1 ********************************************************************
2 * RAM - RAM Disk driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 4 Given to me by Gene Heskett BGP 98/10/10
10 opt d68
11 opt w110
12 * set printer to 15 cpi!
13 h6309 set 0
15 nam RAM
16 ttl RAM Disk driver
18 **********************************************
19 * A version of MyRam that can be asm to run on either
20 * cpu. To switch to 6309 coding, use "h6309 set 1"
21 * As no irq's are handled here, compensatory
22 * changes to register offsets vs stack are not
23 * required, therefore not used as defines either.
24 * This does require an "os39defs" that can switch
25 * register offsets etc according to the value
26 * assigned to "h6309" and "TRUE", and a late
27 * copy of Chris Burkes "xsm" assembler
29 ifp1
30 use defsfile
31 use rbfdefs
32 endc
34 rev set $02
35 edition set 4
37 ****************************************
38 * this is required because regular
39 * os-9 doesn't treat a native mode
40 * marked module correctly, result
41 * crash at worst, device table full
42 * and nothing else works at best.
44 ifeq h6309-TRUE
45 tylg set Drivr+Obj_309
46 atrv set ReEnt+Ntv_mode+rev
47 else
48 tylg set Drivr+Objct
49 atrv set ReEnt+rev
50 endc
52 RD.MAP set -2 ,x of course!
53 FDlocat set -3 loc for root FD
54 DIRloca set -4 loc for root
55 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
56 org 0
57 u0000 rmb 2
58 u0002 rmb 2
59 u0004 rmb 2
60 u0006 rmb 5
61 u000B rmb 2
62 u000D rmb 2 is RD.MAP & FDLocat
63 u000F rmb 1
64 u0010 rmb 32
65 OurDesc rmb 2
66 OurLink rmb 1 to control our self link
67 Initstt rmb 2
68 u0035 rmb 1
69 u0036 rmb 2 number of 8k ramblocks needed
70 u0038 rmb 2 only 2 used
71 u003A rmb 2
72 FatScra rmb 2 define FatScratch pad areas
73 MP.SIZ rmb 2 ditto
74 u0040 rmb 6
75 u0046 rmb 10 actually 1, our tasknum
76 u0050 rmb $C0-.
77 u00C0 rmb $100-.
78 size equ .
79 mode fcb $BF
81 name fcs /RAM/
82 fcb edition
84 start equ * the usual jump table for drivers
85 lbra Init
86 lbra Read
87 lbra Write
88 lbra SGtat these return errors
89 lbra SGtat
90 lbra Term
91 Init equ *
92 lbsr Initchk have we been init'd?
93 bcs DoInit
94 andcc #$FE clr the carry
95 rts don't do twice
96 DoInit inc OurLink,u so it'll get relinked
97 andcc #$FE kill the carry if set
98 leax u000F,u U is mem assigned area
99 sty OurDesc,u save for later recovery
100 pshs u,x building stack image -4
101 * the stack image is:
102 * sp+2=u, usually $4D00
103 * sp =x, usually $4D0F
104 ldu #$0028 location of time packet
105 leax DD.DAT,x set x to target location
106 ifne h6309-TRUE
107 ldb #$05 number of byte to move
108 GTime lda ,u+
109 sta ,x+
110 decb
111 bne GTime
112 endc
113 ifeq h6309-TRUE
114 ldw #$0005 we want to move 5 bytes
115 tfm u+,x+ do it
116 endc
117 ldu 2,s
118 ldx ,s
119 ldb #$01
120 stb u0006,u
121 ldx <D.Proc <$50 current process ptr
122 ldd P$User,x $08,x
123 ldx ,s get x back
124 * building a dummy sector zero's first $33 bytes
125 * which is all assembled starting at offset $0F
126 * of our initial scratchpad assignment
127 std $0B,x DD.OWNer of dummy sector zero
128 ldd #$0001
129 std $06,x DD.BIT sectors per cluster
130 lda $0D,y DD.ATT disk attributes
131 sta $0D,x
132 ldd <$1B,y IT.SCT
133 std $01,x put totsecs in DD.TOT+1
135 * this could be simplicated to straight 6809 code
136 ifeq h6309-TRUE
138 lsrd /2 but this is one cycle quicker at 3
139 lsrd /4
140 lsrd /8 8 sectors per byte
142 else
144 lsra where this is 2 per 8 bit register
145 rorb or 4 cycles for full 16 bit shift
146 lsra
147 rorb
148 lsra
149 rorb
151 endc
152 std RD.MAP,x s/b at $400D-E
153 subd #$0001 it grabs extra page otherwise
154 std $04,x DD.MAP (size) addr $13&14
155 ****************************************************
156 * set the location of the root FD.SCT intelligently!
