changeset 662:1810b051d07e

copy, display and makdir are now improved versions with enhanced features
author boisy
date Tue, 24 Dec 2002 02:37:35 +0000
parents 12b220a2a61c
children 9103a84758cd
files level1/cmds/copy.asm level1/cmds/display.asm level1/cmds/makdir.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 545 insertions(+), 325 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/cmds/copy.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:36:47 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/copy.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:37:35 2002 +0000
@@ -1,283 +1,319 @@
-* Copy - Copy files
+* Copy - File copy utility
 * $Id$
 * Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   9    From Tandy OS-9 Level Two VR 02.00.01
+* 10     Reworked                                       RML
          nam   Copy
-         ttl   Copy files
+         ttl   File copy utility
-* Disassembled 02/07/06 13:08:43 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+* Edition 10 rewrite 10/28/88 - RML
-         ifp1
+         ifp1  
          use   defsfile
-         endc
+         use   rbfdefs
+         endc  
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   $01
-edition  set   9
+edition  set   10
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   1
-u0001    rmb   1
-u0002    rmb   1
-u0003    rmb   1
-u0004    rmb   2
-u0006    rmb   2
-u0008    rmb   2
-u000A    rmb   2
-u000C    rmb   2
-u000E    rmb   1
-u000F    rmb   1
-u0010    rmb   16
-u0020    rmb   480
-u0200    rmb   256
-u0300    rmb   4096
+inpath   rmb   1          input path number
+outpath  rmb   1          output path number
+indevtyp rmb   1          input device type (1 = RBF)
+verify   rmb   1          verify on/off (1=on)
+bufsize  rmb   2          read/write buffer size
+fsizemsb rmb   2          msb's of file size
+fsizelsb rmb   2          lsb's of file size
+writemsb rmb   2          msb's of bytes written to output
+writelsb rmb   2          lsb's of bytes written to output
+single   rmb   1          single drive copy flag (1=yes)
+attribs  rmb   1          file attributes
+fdbuff   rmb   16         File Descriptor buffer
+optbuff  rmb   32         Path Descriptor Options Buffer
+stack    rmb   448        stack storage
+vfybuff  rmb   256        verify buffer
+buffer   rmb   $2000-.    read/write buffer (minimum..will expand with mem mod)
 size     equ   .
 name     fcs   /Copy/
          fcb   edition
-L0012    fcc   "Ready SOURCE, hit C to continue: "
-L0033    fcc   "Ready DESTINATION, hit C to continue: "
-L0059    fcb   C$CR
-L005A    fcc   "Use: Copy <Path1> <Path2> [-s]"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "  -s = single drive copy (Path2 must be complete pathlist)"
-         fcb   C$CR
-L00B4    fcb   C$BELL
-         fcc   "Error - write verification failed."
+start    leas  vfybuff,u  set stack pointer to 512
+         pshs  u          save u reg
+         leau  <optbuff,u point u to 20th byte
+clearit  clr   ,-u        clear byte
+         cmpu  ,s         done ?
+         bhi   clearit    loop back
+         tfr   y,d        move in top of mem (after param area)
+         subd  ,s++       subtract current stack
+         subd  #$0300     and back off variable storage
+         clrb             round off to page bondary
+         std   <bufsize   buffer size
+         pshs  x          save x register
+getopt   lda   ,x+        get a char
+         cmpa  #'-        was it a '-'??
+         beq   chkopt     yes..go check opt
+         cmpa  #C$CR      was it a <cr>??
+         bne   getopt     no..check next char
+         bra   openin     else done..go finish processing
+chkopt   ldd   ,x+        get next 2 chars
+         eora  #'S        check if its an S
+         anda  #$DF       make upper case
+         lbne  sndinstr   not an s.. send instructions
+         cmpb  #$30       else check if next char is number or letter
+         lbhs  sndinstr   yup...send instructions
+         inc   <single    set s option
+         bra   getopt     and check next char
+openin   puls  x          restore line pointer
+         lda   #READ.     open first file
+         os9   I$Open
+         lbcs  chkerr     error..go see what it was
+         sta   <inpath    save path number
+         pshs  x          save second path name start
+         leax  <fdbuff,u  point to FD buffer
+         ldy   #FD.SEG    bytes to read
+         ldb   #SS.FD     get file descriptor
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         puls  x          restore line pointer
+         bcs   getintyp   skip this on eror
+         tst   <single    single drive copy ?
