1 module regular-language where
3 open import Level renaming ( suc to Suc ; zero to Zero )
4 open import Data.List
5 open import Data.Nat hiding ( _≟_ )
6 open import Data.Fin hiding ( _+_ )
7 open import Data.Empty
8 open import Data.Product
9 -- open import Data.Maybe
10 open import Relation.Nullary
11 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] )
12 open import logic
13 open import nat
14 open import automaton
15 open import finiteSet
17 language : { Σ : Set } → Set
18 language {Σ} = List Σ → Bool
20 language-L : { Σ : Set } → Set
21 language-L {Σ} = List (List Σ)
23 open Automaton
25 record RegularLanguage ( Σ : Set ) : Set (Suc Zero) where
26 field
27 states : Set
28 astart : states
29 aℕ : ℕ
30 afin : FiniteSet states {aℕ}
31 automaton : Automaton states Σ
32 contain : List Σ → Bool
33 contain x = accept automaton astart x
35 Union : {Σ : Set} → ( A B : language {Σ} ) → language {Σ}
36 Union {Σ} A B x = (A x ) \/ (B x)
38 split : {Σ : Set} → (List Σ → Bool)
39 → ( List Σ → Bool) → List Σ → Bool
40 split x y [] = x [] /\ y []
41 split x y (h ∷ t) = (x [] /\ y (h ∷ t)) \/
42 split (λ t1 → x ( h ∷ t1 )) (λ t2 → y t2 ) t
44 Concat : {Σ : Set} → ( A B : language {Σ} ) → language {Σ}
45 Concat {Σ} A B = split A B
47 {-# TERMINATING #-}
48 Star : {Σ : Set} → ( A : language {Σ} ) → language {Σ}
49 Star {Σ} A = split A ( Star {Σ} A )
51 test-split : {Σ : Set} → {A B : List In2 → Bool} → split A B ( i0 ∷ i1 ∷ i0 ∷ [] ) ≡ (
52 ( A [] /\ B ( i0 ∷ i1 ∷ i0 ∷ [] ) ) \/
53 ( A ( i0 ∷ [] ) /\ B ( i1 ∷ i0 ∷ [] ) ) \/
54 ( A ( i0 ∷ i1 ∷ [] ) /\ B ( i0 ∷ [] ) ) \/
55 ( A ( i0 ∷ i1 ∷ i0 ∷ [] ) /\ B [] )
56 )
57 test-split {_} {A} {B} = refl
59 open RegularLanguage
60 isRegular : {Σ : Set} → (A : language {Σ} ) → ( x : List Σ ) → (r : RegularLanguage Σ ) → Set
61 isRegular A x r = A x ≡ contain r x
63 postulate
64 fin-× : {A B : Set} → { a b : ℕ } → FiniteSet A {a} → FiniteSet B {b} → FiniteSet (A × B) {a * b}
66 M-Union : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → RegularLanguage Σ
67 M-Union {Σ} A B = record {
68 states = states A × states B
69 ; astart = ( astart A , astart B )
70 ; aℕ = aℕ A * aℕ B
71 ; afin = fin-× (afin A) (afin B)
72 ; automaton = record {
73 δ = λ q x → ( δ (automaton A) (proj₁ q) x , δ (automaton B) (proj₂ q) x )
74 ; aend = λ q → ( aend (automaton A) (proj₁ q) \/ aend (automaton B) (proj₂ q) )
75 }
76 }
78 closed-in-union : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ( x : List Σ ) → isRegular (Union (contain A) (contain B)) x ( M-Union A B )
79 closed-in-union A B [] = lemma where
80 lemma : aend (automaton A) (astart A) \/ aend (automaton B) (astart B) ≡
81 aend (automaton A) (astart A) \/ aend (automaton B) (astart B)
82 lemma = refl
83 closed-in-union {Σ} A B ( h ∷ t ) = lemma1 t ((δ (automaton A) (astart A) h)) ((δ (automaton B) (astart B) h)) where
84 lemma1 : (t : List Σ) → (qa : states A ) → (qb : states B ) →
85 accept (automaton A) qa t \/ accept (automaton B) qb t
86 ≡ accept (automaton (M-Union A B)) (qa , qb) t
87 lemma1 [] qa qb = refl
88 lemma1 (h ∷ t ) qa qb = lemma1 t ((δ (automaton A) qa h)) ((δ (automaton B) qb h))
90 -- M-Concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → RegularLanguage Σ
91 -- M-Concat {Σ} A B = record {
92 -- states = states A ∨ states B
93 -- ; astart = case1 (astart A )
94 -- ; automaton = record {
95 -- δ = {!!}
96 -- ; aend = {!!}
97 -- }
98 -- }
99 --
