1 ********************************************************************
2 * rammer - Nitros-9 level 2 ram disk
3 *
4 * $id: rammer.asm,v 1.0 2004/02/06 01:00:00 Gault exp $
5 *
6 * Alan Dekok's version of rammer - based on original Keving Darling version
7 *
8 * note: Highly modified for use on non-standard Coco systems. RAM not
9 * taken from 2Meg OS-9 memory!
10 *
11 * edt/rev yyyy/mm/dd modified by
12 * comment
13 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
14 * 4 ????/??/?? ???
15 * original Kevin Darling version.
16 *
17 * 5 2000/03/14 L. Curtis Boyle
18 * several changes
19 *
20 * 5r2 2000/05/09 L. Curtis Boyle
21 * Allowed driver to go past 400k, attempted some fixes for handling /md,
22 * so that setting vfy=0 on /r0 would not completely crash the system.
23 * Fixed some error reporting bugs that would crash the system, and
24 * moved entry table to between read/write to allow short branches to both.
25 *
26 * 6r2 2004/2/2 R. Gault
27 * Highly modified for use with nocan 8/64meg board & emulators.
28 * The RAM disk uses no OS-9 memory, just memory above 2Meg. The size of
29 * the drive is by default 6Meg, 14Meg, or 62Meg but can be changed by altering
30 * the descriptor, r0.
32 H6309 set 1 0=6809 1=6309
33 Nocan set 0 0=64Meg Nocan 1=8Meg MESS and Nocan3 2=16Meg Collyer
35 * Select the correct pair for the system RAM
37 ifeq Nocan-1
38 *MaxLSN is $5FFF for 8Meg system use 6Meg RAM disk
39 MaxMSB set 0
40 MaxLSW set $5FFF
41 endc
43 ifeq Nocan
44 *MaxLSN is $3DFFF for 64Meg system use 62Meg RAM disk
45 MaxMSB set 3
46 MaxLSW set $DFFF
47 endc
49 ifeq Nocan-2
50 *MaxLSN is $DFFF for 16Meg system use 14Meg RAM disk
51 MaxMSB set 0
52 MaxLSW set $DFFF
53 endc
55 nam rammer
56 ttl nitros-9 level 2 ram disk
58 ifp1
59 use /dd/defs/defsfile
60 endc
62 tylg set drivr+objct
63 atrv set reent+rev
64 rev set 1
65 edition set 6
67 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
70 u0000 rmb drvbeg+drvmem reserve room for 1 entry drive table
71 ff9b rmb 1
72 stack rmb 25
73 size equ .
75 fcb dir.+share.+pread.+pwrit.+pexec.+read.+write.+exec.
77 name fcs /Rammer/
78 fcb edition
80 start lbra init
81 lbra read
82 lbra write
83 lbra getstat
84 lbra getstat actually setstat (no calls, so same routine)
85 lbra term terminate (returns memory)
87 * terminate routine - deallocates ram
88 term clrb exit without error
89 rts
91 * init routine - only gets called once.
92 * called if you iniz the device as well
93 * entry: y=address of device descriptor
94 * u=device mem area
95 * note: all of device mem (except v.port) is cleared to 0's
96 init lda #1
97 sta v.ndrv,u only can handle 1 drive descriptor
98 leax drvbeg,u point to start of drive table
99 lda #$ff
100 sta ,x set DD.TOT to bad value
101 sta V.TRAK,x set track to bad value
102 ifeq Nocan-1
103 * This may be the wrong place to read this byte. It may be necessary
104 * to read it prior to each sector read/write if the video bits are
105 * altered by a user's program.
106 lda >$9B save default $FF9B image for future use
107 sta ff9b,u
108 endc
109 clrb no error & return
110 rts
112 * entry: b:x=lsn to read
113 * y=path dsc. ptr
114 * u=device mem ptr
115 read pshs y,x preserve path & device mem ptrs
116 bsr ovtest
117 bcs error
118 bsr l00c8 calculate mmu block & offset for sector
119 bsr l00ae transfer sector from ram drive to pd.buf
120 puls y,x restore ptrs
121 cmpx #0 sector 0?