+         beq   getintyp   no..skip this stuff
+         lda   ,x         get first char of path name
+         ldb   #E$BPNam   load bad path name error message
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    was it a path separaor ?
+         bne   errjump    nope..error
+getintyp pshs  x          save out path name start
+         lda   <inpath    get path number
+         bsr   getopts    get option section
+         lda   ,x         get device type
+         sta   <indevtyp  save it
+         ldb   #PREAD.+EXEC.+READ.+WRITE.  default,write,execute,public
+         cmpa  #DT.RBF    was device type RBF ?
+         bne   openout    nope...don't get file size/attributes
+         pshs  u,x        save registers
+         lda   <inpath    get path number
+         ldb   #SS.Size   Get File size
+         bsr   getstat    do the GetStt call..exit on error
+         stx   <fsizemsb  save 2 msb's of file size
+         stu   <fsizelsb  save 2 lsb's of file size
+         puls  u,x        restore registers
+         ldb   <PD.ATT-PD.OPT,x   get file attributes
+openout  stb   <attribs   save attributes
+         ldx   ,s         get start of second path name
+         lbsr  destsnd    send destination msg
+         lda   #UPDAT.    open file for update
+         ldb   <attribs   get attributes
+         os9   I$Create   create the file
+         puls  x          restore x register
+         bcc   open010    no error..skip this
+         inc   <verify    set verify off
+         lda   #WRITE.    open filein write only mode
+         ldb   <attribs   get atributes
+         os9   I$Create   create the file
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+open010  sta   <outpath   save second path number
+         bsr   getopts    get option section
+         ldb   ,x         get device type
+         cmpb  #DT.RBF    was it RBF
+         beq   setvfy     yup...skip this
+         inc   <verify    set verify off
+         bra   mainloop   and skip all this
+errjump  lbra  errexit    nope....error
+getopts  leax  <optbuff,u point to buffer
+         ldb   #SS.Opt    get option section of path descritor
+getstat  os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+         rts   
+setvfy   tst   <verify    do we want verify on
+         bne   setsiz     nope...dont set driver verify on
+         ldb   #1         verify
+         stb   PD.VFY-PD.OPT,x        turn verify on
+         ldb   #SS.OPT    set options
+         os9   I$SetStt
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+setsiz   lda   <indevtyp  get device type
+         cmpa  #DT.RBF    is it an RBF file
+         bne   mainloop   nope...dont preset file size
+         pshs  u          save register
+         lda   <outpath   get out path number
+         ldb   #SS.Size   set file size
+         ldx   <fsizemsb  get 2 msb's of in file size
+         ldu   <fsizelsb  get 2 lsb's of in file size
+         os9   I$SetStt   set the size
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+         puls  u          restore register
+         lda   <outpath   get out path number
+         leax  <fdbuff,u  point to FD buffer
+         ldy   #FD.SEG    number of bytes to write
+         ldb   #SS.FD     write out the FD (for dates,etc.)
+         os9   I$SetStt
+mainloop leax  buffer,u   point to buffer
+         clra             source drive code
+         lbsr  chkdrive   send source switch msg
+         lda   <inpath    get in path number
+         ldy   <bufsize   get buffer size
+         os9   I$Read     read a block
+         bcs   chkeof2    if error..go check which one
+         lbsr  destsnd    send destination switch msg
+         lda   <outpath   get out path number
+         os9   I$Write    write the block out
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+         tst   <verify    are we verifying ?
+         bne   chkeof     skip this
+         pshs  u,y        save registers
+         ldx   <writemsb  get 2 msb's of last write
+         ldu   <writelsb  get 2 lsb's of last write
+         lda   <outpath   get out path number
+         os9   I$Seek
+         bcs   errjump    exit on error
+         ldu   2,s        get original u back
+         leau  buffer,u   point to buffer start
+         ldd   ,s         get bytes written
+         addd  <writelsb  add on to current 2 lsb positions
+         std   <writelsb  save them
+         ldd   ,s         get bytes written
+         bcc   vfy000     skip if no carry
+         leax  1,x        bump up 2 msb's
+         stx   <writemsb  and save them
+vfy000   ldy   #$0100     chars to read for verify
+         std   ,s         save it
+         tsta             did we write more than 255 bytes ?
