changeset 3179:b1efa6891f4e

Add sc6850 SCF driver for Motorola MC6850 ACIA (UART) Add PARMASK definition to scf.d
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Tue, 16 May 2017 23:25:26 +0200
parents 504992b73b2b
children 1c75a05d3304
files defs/scf.d level1/modules/sc6850.asm level1/modules/term_sc6850.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 1034 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/defs/scf.d	Tue May 16 18:57:25 2017 +0200
+++ b/defs/scf.d	Tue May 16 23:25:26 2017 +0200
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@
 PAREVEN        EQU       %01100000
 PARMARK        EQU       %10100000
 PARSPACE       EQU       %11100000
+PARMASK        EQU       %11100000
 * PD.BAU definitions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/sc6850.asm	Tue May 16 23:25:26 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
+* sc6850 - Motorola 6850 UART Driver
+* $Id$
+* Data sheet for 6850 is here:
+* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
+* Comment
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*   1      2017/05/08  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Created for Corsham 6809
+           nam   sc6850
+           ttl   Motorola 6850 UART Driver
+           ifp1
+           use   defsfile
+           endc
+* miscellaneous definitions
+DCDStBit   equ   %00100000      DCD status bit for SS.CDSta call
+DSRStBit   equ   %01000000      DSR status bit for SS.CDSta call
+SlpBreak   set   TkPerSec/2+1   line Break duration
+SlpHngUp   set   TkPerSec/2+1   hang up (drop DTR) duration
+* 6850 Register Definitions
+           org   0
+StatReg    rmb   1
+CtlReg     equ   StatReg
+DataReg    rmb   1
+* 6850 Status Register Bit Definitions
+Stat.IRQ   equ   %10000000      IRQ occurred
+Stat.Par   equ   %01000000      Rx data Parity error
+Stat.Ovr   equ   %00100000      Rx data Overrun error
+Stat.Frm   equ   %00010000      Rx data Framing error
+Stat.CTS   equ   %00001000      Rx data Framing error
+Stat.DCD   equ   %00000100      Rx data Framing error
+Stat.TxE   equ   %00000010      Tx data register Empty
+Stat.RxF   equ   %00000001      Rx data register Full
+Stat.Err   equ   Stat.Ovr!Stat.Frm!Stat.Par Status error bits
+Stat.Flp   equ   $00            all Status bits active when set
+Stat.Msk   equ   Stat.IRQ!Stat.RxF active IRQs
+* 6850 Control Register Bit Definitions
+Ctl.RxIEn  equ   %10000000      Rx interrupt enable
+Ctl.tc1    equ   %01000000      Transmitter control 1
+Ctl.tc0    equ   %00100000      Transmitter control 0
+Ctl.ws2    equ   %00010000
+Ctl.ws1    equ   %00001000
+Ctl.ws0    equ   %00000100
+Ctl.cds0   equ   %00000001
+Ctl.cds1   equ   %00000010
+Ctl.BauMsk equ   Ctl.cds0!Ctl.cds1
+Ctl.WrdMsk equ   Ctl.ws2!Ctl.ws1|Ctl.ws0
+Ctl.TCMsk  equ   Ctl.tc1!Ctl.tc0
+Ctl.Reset  equ   Ctl.cds1|Ctl.cds0
+* 6850 Bit/Parity/Stop definitions
+Ctl.8O1     equ   Ctl.ws2!Ctl.ws1|Ctl.ws0
+Ctl.8E1     equ   Ctl.ws2!Ctl.ws1
+Ctl.8N1     equ   Ctl.ws2!Ctl.ws0
+Ctl.8N2     equ   Ctl.ws2
+Ctl.7O1     equ   Ctl.ws1|Ctl.ws0
+Ctl.7E1     equ   Ctl.ws1
+Ctl.7O2     equ   Ctl.ws0
+Ctl.7E2     equ   0
+* Command bit definitions
+Cmd.TIRB   equ   %00001100      see Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table below
+Cmd.DTR    equ   %00000001      DTR output (set=enabled)
+* Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table
+TIRB.Off   equ   %00000000      RTS & Tx IRQs disabled
+TIRB.On    equ   %00000100      RTS & Tx IRQs enabled
+TIRB.RTS   equ   %00001000      RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled
+TIRB.Brk   equ   %00001100      RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled, Tx line Break
+* V.ERR bit definitions
+DCDLstEr   equ   %00100000      DCD lost error
+OvrFloEr   equ   %00000100      Rx data overrun or Rx buffer overflow error
+FrmingEr   equ   %00000010      Rx data framing error
+ParityEr   equ   %00000001      Rx data parity error
+* FloCtlRx bit definitions
+FCRxSend   equ   %10000000      send flow control character
+FCRxSent   equ   %00010000      Rx disabled due to XOFF sent
+FCRxDTR    equ   %00000010      Rx disabled due to DTR
+FCRxRTS    equ   %00000001      Rx disabled due to RTS
+* FloCtlTx bit definitions
+FCTxXOff   equ   %10000000      due to XOFF received
+FCTxBrk    equ   %00000010      due to currently transmitting Break
+* Wrk.Type bit definitions
+Parity     equ   %11100000      parity bits
+MdmKill    equ   %00010000      modem kill option
+RxSwFlow   equ   %00001000      Rx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
+TxSwFlow   equ   %00000100      Tx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
+RTSFlow    equ   %00000010      CTS/RTS hardware flow control
+DSRFlow    equ   %00000001      DSR/DTR hardware flow control
+* Wrk.XTyp bit definitions
+SwpDCDSR   equ   %10000000      swap DCD+DSR bits (valid for 6551 only)
+ForceDTR   equ   %01000000      don't drop DTR in term routine
