1 ********************************************************************
2 * rb1773 - Western Digital 1773 Disk Controller Driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * This driver has been tested with the following controllers:
7 * - Tandy FD-502 "shortie" disk controller
8 * - Disto Super Controller I
9 * - Disto Super Controller II
10 *
11 * This driver can also be assembled to support the no-halt feature of
12 * the Disto Super Controller II.
13 *
14 *
15 * A lot of references to **.CYL or <u00B6 using 16 bit registers can be
16 * changed to 8 bit registers with a +1 offset, since track #'s >255 are
17 * ignored
18 *
19 * NOTE: 512 bytes is reserved as a physical sector buffer. Any reads/
20 * writes are done from this buffer to the controller. Copies of the 256
21 * byte chunk needed are done by a block memory move
22 *
23 *
24 ********** DISTO SUPER CONTROLLER II NOTES **********
25 *
26 * SCII 0=standard controller 1=Disto Super Controller II
27 * SCIIALT 0=Normal I/O register 1=Alternative registers; See below
28 *
29 * Disto Super Controller II Registers:
30 *
31 * $FF74 RW.Dat --- R/W Buffer data #1
32 * $FF75 mirror of $FF74
33 * $FF76 RW.Ctrl --- Write D0 = 0 FDC Write Op #2
34 * = 1 FDC Read Op #2
35 * D1 = 0 Normal Mode
36 * = 1 Buffered I/O Mode
37 * D2 = 0 Normal NMI
38 * = 1 Masked NMI
39 * D3 = 0 No FIRQ (Masked)
40 * = 1 Enabled FIRQ
41 * Read D7 = FDC INT Status (Inverted)
42 * $FF77 mirror of $FF76
43 * #1: any write to $FF76-$FF77 clears Buffer counter
44 * #2: in buffered mode only
45 *
46 * Alternate port is at $FF58-$FF5B in case of hardware conflicts.
47 *
48 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
49 * Comment
50 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
51 * 11 1993/05/12 ???
52 * Special opts for TC9 to slow controller reads and writes TFM's
53 * between sector buffers & in drive table init/copies.
54 * Changed software timing loop (drive spin-up) to F$Sleep for 32 ticks
55 * Shrunk (slowed slightly) error returns
56 * Added blobstop code
57 *
58 * 11r1 2003/09/03 Boisy G. Pitre
59 * Added code to sense if HW is present or not and return error if not.
60 *
61 * 1r0 2004/05/20 Boisy G. Pitre
62 * Restarted edition due to name change; backported to Level 1
63 *
64 * 2004/06/01 Robert Gault
65 * Added code to obtain an SCII driver, at least for the Sleep mode. It
66 * would be quite difficult and probably not worth the effort to permit
67 * selection of both Sleep and IRQ SCII drivers. However, both normal
68 * and Alt SCII I/O registers are supported.
69 *
70 * Cleaned up some errors in the last version of rb1773.
71 *
72 * 2004/07/11 Robert Gault
73 * Corrected the error handling code for read & write to separate SCII errors
74 * from OS-9 errors. Changed drive test from compare #4 to compare #N.Drives to
75 * permit up to 6 drives using alternate table.
76 *
77 * 2005/01/27 Robert Gault
78 * Separated the sector write and format write loops so that the CPU clock
79 * can be slowed down during formats. This "corrects" problems some hardware
80 * have with the current NitrOS-9 during formats.
82 nam rb1773
83 ttl Western Digital 1773 Disk Controller Driver
85 * These lines needed if assembling with on a Color computer.
86 *SCII set 1 * 0=not present 1=present
87 *SCIIALT set 1 * 0=normal address 1=alternate
88 SCIIHACK set 0 * 0=stock model 1=512 byte buffer
89 *H6309 set 1
90 *LEVEL set 2
91 * These lines needed if not using latest os9def files.
92 *TkPerSec set 60
93 *DPort set $FF40
95 * This should be changed for NitrOS9 project to "use defsfile"
96 IFP1
97 use defsfile
100 tylg set Drivr+Objct
101 atrv set ReEnt+rev
102 rev set $00
103 edition set 1
105 * Configuration Settings
106 N.Drives equ 4 number of drives to support
107 TC9 equ 0 Set to 1 for TC9 special slowdowns
108 PRECOMP equ 0 Set to 1 to turn on write precompensation
110 * Disto Super Controller defs
112 RW.Dat equ $FF74
113 RW.Ctrl equ $FF76
114 ELSE
115 RW.Dat equ $FF58
116 RW.Ctrl equ $FF5A
117 ENDC
120 * WD-17X3 Definitions
121 CtrlReg equ $00 Control register for Tandy controllers; not part of WD
122 WD_Cmd equ $08
123 WD_Stat equ WD_Cmd
124 WD_Trak equ $09
125 WD_Sect equ $0A
126 WD_Data equ $0B
128 * WD-17X3 Commands
129 S$Read equ $80 Read sector
130 S$Format equ $A0 Format track
131 S$FrcInt equ $D0 Force interrupt
133 * Control Register Definitions
134 C_HALT equ %10000000 Halt line to CPU is active when set
135 C_SIDSEL equ %01000000 Side select (0 = front side, 1 = back side)
136 C_DBLDNS equ %00100000 Density (0 = single, 1 = double)
137 C_WPRCMP equ %00010000 Write precompensation (0 = off, 1 = on)
138 C_MOTOR equ %00001000 Drive motor (0 = off, 1 = on)
139 C_DRV2 equ %00000100 Drive 2 selected when set
140 C_DRV1 equ %00000010 Drive 1 selected when set
141 C_DRV0 equ %00000001 Drive 0 selected when set
143 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
145 u0000 rmb DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*N.Drives)
146 lastdrv rmb 2 Last drive table accessed (ptr)
147 ctlimg rmb 1 Bit mask for control reg (drive #, side,etc)
148 u00AA rmb 1 drive change flag
149 sectbuf rmb 2 Ptr to 512 byte sector buffer
150 currside rmb 1 head flag; 0=front 1 = back
151 u00AE rmb 1 LSB of LSN
152 IFGT Level-1
153 FBlock rmb 2 block number for format
154 FTask rmb 1 task number for format
155 ENDC
156 VIRQPak rmb 2 Vi.Cnt word for VIRQ
157 u00B3 rmb 2 Vi.Rst word for VIRQ
158 u00B5 rmb 1 Vi.Stat byte for VIRQ (drive motor timeout)
159 loglsn rmb 2 OS9's logical sector #
160 * Removed next line and added two new ones. RG
161 * PCDOS does not ask driver for any info.