100 -- closed-in-concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ( x : List Σ ) → isRegular (Concat (contain A) (contain B)) x ( M-Concat A B )
101 -- closed-in-concat = {!!}
103 open import nfa
104 open import sbconst2
105 open FiniteSet
106 open import Data.Nat.Properties hiding ( _≟_ )
107 open import Relation.Binary as B hiding (Decidable)
109 postulate
110 fin-∨ : {A B : Set} → { a b : ℕ } → FiniteSet A {a} → FiniteSet B {b} → FiniteSet (A ∨ B) {a + b}
111 fin→ : {A : Set} → { a : ℕ } → FiniteSet A {a} → FiniteSet (A → Bool ) {exp 2 a}
113 Concat-NFA : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → NAutomaton (states A ∨ states B) Σ
114 Concat-NFA {Σ} A B = record { Nδ = δnfa ; Nend = nend }
115 module Concat-NFA where
116 δnfa : states A ∨ states B → Σ → states A ∨ states B → Bool
117 δnfa (case1 q) i (case1 q₁) = equal? (afin A) (δ (automaton A) q i) q₁
118 δnfa (case1 qa) i (case2 qb) = (aend (automaton A) qa ) /\ (equal? (afin B) qb (astart B) )
119 δnfa (case2 q) i (case2 q₁) = equal? (afin B) (δ (automaton B) q i) q₁
120 δnfa _ i _ = false
121 nend : states A ∨ states B → Bool
122 nend (case2 q) = aend (automaton B) q
123 nend _ = false
125 -- Concat-NFA-start : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → states A ∨ states B → Bool
126 -- Concat-NFA-start A B (case1 q) = equal? (afin A) q (astart A)
127 -- Concat-NFA-start _ _ _ = false
129 Concat-NFA-start : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → states A ∨ states B → Bool
130 Concat-NFA-start A B q = equal? (fin-∨ (afin A) (afin B)) (case1 (astart A)) q
132 M-Concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → RegularLanguage Σ
133 M-Concat {Σ} A B = record {
134 states = states A ∨ states B → Bool
135 ; astart = Concat-NFA-start A B
136 ; aℕ = finℕ finf
137 ; afin = finf
138 ; automaton = subset-construction fin (Concat-NFA A B) (case1 (astart A))
139 } where
140 fin : FiniteSet (states A ∨ states B ) {aℕ A + aℕ B}
141 fin = fin-∨ (afin A) (afin B)
142 finf : FiniteSet (states A ∨ states B → Bool )
143 finf = fin→ fin
145 record Split {Σ : Set} (A : List Σ → Bool ) ( B : List Σ → Bool ) (x : List Σ ) : Set where
146 field
147 sp0 : List Σ
148 sp1 : List Σ
149 sp-concat : sp0 ++ sp1 ≡ x
150 prop0 : A sp0 ≡ true
151 prop1 : B sp1 ≡ true
153 open Split
155 list-empty++ : {Σ : Set} → (x y : List Σ) → x ++ y ≡ [] → (x ≡ [] ) ∧ (y ≡ [] )
156 list-empty++ [] [] refl = record { proj1 = refl ; proj2 = refl }
157 list-empty++ [] (x ∷ y) ()
158 list-empty++ (x ∷ x₁) y ()
160 open _∧_
162 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ( [_] )
164 c-split-lemma : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → (h : Σ) → ( t : List Σ ) → split A B (h ∷ t ) ≡ true
165 → ( ¬ (A [] ≡ true )) ∨ ( ¬ (B ( h ∷ t ) ≡ true) )
166 → split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ≡ true
167 c-split-lemma {Σ} A B h t eq (case1 ¬p ) = sym ( begin
168 true
169 ≡⟨ sym eq ⟩
170 split A B (h ∷ t )
171 ≡⟨⟩
172 A [] /\ B (h ∷ t) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
173 ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → k \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ) (bool-and-1 (¬-bool-t ¬p)) ⟩
174 false \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
175 ≡⟨ bool-or-1 refl ⟩
176 split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
177 ∎ ) where open ≡-Reasoning
178 c-split-lemma {Σ} A B h t eq (case2 ¬p ) = sym ( begin
179 true
