1 *
2 * Process system calls
3 *
4 use ..../defs/os9defs.a
5 psect process_a,0,0,2,0,0
7 * kill(pid,signal)
8 kill: lda 3,s get process id
9 ldb 5,s get signal number
10 os9 F$SEND
11 lbra _sysret
13 * wait(status)
14 wait: clra clear these so
15 clrb signal can be detected
16 os9 F$WAIT
17 lbcs _os9err
19 ldx 2,s
20 beq wait10
21 stb 1,x
22 clr ,x
24 wait10 tfr a,b
25 clra
26 rts
28 * setpr(pid,priority)
29 setpr: lda 3,s get process id
30 ldb 5,s get priority
31 os9 F$SPRIOR call os9
32 lbra _sysret
34 * chain(modname,paramsize,paramp,type,language,datasize)
35 *
36 * This call can never return to the caller. The stack pointer
37 * must be adjusted to point into the direct page which, in general,
38 * contains global variables belonging to the program. OS-9 will
39 * therefore overwrite these values making the state of the program
40 * undefined after the call.
41 * In addition, we cannot report the error here because the module
42 * name string could easily be in the direct page.
43 chain:
44 leau 0,s save the sp
45 leas $ff,y set the stack into the direct page
47 ldx 2,u get the module name pointer
48 ldy 4,u get the parameter area size
49 lda 9,u get the type
50 lsla
51 lsla
52 lsla
53 lsla
54 ora 11,u and the language
55 ldb 13,u get the data size
56 ldu 6,u get the parameter area beginning address
58 os9 F$CHAIN go do it
60 * return here indicates an error
61 os9 F$EXIT error code already in b reg.
63 * os9fork(modname,paramsize,paramp,language,type,datasize)
64 os9fork: pshs y,u save environment
66 ldx 6,s get module name
67 ldy 8,s get parameter area size
68 ldu 10,s get parameter area pointer
69 lda 13,s get language
70 ora 15,s and type
71 ldb 17,s get data size
73 os9 F$FORK call os9
75 * return here indicates either error or parent
76 puls y,u restore environment
77 lbcs _os9err
78 tfr a,b make an integer out of it
79 clra
80 * NOTE: the x register return value (points past name) is ignored
81 rts
82 endsect