
def OptionalInvalidH : TestFormat_Op<[{
  ($arg^)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: only literals, types, and variables can be used within an optional group
def OptionalInvalidI : TestFormat_Op<[{
  (functional-type($arg, results)^)? attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: only literals, types, and variables can be used within an optional group
def OptionalInvalidJ : TestFormat_Op<[{
// CHECK: error: expected '?' after optional group
def OptionalInvalidK : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: only variables and types can be used to anchor an optional group
def OptionalInvalidL : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: only variables and types can be used to anchor an optional group
def OptionalInvalidM : TestFormat_Op<[{
  (` `^)?
}]>, Arguments<(ins)>;
// CHECK: error: expected '(' to start else branch of optional group
def OptionalInvalidN : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: expected literal, variable, directive, or optional group
def OptionalInvalidO : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$arg)>;
// CHECK: error: expected '?' after optional group
def OptionalInvalidP : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$arg)>;

// Strings

// CHECK: error: strings may only be used as 'custom' directive arguments
def StringInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{ "foo" }]>;

// Variables

// CHECK: error: expected variable to refer to an argument, region, result, or successor
def VariableInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $unknown_arg attr-dict
// CHECK: error: attribute 'attr' is already bound
def VariableInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $attr $attr attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64Attr:$attr)>;
// CHECK: error: operand 'operand' is already bound
def VariableInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $operand $operand attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: operand 'operand' is already bound
def VariableInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
  operands $operand attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins I64:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: result variables can can only be used as a child to a 'type' directive
def VariableInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $result attr-dict
}]>, Results<(outs I64:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: successor 'successor' is already bound
def VariableInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $successor $successor attr-dict
}]> {
  let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$successor);
// CHECK: error: successor 'successor' is already bound
def VariableInvalidG : TestFormat_Op<[{
  successors $successor attr-dict
}]> {
  let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$successor);
// CHECK: error: region 'region' is already bound
def VariableInvalidK : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $region $region attr-dict
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
// CHECK: error: region 'region' is already bound
def VariableInvalidL : TestFormat_Op<[{
  regions $region attr-dict
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
// CHECK: error: regions can only be used at the top level
def VariableInvalidM : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
// CHECK: error: region #0, named 'region', not found
def VariableInvalidN : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]> {
  let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);

// CHECK: error: property 'prop' is already bound
def VariableInvalidO : TestFormat_Op<[{
  custom<Test>($prop, $prop) attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins IntProperty<"int64_t">:$prop)>;

// CHECK: error: property 'prop' must be bound before it is referenced
def VariableInvalidP : TestFormat_Op<[{
  custom<Test>(ref($prop)) attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins IntProperty<"int64_t">:$prop)>;

// Coverage Checks

// CHECK: error: type of result #0, named 'result', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($result)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidA : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Arguments<(ins AnyMemRef:$operand)>, Results<(outs AnyMemRef:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: operand #0, named 'operand', not found
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a '$operand' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidB : TestFormat_Op<[{
  type($result) attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins AnyMemRef:$operand)>, Results<(outs AnyMemRef:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: type of operand #0, named 'operand', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($operand)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidC : TestFormat_Op<[{
  $operand type($result) attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins AnyMemRef:$operand)>, Results<(outs AnyMemRef:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: type of operand #0, named 'operand', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($operand)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidD : TestFormat_Op<[{
  operands attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins Variadic<I64>:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: type of result #0, named 'result', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($result)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidE : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Results<(outs Variadic<I64>:$result)>;
// CHECK: error: successor #0, named 'successor', not found
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a '$successor' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidF : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]> {
  let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$successor);
// CHECK: error: type of operand #0, named 'operand', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($operand)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidG : TestFormat_Op<[{
  operands attr-dict
}]>, Arguments<(ins Optional<I64>:$operand)>;
// CHECK: error: type of result #0, named 'result', is not buildable and a buildable type cannot be inferred
// CHECK: note: suggest adding a type constraint to the operation or adding a 'type($result)' directive to the custom assembly format
def ZCoverageInvalidH : TestFormat_Op<[{
}]>, Results<(outs Optional<I64>:$result)>;