changeset 2770:bfe3de781ddf lwtools-port

Added Arduino dwread/dwwrite changes
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Tue, 22 Jan 2013 19:14:52 -0600
parents 31cd1f1b4fb0
children ce3dba57003b
files ChangeLog defs/rbf.d defs/rbsuper.d defs/scsi.d level1/modules/boot_1773.asm level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm level1/modules/dwread.asm level1/modules/dwwrite.asm level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm level1/modules/rbsuper.asm level2/coco3/bootfiles/makefile level2/coco3/makefile level2/coco3/modules/makefile level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm level2/modules/krnp4_regdump.asm rules.mak
diffstat 16 files changed, 813 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ChangeLog	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/ChangeLog	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -1,5 +1,69 @@
 NitrOS-9 V3.2.9:
+2012/12/05 Robert Gualt
+List of files changed
+M ChangeLog
+M level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm
+Changed the GetMem rountine for Level1 krn. The routine compared
+MaxMem against D.MLIM. This seemed to result in unwarranted loss
+of memory and prevented at least one game, Interbank Incident, from running.
+The comparison was removed resulting in an increase of available
+memory. No problems have been noted.
+2012/12/05 David Ladd
+List of files changed since hg clone on 2012/12/05
+M ChangeLog
+M level1/coco/modules/makefile
+M rules.mak
+Changes that were made were to supress listing sources to standard
+out while compiling project.  This change was option "-l" in the rules.mak .
+Change made to level1/coco/modules/makefile was to include adding and boot_dw3_becker to the level1 build for the CoCo.
+2012/11/09 Gene Heskett
+List of files changed since hg clone on 2012/11/03
+M ChangeLog
+M ReadMe
+M defs/rbf.d
+M defs/rbsuper.d
+M defs/scsi.d
+M level1/atari/cmds/fuji.asm
+M level1/coco/modules/makefile
+M level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm
+M level1/modules/superdesc.asm
+M level2/coco3/bootfiles/makefile
+M level2/coco3/modules/makefile
+M level2/coco3_6309/bootfiles/makefile
+M level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm
+M rules.mak
+AFAICT it will now build bootable .dsk's for all coco's
+Running fine on my coco3, and on Roberts Coco3
+With switch to mercurial (Gene Heskett notes, 2012/11/03)
+Level 2 builld, run tested
+- joydrv_6551L broken, boot failed, no clue why, code didn't change
+  Fixed now, works, 2012/11/07 GH
+- All tc^3 drive descriptors broken, over write them in the .dsk's with known
+  good versions before doing a mb!
+Level 1 atari build
+- fuji stuff build failed, assembler syntax error
+  Fixed, builds but not run tested, I don't have a 6502 or Liber8 fitted atari
 Level 2 Only:
 - joydrv_6551L,  joydrv_6551M and joydrv_6552L now have their MPI slot
   select bytes properly represented and should work.
--- a/defs/rbf.d	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/defs/rbf.d	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -273,6 +273,12 @@
 DD.NAM         RMB       32                  Volume name
 DD.OPT         RMB       32                  Option area
+* 2012/11/09 Gene Heskett - Some additions for bootlink etc use.
+		ORG	$60			More options from device descriptor
+VD.STP		RMB	1	This is for the /sh and /ih virtual disks in HDBDOS
+VD.OFS		RMB	3	This is DT.WPC and DT.OSF combined, might be more 
 * DD.FMT Bit Definitions - valid only if device is a floppy disk
 FMT.SIDE       EQU       %00000001           Single Sided=0, Double Sided=1
 FMT.DNS        EQU       %00000010           Single Density=0, Double Density=1
--- a/defs/rbsuper.d	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/defs/rbsuper.d	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 V.LLMem        EQU       .                   start of low level driver memory
                RMB       llreserve           reserved area... low level driver uses this as it wants
 V.LLMemSz      EQU       .-V.LLMem
-* Note: we trick rbsuper to so that it thinks its static storage starts at
+* Note: we trick rbsuper too so that it thinks its static storage starts at
 * zero when it really starts beyond DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*DrvCount).
                RMB       UOFFSET
 V.RBSuper      EQU       .                   end of RBSuper's (and ll driver's) memory requirements
--- a/defs/scsi.d	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/defs/scsi.d	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 **** Cloud-9 TC^3 Controller Definitions
                IFNE      TC3+SB
+SDMPI          SET       $02	Added 2012\11\05 GH
 SCSIDATA       EQU       0
 SCSISTAT       EQU       1
 SCSISEL        EQU       1
--- a/level1/modules/boot_1773.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_1773.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@
 *	$01  = 12ms
 *	$02  = 20ms
 *	$03  = 30ms
+         IFNDEF STEP
 STEP     set   $00
+         ENDC
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
--- a/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@
 *   4      2008/02/17  Boisy G. Pitre
 * Message phase code was broken, now fixed and the booter now works.
+*   5      2012/11/05-06  Gene Heskett
+* SDMPI from defs/scsi.d is being ignored, so boot failed is the message.
+* Ded the object to fix that AND the NULL bus address and this code broken.
+* WhichDrv is now a zero based decimal value passed in by the makefile via IT.DNS
+* Thanks Boisy...
                NAM       Boot                
                TTL       SCSI Boot Module    
@@ -52,7 +57,7 @@
 tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
 atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
-rev            SET       0
+rev            SET       1
 edition        SET       4
                MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
@@ -108,11 +113,12 @@
 *          B = error (Carry Set)
                clr       >$FF40              stop the disk motors
-               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
-               leax      CntlSlot,pcr
-               lda       ,x
-               sta       MPI.Slct
-               ENDC      
+*               IFNE      D4N1+HDII ??????
+        	leax      CntlSlot,pcr point at byte with MPI slot in it
+        	lda       ,x	get it
+        	sta       MPI.Slct and set the MPI to us.
+        	ENDC      But this was NOT being done.
                ldd       #S$SEEK*256
                ldx       #0
                bsr       setup
@@ -143,6 +149,10 @@
+* Sooooo, at end of module, the FF64XX, the XX is not a marching bit
+* pattern any more.  Cool but a huge gotcha needing makefile changes
+* all over.  And theres too many of them.
 scsival        FCB       $80+1,$80+2,$80+4,$80+8,$80+16,$80+32,$80+64,$80
 * SCSI Wake-Up Routine
@@ -155,6 +165,10 @@
                leax      -1,x                else count down
                bne       wake                and try again if not timed out
                bra       wake4               else branch to timeout
+* Aha!  New code! so ITDRV goes down one count
+* Nice we get a notice.  ChangeLog's would be nice
+* But are a pain in the ass to maintain.
