changeset 2230:236cbc2d2dc8

author boisy
date Tue, 07 Apr 2009 21:34:44 +0000
parents 918c7c68ea4d
children 27f07aa0bca0
files 3rdparty/drivers/flash/defsfile 3rdparty/drivers/flash/f0.asm 3rdparty/drivers/flash/flashpak.asm 3rdparty/drivers/flash/makefile 3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/defsfile 3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/f0.asm 3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/flashpak.asm 3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/makefile
diffstat 8 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 855 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flash/defsfile	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Level  equ 2
-       use os9defs
-       use systype
-       use rbfdefs
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flash/f0.asm	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-         nam   F0
-         ttl   Flashpak descriptor
-MPISlot  equ   1          (slot 0-3)
-         ifp1  
-         use  defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Devic+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $02
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
-         fcb   DIR.!ISIZ.!SHARE.!PEXEC.!PWRIT.!PREAD.!EXEC.!UPDAT. mode=0xff
-         fcb   $07        extended controller address
-         fdb   $FF40      physical controller address
-         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
-* RBF-specific header starts here
-         fcb   DT.RBF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
-         fcb   MPISlot    drive number
-         fcb   0          step rate
-         fcb   TYP.NSF    drive device type (Non-standard format)
-         fcb   DNS.MFM    media density (Double-density)
-         fdb   8          number of cylinders (tracks)
-         fcb   1          number of sides
-         fcb   1          Don't verify disk writes
-         fdb   64         # of sectors per track
-         fdb   64         # of sectors per track (track 0)
-         fcb   1          sector interleave factor
-         fcb   1          minimum size of sector allocation
-initsize equ   *
-name     fcs   /F0/
-mgrnam   fcs   /RBF/
-drvnam   fcs   /FlashPak/
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flash/flashpak.asm	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-* FlashPak - FLASH Pak device driver based on Disto's RAM Pak driver
-* Copyright 2001 by Agesino Primatic, Jr.
-* Free for any use as long as this copyright message is included.
-* $Id$
-* Ed.   Comments                                        Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1     Original version by A. Primatic                 AP  01/04/05
-         nam   FlashPak
-         ttl   FLASH Pak device driver
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Drivr+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   1
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-* RBF Data Area
-         rmb   129
-* Free for driver use
-ORGSlot  rmb   1
-BlkAdr   rmb   2          address of our 16K block of memory
-CurPD    rmb   2          our current path descriptor
-CurLSN   rmb   2          our current LSN
-FOffset  equ   0
-FLSNLo   equ   1
-FLSNHi   equ   2
-FData    equ   3
-size     equ   .
-         fcb   $FF
-name     fcs   /FlashPak/
-         fcb   edition
-start    lbra  Init
-         lbra  Read
-         lbra  Write
-         lbra  GetStat
-         lbra  SetStat
-         lbra  Term
-* Init
-* Entry:
-*    Y  = address of device descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Init     ldd   #($FF*256)+3 this driver can handle 3 "disks"
-         stb   V.NDRV,u
-         leax  DRVBEG,u   start at beginning of drive table of disk 0
-* For each B, compute total sectors...