162 * physlsn rmb 2 PCDOS (512 byte sector) #
163 flag512 rmb 1 PCDOS (512 byte sector) 0=no, 1=yes
164 flagform rmb 1 SCII format flag
165 size equ .
169 name fcs /rb1773/
170 fcb edition
172 VIRQCnt fdb TkPerSec*4 Initial count for VIRQ (4 seconds)
174 IRQPkt fcb $00 Normal bits (flip byte)
175 fcb $01 Bit 1 is interrupt request flag (Mask byte)
176 fcb 10 Priority byte
178 * Init
179 *
180 * Entry:
181 * Y = address of device descriptor
182 * U = address of device memory area
183 *
184 * Exit:
185 * CC = carry set on error
186 * B = error code
187 *
188 * New code added 09/03/2003 by Boisy G. Pitre
189 * Write a pattern to $FF4B and read it back to verify that the hardware
190 * does exist.
191 Init equ *
192 * Two new lines for SCII. RG
194 clr RW.Ctrl clear SCII control register
195 clr flagform,u clear SCII format flag
196 ENDC
197 ldx V.PORT,u get Base port address
198 lda WD_Data,x get byte at FDC Data register
199 coma complement it to modify it
200 sta WD_Data,x write it
201 clrb
202 Init2 decb delay a bit...
203 bmi Init2
204 suba WD_Data,x read it back
205 lbne NoHW if not zero, we didn't read what we wrote
206 **
207 IFEQ Level-1
208 clr >D.DskTmr flag drive motor as not running
209 ELSE
210 clr <D.MotOn flag drive motor as not running
211 ENDC
212 leax WD_Stat,x point to Status/Command register
213 lda #S$FrcInt "Force Interrupt" command
214 sta ,x send to FDC
215 lbsr FDCDelay time delay for ~ 108 cycles
216 lda ,x eat status register
217 ldd #$FF*256+N.Drives 'invalid' value & # of drives
218 leax DRVBEG,u point to start of drive tables
219 l1 sta ,x DD.TOT MSB to bogus value
220 sta <V.TRAK,x init current track # to bogus value
221 leax <DRVMEM,x point to next drive table
222 decb done all drives yet?
223 bne l1 no, init them all
224 leax >NMISvc,pc point to NMI service routine
225 IFGT Level-1
226 stx <D.NMI install as system NMI
227 ELSE
228 stx >D.XNMI+1 NMI jump vector operand
229 lda #$7E JMP code
230 sta >D.XNMI NMI jump vector opcode
231 ENDC
232 pshs y save device dsc. ptr
233 leay >u00B5,u point to Vi.Stat in VIRQ packet
234 tfr y,d make it the status register ptr for IRQ
235 leay >IRQSvc,pc point to IRQ service routine
236 leax >IRQPkt,pc point to IRQ packet
237 os9 F$IRQ install IRQ
238 puls y Get back device dsc. ptr
239 bcs Return If we can't install IRQ, exit
240 ldd #512 Request 512 byte sector buffer
241 pshs u Preserve device mem ptr
242 os9 F$SRqMem Request sector buffer
243 tfr u,x Move ptr to sector buffer to x
244 puls u Restore device mem ptr
245 bcs Return If error, exit with it
246 stx >sectbuf,u Save ptr to sector buffer
248 * GetStat
249 *
250 * Entry:
251 * A = function code
252 * Y = address of path descriptor
253 * U = address of device memory area
254 *
255 * Exit:
256 * CC = carry set on error
257 * B = error code
258 *
259 GetStat clrb no GetStt calls - return, no error, ignore
260 Return rts
262 * Term
263 *
264 * Entry:
265 * U = address of device memory area
266 *
267 * Exit:
268 * CC = carry set on error
269 * B = error code
270 *
271 Term leay >VIRQPak,u Point to VIRQ packet
272 IFNE H6309
273 tfr 0,x "remove"
274 ELSE
275 ldx #$0000
276 ENDC
277 os9 F$VIRQ Remove VIRQ
278 IFNE H6309
279 tfr 0,x "remove"
280 ELSE
281 ldx #$0000
282 ENDC
283 leay >IRQSvc,pc point to IRQ service routine
284 os9 F$IRQ Remove IRQ
285 pshs u Save device mem ptr
286 ldu >sectbuf,u Get pointer to sector buffer
287 ldd #512 Return sector buffer memory
288 os9 F$SRtMem
289 puls u Restore device mem ptr
290 clr >DPort+CtrlReg shut off drive motors
291 IFEQ Level-1
292 clr >D.DskTmr Clear out drive motor timeout flag
293 ELSE
294 clr <D.MotOn Clear out drive motor timeout flag
295 ENDC
296 ex rts return
298 * Check if 512 byte sector conversion needed
299 * Entry: B:X=LSN
300 * U=Static mem ptr
301 * Y=Path dsc. ptr
302 * Exit: X=New LSN (same as original for 256 byte sectors, 1/2 of original
303 * for 512 byte sectors
304 * regD changed
305 Chk512 equ *
306 clr flag512,u set to 256 byte sector
307 stx >loglsn,u save OS9 LSN
308 lda <PD.TYP,y get device type from path dsc.
309 anda #%00000100 mask out all but 512 byte sector flag
310 bne Log2Phys 512 byte sectors, go process
311 rts RG
313 * 512 byte sector processing goes here
314 * regB should be saved and not just cleared at end because there is
315 * a subsequent tst for the msb of lsn. The test is pointless if B
316 * is changed.
317 Log2Phys pshs b save MSB of LSN; new RG
318 * Minor inefficiencies here that I have changed, RG
319 tfr x,d
320 IFNE H6309
321 lsrd
322 ELSE
323 lsra
324 rorb
325 ENDC
326 tfr d,x move new LSN back to regX
327 * New line for stock SCII controller with 256 max no-halt.
328 inc flag512,u set to 512 byte sector
329 puls b,pc regB will be tested later for >0
331 start lbra Init
332 bra Read
333 nop
334 lbra Write
335 bra GetStat
336 nop
337 lbra SetStat
338 bra Term
339 nop
341 * Read
342 *
343 * Entry:
344 * B = MSB of LSN
345 * X = LSB of LSN
346 * Y = address of path descriptor
347 * U = address of device memory area
348 *
349 * Exit:
350 * CC = carry set on error
351 * B = error code
352 *
353 Read bsr Chk512 go check for 512 byte sector/adjust if needed
354 lda #%10010001 error flags (see Disto SCII source)
355 pshs x preserve sector #
356 lbsr ReadWithRetry go read the sector
357 puls x restore sector #
358 bcs ex if error, exit
359 pshs y,x save path dsc ptr & LSN
360 leax ,x LSN0?, ie. tstx
361 bne L012D no, go calculate normally
362 puls y,x yes, restore path dsc ptr & LSN
363 lda <PD.TYP,y get type from path dsc.
