1 /* amatch.c */
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include "tools.h"
5 /* Scans throught the pattern template looking for a match
6 * with lin. Each element of lin is compared with the template
7 * until either a mis-match is found or the end of the template
8 * is reached. In the former case a 0 is returned; in the latter,
9 * a pointer into lin (pointing to the character following the
10 * matched pattern) is returned.
11 *
12 * "lin" is a pointer to the line being searched.
13 * "pat" is a pointer to a template made by makepat().
14 * "boln" is a pointer into "lin" which points at the
15 * character at the beginning of the line.
16 */
17 static char *match(); /* Predeclaration */
19 char *paropen[9], *parclose[9];
20 int between, parnum;
22 char *amatch(lin, pat, boln)
23 char *lin;
24 TOKEN *pat;
25 char *boln;
26 {
27 between = 0;
28 parnum = 0;
30 lin = match(lin, pat, boln);
32 if (between) return 0;
34 while (parnum < 9) {
35 paropen[parnum] = parclose[parnum] = "";
36 parnum++;
37 }
38 return lin;
39 }
41 static char *match(lin, pat, boln)
42 char *lin;
43 TOKEN *pat;
44 char *boln;
45 {
46 register char *bocl, *rval, *strstart;
48 if (pat == 0) return 0;
50 strstart = lin;
52 while (pat) {
53 if (pat->tok == CLOSURE && pat->next) {
54 /* Process a closure: first skip over the closure
55 * token to the object to be repeated. This object
56 * can be a character class. */
58 pat = pat->next;
60 /* Now match as many occurrences of the closure
61 * pattern as possible. */
62 bocl = lin;
64 while (*lin && omatch(&lin, pat, boln));
66 /* 'Lin' now points to the character that made made
67 * us fail. Now go on to process the rest of the
68 * string. A problem here is a character following
69 * the closure which could have been in the closure.
70 * For example, in the pattern "[a-z]*t" (which
71 * matches any lower-case word ending in a t), the
72 * final 't' will be sucked up in the while loop.
73 * So, if the match fails, we back up a notch and try
74 * to match the rest of the string again, repeating
75 * this process recursively until we get back to the
76 * beginning of the closure. The recursion goes, at
77 * most two levels deep. */
79 if (pat = pat->next) {
80 int savbtwn = between;
81 int savprnm = parnum;
83 while (bocl <= lin) {
84 if (rval = match(lin, pat, boln)) {
85 /* Success */
86 return(rval);
87 } else {
88 --lin;
89 between = savbtwn;
90 parnum = savprnm;
91 }
92 }
93 return(0); /* match failed */
94 }
95 } else if (pat->tok == OPEN) {
96 if (between || parnum >= 9) return 0;
97 paropen[parnum] = lin;
98 between = 1;
99 pat = pat->next;
100 } else if (pat->tok == CLOSE) {
101 if (!between) return 0;
102 parclose[parnum++] = lin;
103 between = 0;
104 pat = pat->next;
105 } else if (omatch(&lin, pat, boln)) {
106 pat = pat->next;
107 } else {
108 return(0);
109 }
110 }
112 /* Note that omatch() advances lin to point at the next character to
113 * be matched. Consequently, when we reach the end of the template,
114 * lin will be pointing at the character following the last character
115 * matched. The exceptions are templates containing only a BOLN or
116 * EOLN token. In these cases omatch doesn't advance.
117 *
118 * A philosophical point should be mentioned here. Is $ a position or a
119 * character? (i.e. does $ mean the EOL character itself or does it
120 * mean the character at the end of the line.) I decided here to
121 * make it mean the former, in order to make the behavior of match()
122 * consistent. If you give match the pattern ^$ (match all lines
123 * consisting only of an end of line) then, since something has to be
124 * returned, a pointer to the end of line character itself is
125 * returned. */
127 return((char *) max(strstart, lin));
128 }