 * Step 2: Put our SCSI ID on the bus
 wake1          bsr       wake3               small delay
                lda       WhichDrv,pcr        get SCSI ID
@@ -273,12 +287,17 @@
 * Fillers to get to $1D0
 Pad            FILL      $39,$1D0-3-1-2-1-*
-* The default SCSI ID is here
+* rev1, add selections for MPI slot and bus address of drive
+* 2012\11\05 Gene Heskett
+* The default SCSI ID is here, but first do MPI slot
 CntlSlot       FCB       SDMPI
+CntrSlot	FCB	$FF
 Address        FDB       SDAddr
-WhichDrv       FCB       0
+* So now, this can be a base zero decimal value!
+WhichDrv	FCB	IT.DNS
 eom            EQU       *
--- a/level1/modules/dwread.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/dwread.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -1,266 +1,322 @@
-* DWRead
-*    Receive a response from the DriveWire server.
-*    Times out if serial port goes idle for more than 1.4 (0.7) seconds.
-*    Serial data format:  1-8-N-1
-*    4/12/2009 by Darren Atkinson
-* Entry:
-*    X  = starting address where data is to be stored
-*    Y  = number of bytes expected
-* Exit:
-*    CC = carry set on framing error, Z set if all bytes received
-*    X  = starting address of data received
-*    Y  = checksum
-*    U is preserved.  All accumulators are clobbered
-          IFNE BECKER
-* NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
-DWRead    pshs   cc,d,x,u
-          leau   ,x 
-          ldx    #$0000
-          orcc   #IntMasks
-loop@     ldb    $FF41
-          bitb   #$02
-          beq    loop@
-          ldb    $FF42
-          stb    ,u+
-          abx
-          leay   -1,y
-          bne    loop@
-          tfr    x,y
-          puls   cc
-          andcc  #^Carry
-          orcc   #Zero
-          puls   d,x,u,pc
-          ELSE
-          IFNE BAUD38400
-* 38400 bps using 6809 code and timimg
-DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
-          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
-          tfr       cc,b
-          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
-          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
-          adda      #2                  ; A = $01 (serial in mask), set Carry
-* Wait for a start bit or timeout
-rx0010    bcc       rxExit              ; exit if timeout expired
-          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
-rx0020    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
-          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
-          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          bcc       rx0020              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
-          bita      <BBIN
-          bne       rx0010              ; loop if still no start bit
-* Read a byte
-rxByte    leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
-          ldd       #$ff80              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
-          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
-rx0030    exg       a,a
-          nop
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read data bit
-          lsra                          ; shift into carry
-          rorb                          ; rotate into byte accumulator
-          lda       #$01                ; prep stop bit mask
-          bcc       rx0030              ; loop until all 8 bits read
-          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
-          abx                           ; update checksum
-          ldb       #$ff                ; set timeout lsb for next byte
-          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
-          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error
-          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
-          bne       rx0020              ; loop if another byte wanted
-          lda       #$03                ; setup to return SUCCESS
-* Clean up, set status and return
-rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
-          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
-          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
-          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
-          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
-          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00
-          ELSE
-          IFNE H6309-1
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
-DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
-          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
-          tfr       cc,b
-          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
-          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
-          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
-          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
-* Read a byte
-rxByte    leau      1,u                 ; bump storage ptr
-          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 0
-          lsra                          ; move bit 0 into Carry
-          ldd       #$ff20              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
-          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
-          rorb                          ; rotate bit 0 into byte accumulator
-rx0010    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d1, d3, d5)
-          lsra
-          rorb
-          bita      1,s                 ; 5 cycle delay
-          bcs       rx0020              ; exit loop after reading bit 5
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d2, d4)
-          lsra
-          rorb
-          leau      ,u
-          bra       rx0010
-rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 6
-          lsra
-          rorb
-          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
-          beq       rx0050              ; branch if final byte of request
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7
-          lsra
-          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
-          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
-          abx                           ; update checksum
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
-          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
-          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error
-* Wait for a start bit or timeout
-rx0030    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
-          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
-          bita      <BBIN               ; again
-          beq       rxByte
-          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
-rx0040    bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          bcs       rx0030              ; loop if timeout hasn't expired
-          bra       rxExit              ; exit due to timeout
-rx0050    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7 of final byte
-          lsra
-          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
-          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
-          abx                           ; calculate final checksum
-          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
-          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
-          ora       #$02                ; return SUCCESS if no framing error
-* Clean up, set status and return
-rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
-          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
-          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
-          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
-          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
-          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00
-          ELSE
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
-DWRead    clrb                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
-          decb                          ; clear Z flag, B = $FF
-          pshs      u,x,dp,cc           ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
-          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          leay      -1,y                ; adjust request count
-          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
-          tfr       0,x                 ; initialize checksum
-          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
-          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
-* Read a byte
-rxByte    sexw                          ; 4 cycle delay
-          ldw       #$006a              ; shift counter and timing flags
-          clra                          ; clear carry so next will branch
-rx0010    bcc       rx0020              ; branch if even bit number (15 cycles)
-          nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
-rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit
-          lsra                          ; move bit into carry
-          rorb                          ; rotate bit into byte accumulator
-          lda       #0                  ; prep A for 8th data bit
-          lsrw                          ; bump shift count, timing bit to carry
-          bne       rx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been read
-          incw                          ; W = 1 for subtraction from Y
-          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading bit 7
-          anda      <BBIN               ; read bit 7
-          lsra                          ; move bit 7 into carry, A = 0
-          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
-          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
-          abx                           ; update checksum
-          subr      w,y                 ; decrement request count
-          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading stop bit
-          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
-          bls       rxExit              ; exit if completed or framing error
-* Wait for a start bit or timeout
-rx0030    clrw                          ; initialize timeout counter
-rx0040    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
-          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
-          addw      #1                  ; bump timeout counter
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout rolls over
-          lda       #$03                ; setup to return TIMEOUT status
-* Clean up, set status and return
-rxExit    beq       rx0050              ; branch if framing error
-          eora      #$02                ; toggle SUCCESS flag
-rx0050    inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
-          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
-          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
-          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
-          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00
-          ENDC
-          ENDC
-          ENDC
+* DWRead
+*    Receive a response from the DriveWire server.
+*    Times out if serial port goes idle for more than 1.4 (0.7) seconds.
+*    Serial data format:  1-8-N-1
+*    4/12/2009 by Darren Atkinson
+* Entry:
+*    X  = starting address where data is to be stored
+*    Y  = number of bytes expected
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on framing error, Z set if all bytes received
+*    X  = starting address of data received
+*    Y  = checksum
+*    U is preserved.  All accumulators are clobbered
+          IFNE ARDUINO
+* Note: this is an optimistic routine. It presumes that the server will always be there, and
+* has NO timeout fallback. It is also very short and quick.
+DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          pshs   u,x,cc              ; preserve registers
+          leau   ,x
+          ldx    #$0000
+loop@     tst    $FF51                  ; check for CA1 bit (1=Arduino has byte ready)
+          bpl    loop@                  ; loop if not set
+          ldb    $FF50                  ; clear CA1 bit in status register
+          stb    ,u+                    ; save off acquired byte
+          abx                           ; update checksum
+          leay   ,-y
+          bne    loop@
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          ELSE
+          IFNE JMCPBCK
+* NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
+DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
+          tfr       cc,b
+          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
+          leau   ,x
+          ldx    #$0000
+          orcc   #IntMasks
+loop@     ldb    $FF4C
+          bitb   #$02
+          beq    loop@
+          ldb    $FF44
+          stb    ,u+
+          abx
+          leay   ,-y
+          bne    loop@
+          tfr    x,y
+          ldb    #0
+          lda    #3
+          leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
+          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          ELSE
+          IFNE BECKER
+* NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
+DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
+          tfr       cc,b
+          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
+          leau   ,x
+          ldx    #$0000
+          orcc   #IntMasks
+loop@     ldb    $FF41
+          bitb   #$02
+          beq    loop@
+          ldb    $FF42
+          stb    ,u+
+          abx
+          leay   ,-y
+          bne    loop@
+          tfr    x,y
+          ldb    #0
+          lda    #3
+          leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
+          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          IFNE BAUD38400
+* 38400 bps using 6809 code and timimg
+DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
+          tfr       cc,b
+          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
+          setdp     $ff
+          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
+          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
+          adda      #2                  ; A = $01 (serial in mask), set Carry
+* Wait for a start bit or timeout
+rx0010    bcc       rxExit              ; exit if timeout expired
+          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
+rx0020    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
+          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
+          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          bcc       rx0020              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
+          bita      <BBIN
+          bne       rx0010              ; loop if still no start bit
+* Read a byte
+rxByte    leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
+          ldd       #$ff80              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
+          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
+rx0030    exg       a,a
+          nop
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read data bit
+          lsra                          ; shift into carry
+          rorb                          ; rotate into byte accumulator
+          lda       #$01                ; prep stop bit mask
+          bcc       rx0030              ; loop until all 8 bits read
+          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
+          abx                           ; update checksum
+          ldb       #$ff                ; set timeout lsb for next byte
+          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
+          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error
+          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
+          bne       rx0020              ; loop if another byte wanted
+          lda       #$03                ; setup to return SUCCESS
+* Clean up, set status and return
+rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
+          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          setdp     $00
+          ELSE
+          IFEQ H6309
+* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
+DWRead    clra                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          deca                          ; clear Z flag, A = timeout msb ($ff)
+          tfr       cc,b
+          pshs      u,x,dp,b,a          ; preserve registers, push timeout msb
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+          tfr       a,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
+          setdp     $ff
+          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
+          ldx       #0                  ; initialize checksum
+          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
+          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
+* Read a byte
+rxByte    leau      1,u                 ; bump storage ptr
+          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement request count
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 0
+          lsra                          ; move bit 0 into Carry
+          ldd       #$ff20              ; A = timeout msb, B = shift counter
+          sta       ,s                  ; reset timeout msb for next byte
+          rorb                          ; rotate bit 0 into byte accumulator
+rx0010    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d1, d3, d5)
+          lsra
+          rorb
+          bita      1,s                 ; 5 cycle delay
+          bcs       rx0020              ; exit loop after reading bit 5
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit (d2, d4)
+          lsra
+          rorb
+          leau      ,u
+          bra       rx0010
+rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 6
+          lsra
+          rorb
+          leay      ,y                  ; test request count
+          beq       rx0050              ; branch if final byte of request
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7
+          lsra
+          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
+          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
+          abx                           ; update checksum
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
+          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
+          beq       rxExit              ; exit if framing error
+* Wait for a start bit or timeout
+rx0030    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
+          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
+          bita      <BBIN               ; again
+          beq       rxByte
+          ldb       #$ff                ; init timeout lsb
+rx0040    bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          subb      #1                  ; decrement timeout lsb
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout lsb rolls under
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          addb      ,s                  ; B = timeout msb - 1
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          stb       ,s                  ; store decremented timeout msb
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          bcs       rx0030              ; loop if timeout hasn't expired
+          bra       rxExit              ; exit due to timeout
+rx0050    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit 7 of final byte
+          lsra
+          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
+          stb       -1,u                ; store received byte to memory
+          abx                           ; calculate final checksum
+          lda       <BBIN               ; read stop bit
+          anda      #$01                ; mask out other bits
+          ora       #$02                ; return SUCCESS if no framing error
+* Clean up, set status and return
+rxExit    leas      1,s                 ; remove timeout msb from stack
+          inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          setdp     $00
+          ELSE
+* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
+DWRead    clrb                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          decb                          ; clear Z flag, B = $FF
+          pshs      u,x,dp,cc           ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
+          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
+          setdp     $ff
+          leay      -1,y                ; adjust request count
+          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
+          tfr       0,x                 ; initialize checksum
+          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
+          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
+* Read a byte
+rxByte    sexw                          ; 4 cycle delay
+          ldw       #$006a              ; shift counter and timing flags
+          clra                          ; clear carry so next will branch
+rx0010    bcc       rx0020              ; branch if even bit number (15 cycles)
+          nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
+rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit
+          lsra                          ; move bit into carry
+          rorb                          ; rotate bit into byte accumulator
+          lda       #0                  ; prep A for 8th data bit
+          lsrw                          ; bump shift count, timing bit to carry
+          bne       rx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been read
+          incw                          ; W = 1 for subtraction from Y
+          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading bit 7
+          anda      <BBIN               ; read bit 7
+          lsra                          ; move bit 7 into carry, A = 0
+          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
+          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
+          abx                           ; update checksum
+          subr      w,y                 ; decrement request count
+          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading stop bit
+          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
+          bls       rxExit              ; exit if completed or framing error
+* Wait for a start bit or timeout
+rx0030    clrw                          ; initialize timeout counter
+rx0040    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
+          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
+          addw      #1                  ; bump timeout counter
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout rolls over
+          lda       #$03                ; setup to return TIMEOUT status
+* Clean up, set status and return
+rxExit    beq       rx0050              ; branch if framing error
+          eora      #$02                ; toggle SUCCESS flag
+rx0050    inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          setdp     $00
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
--- a/level1/modules/dwwrite.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/dwwrite.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -1,194 +1,180 @@
-* DWWrite
-*    Send a packet to the DriveWire server.