364 bita #TYP.NSF standard OS-9 format?
365 beq L00F0 yes, skip ahead
366 lbsr MakeDTEntry else make a drive table entry
367 pshs y,x save path dsc ptr
368 bra L012D
370 * LSN0, standard OS-9 format - copy part of LSN0 into drive table
371 L00F0 ldx >sectbuf,u Get ptr to sector buffer
372 pshs y,x Preserve path dsc. ptr & sector buffer ptr
373 ldy >lastdrv,u Get last drive table accessed ptr
374 IFNE H6309
375 ldw #DD.SIZ # bytes to copy from new LSN0 to drive table
376 tfm x+,y+ Copy them
377 ELSE
378 ldb #DD.SIZ
379 L00F0Lp lda ,x+
380 sta ,y+
381 decb
382 bne L00F0Lp
383 ENDC
384 ldy >lastdrv,u Get drive table ptr back
385 lda <DD.FMT,y Get format for disk in drive
386 ldy 2,s restore path descriptor pointer
387 ldb <PD.DNS,y Get path's density settings
388 bita #FMT.DNS Disk in drive double density?
389 beq L0115 No, all drives can read single, skip ahead
390 bitb #DNS.MFM Can our path dsc. handle double density?
391 beq erbtyp No, illegal
392 L0115 bita #FMT.TDNS Is new disk 96/135 tpi?
393 beq L011D No, all drives handle 48 tpi, so skip ahead
394 bitb #DNS.DTD Can path dsc. handle 96/135 tpi?
395 beq erbtyp No, illegal
396 L011D bita #FMT.SIDE Is new disk double sided?
397 beq L0128 No, all drives handle single sided, we're done
398 lda <PD.SID,y Get # sides path dsc. can handle
399 suba #2 sides higher or equal to 2?
400 blo erbtyp Yes, exit with illegal type error
401 L0128 clrb No error
402 * LSN's other than 0 come straight here
403 L012D ldy 2,s Get path dsc. ptr back??
404 ldx PD.BUF,y Get path dsc. buffer ptr
405 * lda <PD.TYP,y Get path dsc. disk type, RG
406 ldy >sectbuf,u Get ptr to sector buffer
407 IFNE H6309
408 ldw #256 OS9 sector size (even if physical was 512)
409 ENDC
410 * anda #%00000100 Mask out all but 512 byte sector flag, RG
411 * Next replaces the two lines removed, RG
412 tst flag512,u Is it a 512 byte sector?
413 beq L014B If normal sector, just copy it
414 ldd >loglsn,u Get OS9's LSN (twice of the 'real' 512 sector)
415 andb #$01 Mask out all but odd/even sector indicator
416 beq L014B Even, use 1st half of 512 byte sector
417 IFNE H6309
418 addr w,y Odd, bump sector buffer ptr to 2nd half
419 ELSE
420 leay 256,y
421 ENDC
422 L014B equ *
423 IFNE H6309
424 tfm y+,x+ Copy from physical sector buffer to PD buffer
425 puls pc,y,x restore path dsc & sector buffer ptrs & return
426 ELSE
427 pshs d
428 clrb
429 L014BLp lda ,y+
430 sta ,x+
431 decb
432 bne L014BLp
433 puls pc,y,x,d restore path dsc & sector buffer ptrs & return
434 ENDC
436 erbtyp comb
437 ldb #E$BTyp Error - wrong type error
438 puls pc,y,x
440 **********************
441 * Read error - retry handler
442 Retry
443 bcc ReadWithRetry Normal retry, try reading again
444 pshs x,d Preserve regs
445 lbsr sktrk0 Seek to track 0 (attempt to recalibrate)
446 puls x,d Restore regs & try reading again
449 * Read With Retry: Do read with retries
450 *
451 * ENTER reg B,X=working lsn on disk
452 * Y=path descriptor
453 * U=driver data
454 * A=retry sequence mix of read & seek track 0
455 * EXIT X,Y,U preserved; D,CC changed
456 * B=error if any
457 * CC=error flag
458 ReadWithRetry
459 pshs x,d Preserve regs
460 bsr ReadSector Go read sector
461 puls x,d Restore regs (A=retry flags)
462 lbcc L01D7 No error, return
463 lsra Shift retry flags
464 bne Retry Still more retries allowed, go do them
465 * otherwise, final try before we give up
466 ReadSector
467 lbsr L02AC Do double-step/precomp etc. if needed, seek
468 lbcs L01D7 Error somewhere, exit with it
469 L0176 ldx >sectbuf,u Get physical sector buffer ptr
470 ldb #S$Read Read sector command
472 * If SCII not hacked for 512 byte no-halt, must use halt for 512b sectors RG
474 clra SCII normal mode, normal NMI
475 tst flag512,u SCII must use halt mode for 512 byte sectors
476 bne L0176B
477 ENDC
478 lda #7 SCII read, buffered mode, masked NMI
479 bsr L01A1B send commands and wait
480 * New lines needed because the SCII has error other than OS-9 errors. RG
481 bcs ngood
482 * This now becomes a subroutine call. RG
483 * lbcs L03AF get the errors
484 lbsr L03AF get the errors
485 bcc good
486 ngood rts
488 good pshs y
489 IFNE H6309
490 ldw #256 set counter
491 ldy #RW.DAT source of data
493 tst flag512,u
494 beq sc2rlp
495 ldw #512 bump up counter to 512 byte sector
496 ENDC
497 * Don't use tfm if no halt important else need orcc #$50 for tfm
498 * If an interrupt occurs during a tfm transfer, the SCII counter
499 * will update but the tfm will repeat a byte and lose track.
500 * If orcc #$50 used, then key presses may be lost even with no-halt
501 * mode.