+RxBufPag   equ   %00001111      input buffer page count
+* static data area definitions
+           org   V.SCF          allow for SCF manager data area
+Cpy.Stat   rmb   1              Status register copy
+CpyDCDSR   rmb   1              DSR+DCD status copy
+Mask.DCD   rmb   1              DCD status bit mask (MUST immediately precede Mask.DSR)
+Mask.DSR   rmb   1              DSR status bit mask (MUST immediately follow Mask.DCD)
+CDSigPID   rmb   1              process ID for CD signal
+CDSigSig   rmb   1              CD signal code
+FloCtlRx   rmb   1              Rx flow control flags
+FloCtlTx   rmb   1              Tx flow control flags
+RxBufEnd   rmb   2              end of Rx buffer
+RxBufGet   rmb   2              Rx buffer output pointer
+RxBufMax   rmb   2              Send XOFF (if enabled) at this point
+RxBufMin   rmb   2              Send XON (if XOFF sent) at this point
+RxBufPtr   rmb   2              pointer to Rx buffer
+RxBufPut   rmb   2              Rx buffer input pointer
+RxBufSiz   rmb   2              Rx buffer size
+RxDatLen   rmb   2              current length of data in Rx buffer
+SigSent    rmb   1              keyboard abort/interrupt signal already sent
+SSigPID    rmb   1              SS.SSig process ID
+SSigSig    rmb   1              SS.SSig signal code
+WritFlag   rmb   1              initial write attempt flag
+Wrk.Type   rmb   1              type work byte (MUST immediately precede Wrk.Baud)
+Wrk.Baud   rmb   1              baud work byte (MUST immediately follow Wrk.Type)
+Wrk.XTyp   rmb   1              extended type work byte
+regWbuf    rmb   2              substitute for regW
+RxBufDSz   equ   256-.          default Rx buffer gets remainder of page...
+RxBuff     rmb   RxBufDSz       default Rx buffer
+MemSize    equ   .
+rev        set   0
+edition    set   1
+           mod   ModSize,ModName,Drivr+Objct,ReEnt+rev,ModEntry,MemSize
+           fcb   UPDAT.         access mode(s)
+ModName    fcs   "sc6850"
+           fcb   edition
+* These 3 bytes control how the IRQ ISR processes interrupts from this
+* device
+IRQPckt    equ   *
+Pkt.Flip   fcb   Stat.Flp       flip byte
+Pkt.Mask   fcb   Stat.Msk       mask byte
+           fcb   $0A            priority
+* NOTE:  SCFMan has already cleared all device memory except for V.PAGE and
+*        V.PORT.  Zero-default variables are:  CDSigPID, CDSigSig, Wrk.XTyp.
+* Entry:
+* Y = address of the device descriptor
+* U = address of the device memory area
+* Exit:
+* CC = carry set on error
+* B  = error code
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, system DP 
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w
+           tfr   e,dp
+           tfr   y,w            save descriptor pointer
+           ELSE
+           tfr   u,d            get device memory area
+           tfr   a,dp           and make it the direct page
+           pshs  y              save descriptor pointer
+           ENDC
+* Register the ISR
+* D address of the device status register
+* X address of the "packet" containing the flip/mask/priority
+* Y address of the device IRQ service routine
+* U address of the device IRQ service routine memory
+           ldd   <V.PORT        base hardware address (=status register)
+           leax  IRQPckt,pc
+           leay  IRQSvc,pc
+           os9   F$IRQ
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   w,y            recover descriptor pointer
+           ELSE
+           puls  y
+           ENDC
+           lbcs  ErrExit        failed to register interrupt
+DfltInfo   ldd   #RxBufDSz      default Rx buffer size
+           leax  RxBuff,u       default Rx buffer address
+           std   <RxBufSiz      save Rx buffer size
+           stx   <RxBufPtr      save Rx buffer address
+           stx   <RxBufGet      set initial Rx buffer input address
+           stx   <RxBufPut      set initial Rx buffer output address
+           IFNE  H6309
+           addr  d,x            point to end of Rx buffer
+           ELSE
+           leax  d,x
+           ENDC
+           stx   <RxBufEnd      save Rx buffer end address
+           subd  #80            characters available in Rx buffer
+           std   <RxBufMax      set auto-XOFF threshold
+           ldd   #10            characters remaining in Rx buffer
+           std   <RxBufMin      set auto-XON threshold after auto-XOFF
+           ldb   #TIRB.RTS      default command register
+ * setup 6850
+           ldx   <V.PORT        get port address
+           orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs while setting up hardware
+           lda   #Ctl.Reset
+           sta   CtlReg,x       master reset the 6850
+           lda   #Ctl.RxIEn!Ctl.8N2!Ctl.cds0  turn on Rx interrupts, default to 8N2, divide-by-1 mode
+           sta   CtlReg,x
+           sta   <Cpy.Stat      save Status copy
+*           tfr   a,b            copy it...