-*    Serial data format:  1-8-N-1
-*    4/12/2009 by Darren Atkinson
-* Entry:
-*    X  = starting address of data to send
-*    Y  = number of bytes to send
-* Exit:
-*    X  = address of last byte sent + 1
-*    Y  = 0
-*    All others preserved
-          IFNE BECKER
-DWWrite   pshs      d,cc              ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-;          ldu       #BBOUT              ; point U to bit banger out register
-;          lda       3,u                 ; read PIA 1-B control register
-;          anda      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
-;          sta       3,u                 ; disable sound output
-;          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
-          lda       ,x+                
-          sta       $FF42
-          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
-          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
-          puls      cc,d,pc           ; restore registers and return
-          ELSE
-          IFNE H6309-1
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
-DWWrite   pshs      dp,d,cc             ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-          ldd       #$04ff              ; A = loop counter, B = $ff
-          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          ldb       <$ff23              ; read PIA 1-B control register
-          andb      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
-          stb       <$ff23              ; disable sound output
-          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
-txByte    stb       <BBOUT              ; send stop bit
-          ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
-          nop
-          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
-          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
-tx0020    stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (start bit, d1, d3, d5)
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          exg       a,a
-          nop
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (d0, d2, d4, d6)
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          leau      ,u
-          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
-          bne       tx0020              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit 7
-          ldd       #$0402              ; A = loop counter, B = MARK value
-          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement byte counter
-          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; leave bit banger output at MARK
-          puls      cc,d,dp,pc          ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00
-          ELSE
-          IFNE BAUD38400
-* 38400 bps using 6809 code and timimg
-DWWrite   pshs      u,d,cc              ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-          ldu       #BBOUT              ; point U to bit banger out register
-          lda       3,u                 ; read PIA 1-B control register
-          anda      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
-          sta       3,u                 ; disable sound output
-          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
-txByte    stb       ,--u                ; send stop bit
-          leau      ,u+
-          lda       #8                  ; counter for start bit and 7 data bits
-          ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
-          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
-          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
-tx0010    stb       ,u++                ; send bit
-          tst       ,--u
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
-          bne       tx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
-          leau      ,u
-          stb       ,u                  ; send bit 7
-          lda       ,u++                
-          ldb       #$02                ; value for stop bit (MARK)
-          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
-          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
-          stb       ,--u                ; leave bit banger output at MARK
-          puls      cc,d,u,pc           ; restore registers and return
-          ELSE
-          IFNE H6309-1
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
-DWWrite   pshs      dp,d,cc             ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-          ldd       #$04ff              ; A = loop counter, B = $ff
-          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          ldb       <$ff23              ; read PIA 1-B control register
-          andb      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
-          stb       <$ff23              ; disable sound output
-          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
-txByte    stb       <BBOUT              ; send stop bit
-          ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
-          nop
-          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
-          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
-tx0020    stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (start bit, d1, d3, d5)
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          exg       a,a
-          nop
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (d0, d2, d4, d6)
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          leau      ,u
-          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
-          bne       tx0020              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit 7
-          ldd       #$0402              ; A = loop counter, B = MARK value
-          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement byte counter
-          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
-          stb       <BBOUT              ; leave bit banger output at MARK
-          puls      cc,d,dp,pc          ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00
-          ELSE
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
-DWWrite   pshs      u,d,cc              ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
-          ldu       #BBOUT+1            ; point U to bit banger out register +1
-          aim       #$f7,2,u            ; disable sound output
-          lda       #8                  ; counter for start bit and 7 data bits
-          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
-txByte    stb       -1,u                ; send stop bit
-tx0010    ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
-          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
-          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
-          bra       tx0030
-tx0020    bita      #1                  ; even or odd bit number ?
-          beq       tx0040              ; branch if even (15 cycles)
-tx0030    nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
-tx0040    stb       -1,u                ; send bit
-          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
-          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
-          bne       tx0020              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
-          leau      ,u+
-          stb       -1,u                ; send bit 7
-          ldd       #$0802              ; A = loop counter, B = MARK value
-          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
-          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
-          stb       -1,u                ; final stop bit
-          puls      cc,d,u,pc           ; restore registers and return
-          ENDC
-          ENDC
-          ENDC
-          ENDC
+* DWWrite
+*    Send a packet to the DriveWire server.
+*    Serial data format:  1-8-N-1
+*    4/12/2009 by Darren Atkinson
+* Entry:
+*    X  = starting address of data to send
+*    Y  = number of bytes to send
+* Exit:
+*    X  = address of last byte sent + 1
+*    Y  = 0
+*    All others preserved
+          IFNE ARDUINO
+DWWrite   pshs      a                  ; preserve registers
+          lda       ,x+                ; get byte from buffer
+          sta       $FF52              ; put it to PIA
+loop@     tst       $FF53              ; check status register
+          bpl       loop@              ; until CB1 is set by Arduino, continue looping
+          tst       $FF52              ; clear CB1 in status register
+          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          puls      a,pc                ; restore registers and return
+          ELSE
+          IFNE JMCPBCK
+DWWrite   pshs      d,cc              ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+          lda       ,x+
+          sta       $FF44
+          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          puls      cc,d,pc           ; restore registers and return
+          ELSE
+          IFNE BECKER
+DWWrite   pshs      d,cc              ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+;          ldu       #BBOUT              ; point U to bit banger out register
+;          lda       3,u                 ; read PIA 1-B control register
+;          anda      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
+;          sta       3,u                 ; disable sound output
+;          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
+          lda       ,x+
+          sta       $FF42
+          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          puls      cc,d,pc           ; restore registers and return
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          IFEQ BAUD38400+H6309
+* 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
+DWWrite   pshs      dp,d,cc             ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+          ldd       #$04ff              ; A = loop counter, B = $ff
+          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
+          setdp     $ff
+          ldb       <$ff23              ; read PIA 1-B control register
+          andb      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
+          stb       <$ff23              ; disable sound output
+          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
+txByte    stb       <BBOUT              ; send stop bit
+          ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
+          nop
+          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
+          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
+tx0020    stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (start bit, d1, d3, d5)
+          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
+          exg       a,a
+          nop
+          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit (d0, d2, d4, d6)
+          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
+          leau      ,u
+          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
+          bne       tx0020              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
+          stb       <BBOUT              ; send bit 7
+          ldd       #$0402              ; A = loop counter, B = MARK value
+          leay      ,-y                 ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          stb       <BBOUT              ; leave bit banger output at MARK
+          puls      cc,d,dp,pc          ; restore registers and return
+          setdp     $00
+          IFNE BAUD38400
+* 38400 bps using 6809 code and timimg
+DWWrite   pshs      u,d,cc              ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+          ldu       #BBOUT              ; point U to bit banger out register
+          lda       3,u                 ; read PIA 1-B control register
+          anda      #$f7                ; clear sound enable bit
+          sta       3,u                 ; disable sound output
+          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
+txByte    stb       ,--u                ; send stop bit
+          leau      ,u+
+          lda       #8                  ; counter for start bit and 7 data bits
+          ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
+          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
+          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
+tx0010    stb       ,u++                ; send bit
+          tst       ,--u
+          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
+          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
+          bne       tx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
+          leau      ,u
+          stb       ,u                  ; send bit 7
+          lda       ,u++
+          ldb       #$02                ; value for stop bit (MARK)
+          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          stb       ,--u                ; leave bit banger output at MARK
+          puls      cc,d,u,pc           ; restore registers and return
+          ELSE
+* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
+DWWrite   pshs      u,d,cc              ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
+          ldu       #BBOUT+1            ; point U to bit banger out register +1
+          aim       #$f7,2,u            ; disable sound output
+          lda       #8                  ; counter for start bit and 7 data bits
+          fcb       $8c                 ; skip next instruction
+txByte    stb       -1,u                ; send stop bit
+tx0010    ldb       ,x+                 ; get a byte to transmit
+          lslb                          ; left rotate the byte two positions..
