changeset 3284:5f3acb2422a3

Updated source L. Curtis Boyle used back during the day.
author tlindner <>
date Sun, 03 May 2020 10:40:19 -0700
parents aa4b1bd0d9c5
children 345ff5806dd7
files 3rdparty/drivers/disto/cc3disk_sc2_irq.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 737 insertions(+), 586 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/drivers/disto/cc3disk_sc2_irq.asm	Sun Apr 19 15:12:52 2020 +0200
+++ b/3rdparty/drivers/disto/cc3disk_sc2_irq.asm	Sun May 03 10:40:19 2020 -0700
@@ -6,620 +6,771 @@
 * taken that no other hardware will conflict.
 * $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*  02    Fist disassembled                              tjl 02/08/27
          nam   CC3Disk
-         ttl   os9 device driver    
-* Disassembled 02/08/27 11:42:37 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-* Disto's Super Controller II supports two locations for its
-* registers: $FF74 and $FF58
-nh_base  equ   $FF74
-nh_stat  equ   nh_base
-nh_data  equ   nh_base+2
+         ttl   os9 device driver
          use   defsfile
-tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   $02
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   1
-u0001    rmb   1
-u0002    rmb   1
-u0003    rmb   1
-u0004    rmb   1
-u0005    rmb   2
-u0007    rmb   1
-u0008    rmb   2
-u000A    rmb   4
-u000E    rmb   1
-u000F    rmb   1
-u0010    rmb   2
-u0012    rmb   1
-u0013    rmb   31
-u0032    rmb   24
-u004A    rmb   6
-u0050    rmb   48
-u0080    rmb   10
-u008A    rmb   8
-u0092    rmb   16
-u00A2    rmb   5
-u00A7    rmb   8
-u00AF    rmb   2
-u00B1    rmb   11
-u00BC    rmb   1
-u00BD    rmb   1
+         mod   eom,name,Drivr+Objct,ReEnt+rev,start,size
+* NOTE: This driver only uses one byte of V.TRAK, and the most significiant
+*   one, not the LSB as most others do.
+* $FF48: READ = Status register Error flags are the most significiant 5 bits
+*   %10000000 = Drive not ready
+*   %01000000 = Write protect
+*   %00100000 = Head is loaded OR Write fault (after any write operation)
+*   %00010000 = Seek error
+*   %00001000 = CRC error
+*   %00000100 = Track 0 (head is @ track 0) OR Lost Data
+*   %00000010 = Data Request (need to read or write data register)
+*   %00000001 = Busy (command in progress)
+* $FF48: WRITE = Command register
+*   $03 = Restore
+*   $17 = Seek
+*   $23 = Step
+*   $43 = Step in
+*   $53 = Step out
+*   $80 = Read sector
+*   $a0 = Write sector
+*   $c0 = Read Address
+*   $e4 = Read Track
+*   $f4 = Write Track
+*   $d0 = Force interrupt
+* $FF40: Control register - WRITE ONLY
+*   %10000000 = Halt Flag: 0=Disabled (Wiggle for read/write sync)
+*   %01000000 = Select drive 4 / Select side 2
+*   %00100000 = Single (1) or Double density (0)
+*   %00010000 = Write Precomp select (1)=ON
+*   %00001000 = Motors ON (1=on, 0=off)
+*   %00000100 = Select drive 3
+*   %00000010 = Select drive 2
+*   %00000001 = Select drive 1
+* $FF49: Track register
+* $FF4A: Sector register
+* $FF4B: Data register (both directions)
+* $FF76: Cache control register
+*   %00000000 = Caching off
+*   %00001000 = Tell cache controller to send interrupt when device is ready
+*               to send/receive a buffer (seek done, etc.)
+*   %00000111 = Read cache on - Get next 256 data bytes from controller to cache
+*   %00000100 = Write cache on - Next 256 bytes stored in cache are sector
+*   %00000110 = Copy Write cache to controller
+* $FF74-$FF75 - cache data (read/write): Works the same as WDDisk/Eliminator,
+*   with 'ghosting' technique to allow 2 byte read/writes. Should work with
+*   TFM on first location
+CachCtrl equ   $ff76          Cache control register
+CachDat  equ   $ff74          Cache data register (ghosted to $FF75)
+* First $A6 bytes are normal as per RBF section in Tech Ref for 4 drives
+* Stuff unique to Disto driver - Starts @ u00A7
+norm     rmb   DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*4)  Normal stuff for 4 drives
+u00A7    rmb   23             Driver stuff for Disto driver
 size     equ   .
-         fcb   $FF 
-name     equ   *
-         fcs   /CC3Disk/
-         fcb   $A3 #
-start    equ   *
-         lbra  L0046
-         lbra  L00BF
-         lbra  L013B
-         lbra  L00BC
-         lbra  L0370
-         leay  >u00B1,u
-         ldx   #$0000
-         os9   F$VIRQ   
-         os9   F$IRQ    
-         ldy   #nh_data
-         os9   F$IRQ    
-         clrb  
-         stb   >$FF40
-         stb   <u0032
-         rts   
-L0040    fcb   $00
-         fcb   $01
-         fcb   $09
-L0043    fcb   $80     suba #$80  This doesn't make sense.
-         fcb   $80
-         fcb   $10     fcb $10
-L0046    clr   >nh_data
-         clr   <u0032
-         ldx   #$FF48
-         lda   #$D0
-         sta   ,x
-         lbsr  L033A
-         lda   ,x
-         lda   #$FF
-         sta   >u00A7,u
-         ldb   #$04
-         leax  u000F,u
-L0061    sta   ,x
-         sta   <$15,x
-         leax  <$26,x
-         decb  
-         bne   L0061
-         leax  >L023C,pcr
-         stx   $FC
-         pshs  u
-         leau  >u00A7,u
-         leay  u000E,u
-         tfr   y,d
-         leay  >L0489,pcr
-         leax  >L0040,pcr
-         os9   F$IRQ    
-         puls  u
-         bcs   L00BD
-         lda   >$FF7F
-         sta   >u00BC,u
-         ldd   #nh_data
-         leay  >L01F7,pcr
-         leax  >L0043,pcr
-         os9   F$IRQ    
-         bcs   L00BD
-         pshs  cc
-         orcc  #$50
-         lda   >$FF23
+         org   0              Sub list for driver area @ u00A7
+d0000    rmb   1       ($a7)  Last drive # accessed
+d0001    rmb   1       ($a8)  Drive's bitmask (for controller)
+d0002    rmb   1       ($a9)  Flag: 0=Same drive as last selected
+d0003    rmb   1       ($aa)  Flag: 0=copy cached Read sector to buffer
+*                                 <>0=Just Read sector to cache, don't copy
+* Goes from right to left, with 0 bit meaning try a re-read, and 1 meaning
+* try to seek to track 0 first. These are LSR'd out, and when byte=0, it
+* will totally give up & return an error.