-InitLp   sta   V.TRAK,x   initialize to 0xff so first seek gets LSN0
-         pshs  b,a
-         lda   IT.CYL+1,y compute total sectors
-         ldb   IT.SCT+1,y
-         mul   
-         std   DD.TOT+1,x fill in table
-         puls  b,a
-         leax  DRVMEM,x   move to drive table of next disk
-         decb  
-         bne   InitLp
-* Reserve 16K of memory for sector copies
-         ldd   #$4000     request 16K bytes
-         pshs  u          save address of device memory area
-         os9   F$SRqMem   Request System Memory
-         tfr   u,x        X = starting address of memory area
-         puls  u          restore address of device memory area
-         bcs   InitErr    branch if error
-         stx   BlkAdr,u   store starting address
-         clrb             no errors here
-InitErr  rts              all done with intialization
-* Write
-* Entry:
-*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
-*    X  = LSW of the disk's LSN
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Write    pshs  cc         save carry flags (including interrupt enable)
-*       orcc    #IntMasks       mask interrupts
-         lbsr  SelSlot    get to the proper MPI slot
-         stx   CurLSN,u   save LSN
-         tfr   x,d        now, D = LSN
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   get address of path buffer
-         sty   CurPD,u    save path descriptor
-         ldy   V.PORT,u   get base address of FlashPak
-         sta   FLSNHi,y   write LSN hi byte to FlashPak
-         stb   FLSNLo,y   write LSN lo byte to FlashPak
-         clrb             set up for 256 transfers
-* First, we need to see if a write would work
-WrLp1    stb   FOffset,y  write offset to FlashPak
-         lda   ,x         get what we want to write
-         coma             data on flash is stored complemented
-*       nop
-         anda  FData,y    logical-and with data from FlashPak
-         coma             get back uncomplemented version
-*       nop
-         cmpa  ,x+        does result match with what we want to write?
-         bne   WrErase    if no, then we need to erase sector
-         incb             go to next word
-         bne   WrLp1      branch if not done
-* At this point, write can proceed
-         ldx   CurPD,u    get back path descriptor
-         ldx   PD.BUF,x   get address of the path buffer
-         ldy   V.PORT,u   get base address of FlashPak
-         bsr   WrBlock    write 256-byte block
-WrExit   lbra  RstSlot    restore MPI slot
-* WrBlock  -- copies 256 bytes from memory to flash
-* Entry:
-*       B = Offset into flash
-*       X = Address of first memory location
-*       CurLSN,u = current LSN (for WrByte)
-* Exit:
-*       X = Address of next memory location
-* Destroys:
-*       A, B
-WrBlock  clrb             start at offset of 0
-         pshs  b          push offset (of 0) on stack
-WrLoop   lda   ,x+        get data from buffer
-         bsr   WrByte     write that byte
-         bcs   WrBlkDn    if there was an error, break out
-         inc   ,s         increment offset
-         ldb   ,s         get new offset
-         bne   WrLoop
-WrBlkDn  leas  1,s        remove offset from stack
-         rts   
-* WrByte
-* Entry:
-*    A  = Byte to write
-*    B  = Offset to write
-*    Y  = base address of FlashPak
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-*    CurLSN,u = current LSN
-* Destroys:
-*    B
-WrByte   pshs  d,x        save d and x for later
-         bsr   DoAA55
-         ldx   #$55       flash[0x5555] = 0xa0
-         ldd   #$a055
-         bsr   XfrByte
-         puls  d          flash[addr] = ~data
-         coma             data on flash is complemented
-*       nop
-         ldx   CurLSN,u
-         bsr   XfrByte
-         pshs  a          save byte that was written on stack
-* Now, loop until done
-WrBWait  ldb   FData,y    get flash data
-         cmpb  ,s         does it match?
-         beq   WrBDone    if yes, write passed
-         bitb  #$20       did we exceed the time limit?
-         beq   WrBWait    if no, try again
-* We exceed time limit -- try one more time
-         ldb   FData,y    get flash data
-         cmpb  ,s         does it match?