+          rolb                          ; ..placing a zero (start bit) in bit 1
+          bra       tx0030
+tx0020    bita      #1                  ; even or odd bit number ?
+          beq       tx0040              ; branch if even (15 cycles)
+tx0030    nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
+tx0040    stb       -1,u                ; send bit
+          rorb                          ; move next bit into position
+          deca                          ; decrement loop counter
+          bne       tx0020              ; loop until 7th data bit has been sent
+          leau      ,u+
+          stb       -1,u                ; send bit 7
+          ldd       #$0802              ; A = loop counter, B = MARK value
+          leay      -1,y                ; decrement byte counter
+          bne       txByte              ; loop if more to send
+          stb       -1,u                ; final stop bit
+          puls      cc,d,u,pc           ; restore registers and return
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
+          ENDC
--- a/level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/kernel/krn.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -252,11 +252,13 @@
          bita  #CRCOn			CRC on?
          beq   GetMem			branch if not (already cleared earlier)
          inc   <D.CRC			else turn on CRC checking
-GetMem   ldd   MaxMem+1,u
-         clrb
-         cmpd  <D.MLIM
-         bcc   L0158
-         std   <D.MLIM
+*GetMem   ldd   MaxMem+1,u		I don't think this exists for Level1 RG
+*         clrb
+*         cmpd  <D.MLIM			starts as $EE00
+*         bra   L0158
+*         std   <D.MLIM
+GetMem   equ   *			Initially I tried GetMem clra
+*                                       that is redundant. See last line. RG
 L0158    ldx   <D.FMBM
 		IFNE	atari
 * In the Atari, memory $0000-$08FF is used by the system
--- a/level1/modules/rbsuper.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/rbsuper.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
 *   H6309 - if set, assembles for 6309
 *   USECS - if set, uses critical section code (slows down driver)
 *   HDBDOS - if set, adds code to handle HDB-DOS partitions
+* And somewhere this flag has been lost GH 2012/11/13
+* Only found when I trashed my systems vdisks
+HDBDOS	set 1
 * Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
 * Comment
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/level2/coco3/bootfiles/makefile	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level2/coco3/bootfiles/makefile	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 KERNEL_1773	= $(MD)/rel_80 $(MD)/boot_1773_6ms $(MD)/krn
 KERNEL_1773_50HZ	= $(MD)/rel_80_50hz $(MD)/boot_1773_6ms $(MD)/krn
 KERNEL_DW 	= $(MD)/rel_80 $(MD)/boot_dw $(MD)/krn
+KERNEL_ARDUINO 	= $(MD)/rel_80 $(MD)/boot_dw_arduino $(MD)/krn
 KERNEL_BECKER	= $(MD)/rel_80 $(MD)/boot_dw_becker $(MD)/krn
 FLOPPY_40D = $(MD)/rb1773.dr $(MD)/d0_40d.dd $(MD)/d1_40d.dd $(MD)/d2_40d.dd
@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@
 		$(MD)/w5.dw $(MD)/w6.dw $(MD)/w7.dw
 RBDW       = $(MD)/rbdw.dr $(MD)/ \
 		$(MD)/x1.dd $(MD)/x2.dd $(MD)/x3.dd
+RBDWARDUINO = $(MD)/rbdw.dr $(MD)/ \
+		$(MD)/x1.dd $(MD)/x2.dd $(MD)/x3.dd
 RBDWBECKER = $(MD)/rbdw.dr $(MD)/ \
 		$(MD)/x1.dd $(MD)/x2.dd $(MD)/x3.dd
 SCDWV_NET  = $(MD)/n_scdwv.dd $(MD)/n1_scdwv.dd $(MD)/n2_scdwv.dd \
@@ -73,6 +76,21 @@
 		$(PIPE) \
+# NitrOS-9 disk bootfile to allow booting from DriveWire server
+# on an Arduino and CoCoPort
+BOOTFILE_ARDUINO	= $(MD)/krnp2 $(MD)/ioman $(MD)/init \
+		$(MD)/ \
+		$(FLOPPY_40D) \
+                $(MD)/ddx0.dd \
+		$(MD)/ \
+		$(VTIO_COGRF_80) \
+		$(MD)/scdwv.dr \
+		$(SCDWV_NET) \
+		$(SCDWP) \
+		$(PIPE) \
+		$(CLOCK60HZ)
 # NitrOS-9 disk bootfile to allow booting from DriveWire 3 server
 BOOTFILE_DW	= $(MD)/krnp2 $(MD)/ioman $(MD)/init \
 		$(MD)/ \
@@ -146,8 +164,8 @@
 		$(PIPE) \
-BOOTFILES	= bootfile_40d bootfile_40d_50hz bootfile_80d bootfile_80d_50hz bootfile_dw bootfile_dw_headless bootfile_becker
-KERNELS		= kernel_1773 kernel_1773_50hz kernel_dw kernel_becker
+BOOTFILES	= bootfile_40d bootfile_40d_50hz bootfile_80d bootfile_80d_50hz bootfile_dw bootfile_dw_headless bootfile_becker bootfile_arduino
+KERNELS		= kernel_1773 kernel_1773_50hz kernel_dw kernel_becker kernel_arduino
@@ -157,6 +175,9 @@
 bootfile_becker: $(BOOTFILE_BECKER) $(DEPENDS)
+bootfile_arduino: $(BOOTFILE_ARDUINO) $(DEPENDS)
 bootfile_40d: $(BOOTFILE_40D) $(DEPENDS)
 	$(MERGE) $(BOOTFILE_40D)>$@
@@ -179,6 +200,9 @@
 kernel_becker: $(KERNEL_BECKER) $(DEPENDS)
+kernel_arduino: $(KERNEL_ARDUINO) $(DEPENDS)
 kernel_1773: $(KERNEL_1773) $(DEPENDS)
 	$(MERGE) $(KERNEL_1773)>$@
--- a/level2/coco3/makefile	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level2/coco3/makefile	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 BOOTFILE_BECKER	= bootfiles/bootfile_becker
+BOOTFILE_ARDUINO	= bootfiles/bootfile_arduino
 BOOTFILE_DW 	= bootfiles/bootfile_dw
 BOOTFILE_DWHEADLESS	= bootfiles/bootfile_dw_headless
 BOOTFILE_40D	= bootfiles/bootfile_40d
