1 ********************************************************************
2 * Help - Show help
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 6 Rewrote in assembler for size BGP 03/01/21
10 nam Help
11 ttl Show help
13 ifp1
14 use defsfile
15 endc
17 COLWIDTH set 10
19 tylg set Prgrm+Objct
20 atrv set ReEnt+rev
21 rev set $01
22 edition set 6
24 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
26 name fcs /Help/
27 fcb edition
29 org 0
30 exitvec rmb 2
31 ncols rmb 1
32 colcopy rmb 1
33 bufptr rmb 2
34 path rmb 1
35 same rmb 1
36 prmptr rmb 2
37 endptr rmb 2
38 length rmb 2
39 colbuff rmb 128
40 userbuf rmb 128
41 parbuff rmb 256
42 filbuff rmb 256
43 stack rmb 350
44 size equ .
46 * Ask user for subjects
47 askuser leax askusr2,pcr
48 stx <exitvec
49 leax prompt1,pcr
50 lda #1
51 ldy #128
52 os9 I$WritLn
53 askusr2 leax prompt2,pcr
54 lda #1
55 ldy #prompt2l
56 os9 I$Write
57 clra
58 ldy #127
59 leax userbuf,u
60 os9 I$ReadLn
61 lbcc askusr3
62 cmpb #E$EOF
63 lbne exit
64 lbra exitok
66 * Show topics (if user enters nothing at prompt)
67 showtopics
68 lda #1
69 leax >avail,pcr
70 ldy #128
71 os9 I$WritLn
72 lbsr seek0 rewind the file
73 resetcl lda <ncols
74 sta <colcopy
75 leax colbuff,u
76 stx <bufptr
77 readlp lbsr readlin
78 bcc readlp2
79 lbsr printcr
80 bra askusr2
81 readlp2 leax filbuff,u
82 lda ,x+
83 cmpa #'@
84 bne readlp
85 ldy <bufptr
86 strcpy clra
87 clrb
88 pshs d
89 strc0 lda ,x+
90 cmpa #C$SPAC
91 ble strc1
92 sta ,y+
93 ldd ,s
94 addd #$0001
95 std ,s
96 bra strc0 do again
97 strc1 puls d
98 dec <colcopy
99 beq doeol
100 cmpb #COLWIDTH
101 bge onesp
102 pshs b
103 ldb #COLWIDTH
104 subb ,s+
105 fcb $8C
106 onesp ldb #1
107 lda #C$SPAC
108 spacelp sta ,y+
109 decb
110 bne spacelp
111 sty <bufptr
112 bra readlp
113 doeol sty <bufptr
114 lda #C$CR
115 sta ,y
116 leax colbuff,u
117 lda #1
118 ldy #128
119 os9 I$WritLn
120 bra resetcl
122 askusr3 lda ,x
123 cmpa #C$CR
124 beq showtopics
125 lbsr seek0 rewind the file
126 bra entrya
128 start pshs d,x,y
129 lda #8
130 sta <ncols assume 8 columns
131 lda #1
132 ldb #SS.ScSiz
133 os9 I$GetStt
134 bcs start2
135 cmpx #9
136 ble start1 A = 1 here
137 tfr x,d
138 clra
139 * Divide screen X by COLWIDTH to determine number of columns
140 Div10 subb #COLWIDTH
141 bcs start1
142 inca
143 bra Div10
144 start1 sta <ncols
146 start2 leax exit,pcr
147 stx <exitvec
148 puls d,x,y
149 tfr d,y length of parameters
150 bsr open
151 bcs exit
152 cmpy #$0001 no parameters?
153 lbeq askuser
154 entrya
155 pshs u
156 leau parbuff,u point to buffer
157 entry0 lda ,x+
158 cmpa #C$SPAC is it a space (between parameters?)
159 beq entry1
160 cmpa #C$CR
161 bne nocr
162 entry1 clra yes, null it
163 nocr sta ,u+ store in buffer
164 leay -1,y decrement length counter
165 bne entry0
166 clr ,u
167 tfr u,y
168 puls u
169 sty <endptr store end of all parameters
170 leax parbuff,u load address of parbuff into X
171 stx <prmptr save parameter pointer
172 entry2 lda ,x
173 bne strlen
174 leax 1,x
175 bra rered2
176 strlen pshs x
177 ldy #0 initialise count
178 strl0 lda ,x+ is it a char > null
179 cmpa #C$SPAC
180 ble strl1 nope, exit
181 leay 1,y yep, increment count
182 bra strl0 do again
183 strl1 puls x
184 sty <length store it
186 reread bsr readlin read line from helpfile file
187 bcc rered0
188 cmpb #E$EOF did we find end-of-file?
