1 ********************************************************************
2 * OS9p1 - OS-9 Level Two V3 P1 module
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * ?? Cleaned up some formatting KDM 87/05/15
9 * ?? Added comments and added new defines KDM 87/03/31
10 * 18a Added time of creation to process descriptor BRI 88/11/18
11 * 18b Added F$AllTsk call error exit to F$Chain BRI 88/12/05
12 * 18c Changed time tag to use F$Time - No ticks BRI 88/12/08
13 * 18h Removed bogus assumptions regarding init BGP 98/10/05
14 * module in order to shrink code size, added
15 * check for CRC bit in compabibility byte of
16 * init module.
17 * 18i Made minor optimizations as per Curtis Boyle's BGP 98/10/10
18 * optimization document
20 nam OS9p1
21 ttl OS9 Level Two V3 P1 module
23 * FastBoot flag turns off module CRC checking during boot
24 FastBoot equ 1
26 ifp1
27 use defsfile
28 endc
30 rev set $09
31 edition set 18
33 mod eom,name,Systm,ReEnt+rev,entry,msiz ++
35 org $0000
36 msiz equ .
38 name fcs "OS9p1"
39 fcb edition
41 *------------------------------------------------*
42 * OS9p1 begins here:
43 *------------------------------------------------*
44 entry ldx #$100 clear rest of first 8k Block: ++
45 ldy #8192-$100 ++
46 clra
47 clrb
48 L001C std ,x++
49 leay -2,y
50 bne L001C
52 inca
53 std D.Tasks =$0100 task flags (32)
54 addb #$20 (DAT.TkCt) ++
55 std D.TskIPt =$0120 temporary images ++
57 inca
58 aslb
59 std D.BlkMap+2 =$0240 end of block map
60 clrb
61 std D.BlkMap =$0200 mem block map (64)
63 inca ++
64 std D.SysDis =$0300 sys dispatch table
65 inca
66 std D.UsrDis =$0400 usr dispatch table
67 inca
68 std D.PrcDBT =$0500 proc desc pointers
69 inca
70 std D.SysPrc =$0600 original sys proc
71 std D.Proc =$0600 original proc
72 adda #P$Size/256 desc
73 tfr d,s SP=$0800 sys SP within sys desc
74 inca
75 std D.SysStk =$0900 main sys stack ptr
76 std D.SysMem =$0900 sys memmap
77 inca
78 std D.ModDir =$0A00 module dir
79 std D.ModEnd =$0A00 (grows upward)
80 adda #$06
81 std D.ModDir+2 =$1000 module DAT images
82 std D.ModDAT =$1000 (grows downward)
83 std D.CCMem =$1000 CC3IO static memory ++
85 asla d=$2000 GrfDrv stack area ++
87 std D.CCStk ++
89 *------------------------------------------------*
90 leax Vectors,pcr put jmp[,x] vectors:
91 tfr x,d
92 ldx #D.SWI3
94 * used by top 256 to jmp to sys.
96 L0065 std ,x++
97 cmpx #D.NMI
98 bls L0065
100 leax >eo,pcr move secondary vectors
101 pshs x from end of rom:
102 leay >D.VECTRS,pcr
103 ldx #D.Clock (Tick-NMI)
104 L0079 ldd ,y++ get vector
105 addd ,s add offset
106 std ,x++ store
107 cmpx #D.XNMI done?
108 bls L0079 ..no
109 leas 2,s drop offset
111 ldx D.XSWI2 set calls to sys
112 stx D.UsrSvc
113 ldx D.XIRQ set IRQ to sys
114 stx D.UsrIRQ
116 leax SysCall,pcr set syscall handler
117 stx D.SysSvc
118 stx D.XSWI2
120 leax S.SysIRQ,pcr set sysirq handler
121 stx D.SysIRQ
122 stx D.XIRQ
124 leax >S.SvcIRQ,pcr IRQ svc handler
125 stx D.SvcIRQ
126 leax >S.POLL,pcr default poll 'til IOMan
127 stx D.Poll
128 leax S.AltIRQ,pcr default keyboard till CC3io ++
129 stx D.AltIRQ ++
130 leax S.Flip0,pcr Grfdrv return vector ++
131 stx D.Flip0 ++
132 leax S.Flip1,pcr GrfDrv exec vector ++
133 stx D.Flip1 ++
135 leay SysCalls,pcr enter os9p1 svc calls:
136 lbsr InstSSvc
138 *------------------------------------------------*
139 ldu D.PrcDBT set up first proc desc:
140 ldx D.SysPrc
141 stx 0,u proc table entries
142 stx 1,u zero and one
144 lda #1 sys proc id=01
145 sta P$ID,x
146 lda #SysState set sys state
147 sta P$State,x
148 lda #SysTask sys task # ++
149 sta D.SysTsk
150 sta P$Task,x
151 * optimization below saves one byte
152 ldd #$FFFF top priority/age
153 std P$Prior,x store it
154 * lda #$FF
155 * sta P$Prior,x
156 * sta P$Age,x
158 leax P$DATImg,x point sysdat -> sys proc
159 stx D.SysDAT
160 clra
161 clrb
162 std ,x++ first block always sys
164 * DAT.BlCt-ROMCount-RAMCount:
165 ldy #6 next 6 are unused ++
166 ldd #DAT.Free
167 L00EF std ,x++
168 leay -1,y
169 bne L00EF
171 ldd #IOBlock last one is Kernel ++
172 std ,x++
174 ldx D.Tasks first task# is sys's
175 inc 0,x
176 inc 1,x Task 1 is GrfDrv ++
178 *------------------------------------------------*
179 * set 1st 8K sys mem used
180 ldx D.SysMem
181 ldb D.CCStk (=$20) ++
182 L0104 inc ,x+
183 decb
184 bne L0104
186 *------------------------------------------------*
187 * determine size of CoCo's memory (128K/512K)
188 clr D.MemSz default is 128k ++
189 ldd #$0313 blocks $03 and $13 ++
190 std DAT.Regs+5 map at logical $A000 ++
191 ldx #$A000 point to first block ++
192 ldd #$DC78 get inverted sync bytes ++
193 std ,x store at start of first block ++
194 cmpd 8192,x in second block too? ++
195 beq L0122 yes, just 128k ++
196 inc D.MemSz else set 512k flag ++
198 L0122 ldy #$2000 point to second block in map ++
199 ldx D.BlkMap X=$0200
201 * Check Memory Blocks Loop:
203 L0128 pshs x save current map pointer
204 ldd ,s D=map ptr
205 subd D.BlkMap D=block number
206 cmpb #IOBlock is it sys?
207 bne L0136 ..no, test for 512k ++
208 ldb #RAMinUse load marker ++
209 bra L015B go set in map ++
211 L0136 lda D.MemSz 512k memory? ++
212 bne L013E yes, continue ++
213 cmpb #$0F end of 128k mem? ++
214 bhs L0159 yes, set notram ++
216 L013E stb >DAT.Regs+1 set block at $2000 for test ++
217 ldu ,y get two bytes
218 ldx #$00FF store test bytes
219 stx ,y
220 cmpx ,y same on read
221 bne L0159 ..end if no mem here
223 ldx #$FF00 make sure again
224 stx ,y
225 cmpx ,y
226 bne L0159 ..bad mem
227 stu ,y restore original bytes
228 bra L015D do next
230 * End of Memory:
232 L0159 ldb #NotRAM set non-mem flag
234 L015B stb [,s] store at ,X in table ++
236 L015D puls x get current map pointer
237 leax 1,x next block
238 cmpx D.BlkMap+2 end of map?
239 blo L0128 ..no, keep trying
241 *------------------------------------------------*
242 * Search For ROM Modules:
244 ldx D.BlkMap X=map strt (X=$0200)
245 inc ,x mark as RAMinUse
246 ldx D.BlkMap+2 start at end of map (X=$0240)
248 leax -1,x back up 1 (X=$023F)
250 *------------------------------------------------*
251 tfr x,d else D=block number (D=$023F)
252 subd D.BlkMap make into block number (D=$003F)
254 pshs d save block number
255 leay ,s Y = var pointer for routine below
257 ldx #$0D00 offset in block ++
259 *------------------------------------------------*
260 * Check Block for Modules Loop:
262 L017F pshs x,y
263 lbsr L0AF0 set up Y for X offset
264 ldb 1,y B=block# from image
265 stb >DAT.Regs map into sys zero
266 lda ,x get byte from block
267 clr >DAT.Regs back to sys
268 puls x,y
269 cmpa #M$ID1 module?
270 bne L01A7
272 lbsr L0463 do verify
273 bcc L019D
274 cmpb #E$KwnMod 'Known Module'?
275 bne L01A7 ..no, continue
276 L019D ldd #M$Size else get mod size
277 lbsr lddxy
278 leax d,x skip over it
279 bra L01A9
281 * Not Known Module:
283 L01A7 leax 1,x byte ptr+1
285 L01A9 cmpx #$1E00 don't overrun vector page! ++
286 blo L017F ok to continue ++
287 bsr L01D2 setup system mem map ++
289 *------------------------------------------------*
290 * OS9p1 init finished:
292 L01B0 os9 F$Boot boot!
293 bcs Crash crash if problem
294 leax InitMod,pcr 'Init'
295 bsr LinkSys link to it
296 bcs Crash crash if error
297 L01BF stu D.Init save Init ptr
298 L01C1 leax OS9p2Nm,pcr 'OS9p2'
299 bsr LinkSys link to it
300 bcs Crash crash if not found...
