1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$SRqMem
3 *
4 * Function: Request memory
5 *
6 * It also updates 8K DAT blocks-if it finds an empty block, it re-does the 32
7 * entries in the SMAP table to indicate that they are free
8 *
9 * Input: D = Byte count
10 *
11 * Output: U = Address of allocated memory area
12 *
13 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
14 *
15 FSRqMem ldd R$D,u get size requested
16 addd #$00FF round it up to nearest 256 byte page
17 clrb just keep # of pages (and start 8K block #)
18 std R$D,u save rounded version back to user
19 IFGT Level-1
20 ldy <D.SysMem get ptr to SMAP table
21 leay $ED,y
24 * leay $20,y skip Block 0 (always reserved for system)
25 * Change to pshs a,b:use 1,s for block # to check, and ,s for TFM spot
26 * incb skip block 0 (always reserved for system)
27 pshs d reserve a byte & put 0 byte on stack
29 * This loop updates the SMAP table if anything can be marked as unused
30 *L082F ldx <D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT block list
31 * lslb adjust block offset for 2 bytes/entry
32 * ldd b,x get block type/# from system DAT
33 * cmpd #DAT.Free Unused block?
34 * beq L0847 yes, mark it free in SMAP table
35 * ldx <D.BlkMap No, get ptr to MMAP table
36 * lda d,x Get block marker for 2 meg mem map
37 * cmpa #RAMinUse Is it in use (not free, ROM or used by module)?
38 * bne L0848 No, mark it as type it is in SMAP table
39 * leay $20,y Yes, move to next block in pages
40 * bra L084F move to next block & try again
42 *L0847 clra Byte to fill system page map with (0=Not in use)
43 *L0848 sta ,s Put it on stack
44 * ldw #$0020 Get size of 8K block in pages
45 * tfm s,y+ Mark entire block's worth of pages with A
46 *L084F inc 1,s Bump up to next block to check
47 * ldb 1,s Get it
48 * cmpb #8 Done whole 64k system space?
49 * blo L082F no, keep checking
50 * Now we can actually attempt to allocate the system RAM requested
51 * NOTE: Opt for Coco/TC9 OS9 ONLY: skip last 17 pages with leay -17,y since
52 * they are: Kernal (REL/BOOT/OS9P1 - 15 pages), vector RAM & I/O (2 pages)
53 * (Already permanently marked @ L01D2)
54 * At the start, Y is pointing to the end of the SMAP table+1
55 ldx <D.SysMem Get start of table ptr
56 ldb #$20 skip block 0: it's always full
57 abx same size, but faster than leax $20,x
58 * leay -17,y Skip Kernel, Vector RAM & I/O (Can't be free)
59 L0857 ldb R$A,u Get # 256 byte pages requested
60 * Loop (from end of system mem map) to look for # continuous pages requested
61 L0859 equ *
62 IFNE H6309
63 cmpr x,y We still have any system RAM left to try?
65 pshs x
66 cmpy ,s++
68 bhi L0863 Yes, continue
69 comb Exit with No System RAM Error
70 ldb #E$NoRAM
71 bra L0894 Eat stack & exit
73 L0863 lda ,-y Get page marker (starting @ end of SMAP)
74 bne L0857 Used, try next lower page
75 decb Found 1 page, dec # pages we need to allocate
76 bne L0859 Still more pages needed, check if we can get more
77 sty ,s Found free contiguous pages, save SMAP entry ptr
78 lda 1,s Get LSB of ptr
79 lsra Divide by 32 (Calculate start 8K block #)
80 lsra
81 lsra
82 lsra
83 lsra
84 ldb 1,s Get LSB of ptr again
85 andb #%00011111 Keep only within 8K block offset
86 addb R$A,u Add # pages requested
87 addb #$1F Round up to nearest 8K block
88 lsrb Divide by 32 (Calculate end 8K block #)
89 lsrb
90 lsrb
91 lsrb
92 lsrb
93 ldx <D.SysPrc Get ptr to system proc. dsc.
94 lbsr L09BE Allocate an image with our start/end block #'s
95 bcs L0894 Couldn't, exit with error
96 ldb R$A,u Get # pages requested
97 lda #RAMinUse Get SMAP in use flag
98 L088A sta ,y+ Mark all the pages requested as In Use
99 decb
100 bne L088A
101 lda 1,s Get MSB of ptr to start of newly allocated Sys RAM
102 std R$U,u Save for caller
103 clrb No error
104 L0894 puls u,pc Eat stack (U is changed after it exits) & return
107 **************************************************
108 * System Call: F$SRtMem
109 *
110 * Function: Return memory
111 *
112 * Input: U = Address of memory to return
113 * D = Number of bytes to return
114 *
115 * Output: None
116 *
117 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
118 *
119 FSRtMem ldd R$D,u get # pages to free up
120 beq L08F2 nothing to free, return without error
121 addd #$00FF round it up to nearest page
122 ldb R$U+1,u get LSB of address
123 beq L08A6 it's a even page, skip ahead
124 comb set carry
125 ldb #E$BPAddr get error code
126 rts return
128 L08A6 ldb R$U,u get MSB of page address
129 beq L08F2 not a legal page, return without error
130 ldx <D.SysMem get pointer to system memory map
131 abx set pointer into map
132 L08AD equ *
133 IFNE H6309
134 aim #^RAMinUse,,x+
135 ELSE
136 ldb ,x
137 andb #^RAMinUse
138 stb ,x+
139 ENDC
140 deca
141 bne L08AD
142 * Scan DAT image to find memory blocks to free up
143 ldx <D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT image
144 IFNE H6309
145 lde #DAT.BlCt get # blocks to check
146 ELSE
147 ldy #DAT.BlCt
148 ENDC
149 L08BC ldd ,x get block image
150 cmpd #DAT.Free is it already free?