-         beq   WrBDone    whew!  just made it
-* Write Failure
-         lbsr  RstFlsh    reset flash to read mode
-         comb             set carry flag
-         ldb   #E$Write   set error code
-         bra   WrBExit
-WrBDone  clrb             no error here
-WrBExit  puls  a,x        restore stack
-         rts   
-* XfrByte -- transfers one byte to flash
-* Entry:
-*    A  = Byte to transfer
-*    B  = Offset
-*    X  = LSN
-*    Y  = base address of FlashPak
-XfrByte  exg   d,x        get LSN into D
-         sta   FLSNHi,y   write LSN hi byte to FlashPak
-         stb   FLSNLo,y   write LSN lo byte to FlashPak
-         exg   d,x        get byte/offset into D
-         stb   FOffset,y  write offset to FlashPak
-         sta   Fdata,y    write data to FlashPak
-         rts              all done
-* DoAA55 Sends 0x5555=0xaa, then 0xaaaa=0x55 to flash
-DoAA55   ldx   #$55       flash[0x5555] = 0xaa
-         ldd   #$aa55
-         bsr   XfrByte
-         ldx   #$2a       flash[0x2aaa] = 0x55
-         ldd   #$55aa
-         bra   XfrByte    will also return
-* WrErase
-* Entry:
-*    Y  = base address of FlashPak
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-*    CurLSN,u = current LSN
-* First, we need to read the entire sector into BlkAdr
-WrErase  ldx   BlkAdr,u   Get start of BlkAddr
-         ldd   CurLSN,u   Get current LSN
-         sta   FLSNHi,y   write LSN hi byte to FlashPak
-         andb  #$C0       Get to first LSN of this sector
-WrErLp1  stb   FLSNLo,y   write LSN lo byte to FlashPak
-         pshs  b          save LSN_lsb on stack
-         lbsr  RdBlock    transfer 256 bytes from flash to memory
-         puls  b          get back LSN_lsb
-         incb             go to next LSN
-         bitb  #$3f       are we done?
-         bne   WrErLp1    if no, go back for some more
-* Now, we have the entire sector copied into memory
-* Replace the old LSN with the new one
-         ldx   BlkAdr,u   get start of BlkAddr
-         ldd   CurLSN,u   get current LSN
-         exg   a,b
-         anda  #$3f       find offset
-         clrb             start at beginning of LSN
-         leax  d,x        move to LSN in memory
-         ldy   CurPD,u    get back path descriptor
-         ldy   PD.BUF,y   get address of path buffer
-WrErLp2  lda   ,y+        get byte from path buffer
-         sta   ,x+        put byte into BlkMem
-         incb             move to next byte
-         bne   WrErLp2    branch if not done
-* Now, we have the entire sector with the new LSN in memory
-* Erase sector
-         ldy   V.PORT,u
-         bsr   DoAA55
-         ldx   #$55       flash[0x5555] = 0x80
-         ldd   #$8055
-         bsr   XfrByte
-         bsr   DoAA55
-         ldd   CurLSN,u   flash[SectAddr] = 0x30
-         andb  #$C0
-         tfr   d,x
-         ldd   #$3000
-         bsr   XfrByte
-* Now, loop until done
-WrEWait  ldb   FData,y    get flash data
-         bmi   WrEDone    if DQ7 is set, then we're done
-         bitb  #$20       did we exceed the time limit?
-         bne   WrETime    if yes, go on
-* Sleep for 250ms
-         ldx   #15        15 * 1/60 = 250ms
-         os9   F$Sleep
-         bra   WrEWait    go back for more
-* We exceeded the time limit -- try one more time
-WrETime  ldb   FData,y    get flash data
-         bmi   WrEDone    whew! just made it
-* Erase Failure
-         bsr   RstFlsh    reset flash to read mode
-         comb             set carry flag
-         ldb   #E$Write   set error code
-         bra   WrEExit
-* Finally, we need to write the sector back
-WrEDone  ldx   BlkAdr,u   get pointer to memory version of sector
-         ldy   V.PORT,u   get base address of FlashPak
-         ldd   CurLSN,u   get current LSN
-         andb  #$C0       get to beginning of sector
-         pshs  b          push LSN_lsb on stack
-WrErLp3  stb   CurLSN+1,u write new LSN lsb to CurLSN
-         lbsr  WrBlock    transfer 256 bytes from memory to flash
-         bcs   WrEExit    branch if error
-         inc   ,s         go to next LSB_lsb
-         ldb   ,s         get back LSN_lsb
-         bitb  #$3f       are we done?
