1 OS-9 Level One V2.01.00 Beta2:
2 - Defs files now have properly terminated lines and 'pag' is now emitted
3 as a comment.
4 - SCF, Rammer and PipeMan are now made from the NitrOS-9 version source base,
5 bringing in new improvements and features from that platform.
6 - Clock and Clock2 are now unifed once again and are built from the same source
7 base as the clocks from NitrOS-9.
8 - The printer driver is now for the CoCo 3 serial port. In the previous release,
9 it was mistakenly made for the Disto parallel port.
10 - ASM now assembles 6309 op-codes.
11 - Window descriptors now have proper initialization count.
12 - The following modules have been back-ported from NitrOS-9 in order to
13 unify the code base and bring non-6309 specific features to OS-9 Level Two:
14 - The debug program is now part of the CMDS package.
15 - With the inclusion of NitrOS-9's SCF, a bug which crashed the system when
16 typing CTRL-E or CTRL-C while using shellplus has been fixed.