view level1/cmds/ @ 3169:1ff3d7673e36

mc09 l2: bring sys/makefile in line with latest organisation for other platforms Revise bootfiles/makefile to remove sysgo from bootfile - it can be found on the root of the disk.
author Neal Crook <>
date Mon, 17 Apr 2017 22:59:28 +0100
parents 1647f1874cdf
line wrap: on
line source

* inetd - internet daemon
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2010/01/08  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started.
*   2      2010/01/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Now reads inetd.conf file.
*   3      2011/08/07  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed bug where conf file wasn't being processed correctly.

               nam       inetd
               ttl       internet daemon

               section   __os9
type           equ       Prgrm
lang           equ       Objct
attr           equ       ReEnt
rev            equ       $00
edition        equ       3
stack          equ       200

               section   bss
targetport     rmb       2
netdatardy     rmb       1
nbufferl       equ       128
nbuffer        rmb       nbufferl
lbufferl       equ       128
lbuffer        rmb       lbufferl
nnext          rmb       2
token          rmb       2
orgstdin       rmb       1
orgstdout      rmb       1
orgstderr      rmb       1
childnetpath   rmb       1
netpath        rmb       1
targetprog     rmb       128
targetparams   rmb       128
tmodeparamlen  rmb       1
tmodeparams    rmb       128

               section   code

DEBUG          equ       1

NetSig         equ       2

tmode          fcs       /tmode/

* signal intercept routine
sigint         cmpb      #NetSig
               bne       sigex
               inc       netdatardy,u
sigex          rti       

**** Entry Point ****
* setup signal intercept
               leax      sigint,pcr
               os9       F$Icpt

               clr       netdatardy,u

               leax      nbuffer,u
               stx       nnext,u

* Turn off pause in standard out
               ldd		#$01*256+SS.Opt
               leas      -32,s
               tfr       s,x
               os9       I$GetStt
               bcs       opterr
               clr       PD.PAU-PD.OPT,x
               os9       I$SetStt
               leas      32,s

* open the path to the control channel
               lbsr      TCPOpen
               lbcs      errex
               sta       netpath,u
               leax      SetupPorts,pcr
               lbsr      ProcInetd
               lbcs      errex
               IFNE      DEBUG
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Got netpath and setup ports/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00

               IFNE      DEBUG
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /SS.SSig on NetPath/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00

               lda       netpath,u
               ldb       #SS.SSig            send signal on data ready
               ldx       #NetSig
               os9       I$SetStt
               lbcs      errex

**** MAIN LOOP ****
               pshs      cc
               orcc      #IntMasks
               tst       netdatardy,u
               bne       gotdata
* wait for a child to die (or wake up via signal)
               os9       F$Wait
               bcc       chkrdy
               cmpb      #E$NoChld
               bne       chkrdy			got error other than "no children"
* if no children, go to sleep
               ldx       #$0000
               os9       F$Sleep

chkrdy         puls      cc
               bra       ssignetpath
gotdata        puls      cc
               dec       netdatardy,u
* read the data from netpath
               IFNE      DEBUG
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Reading data from netpath/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00

               lda       netpath,u
               ldb       #SS.Ready
               os9       I$GetStt
               bcs       ssignetpath
               tfr       d,y
               lda       netpath,u
               ldx       nnext,u
               os9       I$Read
               lbcs      errex
               tfr       y,d
               leax      d,x
               stx       nnext,u
               lda       -1,x
               cmpa      #C$CR
               lbne      ssignetpath
               leax      nbuffer,u
               stx       nnext,u

               lda       #1
               ldy       #256
               os9       I$WritLn 

* determine response
               lda       ,x
               cmpa      #'9
               ble       incoming
               cmpa      #'F
               lbra      ssignetpath
* get token number
               lbsr      DEC_BIN
               std       token,u
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Got token /
               fcb       $00
               puls      d
               lbsr      PRINT_DEC
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00

* skip over token number
               IFNE      DEBUG
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /To Space.../
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               lbsr      TO_SP
               IFNE      DEBUG
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /To Non-Space.../
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               lbsr      TO_NON_SP

* get port number
               lbsr      DEC_BIN
               std       targetport,u
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Got request for port /
               fcb       $00
               ldd       ,s
               lbsr      PRINT_DEC
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d

               leax      ForkProcForPort,pcr
               lbsr      ProcInetd
               lbra      ssignetpath            we may want to tell server we have no app

errex          os9       F$Exit

* Process inetd.conf file
* Entry: X = processor routine
* - open conf file
* - read each line and get first parameter (port number)
* - send it to the processor routine at x
* - if error or end of file, close and return
ProcInetd      pshs      x
               leax      inetdconf,pcr
               lda       #READ.
               os9       I$Open
               bcs       adex
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Opened inetd.conf ok/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d
nextline       leax      lbuffer,u
               ldy       #lbufferl-1
               lbsr      FGETS
               bcs       closeup
               lbsr      TO_NON_SP        skip any leading spaces
               ldb       ,x               check for EOL or comment
               cmpb      #C$CR
               beq       nextline
               cmpb      #'#
               beq       nextline
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d,x
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Reading line: /
               fcb       $00
               ldx       2,s
               lbsr      PUTS
               puls      d,x
               pshs      a
               jsr       [1,s]
               puls      a
               bcc       nextline
closeup        cmpb      #E$EOF
               bne       closeandex
closeandex     pshs      b,cc
               os9       I$Close
               puls      b,cc
adex           puls      x,pc