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
 BOOTFILE_40D_50HZ	= bootfiles/bootfile_40d_50hz
 BOOTFILE_80D_50HZ	= bootfiles/bootfile_80d_50hz
 KERNELFILE_BECKER	= bootfiles/kernel_becker
+KERNELFILE_ARDUINO	= bootfiles/kernel_arduino
 KERNELFILE	= bootfiles/kernel_1773
 KERNELFILE_50HZ	= bootfiles/kernel_1773_50hz
 KERNELFILE_DW 	= bootfiles/kernel_dw
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
 DSK360K_1_50HZ	= $(DISTROVER)_40d_1_50hz.dsk
 LDSK360K_1_50HZ	= $(DISTRONAME)_40d_1_50hz.dsk
 DSKBECKER	= $(DISTROVER)_becker.dsk
+DSKARDUINO	= $(DISTROVER)_arduino.dsk
 DSK360K_2	= $(DISTROVER)_40d_2.dsk
 LDSK360K_2	= $(DISTRONAME)_40d_2.dsk
 DSK720K		= $(DISTROVER)_80d.dsk
@@ -59,10 +62,11 @@
 DSK720K_50HZ	= $(DISTROVER)_80d_50hz.dsk
 LDSK720K_50HZ	= $(DISTRONAME)_80d_50hz.dsk
 LDSKBECKER	= $(DISTRONAME)_80d_becker.dsk
 TESTDSK		= test.dsk
-DSKS		= $(DSKDW) $(DSK360K_1) $(DSK360K_1_50HZ) $(DSK360K_2) $(DSK720K) $(DSK720K_50HZ) $(DSKDW) $(DSKDWHEADLESS) $(DSKBECKER)
+DSKS		= $(DSKDW) $(DSK360K_1) $(DSK360K_1_50HZ) $(DSK360K_2) $(DSK720K) $(DSK720K_50HZ) $(DSKDW) $(DSKDWHEADLESS) $(DSKBECKER) $(DSKARDUINO)
 # Make all components
@@ -146,6 +150,60 @@
+	-$(RM) $@
+	$(OS9FORMAT_DW) -q $@ -n"NitrOS-9/$(CPU) Level 2"
+	$(MAKDIR) $@,SYS
+	$(CP) modules/$(CCBKRN) $@,$(CCBKRN)
+	$(CP) modules/$(SYSGO) $@,sysgo
+	$(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,sysgo
+	$(CD) cmds; $(CP) $(CMDS_DW) ../$@,CMDS
+	$(foreach file, $(CMDS_DW), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,CMDS/$(file);)
+	$(CD) sys; $(CP) $(SYSBIN) ../$@,SYS
+	$(foreach file, $(SYSBIN), $(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $@,SYS/$(file);)
+	$(CD) sys; $(CPL) $(SYSTEXT) ../$@,SYS
+	$(foreach file, $(SYSTEXT), $(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $@,SYS/$(file);)
+	$(CD) defs; $(CPL) $(DEFS) ../$@,DEFS
+	$(foreach file, $(DEFS), $(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $@,DEFS/$(file);)
+	$(CPL) $(STARTUP_DW) $@,startup
+	$(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $@,startup
+	$(CD) cmds; $(CP) $(MODULECMDS) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/CMDS
+	$(foreach file, $(MODULECMDS), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/CMDS/$(file);)
+	$(foreach file, $(BOOTTRACK), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/BOOTTRACK/$(file);)
+	$(CD) modules; $(CP) $(KERNEL) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/KERNEL
+	$(foreach file, $(KERNEL), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/KERNEL/$(file);)
+	$(foreach file, $(SYSMODS), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/SYSMODS/$(file);)
+	$(CD) modules; $(CP) $(CLOCKS) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/CLOCKS
+	$(foreach file, $(CLOCKS), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/CLOCKS/$(file);)
+	$(CD) modules; $(CP) $(RBF) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/RBF
+	$(foreach file, $(RBF), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/RBF/$(file);)
+	$(CD) modules; $(CP) $(SCF) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/SCF
+	$(foreach file, $(SCF), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/SCF/$(file);)
+	$(CD) modules; $(CP) $(PIPE) ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/PIPE
+	$(foreach file, $(PIPE), $(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/MODULES/PIPE/$(file);)
+	$(CD) bootlists; $(CPL) *.bl ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/BOOTLISTS
+	$(CD) scripts; $(CPL) mb* ../$@,NITROS9/$(DISTRO)/SCRIPTS
 	-$(RM) $@
 	$(OS9FORMAT_DW) -q $@ -n"NitrOS-9/$(CPU) Level 2"
--- a/level2/coco3/modules/makefile	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level2/coco3/modules/makefile	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 TPB		= $(3RDPARTY)/booters
 BOOTERS		= boot_1773_6ms boot_1773_30ms \
-		 boot_burke boot_rampak boot_wd1002 boot_dw boot_dw_becker \
+		 boot_burke boot_rampak boot_wd1002 boot_dw boot_dw_becker boot_dw_arduino \
 		boot_tc3 boot_ide boot_rom
 BOOTTRACK	= rel_32 rel_40 rel_80 rel_32_50hz rel_40_50hz rel_80_50hz $(BOOTERS) krn
 KERNEL		= krnp2 krnp3_perr krnp4_regdump
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 		clock2_jvemu clock2_messemu clock2_dw clock2_dw_becker
 RBF		= \
-		rbdw.dr \
+		rbdw.dr \
 		rb1773.dr rb1773_scii_ff74.dr rb1773_scii_ff58.dr \
 		d0_35s.dd d1_35s.dd d2_35s.dd d3_35s.dd \
 		d0_40d.dd d1_40d.dd d2_40d.dd d0_80d.dd \
@@ -110,6 +110,14 @@ dwio.asm
 	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -DBECKER=1
+# DriveWire Becker Booter
+boot_dw_arduino: boot_dw.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -DARDUINO=1
+# DriveWire Arduino Submodule dwio.asm
+	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -DARDUINO=1
 # CoGrf/CoVDG Modules cowin.asm
 	$(AS) $< $(ASOUT)$@ $(AFLAGS) -DCoGrf=1
--- a/level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level2/modules/joydrv_6551L.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -47,10 +47,20 @@
 * but detects 4th byte from a Logitek mouse & switches modes
 * till next reboot.
