changeset 1723:00d6e3a47987

Clock2 modules are now in separate files
author boisy
date Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:10:57 +0000
parents 34bf8b64353a
children f389c6bca482
files level1/modules/clock2.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1243 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/clock2.asm	Fri Aug 20 11:10:20 2004 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1243 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Real-Time Clock Subroutines
-* $Id$
-* RTC Specific Notes:
-* Dallas Semiconductor DS1216 SmartWatch
-* Wakeup sequence $C5 3A A3 5C C5 3A A3 5C
-* Time byte sequence in Binary Coded Decimal
-* byte	bit 7     6     5     4     3     2     1      0
-* 0        |       0.1 sec MSB       |        0.1 sec LSB     |
-* 1        |  0  |   10 sec          |        seconds         |
-* 2        |  0  |   10 min          |        minutes         |	
-* 3        |12/24|  0   | AM/PM | HR |        Hour            |
-*                       |  10 HR     |        Hour            |
-*        0=12, 1=24       0=AM, 1=PM
-* 4        | 0   |  0   |  OSC |RESET|  0  |  Weekday         |
-* 5        | 0   |  0   |  10  Date  |        Date            |
-* 6        | 0   |  0   |   0  |10 Month|     Month           |
-* 7        |        10 Year          |        Year            |
-* OSC = 1;  turns off clock to save battery. RESET not used in Coco circuit.
-* When inserted in external ROM socket, the clock is addressed at:
-* $C000     bit = 0
-* $C001     bit = 1
-* $C004     read byte to wakeup then send wakeup sequence to bit toggles.
-*           Then either read or send time.
-* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
-* Comment
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   1      2003/08/18  Boisy G. Pitre
-* Stripped from clock.asm in order to modularize clocks.
-*          2004/07/13  Robert Gault
-* Added Vavasour/Collyer emulator & MESS (Disto) versions and relocated
-* 'GetTime equ'   statement so it is not within a chip heading.
-*          2004/07/28  Robert Gault
-* Complete rewrite of SmartWatch segment which would never have worked.
-* See previous versions for old code if desired. Routine now will search
-* through all MPI slots to find clock and accept either AM/PM or military
-* time. User notified if clock not found or data memory not available.
-* Initialization routine contains code that bypasses OS-9 system calls to
-* acquire needed low RAM that can't become ROM. This type of code is not
-* recommended in most cases but nothing else was usable.
-*          2004/07/31  Robert Gault
-* Added a settime routine and changed "no clock found" routine. If the
-* clock is not found, the D.Time entries are cleared but no message is sent.
-* Date -t will never get passed one minute.
-*          2004/07/31  Rodney Hamilton
-* Improved RTCJVEmu code, conditionalized RTC type comments.
-*          2004/08/2   Robert Gault
-* Alphabetized all clock listings so things can be found much more easily.
-* Placed list of clock types at beginning of source for record keeping.
-         nam   Clock2    
-         ttl   Real-Time Clock Subroutines
-         ifp1            
-         use   defsfile  
-         endc            
-* Setup for specific RTC chip
-* RTCBB+RTCCloud9
-* RTCDriveWire
-* RTCDsto2+RTCDsto4
-* RTCElim
-* RTCHarrs
-* RTCSmart
-* RTCSoft
-         IFNE  RTCBB+RTCCloud9
-         IFNE  RTCBB     
-RTC.Base equ   $FF5C      In SCS* Decode
-         ELSE            
-RTC.Base equ   $FF7C      Fully decoded RTC
-         ENDC            
-RTC.Zero equ   -4         Send zero bit by writing this offset
-RTC.One  equ   -3         Send one bit by writing this offset
-RTC.Read equ   0          Read data from this offset
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDriveWire
-RTC.Base equ   $0000     
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDsto2+RTCDsto4
-RTC.Base equ   $FF50      Base address of clock
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCElim   
-RTC.Sped equ   $20        32.768 KHz, rate=0
-RTC.Strt equ   $06        binary, 24 Hour, DST disabled
-RTC.Stop equ   $86        bit 7 set stops clock to allow setting time
-RTC.Base equ   $FF72      I don't know base for this chip.
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCHarrs  
-RTC.Base equ   $FF60      Base address for clock
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCJVEmu
-RTC.Base equ   $FFC0
-         ENDC
-         IFNE  RTCMESSEmu
-RTC.Base equ   $FF50
-         ENDC
-         IFNE  RTCSmart  
-RTC.Base equ   $C000      clock mapped to $C000-$DFFF; $FFA6 MMU slot
-RTC.Zero equ   0          Send zero bit
-RTC.One  equ   1          Send ones bit
-RTC.Read equ   4
-*D.SWPage                 on system DP; Refer to os9defs.
