changeset 1954:e5ad0755bf40

Added HawkSoft's CDF to files Robert Gault's dirsort added to standard commands
author boisy
date Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:18:10 +0000
parents 8ae0268695b7
children b377521221d9
files level1/cmds/dirsort.asm level2/coco3/bootlists/ level2/coco3_6309/bootlists/
diffstat 3 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/dirsort.asm	Tue Dec 20 15:18:10 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+* dirsort - Directory sorting utility
+* This is an asm version of a Basic09 directory sort
+* that was published in a Coco newsletter.
+* Original and ml routine by Robert Gault, Nov. 2005
+* The program uses a version of Shellsort published
+* in a May 1983, BYTE article by Terry Barron and
+* George Diehr (both at University of Washington)
+* Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
+* Comment
+* -------------------------------------------------------------
+* 1       2005/12/19 Robert Gault
+* Very fast and fairly simple
+               NAM       dirsort
+* This ensures the assembler knows predefined OS-9 terms
+               IFP1      
+               USE       defsfile
+               ENDC      
+TyLg           SET       Prgrm+Objct         program object code
+* Re-entrant means multiple users possible
+AtRev          SET       ReEnt+Rev           re-entrant, revision 1
+Rev            SET       1
+* Create module header, needed by all OS-9 modules
+               MOD       Eom,Name,TyLg,AtRev,Start,Size
+* Data area
+DPptr          RMB       2                   pointer to our direct page
+dirsize        RMB       2                   size of the directory less 64 bytes
+count          RMB       2                   number of directory entries
+entryI         RMB       2                   pointer to nameI
+entryJ         RMB       2                   pointer to nameJ
+entryID        RMB       2                   pointer to name(I+D)
+Tx             RMB       32                  buffer for transfer
+i              RMB       2                   index
+j              RMB       2                   index
+NminusD        RMB       2                   holds last value of FOR I/NEXT loop
+path           RMB       1                   value for path to the directory
+D              RMB       2                   shellsort constant
+               RMB       40
+stack          EQU       .
+Size           EQU       .                   This initial data space will be increased as OS-9
+* assigns space in pages of 256 bytes. Initially the stack will
+* not be here.
+buffer         EQU       .                   This will be the start of the data array in memory
+* to be requested from OS-9 as needed.
+Name           EQU       *
+               FCS       /dirsort/
+               FCB       1                   edition number
+* Ego stroking :) identifier
+               FCC       /Written by Robert Gault, 2005/
+* Default directory name, dot, or current directory
+default        FCB       C$PERD,C$CR
+* Solutions for N,2^INT(LN(N)) -1
+* We don't need general logs just specifc values so
+* they were pre-calculated
+Dtable         FDB       2,0
+               FDB       7,1
+               FDB       20,3
+               FDB       54,7
+               FDB       148,15
+* If your directory has more entries than several hundred, you
+* need to learn how to organize your disk/drive.
+               FDB       403,31
+               FDB       1096,63
+* This next will exceed normal memory limits but is needed
+* for values up to about 2000. We could just put $FFFF/32=
+* 2047 but there are size checks in the code.
+               FDB       2980,127
+DTEnd          EQU       *
+Start          EQU       *
+               stu       <DPptr              save the direct page pointer
+               leas      stack,u             put the stack where we want it or it will be
+* inside the directory buffer and crash the program.
+               cmpd      #0                  are there any parameters?
+               beq       noprm
+l1             lda       ,x+                 skip over spaces, if any
+               cmpa      #C$SPAC
+               beq       l1
+               cmpa      #C$CR               if only spaces, same as noprm
+               bne       a1
+noprm          leax      default,pcr         point to default directory, dot
+               bra       a9
+a1             cmpa      #'?                 if "?" then show syntax
+               lbeq      syntax
+               cmpa      #'-                 if attempt at options, syntax
+               lbeq      syntax
+               leax      -1,x                backstep to first character of directory
+a9             lda       #%11000011          directory, single user access, update
+               os9       I$Open              attempt to open a path to the directory
+               lbcs      error
+               sta       <path               save the path #
+               ldb       #SS.Size            get the size of the directory
+               os9       I$GetStt            size reported in regs X&U
+               cmpx      #0                  MSB of size
+               lbne      Tlarge              too big to sort
+               tfr       u,d                 evaluate the size
+               cmpd      #128                two entries other than .. and .
