view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/bigbro.asm @ 2230:236cbc2d2dc8

author boisy
date Tue, 07 Apr 2009 21:34:44 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* BigBro - Forks to Procs for continuous viewing of processes
*          Great for SysOps and System Administrators
* (C) 1991 Boisy G. Pitre
* Log:   12/07/91 - Created Program
* Note:  You are allowed to modify ONLY the Cls, Top, and EreoScr
*        bytes to match that of your terminal type.  You may also
*        need to change the Y registers at the points that they
*        are written to the screen (i.e. TVI925 uses 3 bytes to
*        clear the screen).

         nam     BigBro
         ttl     Forks to the Procs utility for monitoring processes

         use     defsfile

         mod     Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin
Name     fcs     /BigBro/
ed       fcb     1

Stack    rmb     250
Fin      equ     .

Module   fcc     /Procs/
         fcb     $0d
Cls      fcb     $0c                   Clear screen byte
Top      fcb     $01                   Home cursor byte
EreoScr  fcb     $0b                   Erase-end-of-screen byte

* Start of Program - no parameters recognized

Start    leax    Cls,pcr               Clear screen initially
         lda     #1                    to StdOut...
         ldy     #1           byte
         os9     I$Write               Write it
         bcs     Error

Loop     leax    Top,pcr               Point to Home cursor byte
         lda     #1                    to StdOut...
         ldy     #1           byte
         os9     I$Write               Write it!
         bcs     Error

         lda     #Prgrm+Objct          Set Type/Lang Byte
         clrb                          No memory used
         leax    Module,pcr            Point to module to fork's name
         ldy     #0                    No parameters
         os9     F$Fork                Fuck it!
         bcs     Error
         os9     F$Wait                Wait till process finishes
         tstb                          see if a signal occurred
         bne     Done                  ...if so, probably BREAK, so quit
         leax    EreoScr,pcr           else point to ereoscr byte
         lda     #1                    to Stdout...
         ldy     #1           byte
         os9     I$Write               Write it!
         bcs     Error
         bra     Loop                  Loop back and do it all again

Done     clrb                          clear B for no errors

Error    os9     F$Exit                Leave the program
Size     equ     *