+         bne   vfy010     yes...only read 256
+         tfr   d,y        else xfer amount we did write
+vfy010   ldx   2,s        get u register
+         leax  $200,x     point to start of verify buffer
+         lda   <outpath   get output path number
+         os9   I$Read     read a block in
+         bcs   errexit    exit on error
+vfy020   lda   ,u+        get char from in buffer
+         cmpa  ,x+        get char from out buffer
+         bne   snderr1    not equal...send write verfiy msg
+         leay  -1,y       decrement read count
+         bne   vfy020     if more..loop back
+         ldd   ,s         get write count back
+         subd  #$0100     subtract verify buffer size
+         bhi   vfy000     if more left...loop back
+         puls  u,y        else restore registers
+chkeof   lda   <inpath    get in path number
+         ldb   #SS.EOF    check for end of file
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcc   mainloop   nope...loop back
+         cmpb  #E$EOF     are we at end of file ?
+         beq   closeout   yes...close file
+chkeof2  cmpb  #E$EOF     check for end of file
+         bne   errexit    nope...error exit
+         bsr   destsnd    send msg for disk switch
+closeout lda   <outpath   get out path number
+         os9   I$Close    close the file
+         bcc   exitok     exit w/o error if o.k.
+         bra   errexit    else error exit
+errmsg1  fcb   C$BELL
+         fcc   /Error - write verification failed./
          fcb   C$CR
-start    leas  >u0200,u
-         pshs  u
-         leau  <u0020,u
-L00E1    clr   ,-u
-         cmpu  ,s
-         bhi   L00E1
-         tfr   y,d
-         subd  ,s++
-         subd  #$0300
-         clrb  
-         std   <u0004
-         pshs  x
-L00F4    lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #'-
-         beq   L0100
-         cmpa  #$0D
-         bne   L00F4
-         bra   L0113
-L0100    ldd   ,x+
-         eora  #'S
-         anda  #$DF
-         bne   L0110
-         cmpb  #$30
-         bcc   L0110
-         inc   <u000E
-         bra   L00F4
-L0110    lbra  L0281
-L0113    puls  x
-         lda   #READ.
-         os9   I$Open   
-         bcc   L0125
-         cmpb  #$D7
-         lbeq  L0281
-         lbra  L0288
-L0125    sta   <u0000
-         pshs  x
-         leax  <u0010,u
-         ldy   #$0010
-         ldb   #SS.FD
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         puls  x
-         bcs   L0147
-         tst   <u000E
-         beq   L0147
-         lda   ,x
-         ldb   #$D7
-         cmpa  #'/
-         lbne  L0288
-L0147    pshs  x
-         lda   <u0000
-         leax  <u0020,u
-         ldb   #SS.Opt
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         lbcs  L0288
-         lda   ,x
-         sta   <u0002
-         ldb   #$0F
-         cmpa  #$01
-         bne   L0177
-         pshs  u,x
-         lda   <u0000
-         ldb   #SS.Size
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         lbcs  L0288
-         stx   <u0006
-         stu   <u0008
-         puls  u,x
-         ldb   <$13,x
-L0177    stb   <u000F
-         ldx   ,s
-         lda   #$01
-         lbsr  L0295
-         lda   #UPDAT.
-         ldb   <u000F
-         os9   I$Create 
-         puls  x
-         bcc   L0198
-         inc   <u0003
-         lda   #WRITE.
