changeset 0:59ea2399cb7a default tip

add RBTree.hs
author ryokka
date Thu, 14 Dec 2017 18:15:21 +0900
files RBTree.hs
diffstat 1 files changed, 613 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RBTree.hs	Thu Dec 14 18:15:21 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+  Purely functional red-black trees.
+    * Chris Okasaki, \"Red-Black Trees in a Functional Setting\",
+	  Journal of Functional Programming, 9(4), pp 471-477, July 1999
+      <>
+    * Stefan Kahrs, \"Red-black trees with types\",
+      Journal of functional programming, 11(04), pp 425-432, July 2001
+module Data.Set.RBTree (
+  -- * Data structures
+    RBTree(..)
+  , Color(..)
+  , BlackHeight
+  -- * Creating red-black trees
+  , empty
+  , singleton
+  , insert
+  , fromList
+  -- * Converting to a list
+  , toList
+  -- * Membership
+  , member
+  -- * Deleting
+  , delete
+  , deleteMin
+  , deleteMax
+  -- * Checking
+  , null
+  -- * Set operations
+  , union
+  , intersection
+  , difference
+  -- * Helper functions
+  , join
+  , merge
+  , split
+  , minimum
+  , maximum
+  , valid
+  , showSet
+  , printSet
+  ) where
+import Data.List (foldl')
+import Prelude hiding (minimum, maximum, null)
+-- Part to be shared
+data RBTree a = Leaf -- color is Black
+              | Node Color !BlackHeight !(RBTree a) a !(RBTree a)
+              deriving (Show)
+data Color = B -- ^ Black
+           | R -- ^ Red
+           deriving (Eq,Show)
+  Red nodes have the same BlackHeight of their parent.
+type BlackHeight = Int
+instance (Eq a) => Eq (RBTree a) where
+    t1 == t2 = toList t1 == toList t2
+height :: RBTree a -> BlackHeight
+height Leaf = 0
+height (Node _ h _ _ _) = h
+See if the red black tree is empty.
+>>> Data.Set.RBTree.null empty
+>>> Data.Set.RBTree.null (singleton 1)
+null :: Eq a => RBTree a -> Bool
+null t = t == Leaf
+{-| Empty tree.
+>>> height empty
+empty :: RBTree a
+empty = Leaf
+{-| Singleton tree.
+>>> height (singleton 'a')
+singleton :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a
+singleton x = Node B 1 Leaf x Leaf
+{-| Creating a tree from a list. O(N log N)
+>>> empty == fromList []
+>>> singleton 'a' == fromList ['a']
+>>> fromList [5,3,5] == fromList [5,3]
+fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> RBTree a
+fromList = foldl' (flip insert) empty
+{-| Creating a list from a tree. O(N)
+>>> toList (fromList [5,3])
+>>> toList empty
+toList :: RBTree a -> [a]
+toList t = inorder t []
+  where
+    inorder Leaf xs = xs
+    inorder (Node _ _ l x r) xs = inorder l (x : inorder r xs)
+{-| Checking if this element is a member of a tree?