157 * this is where the devpack version failed miserably,
158 * it was fixed at $0002, whole thing dead at 512k & up
159 * furinstance, with sct=1300, d=$0260 right here,
160 * therefore the FAT occupies 3 full sectors starting
161 * at sector $01
162 tfr a,b
163 incb to next page so it skips sector zero
164 incb and point to sector AFTER the FAT
165 clra simplicating it
166 std $09,x DD.DIR+1 fd location!
167 * save a copy to locate the root FD
168 stb FDlocat,x save copy for FD loc
169 * save a copy to locate the root dir
170 incb to next sector
171 stb DIRloca,x s/b @ $400B-C
172 *****************************************
173 * now lets go get enough memory to build the FAT
174 lda RD.MAP,x get msb, maybe $00
175 * if over $800 sectors, regs.a won't be zero!
176 inca round up increment to cover all
177 clrb make even page boundary
178 os9 F$SRqMem
179 lbcs L0178
180 ldx 2,s get U back
181 std MP.SIZ,x and save it
182 stu FatScra,x save FAT loc
183 ldx ,s and get x back
184 pshs u U is new mem area start -6
185 * the stack image is:
186 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
187 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
188 * sp = usually $4000
189 ldu $04,s get orig $4D00 u back
190 * How many 8k blocks of mem do we need?
191 ldd RD.MAP,x already been /8
192 addd #$0003 we'll shift out, but need d2 carry
193 ifeq h6309-TRUE
194 lsrd /16
195 lsrd /32 but its 5 cycles faster!
196 else
197 lsra
198 rorb /16
199 lsra
200 rorb /32
201 endc
203 * D is now how many blocks we need
204 std <u0036,u 8k blocks ram needed
205 leax >u00C0,u if <$20 blocks we
206 cmpd #$0020 allow 512k in this map
207 bls L008D if go, fits this page
208 * else table of blocks won't fit from $C0-$FF,
209 * ask for another (d*2) pages
211 ifeq h6309-TRUE
212 asld else ask for more memory
213 else
214 lslb
215 rola
216 endc
217 os9 F$SRqMem get new U
218 lbcs L017C no more avail!
219 * we'll use this instead of $xxC0
220 * the stack image is:
221 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
222 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
223 * sp = usually $4000
224 * save for later release
225 leax ,u ok ,set x to new mem ptr
226 ldu $04,s and get old u back
227 L008D equ *
228 stx <u0038,u $4EC0 for small disk
230 ifeq h6309-TRUE
231 ldw <u0036,u number of blocks req
232 else
233 ldy <u0036,u
234 endc
236 * Where did we start?
237 L0094 ldb #$01 ask for one 8K block
238 os9 F$AllRAM os9 manual doesn't say but
239 lbcs L017C returns B=# of blk allocated
240 std ,x++ make list of blocks
242 ifeq h6309-TRUE
243 decw that we own for later release
244 else
245 leay -1,y
246 endc
248 bne L0094
250 ifne h6309-TRUE
251 ldy <OurDesc,u we destroyed our descriptor pointer
252 endc
254 leax <u0040,u orig U here
255 ldd [u0038,u] addr of # of blocks we own
256 std <$40,x save at 4E80-81
257 os9 F$AllTsk
258 * this reserves a task #, then sets hardware
259 * and DAT ram to this processes addr info
260 lbcs L017C
261 lda <D.SysTsk from dp reference
262 ldb $06,x x our task number!
263 * now we can move the dummy sector zero
264 * to the first sector
265 * the stack image now is:
266 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
267 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
268 * sp = usually $4000
269 ldx $02,s get source ptr
270 ldy #$001F byte count
271 pshs u save this puppy, simplicates
272 * the stack image is:
273 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
274 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
275 * sp+2= usually $4000
276 * sp = our current U, $4D00?
