1 ******************************************************************
2 * dirsort - Directory sorting utility
3 *
4 * This is an asm version of a Basic09 directory sort
5 * that was published in a Coco newsletter.
6 * Original and ml routine by Robert Gault, Nov. 2005
7 *
8 * The program uses a version of Shellsort published
9 * in a May 1983, BYTE article by Terry Barron and
10 * George Diehr (both at University of Washington)
11 *
12 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
13 * Comment
14 * -------------------------------------------------------------
15 * 1 2005/12/19 Robert Gault
16 * Very fast and fairly simple
17 * 2 2005/12/20 Robert Gault
18 * Minor change of use /dd/defs/defsfile to use defsfile. The first
19 * was for my OS-9 system. The current one is for the NitrOS-9
20 * project.
22 NAM dirsort
23 * This ensures the assembler knows predefined OS-9 terms
24 IFP1
25 USE defsfile
28 * If you want built-in help change the next line.
31 TyLg SET Prgrm+Objct program object code
32 * Re-entrant means multiple users possible
33 AtRev SET ReEnt+Rev re-entrant, revision 1
34 Rev SET 1
36 * Create module header, needed by all OS-9 modules
37 MOD Eom,Name,TyLg,AtRev,Start,Size
38 * Data area
39 DPptr RMB 2 pointer to our direct page
40 dirsize RMB 2 size of the directory less 64 bytes
41 count RMB 2 number of directory entries
42 entryI RMB 2 pointer to nameI
43 entryJ RMB 2 pointer to nameJ
44 entryID RMB 2 pointer to name(I+D)
45 Tx RMB 32 buffer for transfer
46 i RMB 2 index
47 j RMB 2 index
48 NminusD RMB 2 holds last value of FOR I/NEXT loop
49 path RMB 1 value for path to the directory
50 D RMB 2 shellsort constant
51 RMB 40
52 stack EQU .
53 Size EQU . This initial data space will be increased as OS-9
54 * assigns space in pages of 256 bytes. Initially the stack will
55 * not be here.
56 buffer EQU . This will be the start of the data array in memory
57 * to be requested from OS-9 as needed.
59 Name EQU *
60 FCS /dirsort/
61 FCB 1 edition number
62 * Ego stroking :) identifier
63 FCC /Written by Robert Gault, 2005/
65 * Default directory name, dot, or current directory
66 default FCB C$PERD,C$CR
68 * Solutions for N,2^INT(LN(N)) -1
69 * We don't need general logs just specifc values so
70 * they were pre-calculated
71 Dtable FDB 2,0
72 FDB 7,1
73 FDB 20,3
74 FDB 54,7
75 FDB 148,15
76 * If your directory has more entries than several hundred, you
77 * need to learn how to organize your disk/drive.
78 FDB 403,31
79 FDB 1096,63
80 * This next will exceed normal memory limits but is needed
81 * for values up to about 2000. We could just put $FFFF/32=
82 * 2047 but there are size checks in the code.
83 FDB 2980,127
84 DTEnd EQU *
86 Start EQU *
87 stu <DPptr save the direct page pointer
88 leas stack,u put the stack where we want it or it will be
89 * inside the directory buffer and crash the program.
90 cmpd #0 are there any parameters?
91 beq noprm
92 l1 lda ,x+ skip over spaces, if any
93 cmpa #C$SPAC
94 beq l1
95 cmpa #C$CR if only spaces, same as noprm
96 bne a1
97 noprm leax default,pcr point to default directory, dot
98 bra a9
100 a1 cmpa #'? if "?" then show syntax
101 lbeq syntax
102 cmpa #'- if attempt at options, syntax
103 lbeq syntax
104 leax -1,x
105 ELSE
106 a1 leax -1,x backstep to first character of directory
107 ENDC
108 a9 lda #%11000011 directory, single user access, update
109 os9 I$Open attempt to open a path to the directory
110 lbcs error
111 sta <path save the path #
112 ldb #SS.Size get the size of the directory
113 os9 I$GetStt size reported in regs X&U
114 cmpx #0 MSB of size
115 lbne Tlarge too big to sort
116 tfr u,d evaluate the size
117 cmpd #128 two entries other than .. and .
118 lblo getreal can't sort 1 item or less
119 subd #64 reduce size by 64 bytes for .. and .
120 std <dirsize save size in bytes
121 addd #Size we need current data + directory buffer
122 os9 F$Mem request space for the buffer
123 lbcs Tlarge can't get enough memory
124 lda <path recover path to the directory
125 ldx #0 MSB position
126 ldu #64 LSB, past the entries .. and .
127 os9 I$Seek skip over the entries
128 ldu <DPptr recover DP pointer
129 ldy <dirsize data size in bytes
130 leax buffer,u point to our buffer
131 os9 I$Read transfer the directory information to buffer
132 * Calculate the number of directory entries
133 * Divide size by 32 bytes per entry. INT(size/32)must=size/32 or
134 * the directory is corrupted. So, ignore remainder.
135 ldx #0 initialize counter
136 ldd <dirsize this does not include . and ..
137 IFNE H6309
138 lsrd
139 lsrd
140 lsrd
141 lsrd
142 lsrd
143 ELSE
144 lsra
145 rorb
146 lsra
147 rorb
148 lsra
149 rorb
150 lsra
151 rorb
152 lsra
153 rorb
154 ENDC
155 std <count
156 leax Dtable,pcr precalculated constants
157 leay DTEnd,pcr
158 pshs y
159 l3 cmpd ,x
160 bls a4 if fewer or equal # of entries get D
161 leax 4,x move to next table entry
162 cmpx ,s have we exhausted the table?
