view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/tee.asm @ 2230:236cbc2d2dc8

author boisy
date Tue, 07 Apr 2009 21:34:44 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* TEE - Tees input to multiple outputs
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     Southern Station, Box 8455
*     Hattiesburg, MS  39406-8455
*     Internet:
* Usage:  Tee <dev> [...] [...]
* Tee accepts input from StdIn.  You may use a pipe to send it information,
* or use the '<' operator of the shell to redirect StdIn.

         nam     Tee
         ttl     Tees input to multiple outputs

         use     defsfile

         mod     Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin

Name     fcs     "Tee"
         fcb     $03                   Replaces Tandy's Edition #2

PathCnt  rmb     1
BuffSize rmb     2
StdOut   rmb     1                     StdOut path...
PathStk  rmb     40                    +40 = Handles 41 paths in all!
Buffer   rmb     250                   Max. chars per line
Stack    rmb     200
Parms    rmb     200
Fin      equ     .

Start    lda     #1
         sta     PathCnt,u             store a 1 in the path counter buffer
         sta     StdOut,u              and the StdOut buffer
         leay    PathStk,u             Position Y on the path queue

GetNext  lda     #WRITE.               Set mode to write only
         ldb     #UPDAT.+PREAD.        owner read/write, other read
         os9     I$Create              create the path
         bcs     Error                 exit if error

         sta     ,y+                   store the path on path stack, inc Y
         inc     PathCnt,u             inc path counter

CheckCR  lda     ,x                    See if last param on line
         cmpa    #C$CR                 if cr, must be last parm
         beq     GoTee                 so start teeing out
         leax    1,x                   inc X
         bra     CheckCR               and check again

EOF      cmpb    #E$EOF                Check for end-of-file
         bne     Error                 nope, other error, abort

Done     clrb                          else clear out nicely...
Error    os9     F$Exit                and exit!

GoTee    clra                          use StdIn
         ldy     #250                  Buffer holds 250 chars. per line
         leax    Buffer,u              point X to buffer
         os9     I$ReadLn              read a line from stdin
         bcs     EOF                   check EOF if error
         sty     BuffSize,u            else save bytes read
         ldb     PathCnt,u             load B with the Path counter value
         leay    StdOut,u              position Y at the StdOut path (1st)

Service  lda     ,y+                   load A with path number
         pshs    y                     save Y
         ldy     BuffSize,u            get buffer size
         os9     I$WritLn              write out
         bcs     Error                 Error if exit
         puls    y                     get Y
         decb                          decrement B
         bne     Service               if not 0, service next path
         bra     GoTee                 else get more input from StdIn

Size     equ   *