+d0004    rmb   1       ($ab)  # of retries mask/count: normally %10010001.
+d0005    rmb   1       ($ac)  Track #
+d0006    rmb   1       ($ad)  Sector #
+d0007    rmb   1       ($ae)  Head # (0 or 1)
+d0008    rmb   1       ($af)  Current cache command
+d0009    rmb   1       ($b0)  Current controller command
+* VIRQ packet
+d000A    rmb   2       ($b1)  Actual counter for VIRQ
+d000C    rmb   2       ($b3)  Reset value for counter
+d000E    rmb   1       ($b5)  'Fake' status register for VIRQ routine
+d000F    rmb   1       ($b6)
+d0010    rmb   2       ($b7-$b8) Copy of LSN (<=65535 for floppies)
+d0012    rmb   1       ($b9)
+d0013    rmb   2       ($ba) Address of 6656 byte buffer for format
+d0015    rmb   1       ($bc) Multi-pak slot settings before CC3Disk called
+d0016    rmb   1       ($bd)
+         fcb   $FF
+name     fcs   /CC3Disk/
+         fcb   $A4     (Edition #) (originally $A3)
+* Terminate entry point
+Term     leay  >u00A7+d000A,u Point to IRQ/VIRQ packet (LSN)
+         ldx   #$0000         Flag to delete IRQ entries
+         os9   F$VIRQ         Delete VIRQ entry
+         os9   F$IRQ          Delete IRQ entry
+         ldy   #CachCtrl      Point to cache control register
+         os9   F$IRQ          Delete it's IRQ entry
+         clrb
+         stb   >$FF40         Shut off all drive motors
+         stb   <D.MotOn       Flag drive motor as not running
+         rts                  Exit
+* IRQ/VIRQ #1 packet (for drive motor timings)
+L0040    fcb   $00            Flip byte
+         fcb   $01            Mask byte
+         fcb   $09            Priority byte
+* IRQ #2 packet (presumably for read/write) - if 1st bit of CachCtrl is clear,
+*   the cache controller generated the interrupt
+L0043    fcb   $80            Flip byte
+         fcb   $80            Mask byte
+         fcb   $10            Priority byte
+* Init entry point
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to device descriptor
+*        X=Ptr to device (static) memory
+Init     clr   >CachCtrl      Shut caching off
+         clr   <D.MotOn       Flag drive motor as not running
+         ldx   #$FF48         Point to control register of Controller chip
+         lda   #$D0           Force interrupt
+         sta   ,x             Tell controller to do that
+         lbsr  L033A          Time delay to allow controller to acknowledge
+         lda   ,x             Eat ACK from controller
+         ldd   #$FF04         Init last drive accessed & max # of drives
+         sta   >u00A7+d0000,u Init last drive # accessed to bogus value
+         leax  DRVBEG,u       Point to 1st normal drive table
+L0061    sta   DD.TOT,x       Init # of sectors to $FF
+         sta   <V.TRAK,x      Init Current track # to $FF
+         leax  <DRVMEM,x      Point to next drive table
+         decb                 Dec drive counter
+         bne   L0061          Do until all 4 drive table entries done
+         leax  >L023C,pc      Set up NMI routine to go here
+         stx   <D.NMI
+         pshs  u              Preserve device mem ptr
+         leau  >u00A7+d0000,u Point to new stuff in device mem
+         leay  d000A+Vi.Stat,u Point Y into new area
+         tfr   y,d            Status register from VIRQ packet
+         leay  >L0489,pc      Point to IRQ service routine for drive motors
+         leax  >L0040,pc      Point to IRQ packet for drive motors
+         os9   F$IRQ          Install it (VIRQ will trigger it)
+         puls  u              Get back device mem ptr
+         bcs   L00BD          Couldn't install, exit with error
+         lda   >$FF7F         Get multi-pak slot status
+         sta   >u00A7+d0015,u Save it
+         ldd   #CachCtrl      Cache status register
+         leay  >L01F7,pc      Cache handling IRQ routine
+         leax  >L0043,pc      IRQ packet
+         os9   F$IRQ          Install cache handling IRQ
+         bcs   L00BD          Couldn't install, exit with error
+         pshs  cc             Preserve interrupt status
+         orcc  #IntMasks      Shut off interrupts
+         lda   >$FF23         Disable PIA CART FIRQ's
          anda  #$FC
          sta   >$FF23
-         lda   >$FF22
-         lda   <u0092
-         ora   #$01
-         sta   <u0092
-         sta   >$FF92
-         puls  cc
-L00BC    clrb  
-L00BD    rts   
-L00BE    rts   
-L00BF    lbsr  L0263
-         clr   u0003,u
-         ldd   <u0010,u
-         bne   L0113
-         bsr   L0113
-         bcs   L00BE
-         lda   <$23,y
-         bita  #$40
-         lbne  L04B0
-         ldx   $08,y
-         pshs  y,x
-         ldy   <$1E,y
-         ldb   #$14
-L00E0    lda   b,x
+         lda   >$FF22         ??? Bleed off PIA IRQ
+         lda   <D.IRQER       Get copy of GIME IRQ register
+         ora   #$01           Enable cartridge IRQ's
+         sta   <D.IRQER       Save copy
+         sta   >IrqEnR        Allow CART IRQ's on GIME
+         puls  cc             Restore IRQ status
+GetStat  clrb                 No error & return
+L00BD    rts
+Read     lbsr  L0263          Go get track/head/sector #'s
+* L0263 returns with U=u00A7
+         clr   d0003,u        Clear flag: We want cached sector copied to bfr
+         ldd   <d0010,u       Get LSN
+         bne   L0113          If <>0, read sector & leave
+         bsr   L0113          Otherwise, read it & make sure disk is compatible
+         bcs   L00BD          Error reading, exit
+* New LSN0 read, make sure disk's format is readable by current Drive settings
+         lda   <PD.TYP,y      Get type from disk's LSN0
+         bita  #$40           Standard OS-9 Format?
