1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$AllRAM
3 *
4 * Function: Allocate RAM blocks
5 *
6 * Input: B = Desired block count
7 *
8 * Output: D = Beginning RAM block number
9 *
10 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
11 *
12 FAllRam ldb R$B,u Get # blocks requested
13 pshs b,x,y Save regs
14 ldx <D.BlkMap Get ptr to start of block map
15 L0974 leay ,x Point Y to current block
16 ldb ,s Get # blocks requested
17 L0978 cmpx <D.BlkMap+2 Hit end of map yet?
18 bhs L0995 Yes, exit with No RAM error
19 lda ,x+ Get block marker
20 bne L0974 Already used, start over with next block up
21 decb Dec # blocks still needed
22 bne L0978 Still more, keep checking
23 * Entry: Y=ptr to start of memory found
24 * Note: Due to fact that block map always starts @ $200 (up to $2FF), we
25 * don't need to calc A
26 L0983 tfr y,d Copy start of requested block mem ptr to D (B)
27 lda ,s Get # blocks requested
28 stb ,s Save start block #
29 L098D inc ,y+ Flag blocks as used
30 deca (for all blocks allocated)
31 bne L098D Do until done
32 puls b Get start block #
33 clra (allow for D as per original calls)
34 std R$D,u Save for caller
35 puls x,y,pc Restore regs & return
37 L0995 comb Exit with No RAM error
38 ldb #E$NoRam
39 stb ,s
40 puls b,x,y,pc
43 **************************************************
44 * System Call: F$AlHRAM
45 *
46 * Function: Allocate RAM blocks from top of RAM
47 *
48 * Input: B = Desired block count
49 *
50 * Output: D = Beginning RAM block number
51 *
52 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
53 *
54 FAlHRam ldb R$B,u Get # blocks to allocate
55 pshs b,x,y Preserve regs
56 ldx <D.BlkMap+2 Get ptr to end of block map
57 L09A9 ldb ,s Get # blocks requested
58 L09AB cmpx <D.BlkMap Are we at beginning of RAM yet?
59 bls L0995 Yes, exit with No RAM error
60 lda ,-x Get RAM block marker
61 bne L09A9 If not free, start checking next one down
62 decb Free block, dec # blocks left to find count
63 bne L09AB Still more needed, keep checking
64 tfr x,y Found enough contigous blocks, move ptr to Y
65 bra L0983 Go mark blocks as used, & return info to caller