1 ********************************************************************
2 * Boot - IDE Boot Module
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
7 * Comment
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 * ? 1994/06/25 Alan DeKok
10 * Diassembled.
11 *
12 * 6 1999/08/17 Paul T. Barton
13 * Redone for IDE.
14 *
15 * 7 2002/06/27 Boisy G. Pitre
16 * Added use of LSN bits 23-16.
17 *
18 * 7r1 2004/05/12 Boisy G. Pitre
19 * Optimized, made toG wait on !BUSY and DRDY, added slowdown POKE
20 * for Fujitsu 128MB CF (may be temporary)
21 *
22 * 8 2004/07/29 Boisy G. Pitre
23 * Now detects CHS/LBA mode to work with ALL IDE drives.
24 *
25 * 9 2005/10/13 Boisy G. Pitre
26 * Support for fragmented bootfiles added.
28 NAM Boot
29 TTL IDE Boot Module
31 IFP1
32 USE defsfile
33 USE ide.d
36 tylg SET Systm+Objct
37 atrv SET ReEnt+rev
38 rev SET $00
39 edition SET 9
41 * Disassembled 94/06/25 11:37:47 by Alan DeKok
42 * ReDone by Paul T. Barton 99/08/17, for IDE
44 MOD eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
46 * on-stack static storage
47 ORG 0
48 cyls RMB 2
49 sides RMB 1
50 sects RMB 2
51 mode RMB 1
52 seglist RMB 2 pointer to segment list
53 blockloc RMB 2 pointer to memory requested
54 blockimg RMB 2 duplicate of the above
55 bootloc RMB 3 sector pointer; not byte pointer
56 bootsize RMB 2 size in bytes
57 LSN0Ptr RMB 2 LSN0 pointer (used by boot_common.asm)
58 size EQU .
60 name FCS /Boot/
61 FCB edition
63 * Common booter-required defines
67 USE boot_common.asm
69 * HWInit - Initialize the device
70 * Entry: Y = hardware address
71 * Exit: Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
72 * B = error (Carry Set)
73 HWInit ldb Address+2,pcr
74 bne slave@
75 lda #%10100000
76 FCB $8C
77 slave@ lda #%10110000
78 sta mode,u
79 stb DevHead,y select device
80 a@ tst Status,y wait for BSY to clear
81 bmi a@
82 lda #$EC
83 sta Command,y
84 b@ tst Status,y
85 bmi b@
86 * Harvest C/H/S values.
87 ldb DataReg,y ignore bytes 0-1
88 ldb DataReg,y bytes 2-3 = no. of cylinders
89 lda Latch,y
90 std cyls,u save cylinders in our private static area
91 ldb DataReg,y ignore bytes 4-5
92 ldb DataReg,y bytes 6-7 = no. of heads
93 stb sides,u save sides on stack (B)
94 ldb DataReg,y ignore bytes 8-9
95 ldb DataReg,y ignore bytes 10-11
96 ldb DataReg,y bytes 12-13 = no. of sectors/track
97 lda Latch,y
98 std sects,u save sectors/track on stack (Y)
99 * Throw away the next 42 (48-7) words
100 ldb #43
101 l@ tst DataReg,y
102 lda Latch,y
103 decb
104 bne l@
105 * A holds byte with LBA bit
106 anda #%00000010 LBA drive?
107 beq nope@
108 ldb mode,u
109 orb #%01000000
110 stb mode,u
111 nope@ ldb #256-50
112 o@ tst DataReg,y
113 decb
114 bne o@
115 HWTerm clrb
116 rts
118 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
119 * Entry: Y = hardware address
120 * B = bits 23-16 of LSN
121 * X = bits 15-0 of LSN
122 * blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
123 * Exit: X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
124 HWRead
125 pshs x,b
126 b@ tst Status,y
127 bmi b@ if =1 then loop
128 lda mode,u
129 sta DevHead,y 0L0d/0hhh device=CHS
130 r@ ldb Status,y is IDE ready for commands?
131 andb #BusyBit+DrdyBit ready ?
132 cmpb #DrdyBit
133 bne r@ loop until Drdy=1 and Busy=0
134 ldb #$01 only one at a time
135 stb SectCnt,y only one at a time
136 anda #%01000000
137 beq chs@ branch if mode
138 lda ,s get bits 23-16
139 sta CylHigh,y
140 ldd 1,s get bits 15-0
141 stb SectNum,y
142 sta CylLow,y
143 bra DoCmd
144 chs@
145 * Compute proper C:H:S value
146 lda sides,u get device's head
147 ldb sects+1,u and sector
148 mul multiply H*S
149 * Note, there is a chance here that if the product is zero, we could loop forever
150 * beq ZeroProd
151 pshs d save product of H*S
152 ldd 1+2,s get bits 15-0 of LSN
153 ldx #-1 start Y at -1
154 inc 0+2,s increment physical sector
155 * Here we are doing physLSN/(H*S) to get cylinder for physLSN
156 a@ leax 1,x increment count to compensate
157 subd ,s subtract (H*S) from physLSN
158 bhs a@ if D>=0 then continue
159 dec 0+2,s decrement phys sector bits 23-16
160 bne a@ if not zero, continue divide
161 addd ,s++ add in (H*S) to make non-negative
162 pshs d X now holds cylinder, save D on stack
163 tfr x,d
164 exg a,b swap
165 std CylLow,y store computed cylinder in HW
166 puls d restore saved cylinder
167 * Now we will compute the sector/head value
168 ldx #-1
169 c@ leax 1,x
170 subb sects+1,u
171 sbca #0
172 bcc c@
173 addb sects+1,u
174 incb add 1 to B, which is sector
175 stb SectNum,y store computed sector in HW
176 tfr x,d
177 orb DevHead,y OR in with value written earlier
178 stb DevHead,y
179 DoCmd lda #S$READ read one sector
180 sta Command,y finish process
182 Blk2 lda Status,y is IDE ready to send?
183 anda #DrqBit DRQ, data request
184 beq Blk2 loop while DRQ =0
186 ldx blockloc,u
187 clr ,s
188 BlkLp
189 lda DataReg,y A <- IDE
190 ldb Latch,y
191 std ,x++ into RAM
192 inc ,s
193 bpl BlkLp go get the rest
194 b@ lda DataReg,y read remaining 256 bytes
195 dec ,s
196 bne b@
198 leax -256,x
199 stx 1,s
200 lda Status,y check for error-bit
201 clrb
202 puls b,x,pc
206 * ------------------------------------------
208 *Init
209 * pshs d,y
210 * ldy <Address,pcr
211 * bsr ChkBusy could be spinning up...
212 * lda #Diagnos hits all drives
213 * sta Command,y ./
214 * bsr ChkBusy wait 'til both done
215 * clrb no errors
216 * puls d,y,pc
218 * Entry: A = number to show
219 * Destroys D
220 *Num
221 * tfr a,b
222 * lsra
223 * lsra
224 * lsra
225 * lsra
226 * bsr x@
227 * andb #$0F
228 * tfr b,a
229 *x@
230 * adda #'0
231 * cmpa #'9
232 * ble s@
233 * adda #$7
234 *s@ jsr <D.BtBug
235 * rts
237 IFGT Level-1
238 Pad FILL $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
239 ENDC
241 Address FDB SDAddr
242 WhchDriv FCB 0 Drive to use (0 = master, 1 = slave)
245 EMOD
246 eom EQU *
247 END