-D.RTCSlt equ   0          on SmartWatch ?data? page
-D.RTCFlg equ   1          on SW page
-D.RTCMod equ   2
-D.Temp   equ   3          on SW page, holds "clock" data
-D.Start  equ   4          on SW page, code starts here
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCSoft   
-RTC.Base equ   0          Have to have one defined.
-         ENDC            
-* Start of module
-         mod   len,name,Sbrtn+Objct,ReEnt+0,JmpTable,RTC.Base
-name     fcs   "Clock2"  
-         fcb   1         
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-SlotSlct fcb   MPI.Slot-1 Slot constant for MPI select code
-         ENDC            
-* Jump table for RTC
-* Entry points:
-*  - Init
-*  - SetTime
-*  - GetTime
-         lbra  Init      
-         bra   GetTime   
-         nop             
-         lbra  SetTime   
-* GetTime Subroutine
-* This subroutine is called by the main clock module.
-GetTime  equ   *
-         IFNE  RTCBB+RTCCloud9
-* Update time from B&B RTC
-         pshs  u,y,cc    
-         leay  ReadBCD,pcr Read bytes of clock
-TfrTime  orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interrupts
-         ldu   M$Mem,pcr  Get base address
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Select slot
-         pshs  b         
-         andb  #$F0      
-         orb   SlotSlct,pcr
-         stb   >MPI.Slct 
-         ENDC            
-         lbsr  SendMsg    Initialize clock
-         ldx   #D.Sec    
-         ldb   #8         Tfr 8 bytes
-tfrloop  jsr   ,y         Tfr 1 byte
-         bitb  #$03      
-         beq   skipstuf   Skip over day-of-week, etc.
-         leax  -1,x      
-skipstuf decb            
-         bne   tfrloop   
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         puls  b         
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  restore MPAK slot
-         ENDC            
-         puls  u,y,cc,pc 
-ClkMsg   fcb   $C5,$3A,$A3,$5C,$C5,$3A,$A3,$5C
-* Enable clock with message $C53AA35CC53AA35C
-SendMsg  lda   RTC.Read,u Send Initialization message to clock
-         leax  <ClkMsg,pcr
-         ldb   #8        
-msgloop  lda   ,x+       
-         bsr   SendByte  
-         decb            
-         bne   msgloop   
-         rts             
-SendBCD  pshs  b          Send byte to clock, first converting to BCD
-         bitb  #$03      
-         bne   BCDskip    Send zero for day-of-week, etc.
-         lda   #0        
-         bra   SndBCDGo  
-BCDskip  lda   ,x        
-SndBCDGo tfr   a,b       
-         bra   binenter  
-binloop  adda  #6        
-binenter subb  #10       
-         bhs   binloop   
-         puls  b         
-SendByte coma             Send one byte to clock
-         rora            
-         bcc   sendone   
-sendzero tst   RTC.Zero,u
-         lsra            
-         bcc   sendone   
-         bne   sendzero  
-         rts             
-sendone  tst   RTC.One,u 
-         lsra            
-         bcc   sendone   
-         bne   sendzero  
-         rts             
-ReadBCD  pshs  b         
-         ldb   #$80       High bit will rotate out after we read 8 bits
-readbit  lda   RTC.Read,u Read a bit
-         lsra            
-         rorb             Shift it into B
-         bcc   readbit    Stop when marker bit appears
-         tfr   b,a       
-         bra   BCDEnter   Convert BCD number to Binary
-BCDLoop  subb  #6         by subtracting 6 for each $10
-BCDEnter suba  #$10      
-         bhs   BCDLoop   
-         stb   ,x        
-         puls  b,pc      
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDriveWire
-* Update time from DriveWire
-         lbra  DoDW      
-         use   bbwrite.asm
-DoDW     pshs  y,x,cc    
-         lda   #'#        Time packet
-         orcc  #IntMasks  Disable interrupts
-         lbsr  SerWrite  
-         bsr   SerRead    Read year byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Year   
-         bsr   SerRead    Read month byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Month  
-         bsr   SerRead    Read day byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Day    
-         bsr   SerRead    Read hour byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Hour   
-         bsr   SerRead    Read minute byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Min    
-         bsr   SerRead    Read second byte
-         bcs   UpdLeave  
-         sta   <D.Sec    
-         bsr   SerRead    Read day of week (0-6) byte
-UpdLeave puls  cc,x,y,pc 
-         use   bbread.asm
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDsto2  
-* Disto 2-in-1 RTC time update
-         pshs  a,cc       Save old interrupt status and mask IRQs
-         bsr   RTCPre    
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Year
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Month
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Day
-         decb             ldb #5
-         stb   2,x       
-         decb            
-         lda   ,x        
-         anda  #3        
-         bsr   GetVal1    Get Hour
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Minute
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Second
-RTCPost  clr   >$FFD9     2 MHz  (Really should check $A0 first)
-         puls  cc,b      
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  Restore saved "currently" selected MPak slot
-         ENDC            
-         clrb            
-         rts             
-RTCPre   orcc  #IntMasks 
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Save currently selected MPak slot on stack
-         stb   3,s       
-         andb  #$F0      
-         orb   >SlotSlct,pcr Get slot to select
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  Select MPak slot for clock
-         ENDC            
-         ldy   #D.Time   
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr 