+         lbne  L04B0          No, do something special
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get ptr to sector buffer
+         pshs  y,x            Preserve Path dsc. & sector buffer ptrs
+         ldy   <PD.DTB,y      Get ptr to drive table
+         ldb   #DD.RES+1      Get # bytes to copy
+L00E0    lda   b,x            Copy info from Disk's LSN0 to drive table
          sta   b,y
-         decb  
+         decb                 Do until all 20 bytes copied
          bpl   L00E0
-         lda   <$10,y
-         ldy   $02,s
-         ldb   <$24,y
-         bita  #$02
-         beq   L00F8
-         bitb  #$01
-         beq   L010E
-L00F8    bita  #$04
-         beq   L0100
-         bitb  #$02
-         beq   L010E
-L0100    bita  #$01
-         beq   L010B
-         lda   <$27,y
-         suba  #$02
-         bcs   L010E
-L010B    clrb  
+         lda   <DD.FMT,y      Get new disk's format
+         ldy   2,s            Get Path dsc ptr back
+         ldb   <PD.DNS,y      Get Density settings from there
+         bita  #FMT.DNS       New disk single density?
+         beq   L00F8          Yes, no problem reading it
+         bitb  #$01           New disk is dbl dns, is Path dsc. sngl dns?
+         beq   L010E          Yes, incompatible disk
+L00F8    bita  #FMT.TDNS      Check track density
+         beq   L0100          48 tpi can always be read, continue
+         bitb  #$02           New disk is 96 tpi, is path descriptor's?
+         beq   L010E          No, it's 48 tpi, incompatible disk
+L0100    bita  #FMT.SIDE      Densities are fine, check # heads
+         beq   L010B          1 head is always fine
+         lda   <PD.SID,y      Get path dsc. # heads
+         suba  #2             Only allowed 2 on floppies
+         blo   L010E          Went negative, too many heads
+L010B    clrb                 No error & return
          puls  pc,y,x
-L010E    comb  
-         ldb   #$F9
+L010E    comb                 Exit with Bad (incompatible) media type error
+         ldb   #E$BTyp
          puls  pc,y,x
-L0113    lbsr  L02D3
-         bcs   L00BE
-         ldb   #$80
-         lda   #$07
-         lbsr  L0199
-         lbcs  L025F
-         ldx   $08,y
-         ldb   #$80
-         tst   u0003,u
-         bne   L0138
-         pshs  b
-L012D    ldd   >nh_stat
-         std   ,x++
-         dec   ,s
-         bne   L012D
-         puls  b
-L0138    andcc #$FE
-         rts   
-L013B    lbsr  L0263
-L013E    bsr   L014D
-         bcs   L014C
-         tst   <$28,y
-         bne   L014B
-         bsr   L0171
-         bcs   L013E
-L014B    clrb  
-L014C    rts   
-L014D    lbsr  L02D3
-         bcs   L014C
-         ldx   $08,y
-         lda   #$04
-         sta   >nh_data
-         ldb   #$80
-         pshs  b
-L015D    ldd   ,x++
-         std   >nh_stat
-         dec   ,s
-         bne   L015D
-         puls  b
-         ldb   #$A0
-         lda   #$06
-         bsr   L0199
-         lbra  L0240
-L0171    lda   u0004,u
-         pshs  a
-         clr   u0004,u
-         lda   #$FF
-         sta   u0003,u
-         lbsr  L0113
-         bcs   L0194
-         pshs  b
-L0182    ldd   >nh_stat
-         cmpd  ,x++
-         bne   L0190
-         dec   ,s
+start    lbra  Init           Init
+         bra   Read           Read
+         nop
+         bra   Write          Write
+         nop
+         bra   GetStat        GetStat
+         nop
+         lbra  SetStat        SetStat
+         lbra  Term           Term
+* Entry: D=LSN
+L0113    lbsr  L02D3          Go seek to track # we want to
+         bcs   L00BD          Error trying to seek, exit with it
+         ldd   #$0780         Cache cmd=07, Controller cmd= Read Sector
+         bsr   L0199          Go read the sector
+         lbcs  L025F          Error occured, exit with Read Error
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get buffer address to store into
+         ldb   #$80           # loops
+         tst   d0003,u        Do we want cached sector copied to buffer @ X?
+         bne   L0138          No, this is just for verify, don't bother
+* On 6809, preserve Y instead of B, tfr x to y, do ldx >CachDat/stx ,y++/decb
+* to speed up loop by 4*128 cycles (512 cycles)
+         pshs  y              Save path dsc. ptr
+         tfr   x,y            Move buffer ptr to Y to free up X
+L012D    ldx   >CachDat       Get 2 bytes from cache
+         stx   ,y++           Put them into our buffer
+         decb                 Done all 256 bytes yet?
+         bne   L012D          No, keep going until we do
+         puls  y              Restore path dsc. ptr
+L0138    andcc #$FE           No error & return
+         rts
+Write    lbsr  L0263          Go get track, head & sector #
+L013E    bsr   L014D          Go write the sector
+         bcs   L014C          Error, exit
+         tst   <PD.VFY,y      Verify On?
+         bne   L014B          Nope, exit without error
+         bsr   L0171          Go verify sector
+         bcs   L013E          Error, try rewriting it
+L014B    clrb                 No error & return
+L014C    rts
+L014D    lbsr  L02D3          Go seek to proper track
+         bcs   L014C          Error, exit
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get ptr to sector buffer to write
+* Physical Cache WRITE
+         ldd   #$0480         Write Cache fill command & # write loops
+         sta   >CachCtrl      Tell cache we are writing to it
+         pshs  y              Save path dsc. ptr
+         tfr   x,y            Move buffer ptr to Y
+L015D    ldx   ,y++           Get 2 bytes from buffer
+         stx   >CachDat       Send them to the cache
+         decb                 Dec counter
+         bne   L015D          Do until we are done all 256 bytes
+         puls  y              Get Path dsc. ptr back
+         ldd   #$06A0         Copy Cache to Cntrlr, Write sector cntrlr cmd
+         bsr   L0199          Go copy from cache to controller
+         lbra  L0240          Go check for errors
+* Verify written sector
+L0171    lda   d0004,u        Get retry count/flags
+         pshs  a              Save it
+         clr   d0004,u        Clear it out in driver data mem
+         lda   #$FF           Set flag that we don't want cached sector in bfr
+         sta   d0003,u
+         bsr   L0113          Go read the sector into the cache
+         bcs   L0194          Controller error, exit
+         pshs  y              Save path dsc. ptr
+         tfr   x,y            Move buffer ptr to Y
+L0182    ldx   >CachDat       Get 2 bytes from read cache
+         cmpx  ,y++           Same as original buffer contents from write?
