changeset 112:0a3b6cb91a05

Prove left-unity-law for DeltaM
author Yasutaka Higa <>
date Fri, 30 Jan 2015 21:57:31 +0900
parents 9fe3d0bd1149
children 47f144540d51
files agda/delta/functor.agda agda/deltaM.agda agda/deltaM/functor.agda agda/deltaM/monad.agda agda/laws.agda
diffstat 5 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/agda/delta/functor.agda	Thu Jan 29 11:42:22 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/delta/functor.agda	Fri Jan 30 21:57:31 2015 +0900
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 open import Level
 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open ≡-Reasoning
 open import basic
 open import delta
@@ -22,22 +23,21 @@
 functor-law-2 f g (mono x)    = refl
 functor-law-2 f g (delta x d) = cong (delta (f (g x))) (functor-law-2 f g d)
+delta-fmap-equiv : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {n : Nat} 
+                   {f g : A -> B} ->  (eq : (x : A) -> f x ≡ g x) (d : Delta A (S n)) ->
+                 delta-fmap f d ≡ delta-fmap g d
+delta-fmap-equiv {f = f} {g = g} eq (mono x) = begin
+  mono (f x) ≡⟨ cong (\he -> (mono he)) (eq x) ⟩
+  mono (g x) ∎
+delta-fmap-equiv {f = f} {g = g} eq (delta x d) = begin
+  delta (f x) (delta-fmap f d) ≡⟨ cong (\hx -> (delta hx (delta-fmap f d))) (eq x) ⟩
+  delta (g x) (delta-fmap f d) ≡⟨ cong (\fx -> (delta (g x) fx)) (delta-fmap-equiv {f = f} {g = g} eq d) ⟩
+  delta (g x) (delta-fmap g d)   ∎
 delta-is-functor : {l : Level} {n : Nat} -> Functor {l} (\A -> Delta A (S n))
 delta-is-functor = record {  fmap = delta-fmap ;
                              preserve-id = functor-law-1;
-                             covariant  = \f g -> functor-law-2 g f}
-open ≡-Reasoning
-delta-fmap-equiv : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {n : Nat} 
-                   (f g : A -> B) (eq : f ≡ g) (d : Delta A (S n)) ->
-                 delta-fmap f d ≡ delta-fmap g d
-delta-fmap-equiv f g eq (mono x) = begin
-  mono (f x) ≡⟨ cong (\h -> (mono (h x))) eq ⟩
-  mono (g x) ∎
-delta-fmap-equiv f g eq (delta x d) = begin
-  delta (f x) (delta-fmap f d) ≡⟨ cong (\h -> (delta (h x) (delta-fmap f d))) eq ⟩
-  delta (g x) (delta-fmap f d) ≡⟨ cong (\fx -> (delta (g x) fx)) (delta-fmap-equiv f g eq d) ⟩
-  delta (g x) (delta-fmap g d)   ∎
+                             covariant  = \f g -> functor-law-2 g f;
+                             fmap-equiv = delta-fmap-equiv }
--- a/agda/deltaM.agda	Thu Jan 29 11:42:22 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/deltaM.agda	Fri Jan 30 21:57:31 2015 +0900
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 -- DeltaM definitions
 data DeltaM {l : Level}
-            (M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l')
-            {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-            {monadM : {l' : Level} {A : Set l'} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+            (M : Set l -> Set l)
+            {functorM : Functor M}
+            {monadM : Monad M functorM}
             (A : Set l)
             : (Nat -> Set l) where
    deltaM : {n : Nat} -> Delta (M A) (S n) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)
@@ -22,28 +22,22 @@
 -- DeltaM utils
 headDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
-             {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-             {monadM : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+             {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
              -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n) -> M A
 headDeltaM (deltaM d) = headDelta d
 tailDeltaM :  {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
-             {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-             {monadM : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+              {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
              -> DeltaM {l} M {functorM} {monadM} A (S (S n)) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)
 tailDeltaM {_} {n} (deltaM d) = deltaM (tailDelta d)
 appendDeltaM : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n m : Nat}
-             {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-             {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-             {monadM : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'} M functorM} ->
+             {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM} ->
              DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n) -> 
              DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S m) -> 
-             DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A ((S n) +  (S m))
+             DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A ((S n) + (S m))
 appendDeltaM (deltaM d) (deltaM dd) = deltaM (deltaAppend d dd)
@@ -52,9 +46,7 @@
 -- functor definitions
 open Functor
 deltaM-fmap : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {n : Nat}
-              {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-              {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-              {monadM : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
+              {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
               -> (A -> B) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n) -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B (S n)
 deltaM-fmap {l} {A} {B} {n} {M} {functorM} f (deltaM d) = deltaM (fmap delta-is-functor (fmap functorM f) d)
@@ -65,16 +57,12 @@
 open Monad
 deltaM-eta : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