502 sc2rlp lda ,y read byte from SCII
503 sta ,x+ transfer byte to system buffer
504 decw update counter
505 bne sc2rlp
506 ELSE
507 ldy #256
509 tst flag512,u
510 beq sc2rlp
511 ldy #512
512 ENDC
513 sc2rlp lda >RW.DAT
514 sta ,x+
515 leay -1,y
516 bne sc2rlp
517 ENDC
518 clrb no errors
519 puls y,pc
520 ENDC
522 L0176B bsr L01A1 Send to controller & time delay to let it settle
523 *** Next few lines are commented out for blobstop patches
524 *L0180 bita >DPort+WD_Stat check status register
525 * bne L0197 eat it & start reading sector
526 * leay -1,y bump timeout timer down
527 * bne L0180 keep trying until it reaches 0 or sector read
528 * lda >ctlimg,u get current drive settings
529 * ora #C_MOTOR turn drive motor on
530 * sta >DPort+CtrlReg send to controller
531 * puls y,cc restore regs
532 * lbra L03E0 exit with Read Error
533 *** Blobstop fixes
534 stb >DPort+CtrlReg send B to control register
535 nop allow HALT to take effect
536 nop
537 bra L0197 and a bit more time
538 * Read loop - exited with NMI
539 * Entry: X=ptr to sector buffer
540 * B=Control register settings
541 L0197 lda >DPort+WD_Data get byte from controller
542 sta ,x+ store into sector buffer
543 * stb >DPort+CtrlReg drive info
544 nop -- blobstop fix
545 bra L0197 Keep reading until sector done
547 L01A1 orcc #IntMasks Shut off IRQ & FIRQ
548 * No-halt mode must enter here, skipping IRQ shutoff.
549 L01A1B stb >DPort+WD_Cmd Send command
551 sta >RW.Ctrl tell SCII what to do
552 ENDC
553 L01A1C ldb #C_DBLDNS+C_MOTOR Double density & motor on
554 orb >ctlimg,u Merge with current drive settings
555 stb >DPort+CtrlReg Send to control register
557 tst flagform,u Format uses halt mode
558 bne s512
560 tst flag512,u SCII uses halt with 512 byte sectors
561 beq s256
562 ELSE
563 bra s256
564 ENDC
565 ENDC
566 s512 ldb #C_HALT+C_DBLDNS+C_MOTOR Enable halt, double density & motor on
567 orb >ctlimg,u Merge that with current drive settings
568 lbra FDCDelay Time delay to wait for command to settle
570 s256 ldb #4 normal mode, NMI masked
571 lda #255 time out slices
572 pshs a,x
573 SC2tmr1 ldx #1
574 lbsr Delay sleep or timer
575 dec ,s count
576 beq tmout
577 tst >RW.Ctrl check status
578 bmi SC2tmr1 loop on not ready
579 stb RW.Ctrl clear SCII but don't generate NMI
580 clrb
581 puls a,x,pc
582 tmout stb RW.Ctrl clear SCII buffer counter
583 lda #$D0 force interrupt
584 sta DPort+WD_Cmd
585 comb set carry
586 puls a,x,pc
587 ENDC
589 * Delay for some number of ticks (1 tick = 1/60 second).
590 * For a hard delay, we need to delay for 14833 cycles at .89MHz or
591 * 29666 cycles at 1.78MHz
592 * Entry: X = number of ticks to delay
593 Delay
594 pshs d [5+] [4+]
595 IFGT Level-1
596 ldd <D.Proc [6] [5] process pointer
597 cmpd <D.SysPrc [is it the system?
598 beq hardloop [3] [3]
599 os9 F$Sleep if not system then sleep
600 puls d,pc [5+] [4+]
601 ENDC
602 hardloop tfr x,d we want X in A,B
603 l1@ equ *
604 IFEQ Level-1
605 ldx #1482/2 [3] [3]
606 ELSE
607 IFNE H6309
608 ldx #1854 [3] [3]
609 ELSE
610 ldx #1482 [3] [3]
611 ENDC
612 ENDC
613 l2@ nop [2] [1]
614 nop [2] [1]
615 nop [2] [1]
616 leax -1,x [4+] [4+]
617 bne l2@ [3] [3]
618 subd #$0001 [4] [3]
619 bne l1@ [3] [3]
620 puls d,pc [5+] [4+]
622 * Write
623 * Entry:
624 * B = MSB of LSN
625 * X = LSB of LSN
626 * Y = address of path descriptor
627 * U = address of device memory area
628 *
629 * Exit:
630 * CC = carry set on error
631 * B = error code
632 *
633 Write lbsr Chk512 go adjust LSN for 512 byte sector if needed
634 * Next line was lda #%1001001 which was an error RG
635 lda #%10010001 retry flags for I/O errors (see Disto SCII source)
636 L01C4 pshs x,d preserve LSN, retries
637 bsr L01E8 go write the sector
638 puls x,d restore LSN, retries
639 bcs L01D8 error writing, go to write retry handler
640 tst <PD.VFY,y no error, do we want physical verify?
641 bne L01D6 no, exit without error
642 lbsr verify go re-read & verify 64 out of 256 bytes
643 bcs L01D8 error on verify, go to write retry handler
644 L01D6 clrb no error & return
645 L01D7 rts
647 * Write error retry handler
648 L01D8 lsra Shift retry flags
649 lbeq L03AF Too many retries, exit with error
650 bcc L01C4 Normal retry, attemp to re-write sector
651 pshs x,d Preserve flags & sector #
652 lbsr sktrk0 Seek to track 0 (attempt to recalibrate)
653 puls x,d Restore flags & sector #
654 bra L01C4 Try re-writing now
656 * 512 byte sector write here
657 L01E8 lbsr L02AC Go do double-step/write precomp if needed
658 bcs L01D7 Error, exit with it
659 pshs y,d Preserve path dsc. ptr & LSN
660 * Since I have modified chk512 the next two lines are replaced. RG
661 * lda <PD.TYP,y Get device type
662 * anda #%00000100 512 byte sector?
663 tst flag512,u go if 256 byte sectors
664 beq L020D Not 512 then skip ahead
665 lbsr L0176 Go read the sector in
666 ldd >loglsn,u Get OS9 LSN
667 andb #$01 Even or odd?