+               lblo      getreal             can't sort 1 item or less
+               subd      #64                 reduce size by 64 bytes for .. and .
+               std       <dirsize            save size in bytes
+               addd      #Size               we need current data + directory buffer
+               os9       F$Mem               request space for the buffer
+               lbcs      Tlarge              can't get enough memory
+               lda       <path               recover path to the directory
+               ldx       #0                  MSB position
+               ldu       #64                 LSB, past the entries .. and .
+               os9       I$Seek              skip over the entries
+               ldu       <DPptr              recover DP pointer
+               ldy       <dirsize            data size in bytes
+               leax      buffer,u            point to our buffer
+               os9       I$Read              transfer the directory information to buffer
+* Calculate the number of directory entries
+* Divide size by 32 bytes per entry. INT(size/32)must=size/32 or
+* the directory is corrupted. So, ignore remainder.
+               ldx       #0                  initialize counter
+               ldd       <dirsize            this does not include . and ..
+               IFNE      H6309
+               lsrd      
+               lsrd      
+               lsrd      
+               lsrd      
+               lsrd      
+               ELSE      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               ENDC      
+               std       <count
+               leax      Dtable,pcr          precalculated constants
+               leay      DTEnd,pcr
+               pshs      y
+l3             cmpd      ,x
+               bls       a4                  if fewer or equal # of entries get D
+               leax      4,x                 move to next table entry
+               cmpx      ,s                  have we exhausted the table?
+               bne       l3
+               leas      2,s                 restore the stack
+               lbra      Tlarge              should not be possible to get here in code
+a4             leas      2,s                 restore the stack
+               ldd       2,x                 get shellsort D from table
+               std       <D                  save working value
+* Sort starts here
+* Directory entries can't have duplicate names or the directory
+* is corrupted. That means a<b is as good as a<=b when testing.
+s2             ldd       #1                  initialize FOR/NEXT loop
+               std       <i
+               ldd       <count              same as n in Basic09 program
+               subd      <D
+               std       <NminusD            save value
+* calculated pointer for entryID
+s6             ldd       <i                  FOR i=1 TO n-D STEP 1
+               addd      <D                  get pointer for entry(i+D)
+               lbsr      point               get the pointer value
+               stx       <entryID
+               tfr       x,y
+* calculate pointer for entryI
+               ldd       <i
+               lbsr      point
+               stx       <entryI
+* Compare the entry pointed to by regX against that for regY
+               lbsr      compare             is name(i) < name(i+D)
+               bcs       s20
+               ldx       <entryID
+               leay      Tx,u                shellsort swap name holder
+               lbsr      movexy              name(Tx)=name(i+D)
+               ldx       <entryI
+               ldy       <entryID
+               bsr       movexy              name(i+D)=name(i)
+               ldd       <i
+               cmpd      <D
+               bhi       s4                  this was a Basic09 IF/THEN
+               ldy       <entryI             inside the IF/THEN
+               leax      Tx,u
+               bsr       movexy              name(i)=name(Tx)
+               bra       s20                 ends the IF/THEN
+s4             ldd       <i                  initialize FOR/NEXT loop
+               subd      <D
+               std       <j
+s5             bsr       point               FOR j=i-D TO 1 STEP -D
+               stx       <entryJ
+               tfr       x,y
+               leax      Tx,u
+               lbsr      compare             is entry(Tx) > entry(j)
+               bcc       s10
+               ldd       <j
+               addd      <D                  name(j+D)
+               bsr       point
+               tfr       x,y
+               ldx       <entryJ
+               bsr       movexy              name(j+D)=name(j)
+               ldd       <j                  NEXT j
+               subd      <D                  STEP -D
+               std       <j
+               cmpd      #1                  stop if less than 1
+               bge       s5
+s10            leay      Tx,u
+               ldd       <j
+               addd      <D
+               bsr       point
+               exg       x,y
+               bsr       movexy              name(j+D)=name(Tx)
+s20            ldd       <i                  NEXT i
+               addd      #1                  STEP +1
+               std       <i
+               cmpd      <NminusD
+               bls       s6                  stop if i>(n-D)
+               ldd       <D                  D=D/2
+               IFNE      H6309
+               lsrd      
+               ELSE      
+               lsra      
+               rorb      
+               ENDC      
+               std       <D
+               cmpd      #1
+               lbhs      s2                  WHILE D>0
+               lda       <path               rewind to just after .. & .