-         clr   1,x       
-         ldb   #12       
-         clr   >$FFD8     1 MHz
-         rts             
-GetVal   stb   2,x       
-         decb            
-         lda   ,x         read tens digit from clock
-         anda  #$0f      
-GetVal1  pshs  b          save b
-         ldb   #10       
-         mul              multiply by 10 to get value
-         stb   ,y         save 10s value
-         puls  b          set up clock for ones digit
-         stb   2,x       
-         decb            
-         lda   ,x         read ones digit from clock
-         anda  #$0f      
-         adda  ,y         add ones + tens
-         sta   ,y+        store clock value into time packet
-         rts             
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDsto4  
-* Disto 4-in-1 RTC time update
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         pshs  cc         Save old interrupt status and mask IRQs
-         orcc  #IntMasks 
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Save currently selected MPak slot on stack
-         pshs  b         
-         andb  #$F0      
-         orb   >SlotSlct,pcr Select MPak slot for clock
-         stb   >MPI.Slct 
-         ENDC            
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr 
-         ldy   #D.Time    Start with seconds
-         ldb   #11       
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Year
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Month
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Day
-         lda   #3         Mask tens digit of hour to remove AM/PM bit
-         bsr   GetVal1    Get Hour
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Minute
-         bsr   GetVal     Get Second
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         puls  b          Restore saved "currently" selected MPak slot
-         stb   >MPI.Slct 
-         puls  cc,pc      Restore previous IRQ status
-         ELSE            
-         rts              No MPI, don't need to mess with slot, CC
-         ENDC            
-GetVal   lda   #$0f       Mask to apply to tens digit
-GetVal1  stb   1,x       
-         decb            
-         anda  ,x         read ones digit from clock
-         pshs  b          save b
-         ldb   #10       
-         mul              multiply by 10 to get value
-         stb   ,y         Add to ones digit
-         puls  b         
-         stb   1,x       
-         decb            
-         lda   ,x         read tens digit from clock and mask it
-         anda  #$0f      
-         adda  ,y        
-         sta   ,y+       
-         rts             
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCElim   
-* Eliminator time update  (lacks MPI slot select ability)
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
-         ldb   #$0A       UIP status register address
-         stb   ,x         generate address strobe
-         lda   1,x        get UIP status
-         bpl   NoUIP      Update In Progress, go shift next RTC read
-         lda   #TkPerSec/2 set up next RTC read attempt in 1/2 second
-         sta   <D.Tick    save tick
-         bra   UpdTExit   and return
-NoUIP    decb             year register address
-         stb   ,x         generate address strobe
-         lda   1,x        get year
-         sta   <D.Year   
-         decb             month register address
-         stb   ,x        
-         lda   1,x       
-         sta   <D.Month  
-         decb             day of month register address
-         stb   ,x        
-         lda   1,x       
-         sta   <D.Day    
-         ldb   #4         hour register address
-         stb   ,x        
-         lda   1,x       
-         sta   <D.Hour   
-         ldb   #2         minute register address
-         stb   ,x        
-         lda   1,x       
-         sta   <D.Min    
-         clrb             second register address
-         stb   ,x        
-         lda   1,x       
-SaveSec  sta   <D.Sec    
-UpdTExit rts             
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCHarrs  
-* Update time from Harris RTC 
-         pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks  Disable interrupts
-         ldu   M$Mem,pcr  Get base address
-         ldy   #D.Time    Pointer to time in system map
-         lda   #%00001100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
-         sta   $11,u      Run,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
-         lda   ,u         Read base address to set-up clock regs for read
-         lda   6,u        Get year
-         sta   ,y+       
-         lda   4,u        Get month
-         sta   ,y+       
-         lda   5,u        Get day
-         sta   ,y+       
-         lda   1,u        Get hour
-         sta   ,y+       
-         lda   2,u        Get minute
-         sta   ,y+       
-         lda   3,u        Get second
-         sta   ,y+       
-         puls  cc,pc      Re-enable interrupts
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCJVEmu
-* Vavasour / Collyer Emulator (ignores MPI slot)
-         ldx   #RTC.Base
-         ldd   ,x	get year (CCYY)
-         suba  #20
-         bmi   yr1	19xx, OK as is
-yr0      addb  #100	20xx adjustment
-         deca		also check for
-         bpl   yr0	21xx (optional)
-yr1      stb   <D.Year	set year (~YY)
-         ldd   2,x	get date
-         std   <D.Month	set date (MMDD)
-         IFNE  Level-1
-         ldd   4,x	get time (wwhh)
-         sta   <D.Daywk	set day of week
-         ELSE
-         ldb   5,x	get hour (hh)
-         ENDC
-         stb   <D.Hour	set hour (hh)
-         ldd   6,x	get time (mmss)
-         std   <D.Min	set time (mmss)
-*        rts		fall thru to Setime/Init rts
-         ENDC
-         IFNE  RTCMESSEmu
-* MESS time update in Disto mode (ignores MPI)
-*   Assumes that PC clock is in AM/PM mode!!!