668 beq L020D Even, skip ahead
669 ldx >sectbuf,u Get physical sector buffer ptr
670 leax >$0100,x Point to 2nd half
671 bra L0211 Copy caller's buffer to 2nd half of sector
673 L020D ldx >sectbuf,u Get physical sector buffer ptr
675 L0211 ldy PD.BUF,y Get path dsc. buffer ptr
676 IFNE H6309
677 ldw #256 Copy write buffer to sector buffer
678 tfm y+,x+
679 ELSE
680 clrb
681 L0211Lp lda ,y+
682 sta ,x+
683 decb
684 bne L0211Lp
685 ENDC
686 puls y,d Get path dsc. ptr & LSN back
687 ldx >sectbuf,u Get physical sector buffer ptr again
688 * See read routine for explanation of SCII code. RG
691 clra SCII write, normal mode & NMI
692 tst flag512,u
693 bne wr512
694 ENDC
695 lda #4 SCII normal mode, masked NMI
696 sta RW.Ctrl tell SCII
697 pshs y
698 ldy #RW.Dat Send data to SCII RAM buffer
699 IFNE H6309
700 ldw #256
701 tst flag512,u
702 beq wrbuf
703 ldw #512
704 wrbuf lda ,x+
705 sta ,y
706 decw
707 bne wrbuf
708 ELSE
709 ldy #256
710 tst flag512,u
711 beq wrbuf
712 ldy #512
713 wrbuf lda ,x+
714 sta >RW.DAT
715 leay -1,y
716 bne wrbuf
717 ENDC
718 puls y
719 ldb #$A0 Write sector command
720 lda #6 SCII masked NMI, buffered mode, write
721 * See Read section for explanation of error changes below. RG
722 * lbra L01A1B send command to controller
723 lbsr L01A1B send command to controller
724 bcs wngood SCII error, then go
725 lbra L03AF check for OS-9 errors
726 wngood rts
727 ENDC
728 wr512 ldb #S$Format
730 * Format track comes here with B=$F0 (write track)
731 * as does write sector with B=$A0
732 *WrTrk pshs y,cc Preserve path dsc. ptr & CC
733 WrTrk lbsr L01A1 Send command to controller (including delay)
734 *** Commented out for blobstop fixes
735 *L0229 bita >DPort+WD_Stat Controller done yet?
736 * bne L0240 Yes, go write sector out
737 * leay -$01,y No, bump wait counter
738 * bne L0229 Still more tries, continue
739 * lda >ctlimg,u Get current drive control register settings
740 * ora #C_MOTOR Drive motor on (but drive select off)
741 * sta >DPort+CtrlReg Send to controller
742 * puls y,cc Restore regs
743 * lbra L03AF Check for errors from status register
745 *** added blobstop
746 IFGT Level-1
747 lda FBlock+1,u get the block number for format
748 beq L0230 if not format, don't do anything
749 sta >$FFA1 otherwise map the block in
750 * added delay for for MMU line settling. RG 2005/1/23
751 nop
752 nop
753 ENDC
754 L0230 stb >DPort+CtrlReg send data to control register
755 * These lines converted to separate sector writes from format. RG
756 * nop
757 * nop
758 cmpb #$F0 if format, then
759 beq L0240b go to special loop
760 bra L0240 wait a bit for HALT to enable
762 * Write sector routine (Entry: B= drive/side select) (NMI will break out)
763 * Part of timing change mentioned above. RG
764 *L0240 nop --- wait a bit more
765 L0240 lda ,x+ Get byte from write buffer
766 sta >DPort+WD_Data Save to FDC's data register
768 IFEQ TC9-1
769 nop
770 nop
771 ELSE
772 * See above. RG
773 nop
774 ENDC
775 * stb >DPort+CtrlReg Set up to read next byte
776 bra L0240 Go read it
777 * Special loop for format slows CPU clock. RG
778 L0240b sta >$FFD8
779 L0240c lda ,x+
780 sta >DPort+WD_Data
781 bra L0240b
782 * NMI routine
783 NMISvc leas R$Size,s Eat register stack
784 * Added to compensate above change in format loop. RG
785 sta >$FFD9
786 IFGT Level-1
787 ldx <D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT image
788 lda 3,x get block number 1
789 sta >$FFA1 map it back into memory
790 ENDC
791 andcc #^IntMasks turn IRQ's on again
792 ldb >DPort+WD_Stat Get status register
794 clr RW.Ctrl Clear SCII command register
795 ENDC
796 bitb #%00000100 Did we lose data in the transfer?
797 lbeq L03B2 Otherwise, check for drive errors
798 comb -- blobstop error code
799 ldb #E$DevBsy -- device busy
800 rts -- and exit
802 verify pshs x,d
803 * Removed unneeded code. Data never sent to PD.BUF anyway so there is
804 * no need to redirect the PD.BUF pointer. RG
805 * ldx PD.BUF,y Get write buffer ptr
806 * pshs x Preserve it
807 * ldx >sectbuf,u Get sector buffer ptr
808 * stx PD.BUF,y Save as write buffer ptr
809 * ldx 4,s
810 lbsr ReadSector Go read sector we just wrote
811 * puls x Get original write buffer ptr
812 * stx PD.BUF,y Restore path dsc. version
813 bcs L02A3 If error reading, exit with it
814 ldx PD.BUF,y Get system buffer ptr
815 pshs u,y Preserve device mem, path dsc. ptrs
816 * See change in chk512 routine. RG
817 * ldb <PD.TYP,y Get type from path dsc.
818 ldy >sectbuf,u Get sector buffer ptr
819 * andb #%00000100 512 byte sector?
820 tst flag512,u 512 byte sector?
821 beq L028D No, skip ahead
822 ldd >loglsn,u Get OS9's sector #
823 andb #$01 Odd/even sector?
824 beq L028D Even; compare first half
825 leay >$0100,y Odd, compare second half
826 L028D tfr x,u Move PD.BUF ptr to U (since cmpx is faster)
827 clra check all 256 bytes
828 L028F ldx ,u++ Get 2 bytes from original write buffer
829 cmpx ,y++ Same as corresponding bytes in re-read sector?
830 bne vfybad No, error & return
831 inca
832 bpl L028F No, continue
833 bra L02A1 carry is clear by virtue of last cmpx
834 vfybad comb set carry
835 L02A1 puls u,y
836 L02A3 puls pc,x,d
838 L02A5 pshs a Save Caller's track #
839 ldb <V.TRAK,x Get track # drive is currently on
840 bra L02E9 Go save it to controller & continue
842 L02AC lbsr L0376 Go set up controller for drive, spin motor up
843 bsr L032B Get track/sector # (A=Trk, B=Sector)
844 pshs a Save track #
845 lda >currside,u Get side 1/2 flag
846 beq L02C4 Side 1, skip ahead
847 lda >ctlimg,u Get control register settings
848 ora #C_SIDSEL Set side 2 (drive 3) select
849 sta >ctlimg,u Save it back
850 L02C4 lda <PD.TYP,y Get drive type settings
851 bita #%00000010 ??? (Base 0/1 for sector #?)
