1 ***************************************
2 * NitrOS-9 Level 2 Bootlist
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * This bootlist is presented as an example for creating custom bootfiles.
7 * A module may be excluded from the bootfile if an asterisk (*) is the
8 * first character of the line.
9 *
10 ***************************************
11 * Kernel/System Section
12 *
13 * These modules are mandatory.
14 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/krnp2
15 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/krnp3_perr
16 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/krnp4_regdump
17 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ioman
18 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/moduleS/init
19 *
20 ***************************************
21 * RBF Section
22 *
23 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/rbf.mn
24 *
25 * DriveWire driver (Cloud-9 product)
26 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/drivewire.dr
27 * DriveWire descriptors - select as needed
28 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/DriveWire/software/$DISTRO/ddx0.dd
29 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/DriveWire/software/$DISTRO/x0.dd
30 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/DriveWire/software/$DISTRO/x1.dd
31 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/DriveWire/software/$DISTRO/x2.dd
32 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/DriveWire/software/$DISTRO/x3.dd
33 *
34 * SuperDriver Package (Cloud-9 product)
35 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/rbsuper.dr
36 * Select Low level SCSI and/or IDE driver
37 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/lltc3.dr
38 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/llide.dr
39 * SuperDriver descriptors - select as needed
40 * SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-7)
41 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s0_tc3.dd
42 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s1_tc3.dd
43 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s2_tc3.dd
44 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s3_tc3.dd
45 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s4_tc3.dd
46 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s5_tc3.dd
47 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s6_tc3.dd
48 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/s7_tc3.dd
49 * SCSI HDB-DOS descriptor
50 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/sh_ide.dd
51 * IDE descriptors (master/slave)
52 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/i0_ide.dd
53 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/i1_ide.dd
54 * IDE HDB-DOS descriptor
55 *$CLOUD9DIR/Products/SuperDrivers/software/$DISTRO/ih_ide.dd
56 *
57 * WD1773 floppy support for Tandy and compatible disk controllers
58 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/rb1773.dr
59 * WD1773 floppy support for Disto Super Controller II
60 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/rb1773_scii_ff74.dr
61 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/rb1773_scii_ff58.dr
62 * Floppy device descriptors
63 * DD - default device - choose one if needed
64 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddd0_35s.dd
65 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddd0_40d.dd
66 *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_80d.dd
67 * D0 - drive 0 - choose one if needed
68 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d0_35s.dd
69 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d0_40d.dd
70 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d0_80d.dd
71 * D1 - drive 1 - choose one if needed
72 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d1_35s.dd
73 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d1_40d.dd
74 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d1_80d.dd
75 * D2 - drive 2 - choose one if needed
76 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d2_35s.dd
77 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d2_40d.dd
78 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d2_80d.dd
79 * D3 - drive 3 - choose if needed
80 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/d3_35s.dd
81 *
82 * RAMDisk driver
83 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/rammer.dr
84 * RAMDisk descriptors - select as needed
85 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddr0_8k.dd
86 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddr0_96k.dd
87 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddr0_128k.dd
88 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ddr0_192k.dd
89 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/r0_8k.dd
90 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/r0_96k.dd
91 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/r0_128k.dd
92 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/r0_192k.dd
93 * Memory device descriptor
94 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/md.dd
95 ***************************************
96 * SCF Section
97 *
98 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/scf.mn
99 *
100 * CoCo 3 I/O driver
101 * Joystick modules: choose Joystick OR
102 * (M)icrosoft or (L)ogitech mouse using 6551 or 6552 ACIA
103 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/cc3io.dr
104 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/keydrv_cc3.sb
105 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/snddrv_cc3.sb
106 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/joydrv_joy.sb
107 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/joydrv_6551M.sb
108 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/joydrv_6552M.sb
109 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/joydrv_6551L.sb
110 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/joydrv_6552L.sb
111 *
112 * GrfInt/WindInt subroutine module
113 * Use WindInt with Multi-Vue; use GrfInt
114 * for basic text and graphic window support..
115 * Select only one.
116 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/grfint.io
117 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/windint.io
118 *
119 * VDGInt I/O subroutine module
120 * Select one or both
121 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/vdgint.io
122 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/vdgint_small.io
123 *
124 * Select only one term descriptor
125 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/term_vdg.dt
126 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/term_win40.dt
127 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/term_win80.dt
128 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/term_sio.dt
129 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/term_sc6551.dt
130 *
131 * Select as many window descriptors as needed
132 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w.dw
133 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w1.dw
134 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w2.dw
135 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w3.dw
136 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w4.dw
137 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w5.dw
138 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w6.dw
139 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/w7.dw
140 *
141 * Select as many VDG window descriptors as needed
142 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v1.dw
143 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v2.dw
144 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v3.dw
145 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v4.dw
146 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v5.dw
147 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v6.dw
148 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/v7.dw
149 *
150 * Serial port drivers
151 * Built-In RS-232 port
152 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/sio.dr
153 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/t1.dd
154 * 6551 ACIA
155 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/sc6551.dr
156 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/t2_sc6551.dd
157 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/t3_sc6551.dd
158 * Tandy Modem Pak
159 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/modpak.dr
160 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/m1.dd
161 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/m2.dd
162 *
163 * Printer drivers
164 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/printer.dr
165 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/p.dd
166 *
167 * VRN is a driver module used by certain games, including King's Quest III,
168 * Leisure Suit Larry and Flight Simulator II. A /nil descriptor is also
169 * supported.
170 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/vrn.dr
171 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/vi.dd
172 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/ftdd.dd
173 *
174 ***************************************
175 * Pipe Section
176 *
177 * Pipes are a useful but optional part of a system.
178 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/pipeman.mn
179 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/piper.dr
180 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/pipe.dd
181 *
182 ***************************************
183 * Clock Section
184 *
185 * Select one clock module depending upon your power line frequency
186 * (60Hz = USA/Canada; 50Hz = Europe, Australia)
187 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock_60hz
188 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock_50hz
189 * Select one clock2 module that supports your real-time clock, if any.
190 * Besides support for the internal software clock, the following
191 * hardware clocks are supported: Burke & Burke, Disto 2-N-1, Disto 4-N-1,
192 * Eliminator, Harris, SmartWatch, Cloud-9, the MESS emulator, Jeff
193 * Vavasour's CoCo emulator, and DriveWire.
194 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_soft
195 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_bnb
196 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_disto2
197 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_disto4
198 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_elim
199 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_harris
200 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_smart
201 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_jvemu
202 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_messemu
203 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_cloud9
204 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/clock2_dw
205 *
206 ***************************************
207 * System Kick-Start Module
208 *
209 * Choose which startup module you wish to use. (sysgo_dd is recommended
210 * for most configurations.)
211 *
212 * Alternatively, this module can reside in the root directory of the
213 * boot device, saving precious system RAM.
214 $NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/sysgo_dd
215 *$NITROS9DIR/$DISTRO/modules/sysgo_h0