* Setup ports
* Extract first parameter at X and send to server
SetupPorts     lbsr      DEC_BIN
               cmpd      #0
               beq       ret0
* find comma and change it to nul
               tfr       x,y
setuploop      lda       ,y+
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       ret0
               cmpa      #',
               bne       setuploop
               clr       -1,y
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d,x
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Send listen/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d,x
               lda       netpath,u
               lbsr      TCPListen
ret0           rts

retcc          clrb

* Fork Proccess that matches target port
* Extract first parameter at X and see if it matches target port
* if so, read rest of line and fork the process
* Line looks like this:  portnumberplusoptions,prog,params,path opts
* get port number
               lbsr      DEC_BIN
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Reading port /
               fcb       $00
               ldd       ,s
               lbsr      PRINT_DEC
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Comparing to port /
               fcb       $00
               ldd       targetport,u
               lbsr      PRINT_DEC
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d
               cmpd      targetport,u
               lbne      retcc
* point Y to byte after comma
portloop       lda       ,y+
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       ret0
               cmpa      #',
               bne       portloop
               tfr       y,x
* copy bytes up to comma at X
               leay      targetprog,u
prgloop        lda       ,x+
               cmpa      #',
               beq       sethi
               cmpa      #C$CR
               lbeq      ret
               sta       ,y+
               bra       prgloop
sethi          lda       -1,y
               ora       #$80
               sta       -1,y
copypar        clr       tmodeparamlen,u
               leay      targetparams,u
parloop        lda       ,x+
               sta       ,y+
               cmpa      #',
               beq       procopts
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       gotprocparms

               leay      tmodeparams,u
procoptsloop   lda       ,x+
               sta       ,y+
               inc       targetparams,u
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       procoptsloop

               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Got proc and params to fork/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d

* ignore client port number and hostname for now
               lbsr      TCPOpen
               bcc       savechild

               ldd       token,u
               leas      -8,s
               leax      ,s
               lbsr      BIN_DEC
               lda       netpath,u
               tfr       x,y
               lbsr      TCPKill
               leas      8,s
               lbra      forkex

               sta       childnetpath,u
               ldd       token,u
               leas      -8,s
               leax      ,s
               lbsr      BIN_DEC
               lda       childnetpath,u               
               tfr       x,y
               lbsr      TCPJoin
               leas      8,s
               bcc       turnonechoalf
               os9       I$Close
               lbra      forkex
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Turning on PD.EKO and PD.ALF/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d
               lbsr      SetEchoOn
               lbcs      ret
               lbsr      SetAutoLFOn
               lbcs      ret

* dup paths
               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Duping paths/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d

               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               sta       orgstdin,u
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               sta       orgstdout,u
               lda       #2
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               sta       orgstderr,u

* close original stdin/out/err paths
               os9       I$Close                     
               os9       I$Close                     
               os9       I$Close                     

* Dup child net path to stdin/stdout/stderr
               lda       childnetpath,u
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex

* fork tmode process if tmode param length > 0
               tst       tmodeparamlen,u
               beq       forkchild
               pshs      u 
               leax      tmode,pcr
               leau      tmodeparams,u
               lda       #Objct
               ldy       #256
               os9       F$Fork
               puls      u
               os9       F$Wait

* fork child process
               pshs      u 
               leax      targetprog,u
               leau      targetparams,u
               lda       #Objct
               ldy       #256
               os9       F$Fork
               puls      u
* If our F$Fork fails, do not error out...
*              bcs       ret2

* restore orginal paths
               os9       I$Close
               os9       I$Close
               os9       I$Close

               lda       orgstdin,u
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               lda       orgstdout,u
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               lda       orgstderr,u
               os9       I$Dup
               lbcs      errex
               lda       orgstdin,u
               os9       I$Close
               lda       orgstdout,u
               os9       I$Close
               lda       orgstderr,u
               os9       I$Close
               lda       childnetpath,u
               os9       I$Close

               IFNE      DEBUG
               pshs      d
               lbsr      PRINTS
               fcc       /Proc forked/
               fcb       C$CR
               fcb       $00
               puls      d

forkex         comb
               ldb       #E$EOF
ret            rts

inetdconf      fcc       "....../SYS/inetd.conf"
               fcb       C$CR