852 bne L02CC Skip ahead
853 incb Bump sector # up by 1
854 L02CC stb >DPort+WD_Sect Save into Sector register
855 ldx >lastdrv,u Get last drive table accessed
856 ldb <V.TRAK,x Get current track # on device
857 lda <DD.FMT,x Get drive format specs
858 lsra Shift track & bit densities to match PD
859 eora <PD.DNS,y Check for differences with path densities
860 anda #%00000010 Keep only 48 vs. 96/135 tpi differences
861 pshs a Save differences
862 lda 1,s Get track # back
863 tst ,s+ Are tpi's different?
864 beq L02E9 No, continue normally
865 lsla Yes, multiply track # by 2 ('double-step')
866 lslb Multiply current track # by 2 ('double-step')
867 L02E9 stb >DPort+WD_Trak Save current track # onto controller
869 * From here to the line before L0307 is for write precomp, but is not used.
870 * Unless write precomp is needed, all of this is useless
871 * I think most (if not all) drives do NOT need precomp
873 ldb #21 Pre-comp track #
874 pshs b Save it
875 ldb <PD.DNS,y Get current density settings
876 andb #%00000010 Just want to check track density
877 beq L02F9 48 tpi, skip ahead
878 lsl ,s Multiply pre-comp value by 2 ('double-step')
879 L02F9 cmpa ,s+ Is track # high enough to warrant precomp?
880 bls L0307 No, continue normally
881 ldb >ctlimg,u
882 orb #C.WRPCMP Turn on Write precomp
883 stb >ctlimg,u
884 ENDC
886 L0307 tst >u00AA,u ??? Get flag (same drive flag?)
887 bne L0314 no, skip ahead
888 ldb ,s get track #
889 cmpb <V.TRAK,x same as current track on this drive?
890 beq L0321 yes, skip ahead
891 L0314 sta >DPort+WD_Data save track # to data register
892 ldb <PD.STP,y get stepping rate
893 andb #%00000011 just keep usable settings (6-30 ms)
894 eorb #%00011011 set proper bits for controller
895 lbsr L03E4 send command to controller & time delay
896 L0321 puls a get track # back
897 sta <V.TRAK,x save as current track #
898 sta >DPort+WD_Trak save to controller
899 clrb no error & return
900 rts
902 * Entry: B:X LSN
903 * Exit: A=Track #
904 * B=Sector #
905 * <currside=00 = Head 1 , $FF = Head 2
906 L032B tstb Sector # > 65535?
907 bne L033F Yes, illegal for floppy
908 tfr x,d Move sector # to D
909 leax ,x LSN 0? ie. "tstx"
910 beq L0371 Yes, exit this routine
911 ldx >lastdrv,u Get previous drive table ptr
912 cmpd DD.TOT+1,x Within range of drive spec?
913 blo L0343 Yes, go calculate track/sector #'s
914 L033F comb Exit with Bad sector # error
915 ldb #E$Sect
916 rts
918 * Calculate track/sector #'s?
919 * These two sections could be combined into one with a final
920 * test of DD.FMT. Then currside can be set and regA can be lsra
921 * as needed. RG
922 L0343 stb >u00AE,u Save LSB of LSN
923 clr ,-s Clear track # on stack
924 ldb <DD.FMT,x Get drive format
925 lsrb Shift out # sides into carry
926 ldb >u00AE,u Get LSB of LSN again
927 bcc L0367 Single sided drive, skip ahead
928 bra L035D Double sided drive, skip ahead
929 * Double sided drive handling here
930 L0355 com >currside,u Odd/even sector track flag
931 bne L035D Odd, so don't bump track # up
932 inc ,s Bump up track #
934 * Changed this to more effient code. RG
935 *L035D subb DD.TKS,x Subtract # sectors/track
936 * sbca #$00
937 L035D subd DD.SPT,x
938 bcc L0355 Still more sectors left, continue
939 bra L036D Wrapped, skip ahead
940 * Single sided drive handling here
941 L0365 inc ,s Bump track # up
943 * See above. RG
944 *L0367 subb DD.TKS,x Subtract # sectors/track
945 * sbca #$00
946 L0367 subd DD.SPT,x
947 bcc L0365 Still more, go bump the track up
948 * Next possible because upper limit is 256 sectors/track. RG
949 L036D addb DD.TKS,x Bump sector # back up from negative value
950 puls a Get the track #
951 L0371 rts A=track #, B=Sector #, <currside=Odd
953 * Drive control register bit mask table
954 * May want an option here for double sided SDDD disks ex. RG
955 * fcb $1 drive0
956 * fcb $2 drive1
957 * fcb $41 drive2
958 * fcb $42 drive3
959 * fcb $4 drive4
960 * fcb $44 drive5
962 L0372 fcb $01 Drive 0
963 fcb $02 Drive 1
964 fcb $04 Drive 2
965 fcb $40 Drive 3 / Side select
967 * Changes regD; X,Y,U preserved
968 L0376 clr >u00AA,u clear drive change flag
969 chkdrv lda <PD.DRV,y Get drive # requested
970 * It is possible to have more than 4 drive # so the change below. RG
971 * cmpa #4 Drive 0-3?
972 cmpa #N.Drives Drive 0-6 if alternate table used?
973 blo L0385 Yes, continue normally
974 NoHW comb Illegal drive # error
975 ldb #E$Unit
976 rts
978 * Entry: A=drive #, X=LSN (Physical, not OS9 logical if PCDOS disk)
979 L0385 pshs x,d Save sector #, drive # & B???
980 leax >L0372,pc Point to drive bit mask table
981 ldb a,x Get bit mask for drive # we want
982 stb >ctlimg,u Save mask
983 leax DRVBEG,u Point to beginning of drive tables
984 ldb #DRVMEM Get size of each drive table
985 mul Calculate offset to drive table we want
986 leax d,x Point to it
987 cmpx >lastdrv,u Same as Last drive table accessed?
988 beq L03A6 Yes, skip ahead
989 stx >lastdrv,u Save new drive table ptr
990 com >u00AA,u Set drive change flag
991 L03A6 clr >currside,u Set side (head) flag to side 1
992 lbsr L04B3 Go set up VIRQ to wait for drive motor
993 puls pc,x,d Restore sector #,drive #,B & return
995 L03AF ldb >DPort+WD_Stat Get status register from FDC
996 * This line needed when returning to Disk Basic but probably
997 * not needed for OS-9. RG
999 clr RW.Ctrl return SCII to halt mode
1000 ENDC
1001 L03B2 bitb #%11111000 any of the error bits set?
1002 beq L03CA No, exit without error
1003 aslb Drive not ready?
