changeset 825:0e8e511dd806

Added comments to source
author boisy
date Tue, 14 Jan 2003 00:54:37 +0000
parents 4caaf0f992bf
children 6c56dfe1de1c
files level1/cmds/printerr.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/cmds/printerr.asm	Tue Jan 14 00:39:54 2003 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/printerr.asm	Tue Jan 14 00:54:37 2003 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+         org   0
 datarea  rmb   86
 size     equ   .
@@ -39,99 +40,99 @@
          fdb   FPErr-*-2
          fcb   $80
-start    clra
-         leax  <name,pcr
-         os9   F$Link                  link one extra time
-         bcs   error
-         leay  <SysSVC,pcr
-         os9   F$SSvc
-         clrb
-error    os9   F$Exit
+start    clra			any module
+         leax  <name,pcr	point to name
+         os9   F$Link		link one extra time
+         bcs   error		branch if error
+         leay  <SysSVC,pcr	point to system service table
+         os9   F$SSvc		add it to system calls
+         clrb			clear carry
+error    os9   F$Exit		and exit
-FPErr    ldx   <D.Proc
-         lda   P$PATH+2,x              get stderr path
-         beq   Exit2
-         leas  <-$56,s                 make room on stack
-         ldb   R$B,u                   get error code
-         leau  ,s                      point U to save area
-         sta   ,u                      store path
-         stb   2,u                     store error code
-         bsr   PErrOrg                 print error as originally done
-         lda   #READ.
-         leax  >ErrFile,pcr
-         os9   I$Open
-         sta   1,u                     save path to file
-         bcs   Exit1
-         bsr   L008D
-         bcs   L0083
-         bne   L0083
-L0077    bsr   L00D4
-         bsr   ReadLine
-         bcs   L0083
-         ldb   ,x
-         cmpb  #$30
-         bcs   L0077
-L0083    lda   1,u
-         os9   I$Close
-Exit1    leas  <$56,s
-Exit2    clrb
-         rts
+FPErr    ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         lda   P$PATH+2,x	get stderr path
+         beq   Exit2		branch if not open
+         leas  <-$56,s		else make room on stack
+         ldb   R$B,u		get error code
+         leau  ,s		point U to save area
+         sta   ,u		store path
+         stb   2,u		store error code
+         bsr   PErrOrg		print error as originally done
+         lda   #READ.		read access mode
+         leax  >ErrFile,pcr	point to error file
+         os9   I$Open		open path to it
+         sta   1,u		save path to file
+         bcs   Exit1		branch if error
+         bsr   FindErr		attempt to find line that matches error code
+         bcs   Close		if error, close file and return to OS-9
+         bne   Close
+L0077    bsr   WriteLn		else write line
+         bsr   ReadLine		read next line
+         bcs   Close		branch if error
+         ldb   ,x		get first byte of line just read
+         cmpb  #'0		number?
+         bcs   L0077		branch if not
+Close    lda   1,u		get path
+         os9   I$Close		close path to error file
+Exit1    leas  <$56,s		clean stack
+Exit2    clrb			clear carry
+         rts			and return to OS-9
-L008D    bsr   ReadLine
-         bcs   L009B
-         bsr   L00DE
-         cmpa  #$30
-         bcc   L008D
-         cmpb  2,u
-         bne   L008D
+FindErr  bsr   ReadLine		read line
+         bcs   L009B		branch if error
+         bsr   L00DE		get error number
+         cmpa  #'0
+         bcc   FindErr
+         cmpb  2,u		same as error?
+         bne   FindErr		branch if not
 L009B    rts
 * read a line from the error file
-ReadLine lda   1,u                     get path number of file
-         leax  5,u                     point X to buffer
-         ldy   #80                     max 80 chars
-         os9   I$ReadLn                read line
+ReadLine lda   1,u		get path number of file
+         leax  5,u		point X to buffer
+         ldy   #80		max 80 chars
+         os9   I$ReadLn		read line
-PErrOrg  leax  >ErrMsg,pcr
-         leay  5,u                     point to buffer area
-         lda   ,x+
-CopyLoop sta   ,y+
-         lda   ,x+
-         bpl   CopyLoop                while hi bit not set in A
-         ldb   2,u                     get error number
-         lda   #$2F
-L00BA    inca
-         subb  #$64
-         bcc   L00BA
-         sta   ,y+
-         lda   #$3A
-L00C3    deca
-         addb  #10
-         bcc   L00C3
-         sta   ,y+
-         tfr   b,a
-         adda  #$30
+PErrOrg  leax  >ErrMsg,pcr	point X to error header
+         leay  5,u		point Y to buffer area
+         lda   ,x+		get byte at X
+CopyLoop sta   ,y+		and store it at Y
+         lda   ,x+		get byte...
+         bpl   CopyLoop		while hi bit not set in A
+         ldb   2,u		get error number
+         lda   #$2F		start out just below '0
+L00BA    inca			increment A
+         subb  #$64		subtract
+         bcc   L00BA		continue if carry clear
+         sta   ,y+		else store as character
+         lda   #$3A		start out just beyond '9
+L00C3    deca			decrement A
+         addb  #10		add 10 to B
+         bcc   L00C3		continue if carry clear
+         sta   ,y+		save A
+         tfr   b,a		transfer
+         adda  #$30		add '0
          ldb   #C$CR
          std   ,y+
-         leax  5,u                     point X at buffer
-L00D4    ldy   #80                     max string len
-         lda   ,u                      get stderr path
-         os9   I$WritLn
+         leax  5,u		point X at buffer
+WriteLn  ldy   #80		max string len
+         lda   ,u		get stderr path
+         os9   I$WritLn		write it out
-L00DE    clrb
-L00DF    lda   ,x+
-         suba  #$30
-         cmpa  #$09
-         bhi   L00F0
-         pshs  a
-         lda   #10
-         mul
-         addb  ,s+
-         bcc   L00DF
-L00F0    lda   -1,x
-         rts
+L00DE    clrb			clear B
+L00DF    lda   ,x+		get byte from X
+         suba  #'0		make 8 bit integer
+         cmpa  #$09		compare against 9
+         bhi   L00F0		branch if greater
+         pshs  a		else save A
+         lda   #10		multiply by 10
+         mul			do it
+         addb  ,s+		add on stack
+         bcc   L00DF		if carry clear, do it again
+L00F0    lda   -1,x		load byte
+         rts			return
 eom      equ   *