189 lbeq unknown yep, tell user we don't know his command
190 rered0 lbsr compare compare user number with 1st 3 chars of line
191 beq reread compare returns 0 if failed
192 bsr print else go print the helpfile line
193 bcc rered1 exit if I$WritLn problem
194 cmpb #E$EOF
195 bcs exit
196 rered1 ldd <length get length
197 ldx prmptr get parameter pointer
198 leax d,x add length to it
199 leax 1,x increment past null byte
200 rered2 clrb
201 cmpx <endptr
202 blt rered25
203 jmp [exitvec,u]
204 rered25 stx <prmptr store it
205 rered3 lbsr seek0 rewind the file
206 bra entry2 loop around again
208 exitok clrb
209 exit os9 F$Exit
211 open pshs x
212 leax helpfile,pcr point to file name
213 lda #READ. read mode
214 os9 I$Open
215 bcs open0
216 sta <path store path number
217 open0 puls x,pc
219 readlin pshs x,y
220 lda <path get file path number
221 ldy #256 read max 256 bytes
222 leax filbuff,u into memory pointed to by filbuff
223 os9 I$ReadLn
224 puls x,y,pc
226 print pshs x,y,a
227 print2 bsr readlin
228 bcs printout
229 print3 lda ,x
230 cmpa #'@
231 beq printout
232 lda #1 STDOUT
233 leax filbuff,u into memory pointed to by filbuff
234 ldy #256 max of 256 chars
235 os9 I$WritLn
236 bra print2
237 printout
238 bsr printcr
239 puls x,y,a,pc
241 printcr
242 lda #1
243 leax return,pcr
244 ldy #256 max of 256 chars
245 os9 I$WritLn
246 rts
248 compare pshs x,y
249 clr <same comparison indicator
250 leay filbuff,u point to file buffer
251 lda ,y+ get first char
252 cmpa #'@ @ sign?
253 bne comp2 branch if not
254 ldx prmptr get address of next cmd line param
255 comp0 lda ,x+ get char from cmd line
256 beq comp1 is it null (end of param)
257 ldb ,y+
258 anda #$DF
259 andb #$DF
260 pshs a
261 cmpb ,s+
262 bne comp2 not same, exit
263 inc <same yep, in comparison counter
264 bra comp0 'round again
265 comp1 lda ,y
266 cmpa #C$CR was it end of string in helpfile file?
267 bne comp2
268 tst <same test indicator
269 puls x,y,pc
270 comp2 clr <same clear the counter
271 puls x,y,pc
273 unknown
274 ldx prmptr put pointer into parameter buffer in X
275 lda #1 STDOUT
276 ldy <length get length of user's param
277 os9 I$Write
278 lbcs exit
279 leax unkmsg,pcr point to message
280 ldy #unkmsgl num of chars to print
281 lda #1 to STDOUT
282 os9 I$WritLn
283 lbcs exit exit if problem with I$Write
284 ldx prmptr put point into parameter buffer in X
285 ldd <length get length of user's param
286 leax d,x add to X
287 leax 1,x increment past null byte
288 clrb
289 cmpx endptr
290 lblt unk2
291 jmp [exitvec,u]
292 unk2 stx <prmptr store X
293 bsr seek0 rewind file
294 lbra entry2
296 seek0 pshs x,u
297 lda <path
298 ldx #0
299 ldu #0
300 os9 I$Seek
301 puls x,u,pc
303 helpfile fcc "/DD/SYS/helpmsg"
304 fcb 0
305 unkmsg fcc /: no help available/
306 return fcb C$CR
307 unkmsgl equ *-unkmsg
308 prompt1 fcc /Hit [ESC] to exit/
309 fcb C$CR
310 prompt2 fcc /What Subject(s)? /
311 prompt2l equ *-prompt2
312 avail fcc /Help available on:/
313 fcb C$CR
315 emod
316 eom equ *
317 end