1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$AProc
3 *
4 * Function: Insert process into active process queue
5 *
6 * Input: X = Address of process descriptor
7 *
8 * Output: None (U and Y are preserved)
9 *
10 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
11 *
12 * "An Ode to Dr. Lee"
13 * (1:27PM, Feb 23, 2006)
14 *
15 * Sitting in CMPS 455, I listen to Dr. Lee,
16 * His teaching style is as awful as any can be.
17 * Operating System Principles I have seen many times before,
18 * And as a result, this class is a major bore.
19 * As he talks about file systems, I work on NitrOS-9,
20 * even though I pay no attention, I do not fall behind.
21 *
22 * - Anonymous Student who returned
23 * to university to complete his
24 * computer science degree while working
25 * on The NitrOS-9 Project.
26 *
27 FAProc ldx R$X,u get ptr to process to activate
28 L021A pshs u,y save U/Y on stack
29 ldu #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
30 bra L0228
31 L0221 ldb P$Age,u get process age
32 incb update it
33 beq L0228 branch if wrap
34 stb P$Age,u save it back to proc desc
35 L0228 ldu P$Queue,u get pointer to queue this process queue
36 bne L0221 branch if process is in active queue
37 ldu #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)
38 lda P$Prior,x get process priority
39 sta P$Age,x save it as age (How long its been around)
40 orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts
41 L0235 leay ,u point Y to current process
42 ldu P$Queue,u get pointer to queue
43 beq L023F
44 cmpa P$Age,u match process ages?
45 bls L0235 no, skip update
46 L023F stu P$Queue,x
47 stx P$Queue,y
48 clrb
49 puls pc,u,y restore U/Y and return