-                         {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                         {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                         {monadM   : {l' : Level}  -> Monad {l'}  M functorM} ->
+                         {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM   : Monad M functorM} ->
             A -> (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n))
 deltaM-eta {n = n} {monadM = mm} x = deltaM (delta-eta {n = n} (eta mm x))
 deltaM-mu : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat} 
-                        {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                        {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                        {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM} ->
+                        {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor  M} {monadM   : Monad  M functorM} ->
                         DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) (S n)  ->
                         DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)
 deltaM-mu {n = O}   {functorM = fm} {monadM = mm} (deltaM (mono x))    = deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm headDeltaM x)))
@@ -84,9 +72,9 @@
 deltaM-bind : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} 
                           {n : Nat} 
-                          {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                          {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                          {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM} ->
+                          {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                          {functorM : Functor M}
+                          {monadM   : Monad M functorM} ->
             (DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) -> 
             (A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B (S n)) 
             -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} B (S n)
--- a/agda/deltaM/functor.agda	Thu Jan 29 11:42:22 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/deltaM/functor.agda	Fri Jan 30 21:57:31 2015 +0900
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 deltaM-preserve-id :  {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
-                      {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                      (functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M)
-                      {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+                      {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                      (functorM : Functor  M)
+                      {monadM   : Monad  M functorM}
                       -> (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) -> deltaM-fmap id d ≡ id d
 deltaM-preserve-id functorM (deltaM (mono x))  = begin
   deltaM-fmap id (deltaM (mono x))                           ≡⟨ refl ⟩
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
 deltaM-covariant : {l : Level} {A B C : Set l} {n : Nat} ->
-                   {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                   (functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M)
-                   {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'}  M functorM}
+                   {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                   (functorM : Functor M)
+                   {monadM   : Monad M functorM}
                    (f : B -> C) -> (g : A -> B) -> (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) ->
                    (deltaM-fmap (f ∙ g)) d ≡ ((deltaM-fmap f) ∙ (deltaM-fmap g)) d
 deltaM-covariant functorM f g (deltaM (mono x))    = begin
@@ -79,12 +79,29 @@
   (deltaM-fmap f ∙ deltaM-fmap g) (deltaM (delta x d))

+postulate deltaM-fmap-equiv : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} {n : Nat}
+                                {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                                {functorM : Functor M}
+                                {monadM   : Monad M functorM}
+                                {f g : A -> B}
+                                (eq : (x : A) -> f x ≡ g x)
+                                (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) ->
+                                deltaM-fmap f d ≡ deltaM-fmap g d
+deltaM-fmap-equiv {n = O} f g eq (deltaM (mono x)) = begin
+  {!!} ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
+  {!!}
+  ∎
+deltaM-fmap-equiv {n = S n} f g eq d = {!!}
 deltaM-is-functor : {l : Level} {n : Nat}
-                                {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                                {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M }
-                                {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
+                                {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                                {functorM : Functor M }
+                                {monadM   : Monad M functorM}
                     -> Functor {l} (\A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n))
 deltaM-is-functor {_} {_} {_} {functorM} = record { fmap         = deltaM-fmap ;
                                                     preserve-id  = deltaM-preserve-id functorM ;
-                                                    covariant    = (\f g -> deltaM-covariant functorM g f)}
+                                                    covariant    = (\f g -> deltaM-covariant functorM g f);
+                                                    fmap-equiv   = deltaM-fmap-equiv
+                                                    }