+         bne   L0190          No, Sector written incorrectly
+         decb                 Good so far, check rest of sector
          bne   L0182
-         bra   L0192
-L0190    orcc  #$01
-L0192    puls  b
-L0194    puls  a
-         sta   u0004,u
-         rts   
-L0199    std   u0008,u
-L019B    ldd   u0008,u
-         bsr   L01B8
-         lbsr  L0240
-         bcc   L01B7
-         lda   >$FF48
-         bita  #$40
-         bne   L01B6
-         lsr   u0004,u
-         beq   L01B6
-         bcc   L019B
-         lbsr  L0346
-         bra   L019B
-L01B6    coma  
-L01B7    rts   
-L01B8    pshs  a
-         lda   <u0050
-         sta   >-u00A2,u
-         puls  a
-         stb   >$FF48
-         ora   #$08
-         sta   >nh_data
-         ldb   #$28
-         orb   u0001,u
-         stb   >$FF40
-         pshs  x
+         bra   L0192          Everything worked fine, exit without error
+L0190    orcc  #$01           Set error flag
+L0192    puls  y              Get back path dsc. ptr
+L0194    puls  a              Get retry/count flags back
+         sta   d0004,u        Save them back & return
+         rts
+* Send Cache & Controller commands
+* Entry: A=cache command
+*        B=Controller command ($FF48)
+* If an error occurs, it will try again with track 0 seeks interspersed to
+* try & re-align the drive head. d0004,u control how many of each are done
+L0199    std   d0008,u        Save cache & controller commands
+L019B    ldd   d0008,u        Get cache & controller commands
+         bsr   L01B8          Go program cache & wait for drive motors
+         lbsr  L0240          Go get error status from drive command
+         bcc   L01B7          No error, exit
+         lda   >$FF48         Get status register
+         bita  #%01000000     Was it a Write protect error?
+         bne   L01B6          Yes, exit with error code
+         lsr   d0004,u        Shift retry flags over
+         beq   L01B6          If we have done all 8 retries, exit with error
+         bcc   L019B          If bit flag was 0, try re-read/writing sector
+         lbsr  L0346          If bit flag was 1, try seeking to track 0 first
+         bra   L019B          Try read/write again
+L01B6    coma                 Exit with error
+L01B7    rts
+L01B8    pshs  a              Preserve cache command
+         lda   <D.Proc        Get MSB of current process ptr
+         sta   >V.WAKE-u00A7,u  Save it as MSB of ptr to current process ptr
+         puls  a              Get back cache command
+         stb   >$FF48         Send step rate/command to controller
+         ora   #$08           Tell cache to send interrupt when device is ready
+         sta   >CachCtrl      Send to cache controller
+         ldb   #%00101000     Drive motors on, double density
+         orb   d0001,u        Mask in drive # bits
+         stb   >$FF40         Send to controller
+         pshs  x              Preserve drive table ptr
          bra   L01E5
-L01D5    ldx   <u0050
-         lda   $0C,x
-         ora   #$08
-         sta   $0C,x
-         andcc #$AF
-         ldx   #$0001
-         lbsr  L0424
-L01E5    orcc  #$50
-         lda   >-u00A2,u
-         bne   L01D5
-         clrb  
-         ldb   #$04
-         stb   >nh_data
-         andcc #$AF
-         puls  pc,x
-L01F7    lda   u0005,u
-         beq   L0233
-         ldb   >$FF7F
-         stb   >u00BD,u
-         ldb   >u00BC,u
-         stb   >$FF7F
-         ldb   #$D0
-         stb   >$FF48
-         ldb   #$04
-         stb   >nh_data
-         ldb   <u00AF
-         andb  #$FE
-         stb   <u00AF
-         ldb   <u0092
-         andb  #$FE
-         stb   >$FF92
-         orb   #$01
-         stb   >$FF92
-         clrb  
-         stb   u0005,u
+L01D5    ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process ptr
+         lda   P$State,x      Suspend current process
+         ora   #Suspend
+         sta   P$State,x
+         andcc #^IntMasks     Turn interrupts back on
+         ldx   #$0001         Sleep for 1 tick
+         lbsr  L0424          Go wait for drive motor
+L01E5    orcc  #IntMasks      Shut off interrupts
+         lda   >V.WAKE-u00A7,u  Get MSB of process ptr that is waiting
+         bne   L01D5          None, go suspend process & wait for drive
+         clrb                 Clear carry
+         ldb   #$04           Tell cache we are writing to it
+         stb   >CachCtrl
+         andcc #^IntMasks     Turn interrupts back on
+         puls  pc,x           Restore drive table ptr & return
+* IRQ #2
+* Entry: U=ptr to IRQ memory area (u0000,u in here)
+L01F7    lda   V.WAKE,u       Get MSB of process descriptor ptr
+         beq   L0233          None, exit (restoring MPI slot selects)
+         ldb   >MPI.Slct      Get current MPI slot settings
+         stb   >u00A7+d0016,u Save them
+         ldb   >$BC,u         Get original (before CC3Disk) slot settings
+         stb   >MPI.Slct      Set up the MPI for them
+         ldb   #$D0           Force interrupt
+         stb   >$FF48         Send to disk controller
+         ldb   #$04           We are writing to cache
+         stb   >CachCtrl
+         ldb   <D.IRQS        Get IRQ shadow register
+         andb  #$FE           Shut off Cart IRQ bit
+         stb   <D.IRQS        Save it back
+         ldb   <D.IRQER       Get Interrupt enable register copy
+         andb  #$FE           Shut off Cart IRQ bit
+         stb   >IrqEnR        Save to GIME
+         orb   #$01           Turn Cart IRQ back on
+         stb   >IrqEnR        Save to gime
+         clrb                 Clear out process to wake flag
+         stb   V.WAKE,u
          tfr   d,x
          lda   $0C,x
          anda  #$F7
          sta   $0C,x
-         clrb  
+         clrb
          bra   L0234
-L0233    comb  
-L0234    lda   >u00BD,u
-         sta   >$FF7F
-         rts   
-L023C    leas  $0C,s
-         puls  y,cc
-L0240    ldb   >$FF48
-         clr   >nh_data
-         andb  #$F8
-         beq   L0258
-         pshs  x
-         leax  <L0259,pcr
-L024F    leax  $01,x
-         rolb  
+L0233    comb                 Set error flag
+L0234    lda   >u00A7+d0016,u Get original MPI slot settings
+         sta   >MPI.Slct      Restore MPI to original state & exit
+         rts
+* D.NMI gets redirected to here (only used by SS.WTRK???)