+               ldx       #0
+               ldu       #64
+               os9       I$Seek
+               lda       <path
+               ldu       <DPptr
+               leax      buffer,u            write out sorted directory
+               ldy       <dirsize
+               os9       I$Write
+               clrb      
+               os9       F$Exit              release memory, close paths, and return to OS-9
+               IFNE      H6309
+movexy         ldw       #32
+               tfm       x+,y+
+               rts       
+               ELSE      
+movexy         ldb       #16                 move the entry pointed to in regX to
+               pshs      b
+sw1            ldd       ,x++                that pointed to by regY
+               std       ,y++
+               dec       ,s                  if not finished, continue
+               bne       sw1
+               puls      b,pc
+               ENDC      
+* Converts an index in regD to a memory offset in regX
+* This could easily overflow but there are size checks
+* in the above code so there is no overflow test.
+point          leax      buffer,u
+               subd      #1
+               IFNE      H6309
+               lsld      
+               lsld      
+               lsld      
+               lsld      
+               lsld      
+               ELSE      
+               lslb      
+               rola      
+               lslb      
+               rola      
+               lslb      
+               rola      
+               lslb      
+               rola      
+               lslb      
+               rola      
+               ENDC      
+               leax      d,x
+               rts       
+compare        ldb       #29                 size of name field
+               pshs      b                   save counter
+cloop          ldb       ,y+                 get character
+               lda       ,x+                 get character
+               beq       c1                  if deleted go
+               tstb      
+               beq       c2                  if deleted go
+               tsta      
+               bmi       c5                  if last character go
+               tstb      
+               bmi       c6                  if last character go
+               pshs      b
+               cmpa      ,s+
+               beq       c4                  if equal, test next character
+               bra       cx
+c1             clra      
+               bra       cx                  return +
+c2             coma      
+               bra       cx                  return -
+c3             anda      #$7f
+               andb      #$7f
+               pshs      b
+               cmpa      ,s+
+               rts       
+c5             bsr       c3
+               beq       c2
+               bra       cx
+c6             bsr       c3
+               beq       c1
+               bra       cx                  return result
+c4             dec       ,s
+               bne       cloop
+               clra                          should not be able to get here in code
+cx             puls      b,pc                return result
+error          leax      nodir,pcr
+               ldy       #endnd-nodir
+write          lda       #1                  screen
+               os9       I$Write
+               clrb      
+               os9       F$Exit
+nodir          EQU       *
+               FCC       /Directory does not exist!/
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+endnd          EQU       *
+Tlarge         leax      big,pcr
+               ldy       #endbig-big
+               bra       write
+big            EQU       *
+               FCC       /Either the directory is too large or there is insufficient /
+               FCC       /memory./
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+endbig         EQU       *
+getreal        leax      huh,pcr
+               ldy       #endhuh-huh
+               clr       ,-s
+               bra       write
+huh            EQU       *
+               FCC       /Get real! You can't sort less than 2 items./
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+endhuh         EQU       *
+syntax         leax      usage,pcr
+               ldy       #enduse-usage
+               clr       ,-s
+               lbra      write
+usage          FCC       /USAGE: dirsort will sort any directory. If no directory/
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+               FCC       /       name is given, the current directory will be sorted./
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+               FCC       /EX:    dirsort    dirsort .    dirsort ../
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+               FCC       "       dirsort /dd/cmds"
+               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
+enduse         EQU       *
+               EMOD      
+Eom            EQU       *
--- a/level2/coco3/bootlists/	Tue Dec 20 15:17:26 2005 +0000
+++ b/level2/coco3/bootlists/	Tue Dec 20 15:18:10 2005 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,24 @@
+* CDF Section (HawkSoft)
+* CDF descriptors - select as needed
+* SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
+* IDE descriptors (master/slave)
 * RBF Section
--- a/level2/coco3_6309/bootlists/	Tue Dec 20 15:17:26 2005 +0000
+++ b/level2/coco3_6309/bootlists/	Tue Dec 20 15:18:10 2005 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,24 @@
+* CDF Section (HawkSoft)
+* CDF descriptors - select as needed
+* SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
+* IDE descriptors (master/slave)
 * RBF Section