277 ldu #$0000 destination ptr
278 os9 F$Move our dummy sector 0
279 leax >L018A,pcr devices volume name
280 leau ,y
281 ldy #$000E length of name string etc
282 * write 10 zeros for DD.BT-DD.NAM & the name section
283 os9 F$Move and move that into sector zero
284 puls u get our reference back
285 * now lets make RBF a bit happier by copying
286 * the opts section of the descriptor into
287 * sector zero too.
288 * the stack image is:
289 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
290 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
291 * sp+0= usually $4000
292 ldx OurDesc,u
293 leax $12,x point to opts in desc
294 ldu #$003F point to start of opts in sector 0
295 ldy #$000F
296 os9 F$Move
297 ldu 4,s
298 * That moved enough info into what RBF thinks is sector
299 * zero of this device to tell RBF what it is & how big,
300 * where root dir is located etc.
301 FatLoop equ *
302 * Now lets move the FAT into ramdisk space
303 * the stack image is:
304 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
305 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
306 * sp = usually $4000
307 ldx $02,s test valid
308 ldd RD.MAP,x saved bitmap siz
309 * using size of bitmap for fat, save it in w
311 ifeq h6309-TRUE
312 tfr d,w there is a method
313 else
314 std <u0002,u
315 endc
317 * now add enough for even page boundary
318 inca
319 clrb now D is overall size
320 ldx ,s bitmap addr
321 * now we know how big it is
322 leay d,x
323 pshs y save ending addr (page)
324 * the stack image is:
325 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
326 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
327 * sp+2= usually $4000
328 * sp = top of fat, $4100
329 L00DC equ *
331 ifeq h6309-TRUE
332 leay w,x set y=where active fat ends
333 else
334 pshs d
335 ldd <u0002,u
336 leay d,x
337 puls d
338 endc
340 pshs y stack the end of active
341 * the stack image is:
342 * sp+8=u, usually $4D00
343 * sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
344 * sp+4= usually $4000
345 * sp+2= top of fat, $4100
346 * sp = end of active fat, $403D?
347 ldx $04,s s/b the fat workspace base addr
348 ldb #$FF allocate 1st 8 'sectors'
349 L00E2 stb ,x+
350 stb ,x+ make basic alloc $10 sectors
351 L00E5 clr ,x+ and mark the rest clear
352 cmpx ,s to end of active
353 bcs L00E5 (was bcs)till the end of the fat
354 * should show the end of the fat in x
355 L00EA stb ,x+ then mark full
356 cmpx $02,s for remainder of last page
357 bcs L00EA (wonder if this s/b bls too!)
358 * the stack image is:
359 * sp+8=u, usually $4D00
360 * sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
361 * sp+4= usually $4000
362 * sp+2= top of fat, $4100
363 * sp = end of active fat, $403D?
364 ldu $08,s get our base page back
365 lda <D.SysTsk u00D0 note dp, is D.SysTsk
366 ldb <u0046,u assigned P$Task
367 pshs d save it for following move
368 * the stack image is:
369 * sp+A=u, usually $4D00
370 * sp+8=x, usually $4D0F
371 * sp+6= usually $4000
372 * sp+4= top of fat, $4100
373 * sp+2= end of active fat, $403D?
374 * sp = our task numbers
375 ldd $04,s get end of fat
376 subd $06,s should leave fatsize in d
377 tfr d,y size to y
378 puls d restore our tsknums
379 * the stack image is:
380 * sp+8=u, usually $4D00
381 * sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
382 * sp+4= usually $4000
383 * sp+2= top of fat, $4100
384 * sp = end of active fat, $403D?