+*           eora  Pkt.Flip,pc    flip bits per D.Poll
+*           anda  Pkt.Mask,pc    any IRQ(s) still pending?
+* [NAC HACK 2015Sep13] the UART model in exec09 cannot flag rx char available
+* so this test will always fail. Even if I could get the i/o there to be non-
+* blocking I still can't work out how I could get the UART status register to
+* behave correctly.. it would need to support type-ahead.
+*           lbne  NRdyErr        yes, go report error... (device not plugged in?)
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       recover IRQ/Carry status, system DP, return
+Term       clrb                 default to no error...
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           ELSE
+           tfr   u,d
+           tfr   a,dp
+           ENDC
+           IFEQ  Level-1
+           ldx   >D.Proc
+           lda   P$ID,x
+           sta   <V.BUSY
+           sta   <V.LPRC
+           ENDC
+           ldx   <V.PORT
+           lda   0,x            get current status
+           ldd   <RxBufSiz      get Rx buffer size
+           tsta                 less than 256 bytes?
+           beq   TermExit       yes, no system memory to return...
+           pshs  u              save data pointer
+           ldu   <RxBufPtr      get address of system memory
+           os9   F$SRtMem
+           puls  u              recover data pointer
+           ldd   <V.PORT        base hardware address is status register
+           ldx   #$0000         remove IRQ table entry
+           leay  IRQSvc,pc
+           puls  cc             recover IRQ/Carry status
+           os9   F$IRQ
+           puls  dp,pc          restore dummy A, system DP, return
+           IFEQ  Level-1
+           lda   <V.BUSY
+           sta   <V.WAKE
+           lbsr  Sleep0         go suspend process...
+           ELSE
+           ldd   >D.Proc        process descriptor address
+           sta   <V.WAKE        save MSB for IRQ service routine
+           tfr   d,x            copy process descriptor address
+           IFNE  H6309
+           oim   #Suspend,P$State,x
+           ELSE
+           ldb   P$State,x
+           orb   #Suspend
+           stb   P$State,x
+           ENDC
+           lbsr  Sleep1         go suspend process...
+           ENDC
+           ldx   >D.Proc        process descriptor address
+           ldb   P$Signal,x     pending signal for this process?
+           beq   ChkState       no, go check process state...
+           cmpb  #S$Intrpt      do we honor signal?
+           lbls  ErrExit        yes, go do it...
+ChkState   equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #Condem,P$State,x
+           ELSE
+           ldb   P$State,x
+           bitb  #Condem
+           ENDC
+           bne   PrAbtErr       yes, go do it...
+           ldb   <V.WAKE        true interrupt?
+           beq   ReadChk        yes, go read the char.
+           bra   ReadSlp        no, go suspend the process
+* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
+*	Y = Address of path descriptor module
+* Output
+*	A = Character read
+*	CC = carry set on error, clear on none
+*	B = error code if CC.C set.
+Read       clrb                 default to no errors...
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           ELSE
+           tfr   u,d
+           tfr   a,dp
+           ENDC
+ReadLoop   orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs while checking Rx flow control
+ReadChk    lda   <FloCtlRx      get Rx flow control flags
+           beq   ReadChar       none, go get Rx character...
+           ldx   <RxDatLen      get Rx data count again
+           cmpx  <RxBufMin      at or below XON level?
+           bhi   ReadChar       no, go get Rx character...
+           ldx   <V.PORT
+           bita  #FCRxSent      Rx disabled due to XOFF sent?
+           beq   ChkHWHS        no, go check hardware handshake(s)...
+           ldb   <FloCtlTx      get Tx flow control flags
+           bitb  #FCTxBrk       currently transmitting line Break?
+           beq   NotTxBrk       yes, go skip XON this time...
+ReadLp2    andcc #^IntMasks     turn interupts back on
+           bra   ReadLoop
+NotTxBrk   equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #Stat.TxE,StatReg,x
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           lda   StatReg,x
+           bita  #Stat.TxE
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           beq   ReadLp2        no, go skip XON this time...
+           ldb   <V.XON
+           stb   DataReg,x      write XON character
+ChkHWHS    bita  #FCRxDTR!FCRxRTS Rx disabled due to DTR or RTS?
+           beq   RxFloClr       no, go clear Rx flow control flag(s)...
+RxFloClr   clr   <FloCtlRx      clear Rx flow control flags
+ReadChar   ldb   <V.ERR         get accumulated errors, if any
+           stb   PD.ERR,y       set/clear error(s) in path descriptor
+           bne   ReprtErr       error(s), go report it/them...