301 L01D0 jmp ,y ...else do OS9p2...
302 Crash jmp D.Crash report boot failed
304 * Setup system memory map.
306 L01D2 ldx D.SysMem point to map ++
307 leax $ED00/256,x kernel offset in map ++
308 lda #NotRam mark IOPage ++
309 sta 18,x as Not RAM ++
310 ldb #$12 18 pages in kernel ++
312 L01DF lda #RAMinUse mark kernel ++
314 L01E1 sta ,x+ RAM as in use ++
315 decb all done ++
316 bne L01E1 no, continue
317 ldx D.BlkMap+2 end of map++
318 sta -1,x mark block #3F ++
319 rts exit ++
321 * Link to Module (X = ptr to mod name):
322 LinkSys lda #Systm system module
323 os9 F$Link try to find it
324 rts
326 *------------------------------------------------*
327 * System Service Calls
328 *------------------------------------------------*
329 SysCalls fcb F$Link
330 fdb FLink-*-2
331 fcb F$PrsNam
332 fdb FPrsNam-*-2
333 fcb F$CmpNam
334 fdb FCmpNam-*-2
335 fcb F$CmpNam+$80 (sys)
336 fdb SCmpNam-*-2
337 fcb F$CRC
338 fdb FCRC-*-2
339 fcb F$SRqMem+$80
340 fdb FSRqMem-*-2
341 fcb F$SRtMem+$80
342 fdb FSRtMem-*-2
343 fcb F$AProc+$80
344 fdb FAProc-*-2
345 fcb F$NProc+$80
346 fdb FNProc-*-2
347 fcb F$VModul+$80
348 fdb FVModul-*-2
349 fcb F$SSvc
350 fdb FSSvc-*-2
351 fcb F$SLink+$80
352 fdb FSLink-*-2
353 fcb F$Boot+$80
354 fdb FBoot-*-2
355 fcb F$BtMem+$80
356 fdb FBtMem-*-2
357 fcb F$Move+$80
358 fdb FMove-*-2
359 fcb F$AllRam
360 fdb FAllRam-*-2
361 fcb F$AllImg+$80
362 fdb FAllImg-*-2
363 fcb F$SetImg+$80
364 fdb FSetImg-*-2
365 fcb F$FreeLB+$80
366 fdb FFreeLB-*-2
367 fcb F$FreeHB+$80
368 fdb FFreeHB-*-2
369 fcb F$AllTsk+$80
370 fdb FAllTsk-*-2
371 fcb F$DelTsk+$80
372 fdb FDelTsk-*-2
373 fcb F$SetTsk+$80
374 fdb FSetTsk-*-2
375 fcb F$ResTsk+$80
376 fdb FResTsk-*-2
377 fcb F$RelTsk+$80
378 fdb FRelTsk-*-2
379 fcb F$DATLog+$80
380 fdb FDATLog-*-2
381 fcb F$LDAXY+$80
382 fdb FLDAXY-*-2
383 fcb F$LDDDXY+$80
384 fdb FLDDDXY-*-2
385 fcb F$LDABX+$80
386 fdb FLDABX-*-2
387 fcb F$STABX+$80
388 fdb FSTABX-*-2
389 fcb F$ELink+$80
390 fdb FELink-*-2
391 fcb F$FModul+$80
392 fdb FFModul-*-2
393 fcb F$AlHRam+$80 new call ++
394 fdb FAlHRam-*-2 for CoCo3 ++
395 fcb $80 End of Table
397 *------------------------------------------------*
398 InitMod fcs "Init"
399 OS9p2Nm fcs "OS9p2"
400 BootMod fcs "Boot"
402 *------------------------------------------------*
403 Vectors jmp [-16,x] goto irq routine
405 *------------------------------------------------*
406 * User State SWI Vectors:
407 *------------------------------------------------*
409 XSWI3 ldx D.Proc proc desc
410 ldu P$SWI3,x diff swi3 vector?
411 beq L028E ..no, do normal
413 L027B lbra L0E5E else do usr call.
415 XSWI2 ldx D.Proc X=proc desc
416 ldu P$SWI2,x swi2 svc ptr
417 beq L028E ..zero, do normal
418 bra L027B else do usr map
420 XSWI ldx D.Proc proc desc
421 ldu P$SWI,x swi ptr
422 bne L027B ..do user, else:
424 *------------------------------------------------*
425 * System SWI calls: (X=pd, U=svc)
427 L028E ldd D.SysSvc set system state:
428 std D.XSWI2
429 ldd D.SysIRQ
430 std D.XIRQ
431 lda P$State,x
432 ora #SysState
433 sta P$State,x
435 sts P$SP,x and save user stack
436 leas P$Stack-R$Size,x get local sys stack
437 andcc #^IntMasks okay interrupts
438 leau ,s U=sys reg stack
439 bsr L02CB copy user stack here
441 ldb P$Task,x B=task#
442 ldx R$PC,u X=PC ptr
443 lbsr FLDBBX get call byte from user map ++
444 leax 1,x increment PC
445 stx R$PC,u past call
447 ldy D.UsrDis Y=user dispatch table
448 lbsr L033B do the call
449 ldb R$CC,u okay interrupts
450 andb #^IntMasks on return
451 stb R$CC,u to user map
453 ldx D.Proc
454 bsr L02DA copy back new user stack
455 lda P$State,x drop sys state
456 anda #^SysState
457 lbra L0D7C and return to user.
459 *------------------------------------------------*
460 * Get Caller's Regs:
462 L02CB pshs cc,x,y,u ++
463 ldb P$Task,x A=user tsk# ++
464 ldx P$SP,x X=from user stack
465 lbsr L0BF5 get offset in 8k space ++
466 leax $A000,x +$A000 =logical address ++
467 bra L02E9 get regs & rts.
469 * Return Regs to Caller:
471 L02DA pshs cc,x,y,u save state ++
472 ldb P$Task,x B=user tsk#
473 ldx P$SP,x X=to user stack
474 lbsr L0BF5 get offset in 8k space ++
475 leax $A000,x +$A000 =logical address ++
476 exg x,u U=user, X=sys
478 * move caller stack -->
480 L02E9 pshs u save U ++
481 lbsr L0C09 get DAT image pointer in U ++
482 leau a,u point to block # in image ++
483 leau 1,u point to LSB ++
484 * lda ,u++ first block # in A ++ --BGP
485 * ldb ,u second block # in B ++ --BGP
486 lda ,u first block # in A ++ ++BGP
487 ldb 2,u second block # in B ++ ++BGP
488 ldu #DAT.Regs+5 $A000 logical ++
489 orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts ++
490 std ,u set DAT ++
491 puls u recover U ++
492 ldy #R$SIZE register stack size ++
494 L0303 ldd ,x++ move them ++
495 std ,u++ ++
496 leay -2,y done yet? ++
497 bne L0303 no, continue ++
498 ldx D.SysDAT system DAT image ++
499 lda 11,x get real ++
500 ldb 13,x system blocks ++
501 std DAT.Regs+5 and restore system map ++
502 puls cc,x,y,u,pc clean up and rts ++
504 *------------------------------------------------*
505 * Sys State OS Call:
506 *------------------------------------------------*
507 SysCall leau ,s U=reg stack
508 lda D.SSTskN get task image ++
509 clr D.SSTskN set to system ++
510 pshs a save old task # ++
511 lda R$CC,u
512 tfr a,cc set CC=user CC
513 ldx R$PC,u get call
514 ldb ,s is task sys? ++
515 beq L032F yes ++
516 lbsr FLDBBX get call from user space ++
517 leax 1,x point past it ++
518 bra L0331 set as PC ++
520 L032F ldb ,x+ and increment PC
522 L0331 stx R$PC,u past it
523 ldy D.SysDis Y=system dispatch table
524 bsr L033B do the call
525 lbra L0E2B end
527 *------------------------------------------------*
528 * Do Svc Call(B), Y=table:
530 L033B aslb index
531 bcc L0345 ..okay if not I/O
533 * count I$ calls for current process (D.Proc)
534 pshs b save index into table
535 ldb #P$ICalls set up I$ counter
536 bsr IncCount go do it... (X is altered)
537 puls b recover index
539 rorb else reset B
540 ldx $00FE,y else X=IOMan vector
541 bra L034F and do it.