-         ldb   <u000F
-         os9   I$Create 
-         lbcs  L0288
-L0198    sta   <u0001
-         leax  <u0020,u
-         ldb   #SS.Opt
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         lbcs  L0288
-         ldb   ,x
-         cmpb  #$01
-         beq   L01B0
-         inc   <u0003
-         bra   L01E8
-L01B0    tst   <u0003
-         bne   L01C1
-         ldb   #$01
-         stb   $08,x
-         ldb   #SS.Opt
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         lbcs  L0288
-L01C1    lda   <u0002
-         cmpa  #$01
-         bne   L01E8
-         pshs  u
-         lda   <u0001
-         ldb   #$02
-         ldx   <u0006
-         ldu   <u0008
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-         lbcs  L0288
-         puls  u
-         lda   <u0001
-         leax  <u0010,u
-         ldy   #$0010
-         ldb   #SS.FD
-         os9   I$SetStt 
-L01E8    leax  >u0300,u
-         clra  
-         lbsr  L0295
-         lda   <u0000
-         ldy   <u0004
-         os9   I$Read   
-         bcs   L0265
-         lda   #$01
-         lbsr  L0295
-         lda   <u0001
-         os9   I$Write  
-         lbcs  L0288
-         tst   <u0003
-         bne   L0258
-         pshs  u,y
-         ldx   <u000A
-         ldu   <u000C
-         lda   <u0001
-         os9   I$Seek   
-         bcs   L0288
-         ldu   $02,s
-         leau  >u0300,u
-         ldd   ,s
-         addd  <u000C
-         std   <u000C
-         ldd   ,s
-         bcc   L022D
-         leax  $01,x
-         stx   <u000A
-L022D    ldy   #$0100
-         std   ,s
-         tsta  
-         bne   L0238
-         tfr   d,y
-L0238    ldx   $02,s
-         leax  >$0200,x
-         lda   <u0001
-         os9   I$Read   
-         bcs   L0288
-L0245    lda   ,u+
-         cmpa  ,x+
-         bne   L0276
-         leay  -$01,y
-         bne   L0245
-         ldd   ,s
-         subd  #$0100
-         bhi   L022D
-         puls  u,y
-L0258    lda   <u0000
-         ldb   #SS.EOF
-         os9   I$GetStt 
-         bcc   L01E8
-         cmpb  #E$EOF
-         beq   L026D
-L0265    cmpb  #E$EOF
-         bne   L0288
-         lda   #$01
-         bsr   L0295
-L026D    lda   <u0001
-         os9   I$Close  
-         bcc   L0287
-         bra   L0288
-L0276    leax  >L00B4,pcr
-         bsr   L028B
-         comb  
-         ldb   #$01
-         bra   L0288
-L0281    leax  >L005A,pcr
-         bsr   L028B
-L0287    clrb  
-L0288    os9   F$Exit   
-L028B    ldy   #256
-L028F    lda   #$01
-         os9   I$WritLn 
+snderr1  leax  errmsg1,pcr address of 'write verify failed' msg
+         bsr   sndline    send it
+         comb             set carry
+         ldb   #$01       set error
+         bra   errexit    exit
+chkerr   cmpb  #E$BPNam   was it bad path name
+         bne   errexit    error exit
+sndinstr leax  Help,pcr   get instructions
+         bsr   sndline    send them
+exitok   clrb  
+errexit  os9   F$Exit
+sndline  ldy   #256       max chars to send
+         lda   #1         std out
+         os9   I$WritLn   write the line
-L0295    tst   <u000E
-         beq   L02D2
-         pshs  y,x
-L029B    pshs  a
-         tsta  
-         bne   L02AA
-         leax  >L0012,pcr
-         ldy   #$0021
-         bra   L02B2
-L02AA    leax  >L0033,pcr
-         ldy   #$0026
-L02B2    bsr   L028F
-         leax  ,-s
-         ldy   #$0001
-         clra  
-         os9   I$Read   
+* Send message and wait for disk switch for single drive copy
+destsnd  lda   #1         set flag for destination message
+chkdrive tst   <single    are we doing single drive copy
+         beq   msgrts     nope..just exit
+         pshs  y,x        else save registers
+sndsrc   pshs  a          save drive flag
+         tsta             do we want source drive ?
+         bne   snddst destination message
+         leax  srcmsg,pcr point to 'source' msg
+         ldy   #srcmsgsz  chars to send
+         bra   msgsnd     go send it
+srcmsg   fcc   /Ready SOURCE/
+srcmsgsz equ   *-srcmsg
+dstmsg   fcc   /Ready DESTINATION/
+dstmsgsz equ   *-dstmsg
+cntmsg   fcc   /, hit C to continue: /
+cntmsgsz equ   *-cntmsg
+snddst   leax  dstmsg,pcr point to 'destination' msg
+         ldy   #dstmsgsz  chars to send
+msgsnd   lda   #1         std out
+         os9   I$Write    write it
+         leax  cntmsg,pcr point to 'hit C ...'