385 ldu #$0100 start of FAT
386 ldx $04,s
387 os9 F$Move
388 * we're done with the fat, its moved into the space
389 * for the device. Now make a dummy FD in the same
390 * memory area
391 leas $02,s don't need end of active fat anymore
392 MkRoot1 clr ,x+
393 cmpx ,s clearing the mem,done w/fat
394 bcs MkRoot1
395 * the stack image is:
396 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
397 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
398 * sp+2= usually $4000
399 * sp+0= top of fat, $4100
400 ldx $02,s
401 ldu $04,s
402 * Ok, now lets make an FD sector for the root dir
403 FDmaker equ *
404 lda u000D,u DD.ATT
405 sta ,x
406 ldd u000B,u
407 std $01,x
408 ldb #$01 this is the link count
409 stb $08,x
410 ldd #$0040
411 std $0B,x
412 ldb DIRloca,u
413 stb <$12,x
414 ldd #$0010
415 * Now a bit more intelligence applied
416 subb DIRloca,u
417 std <$13,x
418 lda <D.SysTsk u00D0
419 * the stack image is:
420 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
421 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
422 * sp+2= usually $4000
423 * sp+0= top of fat, $4100
424 ldu $06,s
425 ldb <u0046,u
426 pshs x
427 * the stack image is:
428 * sp+8=u, usually $4D00
429 * sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
430 * sp+4= usually $4000
431 * sp+2= top of fat, $4100
432 * sp = saved bottom of work area
433 ldx $06,s
434 * now set u to actual offset of FDlocation
436 ifeq h6309-TRUE
437 lde FDlocat,x this is why we saved it
438 clrf
439 tfr w,u neat huh?
440 else
441 pshs d
442 lda FDLocat,x
443 clrb
444 tfr d,u
445 puls d
446 endc
448 puls x
449 * the stack image is:
450 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
451 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
452 * sp+2= usually $4000
453 * sp+0= top of fat, $4100
454 ldy #$0100
455 os9 F$Move
456 leay <$16,x why only $16, the dir is $40!
457 pshs y
458 * the stack image is:
459 * sp+8=u, usually $4D00
460 * sp+6=x, usually $4D0F
461 * sp+4= usually $4000
462 * sp+2= top of fat, $4100
463 * sp = saved top of work area
464 L0144 clr ,x+
465 cmpx ,s
466 bcs L0144
467 leas $02,s get rid of that
468 * the stack image is:
469 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
470 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
471 * sp+2= usually $4000
472 * sp+0= top of fat, $4100
473 ldx $02,s s/b right
474 leay $40,x
475 pshs y
476 DClr clr ,x+
477 cmpx ,s
478 bcs DClr
479 leas $02,s
480 ldx $02,s get it back again
481 ldd #$2EAE
482 std ,x
483 stb <$20,x
484 * again, I've gotta apply some smarts to locating it
485 ldx $04,s
486 ldb FDlocat,x
487 clra
488 ldx $02,s
489 std <$1E,x
490 std <$3E,x
491 lda <D.SysTsk u00D0
492 * the stack image is:
493 * sp+6=u, usually $4D00
494 * sp+4=x, usually $4D0F
495 * sp+2= usually $4000
496 * sp+0= top of fat, $4100
497 ldu $06,s
498 ldb <u0046,u
499 ldy #$0040
500 ldx $04,s
502 ifeq h6309-TRUE
503 lde DIRloca,x
504 clrf
505 tfr w,u
506 else
507 pshs d
508 lda DIRloca,x
509 clrb
510 tfr d,u
511 puls d
512 endc
514 ldx $02,s
515 os9 F$Move
516 ldx $04,s
517 lda RD.MAP,x
518 inca
519 clrb
520 leas $02,s
521 * the stack image is:
522 * sp+4=u, usually $4D00
523 * sp+2=x, usually $4D0F
524 * sp+0= usually $4000
525 puls u
526 * the stack image is:
527 * sp+2=u, usually $4D00
528 * sp+0=x, usually $4D0F
529 os9 F$SRtMem give back FatScra
530 L0178 leas $02,s skip the x offset
531 puls u get orig assignment back!
533 ifeq h6309-TRUE
534 ldw <L018A,pcr
535 stw Initstt,u crash time?
536 else
537 pshs d
538 ldd <L018A,pcr
539 std Initstt,u
540 puls d
541 endc
543 clrb
544 rts puls pc,u U allready pulled, use rts
546 L017C leas $04,s
547 puls pc,u
548 L018A fcs /Gene's RamDisk/
549 Initchk equ *
550 ifeq h6309-TRUE
551 ldw Initstt,u <L018A,pcr
552 cmpw <L018A,pcr Initstt,u
553 beq InitOk
554 else
555 pshs d
556 ldd Initstt,u
557 cmpd <L018A,pcr
558 puls d
559 beq InitOk
560 endc
561 comb
562 ldb E$NotRdy else report error
563 InitOk equ * relocated to give exit report
564 rts
566 Read equ *
567 * First, have we been assigned any memory?