543 * count User Ticks, System Ticks, F$ calls, or I$ calls
544 * for current process (D.Proc) BRI
545 IncCount ldx <D.Proc get pointer to current proc desc
546 beq IncExit no current proc, go return
547 abx add offset to appropriate counter
548 inc 3,x 4 byte counter LSB
549 bne IncExit no overflow, go return
550 inc 2,x 4 byte counter lower middle byte
551 bne IncExit no overflow, go return
552 inc 1,x 4 byte counter upper middle byte
553 bne IncExit no overflow, go return
554 inc ,x 4 byte counter MSB (ignore overflow)
555 IncExit rts
557 * (not I/O call)
559 L0345 pshs b save index into table
560 ldb #P$FCalls set up F$ counter
561 bsr IncCount go do it... (X is altered)
562 puls b recover index
564 clra A=00
565 ldx d,y X=vector from table
566 bne L034F ..ok if one
567 comb else
568 ldb #E$UnkSvc 'Unknown Service Call'
569 bra L0355 bad end: return err
571 *------------------------------------------------*
572 * Do Call Vector (X)
574 L034F pshs u save reg ptr
575 jsr ,x do the call
576 puls u retrieve reg ptr
578 L0355 tfr cc,a A=svc call CC
579 bcc L035B ..skip if no err
580 stb R$B,u else return err in reg.B
581 L035B ldb R$CC,u drop lsb nibble
582 andb #(Entire!IntMasks)
583 stb R$CC,u
584 anda #^(Entire!IntMasks) put in call's CC lsnibble
585 ora R$CC,u
586 sta R$CC,u
587 rts end service call.
590 *------------------------------------------------*
591 * F$SSvc
592 *------------------------------------------------*
593 FSSvc ldy R$Y,u Y=table address
594 bra InstSSvc do check first...
596 * SSvc Loop:
598 L036D clra A=00
599 aslb B=table index (set C if >=$80)
600 tfr d,u U=index
601 ldd ,y++ D=new call vector offset
602 leax d,y X=actual vector
603 ldd D.SysDis D=sys dispatch table
604 stx d,u store new call vector
605 bcs InstSSvc ..skip if sys only
606 ldd D.UsrDis else put in user
607 stx d,u dispatch table also.
609 * End of Table Check:
611 InstSSvc ldb ,y+ get next call
612 cmpb #$80 is it end-of-table?
613 bne L036D ..no
614 rts yes, end.
617 *------------------------------------------------*
618 * F$SLink
619 *------------------------------------------------*
620 * Link modules into map.
621 * A=type,X=name,Y=DAT image ptr
622 FSLink ldy R$Y,u get DAT image ptr
623 bra SLink
626 *------------------------------------------------*
627 * F$ELink
628 *------------------------------------------------*
629 FELink pshs u
630 ldb R$B,u type
631 ldx R$X,u name of module
632 bra L03AF go link it
635 *------------------------------------------------*
636 * F$Link
637 *------------------------------------------------*
638 FLink ldx D.Proc proc desc
639 leay P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
641 *------------------------------------------------*
642 SLink pshs u save reg ptr
643 ldx R$X,u X=module name
644 lda R$A,u A=module type
645 lbsr L068D search moddir
647 bcs L041E ..err
649 leay ,u Y=moddir entry
650 ldu ,s get back reg ptr
651 stx R$X,u return X
652 std R$D,u return type/lang
653 leax ,y X=moddir entry
655 L03AF bitb #ReEnt is it shareable?
656 bne L03BB ..yes
657 ldd MD$Link,x any links?
658 beq L03BB ..no:ok, else
659 ldb #E$ModBsy 'Module Busy' err
660 bra L041E bad end.
662 L03BB ldd MD$MPtr,x D=module ptr
663 pshs a,b,x save ptr,entry
664 ldy MD$MPDAT,x Y=DAT img for module
665 ldd MD$MBSiz,x D=mem block size
666 addd #$1FFF round up A ++
667 tfr a,b to 8K block ++
668 lsrb B/32
669 lsrb
670 lsrb
671 lsrb
672 lsrb ++
673 adda #2 (A+2)/32 ++
674 lsra
675 lsra
676 lsra
677 lsra
678 lsra ++
679 pshs a save blocks needed
680 leau ,y U=moddir entry
681 bsr L0422 find it in callers map?
682 bcc L03EB ..yes
684 lda ,s blocks needed
685 lbsr L0A33 room to map in?
686 bcc L03E8 ..okay
687 leas 5,s else drop junk
688 bra L041E bad end.
690 L03E8 lbsr L0A8C set DAT image
691 L03EB leax P$Links,x link cnt tble
692 sta ,s save block #
693 asla index
694 leau a,x U=link ptr
695 ldx ,u increment link cnt:
696 leax 1,x
697 beq L03FC
698 stx ,u
699 L03FC ldu 3,s U=moddir entry
700 ldx MD$Link,u increment link cnt:
701 leax 1,x
702 beq L0406
703 stx MD$Link,u
704 L0406 puls b,x,y,u
705 lbsr L0AB0 dattolog
706 stx R$U,u return module addrss
707 ldx MD$MPtr,y mod ptr
708 ldy MD$MPDAT,y DAT image ptr
709 ldd #M$Exec get exec offset
710 lbsr LDDXY
711 addd R$U,u plus mod addrss
712 std R$Y,u = exec address
713 clrb okay
714 rts end.
716 L041E orcc #Carry set error
717 puls u,pc
719 *------------------------------------------------*
720 * See if moddir image in proc map already:
721 *------------------------------------------------*
723 * B=block img #, U=moddir ptr
725 L0422 ldx D.Proc proc desc
726 leay P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
727 clra A=00
728 pshs a,b,x,y save #,proc,img
729 subb #DAT.BlCt
730 negb
731 aslb index
732 leay b,y
734 * Image Compare Loop:
736 L0430 ldx ,s X=block cnt
737 pshs y,u
738 L0434 ldd ,y++ does proc img
739 cmpd ,u++ match mod image?
740 bne L0449 ..no
741 leax -1,x yes, cnt-1
742 bne L0434 ..done?
744 puls a,b,u D=start ptr
745 subd 4,s -block cnt = offset
746 lsrb B/2 index
747 stb ,s save block #
748 clrb okay
749 puls a,b,x,y,pc rts.
751 L0449 puls y,u Y=start ptr
752 leay -2,y back up one img
753 cmpy 4,s too far?
754 bcc L0430 ..no, try again
755 puls a,b,x,y,pc error end.
758 *------------------------------------------------*
759 * F$VModul
760 *------------------------------------------------*
761 FVModul pshs u
762 ldx R$X,u X=mod offset
763 ldy R$D,u Y=DAT img ptr
764 bsr L0463 do the verify
765 ldx ,s
766 stu R$U,x return moddir ptr
767 puls u,pc
769 L0463 pshs x,y
770 lbsr L0586 check module crc
771 bcs L0493 ..err
773 ldd #M$Type
774 lbsr LDDXY get type/rev bytes
775 andb #$0F save rev
776 pshs a,b
778 ldd #M$Name get name offset
779 lbsr LDDXY
780 leax d,x X points to mod name
781 puls a
782 lbsr L068D
783 puls a
784 bcs L0497
786 pshs a
787 andb #$0F
788 subb ,s+
789 bcs L0497
790 ldb #E$KwnMod 'Known Module'
791 bra L0493
793 L0491 ldb #E$DirFul 'Module Dir Full'
794 L0493 orcc #Carry
795 puls x,y,pc
797 *------------------------------------------------*
798 L0497 ldx ,s X=module addrss
799 lbsr L0524
800 bcs L0491
801 sty MD$MPDAT,u insert DAT image ptr
802 stx MD$MPtr,u and module ptr
803 clra
804 clrb
805 std MD$Link,u link count=00
806 ldd #M$Size
807 lbsr LDDXY get module size
808 pshs x mod addrss
809 addd ,s++ plus size
810 std MD$MBSiz,u
811 ldy [MD$MPDAT,u] Y=mod images
812 ldx D.ModDir X=mod dir strt
813 pshs u save entry
814 bra L04BE
816 L04BC leax MD$ESize,x next moddir entry
817 L04BE cmpx D.ModEnd last one?
818 bcc L04CD ..yes, end
819 cmpx ,s same entry?
820 beq L04BC ..yes, try again
821 cmpy [,x] same image ptr?
822 bne L04BC ..no, try again
823 bsr L04F2
825 *------------------------------------------------*
826 * Mark BlockMaps as Modules:
828 L04CD puls u U=dir entry
829 ldx D.BlkMap X=mem block map
830 ldd MD$MBSiz,u D=mod block size
831 addd #$1FFF round up size ++
832 lsra A/32 = number of blocks
833 lsra (8K)
834 lsra
835 lsra
836 lsra ++
837 ldy MD$MPDAT,u Y=mod dat image
839 L04DE pshs a,x save block size, blkmap
840 ldd ,y++ D=image block#
841 leax d,x X=blkmap ptr
842 ldb ,x get block marker
843 orb #ModBlock set module in block
844 stb ,x marker
845 puls a,x ..
846 deca count-1
847 bne L04DE ..mark all blocks
849 clrb okay
850 puls x,y,pc end.
852 *------------------------------------------------*
853 * Clear entries:
855 L04F2 pshs a,b,x,y,u
856 ldx ,x
857 pshs x
858 clra D=0000
859 clrb
860 L04FA ldy ,x last entry?
861 beq L0503 ..yes
862 std ,x++ no, clear
863 bra L04FA and loop
865 L0503 puls x
866 ldy 2,s
867 ldu MD$MPDAT,u U=mod images
868 puls a,b
870 L050C cmpx ,y same image?
871 bne L051B ..no, try next
872 stu MD$MPDAT,y yes, set new image
873 cmpd MD$MBSiz,y new size bigger?