-         ldx   #RTC.Base
-         ldy   #D.Time
-         ldb   #12           counter for data
-         stb   1,x
-         lda   ,x
-         anda  #7
-         IFNE  Level-1
-         sta   <D.Daywk
-         ENDC
-         decb
-         bsr   getval
-         lda   -1,y
-         cmpa  #70          if >xx70 then its 19xx
-         bhi   not20
-         adda  #100
-         sta   -1,y
-not20    bsr   getval       month
-         bsr   getval       day
-         lda   #7           AM/PM mask
-         stb   1,x
-         anda  ,x
-         bitb  #4
-         pshs  cc
-         anda  #3
-         bsr   getval1
-         puls  cc
-         beq   AM
-         lda   #12         convert to 24hr time as it is PM
-         adda  -1,y
-         sta   -1,y
-AM       bsr   getval      minute
-* and now fall through into get second
-getval   lda   #$0f
-         stb   1,x
-         anda  ,x
-getval1  decb
-         pshs  b
-         ldb   #10
-         mul
-         stb   ,y
-         puls  b
-         stb   1,x
-         decb
-         lda   ,x
-         anda  #$0f
-         adda  ,y
-         sta   ,y+
-*        rts		fall thru to Setime/Init rts
-         ENDC
-         IFNE  RTCSmart
-* Update time from Smartwatch RTC
-         pshs  cc,d,x,y,u
-         orcc  #$50
-         lda   D.SWPage
-         clrb
-         tfr   d,u         point to working space
-         lda   $FF7F
-         pshs  a
-         lda   D.RTCSlt,u  info for MPI slot
-         sta   $FF7F
-         clr   D.RTCMod,u  set for read time
-         jsr   D.Start,u   jsr to it
-         lbra  exit
-         ENDC 
-         IFNE  RTCSoft   
-* Software time update
-         lda   <D.Min     grab current minute
-         inca             minute+1
-         cmpa  #60        End of hour?
-         blo   UpdMin     no, Set start of minute
-         ldd   <D.Day     get day, hour
-         incb             hour+1
-         cmpb  #24        End of Day?
-         blo   UpdHour
-         inca             day+1
-         leax  <months-1,pcr point to months table with offset-1: Jan = +1
-         ldb   <D.Month   this month
-         cmpa  b,x        end of month?
-         bls   UpdDay, update the day
-         cmpb  #2         yes, is it Feb?
-         bne   NoLeap, ok
-         ldb   <D.Year    else get year
-         andb  #$03       check for leap year: good until 2099
-         cmpd  #$1D00     29th on leap year?
-         beq   UpdDay     ..yes, skip it
-NoLeap   ldd   <D.Year    else month+1
-         incb             month+1
-         cmpb  #13        end of year?
-         blo   UpdMonth
-         inca             year+1
-         ldb   #$01       set month to jan
-UpdMonth std   <D.Year    save year, month
-         lda   #$01       day=1st
-UpdDay   clrb             hour=midnite
-UpdHour  std   <D.Day     save day,hour
-         clra             minute=00
-UpdMin   clrb             seconds=00
-         std   <D.Min     save min,secs
-UpdTExit rts             
-months   fcb   31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 Days in each month
-         ENDC            
-* SetTime Subroutine
-* This subroutine is called by the main clock module.
