view 3rdparty/drivers/nocan/rammer.asm @ 1570:a4b6825eeb72

ccdisk renamed to rb1773, added CC3 driver into source
author boisy
date Tue, 18 May 2004 01:26:19 +0000
parents e8755309071c
children 6353bb024571
line wrap: on
line source

* rammer - Nitros-9 level 2 ram disk
* $id: rammer.asm,v 1.0 2004/02/06 01:00:00 Gault exp $
* Alan Dekok's version of rammer - based on original Keving Darling version
* note: Highly modified for use on non-standard Coco systems. RAM not
*       taken from 2Meg OS-9 memory!
* edt/rev  yyyy/mm/dd  modified by
* comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   4      ????/??/??  ???
* original Kevin Darling version.
*   5      2000/03/14  L. Curtis Boyle
* several changes
*   5r2    2000/05/09  L. Curtis Boyle
* Allowed driver to go past 400k, attempted some fixes for handling /md,
* so that setting vfy=0 on /r0 would not completely crash the system.
* Fixed some error reporting bugs that would crash the system, and
* moved entry table to between read/write to allow short branches to both.
*   6r2    2004/2/2   R. Gault
* Highly modified for use with nocan 8/64meg board & emulators.
* The RAM disk uses no OS-9 memory, just memory above 2Meg. The size of
* the drive is by default 6Meg, 14Meg, or 62Meg but can be changed by altering
* the descriptor, r0.

H6309 set 1  0=6809  1=6309
Nocan set 0 0=64Meg Nocan 1=8Meg MESS and Nocan3 2=16Meg Collyer

* Select the correct pair for the system RAM

 ifeq Nocan-1
*MaxLSN is $5FFF      for 8Meg system use 6Meg RAM disk
MaxMSB set 0
MaxLSW set $5FFF

 ifeq Nocan
*MaxLSN is $3DFFF     for 64Meg system use 62Meg RAM disk
MaxMSB set 3
MaxLSW set $DFFF

 ifeq Nocan-2
*MaxLSN is $DFFF      for 16Meg system use 14Meg RAM disk
MaxMSB set 0
MaxLSW set $DFFF

 nam   rammer
 ttl   nitros-9 level 2 ram disk

 use   /dd/defs/defsfile

tylg set   drivr+objct   
atrv set   reent+rev
rev set   1
edition set   6

 mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

u0000 rmb   drvbeg+drvmem     reserve room for 1 entry drive table
ff9b  rmb   1
stack rmb   25
size equ   .

 fcb   dir.+share.+pread.+pwrit.+pexec.+read.+write.+exec.

name fcs   /Rammer/
 fcb   edition

start   lbra   init
 lbra   read
 lbra   write
 lbra   getstat
 lbra   getstat       actually setstat (no calls, so same routine)
 lbra   term         terminate (returns memory)

* terminate routine - deallocates ram
term clrb exit without error

* init routine - only gets called once.
* called if you iniz the device as well
* entry: y=address of device descriptor
*        u=device mem area
* note: all of device mem (except v.port) is cleared to 0's
init lda   #1
 sta   v.ndrv,u     only can handle 1 drive descriptor
 leax  drvbeg,u     point to start of drive table
 lda   #$ff
 sta   ,x           set DD.TOT to bad value
 sta   V.TRAK,x     set track to bad value
 ifeq Nocan-1
* This may be the wrong place to read this byte. It may be necessary
* to read it prior to each sector read/write if the video bits are
* altered by a user's program.
 lda >$9B           save default $FF9B image for future use
 sta ff9b,u
 clrb               no error & return

* entry: b:x=lsn to read
*        y=path dsc. ptr
*        u=device mem ptr
read pshs  y,x          preserve path & device mem ptrs
 bsr   ovtest
 bcs   error
 bsr   l00c8        calculate mmu block & offset for sector
 bsr   l00ae        transfer sector from ram drive to pd.buf
 puls  y,x          restore ptrs
 cmpx  #0           sector 0?
 bne   getstat      no, exit without error
 ldx   pd.buf,y     get buffer ptr
 leay  drvbeg,u     point to start of drive table
 ifne  H6309
 ldw   #dd.siz      copy the info we need into drive table
 tfm   x+,y+
 ldb   #dd.siz      copy the info we need into drive table
readlp   lda   ,x+
 sta   ,y+
 bne   readlp
* getstat/setstat - no calls, just exit w/o error
getstat  clrb

error leas 2,s
error2 ldb #247      seek error

ovtest cmpb #MaxMSB  prevent access to LSN > than "hardware" supports
       bls good
       cmpx #MaxLSW
       bls good
       orcc #1
good   andcc #$FE

* entry: b:x = lsn to write
*        y=path dsc. ptr
*        u=device mem ptr
write equ *
 bsr ovtest
 bcs   error2
 bsr   l00c8          calculate mmu block & offset for sector
 exg   x,y            x=sector buffer ptr, y=offset within mmu block
* transfer between rbf sector buffer & ram drive image sector buffer
* called by both read and write (with x,y swapping between the two)
l00ae orcc  #intmasks      shut irq's off
 ifeq Nocan
 sta   >$ff80         Nocan64; map ram drive block into MMU block #0
 ifeq Nocan-1
 sta   >$FF9B         Nocan3 or MESS
 ifeq Nocan-2
 sta  >$FF70          Collyer
 stb   >$ffa0
 ifne  H6309
 ldw   #$0100         256 byte transfer
 tfm   x+,y+          copy between the two buffers
writelp  lda   ,x+
 sta   ,y+
 bne   writelp
 ifeq  Nocan
 clr   >$ff80        Nocan64
 ifeq Nocan-1
 ldb   ff9b,u        Nocan3 or MESS
 stb   >$FF9B
 ifeq Nocan-2
 clr  >$FF70         Collyer
 clr   >$ffa0         remap in system block 0
 andcc #^(intmasks) turn irq's back on

* subroutine to calculate mmu block # and offset based on sector # requested
* entry: y=path dsc. ptr
*        u=device mem ptr
*        b:x=LSN to calculate for beyond 2megs; ie. $200000
* that means ram drive has minimum value at $ff80 of 1 and
* mmu block number = lsn/32 + $100
* exit:  a=mmu block # to send to $ff80
*        b=mmu block # to send to $ffa0
*        x=offset within mmu block to get sector from (always <8k)
*        y=sector buffer ptr
l00c8 equ *
 pshs  b,x
 lda   2,s
 anda  #$1f
 tfr  d,x         regX now offset into MMU block
 ifeq  H6309
 lsl   2,s       lsn*8/$10=lsn/$20
 rol  1,s
 rol  ,s
 lsl  2,s
 rol  1,s
 rol  ,s
 lsl  2,s
 rol  1,s
 rol  ,s
 ldd  ,s
 ldw  ,s++
 lda  ,s+
 lsla           this value now not needed
 tfr  w,d
 inca                make it past the 2megs of os-9
 ifeq  Nocan-1
 lsla                shift it to MMU bits 5&6 for Nocan3 or MESS
* !!! This next line could be a problem if video bits are altered.
* It would require reading the bits prior to every sector read/write!!!
 ora ff9b,u          OR in video bits
 ifeq  H6309
 leas  3,s
 ldy   pd.buf,y       get sector buffer address

eom equ   *