874 bcc L0519 ..yes, use it
875 ldd MD$MBSiz,y else use old size
876 L0519 std MD$MBSiz,y set modblock size
877 L051B leay MD$ESize,y next entry
878 cmpy D.ModEnd last?
879 bne L050C ..no
880 puls x,y,u,pc end.
882 *------------------------------------------------*
883 L0524 pshs x,y,u save mod adrs,img,
884 ldd #M$Size get module size
885 lbsr LDDXY
886 addd ,s end = begin+size
887 addd #$1FFF round to block ++
888 lsra A/32
889 lsra
890 lsra
891 lsra
892 lsra ++,
893 tfr a,b A,B=number of blocks
894 pshs b save num
895 incb
896 aslb
897 negb
898 sex sign extend into D
899 bsr L054E make new dir entry
900 bcc L054C ..okay rts
902 os9 F$GCMDir else get task#
903 ldu #$0000 set flag
904 stu 5,s
905 bsr L054E make new dir entry
906 L054C puls b,x,y,u,pc rts.
908 *------------------------------------------------*
909 * Allocate module dir image:
911 L054E ldx D.ModDAT X+D = mod DAT img pointer
912 leax d,x
913 cmpx D.ModEnd would it be below last dir?
914 bcs L0583 ..yes, err
916 ldu 7,s get back old U
917 bne L056E ..
918 pshs x save new moddat ptr
919 ldy D.ModEnd Y=end of dir
920 leay MD$ESize,y plus new entry
921 cmpy ,s++ collide with moddat?
922 bhi L0583 ..yes, err
924 sty D.ModEnd store new dir end
925 leay -MD$ESize,y Y=new dir entry ptr
926 sty 7,s return it to caller
927 L056E stx D.ModDAT store new moddat ptr
928 ldy 5,s
929 ldb 2,s B=block count
930 stx 5,s return dir datimg ptr
932 L0577 ldu ,y++ copy images
933 stu ,x++ to new mod dat entry
934 decb
935 bne L0577
937 clr ,x zero flag
938 clr 1,x
939 rts end.
941 L0583 orcc #Carry set err flag
942 rts end.
945 *------------------------------------------------*
946 * Calculate CRC of Module:
947 *------------------------------------------------*
949 L0586 pshs x,y
950 clra D=offset of zero
951 clrb
952 lbsr LDDXY get 2 bytes
953 cmpd #M$ID12 is it module?
954 beq L0597 ..yes
955 ldb #E$BMID 'Bad Module Header'
956 bra L05F3 ..err end.
958 * Check Module Header:
960 L0597 leas -1,s make var
961 leax 2,x X=past sync bytes
962 lbsr L0AF0 set Y for X offset
963 ldb #$07 seven bytes
964 lda #$4A header crc
965 L05A2 sta ,s save crc
966 lbsr LDAXY get next byte
967 eora ,s do crc
968 decb more?
969 bne L05A2 ..loop
971 leas 1,s drop var
972 inca $FF+1 = 00
973 beq L05B5 ..okay header
974 ldb #E$BMHP 'Bad Module Header'
975 bra L05F3 err end.
977 *------------------------------------------------*
978 * Do CRC across module:
979 *
980 * Added code to check init module for CRC check flag
981 L05B5
982 ldx D.Init get Init module addr ++ BGP
984 * Here the FastBoot definition says that if the INIT module cannot
985 * be found (as is the case when OS9p1 brings up the rest of the
986 * system with F$Boot), then don't do CRC checking. Note that
987 * module header checking above is still performed in this case.
988 ifeq FastBoot
989 beq L05CX if none, do CRC checking ++ BGP
990 else
991 beq NOCRC if none, DON'T DO CRC checking ++ BGP
992 endc
994 lda Feature1,x get compat1 byte ++BGP
995 bita #CRCOn test CRCOn bit ++BGP
996 bne L05CX if set, check CRC ++BGP
997 NOCRC clra else clra ++BGP
998 clrb and clrb ++BGP
999 bra L05F5 branch to end of routine ++BGP
1000 L05CX puls x,y
1001 ldd #$0002
1002 lbsr LDDXY
1003 pshs a,b,x,y
1004 ldd #$FFFF set temp CRC register
1005 pshs a,b
1006 pshs b
1007 lbsr L0AF0 set up Y for X offset
1008 leau ,s
1009 L05CB tstb
1010 bne L05D8
1011 pshs x
1012 ldx #$0001
1013 os9 F$Sleep
1014 puls x
1015 L05D8 lbsr LDAXY get a byte
1016 bsr CRCCalc pass it through the CRC calculator
1017 ldd 3,s
1018 subd #$0001
1019 std 3,s
1020 bne L05CB
1021 puls b,x,y
1022 cmpb #$80
1023 bne L05F1
1024 cmpx #$0FE3
1025 beq L05F5
1026 L05F1 ldb #E$BMCRC 'Bad Module CRC'
1027 L05F3 orcc #Carry
1028 L05F5 puls x,y,pc
1030 *------------------------------------------------*
1031 * CRC Calculator:
1032 *------------------------------------------------*
1034 * A = byte to be passed through accumulator
1035 CRCCalc eora ,u
1036 pshs a
1037 ldd 1,u
1038 std ,u
1039 clra
1040 ldb ,s
1041 aslb
1042 rola
1043 eora 1,u
1044 std 1,u
1045 clrb
1046 lda ,s
1047 lsra
1048 rorb
1049 lsra
1050 rorb
1051 eora 1,u
1052 eorb 2,u
1053 std 1,u
1054 lda ,s
1055 asla
1056 eora ,s
1057 sta ,s
1058 asla
1059 asla
1060 eora ,s
1061 sta ,s
1062 asla
1063 asla
1064 asla
1065 asla
1066 eora ,s+
1067 bpl L0635
1068 ldd #$8021
1069 eora ,u
1070 sta ,u
1071 eorb 2,u
1072 stb 2,u
1073 L0635 rts
1075 *------------------------------------------------*
1076 * F$CRC
1077 *------------------------------------------------*
1078 FCRC ldd R$Y,u get byte count
1079 beq L0677 ..zero
1080 ldx R$X,u begin ptr
1081 pshs a,b,x
1082 leas -3,s
1083 ldx D.Proc
1084 lda P$Task,x
1085 ldb D.SysTsk
1086 ldx R$U,u
1087 ldy #$0003
1088 leau ,s
1089 pshs a,b,x,y
1090 lbsr L0B2C
1091 ldx D.Proc
1092 leay P$DATImg,x
1093 ldx 11,s
1094 lbsr L0AF0
1095 L065D lbsr LDAXY
1096 bsr CRCCalc pass byte through CRC calculator
1097 ldd 9,s
1098 subd #$0001
1099 std 9,s
1100 bne L065D
1101 puls a,b,x,y
1102 exg a,b
1103 exg x,u
1104 lbsr L0B2C
1105 leas 7,s
1106 L0677 clrb
1107 rts
1109 *------------------------------------------------*
1110 * F$FModul
1111 *------------------------------------------------*
1112 * Find the Module named (X) with type (A) in Y
1113 FFModul pshs u
1114 lda R$A,u A=type request
1115 ldx R$X,u X=name
1116 ldy R$Y,u Y=DAT image ptr
1117 bsr L068D find it
1118 puls y
1119 std R$D,y return type/attr
1120 stx R$X,y updated name ptr
1121 stu R$U,y module offset
1122 rts
1124 L068D ldu #$0000 address flag
1125 pshs a,b,u
1126 bsr L0712 get first char
1127 cmpa #PDELIM start with pathlist delimiter?
1128 beq L070B ..bad name error
1129 lbsr L0741
1130 bcs L070E
1131 ldu D.ModEnd U=mod end ++
1132 bra L0700
1134 *------------------------------------------------*
1135 * Main Loop:
1137 L06A1 pshs a,b,x,y
1138 pshs x,y
1139 ldy MD$MPDAT,u Y=mod images
1140 beq L06F6
1141 ldx MD$MPtr,u X=mod ptr
1142 pshs x,y
1143 ldd #M$Name get mod name
1144 lbsr LDDXY offset
1145 leax d,x X=name address
1146 pshs x,y save add,images
1147 leax 8,s
1148 ldb 13,s
1149 leay ,s
1150 lbsr L07DE
1151 leas 4,s
1152 puls x,y
1153 leas 4,s
1154 bcs L06FE
1155 ldd #M$Type get mod type/lang
1156 lbsr LDDXY
1157 sta ,s
1158 stb 7,s
1159 lda 6,s
1160 beq L06ED
1161 anda #$F0
1162 beq L06E1
1163 eora ,s
1164 anda #$F0
1165 bne L06FE
1166 L06E1 lda 6,s
1167 anda #$0F
1168 beq L06ED
1169 eora ,s
1170 anda #$0F
1171 bne L06FE
1172 L06ED puls a,b,x,y
1173 abx
1174 clrb
1175 ldb 1,s
1176 leas 4,s
1177 rts
1179 *------------------------------------------------*
1180 L06F6 leas 4,s
1181 ldd 8,s
1182 bne L06FE
1183 stu 8,s
1184 L06FE puls a,b,x,y
1186 * Moved back one ++
1188 L0700 leau -MD$ESize,u next dir entry ++
1189 cmpu D.ModDir last one? ++
1190 bcc L06A1 ..no, loop ++
1192 *------------------------------------------------*
1193 ldb #E$MNF 'Module Not Found'
1194 bra L070E
1196 L070B comb
1197 ldb #E$BNam 'Bad Name' error
1198 L070E stb 1,s return err code
1199 puls a,b,u,pc
1201 *------------------------------------------------*
1202 * Get Module Name:
1204 L0712 pshs y save image strt
1205 L0714 lbsr L0AF0 point X to name in img(Y)
1206 lbsr L0AC8 get char
1207 leax 1,x ptr+1
1208 cmpa #C$SPAC was char space?