-SetTime  equ   *
-         IFNE  RTCBB+RTCCloud9
-* Set B&B RTC from Time variables
-         pshs  u,y,cc    
-         leay  SendBCD,pcr Send bytes of clock
-         lbra  TfrTime   
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDsto2  
-* Set Disto 2-in-1 RTC from Time variables
-         pshs  a,cc      
-         lbsr  RTCPre     Initialize
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Year
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Month
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Day
-         ldd   #$0805     $08 in A, $05 in B
-         bsr   SetVal1    Set Hour   (OR value in A ($08) with hour)
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Minute
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Second
-         lbra  RTCPost    Clean up + return
-SetVal   clra            
-SetVal1  stb   2,x        Set Clock address
-         decb            
-         pshs  b         
-         ldb   ,y+        Get current value
-DvLoop   subb  #10        Get Tens digit in A, ones digit in B
-         bcs   DvDone    
-         inca            
-         bra   DvLoop    
-DvDone   addb  #10       
-         sta   ,x         Store tens digit
-         tfr   b,a       
-         puls  b          Get back original clock address
-         stb   2,x       
-         decb            
-         sta   ,x         Store ones digit
-         rts             
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCDsto4  
-* Set Disto 4-in-1 RTC from Time variables
-         pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks 
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Save currently selected MPak slot
-         pshs  b         
-         andb  #$F0      
-         orb   >SlotSlct,pcr Get slot to select
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  Select MPak slot for clock
-         ENDC            
-         ldy   #D.Time+6 
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr 
-         clrb            
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Second
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Minute
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Hour
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Day
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Month
-         bsr   SetVal     Set Year
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         puls  b          Restore old MPAK slot
-         stb   >MPI.Slct 
-         ENDC            
-         puls  cc        
-         clrb             No error
-         rts             
-SetVal   clr   ,-s        Create variable for tens digit
-         lda   ,-y        Get current value
-DvLoop   suba  #10        Get Tens digit on stack, ones digit in A
-         bcs   DvDone    
-         inc   ,s        
-         bra   DvLoop    
-DvDone   adda  #10       
-         stb   1,x        Set Clock address
-         incb            
-         sta   ,x         Store ones digit
-         stb   1,x       
-         incb            
-         puls  a         
-         sta   ,x         Store tens digit
-         rts             
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCElim   
-* Set Eliminator RTC from D.Time
-         pshs  cc         save interrupt status
-         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
-         ldy   #D.Time    point [Y] to time variables in DP
-         ldd   #$0B*256+RTC.Stop
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   stop clock before setting it
-         ldb   #RTC.Sped 
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   set crystal speed, output rate
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set year
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set month
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set day of month
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set day of week (value doesn't matter)
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set hours alarm (value doesn't matter)
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set hour
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set minutes alarm (value doesn't matter)
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set minute
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set seconds alarm (value doesn't matter)
-         bsr   UpdatClk   go set second
-         ldd   #$0B*256+RTC.Strt
-         bsr   UpdatCk0   go start clock
-         puls  cc         Recover IRQ status
-         clrb            
-         rts             
-UpdatClk ldb   ,y+        get data from D.Time variables in DP
-UpdatCk0 std   ,x         generate address strobe, save data
-         deca             set [A] to next register down
-         rts             
-         IFGT  Level-1
-* OS-9 Level Two code only (for now)
-NewSvc   fcb   F$NVRAM    Eliminator adds one new service call
-         fdb   F.NVRAM-*-2
-         fcb   $80        end of service call installation table
-* read/write RTC Non Volatile RAM (NVRAM)
-* INPUT:  [U] = pointer to caller's register stack
-*         R$A = access mode (1 = read, 2 = write, other = error)
-*         R$B = byte count (1 through 50 here, but in other implementations
-*               may be 1 through 256 where 0 implies 256)
-*         R$X = address of buffer in user map
-*         R$Y = start address in NVRAM
-* OUTPUT:  RTC NVRAM read/written
-* ERROR OUTPUT:  [CC] = Carry set
-*                [B] = error code
-F.NVRAM  tfr   u,y        copy caller's register stack pointer
-         ldd   #$0100     ask for one page
-         os9   F$SRqMem  
-         bcs   NVR.Exit   go report error...
-         pshs  y,u        save caller's stack and data buffer pointers
-         ldx   R$Y,y      get NVRAM start address
-         cmpx  #50        too high?
-         bhs   Arg.Err    yes, go return error...
-         ldb   R$B,y      get NVRAM byte count
-         beq   Arg.Err   
-         abx              check end address
-         cmpx  #50        too high?
-         bhi   Arg.Err    yes, go return error...
-         lda   R$A,y      get direction flag
-         cmpa  #WRITE.    put caller's data into NVRAM?
-         bne   ChkRead    no, go check if read...
-         clra             [D]=byte count
-         pshs  d          save it...