+         ldy   #cntmsgsz  get size of message
+         os9   I$Write    write it
+         leax  ,-s        back up for dummy buffer
+         ldy   #1         chars to read
+         clra             std in
+         os9   I$Read     read one char
          lda   ,s+
-         eora  #'C
-         anda  #$DF
-         beq   L02CC
-         bsr   L02D3
-         puls  a
-         bne   L029B
-L02CC    bsr   L02D3
-         puls  a
-         puls  y,x
-L02D2    rts   
-L02D3    pshs  y,x,a
-         lda   #$01
-         leax  >L0059,pcr
-         ldy   #$0050
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-         puls  pc,y,x,a
+         pshs  y,x,a      save registers
+         leax  crmsg,pcr  point to <cr>
+         bsr   sndline    write it
+         puls  y,x,a      restore registers
+         eora  #'C        check if its a C
+         anda  #$DF       make it upper case
+         puls  a          restore drive status
+         bne   sndsrc     loop back & send message
+         puls  y,x        restore registers
+msgrts   rts   
-         emod
+Help     fcc   /Use: Copy <Path1> <Path2> [-s]/
+         fcb   C$LF
+         fcc   /  -s = single drive copy/
+         fcc   / (Path2 must be complete pathlist)/
+         fcb   C$CR
+crmsg    fcb   C$CR
+         emod  
 eom      equ   *
--- a/level1/cmds/display.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:36:47 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/display.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:37:35 2002 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-* Display  - display control codes
+* Display - Character display utility
 * $Id$
 * Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   2    From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00
+* 2      Original Tandy/Microware version
+* 3      Added decimal, text features                   ADK
          nam   Display
-         ttl   display control codes
+         ttl   Character display utility
-* Disassembled 02/04/05 15:13:55 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+* Disassembled 94/12/10 12:27:37 by Alan DeKok
          use   defsfile
@@ -19,71 +20,170 @@
 tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   $01
+edition  set   3
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   450
+         org   0
+T.Delim  rmb   1          text delimiter
+D.Len    rmb   1          length of decimal bytes: 0=1 byte, 1=2 bytes
+D.Word   rmb   2          decimal byte to output
+         rmb   200        room for the stack
 size     equ   .
 name     fcs   /Display/
-         fcb   $02 
+         fcb   edition
+Start    pshs  x          save start address of text to output
+         leay  ,x         destination buffer=input buffer (always shrinks it)
+         leau  Hex,pcr    point to routine to ouput hex characters
+Loop     jsr   ,u         grab a character
+         bcs   S.01       if error, dump it
+         stb   ,x+        save character in internal buffer
+         bra   Loop       and get another one
+S.01     tfr   x,d        get current pointer into D
+         subd  ,s         take out start address
+         tfr   d,y        length of the data to print
+         puls  x          restore start address
+         lda   #$01       to STDOUT
+         os9   I$Write    dump it out
+         bcs   Exit       exit if error
+ClnExit  clrb             no error
+Exit     os9   F$Exit     and exit
+Do.Hex   leau  <Hex,pcr   point to main hex routine
+Hex      ldb   ,y+        grab a character
+         cmpb  #C$COMA    comma?
+         bne   Hex.2      nope, do more checks
+Hex.1    ldb   ,y+        grab another character
+Hex.2    cmpb  #C$SPAC    space?
+         beq   Hex.1      yup, skip it
+         cmpb  #'/        slash?
+         beq   Do.Text    yes, go output straight text
+         cmpb  #'\        back-slash?
+         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text
+         cmpb  #'"        double-quote?
+         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text
+         cmpb  #C$PERD    period?
+         beq   Decimal    yes, do a one-time output of decimal byte(s)
+         leay  -1,y
+         bsr   Nibble     turn character in B into a nibble
+         bcs   OK.2
+         pshs  b          save high nibble
+         bsr   Nibble     get current character
+         bcs   Hex.3      skip move if next character is not a number
+         lsl   ,s         move low nibble into high nibble
+         lsl   ,s
+         lsl   ,s         - can't do it before now, because hex number
+         lsl   ,s           might be 1 digit long
+         addb  ,s         add high nibble to low nibble
+         stb   ,s         save it
+Hex.3    clrb             no error
+         puls  b,pc       restore byte to output, and exit
+Nibble   ldb   ,y         get the current character
+         cmpb  #C$CR      end of parameters?