1209 beq L0714 ..yes, skip
1211 leax -1,x ptr-1
1212 pshs a save char
1213 tfr y,d D=image ptr
1214 subd 1,s -images start
1215 asrb block#=image/2
1216 lbsr L0AB0 ??
1217 puls a,y,pc rts.
1220 *------------------------------------------------*
1221 * F$PrsNam
1222 *------------------------------------------------*
1223 FPrsNam ldx D.Proc proc desc
1224 leay P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
1225 ldx R$X,u X=name string
1226 bsr L0741 get it and length
1227 std R$D,u return length in D
1228 bcs L073E ..err
1229 stx R$X,u and X at name begin
1230 abx plus len
1231 L073E stx R$Y,u return Y=end of name ptr
1232 rts end.
1234 * Parse Name:
1236 L0741 pshs y save image ptr
1237 lbsr L0AF0 find map block
1238 pshs x,y save X offset within block and Y block pointer
1239 lbsr LDAXY get A=byte(X)
1240 cmpa #PDELIM is it a pathlist delimiter?
1241 bne L0756 ..no, go keep X offset and block Y
1242 leas 4,s
1243 pshs x,y
1244 lbsr LDAXY get next char
1245 L0756 bsr L07A1 go check if valid first character...
1246 bcs L076A not valid, go get next name start offset in X...
1247 clrb initialize character counter
1248 L075B incb incb add one character
1249 tsta last character in name string?
1250 bmi L0766 yes, go return valid...
1251 lbsr LDAXY go get next character...
1252 bsr L078A go check if valid character...
1253 bcc L075B valid, go check if last character...
1254 L0766 andcc #^Carry
1255 bra L077C
1257 *------------------------------------------------*
1258 L076A cmpa #C$COMA comma?
1259 bne L0775 no, check for next character
1260 L076E leas 4,s
1261 pshs x,y
1262 lbsr LDAXY
1263 L0775 cmpa #C$SPAC is it a space?
1264 beq L076E ..yes, go get next character
1265 comb error, set Carry
1266 ldb #E$BNam 'Bad Name' error
1267 L077C puls x,y recover offset and pointer
1268 pshs cc,a,b save Carry, character and count or error code
1269 tfr y,d copy DAT image block pointer
1270 subd 3,s subtract original DAT image pointer
1271 asrb convert 2 byte/block count to block number
1272 lbsr L0AB0 go get true map offset in X...
1273 puls cc,a,b,y,pc recover registers and return...
1275 L078A pshs a save character
1276 anda #$7F drop msbit
1277 cmpa #PDIR period?
1278 beq ValidChr yes, go return valid character...
1279 cmpa #'0 is it control?
1280 bcs InvalChr ..yes
1281 cmpa #'9 is it number?
1282 bls ValidChr ..yes
1283 cmpa #'_ is it '_'?
1284 bne L07A5 ..no
1285 ValidChr clra clear carry
1286 puls a,pc recover original character and return
1288 *----------------------------------------------
1289 L07A1 pshs a
1290 anda #$7F drop msbit
1291 L07A5 cmpa #'A less than "A"?
1292 bcs InvalChr yes, go return invalid character...
1293 cmpa #'Z less than or equal to "Z"?
1294 bls ValidChr yes, go return valid character
1295 cmpa #'a less than "a"?
1296 bcs InvalChr yes, go return invalid character
1297 cmpa #'z less than or equal to "z"?
1298 bls ValidChr yes, go return valid character
1299 InvalChr coma
1300 puls a,pc
1303 *------------------------------------------------*
1304 * F$CmpNam
1305 *------------------------------------------------*
1306 FCmpNam ldx D.Proc proc desc
1307 leay P$DATImg,x Y=caller DAT image ptr
1308 ldx R$X,u X=first name
1309 pshs x,y save name,img
1310 bra L07CF do it
1313 *------------------------------------------------*
1314 * F$CmpNam (sys)
1315 *------------------------------------------------*
1316 SCmpNam ldx D.Proc proc desc
1317 leay P$DATImg,x Y=images
1318 ldx R$X,u X=first name
1319 pshs x,y save name,imgs
1320 ldy D.SysDAT Y=system DAT image ptr
1322 L07CF ldx R$Y,u X=second name
1323 pshs x,y save name2,sysimg
1324 ldd R$D,u D=match length
1325 leax 4,s [X]=name1
1326 leay ,s [Y]=name2
1327 bsr L07DE compare them
1328 leas 8,s drop vars
1329 rts end.
1331 * Compare two strings:
1333 L07DE pshs a,b,x,y,u length,name1,name2,regs
1334 ldu 2,s U=name1 ptr
1335 pulu x,y get name,images
1336 lbsr L0AF0 set X for img(Y)
1337 pshu x,y save name1 offsets
1338 ldu 4,s
1339 pulu x,y
1340 lbsr L0AF0
1341 bra L07F6
1343 L07F2 ldu 4,s
1344 pulu x,y
1345 L07F6 lbsr LDAXY get name2 char
1346 pshu x,y
1347 pshs a save char
1348 ldu 3,s
1349 pulu x,y
1350 lbsr LDAXY get name1 char
1351 pshu x,y
1352 eora ,s compare chars
1353 tst ,s+ check result
1354 bmi L0816 ..msb diff
1355 decb len-1
1356 beq L0813 last?
1357 anda #$DF
1358 beq L07F2 do next char
1360 L0813 comb err
1361 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc end.
1363 L0816 decb len-1
1364 bne L0813 ..err if >0
1365 anda #$5F
1366 bne L0813
1367 clrb okay
1368 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc end.
1371 *------------------------------------------------*
1372 * F$SRqMem / F$BtMem
1373 *------------------------------------------------*
1374 FSRqMem
1375 FBtMem ldd R$D,u get # bytes wanted
1376 addd #$00FF round up
1377 clrb to page
1378 std R$D,u return it
1379 ldy D.SysMem Y=system mem map
1380 leas -2,s
1381 stb ,s
1382 L082F ldx D.SysDAT X=system DAT image
1383 aslb index block
1384 ldd b,x D=DAT marker
1385 cmpd #DAT.Free is it free?
1386 beq L0847 ..yes
1387 ldx D.BlkMap else look
1388 lda d,x at block map byte
1389 cmpa #RAMinUse is it in use?
1390 bne L0848 ..yes
1391 leay 32,y leave map ++
1392 bra L084F
1394 * Free Ram:
1396 L0847 clra
1398 * Ram Not in Use:
1400 L0848 ldb #32 count=32 pages ++
1401 L084A sta ,y+ mark the ram
1402 decb
1403 bne L084A
1405 L084F inc ,s
1406 ldb ,s
1407 cmpb #DAT.BlCt all blocks done?
1408 bcs L082F
1409 L0857 ldb R$A,u page count
1410 L0859 cmpy D.SysMem back to map start?
1411 bhi L0863 ..not yet
1412 comb
1413 ldb #E$NoRam was MemFul ++
1414 bra L0894
1416 L0863 lda ,-y free page?
1417 bne L0857 ..no,try again
1418 decb else got page+1
1419 bne L0859
1420 sty ,s
1421 lda 1,s
1422 lsra
1423 lsra
1424 lsra
1425 lsra
1426 lsra ++
1427 ldb 1,s
1428 andb #$1F ++
1429 addb R$A,u
1430 addb #$1F ++
1431 lsrb
1432 lsrb
1433 lsrb
1434 lsrb
1435 lsrb ++
1436 ldx D.SysPrc
1437 lbsr L09BE allocate ram images
1438 bcs L0894
1439 ldb R$A,u
1440 L088A inc ,y+
1441 decb
1442 bne L088A
1443 lda 1,s
1444 std R$U,u return ptr to mem
1445 clrb
1446 L0894 leas 2,s
1447 rts
1450 *------------------------------------------------*
1451 * F$SRtMem
1452 *------------------------------------------------*
1453 FSRtMem ldd R$D,u
1454 beq L08F2
1455 addd #$00FF
1456 ldb R$U+1,u
1457 beq L08A6
1458 comb
1459 ldb #E$BPAddr 'Boundary Error'
1460 rts
1462 L08A6 ldb R$U,u
1463 beq L08F2
1464 ldx D.SysMem
1465 abx
1466 L08AD ldb ,x
1467 andb #^RAMinUse
1468 stb ,x+
1469 deca
1470 bne L08AD
1471 ldx D.SysDAT
1472 ldy #DAT.BlCt 16 blocks/space
1473 L08BC ldd ,x
1474 cmpd #DAT.Free free block?