-         bne   WrErLp3    if no, go back for some more
-         clrb             no error here
-WrEExit  leas  1,s        remove LSN_lsb from stack
-         bra   RstSlot    will also return
-* RstFlash -- Resets flash to read mode
-RstFlsh  lbsr  DoAA55
-         ldx   #$55       flash[0x5555] = 0xf0
-         ldd   #$f055
-         lbra  XfrByte    will also return
-* Read
-* Entry:
-*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
-*    X  = LSW of the disk's LSN
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Read     cmpx  #$0000     check to see if we're reading LSN0
-         beq   RdLSN0     if we are, do special read
-RdSect   pshs  cc         save flags (including interrupt enable)
-*       orcc    #IntMasks       mask interrupts
-         bsr   SelSlot    select the proper MPI slot
-         tfr   x,d        now, D = LSN_lsw
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   get address of the path buffer
-         ldy   V.PORT,u   get base address of FlashPak
-         sta   FLSNHi,y   write LSN hi byte to FlashPak
-         stb   FLSNLo,y   write LSN lo byte to FlashPak
-         bsr   RdBlock    go get the 256-byte block
-* Restore the original MPI slot value we saved off
-RstSlot  lda   >ORGSlot,u get original slot value
-         sta   >MPI.Slct  put it back
-         puls  cc         get back flags (including interrupt enable)
-         clrb             no errors
-         rts              we're done
-* RdBlock  -- copies 256 bytes from flash to memory
-* Entry:
-*       B = Offset into flash
-*       X = Address of first memory location
-* Exit:
-*       X = Address of next memory location
-* Destroys:
-*       A, B
-RdBlock  clrb             will do this 256 times
-RdLoop   stb   FOffset,y  write offset to FlashPak
-         lda   FData,y    get data from FlashPak
-         coma             data on flash is stored complemented
-*       nop
-         sta   ,x+        write it into buffer
-         incb             go to next word
-         bne   RdLoop     branch if not done
-         rts              all done with RdBlock
-* Read LSN0 into our path descriptor
-RdLSN0   pshs  y          save address of path descriptor
-         bsr   RdSect     go get the sector
-         puls  y          restore address of path descriptor
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   get address of the path buffer
-         lda   <PD.DRV,y  get drive number
-         leay  DRVBEG,u   get address of beginning of drive table
-         ldb   #DRVMEM
-         mul              now, D = offset into table
-         leay  d,y        get address of byte following drive table
-         ldb   #DD.SIZ-1  get size of device descriptor
-* Copy LSN0 device descriptor to drive table
-LSN0Lp   lda   b,x        get byte from path buffer
-         sta   b,y        store byte in drive table
-         decb             move to previous entry
-         bne   LSN0Lp     loop if not done
-         rts              all done
-* SelSlot - This routine selects the MPI slot
-* Entry:
-*    None
-* Exit:
-*    None
-* Destroys:
-*    A, B
-SelSlot  lda   >MPI.Slct  get current selected slot
-         sta   >ORGSlot,u save off
-         lda   PD.DRV,y   get drive no.
-         ldb   #$11
-         mul              multiply drive no. times $11
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  set new MPI slot no.
