view vimrc @ 16:457d7aa2cb2f default tip

from oleander PowerBookG4.
author kent <>
date Fri, 12 Mar 2010 16:58:46 +0900
parents 568683f2b3ce
line wrap: on
line source

""jvim3.xは .jvimrcを参照

" 1で改行を超えて削除可能、2で元からある字も削除可能
set backspace=2
" 括弧入力時の対応する括弧を表示
set showmatch
" ステータスラインを常に表示
set laststatus=2
" 長い行を折り返さない
set nowrap
" 新しいファイルを開いたとき、前のバッファを保存しなくても開ける。
set hid
" インクリメンタルサーチ
set incsearch
" 現在実行中のcommandを表示
set showcmd
" 現在のモードを表示
set showmode
" ステータスバーにrow,column表示
set ruler   
" 行番号表示
set nonumber
" 検索文字列をハイライト
set hlsearch
" コマンドで行を越える
" <BS>,<SPACE>,h,l,←,→,~,←,→(insert)
set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,~,[,]
" マルチバイト文字なら自動改行を空白に関係なく行う
set formatoptions+=mB

" OSX用 C&P
map <F2> :w !nkf -s\|pbcopy<CR><CR>
map <F3> :r !pbpaste \|nkf -w<CR>

set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=utf-8,iso-2022-jp,sjis,euc-jp,cp932,utf-8

"" :e ++enc=utf-8 [filename]  #省略したら開いてるファイルを開き直す

set fileformat=unix
set fileformats=unix,mac,dos

" タブ文字の見かけの幅
set tabstop=8
" autoindentや'>'のインデント幅(tab幅はかわらない)
set shiftwidth=4
" TABを入力した時のインデント幅(8以下ならSpaceが入る)
"set softtabstop
" 改行時にオートでインデントを行う
set autoindent """noautoindent
" C言語に特化したオートインデント
set nocindent """cindent
" タブの変わりにスペースを使用する
"set expandtab """noexpandtab
set noexpandtab

autocmd BufReadPost *.cbc set filetype=cbc

" C-b でバック
"map  D
" C-f でフォワード
"map  C

set statusline=%<%f\ %m%r%h%w%{'['.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).']['.&ff.']'}%=%l,%c%V%8P

" バックグラウンドがどちらかを知らせる
"set background={dark,light}
syntax on
"colorscheme zellner
colorscheme desert

"map <C-]> :Gtags<CR>
map <C-]> :GtagsCursor<CR>
"map <C-n> :cn<CR>
"map <C-p> :cp<CR>

""" vim-latex
" REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke latex-suite when you open a tex file.
filetype plugin on
" IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
" can be called correctly.
"set shellslash
" IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
" search in a singe file. This will confuse latex-suite. Set your grep
" program to alway generate a file-name.
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
" OPTIONAL: This enables automatic indentation as you type.
filetype indent on
" when open empty file named *.tex
let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
""" vim-latex end

""" VIM commands
" zf :fold some lines.
"   zfap : fold a paragraph.
"   zf2j : fold two lines under cursor.
" zo :open the folded lines.
" zc :re-fold (close).
" zr :reduce the fold level.  zR: reduce all.
" zm :increase fold level.    zM: fold all.
"  :set foldmethod  :syntax, indent, ...
"  :set foldcolumn  : show folding state in left of window.
" **WINDOWING**" CTRL-W s (split [file])  : separate window horizontaly.
" CTRL-W v (vsplit [file]) : separate window verticaly.
" CTRL-W c  : close current window.
" CTRL-W CTRL-W :move cursor to next window.
" CTRL-W {hjkl} :move cursor to [lbtr].
" CTRL-W {+-} :{in,de}crease window space.
" CTRL-W =  :set window space equality.
" CTRL-W {HJKL} :move `window' to the far [lbtr]
" w  :move to the start of the next word.
" e  :move to the end of the next word.
" b  :move to the start of the previous word.
" ge :move to the end of the next word.
" ^  :move to the first non-blank character.
" 0  :move to the very first character.
" $  :move to the end of a line
" fx :move to the first find 'x' character.
" Fx :search toward left.
" tx :move to before one, the first find 'x' character.
" Tx :search toward left.
" ;  :repeat f,F,t,T
" ,  :reverse repeat f,F,t,T
" %  :move to the matching parentisis.
" n% :move to the line on n-% of a file.
" G  :move to the end of a file.
" gg :move to the start of a file.
" ngg | nG :move to the n-th line.
" H  :move to first line of the window. 
" M  :move to the line on half window. 
" L  :move to final line of the window. 
" CTRL-F :scroll up the window.
" CTRL-B :scroll down the window.
" CTRL-U :scroll up the window half.
" CTRL-D :scroll down the window half.
" CTRL-Y :scroll up the window by one line.
" CTRL-E :scroll down the window by one line.
" zz :SCROLl the window until the cursor is center of the window.
" zt :scroll the window until the cursor is top of the window.
" zb :scroll the window until the cursor is bottom of the window.
" /string :search 'string'
" ?string :search 'string' toward left.
" * :search string under the cursor.
" # :search string under the cursor toward left.
" n  :repeat  / or ?.
" N  :reverse repeat  / or ?.
" CTRL-O :move to before jump position.
" CTRL-I :back to the position before CTRL-O.
" '' | ``  :CTRL-O and CTRL-I.
" i  :start insert-mode on the cursor.
" I  :start insert-mode on the start of the line.
" a  :start insert-mode on the next character of one cursor pointing.
" A  :start insert-mode on the end of the line.
" d[c] :delete from current location to the place where the cursor move to.
"       [c] is moving command.
" c[c] :delete as like d comamnd and start insert-mode.
" x  : dl
" X  : dh
" D  : d$
" C  : c$
" s  : cl
" S  : cc
" r[x] : replace a character under the cursor with [x]
" R  :replace mode
" .  :repeats the last change command except for UNDO, REDO and :-COMMAND.
" p  :places the text below or after the cursor.
" P  :places the text abobe or before the cursor.
" y  :yank text (similar d)
" ~  :change case of the character under the cursor, and move the cursor to next character.
"   v or V or CTRL-V start visual mode.
" v : delete from the place that mode started to place where press d key.
" V : delete lines that is selected.
" CTRL-V : delete rectangular block
" d  :delete from the place where visual-mode started to current position.
" o | O :switch cursor with the place where visual mode started.
" aw :A word.
" as :A sentence.
" iw :Inner word.
" is :Inner sentence.

filetype plugin indent on