1475 beq L08EC ..yes
1476 ldu D.BlkMap
1477 lda d,u
1478 cmpa #$01
1479 bne L08EC
1480 tfr x,d
1481 subd D.SysDAT
1482 aslb
1483 aslb
1484 aslb
1485 aslb ++
1486 ldu D.SysMem
1487 leau d,u
1488 ldb #32 16 blocks in sys space ++
1489 L08DA lda ,u+
1490 bne L08EC
1491 decb
1492 bne L08DA
1493 ldd ,x
1494 ldu D.BlkMap
1495 clr d,u
1496 ldd #DAT.Free
1497 std ,x
1498 L08EC leax 2,x
1499 leay -1,y
1500 bne L08BC
1501 L08F2 clrb
1502 rts
1505 *------------------------------------------------*
1506 * F$Boot
1507 *------------------------------------------------*
1508 FBoot comb
1509 lda D.Boot booted already?
1510 bne L0966 ..yes,rts.
1511 inc D.Boot flag it
1512 * ldx D.Init X=init module
1513 * beq L0908 ..use default if no Init
1514 * ldd BootStr,x offset to Boot name
1515 * beq L0908 ..none
1516 * leax d,x X=Init BootStrap name
1517 * bra L090C use it
1519 L0908 leax BootMod,pcr default 'Boot' name
1520 L090C lbsr LinkSys link to module
1521 bcs L0966 ..err rts
1522 jsr ,y do the boot
1523 bcs L0966 ..err
1524 std D.BtSz Bootfile size ++
1525 stx D.BtPtr Boot start address ++
1526 leau d,x
1527 tfr x,d
1528 anda #$E0 ++
1529 clrb
1530 pshs a,b,u
1531 lsra
1532 lsra
1533 lsra
1534 lsra ++
1535 ldy D.SysDAT
1536 leay a,y
1537 *------------------------------------------------*
1538 * Find & Verify Boot Modules:
1540 L092D ldd ,x get header
1541 cmpd #M$ID12 (87CD) is it a module?
1542 bne L0954 ..no
1543 tfr x,d
1544 subd ,s
1545 tfr d,x
1546 tfr y,d
1547 os9 F$VModul
1548 pshs b
1549 ldd 1,s
1550 leax d,x
1551 puls b
1552 bcc L094E
1553 cmpb #E$KwnMod 'Known Module'?
1554 bne L0954 ..no
1555 L094E ldd 2,x
1556 leax d,x
1557 bra L0956
1559 L0954 leax 1,x
1560 L0956 cmpx 2,s end of boot mem?
1561 bcs L092D ..no, try more
1562 leas 4,s
1563 ldx D.SysDAT ++
1564 ldb 13,x ++
1565 incb ++
1566 ldx D.BlkMap ++
1567 lbra L01DF ++
1569 L0966 rts
1572 *------------------------------------------------*
1573 * F$AllRam
1574 *------------------------------------------------*
1575 FAllRam ldb R$B,u get # ram blocks desired
1576 bsr L0970
1577 bcs L096F
1578 std R$D,u
1579 L096F rts
1581 *------------------------------------------------*
1582 L0970 pshs a,b,x,y
1583 ldx D.BlkMap X=block map start
1585 * Start at new block begin:
1587 L0974 leay ,x Y=start
1588 ldb 1,s B=count
1589 L0978 cmpx D.BlkMap+2 at end of block map?
1590 bcc L0995 ..yes,end.
1591 lda ,x+ is block free?
1592 bne L0974 ..no, try new start
1593 decb yes, count-1
1594 bne L0978 keep trying
1596 L0983 tfr y,d D=begin block ptr ++
1597 subd D.BlkMap D=begin block number
1598 sta R$A-1,s return number on ,S
1599 lda R$B-1,s A=count
1600 stb R$B-1,s
1602 * mark off blocks
1604 L098D inc ,y+ mark as ram in use
1605 deca
1606 bne L098D
1607 clrb
1608 puls a,b,x,y,pc okay end.
1610 L0995 comb
1611 ldb #E$NoRam 'Sys Ram Full'
1612 stb 1,s return err
1613 puls a,b,x,y,pc bad end.
1615 *------------------------------------------------*
1616 * F$AlHRam
1617 *------------------------------------------------*
1619 FALHRAM ldb R$B,u get block count ++
1620 bsr L09A5 find blocks ++
1621 bcs L09A4 error ++
1622 std R$D,u return count in D ++
1624 L09A4 rts ++
1626 L09A5 pshs a,b,x,y match up stack ++
1627 ldx D.BlkMap+2 point to end of map ++
1629 L09A9 ldb R$B-1,s get block count ++
1631 L09AB cmpx D.BlkMap at bottom of map? ++
1632 bls L0995 yes, error ++
1633 lda ,-x block free? ++
1634 bne L09A9 no ++
1635 decb found them all? ++
1636 bne L09AB no, continue ++
1637 tfr x,y match up registers ++
1638 bra L0983 allocate blocks ++
1640 *------------------------------------------------*
1641 * F$AllImg
1642 *------------------------------------------------*
1643 FAllImg ldd R$D,u A=begin blk#, B=# of blocks
1644 ldx R$X,u X=proc desc
1645 L09BE pshs a,b,x,y,u
1646 asla
1647 leay P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
1648 leay a,y Y=image ptr
1649 clra
1650 tfr d,x
1651 ldu D.BlkMap
1652 pshs a,b,x,y,u
1653 L09CD ldd ,y++ D=image
1654 cmpd #DAT.Free unused?
1655 beq L09E2 ..yes
1656 lda d,u else what is it?
1657 cmpa #RAMinUse ram?
1658 puls a,b
1659 bne L09F7 ..no
1661 subd #$0001
1662 pshs a,b
1663 L09E2 leax -1,x
1664 bne L09CD
1665 ldx ,s++
1666 beq L0A00
1667 L09EA lda ,u+
1668 bne L09F2
1669 leax -1,x
1670 beq L0A00
1671 L09F2 cmpu D.BlkMap+2
1672 bcs L09EA
1674 L09F7 ldb #E$MemFul 'Proc Memory Full' (207)
1675 leas 6,s
1676 stb R$B-1,s
1677 comb
1678 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
1680 *------------------------------------------------*
1681 L0A00 puls x,y,u
1682 L0A02 ldd ,y++
1683 cmpd #DAT.Free
1684 bne L0A16
1685 L0A0A lda ,u+
1686 bne L0A0A
1687 inc ,-u
1688 tfr u,d
1689 subd D.BlkMap
1690 std -2,y
1692 L0A16 leax -1,x
1693 bne L0A02
1694 ldx 2,s
1695 lda P$State,x get proc state &
1696 ora #ImgChg flag image change
1697 sta P$State,x .