163 bne l3
164 leas 2,s restore the stack
165 lbra Tlarge should not be possible to get here in code
166 a4 leas 2,s restore the stack
167 ldd 2,x get shellsort D from table
168 std <D save working value
169 * Sort starts here
170 * Directory entries can't have duplicate names or the directory
171 * is corrupted. That means a<b is as good as a<=b when testing.
172 s2 ldd #1 initialize FOR/NEXT loop
173 std <i
174 ldd <count same as n in Basic09 program
175 subd <D
176 std <NminusD save value
177 * calculated pointer for entryID
178 s6 ldd <i FOR i=1 TO n-D STEP 1
179 addd <D get pointer for entry(i+D)
180 lbsr point get the pointer value
181 stx <entryID
182 tfr x,y
183 * calculate pointer for entryI
184 ldd <i
185 lbsr point
186 stx <entryI
187 * Compare the entry pointed to by regX against that for regY
188 lbsr compare is name(i) < name(i+D)
189 bcs s20
190 ldx <entryID
191 leay Tx,u shellsort swap name holder
192 lbsr movexy name(Tx)=name(i+D)
193 ldx <entryI
194 ldy <entryID
195 bsr movexy name(i+D)=name(i)
196 ldd <i
197 cmpd <D
198 bhi s4 this was a Basic09 IF/THEN
199 ldy <entryI inside the IF/THEN
200 leax Tx,u
201 bsr movexy name(i)=name(Tx)
202 bra s20 ends the IF/THEN
203 s4 ldd <i initialize FOR/NEXT loop
204 subd <D
205 std <j
206 s5 bsr point FOR j=i-D TO 1 STEP -D
207 stx <entryJ
208 tfr x,y
209 leax Tx,u
210 lbsr compare is entry(Tx) > entry(j)
211 bcc s10
212 ldd <j
213 addd <D name(j+D)
214 bsr point
215 tfr x,y
216 ldx <entryJ
217 bsr movexy name(j+D)=name(j)
218 ldd <j NEXT j
219 subd <D STEP -D
220 std <j
221 cmpd #1 stop if less than 1
222 bge s5
223 s10 leay Tx,u
224 ldd <j
225 addd <D
226 bsr point
227 exg x,y
228 bsr movexy name(j+D)=name(Tx)
229 s20 ldd <i NEXT i
230 addd #1 STEP +1
231 std <i
232 cmpd <NminusD
233 bls s6 stop if i>(n-D)
234 ldd <D D=D/2
235 IFNE H6309
236 lsrd
237 ELSE
238 lsra
239 rorb
240 ENDC
241 std <D
242 cmpd #1
243 lbhs s2 WHILE D>0
244 lda <path rewind to just after .. & .
245 ldx #0
246 ldu #64
247 os9 I$Seek
248 lda <path
249 ldu <DPptr
250 leax buffer,u write out sorted directory
251 ldy <dirsize
252 os9 I$Write
253 clrb
254 os9 F$Exit release memory, close paths, and return to OS-9
256 IFNE H6309
257 movexy ldw #32
258 tfm x+,y+
259 rts
260 ELSE
261 movexy ldb #16 move the entry pointed to in regX to
262 pshs b
263 sw1 ldd ,x++ that pointed to by regY
264 std ,y++
265 dec ,s if not finished, continue
266 bne sw1
267 puls b,pc
268 ENDC
270 * Converts an index in regD to a memory offset in regX
271 * This could easily overflow but there are size checks
272 * in the above code so there is no overflow test.
273 point leax buffer,u
274 subd #1
275 IFNE H6309
276 lsld
277 lsld
278 lsld
279 lsld
280 lsld
281 ELSE
282 lslb
283 rola
284 lslb
285 rola
286 lslb
287 rola
288 lslb
289 rola
290 lslb
291 rola
292 ENDC
293 leax d,x
294 rts
296 compare ldb #29 size of name field
297 pshs b save counter
298 cloop ldb ,y+ get character
299 lda ,x+ get character
300 beq c1 if deleted go
301 tstb
302 beq c2 if deleted go
303 tsta
304 bmi c5 if last character go
305 tstb
306 bmi c6 if last character go
307 pshs b
308 cmpa ,s+
309 beq c4 if equal, test next character
310 bra cx
311 c1 clra
312 bra cx return +
313 c2 coma
314 bra cx return -
315 c3 anda #$7f
316 andb #$7f
317 pshs b
318 cmpa ,s+
319 rts
320 c5 bsr c3
321 beq c2
322 bra cx
323 c6 bsr c3
324 beq c1
325 bra cx return result
326 c4 dec ,s
327 bne cloop
328 clra should not be able to get here in code
329 cx puls b,pc return result
331 error leax nodir,pcr
332 ldy #endnd-nodir
333 write lda #1 screen
334 os9 I$Write
335 clrb
336 os9 F$Exit
337 nodir EQU *
338 FCC /Directory does not exist!/
340 endnd EQU *
342 Tlarge leax big,pcr
343 ldy #endbig-big
344 bra write
345 big EQU *
346 FCC /Either the directory is too large or there is insufficient /
347 FCC /memory./
349 endbig EQU *
351 getreal leax huh,pcr
352 ldy #endhuh-huh
353 clr ,-s
354 bra write
355 huh EQU *
356 FCC /Get real! You can't sort less than 2 items./
358 endhuh EQU *
361 syntax leax usage,pcr
362 ldy #enduse-usage
363 clr ,-s
364 lbra write
365 usage FCC /USAGE: dirsort will sort any directory. If no directory/
367 FCC / name is given, the current directory will be sorted./
369 FCC /EX: dirsort dirsort . dirsort ../
371 FCC " dirsort /dd/cmds"
373 enduse EQU *
374 ENDC
376 EMOD
377 Eom EQU *
378 END