122 bne getstat no, exit without error
123 ldx pd.buf,y get buffer ptr
124 leay drvbeg,u point to start of drive table
125 ifne H6309
126 ldw #dd.siz copy the info we need into drive table
127 tfm x+,y+
128 else
129 ldb #dd.siz copy the info we need into drive table
130 readlp lda ,x+
131 sta ,y+
132 decb
133 bne readlp
134 endc
135 * getstat/setstat - no calls, just exit w/o error
136 getstat clrb
137 rts
139 error leas 2,s
140 error2 ldb #247 seek error
141 rts
143 ovtest cmpb #MaxMSB prevent access to LSN > than "hardware" supports
144 bls good
145 cmpx #MaxLSW
146 bls good
147 orcc #1
148 rts
149 good andcc #$FE
150 rts
152 * entry: b:x = lsn to write
153 * y=path dsc. ptr
154 * u=device mem ptr
155 write equ *
156 bsr ovtest
157 bcs error2
158 bsr l00c8 calculate mmu block & offset for sector
159 exg x,y x=sector buffer ptr, y=offset within mmu block
160 * transfer between rbf sector buffer & ram drive image sector buffer
161 * called by both read and write (with x,y swapping between the two)
162 l00ae orcc #intmasks shut irq's off
163 ifeq Nocan
164 sta >$ff80 Nocan64; map ram drive block into MMU block #0
165 endc
166 ifeq Nocan-1
167 sta >$FF9B Nocan3 or MESS
168 endc
169 ifeq Nocan-2
170 sta >$FF70 Collyer
171 endc
172 stb >$ffa0
173 ifne H6309
174 ldw #$0100 256 byte transfer
175 tfm x+,y+ copy between the two buffers
176 else
177 clrb
178 writelp lda ,x+
179 sta ,y+
180 decb
181 bne writelp
182 endc
183 ifeq Nocan
184 clr >$ff80 Nocan64
185 endc
186 ifeq Nocan-1
187 ldb ff9b,u Nocan3 or MESS
188 stb >$FF9B
189 endc
190 ifeq Nocan-2
191 clr >$FF70 Collyer
192 endc
193 clr >$ffa0 remap in system block 0
194 andcc #^(intmasks) turn irq's back on
195 rts
197 * subroutine to calculate mmu block # and offset based on sector # requested
198 * entry: y=path dsc. ptr
199 * u=device mem ptr
200 * b:x=LSN to calculate for beyond 2megs; ie. $200000
201 * that means ram drive has minimum value at $ff80 of 1 and
202 * mmu block number = lsn/32 + $100
203 * exit: a=mmu block # to send to $ff80
204 * b=mmu block # to send to $ffa0
205 * x=offset within mmu block to get sector from (always <8k)
206 * y=sector buffer ptr
207 l00c8 equ *
208 pshs b,x
209 lda 2,s
210 anda #$1f
211 clrb
212 tfr d,x regX now offset into MMU block
213 ifeq H6309
214 lsl 2,s lsn*8/$10=lsn/$20
215 rol 1,s
216 rol ,s
217 lsl 2,s
218 rol 1,s
219 rol ,s
220 lsl 2,s
221 rol 1,s
222 rol ,s
223 ldd ,s
224 else
225 ldw ,s++
226 lda ,s+
227 lsla
228 rolw
229 lsla
230 rolw
231 lsla this value now not needed
232 rolw
233 tfr w,d
234 endc
235 inca make it past the 2megs of os-9
236 ifeq Nocan-1
237 lsla shift it to MMU bits 5&6 for Nocan3 or MESS
238 lsla
239 lsla
240 lsla
241 * !!! This next line could be a problem if video bits are altered.
242 * It would require reading the bits prior to every sector read/write!!!
243 ora ff9b,u OR in video bits
244 endc
245 ifeq H6309
246 leas 3,s
247 endc
248 ldy pd.buf,y get sector buffer address
249 rts
251 emod
252 eom equ *
253 end