1698 clrb
1699 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
1702 *------------------------------------------------*
1703 * F$FreeHB
1704 *------------------------------------------------*
1705 FFreeHB ldb R$B,u B=block count
1706 ldy R$Y,u
1707 bsr L0A31
1708 bcs L0A30
1709 sta R$A,u
1710 L0A30 rts
1712 L0A31 tfr b,a
1713 L0A33 suba #$09
1714 nega
1715 pshs x,b,a
1716 ldd #$FFFF
1717 pshs b,a
1718 bra L0A58
1720 FFreeLB ldb R$B,u
1721 ldy R$Y,u
1722 bsr L0A4B
1723 bcs L0A4A
1724 sta R$A,u
1725 L0A4A rts
1727 L0A4B lda #$FF
1728 pshs x,b,a
1729 lda #$01
1730 subb #$09
1731 negb
1732 pshs b,a
1733 bra L0A58
1735 L0A58 clra
1736 ldb $02,s
1737 addb ,s
1738 stb $02,s
1739 cmpb $01,s
1740 bne L0A75
1741 ldb #$CF
1742 cmpy <D.SysDAT
1743 bne L0A6C
1744 ldb #$ED
1745 L0A6C stb $03,s
1746 comb
1747 bra L0A82
1749 L0A71 tfr a,b
1750 addb $02,s
1751 L0A75 lslb
1752 ldx b,y
1753 cmpx #DAT.Free
1754 bne L0A58
1755 inca
1756 cmpa $03,s
1757 bne L0A71
1758 L0A82 leas $02,s
1759 puls pc,x,b,a
1761 FSetImg ldd R$A,u
1762 ldx R$X,u
1763 ldu R$U,u
1764 L0A8C pshs u,y,x,b,a
1765 leay P$DATImg,x
1766 lsla
1767 leay a,y
1768 L0A94 ldx ,u++
1769 stx ,y++
1770 decb
1771 bne L0A94
1772 ldx $02,s get proc desc ptr
1773 lda P$State,x
1774 ora #ImgChg
1775 sta P$State,x
1776 clrb
1777 puls pc,u,y,x,b,a
1779 FDATLog ldb R$B,u
1780 ldx R$X,u
1781 bsr L0AB0
1782 stx R$X,u
1783 clrb
1784 rts
1786 *L0AB0 pshs x,b,a --BGP
1787 L0AB0 pshs x,b ++BGP
1788 lslb
1789 lslb
1790 lslb
1791 lslb
1792 lslb
1793 * addb $02,s --BGP
1794 * stb $02,s --BGP
1795 addb 1,s ++BGP
1796 stb 1,s ++BGP
1797 * puls pc,x,b,a --BGP
1798 puls pc,x,b ++BGP
1800 FLDAXY ldx R$X,u
1801 ldy R$Y,u
1802 bsr L0AC8
1803 sta R$A,u
1804 clrb
1805 rts
1807 L0AC8 pshs cc
1808 lda $01,y
1809 orcc #IntMasks
1810 sta >DAT.Regs
1811 lda ,x
1812 clr >DAT.Regs
1813 puls pc,cc
1815 LDAXY bsr L0AC8
1816 leax $01,x
1817 bra L0AF0
1819 L0AEA leax >-$2000,x
1820 leay $02,y
1821 L0AF0 cmpx #$2000
1822 bcc L0AEA
1823 rts
1825 FLDDDXY ldd R$D,u
1826 leau R$X,u
1827 pulu y,x
1828 bsr LDDXY
1829 std -$07,u
1830 clrb
1831 rts
1832 LDDXY pshs y,x
1833 leax d,x
1834 bsr L0AF0
1835 bsr LDAXY
1836 pshs a
1837 bsr L0AC8
1838 tfr a,b
1839 puls pc,y,x,a
1841 FLDABX ldb R$B,u
1842 ldx R$X,u
1843 lbsr L0C12
1844 sta R$A,u
1845 rts
1847 FSTABX ldd R$D,u
1848 ldx R$X,u
1849 lbra L0C28
1851 FMove ldd R$D,u
1852 ldx R$X,u
1853 ldy R$Y,u
1854 ldu R$U,u
1855 L0B2C pshs u,y,x,b,a
1856 leay ,y
1857 lbeq L0BF2
1858 pshs y,b,a
1859 tfr a,b
1860 lbsr L0C0F
1861 leay a,u
1862 pshs y,x
1863 ldb $09,s
1864 ldx $0E,s
1865 lbsr L0C0F
1866 leay a,u
1867 pshs y,x
1868 ldd #$2000
1869 subd ,s
1870 pshs b,a
1871 ldd #$2000
1872 subd $06,s
1873 pshs b,a
1874 ldx $08,s
1875 leax >-$6000,x
1876 ldu $04,s
1877 leau >-$4000,u
1878 L0B6A pshs cc
1879 ldd [<$07,s]
1880 pshs b
1881 ldd [<$0C,s]
1882 pshs b
1883 ldd <$11,s
1884 cmpd $03,s
1885 bls L0B82
1886 ldd $03,s
1887 L0B82 cmpd $05,s
1888 bls L0B89
1889 ldd $05,s
1890 L0B89 cmpd #$0040
1891 bls L0B84
1892 ldd #$0040
1893 L0B84 std $0F,s
1894 puls y
1895 orcc #IntMasks
1896 sty >$FFA5
1897 andb #$07
1898 beq L0B99
1899 L0B92 lda ,x+
1900 sta ,u+
1901 decb
1902 bne L0B92
1903 L0B99 ldb $0E,s
1904 lsrb
1905 lsrb
1906 lsrb
1907 beq L0BBC
1908 pshs b
1909 exg x,u
1910 L0BA4 pulu y,b,a
1911 std ,x
1912 sty $02,x
1913 pulu y,b,a
1914 std $04,x
1915 sty $06,x
1916 leax $08,x
1917 dec ,s
1918 bne L0BA4
1919 leas $01,s
1920 exg x,u
1921 L0BBC ldy <D.SysDAT
1922 lda $0B,y
1923 ldb $0D,y
1924 std >$FFA5
1925 puls cc
1926 ldd $0E,s
1927 subd $0C,s
1928 beq L0BEF
1929 std $0E,s
1930 ldd ,s
1931 subd $0C,s
1932 bne L0BD7
1933 ldd #$2000
1934 leax >-$2000,x
1935 inc $0B,s
1936 inc $0B,s
1937 L0BD7 std ,s
1938 ldd $02,s
1939 subd $0C,s
1940 bne L0BEA
1941 ldd #$2000
1942 leau >-$2000,u
1943 inc $07,s
1944 inc $07,s
1945 L0BEA std $02,s
1946 lbra L0B6A
1947 L0BEF leas <$10,s
1948 L0BF2 clrb
1949 puls pc,u,y,x,b,a
1951 L0BF5 pshs b
1952 tfr x,d
1953 anda #$1F
1954 exg d,x
1955 anda #$E0
1956 lsra
1957 lsra
1958 lsra
1959 lsra
1960 L0C07 puls pc,b
1961 L0C0F bsr L0BF5
1962 *L0C09 pshs b --BGP
1963 L0C09
1964 ldu <D.TskIPt
1965 lslb
1966 ldu b,u
1967 rorb ++BGP
1968 * puls pc,b --BGP
1969 rts ++BGP
1971 L0C12 andcc #^Carry
1972 pshs u,x,b,cc
1973 bsr L0C0F
1974 ldd a,u
1975 orcc #IntMasks
1976 stb >DAT.Regs
1977 lda ,x
1978 clr >DAT.Regs
1979 puls pc,u,x,b,cc
1981 L0C28 andcc #^Carry
1982 pshs u,x,b,a,cc
1983 bsr L0C0F
1984 ldd a,u
1985 lda $01,s
1986 orcc #IntMasks
1987 stb >DAT.Regs
1988 sta ,x
1989 clr >DAT.Regs
1990 puls pc,u,x,b,a,cc
1992 FLDBBX andcc #^Carry
1993 pshs u,x,a,cc
1994 bsr L0C0F
1995 ldd a,u
1996 orcc #IntMasks
1997 stb >DAT.Regs
1998 ldb ,x
1999 clr >DAT.Regs
2000 puls pc,u,x,a,cc
2002 FAllTsk ldx R$X,u
2003 L0C58 ldb P$Task,x
2004 bne L0C64
2005 cmpx <$004A
2006 beq L0C64
2007 bsr L0CA6
2008 bcs L0C65
2009 stb P$Task,x
2010 bsr L0C79
2011 L0C64 clrb
2012 L0C65 rts
2014 FDelTsk ldx R$X,u get proc desc ptr
2015 L0C68 ldb P$Task,x
2016 beq L0C65
2017 clr P$Task,x
2018 bra L0CC3
2019 L0C70 lda P$State,x
2020 bita #ImgChg
2021 bne L0C79
2022 rts
2024 FSetTsk ldx R$X,u
2025 L0C79 lda P$State,x
2026 anda #^ImgChg
2027 sta P$State,x
2028 andcc #^Carry
2029 pshs u,y,x,b,a,cc
2030 ldb P$Task,x
2031 leax P$DATImg,x
2032 ldu <D.TskIPt
2033 lslb
2034 stx b,u
2035 cmpb #$02
2036 bgt L0C9F
2037 ldu #DAT.Regs
2038 leax 1,x
2039 ldb #$08
2040 L0C98 lda ,x++
2041 sta ,u+
2042 decb
2043 bne L0C98
2044 L0C9F puls pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc
2046 FResTsk bsr L0CA6
2047 stb R$B,u
2048 rts
2050 L0CA6 pshs x
2051 ldb #$02
2052 ldx <D.Tasks
2053 L0CAC lda b,x
2054 beq L0CBA
2055 incb
2056 cmpb #$20
2057 bne L0CAC
2058 comb
2059 ldb #$EF
2060 bra L0CBF
2062 L0CBA inc b,x
2063 clra
2064 L0CBF puls pc,x
2066 FRelTsk ldb R$B,u
2067 L0CC3 pshs x,b
2068 tstb
2069 beq L0CD0
2070 ldx <D.Tasks
2071 clr b,x
2072 L0CD0 puls pc,x,b
2074 * Control goes here when a tick interrupt comes in
2075 Clock ldb #P$STicks assume system state
2076 ldx <D.Proc get curr process
2077 lda P$State,x get process state
2078 bmi L0CDC branch if SysState
2079 ldb #P$UTicks otherwise user state
2080 L0CDC lbsr IncCount count ticks
2081 ldx <D.SProcQ point to sleep queue
2082 beq L0CFD branch if no process sleeping
2083 * Process sleep queue here!
2084 * Sleep queue is sorted by process closest to wake first, all the way
2085 * to processes that are sleeping forever.
2086 lda P$State,x get process' state
2087 bita #TimSleep sleeping forever?