+L023C    leas  R$Size,s       Eat register stack generated by NMI
+         puls  y,cc           Get path dsc. ptr & CC (see L03E4)
+* Entry point from READ
+L0240    ldb   >$FF48         Get status register
+         clr   >CachCtrl      Shut off cache
+         andb  #%11111000     Just want error bits
+         beq   L0258          No error, exit
+         pshs  x              Preserve X a moment
+         leax  <ErrTbl-1,pc   Get OS-9 error code #
+L024F    leax  1,x
          bcc   L024F
          ldb   ,x
-         puls  pc,x
-L0258    clrb  
-L0259    rts   
-         fcb   $F6
-         fcb   $F2
-         fcb   $F5
-         fcb   $F7
-         fcb   $F3
-L025F    comb  
-         ldb   #$F4
-         rts   
-L0263    leau  >u00A7,u
-         clr   u0007,u
-         lda   #$91
-         sta   u0004,u
-         tstb  
-         bne   L027F
-         tfr   x,d
-         std   <u0010,u
-         beq   L02A1
-         ldx   <$1E,y
-         cmpd  $01,x
-         bcs   L0285
-L027F    comb  
-         ldb   #$F1
-         leas  $02,s
-         rts   
-L0285    clr   ,-s
-         bra   L028B
-L0289    inc   ,s
-L028B    subd  <$11,x
-         bcc   L0289
-         addd  <$11,x
-         lda   <$10,x
-         lsra  
-         bcc   L029F
-         lsr   ,s
-         bcc   L029F
-         inc   u0007,u
-L029F    puls  a
-L02A1    std   u0005,u
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L02A5    clr   u0002,u
-         lda   <$21,y
-         cmpa  #$04
-         bcs   L02B2
-         comb  
-         ldb   #$F0
-         rts   
-L02B2    pshs  x,b,a
-         cmpa  ,u
-         beq   L02BA
-         com   u0002,u
-L02BA    sta   ,u
-         leax  <L02C8,pcr
-         ldb   a,x
-         stb   u0001,u
+         puls  pc,x           Restore X & return with error
+L0258    clrb
+L0259    rts
+ErrTbl   fcb   E$NotRdy,E$WP,E$Write,E$Seek,E$CRC
+L025F    comb                 Exit with Read error
+         ldb   #E$Read
+         rts
+* Calculate track, head & sector #'s & check for out of range sector #
+L0263    leau  >u00A7,u       Point to driver info
+         clr   d0007,u        Clear head #
+         lda   #%10010001     Retry bit pattern:8 tries, with 3 Seek to 0's
+         sta   d0004,u
+         tstb                 LSN >65535?
+         bne   L027F          Yes, illegal
+         tfr   x,d            Move LSN to D
+         std   <d0010,u       Save it
+         beq   L02A1          Sector 0, skip ahead
+         ldx   <PD.DTB,y      Get ptr to drive table
+         cmpd  DD.TOT+1,x     Within range of maximum drive can handle?
+         blo   L0285          Yes, continue
+L027F    comb                 Exit with bad sector # error
+         ldb   #E$Sect
+         leas  2,s            Eat 1st RTS address
+         rts
+L0285    clr   ,-s            Set track # to 0
+         bra   L028B          Enter divide loop
+L0289    inc   ,s             Bump up track #
+L028B    subd  <DD.SPT,x      Subtract # sectors per track
+         bhs   L0289          Still more sectors left, try subtracting again
+         addd  <DD.SPT,x      Went negative, bump sector count back up
+         lda   <DD.FMT,x      Get # sides & densities
+         lsra                 Bump # sides into carry
+         bcc   L029F          If only 1, done
+         lsr   ,s             Divide track by 2
+         bcc   L029F          If even, done
+         inc   d0007,u        Bump head up to 1
+L029F    puls  a              Get track #
+L02A1    std   d0005,u        Save track & sector #'s
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         rts
+* Entry: D=LSN
+*        X=Drive table ptr
+*        U=u00A7
+* Check if drive # is legal
+L02A5    clr   d0002,u        Clear flag
+         lda   <PD.DRV,y      Get drive #
+         cmpa  #$04           legal drive #?
+         blo   L02B2          Yes, continue
+         comb                 No, exit with Illegal Unit (drive)
+         ldb   #E$Unit
+         rts
+* Make drive bit mask for controller, and check if motor delay needed (?)
+L02B2    pshs  x,d            Preserve Drive table ptr, Drive # & LSB of LSN
+         cmpa  d0000,u        Same as last drive accessed?
+         beq   L02BA          Yes, don't reset flag
+         com   d0002,u        Set flag to indicate different drive
+L02BA    sta   d0000,u        Save drive #
+         leax  <L02C8,pc      Point to drive bit mask table
+         ldb   a,x            Get appropriate bit mask for drive for controller
+         stb   d0001,u        Save it
          lbsr  L043E
-         puls  pc,x,b,a
-L02C8    fcb   $01,$02,$04,$40
-L02CC    pshs  a
-         ldb   <$15,x
+         puls  pc,x,d         Restore Drive table ptr, LSN & return
+* Drive bit mask table (sent to controller)
+L02C8    fcb   $01            Drive 0 mask
+         fcb   $02            Drive 1 mask
+         fcb   $04            Drive 2 mask
+         fcb   $40            Drive 3 mask (side select)
+* Entry: A=Track #
+*        X=Drive table ptr
+* Seek to new track (in A) & update V.TRAK accordingly
+* This version only called by SS.WTRK
+L02CC    pshs  a              Preserve track #
+         ldb   <V.TRAK,x      Get current track # on drive
          bra   L030A
-L02D3    lbsr  L02A5
-         bcs   L032D
-         ldd   u0005,u
-         pshs  a
-         lda   u0007,u
-         beq   L02E6
-         lda   u0001,u
-         ora   #$40
-         sta   u0001,u
-L02E6    lda   <$23,y
-         bita  #$02
-         bne   L02EE
-         incb  
-L02EE    stb   >$FF4A
-         ldx   <$1E,y
-         ldb   <$15,x
-         lda   <$10,x
-         lsra  
-         eora  <$24,y
-         anda  #$02
-         pshs  a
-         lda   $01,s
-         tst   ,s+
-         beq   L030A
-         lsla  
-         lslb  
-L030A    stb   >$FF49
-         tst   u0002,u
-         bne   L0318
-         ldb   ,s
-         cmpb  <$15,x
-         beq   L0324
-L0318    sta   >$FF4B
-         ldb   <$22,y
-         andb  #$03
-         eorb  #$1B
-         bsr   L032E
-L0324    puls  a
-         sta   <$15,x
-         sta   >$FF49
-         clrb  
-L032D    rts   
-L032E    lda   #$04
-         lbsr  L01B8
-         lda   >$FF48
-         clr   >nh_data
-         rts   
-L033A    clr   <u0012,u
-         inc   <u0012,u
-L0340    rol   <u0012,u
-         bpl   L0340
-         rts   
-L0346    pshs  x,b
-         lbsr  L02A5
-         bcs   L036E
-         ldx   <$1E,y
-         clr   <$15,x
-         lda   #$04
-L0355    ldb   <$22,y
-         andb  #$03
-         eorb  #$4B
-         pshs  a
-         bsr   L032E
-         puls  a
-         deca  
+* Entry:D=LSN
+*       U=Ptr to driver data mem
+*       Y=Path dsc. ptr
+* Seek to track # stored @ d0005,u - called by normal WRITE's
+L02D3    bsr   L02A5          Set up drive bitmasks & flag
+         bcs   L032D          Error, exit
+         ldd   d0005,u        Get track & sector #'s
+         pshs  a              Save track #
+         lda   d0007,u        Get head #
+         beq   L02E6          If head 0, skip ahead
+         lda   d0001,u        Get drive's bit mask
+         ora   #%01000000     Mask in side 2 select
+         sta   d0001,u        Save new drive bit mask
+L02E6    lda   <PD.TYP,y      Get drive type
+         bita  #%00000010     ??? (Base of sector #???)
