view mlir/utils/vim/syntax/mlir.vim @ 266:00f31e85ec16 default tip

Added tag current for changeset 31d058e83c98
author Shinji KONO <>
date Sat, 14 Oct 2023 10:13:55 +0900
parents c4bab56944e8
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:   mlir
" Maintainer: The MLIR team,
" Version:      $Revision$
" Some parts adapted from the LLVM vim syntax file.

if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

syn case match

" Types.
syn keyword mlirType index f16 f32 f64 bf16
" Signless integer types.
syn match mlirType /\<i\d\+\>/
" Unsigned integer types.
syn match mlirType /\<ui\d\+\>/
" Signed integer types.
syn match mlirType /\<si\d\+\>/

" Elemental types inside memref, tensor, or vector types.
syn match mlirType /x\s*\zs\(bf16|f16\|f32\|f64\|i\d\+\|ui\d\+\|si\d\+\)/

" Shaped types.
syn match mlirType /\<memref\ze\s*<.*>/
syn match mlirType /\<tensor\ze\s*<.*>/
syn match mlirType /\<vector\ze\s*<.*>/

" vector types inside memref or tensor.
syn match mlirType /x\s*\zsvector/

" Operations.
" TODO: this list is not exhaustive.
syn keyword mlirOps alloc alloca addf addi and call call_indirect cmpf cmpi
syn keyword mlirOps constant dealloc divf dma_start dma_wait dim exp
syn keyword mlirOps getTensor index_cast load log memref_cast
syn keyword mlirOps memref_shape_cast mulf muli negf powf prefetch rsqrt sitofp
syn keyword mlirOps splat store select sqrt subf subi subview tanh
syn keyword mlirOps view

" Math ops.
syn match mlirOps /\<math\.erf\>/

" Affine ops.
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.apply\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.dma_start\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.dma_wait\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.for\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.if\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.load\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.parallel\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.prefetch\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.store\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<scf\.execute_region\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<scf\.for\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<scf\.if\>/
syn match mlirOps /\<scf\.yield\>/

" TODO: dialect name prefixed ops (llvm or std).

" Keywords.
syn keyword mlirKeyword
      \ affine_map
      \ affine_set
      \ dense
      \ else
      \ func
      \ module
      \ return
      \ step
      \ to

" Misc syntax.

syn match   mlirNumber /-\?\<\d\+\>/
" Match numbers even in shaped types.
syn match   mlirNumber /-\?\<\d\+\ze\s*x/
syn match   mlirNumber /x\s*\zs-\?\d\+\ze\s*x/

syn match   mlirFloat  /-\?\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\d\+\)\?\>/
syn match   mlirFloat  /\<0x\x\+\>/
syn keyword mlirBoolean true false
" Spell checking is enabled only in comments by default.
syn match   mlirComment /\/\/.*$/ contains=@Spell
syn region  mlirString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
syn match   mlirLabel /[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*:/
" Prefixed identifiers usually used for ssa values and symbols.
syn match   mlirIdentifier /[%@][a-zA-Z$._-][a-zA-Z0-9$._-]*/
syn match   mlirIdentifier /[%@]\d\+\>/
" Prefixed identifiers usually used for blocks.
syn match   mlirBlockIdentifier /\^[a-zA-Z$._-][a-zA-Z0-9$._-]*/
syn match   mlirBlockIdentifier /\^\d\+\>/
" Prefixed identifiers usually used for types.
syn match   mlirTypeIdentifier /![a-zA-Z$._-][a-zA-Z0-9$._-]*/
syn match   mlirTypeIdentifier /!\d\+\>/
" Prefixed identifiers usually used for attribute aliases and result numbers.
syn match   mlirAttrIdentifier /#[a-zA-Z$._-][a-zA-Z0-9$._-]*/
syn match   mlirAttrIdentifier /#\d\+\>/

" Syntax-highlight lit test commands and bug numbers.
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*RUN:.*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*CHECK:.*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment "\v\/\/\s*CHECK-(NEXT|NOT|DAG|SAME|LABEL):.*$"
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*expected-error.*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*expected-remark.*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /;\s*XFAIL:.*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*PR\d*\s*$/
syn match  mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*REQUIRES:.*$/

if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
  if version < 508
    let did_c_syn_inits = 1
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

  HiLink mlirType Type
  HiLink mlirOps Statement
  HiLink mlirNumber Number
  HiLink mlirComment Comment
  HiLink mlirString String
  HiLink mlirLabel Label
  HiLink mlirKeyword Keyword
  HiLink mlirBoolean Boolean
  HiLink mlirFloat Float
  HiLink mlirConstant Constant
  HiLink mlirSpecialComment SpecialComment
  HiLink mlirIdentifier Identifier
  HiLink mlirBlockIdentifier Label
  HiLink mlirTypeIdentifier Type
  HiLink mlirAttrIdentifier PreProc

  delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "mlir"