-         ldx   <D.Proc    get caller's process descriptor address
-         lda   P$Task,x   caller is source task
-         ldb   <D.SysTsk  system is destination task
-         ldx   R$X,y      get caller's source pointer
-         puls  y          recover byte count
-         os9   F$Move     go MOVE data
-         bcs   NVR.Err   
-         ldy   ,s         get caller's register stack pointer from stack
-         lda   R$Y+1,y    get NVRAM start address
-         adda  #$0E       add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
-         ldb   R$B,y      get byte count
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base address from fake memory requirement
-         pshs  cc,b       save IRQ enable status and byte counter
-         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
-WrNVR.Lp ldb   ,u+        get caller's data
-         std   ,x         generate RTC address strobe and save data to NVRAM
-         inca             next NVRAM address
-         dec   1,s        done yet?
-         bne   WrNVR.Lp   no, go save another byte
-         puls  cc,b       recover IRQ enable status and clean up stack
-NVR.RtM  puls  y,u        recover register stack & data buffer pointers
-         ldd   #$0100     return one page
-         os9   F$SRtMem  
-NVR.Exit rts             
-Arg.Err  ldb   #E$IllArg  Illegal Argument error
-         bra   NVR.Err   
-ChkRead  cmpa  #READ.     return NVRAM data to caller?
-         bne   Arg.Err    illegal access mode, go return error...
-         lda   R$Y+1,y    get NVRAM start address
-         adda  #$0E       add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base address from fake memory requirement
-         pshs  cc,b       save IRQ enable status and byte counter
-         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
-RdNVR.Lp sta   ,x         generate RTC address strobe
-         ldb   1,x        get NVRAM data
-         stb   ,u+        save it to buffer
-         inca             next NVRAM address
-         dec   1,s        done yet?
-         bne   RdNVR.Lp   no, go get another byte
-         puls  cc,a       recover IRQ enable status, clean up stack ([A]=0)
-         ldb   R$B,y      [D]=byte count
-         pshs  d          save it...
-         ldx   <D.Proc    get caller's process descriptor address
-         ldb   P$Task,x   caller is source task
-         lda   <D.SysTsk  system is destination task
-         ldu   R$X,y      get caller's source pointer
-         puls  y          recover byte count
-         ldx   2,s        get data buffer (source) pointer
-         os9   F$Move     go MOVE data
-         bcc   NVR.RtM   
-NVR.Err  puls  y,u        recover caller's stack and data pointers       
-         pshs  b          save error code
-         ldd   #$0100     return one page
-         os9   F$SRtMem  
-         comb             set       Carry for error
-         puls  b,pc       recover error code, return...
-         ENDC
-         ENDC  
-         IFNE  RTCHarrs  
-* Set Harris 1770 RTC from Time variables
-         pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IntMasks  Disable interrupts
-         ldu   M$Mem,pcr  Get base address
-         ldy   #D.Time    Pointer to time in system map
-         lda   #%00000100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
-         sta   $11,u      STOP clock,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
-         lda   ,y+        Get year
-         sta   6,u       
-         lda   ,y+        Get month
-         sta   4,u       
-         lda   ,y+        Get day
-         sta   5,u       
-         lda   ,y+        Get hour
-         sta   1,u       
-         lda   ,y+        Get minute
-         sta   2,u       
-         lda   ,y         Get second
-         sta   3,u       
-         lda   #%00001100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
-         sta   $11,u      START clock,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
-         puls  cc,pc      Re-enable interrupts
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCSmart
-* Update time from Smartwatch RTC
-* This set time routine forces military time. It can't turn off clock but can
-* be used as a timer if time set to 0:0:0  hr:min:sec
-         pshs  cc,d,x,y,u
-         orcc  #$50
-         lda   D.SWPage
-         clrb
-         tfr   d,u         point to working space
-         lda   $FF7F
-         pshs  a
-         lda   D.RTCSlt,u  info for MPI slot
-         sta   $FF7F
-         lda   #-1
-         sta   D.RTCMod,u  indicate set time rather than read
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         ldx   #D.Slice
-         ELSE
-         ldx   #D.TSec
-         ENDC
-         tfr   u,y                          get location of safe region
-         leay  >D.Start+alrtend-reloc,y     point to end of wakeup code
-         lda   ,-x                          get D.Time data and store it
-         ldb   #4                           convert tenths sec, sec, min, hours
-         bsr   binbcd                       to binary coded decimal
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         lda   D.Daywk
-         ELSE
-         clra
-         ENDC
-         sta  ,y+                           set day of week if present
-         lda  ,x
-         ldb  #3                            convert day of month, month, year
-         bsr  binbcd                        to BCD
-         jsr   >D.Start,u                   send data to clock
-         lbra  exit
-binbcd   pshs b
-bcd3     clrb
-bcd1     cmpa #10
-         bcs  bcd2
-         addd #$f610      decrease bin regA by 10 add bcd $10 to regB
-         bra  bcd1
-bcd2     pshs a
-         addb ,s+         add in remainder; BCD = binary when less than 10
-         stb  ,y+         place in message to clock
-         lda  ,-x         get next byte of D.Time
-         dec  ,s          decrease counter
-         bne  bcd3
-         puls b,pc
-* This becomes D.Start
-reloc    equ   *
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         lda   D.HINIT
-         anda  #$CC
-         sta   $FF90
-         ENDC
-         ldb   $FFA6       choose to use normal location
-         pshs  b
-         ldb   #$3E
-         stb   $FFA6       reset MMU for clock
-         sta   $FFDE
-         ldd   #RTC.Base
-         tfr   a,dp        DP now points to clock
-         tst   D.RTCMod,u  are we reading the clock or setting it?