2088 beq L0CFD yep, finished
2089 ldu P$SP,x else get process' stack pointer
2090 ldd R$X,u and get process' sleep tick counter
2091 subd #$0001 subtract 1 from tick counter
2092 std R$X,u save back to process' X
2093 bne L0CFD branch if not ready to wake
2094 L0CE7 ldu P$Queue,x else time to wake up! so...
2095 bsr L0D11 activate this process
2096 leax ,u point to next process
2097 beq L0CFB
2098 lda P$State,x
2099 bita #TimSleep
2100 beq L0CFB
2101 ldu P$SP,x
2102 ldd R$X,u
2103 beq L0CE7
2104 L0CFB stx <D.SProcQ store new process pointer
2105 L0CFD dec <D.Slice decrement slice
2106 bne L0D0D branch if not at end of timeslice
2107 inc <D.Slice
2108 ldx <D.Proc get current process
2109 beq L0D0D branch if none
2110 lda P$State,x ...else get state
2111 ora #TimOut and indicate it's out of time
2112 sta P$State,x then restore it
2113 L0D0D clrb
2114 rts
2116 * X = address of process descriptor to put in active queue
2117 FAProc ldx R$X,u
2118 L0D11 clrb
2119 pshs u,y,x,b,cc
2120 lda P$Prior,x get priority of process
2121 sta P$Age,x reset age to priority
2122 orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts
2123 ldu #$0045
2124 bra L0D29
2125 L0D1F inc $0B,u
2126 bne L0D25
2127 dec $0B,u
2128 L0D25 cmpa $0B,u
2129 bhi L0D2B
2130 L0D29 leay ,u
2131 L0D2B ldu $0D,u
2132 bne L0D1F
2133 ldd $0D,y
2134 stx $0D,y
2135 std $0D,x
2136 puls pc,u,y,x,b,cc
2138 * System IRQ service routine
2140 XIRQ ldx <D.Proc
2141 sts P$SP,x
2142 lds <D.SysStk
2143 ldd <D.SysSvc
2144 std <D.XSWI2
2145 ldd <D.SysIRQ
2146 std <D.XIRQ
2147 jsr [>D.SvcIRQ]
2148 bcc L0D5B
2149 ldx <D.Proc
2150 ldb P$Task,x
2151 ldx P$SP,x
2152 lbsr L0C12
2153 ora #IntMasks
2154 lbsr L0C28
2155 L0D5B orcc #IntMasks
2156 ldx <D.Proc
2157 lda P$State,x
2158 bita #TimOut
2159 bne L0D7C
2160 L0D78 ldu $04,x
2161 bra L0DB9
2162 L0D7C anda #$DF
2163 sta $0C,x
2164 lbsr L0C68
2165 L0D83 bsr L0D11
2167 FNProc ldx <D.SysPrc
2168 stx <D.Proc
2169 lds <D.SysStk
2170 andcc #^(IntMasks)
2171 bra L0D93
2173 L0D91 cwai #^(IntMasks)
2174 L0D93 orcc #IntMasks
2175 lda #Suspend
2176 ldx #$0045
2177 L0D9A leay ,x
2178 ldx $0D,y
2179 beq L0D91
2180 bita P$State,x
2181 bne L0D9A
2182 ldd P$Queue,x
2183 std $0D,y
2184 stx <D.Proc
2185 lbsr L0C58
2186 bcs L0D83
2187 lda <D.TSlice
2188 sta <D.Slice
2189 ldu P$SP,x
2190 lda P$State,x
2191 bmi L0E29
2192 L0DB9 bita #Condem
2193 bne L0DFD
2194 lbsr L0C70
2195 ldb P$Signal,x
2196 beq L0DF2
2197 decb
2198 beq L0DEF
2199 leas -$0C,s
2200 leau ,s
2201 lbsr L02CB
2202 lda P$Signal,x
2203 sta $02,u
2204 ldd P$SigVec,x
2205 beq L0DFD
2206 std $0A,u
2207 ldd P$SigDat,x
2208 std $08,u
2209 ldd P$SP,x
2210 subd #$000C
2211 std P$SP,x
2212 lbsr L02DA
2213 leas $0C,s
2214 ldu P$SP,x
2215 clrb
2216 L0DEF stb P$Signal,x
2217 L0DF2 ldd <D.UsrSvc
2218 std <D.XSWI2
2219 ldd <D.UsrIRQ
2220 std <D.XIRQ
2221 bra L0E4C
2222 L0DFD lda P$State,x
2223 ora #SysState
2224 sta P$State,x
2225 leas $0200,x
2226 andcc #^(IntMasks)
2227 ldb P$Signal,x
2228 clr P$Signal,x
2229 os9 F$Exit
2231 * Interrupts come through here when in system state
2232 S.SysIRQ lda <D.SSTskN get system task number
2233 clr <D.SSTskN clear system task number in globs
2234 pshs a save on stack
2235 jsr [>D.SvcIRQ]
2236 puls a
2237 bsr L0E39
2238 bcc XFIRQ
2239 ldb R$CC,s
2240 orb #IntMasks
2241 stb R$CC,s
2242 XFIRQ rti
2244 L0E29 clr ,-s
2245 L0E2B ldx <D.SysPrc
2246 lbsr L0C70
2247 orcc #IntMasks
2248 puls a
2249 bsr L0E39
2250 leas ,u
2251 rti
2253 * A = task number
2254 L0E39 sta <D.SSTskN
2255 beq S.AltIRQ
2256 ora <D.TINIT
2257 sta <D.TINIT
2258 sta DAT.Task
2259 S.AltIRQ rts
2261 S.SvcIRQ jmp [>D.Poll]
2262 S.POLL orcc #Carry
2263 rts
2265 L0E4C ldb $06,x
2266 orcc #IntMasks
2267 bsr L0E8D
2268 lda <D.TINIT
2269 ora #$01
2270 sta <D.TINIT
2271 sta DAT.Task
2272 leas ,u
2273 rti
2275 L0E5E ldb <D.TINIT
2276 orb #$01
2277 stb <D.TINIT
2278 stb DAT.Task
2279 jmp ,u
2281 S.Flip0 pshs b,a
2282 lda <D.TINIT
2283 anda #$FE
2284 sta <D.TINIT
2285 sta DAT.Task
2286 clr <D.SSTskN
2287 puls b,a
2288 tfr x,s
2289 tfr a,cc
2290 rts
2292 S.Flip1 ldb #$01 get task image entry number
2293 bsr L0E8D copy over the DAT image
2294 lda <D.TINIT get copy of GIME Task side
2295 ora #$01 switch it to task one
2296 sta <D.TINIT save it to image
2297 sta DAT.Task save it to GIME register
2298 inc <D.SSTskN increment system tstae task number
2299 rti return
2301 L0E8D pshs u,x,b,a
2302 ldx #$FFA8 get MMU start register for process
2303 ldu <D.TskIPt get task image pointer table
2304 lslb account for 2 bytes per entry
2305 ldu b,u get address of MMU entry
2306 leau $01,u
2307 ldb #$08
2308 L0E9B lda ,u++
2309 sta ,x+
2310 decb
2311 bne L0E9B
2312 puls pc,u,x,b,a
2314 * SWI3.V - Control comes here upon a SWI3 interrupt
2315 SWI3.V orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts
2316 ldb #D.SWI3 get direct page global vector
2317 bra IRQCntrl
2319 * SWI2.V - Control comes here upon a SWI2 interrupt
2320 SWI2.V orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts
2321 ldb #D.SWI2 get direct page global vector
2322 bra IRQCntrl
2324 * FIRQ.V - Control comes here upon a FIRQ interrupt
2325 FIRQ.V tst ,s
2326 bmi L0EB0
2327 leas -$01,s
2328 pshs y,x,dp,b,a
2329 lda $08,s
2330 stu $07,s
2331 ora #$80
2332 pshs a
2333 L0EB0 ldb #D.FIRQ
2334 bra IRQCntrl
2336 * IRQ.V - Control comes here upon a IRQ interrupt
2337 IRQ.V orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts
2338 ldb #D.IRQ get direct page global vector
2339 * B = address of vector from direct page
2340 IRQCntrl clra clear A
2341 tfr a,dp make DP point to 0
2342 sta DAT.Task redundancy???
2343 lda <D.TINIT get task register shadow
2344 anda #$FE clear bit to use $FFA0-$FFA7
2345 sta <D.TINIT save in shadow
2346 sta DAT.Task save in hardware (do it!)
2347 clra clear A
2348 tfr d,x D = addr of direct page vector
2349 jmp [,x] transfer control to addr in passed vector
2351 * SWI.V - Control comes here upon a SWI interrupt
2352 SWI.V ldb #D.SWI get direct page global vector
2353 bra IRQCntrl
2355 * NMI.V - Control comes here upon a NMI interrupt
2356 NMI.V ldb #D.NMI get direct page global vector
2357 bra IRQCntrl
2359 * Filler bytes to get $ED9
2360 Filler fcb $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
2361 * fcb $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
2363 emod
2364 eom equ *
2366 * Direct Page vectors
2367 D.VECTRS fdb $F100+Clock goes in D.Clock
2368 fdb $F100+XSWI3 goes in D.XSWI3
2369 fdb $F100+XSWI2 goes in D.XSWI2
2370 fdb $F100+XFIRQ goes in D.XFIRQ
2371 fdb $F100+XIRQ goes in D.XIRQ
2372 fdb $F100+XSWI goes in D.XSWI
2373 fdb $F100 goes in D.NMI
2374 fcb $55
2375 * 6809 vectors
2376 * This table starts at $FEEE. Each address is pointed to by the 6809
2377 * vectors at $FFF0 (defined in the CoCo 3 ROM).
2378 lbra SWI3.V SWI3
2379 lbra SWI2.V SWI2
2380 lbra FIRQ.V FIRQ
2381 lbra IRQ.V IRQ
2382 lbra SWI.V SWI
2383 lbra NMI.V NMI
2385 eo equ *
2386 end