1004 bcs L03CC Yes, use that error code
1005 aslb Write protect error?
1006 bcs L03D0 Yes, use that error code
1007 aslb Write fault error?
1008 bcs L03D4 Yes, use that error code
1009 aslb Sector not found?
1010 bcs L03D8 Yes, use Seek error code
1011 aslb CRC error?
1012 bcs L03DC Yes, use that error code
1013 L03CA clrb No error & return
1014 rts
1016 L03CC ldb #E$NotRdy not ready
1017 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
1019 L03D0 ldb #E$WP write protect
1020 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
1022 L03D4 ldb #E$Write write error
1023 fcb $8C
1025 L03D8 ldb #E$Seek seek error
1026 fcb $8C
1028 L03DC ldb #E$CRC CRC error
1029 * fcb $8C
1031 *L03E0 ldb #E$Read Read error
1032 orcc #Carry set carry
1033 rts
1035 L03E4 bsr L0404 Send command to controller & waste some time
1036 L03E6 ldb >DPort+WD_Stat Check FDC status register
1037 bitb #$01 Is controller still busy?
1038 beq L0403 No, exit
1039 ldd >VIRQCnt,pc Get initial count value for drive motor speed
1040 std >VIRQPak,u Save it
1041 * Again, I'm trying to match Kevin Darling code. It may not be needed. RG
1042 pshs x
1043 ldx #1 Sleep remainder of slice
1044 lbsr Delay
1045 puls x
1046 bra L03E6 Wait for controller to finish previous command
1048 * Send command to FDC
1049 L03F7 lda #C_MOTOR
1050 * lda #%00001000 Mask in Drive motor on bit
1051 ora >ctlimg,u Merge in drive/side selects
1052 sta >DPort+CtrlReg Turn the drive motor on & select drive
1053 stb >DPort+WD_Cmd Save command & return
1054 L0403 rts
1056 L0404 bsr L03F7 Go send command to controller
1058 * This loop has been changed from nested LBSRs to timing loop.
1059 * People with crystal upgrades should modify the loop counter
1060 * to get a 58+ us delay time. MINIMUM 58us.
1061 FDCDelay
1062 pshs a 14 cycles, plus 3*loop counter
1063 IFEQ Level-1
1064 lda #18 (only do about a 100 cycle delay for now)
1065 ELSE
1066 lda #29 (only do about a 100 cycle delay for now)
1067 ENDC
1068 L0409 deca for total ~63 us delay (123 cycles max.)
1069 bne L0409
1070 puls a,pc restore register and exit
1072 * SetStat
1073 *
1074 * Entry:
1075 * A = function code
1076 * Y = address of path descriptor
1077 * U = address of device memory area
1078 *
1079 * Exit:
1080 * CC = carry set on error
1081 * B = error code
1082 *
1083 SetStat ldx PD.RGS,y Get caller's register stack ptr
1084 ldb R$B,x Get function code
1085 cmpb #SS.WTrk Write track?
1086 beq SSWTrk Yes, go do it
1087 cmpb #SS.Reset Restore head to track 0?
1088 lbeq sktrk0 Yes, go do it --- beq
1089 comb set carry for error
1090 ldb #E$UnkSvc return illegal service request error
1091 rts
1093 SSWTrk pshs u,y preserve register stack & descriptor
1095 * Level 2 Code
1096 IFGT Level-1
1098 *--- new code
1099 ldb #1 1 block to allocate
1100 os9 F$AllRAM allocate some RAM
1101 lbcs L0489 error out if at all
1102 leax >FBlock,u point to 'my' DAT image
1103 std ,x save a copy of the block
1104 os9 F$ResTsk reserve a task number for the copy
1105 bcs FError error out
1106 stb 2,x save temporary task number in FTask,u
1107 lslb 2 bytes per entry
1108 ldu <D.TskIPt get task image table pointer
1109 stx b,u save pointer to the task's DAT image
1110 lsrb get the right number again
1111 IFNE H6309
1112 tfr 0,u destination is address 0
1113 ELSE
1114 ldu #$0000
1115 ENDC
1116 *--- end new code
1118 ldx 2,s get pointer to descriptor
1119 * stu >FBlock,x
1120 ldx <D.Proc Get current process ptr
1121 lda P$Task,x Get task # for current process
1122 * ldb <D.SysTsk Get system task #
1123 ldy ,s
1124 ldx PD.RGS,y Get register stack ptr
1125 ldx R$X,x Get ptr to caller's track buffer
1126 ldy #$1A00 Size of track buffer
1127 os9 F$Move Copy from caller to temporary task
1128 bcs L0479 Error copying, exit
1129 puls u,y
1130 pshs u,y
1132 ENDC
1133 * End of Level 2 Code
1135 lbsr L0376 Go check drive #/wait for it to spin up
1136 ldx PD.RGS,y Get caller's register stack ptr
1137 ldb R$Y+1,x Get caller's side/density
1138 bitb #$01 Check side
1139 beq L0465 Side 1, skip ahead
1140 * I think this next line is not needed. RG
1141 com >currside,u * Why? This is normally used with
1142 * calculate track. RG
1143 ldb >ctlimg,u Get current control register settings
1144 * orb #%01000000 Mask in side 2
1145 orb #C_SIDSEL Mask in side 2
1146 stb >ctlimg,u Save updated control register
1147 L0465 lda R$U+1,x Get caller's track #
1148 ldx >lastdrv,u Get current drive table ptr
1149 lbsr L02A5
1150 bcs L0489
1151 ldb #$F0 Write track command
1152 *---
1153 IFEQ Level-1
1154 ldx PD.RGS,y
1155 ldx R$X,x
1156 ELSE
1157 ldx #$2000 start writing from block 1
1158 ENDC
1161 lda #1 normal unbuffered write
1162 * Next line prevents WrTrk from switching to SCII buffered mode. RG
1163 sta flagform,u
1164 ENDC
1165 lbsr WrTrk Go write the track
1167 clr flagform,u permit no-halt mode RG
1168 ENDC
1170 IFGT Level-1
1171 L0479 ldu 2,s
1172 pshs b,cc Preserve error
1173 ldb >FTask,u point to task
1174 os9 F$RelTsk release the task
1175 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
1177 * format comes here when block allocation passes, but task allocation
1178 * gives error. So er de-allocate the block.