+         beq   Error      yes, exit
+         cmpb  #'0        error if B<'0'
+         blo   Error      
+         cmpb  #'9
+         bls   OK         allow '0' to '9' inclusive
+         cmpb  #'A        error if B<'A'
+         blo   Error
+         andb  #$DF       make the character lowercase
+         cmpb  #'F
+         bhi   Error      error if B>'F'
-start    cmpd  #$0001
-         bls   L0036
-         pshs  x
-         leay  ,x
-L001F    bsr   L003A
-         bcs   L0027
-         stb   ,x+
-         bra   L001F
-L0027    tfr   x,d
-         subd  ,s
-         tfr   d,y
-         puls  x
-         lda   #$01
-         os9   I$Write  
-         bcs   L0037
-L0036    clrb  
-L0037    os9   F$Exit   
-L003A    ldb   ,y+
-         cmpb  #C$COMA
-         bne   L0042
-L0040    ldb   ,y+
-L0042    cmpb  #C$SPAC
-         beq   L0040
-         leay  -$01,y
-         bsr   L0062
-         bcs   L0061
-         pshs  b
-         bsr   L0062
-         bcs   L005E
-         lsl   ,s
-         lsl   ,s
-         lsl   ,s
-         lsl   ,s
-         addb  ,s
-         stb   ,s
-L005E    clrb  
-         puls  b
-L0061    rts   
+         subb  #$07       map 'A' down to $0A
+OK       subb  #$30       take out ascii zero, now B=nibble 0-F
+OK.0     leay  1,y
+OK.1     clra             set to no error
+OK.2     rts   
+Error    comb             set carry
+         rts   
+Do.Text  leau  <Text,pcr
+         stb   <T.Delim   save text delimiter
+Text     ldb   ,y+        grab a character
+         cmpb  <T.Delim   text delimiter again?
+         beq   T.Check    check for some stuff
+         cmpb  #C$CR      end of text?
+         beq   Error      yes, signal it
+         bra   OK.1       otherwise allow the character
+T.Check  lda   ,y         get the next character after the delimiter
+         cmpa  <T.Delim   is it the same, i.e. 2 delimiters in a row?
+         beq   OK.0       yes, skip the second and output the first
+         bra   Do.Hex     otherwise go to hex mode again
+Decimal  lda   ,y         get next character
+         anda  #$DF       make it uppercase
+         cmpa  #'W        force a word?
+         bne   D.One      no, do a straight decimal conversion
+         leay  1,y        skip the 'w' character
+         lda   #1         force 2 bytes
+         fcb   $21        skip the 'clra' following
+D.One    clra             force 1 byte (may expand to 2)
+         sta   <D.Len     save length of the decimal character
+         clra             start off at zero
+         clrb
+         std   <D.Word    sav starting value of the decimal word to output
-L0062    ldb   ,y
-         subb  #$30
-         cmpb  #$09
-         bls   L007A
-         cmpb  #$31
-         bcs   L0070
-         subb  #$20
-L0070    subb  #$07
-         cmpb  #$0F
-         bhi   L007F
-         cmpb  #$0A
-         bcs   L007F
-L007A    andcc #^Carry
-         leay  $01,y
-         rts   
-L007F    comb  
-         rts   
+D.Read   lda   ,y+        grab a decimal digit
+         cmpa  #C$CR      done the list?
+         beq   D.CR       yes, output the characters and then exit
+         cmpa  #'0        smaller than zero?
+         bls   D.Done0    yes, we're done this decimal digit
+         cmpa  #'9
+         bhi   Error
+         suba  #'0        convert ascii to number
+         pshs  a          save the character for later
+         ldd   <D.Word    get the current word
+         aslb
+         rola             N*2
+         aslb
+         rola             N*4
+         aslb
+         rola             N*8
+         addd  <D.Word    N*8+N=N*9
+         addd  <D.Word    N*9+N=N*10
+         addb  ,s+        add in our latest character
+         adca  #0         make it 16-bit
+         std   <D.Word
+         bra   D.Read     go get another character
+D.Done0  leay  -1,y       point to character we've tried to convert to dec.
+D.Done   ldd   <D.Word    get the byte(s) to output
+         tst   <D.Len     check length flag
+         bne   D.Two      if forcing 2 bytes, output them
+         tst   <D.Word    is high byte zero?
