view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/timer.asm @ 2230:236cbc2d2dc8

author boisy
date Tue, 07 Apr 2009 21:34:44 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* Timer - Benchmarks a program with accuracy to one second
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     Southern Station, Box 8455
*     Hattiesburg, MS  39406-8455
*     Internet:
* Usage:  Timer <program> [params]
* Timer is a benchmark utility that is used to rate the speed of an
* OS-9 program.

         nam   Timer
         ttl   Benchmark utility

         use   defsfile

         mod   Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin

Name     fcs   /Timer/
Ed       fcb   $02

Delim    rmb   1
TempX    rmb   2
Count    rmb   1
ProgName rmb   70
ParmBuff rmb   200
OldTime  rmb   6
NewTime  rmb   6
Digit    rmb   2
Stack    rmb   200
Parms    rmb   200
Fin      equ   .

HelpMsg  fcc   /Usage:  Timer <progname> [params]/
SpCR     fcb   C$SPAC,C$LF,C$CR
HelpLen  equ   *-HelpMsg

Header   fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /Timer Statistics:/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR,C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /Command line:  /
Header1  fcc   /Date:  /
Header2  fcc   /Start Time:  /
Header3  fcc   /Stop  Time:  /
Colon    fcc   /:/
Slash    fcc   "/"

Start    decb                          Check for params
         lbeq  Help                    if none, show help
         lda   #C$CR
         leay  ParmBuff,u              Else put a CR in param buffer
         sta   ,y

         leay  ProgName,u              and put progname in progname buffer
GetName  lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC                 any space after name?
         beq   PlaceCR                 Yep, assume params are on line
         cmpa  #C$CR                   Is next char a CR?
         bne   GetName                 nope, not finished getting name
         bra   GetTime                 else assume no params...

PlaceCR  lda   #C$CR                   Put CR behind progname,
         sta   -1,y

SkipSpac lda   ,x+                     skip leading spaces
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   SkipSpac
         leax  -1,x

SaveParm leay  ParmBuff,u              and store params in param buffer
Loop     lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         cmpa  #C$CR                   Is char a CR?
         beq   GetTime                 Yep, we're finished parsing
         bra   Loop                    else get next char

GetTime  lda   #Prgrm+Objct            We'll take care of some F$FORK
         ldb   #8                      params to minimize the time between
         ldy   #200                    grabbing the time and forking.
         leax  OldTime,u               
         os9   F$Time                  Now we get the time
         lbcs  Error

         leax  ProgName,u              and point to the program name
         pshs  u                       save the u pointer value
         leau  ParmBuff,u              and point u to the param buffer
         os9   F$Fork                  Fork the program
         bcs   Error
         os9   F$Wait                  and wait for it to complete

         puls  u                       get the u pointer value
         leax  NewTime,u               and get the new time
         os9   F$Time
         bcs   Error

* Print the Header and command line

         leax  Header,pcr
         ldy   #38
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error

         leax  ProgName,u
         ldb   #$0d
         bsr   PrnNam

         leax  SpCR,pcr
         ldy   #1
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error

         leax  ParmBuff,u
         ldy   #200
         lda   #2
         os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   Error
         bra   DateShow

* PrnNam - Prints a string character-by-character until it encounters
* a specific character in B
* Entry: X - Address of string
*        B - Byte character to halt at
* Exit:  None

PrnNam   lda   #2
         ldy   #1
Prn2     cmpb  ,x                      compare B to char
         bne   Prn3                    if not equal, print...
         rts                           else return
Prn3     os9   I$Write                 Write out character
         bcs   Error
         leax  1,x
         bra   Prn2

* Print the date

DateShow leax  Header1,pcr
         ldy   #7
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         leax  Slash,pcr
         lda   ,x
         sta   Delim,u
         leax  OldTime,u               Set X to old time packet+3
         ldb   #2
         bsr   ShowTime                and sub to showtime
         bra   OldShow

* We're done!

Done     clrb
Error    os9   F$Exit

* Show the Old Time

OldShow  lda   #2
         leax  Header2,pcr             Write the old time message
         ldy   #13
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         leax  Colon,pcr
         lda   ,x
         sta   Delim,u
         leax  OldTime+3,u             Set X to old time packet+3
         ldb   #2
         bsr   ShowTime                and sub to showtime

NewShow  leax  Header3,pcr             Write the new time message
         ldy   #13
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         leax  NewTime+3,u             Set X to new time packet+3
         ldb   #2
         bsr   ShowTime                and sub to showtime
         bra   Done

* Help routine

Help     leax  HelpMsg,pcr             Point to the help message
         ldy   #HelpLen                and load the length
         lda   #2                      we'll write to StdErr
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         bra   Done                    and leave!

* ShowTime routine - Prints date/time format
* Entry: X - Address of packet
*        B - (Number of bytes to convert)-1
* Exit:  None

ShowTime stb   Count,u                 store count in counter address
ShowLoop ldb   ,x+                     load X with byte
         stx   TempX,u                 save the X value
         pshs  u                       save the U value
         leau  Digit,u                 and point to the digit buffer
         bsr   Str2Num                 sub to the actual conversion routine
         puls  u                       get the U value
         lda   #2
         ldy   #2
         leax  Digit,u                 and write the two digits
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         tst   Count,u                 is count at 0?
         beq   PutCR                   yep, put a CR
         dec   Count,u                 else decrement count
         ldy   #1                      and print the delimiter
         leax  Delim,u
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         ldx   TempX,u                 get the X value
         bra   ShowLoop                and get the next time byte
PutCR    lda   #2
         ldy   #2
         leax  SpCR+1,pcr                print a CR for next line
         os9   I$Write
         lbcs  Error
Return   rts                           Return to caller!

* Str2Num:  Converts a one byte representation to its string
*           counterpart in the range of 0-255.
*  Entry:  U - Address to store text digits
*          B - Byte to convert
*  Exit:   None

Str2Num  pshs  a,b,u
         lda   #$2f
p1       subb  #$64
         bcc   p1
         sta   ,u+
         cmpa  #$30
         bne   p2
         leau  -1,u
p2       lda   #$3a
p3       deca
         addb  #$0a
         bcc   p3
         sta   ,u+
         addb  #$30
         stb   ,u+
         puls  a,b,u

Size     equ   *