+           ldd   <RxDatLen      get Rx buffer count
+           beq   ReadSlp        none, go sleep while waiting for new Rx data...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           decd                 less character we're about to grab
+           ELSE
+           subd  #$0001
+           ENDC
+           std   <RxDatLen      save new Rx data count
+           orcc  #IntMasks  see if this fixes the problem
+           ldx   <RxBufGet      current Rx buffer pickup position
+           lda   ,x+            get Rx character, set up next pickup position
+           cmpx  <RxBufEnd      end of Rx buffer?
+           blo   SetPckUp       no, go keep pickup pointer
+           ldx   <RxBufPtr      get Rx buffer start address
+SetPckUp   stx   <RxBufGet      set new Rx data pickup pointer
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       recover IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+* Module jump table
+ModEntry   lbra  Init
+           bra   Read
+           nop
+           bra   Write
+           nop
+           IFNE  H6309
+           bra   GStt
+           nop
+           ELSE
+           lbra  GStt
+           ENDC
+           lbra  SStt
+           lbra  Term
+PrAbtErr   ldb   #E$PrcAbt
+           bra   ErrExit
+ReprtErr   clr   <V.ERR         clear error status
+           bitb  #DCDLstEr      DCD lost error?
+           bne   HngUpErr       yes, go report it...
+           ldb   #E$Read
+* come here with cc, dp, pc stacked.
+* set carry in the stacked copy of cc and return.
+ErrExit    equ  *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           oim   #Carry,,s      set carry
+           ELSE
+           lda   ,s
+           ora   #Carry
+           sta   ,s
+           ENDC
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore CC, system DP, return
+HngUpErr   ldb   #E$HangUp
+           lda   #PST.DCD       DCD lost flag
+           sta   PD.PST,y       set path status flag
+           bra   ErrExit
+NRdyErr    ldb   #E$NotRdy
+           bra   ErrExit
+UnSvcErr   ldb   #E$UnkSvc
+           bra   ErrExit
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, Tx character, system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           tfr   a,e
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           tfr   u,d
+           tfr   a,dp
+           puls  a
+           sta   <regWbuf
+           ENDC
+           orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs during error and Tx disable checks
+           bra   WritChr
+WritLoop   lda   <WritFlag
+           beq   WritFast
+           lbsr  Sleep1
+WritFast   inc   <WritFlag
+WritChr    ldx   <V.PORT
+           ldb   <V.ERR         get accumulated errors, if any
+           andb  #DCDLstEr      DCD lost error? (ignore other errors, if any)
+           stb   PD.ERR,y       set/clear error(s) in path descriptor
+           bne   ReprtErr       DCD lost error, go report it...
+ChkTxFlo   ldb   <FloCtlTx      get Tx flow control flags
+           bitb  #FCTxBrk       currently transmitting line Break?
+           bne   WritLoop       yes, go sleep a while...
+           lda   <Wrk.Type      get software/hardware handshake enables
+           bita  #DSRFlow       DSR/DTR handshake enabled?
+* Changed below - BGP
+*           beq   ChkTxFlo       no, go check Tx flow control
+           beq   ChkRxFlo       no, go check Rx flow control
+           ldb   <Cpy.Stat      get copy of status register
+           bitb  <Mask.DSR      Tx disabled due to DSR?
+           bne   WritLoop       yes, go sleep a while...
+           bita  #TxSwFlow      Tx software flow control enabled?
+           beq   ChkRxFlo       no, go check pending Rx flow control
+           bitb  #FCTxXOff      Tx disabled due to received XOFF?
+           bne   WritLoop       yes, go sleep a while...
+ChkRxFlo   bita  #RxSwFlow      Rx software flow control enabled?
+           beq   ChkTxE         no, go check Tx register empty
+           ldb   <FloCtlRx      get Rx flow control flags
+           bitb  #FCRxSend      XON/XOFF Rx flow control pending?
+           bne   WritLoop       yes, go sleep a while...
+ChkTxE     equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #Stat.TxE,StatReg,x
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           lda   StatReg,x
+           bita  #Stat.TxE
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           beq   WritLoop       no, go sleep a while...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           ste   DataReg,x      write Tx character
+           ELSE
+           ldb   <regWbuf
+           stb   DataReg,x
+           ENDC
+           clr   <WritFlag      clear "initial write attempt" flag
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       recover IRQ/Carry status, Tx character, system DP, return
+GStt       clrb                 default to no error...
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           tfr   u,d
+           tfr   a,dp
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           ldx   PD.RGS,y       caller's register stack pointer
+           cmpa  #SS.EOF
+           beq   GSExitOK       yes, SCF devices never return EOF
+           cmpa  #SS.Ready
+           bne   GetScSiz
+           ldd   <RxDatLen      get Rx data length
+           lbeq   NRdyErr        none, go report error
+           tsta                 more than 255 bytes?