 * Also no 6309 optimizations yet.  Version A maybe? Not yet.
+* damn this editor, it lets me open a file, do an hours worth of
+* hacking on a file I don't own, but the sumbitch doesn't tell
+* me until I go to save an hours work!  So I have to re-invent
+* this wheel every damned time.
+* Now we start on version 13
+* GH 2012/11/01 trying to make this work again, it died with
+* the conversion to a mercurial repo on srcfrg.
 * one problem has been the narrow list format, Boisy advises:
 	opt	w132
 	nam	JoyDrv
-	ttl	Joystick Driver for 6551/Logitech Mouse
+	ttl	Joystick Driver for 6551/Logitech or M$ Mouse
 * Disassembled 98/09/09 09:22:44 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
@@ -60,15 +70,15 @@
 * l51.defs - something else to check against google et all
 * l51.defs has been modified, this needs the new version
-* set this to get some debugging in the boot trace
-DEBUG	= 1
+* set this to get some debugging and a lockup in the boot trace
+DEBUG	= 0
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $02
-edition  set   11
+rev      set   $01
+edition  set   13
 * set this to where your rs-232 pack is plugged in
 MPISlot  set   $00	front slot for mine
+* the $FF6C is the mouses port address, change to suit your system.
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,$FF6C
 name     fcs   /JoyDrv/
@@ -82,10 +92,9 @@
          lbra  SSMsXY
          lbra  SSJoyBtn
-* This code is not being
-* used, but save it so I
-* don't have to reinvent
-* this wheel later
+* This code is not being used as we have SSMsXY, but save it so I
+* don't have to reinvent this wheel later but no clue why
+* so it will die in next Edition 14 if not sooner.  GH.
 *SSJoyXY  pshs  x,b,a
 *         ldx   #PIA0Base
 *         lda   <$23,x
@@ -140,7 +149,7 @@
 IRQPckt  equ   *
 Pkt.Flip fcb   Stat.Flp   D.Poll flip byte=$00
 Pkt.Mask fcb   Stat.RxF  is correct
-         fcb   $01        priority=low
+         fcb   $01        priority=low, mouse is pretty slow
 * JoyDrv Initialization.
@@ -153,53 +162,54 @@
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  CC = Carry set
 *                B = error code
 * first, suspend all interrupts
-Init	pshs	cc         save regs we alter
+Init	pshs	cc         save regs we alter, stack -1
 	orcc	#IntMasks  mask IRQs while disabling ACIA
-	bsr	InitPIAs
-	bsr	InitGIME
-	bsr	ClrACIA reset, gobble up trash data in ACIA
-	bcc	ClrBuf  which will also install IRQSvs
-	puls	cc else error
-	lbsr	Term
-	comb
-	ldb	#E$PrcAbt
-	rts	and return error
+	bsr	InitPIAs	stack still -1
+	bsr	InitGIME	stack still -1
+* we should see a bunch of stuff here, ending in 'D'
+	lbsr	ClrACIA reset, clear trash data in ACIA, stack -1 on rtn
+	bcc	SetBuf  which will also install IRQSvs stack -1 yet
+	bcc	Alldone else stack still -1
+	lbra	Term it won't come back!
+Alldone puls	cc,pc and return clean
 * Btn.Cntr,u  offset 0 has room for 3 bits of incoming
 * byte counter, 3 bits of button status.
 * Buffer, offset 2-3 is the combined first 3 bytes
 * of the incoming XY data
 * CrntXpos, offset 4-5 is current (0-HResMaxX) xpos
 * CrntYpos, offset 6-7 is current (0 to HResMaxY*2) ypos
-ClrBuf	 ldd   #$0007  clear the buffer
-ClrBuf1	 sta   b,u	A=$00
-	 decb	decr counter
-	 bne   ClrBuf1	was a bpl, so 1st byte wasn't cleared
-* Now init the buffer to real data
-         clrb  reset to $00, s/b $00 here anyway.
-         sta   Btn.Cntr,u set up Rx data sync, no button(s) pressed
-         std   CrntXPos,u set up X position at left screen edge
-         ldd   #HResMaxY*2 =$017E, 382 decimal?  Odd value, check
-         std   CrntYPos,u set up Y position at top screen edge
-	 lda   #'M	preset M$ mouse
-	 sta   Buffer,u
+SetBuf	 lda	#$00
+	 ldb	#'M  set Buffer,u to M$ mode
+         std	Btn.Cntr,u set up Rx data sync, no button(s) pressed
+	 clrb
+         std	CrntXPos,u set up X position at left screen edge
+         ldd	#HResMaxY*2 =$017E, 382 decimal?  Odd value, check
+         std	CrntYPos,u set up Y position at top screen edge
 * Now we should be ready for live IRQ's
 InstIRQ  ldd   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address
          addd  #StatReg   status register address
+	 pshs	x,y
          leax  IRQPckt,pcr
          leay  IRQSvc,pcr
          os9   F$IRQ install the IRQSvs routine
+	 puls	x,y
          lbcs  InitErr go with cc on stack!
-	 puls  cc get rid of the push
-	 rts
+* Now, enable rx Rx IRQ's
+	 ldx	M$Mem,pcr  but first clean out any instant IRQ's
+	 lda	DataReg,x	dump it to the bitbucket
+	 lda	StatReg,x	likewise, clear any irq's pending
+* Now, enable the IRQ's
+	 ldd	#(TIC.RTS!Cmd.DTR)*256+(DB.7!Ctl.RClk!BR.01200) enable rx IRQs
+	 std	CmdReg,x and enable Rx IRQ's
+	 puls	cc	Fix the stack!
+	 rts	so stack = 0 now
 * BUG FIX: InitExit is now here... was TermExit...
 InitExit puls  pc,cc      recover original regs, return...
-* clear the PIA's for this
+* clear the PIA's for this, stack is -3 on entry
 InitPIAs lda   >PIA1Base+3 get PIA CART* input control register
          anda  #$FC        clear PIA CART* control bits
          sta   >PIA1Base+3 disable PIA CART* FIRQs
@@ -210,14 +220,14 @@
          jsr   <D.BtBug
          puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	 rts
+	 rts	stack still -1
 InitGIME lda   #$01       GIME CART* IRQ enable
          ora   <D.IRQER   mask in current GIME IRQ enables
          sta   <D.IRQER   save GIME CART* IRQ enable shadow register
          sta   >IrqEnR    enable GIME CART* IRQs
 	 lda   SlotSlct,pcr mpi slot of mouse
-	 bmi   ClrACIA
+	 bmi   ClrACIA	if no mpi
 	 sta   >MPI.Slct
 	ifeq DEBUG-1
          pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
@@ -225,77 +235,51 @@
          jsr   <D.BtBug
          puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	 rts
+	 rts  And stack still -1
 ClrACIA  ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get base hardware address again
 	 lda   #$10
 	 sta   StatReg,x reset again
-* major foobar. These mice are 7n2 mice, not 8n1
-* Fixed 25/06/2008 GH
-	 ldd   #(TIC.RTS!Cmd.DTR)*256+(DB.7!Ctl.RClk!BR.01200) [D]=command:control
+* start it up with rx IRQs disabled
+	 ldd   #(TIC.RTS!Cmd.DTR!Cmd.RxIE)*256+(DB.7!Ctl.RClk!BR.01200) [D]=command:control
          std   CmdReg,x   set command and control registers
 * do instant reads for trash collection
 * and clear status of Stat.RxF bits
-* read it 16 times so its settled!