+         bne   L02EE          If set, skip ahead
+         incb                 Otherwise, bump up sector #
+L02EE    stb   >$FF4A         Save sector # onto controller's sector reg.
+         ldx   <PD.DTB,y      Get drive table ptr
+         ldb   <V.TRAK,x      Get current track
+         lda   <DD.FMT,x      Get disk format; density/sides
+         lsra                 Shift densities to 1st 2 bits
+         eora  <PD.DNS,y      Flip bits with path descriptor's version
+         anda  #%00000010     Just keep track density
+         pshs  a              Save it
+         lda   1,s            Get track #
+         tst   ,s+            96 tpi?
+         beq   L030A          No, skip ahead
+         lsla                 Yes, multiply track # by 2
+         lslb                 Multiply current track # by 2
+* Entry: B=Current track #
+*        A=Track # we want to go to
+L030A    stb   >$FF49         Save current track in track register
+         tst   d0002,u        Same drive as one last accessed?
+         bne   L0318          No, skip ahead
+         ldb   ,s             Get track # we want to go to
+         cmpb  <V.TRAK,x      Same as current track?
+         beq   L0324          Yes, skip ahead
+L0318    sta   >$FF4B         Save track # we want to go to in data register
+         ldb   <PD.STP,y      Get stepping rate
+         andb  #%00000011     Only keep bits we need
+         eorb  #%00011011     Flip some bits for the controller
+         bsr   L032E          Program controller,come back when it ACKs request
+L0324    puls  a              Get back track # to go to
+         sta   <V.TRAK,x      Save as current track #
+         sta   >$FF49         Save into track register
+         clrb                 No error & return
+L032D    rts
+L032E    lda   #$04           Cache command
+         lbsr  L01B8          Go program drive controller & wait for response
+         lda   >$FF48         Eat status from drive controller
+         clr   >CachCtrl      Shut cache off & return
+         rts
+* Another delay loop (for ACK'ing controller commands as received ???)
+L033A    clr   <$12,u         Set flag (local to Disto)
+         inc   <$12,u         Setup for 8 rotates (delay loop?)
+L0340    rol   <$12,u         Put out Most sig. bit
+         bpl   L0340          Keep going until we hit a 1 bit, then return
+         rts
+* SS.Reset (restore head to track 0) system call
+L0346    pshs  x,b          Preserve register ptr & function code
+         lbsr  L02A5        Set up drive # & last drive accessed flag
+         bcs   L036E        Error, exit (BUT DESTROY ERROR #???)
+         ldx   <PD.DTB,y    Get Drive table ptr
+         clr   <V.TRAK,x    Current track #=0
+         lda   #$04         Set counter
+L0355    ldb   <PD.STP,y    Get current stepping rate
+         andb  #%00000011   Only keep relevant bits (30,20,12 or 6 ms)
+         eorb  #%01001011   Flip some bits for the controller
+         pshs  a            Preserve counter
+         bsr   L032E        Program controller,come back when it ACK's request
+         puls  a            Restore counter
+         deca               Do it 4 times
          bne   L0355
-         ldb   <$22,y
-         andb  #$03
-         eorb  #$0B
-         bsr   L032E
-L036E    puls  pc,x,b
-L0370    leau  >u00A7,u
-         ldx   $06,y
-         ldb   $02,x
-         cmpb  #$04
-         beq   L0384
-         cmpb  #$03
-         beq   L0346
-         comb  
-         ldb   #$D0
-         rts   
-L0384    pshs  u,y
-         ldd   #$1A00
-         os9   F$SRqMem 
-         lbcs  L03E2
-         ldx   $02,s
-         stu   <$13,x
-         ldx   <u0050
-         lda   $06,x
-         ldb   $D0
-         ldy   ,s
-         ldx   $06,y
-         ldx   $04,x
-         ldy   #$1A00
-         os9   F$Move   
-         bcs   L03D3
-         puls  u,y
-         pshs  u,y
-         lbsr  L02A5
-         bcs   L03D3
-         ldx   $06,y
-         ldb   $07,x
-         bitb  #$01
-         beq   L03C4
-         lda   u0001,u
-         ora   #$40
-         sta   u0001,u
-         sta   u0007,u
-L03C4    lda   $09,x
-         ldx   <$1E,y
-         lbsr  L02CC
-         bcs   L03D3
-         ldx   <u0013,u
-         bsr   L03E4
-L03D3    ldu   $02,s
-         pshs  b,cc
-         ldu   <u0013,u
-         ldd   #$1A00
-         os9   F$SRtMem 
-         puls  b,cc
-L03E2    puls  pc,u,y
-L03E4    pshs  y,cc
-         orcc  #$50
-         ldb   #$F0
-         stb   >$FF48
-         ldy   #$FFFF
-         ldb   #$28
-         orb   u0001,u
-         stb   >$FF40
-         orb   #$A8
-         lda   #$02
-         lbsr  L033A
-L03FF    bita  >$FF48
-         bne   L041A
-         leay  -$01,y
-         bne   L03FF
-         lda   u0001,u
-         ora   #$08
+         ldb   <PD.STP,y    Get stepping rate again
+         andb  #%00000011   Just keep relevant bits
+         eorb  #%00001011   Flip some bits for controller
+         bsr   L032E        Program controller,come back when it ACK's request
+L036E    puls  pc,x,b       Restore reg. ptr, function code & return to RBF
+* SetStt entry point
+SetStat  leau  >u00A7,u       Point to driver data area
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       Get pointer to caller's register stack
+         ldb   R$B,x          Get function code requested
+         cmpb  #SS.WTrk       Write track?