180 ≡⟨ sym eq ⟩
181 split A B (h ∷ t )
182 ≡⟨⟩
183 A [] /\ B (h ∷ t) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
184 ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → k \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t ) (bool-and-2 (¬-bool-t ¬p)) ⟩
185 false \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
186 ≡⟨ bool-or-1 refl ⟩
187 split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t
188 ∎ ) where open ≡-Reasoning
190 c-split : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → ( x : List Σ ) → split A B x ≡ true → Split A B x
191 c-split {Σ} A B [] eq with bool-≡-? (A []) true | bool-≡-? (B []) true
192 c-split {Σ} A B [] eq | yes eqa | yes eqb =
193 record { sp0 = [] ; sp1 = [] ; sp-concat = refl ; prop0 = eqa ; prop1 = eqb }
194 c-split {Σ} A B [] eq | yes p | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (lemma-∧-1 eq (¬-bool-t ¬p ))
195 c-split {Σ} A B [] eq | no ¬p | t = ⊥-elim (lemma-∧-0 eq (¬-bool-t ¬p ))
196 c-split {Σ} A B (h ∷ t ) eq with bool-≡-? (A []) true | bool-≡-? (B (h ∷ t )) true
197 ... | yes px | yes py = record { sp0 = [] ; sp1 = h ∷ t ; sp-concat = refl ; prop0 = px ; prop1 = py }
198 ... | no px | _ with c-split (λ t1 → A ( h ∷ t1 )) B t (c-split-lemma A B h t eq (case1 px) )
199 ... | S = record { sp0 = h ∷ sp0 S ; sp1 = sp1 S ; sp-concat = cong ( λ k → h ∷ k) (sp-concat S) ; prop0 = prop0 S ; prop1 = prop1 S }
200 c-split {Σ} A B (h ∷ t ) eq | _ | no px with c-split (λ t1 → A ( h ∷ t1 )) B t (c-split-lemma A B h t eq (case2 px) )
201 ... | S = record { sp0 = h ∷ sp0 S ; sp1 = sp1 S ; sp-concat = cong ( λ k → h ∷ k) (sp-concat S) ; prop0 = prop0 S ; prop1 = prop1 S }
203 split++ : {Σ : Set} → (A B : List Σ → Bool ) → ( x y : List Σ ) → A x ≡ true → B y ≡ true → split A B (x ++ y ) ≡ true
204 split++ {Σ} A B [] [] eqa eqb = begin
205 split A B []
206 ≡⟨⟩
207 A [] /\ B []
208 ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → j /\ k ) eqa eqb ⟩
209 true
210 ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
211 split++ {Σ} A B [] (h ∷ y ) eqa eqb = begin
212 split A B (h ∷ y )
213 ≡⟨⟩
214 A [] /\ B (h ∷ y) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y
215 ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ j k → j /\ k \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y ) eqa eqb ⟩
216 true /\ true \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y
217 ≡⟨⟩
218 true \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B y
219 ≡⟨⟩
220 true
221 ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
222 split++ {Σ} A B (h ∷ t) y eqa eqb = begin
223 split A B ((h ∷ t) ++ y)
224 ≡⟨⟩
225 A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B (t ++ y)
226 ≡⟨ cong ( λ k → A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ k ) ( begin
227 split (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B (t ++ y)
228 ≡⟨ split++ {Σ} (λ t1 → A (h ∷ t1)) B t y eqa eqb ⟩
229 true
230 ∎ ) ⟩
231 A [] /\ B (h ∷ t ++ y) \/ true
232 ≡⟨ bool-or-3 ⟩
233 true
234 ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
236 -- postulate f-extensionality : { n : Level} → Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality n n -- (Level.suc n) already in finiteSet
238 open NAutomaton
240 closed-in-concat : {Σ : Set} → (A B : RegularLanguage Σ ) → ( x : List Σ ) → isRegular (Concat (contain A) (contain B)) x ( M-Concat A B )
241 closed-in-concat {Σ} A B x = ≡-Bool-func lemma3 lemma4 where