151 beq L08EC yes, skip to next one
152 ldu <D.BlkMap get pointer to MMU block map
153 lda d,u get allocation flag for this block: 16-bit offset
154 cmpa #RAMinUse being used?
155 bne L08EC no, move to next block
156 tfr x,d
157 subd <D.SysDAT
158 lslb
159 lslb
160 lslb
161 lslb
162 ldu <D.SysMem get pointer to system map
163 IFNE H6309
164 addr d,u
165 * Check if we can remove the entire memory block from system map
166 ldf #16 get # pages per block/2
167 L08DA ldd ,u++ Either of these 2 pages allocated?
168 ELSE
169 leau d,u
170 ldb #32
171 L08DA lda ,u+ Either of these 2 pages allocated?
172 ENDC
173 bne L08EC yes, can't free block, skip to next one
174 IFNE H6309
175 decf checked all pages?
176 ELSE
177 decb
178 ENDC
179 bne L08DA no, keep looking
180 ldd ,x get block # into B: could be >$80
181 ldu <D.BlkMap point to allocation table
182 IFNE H6309
183 sta d,u clear the block using 16-bit offset
184 ELSE
185 clr d,u
186 ENDC
187 ldd #DAT.Free get free block marker
188 std ,x save it into DAT image
189 L08EC leax 2,x move to next DAT block
190 IFNE H6309
191 dece done?
192 ELSE
193 leay -1,y
194 ENDC
195 bne L08BC no, keep checking
196 L08F2 clrb clear errors
197 L08F3 rts return
200 **************************************************
201 * System Call: F$Boot
202 *
203 * Function: Bootstrap the system
204 *
205 * Optimized for size, as it's only called once...
206 *
207 * Input: None
208 *
209 * Output: None
210 *
211 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
212 *
213 FBoot lda #'t tried to boot
214 jsr <D.BtBug
215 coma Set boot flag
216 lda <D.Boot we booted once before?
217 bne L08F3 Yes, return
218 inc <D.Boot Set boot flag
219 ldx <D.Init Get ptr to init module if it exists
220 beq L0908 it doesn't, point to boot name
221 ldd <BootStr,x Get offset to text
222 beq L0908 Doesn't exist, get hard coded text
223 leax d,x Adjust X to point to boot module
224 bra L090C Try & link to module
226 boot fcs /Boot/
228 L0908 leax <boot,pcr
229 * Link to module and execute
230 L090C lda #Systm+Objct
231 os9 F$Link
232 bcs L08F3
233 lda #'b calling boot
234 jsr <D.BtBug
235 jsr ,y load boot file
236 bcs L08F3
237 std <D.BtSz save boot file size
238 stx <D.BtPtr save start pointer of bootfile
239 lda #'b boot returns OK
240 jsr <D.BtBug
242 * added for IOMan system memory extentions
243 IFNE H6309
244 ldd M$Name,x grab the name offset
245 ldd d,x find the first 2 bytes of the first module
246 cmpd #$4E69 'Ni' ? (NitrOS9 module?)
247 bne not.ext no, not system memory extensions
248 ldd M$Exec,x grab the execution ptr
249 jmp d,x and go execute the system memory extension module
250 ENDC
252 not.ext ldd <D.BtSz
253 bsr I.VBlock internal verify block routine
254 ldx <D.SysDAT get system DAT pointer
255 ldb $0D,x get highest allocated block number
256 incb allocate block 0, too
257 ldx <D.BlkMap point to the memory block map
258 lbra L01DF and go mark the blocks as used.
261 **************************************************
262 * System Call: F$VBlock
263 *
264 * Function: ???
265 *
266 * Input: D = Size of block to verify
267 * X = Start address to verify
268 *
269 * Output: None
270 *
271 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
272 *
273 FVBlock ldd R$D,u size of block to verify
274 ldx R$X,u start address to verify
276 I.VBlock leau d,x point to end of bootfile
277 tfr x,d
278 anda #$E0
279 clrb
280 pshs d,u
281 lsra
282 lsra
283 lsra
284 lsra
285 ldy <D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT
286 leay a,y offset to bootfile
287 L092D ldd M$ID,x get module ID
288 cmpd #M$ID12 legal ID?
289 bne L0954 no, keep looking
290 ldd M$Name,x find name offset pointer
291 pshs x
292 leax d,x
294 bsr name.prt
295 *name.prt lda ,x+ get first character of the name
296 * jsr <D.BtBug print it out
297 * bpl name.prt
298 * lda #C$SPAC a space
299 * jsr <D.BtBug
301 puls x
302 IFNE H6309
303 ldd ,s offset into block
304 subr d,x make X=offset into block
305 ELSE
306 tfr x,d
307 subd ,s
308 tfr d,x
309 ENDC
310 tfr y,d
311 os9 F$VModul
312 IFNE H6309
313 ldw ,s
314 leax w,x
315 ELSE
316 pshs b
317 ldd 1,s
318 leax d,x
319 puls b
320 ENDC
321 bcc L094E
322 cmpb #E$KwnMod
323 bne L0954
324 L094E ldd M$Size,x
325 leax d,x
326 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
328 L0954 leax 1,x move to next byte
329 L0956 cmpx 2,s gone thru whole bootfile?
330 bcs L092D no, keep looking
331 leas 4,s purge stack
332 clrb
333 rts
336 name.prt lda ,x+ get first character of the name
337 jsr <D.BtBug print it out
338 bpl name.prt
339 lda #C$SPAC a space
340 jsr <D.BtBug
341 rts