1179 FError
1180 pshs b,cc save error code, cc
1181 ldx >FBlock,u point to block
1182 ldb #1 1 block to return
1183 os9 F$DelRAM de-allocate image RAM blocks
1184 clr FBlock+1,u ensure that the block # in FBlock is zero.
1185 puls b,cc Restore error
1186 ENDC
1188 L0489 puls pc,u,y Restore regs & return
1190 * seek the head to track 0
1191 sktrk0 lbsr chkdrv
1192 ldx >lastdrv,u
1193 clr <$15,x
1194 lda #1 was 5 but that causes head banging
1195 L0497 ldb <PD.STP,y
1196 andb #%00000011 Just keep usable settings (6-30 ms)
1197 eorb #%01001011 Set proper bits for controller
1198 pshs a
1199 lbsr L03E4
1200 puls a
1201 deca
1202 bne L0497
1203 ldb <PD.STP,y
1204 andb #%00000011 Just keep usable settings (6-30 ms)
1205 eorb #%00001011 Set proper bits for controller
1206 lbra L03E4
1208 L04B3 pshs y,x,d Preserve regs
1209 ldd >VIRQCnt,pc Get VIRQ initial count value
1210 std >VIRQPak,u Save it
1211 lda >ctlimg,u ?Get drive?
1212 ora #C_MOTOR Turn drive motor on for that drive
1213 * ora #%00001000 Turn drive motor on for that drive
1214 sta >DPort+CtrlReg Send drive motor on command to FDC
1215 IFEQ Level-1
1216 lda >D.DskTmr Get VIRQ flag
1217 ELSE
1218 lda <D.MotOn Get VIRQ flag
1219 ENDC
1220 bmi L04DE Not installed yet, try installing it
1221 bne L04E0 Drive already up to speed, exit without error
1223 * Drive motor speed timing loop (could be F$Sleep call now) (was over .5 sec)
1224 * 32 was not sufficient for one of my drives. RG
1225 ldx #50 wait for 32 ticks; increased it RG
1226 lbsr Delay
1228 L04DE bsr InsVIRQ Install VIRQ to wait for drive motors
1229 L04E0 clrb No error & return
1230 puls pc,y,x,d
1232 InsVIRQ lda #$01 Flag drive motor is up to speed
1233 IFEQ Level-1
1234 sta >D.DskTmr
1235 ELSE
1236 sta <D.MotOn
1237 ENDC
1238 ldx #$0001 Install VIRQ entry
1239 leay >VIRQPak,u Point to packet
1240 clr Vi.Stat,y Reset Status byte
1241 ldd >VIRQCnt,pc Get initial VIRQ count value
1242 os9 F$VIRQ Install VIRQ
1243 bcc VIRQOut No error, exit
1244 lda #$80 Flag that VIRQ wasn't installed
1245 IFEQ Level-1
1246 sta >D.DskTmr
1247 ELSE
1248 sta <D.MotOn
1249 ENDC
1250 VIRQOut clra
1251 rts
1253 * IRQ service routine for VIRQ (drive motor time)
1254 * Entry: U=Ptr to VIRQ memory area
1255 IRQSvc pshs a
1256 lda <D.DMAReq
1257 beq L0509
1258 bsr InsVIRQ
1259 bra IRQOut
1260 L0509 sta >DPort+CtrlReg
1261 * I changed this to a clear. Don't see the point of an AND. RG
1262 * IFNE H6309
1263 * aim #$FE,>u00B5,u
1264 * ELSE
1265 * lda u00B5,u
1266 * anda #$FE
1267 * sta u00B5,u
1268 * ENDC
1269 * fdb u00B5 --- so changes in data size won't affect anything
1270 clr u00B5,u
1271 IFEQ Level-1
1272 clr >D.DskTmr
1273 ELSE
1274 clr <D.MotOn
1275 ENDC
1276 IRQOut puls pc,a
1278 * Non-OS9 formatted floppies need a drive table entry constructed
1279 * by hand since there is no RBF LSN0.
1280 *
1281 * Entry: X=LSN
1282 * Y=Path dsc. ptr
1283 * U=Device mem ptr
1284 MakeDTEntry
1285 pshs x Preserve Logical sector #
1286 ldx >lastdrv,u Get last drive table accessed ptr
1287 clra
1288 pshs x,a Save ptr & NUL byte
1289 IFNE H6309
1290 ldw #20 Clear 20 bytes
1291 tfm s,x+
1292 ELSE
1293 ldb #20
1294 L051ALp clr ,x+
1295 decb
1296 bne L051ALp
1297 ENDC
1298 puls x,a Eat NUL & get back drive table ptr
1299 ldb <PD.CYL+1,y Get # cylinders on drive (ignores high byte)
1300 lda <PD.SID,y Get # sides
1301 mul Calculate # tracks on drive (1 per head)
1302 IFNE H6309
1303 decd Adjust to ignore track 0
1304 ELSE
1305 subd #$0001
1306 ENDC
1307 lda <PD.SCT+1,y Get # sectors/track
1308 sta DD.TKS,x Save in drive table
1309 sta <DD.SPT+1,x Save in other copy in drive table
1310 mul Calculate # sectors on drive (minus track 0)
1311 pshs x Preserve drive table ptr
1312 tfr d,x Move # sectors on drive to X
1313 lda <PD.T0S+1,y Get # sectors on track 0
1314 leax a,x Add that many sectors to total
1315 lda <PD.TYP,y Get device type settings
1316 anda #%00000100 Mask out all but 512 byte sector flag
1317 beq L0550 Not 512 byte sector, skip ahead
1318 IFNE H6309
1319 addr x,x Multiply by 2 (convert to 256 byte OS9 sectors)
1320 ELSE
1321 tfr x,d
1322 leax d,x
1323 ENDC
1324 L0550 tfr x,d Move # sectors to D
1325 puls x Get back drive table ptr
1326 std DD.TOT+1,x Save # sectors allowed on drive
1327 lda #UPDAT.+EXEC. Owner's read/write/exec attributes
1328 sta DD.ATT,x Set attributes for disk
1329 lda <PD.DNS,y Get density settings
1330 lsla Shift for DD.FMT
1331 pshs a Preserve it a sec
1332 lda <PD.SID,y Get # sides
1333 deca Adjust to base 0
1334 ora ,s+ Merge with density settings
1335 sta <DD.FMT,x Save in device table
1336 clrb No error?
1337 puls pc,x Restore original LSN & return
1339 emod
1340 eom equ *
1341 end