+         beq   L0384          Yes, go do that
+         cmpb  #SS.Reset      Reset drive to track 0?
+         beq   L0346          Yes, go do that
+         comb                 Otherwise, unknown service error
+         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
+         rts
+* Format/Write track entry point
+L0384    pshs  u,y            Preserve driver data area & Path dsc. ptrs
+         ldd   #$1A00         Huge buffer for format (6656 bytes)
+         os9   F$SRqMem       Request the memory
+         bcs   L03E2          Couldn't get it, exit with error
+         ldx   2,s            Get driver data area ptr into X
+         stu   <d0013,x       Save ptr to 6656 byte buffer
+         ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process dsc. ptr
+         lda   P$Task,x       Get it's task #
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk      Get system task #
+         ldy   ,s             Get path dsc. ptr back
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       Get caller's register stack ptr
+         ldx   R$X,x          Get ptr to track buffer from caller
+         ldy   #$1A00         Move that data into system mem's buffer
+         os9   F$Move
+         bcs   L03D3          Error moving, return memory to system & exit
+         ldy   ,s             Get path dsc. ptr back
+         ldu   2,s            Get driver data ptr back
+         lbsr  L02A5          Set up drive # & flag
+         bcs   L03D3          Error, return memory to system & exit
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       Get register stack ptr
+         ldb   R$Y+1,x        Get side/density from caller
+         bitb  #$01           Check side
+         beq   L03C4          Side 0, skip ahead
+         lda   d0001,u        Get drive's bit mask
+         ora   #%01000000     Force side 2 bit on
+         sta   d0001,u        Save new drive bit mask
+         sta   d0007,u        Save as side too (with bit 6 on???)
+L03C4    lda   R$U+1,x        Get track # to write to
+         ldx   <PD.DTB,y      Get drive table ptr
+         lbsr  L02CC          Go seek to that track
+         bcs   L03D3          Error, return memory & exit
+         ldx   <d0013,u       Get ptr to track buffer
+         bsr   L03E4          Go write the track
+L03D3    ldu   2,s            Get driver data area ptr back
+         pshs  b,cc           Save error status
+         ldu   <d0013,u       Get ptr to system memory track buffer
+         ldd   #$1A00         Return that memory to the system
+         os9   F$SRtMem
+         puls  b,cc           Restore error status
+L03E2    puls  pc,u,y         Restore regs & return
+* Write track buffer
+* Entry: X=ptr to track buffer
+*        Y=ptr to path dsc.
+*        U=ptr to device driver data mem
+L03E4    pshs  y,cc           Preserve regs
+         orcc  #IntMasks      Shut off interrupts
+         ldb   #$F0           Write track command
+         stb   >$FF48         Send to controller
+         ldy   #$FFFF         # tries before we give up on writing track
+         ldd   #$0228         Data request bit mask & Double Density/Motors on
+         orb   d0001,u        Merge in side/drive selects
+         stb   >$FF40         Send to controller
+         orb   #%10101000     Enable halt/Double Dns/Motors on
+         lbsr  L033A          Small delay to let controller ACK command
+L03FF    bita  >$FF48         Check DRQ flag on status register
+         bne   L041A          Controller ready, go write the track
+         leay  -$01,y         Bump counter down
+         bne   L03FF          Keep going until counter=0
+         lda   d0001,u        Get drive's bitmask
+         ora   #%00001000     Turn drive motor on
          sta   >$FF40
-         lda   #$D0
+         lda   #$D0           Force interrupt on controller
          sta   >$FF48
-         puls  y,cc
-         comb  
-         ldb   #$F5
-         rts   
-L041A    lda   ,x+
-         sta   >$FF4B
-         stb   >$FF40
-         bra   L041A
-L0424    pshs  b,a
-         ldd   <u0050
-         cmpd  <u004A
-         puls  b,a
-         beq   L0433
-         os9   F$Sleep  
-         rts   
-L0433    ldx   #$A000
-L0436    nop   
-         nop   
-         nop   
-         leax  -$01,x
-         bne   L0436
-         rts   
-L043E    pshs  y,x,b,a
-         ldd   #$00F0
-         std   u000A,u
-         lda   u0001,u
-         ora   #$08
-         sta   >$FF40
-         ldx   #$0028
-         lda   <u0032
-         bmi   L046B
-         beq   L0469
-         tst   u0002,u
-         beq   L046D
-         lda   <$23,y
-         bita  #$10
-         beq   L046D
-         bsr   L0424
-         ldd   #$00F0
-         std   u000A,u
-         bra   L046D
-L0469    bsr   L0424
-L046B    bsr   L0470
-L046D    clrb  
-         puls  pc,y,x,b,a
-L0470    lda   #$01
-         sta   <u0032
-         ldx   #$0001
-         leay  u000A,u
-         clr   $04,y
-         ldd   #$00F0
-         os9   F$VIRQ   
-         bcc   L0487
-         lda   #$80
-         sta   <u0032
-L0487    clra  
-         rts   
-L0489    pshs  a
-         lda   >-u00A2,u
-         beq   L049F
-         ldb   #$0C
-         stb   >nh_data
-         lda   #$D8
+         puls  y,cc           Restore regs
+         comb
+         ldb   #E$Write       Exit with Write error
+         rts
+* Write data buffer to controller - Gets broken out by NMI
+* Entry: X=current position in source buffer
+*        B=Control register for controller
+L041A    lda   ,x+            Get byte from buffer
+         sta   >$FF4B         Save to controller's data register
+         stb   >$FF40         Save controller's control register stuff
+         bra   L041A          Keep going (NMI will break us out)
+* Waste time until drives come up to speed
+L0424    pshs  d              Preserve D
+         ldd   <D.Proc        Get current process dsc ptr
+         cmpd  <D.SysPrc      Is the calling process the system?