-         beq   findclk     go if reading
-         lbsr  wakeup      we are setting a found clock
-         lbra  found
-findclk  lda   #-1
-         sta   alrtend,pcr
-         lbsr  wakeup      wakeup the clock
-         ldx   #D.Sec      one incoming byte dropped
-         lda   #8          bytes to get
-         pshs  a
-L0050    ldb   #8          bits to get
-L0052    lsr   <RTC.Read   get a bit
-         rora
-         decb  
-         bne   L0052
-         tst   D.RTCFlg,u
-         bne   maybe
-         cmpa  D.Temp,u
-         beq   maybe       clock might look like ROM
-         inc   D.RTCFlg,u  found the clock
-maybe    sta   ,x          transfer it to time
-         lda   ,s          check loop counter
-         cmpa  #8
-         beq   L006F       skip if 0.1 sec
-         cmpa  #4
-         bne   L006B       skip if not day of week
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         lda   ,x          move to correct location
-         anda  #7
-         sta   D.Daywk
-         ENDC
-         bra   L006F
-L006B    cmpa  #5          hour byte
-         bne   wd
-         lda   ,x
-         bita  #%10000000  12/24hr
-         beq   wd
-         bita  #%00100000  AM/PM
-         pshs  cc
-         anda  #%00011111  keep only time
-         puls  cc
-         bne   pm
-         cmpa  #$12        these are BCD tests
-         bne   am
-         clr   ,x          12AM=0hr military
-         bra   wd
-pm       cmpa  #$12        12PM=12hr military
-         beq   wd
-         adda  #$12        1-11PM add 12 for military
-am       sta   ,x
-wd       leax  -1,x        update time slot
-         bsr   L0087       convert from BCD to binary
-L006F    dec   ,s
-         bne   L0050       get the next byte from clock
-         lda   1,x         get year
-         cmpa  #50         half assed test for century
-         bhs   c19
-         adda  #100        make it 20th
-c19      sta   1,x
-         leas  1,s
-         tst   D.RTCFlg,u
-         bne   found
-         ldb   D.RTCSlt,u
-         bitb  #$30
-         beq   found
-         subb  #$10        not found so move to next slot
-         stb   D.RTCSlt,u
-         stb   $FF7F
-         lbra  findclk
-found    clra              system DP is always 0
-         tfr   a,dp
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         lda   D.HINIT     reset system before rts
-         sta   $FF90
-         ENDC
-         sta   $FFDF
-         puls  a
-         sta   $FFA6
-         rts               go back to normal code location
-* Convert BCD to binary
-L0087    lda   1,x
-         clrb  
-L008A    cmpa  #$10        BCD 10
-         bcs   L0094
-         addd  #$F00A      decrease BCD by $10 and add binary 10
-         bra   L008A
-L0094    pshs  a
-         addb  ,s+
-         stb   1,x
-term     rts   
-wakeup   lda   <RTC.Read   clear the clock for input
-* When getting time data, bit0 is rotated into a full byte. This
-* means the result is $00 or $FF for ROM. Any other value used for a test
-* will give a false positive for the clock.
-         clrb
-         bita  #1
-         beq   w1
-         comb
-w1       stb   D.Temp,u
-         leax  alert,pcr   point to message
-nxtbyte  ldb   #8          8 bytes to send
-         lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #-1         changed from 0 to -1 to accommodate settime
-         beq   term
-nxtbit   lsra              bits sent to clock by toggling
-         bcs   high        Zero and One
-         cmpa  <RTC.Zero   faster than tst
-         bra   nxtbit2
-high     cmpa  <RTC.One
-nxtbit2  decb  
-         bne   nxtbit
-         bra   nxtbyte
-* SmartWatch wakeup sequence
-alert    fcb   $c5,$3a,$a3,$5c,$c5,$3a,$a3,$5c
-* The next 8 bytes become time data when setting the clock. Terminator is
-* now $FF instead of $00 to permit $00 as data.