+         beq   D.Exit     yes, only output low order byte
+D.Two    sta   ,x+        save high byte in the output buffer
+D.Exit   clra  
+         rts
+D.CR     leau  Error,pcr  point to error routine: no more characters
+         bra   D.Done     output these characters, and the exit
 eom      equ   *
--- a/level1/cmds/makdir.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:36:47 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/makdir.asm	Tue Dec 24 02:37:35 2002 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-* Makdir - Create directory file
+* MakDir - Create directory file
 * $Id$
 * Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *   4    From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00
+*   5    Makes multiple directories from a single       ADK
          nam   Makdir
          ttl   Create directory file
-* Disassembled 02/04/03 23:05:28 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+* Disassembled 94/12/08 21:42:56 by Alan DeKok
          use   defsfile
@@ -19,23 +20,106 @@
 tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   $01
-edition  set   4
+edition  set   5
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   450
+Param    rmb   2          parameter area
+MFlag    rmb   1          made a directory yet from this pathlist?
+         rmb   200        stack space
 size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /Makdir/
+name     fcs   /MakDir/
          fcb   edition
+Sk.1     leax  1,x        go on to the next character
+Skip     lda   ,x         get a character
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
+         beq   Sk.1       if so, skip it
+         rts
+* Any pathnames at all?
+* Exit with error if none
+Start    bsr   Skip       skip the first bit, if applicable
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC    is it a CR?
+         bne   start2     no, go ahead and make directories
+         comb             set carry
+         ldb   #E$BPNam   a CR is a bad pathname...
+         bra   Exit       and go exit
+* skip leading spaces or '/' and setup pointers
+start1   bsr   Skip       skip any non-zero characters, if applicable
+start2   ldb   #$FF       a non-zero value
+         stb   <MFlag     we haven't made a directory from this pathname yet
+         stx   <Param     save in the parameter area
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    leading slash?
+         bne   S.020      if not, go get the name
+* find the pseudo-end of the pathname, stopping at space, cr, '/'
+S.010    leax  1,x
+S.020    lda   ,x
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
+         beq   S.030
+         cmpa  #C$CR      cr?
+         beq   S.030
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    slash?
+         bne   S.010      if none of these, then skip this character
+* force the pathname to be a subset of the full pathname
+S.030    pshs  a,x        save byte found, where we found it
+         lda   #C$CR      force it to be a CR
+         sta   ,x
+*try to open it for reading, i.e. does it already exists?
+         ldx   <Param     get the start address of this pathname
+         lda   #DIR.+READ. open the directory for reading
+         os9   I$Open     check if the directory already exists
+         bcs   S.040      if there was an error opening it, go make it
+         OS9   I$Close    close the path to the file
+         bra   S.050      skip making this directory
+* The partial pathname doesn't exist, so create it
+S.040    ldx   <Param     get the start address of this pathname
+         ldb   #^SHARE.  everything but SHARE.
          os9   I$MakDir 
-         bcs   L001C
-         clrb  
-L001C    os9   F$Exit   
+         bcs   Error
+         clr   <MFlag     clear the flag: we've successfully made a directory
+* make pathname full again, and continue
+S.050    puls  a,x        restore byte, address
+         sta   ,x         restore it
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    was it a slash?
+         beq   S.010      yes, make pathname full again, and find next one
+* searched this pathname, have we made a directory from it?
+         tst   <MFlag     have we made a directory?
+         bne   CEF        if not, error out with fake E$CEF
+* check for end/continue flag
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC    was it a space?
+         beq   start1     yup, go get another pathname to create
+ClnExit  clrb             no error
+Exit     OS9   F$Exit     and exit
+CEF      comb             set carry
+         ldb   #E$CEF     we've just tried to create an existing file
+Error    pshs  b,cc       save error code
+         lda   #2         to STDERR
+         leax  EMsg,pc    to error found string
+         ldy   #Elen
+         OS9   I$Write
+         ldx   <param     get pathname we're trying to open
+         ldy   #200       a _very_ long pathname
+         OS9   I$WritLn   we're sure that the name ends in a CR...
+         puls  b,cc       restore error code, condition
+         bra   Exit
+EMsg     fcc   /makdir: error creating /
+ELen     equ   *-EMsg
 eom      equ   *