--- a/agda/deltaM/monad.agda	Thu Jan 29 11:42:22 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/deltaM/monad.agda	Fri Jan 30 21:57:31 2015 +0900
@@ -18,13 +18,10 @@
-deltaM-right-unity-law : {l : Level} {A : Set l} 
-                         {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                         {functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M}
-                         {monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM}
-                         {n : Nat}
-                           (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) ->
-                              (deltaM-mu ∙ deltaM-eta) d ≡ id d
+postulate  deltaM-right-unity-law : {l : Level} {A : Set l}
+                         {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM} {n : Nat}
+                         (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) -> (deltaM-mu ∙ deltaM-eta) d ≡ id d
 deltaM-right-unity-law {l} {A} {M} {fm} {mm} {O} (deltaM (mono x)) = begin
   deltaM-mu (deltaM-eta (deltaM (mono x)))             ≡⟨ refl ⟩
   deltaM-mu (deltaM (mono (eta mm (deltaM (mono x))))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
@@ -39,7 +36,7 @@
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
   deltaM-mu (deltaM (delta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d))) (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d))))))
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (headDeltaM {monadM = mm}) (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d))))))) 
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (headDeltaM {monadM = mm}) (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d)))))))
                (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d)))))))
   ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm de)))
                                 (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d))))))))
@@ -49,7 +46,7 @@
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
   appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (eta mm x))))
                (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d)))))))
-  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono de)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d)))))))) 
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono de)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d))))))))
            (sym (right-unity-law mm x)) ⟩
   appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-eta (eta mm (deltaM (delta x d)))))))
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
@@ -67,41 +64,95 @@
   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
   deltaM (delta x d)

+fmap-headDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
+                                  {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
+  (x : M A) ->  (fmap functorM ((headDeltaM {l} {A} {n} {M} {functorM} {monadM}) ∙ deltaM-eta) x) ≡ fmap functorM (eta monadM) x
+fmap-headDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {l} {A} {O} {M} {fm} {mm}    x = refl
+fmap-headDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {l} {A} {S n} {M} {fm} {mm} x  = refl
+fmap-tailDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
+                   {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
+                   (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) ->
+       deltaM-fmap ((tailDeltaM {n = n} {monadM = monadM} )  ∙ deltaM-eta) d ≡ deltaM-fmap (deltaM-eta) d
+fmap-tailDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {n = O} d = refl
+fmap-tailDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {n = S n} d = refl
-deltaM-left-unity-law : {l : Level} {A : Set l} 
-                        {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                        (functorM : {l' : Level} -> Functor {l'} M)
-                        (monadM   : {l' : Level} -> Monad {l'} M functorM)
-                        (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S O)) -> 
+deltaM-left-unity-law : {l : Level} {A : Set l}
+                        {M : Set l -> Set l} {functorM : Functor M} {monadM : Monad M functorM}
+                        {n : Nat}
+                        (d : DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) ->
                               (deltaM-mu ∙ (deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta)) d ≡ id d
-deltaM-left-unity-law functorM monadM (deltaM (mono x)) = begin
-   (deltaM-mu ∙ deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta) (deltaM (mono x)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-   deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta (deltaM (mono x)))   ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-   deltaM-mu (deltaM (mono (fmap functorM deltaM-eta x))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-   deltaM (mono (mu monadM (fmap functorM headDeltaM (fmap functorM deltaM-eta x)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
-   deltaM (mono (mu monadM (fmap functorM headDeltaM (fmap functorM deltaM-eta x)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
+deltaM-left-unity-law {l} {A} {M} {fm} {mm} {O} (deltaM (mono x))      = begin
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta (deltaM (mono x)))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) (mono x)))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM (mono (fmap fm deltaM-eta x)))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (headDeltaM {l} {A} {O} {M}) (fmap fm deltaM-eta x))))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> deltaM (mono (mu mm de))) (sym (covariant fm deltaM-eta headDeltaM x)) ⟩