+           beq   SaveLen        no, keep Rx data available
+           ldb   #255           yes, just use 255
+SaveLen    stb   R$B,x          set Rx data available in caller's [B]
+GSExitOK   puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+GetScSiz   cmpa  #SS.ScSiz
+           bne   GetComSt
+           ldu   PD.DEV,y
+           ldu   V$DESC,u
+           clra
+           ldb   IT.COL,u
+           std   R$X,x
+           ldb   IT.ROW,u
+           std   R$Y,x
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+GetComSt   cmpa  #SS.ComSt
+           lbne  UnSvcErr       no, go report error
+           ldd   <Wrk.Type
+           std   R$Y,x
+           clra                 default to DCD and DSR enabled
+           ldb   <CpyDCDSR
+           bitb  #Mask.DCD
+           beq   CheckDSR       no, go check DSR status
+           ora   #DCDStBit
+CheckDSR   bitb  <Mask.DSR      DSR bit set (disabled)?
+           beq   SaveCDSt       no, go set DCD/DSR status
+           ora   #DSRStBit
+SaveCDSt   sta   R$B,x          set 6551 ACIA style DCD/DSR status in caller's [B]
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+BreakSlp   ldx   #SlpBreak      SS.Break duration
+           bra   TimedSlp
+HngUpSlp   ldx   #SlpHngUp      SS.HngUp duration
+           bra   TimedSlp
+           IFEQ  Level-1
+Sleep0     ldx   #$0000
+           bra   TimedSlp
+           ENDC
+Sleep1     ldx   #1             give up balance of tick
+TimedSlp   pshs  cc             save IRQ enable status
+           andcc #^Intmasks     enable IRQs
+           os9   F$Sleep
+           puls  cc,pc          restore IRQ enable status, return
+SStt       clrb                 default to no error...
+           pshs  cc,dp          save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           tfr   u,d
+           tfr   a,dp
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           ldx   PD.RGS,y
+           cmpa  #SS.HngUp
+           bne   SetBreak
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetBreak   cmpa  #SS.Break      Tx line break?
+           bne   SetSSig
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetSSig    cmpa  #SS.SSig
+           bne   SetRelea
+           lda   PD.CPR,y       current process ID
+           ldb   R$X+1,x        LSB of [X] is signal code
+           orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs while checking Rx data length
+           ldx   <RxDatLen
+           bne   RSendSig
+           std   <SSigPID
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+RSendSig   puls  cc             restore IRQ/Carry status
+           os9   F$Send
+           puls  dp,pc          restore system DP, return
+SetRelea   cmpa  #SS.Relea
+           bne   SetCDSig
+           leax  SSigPID,u      point to Rx data signal process ID
+           bsr   ReleaSig       go release signal...
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetCDSig   cmpa  #SS.CDSig      set DCD signal?
+           bne   SetCDRel
+           lda   PD.CPR,y       current process ID
+           ldb   R$X+1,x        LSB of [X] is signal code
+           std   <CDSigPID
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetCDRel   cmpa  #SS.CDRel      release DCD signal?
+           bne   SetComSt
+CDRelSig   leax  CDSigPID,u     point to DCD signal process ID
+           bsr   ReleaSig       go release signal...
+           puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetComSt   cmpa  #SS.ComSt
+           bne   SetOpen
+           ldd   R$Y,x          caller's [Y] contains ACIAPAK format type/baud info
+           bsr   SetPort        go save it and set up control/format registers
+ReturnOK   puls  cc,dp,pc       restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
+SetPort    pshs  cc             save IRQ enable and Carry status
+           orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs while setting up ACIA registers
+           std   <Wrk.Type      save type/baud in data area
+	anda	#PARMASK
+*           leax  BaudTabl,pc
+*           andb  #BaudRate      clear all but baud rate bits
+*           ldb   b,x            get baud rate setting
+*           IFNE  H6309
+*           tfr   b,e            save it temporarily
+*           ELSE
+*           stb   <regWbuf
+*           ENDC
+*           ldb   <Wrk.Baud      get baud info again
+*           andb  #^(Ctl.RxCS!Ctl.Baud) clear clock source + baud rate code bits
+*           IFNE  H6309
+*           orr   e,b            mask in clock source + baud rate and clean up stack
+*           ELSE
+*           orb   <regWbuf
+*           ENDC
+*           ldx   <V.PORT        get port address
+*           anda  #Cmd.Par       clear all except parity bits
+*           IFNE  H6309
+*           tfr   a,e            save new command register contents temporarily
+*           ELSE
+*           sta   <regWbuf
+*           ENDC
+*           lda   CmdReg,x       get current command register contents
+*           anda  #^Cmd.Par      clear parity control bits
+*           IFNE  H6309
+*           orr   e,a            mask in new parity
+*           ELSE
+*           ora   <regWbuf
+*           ENDC
+*           std   CmdReg,x       set command+control registers
+           puls  cc,pc          recover IRQ enable and Carry status, return...