-alrtend  fcb   $FF
-alrtime  rmb   7
-         fcb   $FF
-exit     equ   *
-         puls  a
-         sta   $FF7F       restore MPI
-         tst   D.RTCFlg,u  was clock found?
-         beq   noclock
-         puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc
-         ENDC
-* RTC-specific initializations here
-Init     equ   *   
-         IFNE  RTCDsto4  
-* Disto 4-N-1 RTC specific initialization
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr 
-         ldd   #$010F     Set mode for RTC chip
-         stb   1,x       
-         sta   ,x        
-         ldd   #$0504    
-         sta   ,x        
-         stb   ,x        
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCElim   
-         IFGT  Level-1
-* Eliminator will install specific system calls
-         leay  NewSvc,pcr insert syscalls
-         os9   F$SSvc    
-         ENDC
-         ENDC            
-         IFNE  RTCSmart
-         clr   <D.SWPage        safe location for Read
-         pshs  d,x,y,u
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         ldx   <D.SysMem        get memory map
-         ldy   <D.SysDAT        get MMU map
-         ldb   #$20             first 20 pages always in use
-         abx                    point to page
-A1       tst  ,x+
-         beq   A2               found free page so go
-         incb                   update page counter
-         bpl   A1               still in RAM only, then go
-A4       lda   #2               can't find RAM only memory
-         leax  mem_mes,pcr
-         ldy   #40
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
-A2       pshs  b                save page #
-         andb  #%11100000       modulo MMU blocks
-         lsrb                   convert to DAT byte value
-         lsrb                   page# * $100 / $2000 = MMU #
-         lsrb                   $2000/$100=$20 at 2 bytes per MMU
-         lsrb                   then page#/$10 gives answer
-         ldd   b,y              get the MMU value
-         cmpd  #$333E           is DAT unused
-         pshs  cc               save answer
-         inc   1,s              update page # for a used page
-         puls  cc,b             get back answer and page #
-         beq   A1               if unused keep going
-         lda   #RAMinUse
-         sta   ,-x              flag the memory in use
-         ELSE
-         ldx   <$20        D.FMBM     free memory bit map
-         ldy   <$22        top of memory bit map
-         ldb   #-1         preset counter
-A1       lda   ,x+         get bits
-         incb              update $800 counter
-         pshs  y           test for end of map
-         cmpx  ,s+
-         bhi   A4          send error message
-         clr   -1,s        preset bit counter
-A2       inc   ,s
-         lsra              read left to right
-         bcs   A2
-         lda   ,s+
-         deca              convert to number of shifts
-         cmpa  #8          overflow value
-         beq   A1          get more map on ov
-         pshs  a           save the number of shifts
-         lda   #8          bytes*8
-         mul
-         addb  ,s          add modulo $800
-         cmpb  #$7E        need RAM not ROM for clock data
-         bhs   A4
-         lda   #%10000000  need to create mask to map the
-A5       lsra              unused bit, so reverse the process
-         dec   ,s          decrease shift counter
-         bne   A5
-         leas  1,s         yank counter
-         ora   -1,x        mark bit used and
-         sta   -1,x        tell the system
-         bra   A3          
-A4       leas  1,s            yank bit info
-         lda   #2             error path #
-         leax  mem_mes,pcr    good memory not found
-         ldy   #200
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
-A3       equ   *
-         ENDC
-         stb   <D.SWPage      keep the info for Read
-         tfr   b,a
-         clrb
-         tfr   d,x            regX now points to SW data page
-         ldb   $FF7F          get MPI values
-         andb  #3             keep IRQ info
-         orb   #$30           force slot #4 to start search
-         stb   D.RTCSlt,x     save the info
-         clr   D.RTCFlg,x     set to no clock found
-         clr   D.RTCMod,x     set to read time
-         leax  D.Start,x      safe location for moved code
-         IFNE  H6309
-         leay  reloc,pcr
-         ldw   #exit-reloc
-         tfm   y+,x+
-         ELSE
-         leau  reloc,pcr       relocation routine to move code
-         ldy   #exit-reloc     to a RAM only location
-B3       lda   ,u+
-         sta   ,x+
-         leay -1,y
-         bne   B3
-         ENDC
-         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
-noclock  equ   *
-         ldd   #7          seven time bytes to clear
-         ldx   #D.Time
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         sta   D.Daywk
-         ENDC
-nc       sta   ,x+
-         decb
-         bne   nc
-         puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc
-mem_mes  fcc   /There is no system memory for/
-         fcb   $0a
-         fcc   /the SmartWatch. Please reduce/
-         fcb   $0a
-         fcc   /os9boot size or use soft clock./
-         fcb   $0d
-         ELSE
-         rts                    used for clocks without Init routines
-         ENDC
-         emod            
-len      equ   *         
-         end             