+  deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm ((headDeltaM {l} {A} {O} {M} {fm} {mm}) ∙ deltaM-eta) x)))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> deltaM (mono (mu mm de))) (fmap-headDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {l} {A} {O} {M} {fm} {mm} x) ⟩
+  deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (eta mm) x)))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> deltaM (mono de)) (left-unity-law mm x) ⟩
+  deltaM (mono x)
+  ∎
+deltaM-left-unity-law {l} {A} {M} {fm} {mm} {S n} (deltaM (delta x d)) = begin
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta (deltaM (delta x d)))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) (delta x d)))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM-mu (deltaM (delta (fmap fm deltaM-eta x) (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d)))
+  ≡⟨ refl  ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (headDeltaM {l} {A} {S n} {M} {fm} {mm}) (fmap fm deltaM-eta x)))))
+               (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d))))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm de)))
+                                (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d)))))
+           (sym (covariant fm deltaM-eta headDeltaM x)) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm ((headDeltaM {l} {A} {S n} {M} {fm} {mm}) ∙ deltaM-eta) x))))
+               (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d))))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm de)))
+                                (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d)))))
+           (fmap-headDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta {l} {A} {S n} {M} {fm} {mm} x) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono (mu mm (fmap fm (eta mm) x))))
+               (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d))))
-   id (deltaM (mono x))
-   ∎
-deltaM-left-unity-law functorM monadM (deltaM (delta x ()))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> (appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono de)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d))))))
+           (left-unity-law mm x) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap tailDeltaM (deltaM (delta-fmap (fmap fm deltaM-eta) d))))
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap (tailDeltaM {n = n})(deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta (deltaM d))))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu de)) (sym (covariant deltaM-is-functor deltaM-eta tailDeltaM (deltaM d))) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap ((tailDeltaM {n = n}) ∙ deltaM-eta) (deltaM d)))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu de)) (fmap-tailDeltaM-with-deltaM-eta (deltaM d)) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM-mu (deltaM-fmap deltaM-eta (deltaM d)))
+  ≡⟨ cong (\de -> appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) de) (deltaM-left-unity-law (deltaM d)) ⟩
+  appendDeltaM (deltaM (mono x)) (deltaM d)
+  ≡⟨ refl ⟩
+  deltaM (delta x d)
+  ∎
 deltaM-is-monad : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {n : Nat}
-                              {M : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l'}
-                              (functorM : {l' : Level}  -> Functor {l'} M)
-                              (monadM   : {l' : Level}-> Monad {l'}  M functorM) ->
-               Monad {l} (\A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) deltaM-is-functor
+                              {M : Set l -> Set l}
+                              (functorM : Functor M)
+                              (monadM   : Monad M functorM) ->
+               Monad {l} (\A -> DeltaM M {functorM} {monadM} A (S n)) (deltaM-is-functor {l} {n})
 deltaM-is-monad functorM monadM = record
                                     { mu     = deltaM-mu;
                                       eta    = deltaM-eta;
                                       return = deltaM-eta;
                                       bind   = deltaM-bind;
                                       association-law = {!!};
-                                      left-unity-law = {!!};
+                                      left-unity-law  = deltaM-left-unity-law;
                                       right-unity-law = (\x -> (sym (deltaM-right-unity-law x))) ;
-                                      eta-is-nt = {!!} 
+                                      eta-is-nt = {!!}
--- a/agda/laws.agda	Thu Jan 29 11:42:22 2015 +0900
+++ b/agda/laws.agda	Fri Jan 30 21:57:31 2015 +0900
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
 module laws where
-record Functor {l : Level} (F : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l') : Set (suc l) where
+record Functor {l : Level} (F : Set l -> Set l) : Set (suc l) where
     fmap : {A B : Set l} -> (A -> B) -> (F A) -> (F B)
     preserve-id : {A : Set l} (x : F A) → fmap id x ≡ id x
     covariant   : {A B C : Set l} (f : A -> B) -> (g : B -> C) -> (x : F A)
                     -> fmap (g ∙ f) x ≡ ((fmap g) ∙ (fmap f)) x
+  field 
+    fmap-equiv : {A B : Set l} {f g : A -> B} -> ((x : A) -> f x ≡ g x) -> (x : F A) -> fmap f x ≡ fmap g x
 open Functor
 record NaturalTransformation {l : Level} (F G : {l' : Level} -> Set l' -> Set l')
@@ -29,8 +30,8 @@
 -- simple Monad definition. without NaturalTransformation (mu, eta) and monad-law with f.
-record Monad {l : Level} (M : {ll : Level} -> Set ll -> Set ll)
-                         (functorM : Functor {l} M)
+record Monad {l : Level} (M : Set l -> Set l)
+                         (functorM : Functor M)
                          : Set (suc l)  where
   field -- category
     mu  :  {A : Set l} -> M (M A) -> M A