2 * Additional gfx operations.
3 *
4 * Uses some variables from view_gfx.a
5 * numscreens - total number of screens allocated
6 * screenpaths - array of path number for screens
7 * curscreen - current screen displayed
8 *
9 * Routines included:
10 * getkey: - poll each open screen for keypress.
11 * (returns Carry set if no key available)
12 * setmouse: - Set mouse signal on each open screen
13 * setkey: - Set key signal on each open screen
14 * nextline: - Higher-level interface to "putline".
15 * Automatically increments to next line,
16 * allocates next screen as appropriate.
17 * Uses "border" to set screen border for new screens.
18 *
19 ifp1
20 use os9defs.d
21 endc
23 check macro
24 pshs b,cc
25 ldb #\1
26 os9 F$PErr
27 puls b,cc
28 endm
30 psect view_gfx2_a,0,0,0,0,0
32 *
33 * Poll each open screen
34 getkey:
35 pshs b,x,y
36 leax screenpaths,y
37 clrb
38 getkeyloop
39 lda b,x
40 pshs b
41 ldb #SS.Ready
42 os9 I$GetStt
43 bcc getkeyok
44 cmpb #E$NotRdy
45 lbne _error
46 puls b
47 incb
48 cmpb <numscreens
49 bne getkeyloop
50 clra
51 orcc #Carry Turn on carry
52 bra getkeyend
53 getkeyok
54 tfr s,x
55 ldy #1
56 os9 I$Read Read one character
57 lbcs _error
58 puls a Get the char into A.
59 andcc #^Carry Turn off carry
60 getkeyend
61 puls b,x,y,pc
63 setmouse:
64 pshs a,b,x,y,u
65 ldb <numscreens Get the number of screens.
66 clra
67 leau screenpaths,y
68 tfr d,y
69 ldx #MButton Return this signal code.
70 ldb #SS.MsSig
71 setmloop
72 lda ,u+ Get path number
73 os9 I$SetStt Set the mouse signal.
74 lbcs _error
75 leay -1,y
76 bne setmloop If we haven't done all paths, keep going
77 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
79 setkeysig:
80 pshs a,b,x,y,u
81 ldb <numscreens Get the number of screens.
82 clra
83 leau screenpaths,y
84 tfr d,y
85 ldx #KButton Return this signal code.
86 ldb #SS.SSig
87 setkloop
88 lda ,u+ Get path number
89 os9 I$SetStt Set the mouse signal.
90 lbcs _error
91 leay -1,y
92 bne setkloop If we haven't done all paths, keep going
93 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
95 vsect dp
96 curline rmb 2
97 endsect
99 nextline:
100 pshs a,b
101 ldd curline
102 cmpd #192 Are we off the screen?
103 blo nextdoit
104 lbsr setscreen Get a new screen
105 lbsr setpals Set the palettes
106 lda <border
107 lbsr setborder Set the border color
108 ldd #0
109 nextdoit
110 lbsr putline Put this line
111 addd #1
112 std curline
113 puls a,b,pc
115 endsect