-         rts              all done
-* GetStat
-* Entry:
-*    A  = function code
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-GetStat  comb  
-         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
-         rts   
-SetStat  clrb  
-         rts   
-* Term
-* Entry:
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-         ldu   BlkAdr,u   release 16384-byte block
-         ldd   #$2000
-         os9   F$SRtMem
-         bcs   TermErr
-         clrb             no errors here
-TermErr  rts   
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flash/makefile	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-include ../../../rules.mak
-DEPENDS		= ./makefile
-DRIVERS		= flashpak.dr
-DESCS		= f0.dd
-	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/defsfile	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-       use os9defs
-       use rbfdefs
-       use systype
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/f0.asm	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-         nam   f0
-         ttl   Cloud-9 Flash Pak descriptor
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Devic+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $02
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
-         fcb   DIR.!ISIZ.!SHARE.!PEXEC.!PWRIT.!PREAD.!EXEC.!UPDAT. mode byte
-         fcb   HW.Page    extended controller address
-         fdb   $FF5C      physical controller address
-         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
-         fcb   DT.RBF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
-         fcb   0          drive number
-         fcb   0          step rate
-         fcb   TYP.NSF    drive device type
-         fcb   DNS.MFM    media density:0=single,1=double
-         fdb   32         number of cylinders (tracks)
-         fcb   1          number of sides
-         fcb   1          verify disk writes:0=on
-         fdb   64         # of sectors per track
-         fdb   64         # of sectors per track (track 0)
-         fcb   1          sector interleave factor
-         fcb   1          minimum size of sector allocation
-initsize equ   *
-name     fcs   /f0/
-mgrnam   fcs   /RBF/
-drvnam   fcs   /FlashPak/
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/flashpak.asm	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-* FlashPak - Cloud-9 Flash Pak device driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Original version                               BGP 02/04/15
-         nam   FlashPak
-         ttl   Cloud-9 Flash Pak device driver
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Drivr+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   1
-MSB      set   0
-LSB      set   1
-DATA     set   2
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-* RBF Data Area
-         rmb   129
-* Free for driver use
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /FlashPak/
-         fcb   edition
-start    lbra  Init
-         lbra  Read
-         lbra  Write
-         lbra  GetStat
-         lbra  SetStat
-         lbra  Term
-* Init
-* Entry:
-*    Y  = address of device descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Init     ldd   #($FF*256)+1
-         stb   V.NDRV,u
-         leax  DRVBEG,u
-* For each B, compute total sectors...
-Init010  sta   V.TRAK,x
-         pshs  b,a
-         lda   IT.CYL+1,y
-         ldb   IT.SCT+1,y
-         mul   
-         std   DD.TOT+1,x
-         puls  b,a
-         leax  DRVMEM,x
-         decb  
-         bne   Init010
-         rts   
-* Write
-* Entry:
-*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
-*    X  = LSB of the disk's LSN
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Write    leas  -1,s       make room on the stack 
-         ldy   V.PORT,u
-         tfr   x,d
-         sta   MSB,y
-         stb   LSB,y
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   load X with address of path buffer
-         clrb  
-WritLoop lda   ,x+
-         sta   DATA,y
-         sta   ,s
-WritVfy  lda   DATA,y     verify loop is here
-         cmpa  ,s
-         bne   WritVfy
-         incb  
-         bne   WritLoop
-         leas  1,s        restore stack
-         rts
-* Read
-* Entry:
-*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
-*    X  = LSB of the disk's LSN
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Read     cmpx  #$0000
-         beq   ReadLSN0
-ReadSect ldy   V.PORT,u
-         tfr   x,d
-         sta   MSB,y
-         stb   LSB,y
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   load X with address of path buffer
-         clrb  
-ReadLoop lda   DATA,y
-         sta   ,x+
-         incb  
-         bne   ReadLoop
-         rts
-* Read LSN0 into our path descriptor
-ReadLSN0 pshs  y
-         bsr   ReadSect
-         puls  y
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y
-         lda   <PD.DRV,y
-         leay  DRVBEG,u
-         ldb   #DRVMEM
-         mul   
-         leay  d,y
-         ldb   #DD.SIZ-1
-LSN0Loop lda   b,x
-         sta   b,y
-         decb  
-         bne   LSN0Loop
-         rts   
-* GetStat
-* Entry:
-*    A  = function code
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-GetStat  comb  
-         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
-         rts   
-* SetStat
-* Entry:
-*    A  = function code
-*    Y  = address of path descriptor
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-* Term
-* Entry:
-*    U  = address of device memory area
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on error
-*    B  = error code
-Term     clrb  
-         rts   
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/flashpak/makefile	Sun Mar 22 12:21:59 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-include ../../../rules.mak
-L1 = $(AFLAGS) -aLevel=1
-L2 = $(AFLAGS) -aLevel=2
-DEPENDS		= ./makefile
-DRVRS		= flashpak.dr
-DESCS           = f0_l1.dd f0_l2.dd
-f0_l1.dd: f0.asm
-	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(L1)
-f0_l2.dd: f0.asm
-	$(AS) $(ASOUT)$@ $< $(L2)
-	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)