242 finav = (fin-∨ (afin A) (afin B))
243 NFA = (Concat-NFA A B)
244 abmove : (q : states A ∨ states B) → (h : Σ ) → states A ∨ states B
245 abmove (case1 q) h = case1 (δ (automaton A) q h)
246 abmove (case2 q) h = case2 (δ (automaton B) q h)
247 nmove : (q : states A ∨ states B) (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq q ≡ true) → ( h : Σ ) →
248 exists finav (λ qn → nq qn /\ Nδ NFA qn h (abmove q h)) ≡ true
249 nmove (case1 q) nq nqt h = found finav {_} {(case1 q)} ( bool-and-tt nqt lemma-nmove-a ) where
250 lemma-nmove-a : Nδ NFA (case1 q) h (abmove (case1 q) h) ≡ true
251 lemma-nmove-a with F←Q (afin A) (δ (automaton A) q h) ≟ F←Q (afin A) (δ (automaton A) q h)
252 lemma-nmove-a | yes refl = refl
253 lemma-nmove-a | no ne = ⊥-elim (ne refl)
254 nmove (case2 q) nq nqt h = found finav {_} {(case2 q)} ( bool-and-tt nqt lemma-nmove ) where
255 lemma-nmove : Nδ NFA (case2 q) h (abmove (case2 q) h) ≡ true
256 lemma-nmove with F←Q (afin B) (δ (automaton B) q h) ≟ F←Q (afin B) (δ (automaton B) q h)
257 lemma-nmove | yes refl = refl
258 lemma-nmove | no ne = ⊥-elim (ne refl)
259 lemma6 : (z : List Σ) → (q : states B) → (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq (case2 q) ≡ true) → ( accept (automaton B) q z ≡ true )
260 → Naccept NFA finav nq z ≡ true
261 lemma6 [] q nq nqt fb = lemma8 where
262 lemma8 : exists finav ( λ q → nq q /\ Nend NFA q ) ≡ true
263 lemma8 = found finav {_} {case2 q} ( bool-and-tt nqt fb )
264 lemma6 (h ∷ t ) q nq nq=q fb = lemma6 t (δ (automaton B) q h) (Nmoves NFA finav nq h) (nmove (case2 q) nq nq=q h) fb
265 lemma7 : (y z : List Σ) → (q : states A) → (nq : states A ∨ states B → Bool ) → (nq (case1 q) ≡ true)
266 → ( accept (automaton A) q y ≡ true ) → ( accept (automaton B) (astart B) z ≡ true )
267 → Naccept NFA finav nq (y ++ z) ≡ true
268 lemma7 [] z q nq nq=q fa fb = lemma6 z (astart B) nq lemma71 fb where
269 lemma71 : nq (case2 (astart B)) ≡ true
270 lemma71 = {!!}
271 lemma-nq=q : (nq (case1 q) ≡ true)
272 lemma-nq=q = nq=q
273 lemma7 (h ∷ t) z q nq nq=q fa fb = lemma7 t z (δ (automaton A) q h) (Nmoves NFA finav nq h) (nmove (case1 q) nq nq=q h) fa fb where
274 lemma9 : equal? finav (case1 (astart A)) (case1 (astart A)) ≡ true
275 lemma9 with Data.Fin._≟_ (F←Q finav (case1 (astart A))) ( F←Q finav (case1 (astart A)) )
276 lemma9 | yes refl = refl
277 lemma9 | no ¬p = ⊥-elim ( ¬p refl )
278 lemma5 : Split (contain A) (contain B) x
279 → Naccept NFA finav (equal? finav (case1 (astart A))) x ≡ true
280 lemma5 S = subst ( λ k → Naccept NFA finav (equal? finav (case1 (astart A))) k ≡ true ) ( sp-concat S )
281 (lemma7 (sp0 S) (sp1 S) (astart A) (equal? finav (case1 (astart A))) lemma9 (prop0 S) (prop1 S) )
282 lemma3 : Concat (contain A) (contain B) x ≡ true → contain (M-Concat A B) x ≡ true
283 lemma3 concat with c-split (contain A) (contain B) x concat
284 ... | S = begin
285 accept (subset-construction finav NFA (case1 (astart A))) (Concat-NFA-start A B ) x
286 ≡⟨ ≡-Bool-func (subset-construction-lemma← finav NFA (case1 (astart A)) x )
287 (subset-construction-lemma→ finav NFA (case1 (astart A)) x ) ⟩
288 Naccept NFA finav (equal? finav (case1 (astart A))) x
289 ≡⟨ lemma5 S ⟩
290 true
291 ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
292 lemma4 : contain (M-Concat A B) x ≡ true → Concat (contain A) (contain B) x ≡ true
293 lemma4 C = {!!} -- split++ (contain A) (contain B) x y (accept ?) (accept ?)