1 *****************************************************************************
2 * *
3 * SUBS for RLE picture format *
4 * *
5 * RLEshowpic -- Displays picture, using putline routine *
6 * *
7 *****************************************************************************
9 check macro
10 pshs b,cc
11 ldb #\1
12 os9 F$PErr
13 puls b,cc
14 endm
16 ifp1
17 use /dd/defs/os9defs.a
18 endc
20 psect view_rle_a,0,0,0,0,0
22 vsect dp
23 double rmb 1 Yes, double each line, and double each pixel count.
24 endsect
26 RLEshowpic:
27 bsr header Read header info, set palettes, etc.
29 lbsr setscreen
30 lbsr setpals
31 lbsr setbuffer
33 ldd #0
34 showpicloop
35 lbsr getline
36 lbsr putline
37 tst double
38 beq nodoub
39 lbsr putline
40 nodoub
41 addd #1
42 cmpd #192
43 bne showpicloop
44 rts
46 *
47 * read header info from file, and set window type information
48 *
49 vsect dp
50 endoffile rmb 1
51 endsect
54 header
55 pshs a,b,x,y,u
56 ldd #$003f Set palettes to white on black
57 std palette,y
58 lda #6
59 sta <type
61 head0
62 lbsr I_GetByte The start of an RLE picture is an ESC G sequence.
63 lbcs _error
64 cmpa #27
65 bne head0
66 head1
67 lbsr I_GetByte
68 lbcs _error
69 cmpa #27
70 beq head1
71 cmpa #'G
72 bne head0
74 lbsr I_GetByte
75 lbcs _error
76 cmpa #'H
77 beq headmisc
78 cmpa #'M
79 lbne E$Format Illegal format!
80 com double Turn on double flag.
82 headmisc
83 * Set some miscellaneous variables
84 clr <cyclestart
85 lda #1
86 sta <cycleend So we can toggle black/white
87 ldd #120
88 std <cyclerate
90 clr <cycle Turn off cycling
91 clr <extranum No color rotation
92 ldd <Skiplines
93 cmpd #$ffff Is Skiplines still default?
94 bne headskip No, don't change it.
95 ldd #0
96 std <Skiplines Set it to 0
97 headskip
98 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
100 vsect dp
101 mask fcb $40 Mask to set a pixel
102 foreground rmb 1 In foreground or background? default=0.
103 count rmb 1
104 endsect
106 *
107 * Getline
108 *
109 getline
110 pshs a,b,x,y,u
111 * Clear out linebuff
112 leau linebuff,y
113 ldb #160
114 getline3
115 clr ,u+
116 decb
117 bne getline3
118 * If at end of file, leave it that way
119 tst endoffile
120 lbne getline1
121 * Get a line from the file
122 leax linebuff+8,y
123 clrb
124 lda count
125 bne setdoit
126 getbyte
127 com foreground
128 lbsr I_GetByte
129 bcs geteof
130 suba #$20
131 blo getbyte
132 tst double
133 beq setdoit
134 lsla Double count.
135 setdoit
136 sta count
137 beq getbyte
138 setloop
139 bsr pixset Set/reset this pixel
140 dec count
141 decb Count down pixels on line
142 beq getline1
143 tst count
144 beq getbyte End of repeat, get another byte.
145 bra setloop End of line, save leftover and quit.
146 * Handle EOF situation, any I/O error should come here.
147 geteof
148 cmpb #E$EOF
149 bne getline4
150 com endoffile
151 bra getline1
152 getline4
153 lbra _error If not EOF, just exit with error.
154 getline1
155 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
157 pixset
158 pshs a
159 tst foreground
160 bne pixreset If in background, don't set the pixel.
161 lda ,x
162 ora mask
163 sta ,x
164 andcc #^Carry clear the carry flag.
165 pixreset
166 ror mask
167 bcc pixend If we went past the end of the byte,
168 ror mask Get the two mask bits out of the carry
169 leax 1,x Bump X to next byte.
170 pixend
171 ror mask
172 puls a,pc
174 endsect