+         puls  d              Restore D
+         beq   L0433          Calling process is system, skip ahead
+         os9   F$Sleep        Otherwise, sleep for 40 ticks (.666 sec)
+         rts
+* This routine is for the level 2 System state sleep bug. In NitrOS9, it
+* could be removed (and the check for it as well, above)
+L0433    ldx   #$A000         Time waste counter (40960)
+L0436    nop                  2 cycles\
+         nop                  2 cycles \
+         nop                  2 cycles  > 14 cycles/loop, total of
+         leax  -1,x           5 cycles /  573440 cycles, 1/3 sec
+         bne   L0436          3 cycles/
+         rts
+* Entry: U=u00A7
+* Check if drive motors need time to get to speed,
+L043E    pshs  y,x,d          Preserve regs (MAY NOT NEED TO PRESERVE Y)
+         ldd   #$00F0         Actual VIRQ counter to 240
+         std   d000A+Vi.Cnt,u Save it
+         lda   d0001,u        Get drive's bit mask
+         ora   #%00001000     Mask in 'motors on' bit
+         sta   >$FF40         Send to controller
+         ldx   #$0028         # ticks to sleep to wait for drive to spin up
+         lda   <D.MotOn       Get floppy disk motor-on time out flag
+         bmi   L046B          VIRQ was not installed, try to install it again
+         beq   L0469          If drives aren't up to speed, go wait for them
+         tst   d0002,u        Is this the same drive as last accessed?
+         beq   L046D          Yes, don't have to wait for motors
+         lda   <PD.TYP,y      Get device type
+         bita  #$10           ??? (Do all motors turn on?)
+         beq   L046D          If 0, exit without error (yes, all do)
+         bsr   L0424          Go wait for drive motor
+         ldd   #$00F0         Actual VIRQ counter
+         std   d000A+Vi.Cnt,u Save into packet
+         bra   L046D          No error & exit
+L0469    bsr   L0424          Go wait for drive motor
+L046B    bsr   L0470          Install VIRQ to signal us when done
+L046D    clrb                 No error & return
+         puls  pc,y,x,d
+* Install VIRQ to wait for drive motor to come up to speed
+* If VIRQ can not be installed, D.MotOn is set to $80 to indicate this
+L0470    lda   #$01           Set drive motor flag to 1 (up to speed)
+         sta   <D.MotOn
+         ldx   #$0001         Install VIRQ
+         leay  d000A,u        Point to 5 byte packet for VIRQ
+         clr   Vi.Stat,y      1 shot VIRQ
+         ldd   #$00F0         Initial VIRQ count
+         os9   F$VIRQ         Enable VIRQ
+         bcc   L0487          No error installing, exit
+         lda   #$80           Couldn't install VIRQ, set motor flag to negative
+         sta   <D.MotOn
+L0487    clra                 No error & return
+         rts
+* VIRQ/IRQ handler - for drive motors coming up to speed
+* Entry: U=ptr to VIRQ memory area (u00A7)
+L0489    pshs  a              Preserve A
+         lda   >V.WAKE-u00A7,u  Get MSB of process dsc. that is waiting
+         beq   L049F          None, skip ahead
+* Guess: cache is to send IRQ when drive controller sends cache an NMI
+*   indicating that the controller is ready
+         ldb   #%00001100     ??? to cache (includes send interrupt flag)
+         stb   >CachCtrl      Tell cache to send interrupt when ready?
+         lda   #$D8           ??? Force interrupt on controller when it's ready?
          sta   >$FF48
-         clr   u0004,u
-         bra   L04A3
-L049F    lda   <u008A
-         beq   L04A7
-L04A3    bsr   L0470
-         bra   L04AE
-L04A7    sta   >$FF40
-         clr   u000E,u
-         clr   <u0032
-L04AE    puls  pc,a
-L04B0    ldx   <$1E,y
-         ldb   #$14
-L04B5    clr   b,x
-         decb  
-         bpl   L04B5
-         ldb   <$26,y
-         lda   <$27,y
-         mul   
-         subd  #$0001
-         lda   <$2A,y
-         sta   $03,x
-         sta   <$12,x
-         mul   
-         addd  <$2B,y
-         std   $01,x
-         lda   #$07
-         sta   $0D,x
-         lda   <$24,y
-         lsla  
-         pshs  a
-         lda   <$27,y
-         deca  
-         ora   ,s+
-         sta   <$10,x
-         clrb  
-         rts   
+         clr   d0004,u        Clear out retry count/flags
+         bra   L04A3          Exit
+L049F    lda   <D.DMAReq      Get motor on lock flag
+         beq   L04A7          Not set, so shut them off
+L04A3    bsr   L0470          Set up one shot IRQ for motor delay
+         bra   L04AE          Exit
+L04A7    sta   >$FF40         Shut drive motors off
+         clr   d000A+Vi.Stat,u  Clear VIRQ as being serviced
+         clr   <D.MotOn       Set drive motor on flag to off
+L04AE    puls  pc,a           Restore A & return
+* Non-OS9 standard format goes here
+* Entry: Y=Path dsc. ptr
+L04B0    ldx   <PD.DTB,y      Get drive table pointer
+         ldb   #DD.RES+1      Clear out LSN0 copied info
+L04B5    clr   b,x            Clear them out
+         decb
+         bpl   L04B5          Until done
+         ldb   <PD.CYL+1,y    Get # of tracks
+         lda   <PD.SID,y      Get # of heads
+         mul                  Calculate # cylinders
+         subd  #$0001         Base 0
+         lda   <PD.SCT+1,y    Get # sectors/track
+         sta   DD.TKS,x       Save as track size in sectors
+         sta   <DD.SPT+1,x      and as # sectors/track
+         mul                  Multiply by # tracks <=255 (or it screws up)
+         addd  <PD.T0S,y      Add to # sectors on track 0
+         std   DD.TOT+1,x     Save # sectors on drive
+         lda   #UPDAT.+EXEC.  Set up disk attributes to Read/Write/Exec
+         sta   DD.ATT,x
+         lda   <PD.DNS,y      Get density
+         lsla                 Shift density bits to bits 1-2
+         pshs  a              Save that a sec
+         lda   <PD.SID,y      Get # sides
+         deca                 0 based (bit 0)
+         ora   ,s+            Merge in density bits
+         sta   <DD.FMT,x      Save as media format
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         rts
 eom      equ   *