+SetOpen    cmpa  #SS.Open
+           bne   SetClose
+           lda   R$Y+1,x        get LSB of caller's [Y]
+           deca                 real SS.Open from SCF? (SCF sets LSB of [Y] = 1)
+           bne   ReturnOK       no, go do nothing but return OK...
+           puls  cc,dp,pc 
+SetClose   cmpa  #SS.Close
+           lbne  UnSvcErr       no, go report error...
+           lda   R$Y+1,x        real SS.Close from SCF? (SCF sets LSB of [Y] = 0)
+           bne   ReturnOK       no, go do nothing but return OK...
+           leax  SSigPID,u      point to Rx data signal process ID
+           bsr   ReleaSig       go release signal...
+           bra   CDRelSig       go release DCD signal, return from there...
+ReleaSig   pshs  cc             save IRQ enable status
+           orcc  #IntMasks      disable IRQs while releasing signal
+           lda   PD.CPR,y       get current process ID
+           suba  ,x             same as signal process ID?
+           bne   NoReleas       no, go return...
+           sta   ,x             clear this signal's process ID
+NoReleas   puls  cc,pc          restore IRQ enable status, return
+* Interrupt service routine
+           pshs  dp             save system DP
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tfr   u,w            setup our DP
+           tfr   e,dp
+           ELSE
+           tfr   u,d            setup our DP
+           tfr   a,dp
+           ENDC
+           ldx   <V.PORT
+           ldb   StatReg,x      get current Status register contents
+           stb   <Cpy.Stat      save Status register copy
+           bitb  #Stat.Err      error(s)?
+           beq   ChkRDRF        no, go check Rx data
+* Error-handling
+           tst   DataReg,x      read Rx data register to clear ACIA error flags
+           bitb  #Stat.Frm      framing error (assume Rx line Break)?
+           beq   ChkParty       no, go check if parity error...
+           lda   <V.QUIT        default to keyboard quit ("Break") code
+           bra   RxBreak        go pretend we've received V.QUIT character...
+ChkParty   bitb  #Stat.Par      parity error?
+           beq   ChkOvRun       no, go check overrun error...
+           lda   #ParityEr      mark parity error
+ChkOvRun   bita  #Stat.Ovr      overrun error?
+           beq   SaveErrs       no, go save errors...
+           ora   #OvrFloEr      mark overrun error
+SaveErrs   ora   <V.ERR
+           sta   <V.ERR
+           lbra  ChkTrDCD       go check if DCD transition...
+* Read data?
+ChkRDRF    bitb  #Stat.RxF      Rx data?
+           lbeq  ChkTrDCD       no, go check DCD transition
+           lda   DataReg,x      get Rx data
+RxBreak    beq   SavRxDat       its a null, go save it...
+           clr   <SigSent
+           cmpa  <V.INTR        interrupt?
+           bne   Chk.Quit       no, go on...
+           ldb   #S$Intrpt
+           bra   SendSig
+Chk.Quit   cmpa  <V.QUIT        abort?
+           bne   Chk.PChr       no, go on...
+           ldb   #S$Abort
+SendSig    pshs  a              save Rx data
+           lda   <V.LPRC        get last process' ID
+           os9   F$Send
+           puls  a              recover Rx data
+           stb   <SigSent       set signal sent flag
+           bra   SavRxDat       go save Rx data...
+Chk.PChr   cmpa  <V.PCHR        pause?
+           bne   Chk.Flow       no, go on...
+           ldx   <V.DEV2        attached device defined?
+           beq   SavRxDat       no, go save Rx data...
+           sta   V.PAUS,x       yes, pause attached device
+           bra   SavRxDat       go save Rx data...
+Chk.Flow   equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #TxSwFlow,<Wrk.Type Tx data software flow control enabled?
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           lda   #TxSwFlow
+           bita  <Wrk.Type
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           beq   SavRxDat       no, go save Rx data...
+           cmpa  <V.XON         XON?
+           bne   Chk.XOff       no, go on...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           aim   #^FCTxXOff,<FloCtlTx clear XOFF received bit
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           lda   #^FCTxXOff
+           anda  <FloCtlTx
+           sta   <FloCtlTx
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           bra   SetTxFlo       go save new Tx flow control flags...
+Chk.XOff   cmpa  <V.XOFF        XOFF?
+           bne   SavRxDat       no, go save Rx data...
+           ldb   #FCTxXOff      set XOFF received bit
+           orb   <FloCtlTx      set software Tx flow control flag
+SetTxFlo   stb   <FloCtlTx      save new Tx flow control flags
+           lbra  ChkTrDCD       go check DCD transition...
+SavRxDat   equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           aim   #^FCRxSend,<FloCtlRx clear possible pending XOFF flag
+           ELSE
+           pshs  a
+           lda   #^FCRxSend
+           anda  <FloCtlRx
+           sta   <FloCtlRx
+           puls  a
+           ENDC
+           ldx   <RxBufPut      get Rx buffer input pointer
+           IFNE  H6309
+           ldw   <RxDatLen      Rx get Rx buffer data length
+           cmpw  <RxBufSiz      Rx buffer already full?