-	 ldb   #$10
-flshinit lda   DataReg,x
-	 lda   StatReg,x
+* read it 32 times so its settled!
+* and get rid of this headache
+	 ldb   #$02
+flshinit lda	StatReg,x
+* look at everything
+	 ifeq	DEBUG-1
+	 pshs	a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 jsr	<D.BtBug lets see what its doing
+	 puls	a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 endc
+	 lda   DataReg,x
+	 ifeq	DEBUG-1
+	 pshs	a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 jsr	<D.BtBug lets see what its doing
+	 puls	a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
+	 endc
 	 bne   flshinit
-* that kills some of the 14 milliseconds
-* to the mouses first response byte
-* now, lets see what mouse we have
-* my mouse does a $7F as it powers up as first byte
-	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows _ char
-	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows M char, but its a logitek
-	 bsr  GetByte GetByte shows 3 char, ?number of buttons?
-* it will either get the first 3 bytes, or timeout
-* and ATM, a timeout will lock the boot to display it
-GotByte  rts
-* Entry  : x pointing at hardware
-* Mangles: a,b
-* Returns: char in A
-* Error  : cc set, err code in B
-* scans acia for a byte of data
-* Switch this out also
+* looks like 2x is enough to clear things, its P3P3P3 till end.
+* Fall thru to KilTim
-GetByte	 pshs  y
-	 ldy   #$01A0 set timeout to fail
-GetByte1 leay  -1,y
-	 beq   GByteFai
-	 clra  kill some time
-Dly1	 deca
-	 bne   Dly1
-	 lda   StatReg,x look for byte
-	 anda  Pkt.Mask,pcr
-	 tsta  Stat.RxF
-	 beq   GetByte1
-	 lda   DataReg,x
-* show byte on boot screen
-	 pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	 jsr   <D.BtBug
-	 puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	 puls  y
-	 clrb in case cc set
-	 rts
+* this should allow the acia to overflow etc as the power/signin bytes come in
+* but the Rx irq is disabled. 
+* We need at least 14 milliseconds plus 3 bytes at 1200 baud,
+* which is 25 ms or about 40 milliseconds total.
+KilTim	pshs 	y	stack -3
+	ldb	#$03	a small time delay
+rloadlp ldy	#$1FFF	ditto,
+dodelay	leay	-1,y
+	bne	dodelay
+	decb	
+	clra
+	puls	y	stack -1
+	rts  Return success regardless, stack -1
-GByteFai puls  y
-	 clrb  clear carry
-	ifeq DEBUG-1
-* show failure on boot screen a 't'
-	 pshs  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	 lda   #'T indicate timeout
-	 jsr   <D.BtBug
-	 puls  a,b,x,u,y,cc,dp
-	endc
-GBytFail comb  set carry
-	 ldb   #E$PrcAbt
-* lock up boot to show failure
-lettgsho bra   lettgsho
-*	 rts
 *** Only used by failed Init routine!
 * JoyDrv Termination.
@@ -318,18 +302,18 @@
          leay  IRQSvc,pcr
          os9   F$IRQ
-	 ifeq  DEBUG-1
+*	 ifeq  DEBUG-1
 	 pshs  a,b,x,y,u,cc,dp
          lda   #'j failed
          jsr   <D.BtBug
          puls  a,b,x,y,u,cc,dp
-	 endc
+*	 endc
 TermExit puls  cc clear stack
 letssee  bra   letssee  lock it with failed data on screen
-*	 comb
-*	 ldb   #E$PrcAbt
-*	 rts
+	 comb
+	 ldb   #E$PrcAbt
+	 rts
 * This code only good for tandy
 * Joysticks. Why here?
@@ -365,7 +349,7 @@
 *          A, X, and U registers may be altered
 * ERROR OUTPUT:  none
 SSMsBtn  pshs  cc
          orcc  #IntMasks		mask interrupts
          lda   Btn.Cntr,u
--- a/level2/modules/krnp4_regdump.asm	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/level2/modules/krnp4_regdump.asm	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *   1      1989/02/??  Ron Lammardo
 * Started.
+*   2       2012/11/22 Gene Heskett
+* Remove final cr to save screen space
          nam   krnp4 
          ttl   User Register Dump System Call for NitrOS9 Level 2
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@
          ldd   P$SP,y     get users stack address
          addd  #R$Size    add on for registers which were saved
          bsr   reg000     dump register S
-         lbsr  reg060     send a <CR>
+*         lbsr  reg060     send a <CR>
          leas  60,s       restore stack pointer
          IFNE  H6309
--- a/rules.mak	Mon Dec 10 16:27:38 2012 -0600
+++ b/rules.mak	Tue Jan 22 19:14:52 2013 -0600
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@
 #UNIX2OS9	= u2o
 #OS92UNIX	= o2u
-OS9FORMAT	= os9 format
-OS9FORMAT_SS35	= os9 format -t35 -ss -dd
-OS9FORMAT_SS40	= os9 format -t40 -ss -dd
-OS9FORMAT_SS80	= os9 format -t80 -ss -dd
-OS9FORMAT_DS40	= os9 format -t40 -ds -dd
-OS9FORMAT_DS80	= os9 format -t80 -ds -dd
-OS9FORMAT_DW	= os9 format -t1024 -ss -dd
+OS9FORMAT	= os9 format -e
+OS9FORMAT_SS35	= os9 format -e -t35 -ss -dd
+OS9FORMAT_SS40	= os9 format -e -t40 -ss -dd
+OS9FORMAT_SS80	= os9 format -e -t80 -ss -dd
+OS9FORMAT_DS40	= os9 format -e -t40 -ds -dd
+OS9FORMAT_DS80	= os9 format -e -t80 -ds -dd
+OS9FORMAT_DW	= os9 format -e -t1024 -ss -dd
 OS9GEN		= os9 gen
 OS9RENAME	= os9 rename
 OS9ATTR		= os9 attr -q