568 bsr Initchk
569 * Now, if carry is clear, we have some memory, go
570 bcc ReadOk
571 rts return the error condition
573 ReadOk tst OurLink,u
574 beq ReadOk1
575 bsr Linkus bsr ChkLink
576 ReadOk1 pshs u
577 bsr L01C2
578 bcs L01C0
579 tfr d,x
580 lda <u0046,u
581 ldb <D.SysTsk u00D0
582 ldu $08,y
583 bra L01B9
584 ************ A seperate linker
585 Linkus pshs x
586 ldx PD.DVT,y
587 inc V$USRS,x
588 * ldy OurDesc,u
589 * ldd M$Name,y
590 * leax d,y point to device name
591 * ldd <D.Proc this is temp
592 * pshs d save it as no time slicing
593 * ldd <D.SysPrc takes place while
594 * std <D.Proc this is in effect!
595 * clra any type/lang
596 * os9 I$Attach
597 * puls d
598 * std <D.Proc
599 * bcc LinkusOK
600 * os9 F$Exit take error with us
601 LinkusOK puls x and restore our entry values
602 clr OurLink,u so we don't re-attach us again
603 rts
605 Write equ *
606 bsr Initchk
607 bcc WriteOk
608 rts
609 WriteOk tst OurLink,u has it been done?
610 beq WriteOk1
611 bsr Linkus
612 WriteOk1 pshs u
613 bsr L01C2
614 bcs L01C0
615 pshs b,a
616 lda <D.SysTsk
617 ldb <u0046,u
618 ldx $08,y
619 puls u
620 L01B9 ldy #$0100
621 os9 F$Move
622 L01C0 puls pc,u
623 L01C2 pshs x
624 tstb
625 bne L01F1
626 L01C7 cmpx <u0010,u
627 bcc L01F1
628 tfr x,d
630 ifeq h6309-TRUE
631 lsrd /2
632 lsrd /4
633 lsrd /8
634 lsrd /16
635 else
636 lsra
637 rorb
638 lsra
639 rorb
640 lsra
641 rorb
642 lsra
643 rorb
644 endc
646 andb #$FE
647 L01D8 ldx <u0038,u
648 beq L01F5
649 ldd d,x
650 beq L01F5
651 leax <u0040,u
652 std <$40,x
653 os9 F$SetTsk
654 lda $01,s
655 anda #$1F
656 clrb
657 puls pc,x
658 L01F1 ldb #$F1 load the error code
659 bra L01F7
660 L01F5 ldb #$F4 load the error code
661 L01F7 orcc #$01 set the carry
662 puls pc,x and go home with the error
663 SGtat comb
664 ldb #$D0 #E$IllMode
665 rts
666 Term equ *
667 pshs u
668 ifeq h6309-TRUE
669 ldw <u0036,u
670 else
671 ldy <u0036,u
672 endc
674 ldu <u0038,u
675 beq L022A
676 L020A ldb #$01 is now the same as F$AllRAM loop in
677 ldx ,u++ the Init routine
678 beq L0213 this fixed some loose
679 os9 F$DelRAM ends mmap showed
680 L0213 equ *
682 ifeq h6309-TRUE
683 decw was leay -$01,y
684 else
685 leay -1,y
686 endc
688 bne L020A
689 ldu ,s
690 ldd <u0036,u
691 cmpd #$0020
692 bls L022A
694 ifeq h6309-TRUE
695 lsld
696 else
697 lslb
698 rora
699 endc
701 ldu <u0038,u
702 os9 F$SRtMem
703 L022A clra to remove, clrb here
704 clrb
705 puls u
706 std Initstt,u and "comment" us out
707 rts
709 emod
710 eom equ *
711 end
713 * a parking place for the snoop code
714 * pshs cc
715 * os9 F$RegDmp lets take a look
716 * puls cc
717 * end of the snoop code, 4 %&$# lines!