+           ELSE
+           pshs  d
+           ldd   <RxDatLen
+           std   <regWbuf
+           cmpd  <RxBufSiz
+           puls  d
+           ENDC
+           blo   NotOvFlo       no, go skip overflow error...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           oim   #OvrFloEr,<V.ERR mark RX buffer overflow error
+           ELSE
+           ldb   #OvrFloEr
+           orb   <V.ERR
+           stb   <V.ERR
+           ENDC
+           bra   DisRxFlo       go ensure Rx is disabled (if possible)
+NotOvFlo   sta   ,x+            save Rx data
+           cmpx  <RxBufEnd      end of Rx buffer?
+           blo   SetLayDn       no, go keep laydown pointer
+           ldx   <RxBufPtr      get Rx buffer start address
+SetLayDn   stx   <RxBufPut      set new Rx data laydown pointer
+           IFNE  H6309
+           incw                 one more byte in Rx buffer
+           stw   <RxDatLen      save new Rx data length
+           cmpw  <RxBufMax      at or past maximum fill point?
+           ELSE
+           pshs  d
+           ldd   <regWbuf
+           addd  #1
+           std   <regWbuf
+           std   <RxDatLen
+           cmpd  <RxBufMax
+           puls  d
+           ENDC
+           blo   SgnlRxD        no, go check Rx data signal...
+DisRxFlo   ldx   <V.PORT
+*           ldb   CmdReg,x       get current Command register contents
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #ForceDTR,<Wrk.XTyp forced DTR?
+           ELSE
+           lda   #ForceDTR
+           bita  <Wrk.XTyp
+           ENDC
+           bne   DisRxRTS       yes, go check RTS disable...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #DSRFlow,<Wrk.Type DSR/DTR Flow control?
+           ELSE
+           lda   #DSRFlow
+           bita  <Wrk.Type
+           ENDC
+           beq   DisRxRTS       no, go check RTS disable
+           IFNE  H6309
+           oim   #FCRxDTR,<Wrk.Type mark RX disabled due to DTR
+           ELSE
+           lda   #FCRxDTR
+           ora   <Wrk.Type
+           sta   <Wrk.Type
+           ENDC
+           andb  #^Cmd.DTR      clear (disable) DTR bit
+DisRxRTS   equ   *
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #RTSFlow,<Wrk.Type
+           ELSE
+           lda   #RTSFlow
+           bita  <Wrk.Type
+           ENDC
+           beq   NewRxFlo       no, go set new Rx flow control...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #DSRFlow,<Wrk.Type line break?
+           ELSE
+           lda   #DSRFlow
+           bita  <Wrk.Type
+           ENDC
+           bne   NewRxFlo       yes, go set new Rx flow control...
+           IFNE  H6309
+           oim   #FCRxRTS,<FloCtlRx
+           ELSE
+           lda   #FCRxRTS
+           ora   <FloCtlRx
+           sta   <FloCtlRx
+           ENDC
+           andb  #^Cmd.TIRB     clear Tx IRQ/RTS/Break control bits (disable RTS)
+*           stb   CmdReg,x       set/clear DTR and RTS in Command register
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #RxSwFlow,<Wrk.Type Rx software flow control?
+           ELSE
+           ldb   <Wrk.Type
+           bitb  #RxSwFlow
+           ENDC
+           beq   SgnlRxD        no, go check Rx data signal...
+           lda   <V.XOFF        XOFF character defined?
+           beq   SgnlRxD        no, go check Rx data signal...
+           ldb   <FloCtlRx      get Rx flow control flags
+           bitb  #FCRxSent      XOFF already sent?
+           bne   SgnlRxD        yes, go check Rx data signal...
+           orb   #FCRxSend      set send XOFF flag
+           stb   <FloCtlRx      set new Rx flow control flags
+           IFNE  H6309
+           tim   #Stat.TxE,StatReg,x
+           ELSE
+           ldb   StatReg,x
+           bitb  #Stat.TxE
+           ENDC
+           beq   SgnlRxD        no, go skip XOFF this time...
+           sta   DataReg,x      write XOFF character
+           ldb   #FCRxSent      set XOFF sent flag
+           orb   <FloCtlRx      mask in current Rx flow control flags
+           andb  #^FCRxSend     clear send XOFF flag
+           stb   <FloCtlRx      save new flow control flags
+SgnlRxD    ldb   <SigSent       already sent abort/interrupt signal?
+           bne   ChkTrDCD       yes, go check DCD transition...
+           lda   <SSigPID       Rx data signal process ID?
+           beq   ChkTrDCD       none, go check DCD transition...
+           stb   <SSigPID       clear Rx data signal
+           ldb   <SSigSig       Rx data signal code
+           os9   F$Send
+ChkTrDCD   ldx   <V.PORT
+           lda   <Cpy.Stat      get Status register copy
+           tfr   a,b            copy it...
+           eora  <CpyDCDSR      mark changes from old DSR+DCD status copy
+*           andb  #Stat.DSR!Stat.DCD clear all but DSR+DCD status
+           stb   <CpyDCDSR      save new DSR+DCD status copy
+           bita  <Mask.DCD      DCD transition?
+           beq   CkSuspnd       no, go check for suspended process...
+           bitb  <Mask.DCD      DCD disabled now?
+           beq   SgnlDCD        no, go check DCD signal...
+           lda   <Wrk.Type
+           bita  #MdmKill       modem kill enabled?
+           beq   SgnlDCD        no, go on...
+           ldx   <V.PDLHd       path descriptor list header
+           beq   StCDLost       no list, go set DCD lost error...
+           lda   #PST.DCD       DCD lost flag
+PDListLp   sta   PD.PST,x       set path status flag
+           ldx   PD.PLP,x       get next path descriptor in list
+           bne   PDListLp       not end of list, go do another...
+StCDLost   lda   #DCDLstEr      DCD lost error flag
+           ora   <V.ERR
+           sta   <V.ERR
+SgnlDCD    lda   <CDSigPID      get process ID, send a DCD signal?
+           beq   CkSuspnd       no, go check for suspended process...
+           ldb   <CDSigSig      get DCD signal code
+           clr   <CDSigPID      clear DCD signal
+           os9   F$Send
+CkSuspnd   clrb                 clear Carry (for exit) and LSB of process descriptor address
+           lda   <V.WAKE        anybody waiting? ([D]=process descriptor address)
+           beq   IRQExit        no, go return...
+           IFEQ  Level-1
+           clr   <V.WAKE
+           ldb   #S$Wake
+           os9   F$Send
+           ELSE
+           stb   <V.WAKE        mark I/O done
+           tfr   d,x            copy process descriptor pointer
+           lda   P$State,x      get state flags
+           anda  #^Suspend      clear suspend state
+           sta   P$State,x      save state flags
+           ENDC
+IRQExit    puls  dp,pc          recover system DP, return...
+           emod
+ModSize    equ   *
+           end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/term_sc6850.asm	Tue May 16 23:25:26 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+* Term - sc6850 Device Descriptor
+* $Id$
+* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
+* Comment
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         nam   Term
+         ttl   sc6850 Device Descriptor
+* Disassembled 98/08/23 21:16:50 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Devic+Objct
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $00
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
+         fcb   UPDAT.     mode byte
+         fcb   HW.Page    extended controller address
+         fdb   HwBASE     physical controller address
+         fcb   initsize-*-1 initialization table size
+         fcb   DT.SCF     IT.DVC device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
+         fcb   $00        IT.UPC case:0=up&lower,1=upper only
+         fcb   $01        IT.BSO backspace:0=bsp,1=bsp then sp & bsp
+         fcb   $00        IT.DLO delete:0=bsp over line,1=return
+         fcb   $01        IT.EKO echo:0=no echo
+         fcb   $01        IT.ALF auto line feed:0=off
+         fcb   $00        IT.NUL end of line null count
+         fcb   $01        IT.PAU pause:0=no end of page pause
+* IT.PAG and IT.ROW are set to 25 to match the Multicomp6809 hardware
+* terminal. Applications (eg scred) inspect this value and need it to be
+* correct. In the case of a "glass teletype" (aka terminal emulator)
+* attached to a serial port, it should be set to 25x80 in order for programs
+* like scred to work correctly.
+         fcb   25         IT.PAG lines per page
+         fcb   C$BSP      IT.BSP backspace character
+         fcb   C$DEL      IT.DEL delete line character
+         fcb   C$CR       IT.EOR end of record character
+         fcb   C$EOF      IT.EOF end of file character
+         fcb   C$RPRT     IT.RPR reprint line character
+         fcb   C$RPET     IT.DUP duplicate last line character
+         fcb   C$PAUS     IT.PSC pause character
+         fcb   C$INTR     IT.INT interrupt character
+         fcb   C$QUIT     IT.QUT quit character
+         fcb   C$BSP      IT.BSE backspace echo character
+         fcb   C$BELL     IT.OVF line overflow character (bell)
+         fcb   PARNONE    IT.PAR parity
+         ifne  corsham
+         fcb   STOP2+WORD8+B4800 IT.BAU stop bits/word size/baud rate
+         else
+         fcb   STOP1+WORD8+B9600 IT.BAU stop bits/word size/baud rate
+         endc
+         fdb   name       IT.D2P copy of descriptor name address
+         fcb   C$XON      IT.XON acia xon char
+         fcb   C$XOFF     IT.XOFF acia xoff char
+         fcb   80         IT.COL (szx) number of columns for display
+         fcb   25         IT.ROW (szy) number of rows for display
+         fcb   $00        IT.XTYP 0 => NOT extended type
+initsize equ   *
+         IFDEF TNum       from makefile
+         IFEQ  TNum
+name     fcs   /T0/
+         ENDIF
+         IFEQ  TNum-1
+name     fcs   /T1/
+         ENDIF
+         ELSE
+name     fcs   /Term/
+         ENDIF            match IFDEF TNum
+mgrnam   fcs   /SCF/
+drvnam   fcs   /sc6850/
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end