+>>> member 5 (fromList [5,3])
+>>> member 1 (fromList [5,3])
+member :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> Bool
+member _ Leaf = False
+member x (Node _ _ l y r) = case compare x y of
+    LT -> member x l
+    GT -> member x r
+    EQ -> True
+isBalanced :: RBTree a -> Bool
+isBalanced t = isBlackSame t && isRedSeparate t
+isBlackSame :: RBTree a -> Bool
+isBlackSame t = all (n==) ns
+  where
+    n:ns = blacks t
+blacks :: RBTree a -> [Int]
+blacks = blacks' 0
+  where
+    blacks' n Leaf = [n+1]
+    blacks' n (Node R _ l _ r) = blacks' n  l ++ blacks' n  r
+    blacks' n (Node B _ l _ r) = blacks' n' l ++ blacks' n' r
+      where
+        n' = n + 1
+isRedSeparate :: RBTree a -> Bool
+isRedSeparate = reds B
+reds :: Color -> RBTree t -> Bool
+reds _ Leaf = True
+reds R (Node R _ _ _ _) = False
+reds _ (Node c _ l _ r) = reds c l && reds c r
+isOrdered :: Ord a => RBTree a -> Bool
+isOrdered t = ordered $ toList t
+  where
+    ordered [] = True
+    ordered [_] = True
+    ordered (x:y:xys) = x < y && ordered (y:xys)
+blackHeight :: RBTree a -> Bool
+blackHeight Leaf = True
+blackHeight t@(Node B i _ _ _) = bh i t
+  where
+    bh n Leaf = n == 0
+    bh n (Node R h l _ r) = n == h' && bh n l && bh n r
+      where
+        h' = h - 1
+    bh n (Node B h l _ r) = n == h && bh n' l && bh n' r
+      where
+        n' = n - 1
+blackHeight _ = error "blackHeight"
+turnR :: RBTree a -> RBTree a
+turnR Leaf             = error "turnR"
+turnR (Node _ h l x r) = Node R h l x r
+turnB :: RBTree a -> RBTree a
+turnB Leaf           = error "turnB"
+turnB (Node _ h l x r) = Node B h l x r
+turnB' :: RBTree a -> RBTree a
+turnB' Leaf             = Leaf
+turnB' (Node _ h l x r) = Node B h l x r
+{-| Finding the minimum element. O(log N)
+>>> minimum (fromList [3,5,1])
+>>> minimum empty
+*** Exception: minimum
+minimum :: RBTree a -> a
+minimum (Node _ _ Leaf x _) = x
+minimum (Node _ _ l _ _)    = minimum l
+minimum _                   = error "minimum"
+{-| Finding the maximum element. O(log N)
+>>> maximum (fromList [3,5,1])
+>>> maximum empty
+*** Exception: maximum
+maximum :: RBTree a -> a
+maximum (Node _ _ _ x Leaf) = x
+maximum (Node _ _ _ _ r)    = maximum r
+maximum _                   = error "maximum"
+showSet :: Show a => RBTree a -> String
+showSet = showSet' ""
+showSet' :: Show a => String -> RBTree a -> String
+showSet' _ Leaf = "\n"
+showSet' pref (Node k h l x r) = show k ++ " " ++ show x ++ " (" ++ show h ++ ")\n"
+                              ++ pref ++ "+ " ++ showSet' pref' l
+                              ++ pref ++ "+ " ++ showSet' pref' r
+  where
+    pref' = "  " ++ pref
+printSet :: Show a => RBTree a -> IO ()
+printSet = putStr . showSet
+isRed :: RBTree a -> Bool
+isRed (Node R _ _ _ _ ) = True
+isRed _               = False
+-- Basic operations
+{-| Checking validity of a tree.
+valid :: Ord a => RBTree a -> Bool
+valid t = isBalanced t && blackHeight t && isOrdered t
+-- Chris Okasaki
+{-| Insertion. O(log N)
+>>> insert 5 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5]
+>>> insert 7 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5,7]
+>>> insert 5 empty            == singleton 5
+insert :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+insert kx t = turnB (insert' kx t)
+insert' :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+insert' kx Leaf = Node R 1 Leaf kx Leaf
+insert' kx s@(Node B h l x r) = case compare kx x of
+    LT -> balanceL' h (insert' kx l) x r
+    GT -> balanceR' h l x (insert' kx r)
+    EQ -> s
+insert' kx s@(Node R h l x r) = case compare kx x of
+    LT -> Node R h (insert' kx l) x r
+    GT -> Node R h l x (insert' kx r)
+    EQ -> s
+balanceL' :: BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+balanceL' h (Node R _ (Node R _ a x b) y c) z d =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceL' h (Node R _ a x (Node R _ b y c)) z d =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceL' h l x r = Node B h l x r
+balanceR' :: BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+balanceR' h a x (Node R _ b y (Node R _ c z d)) =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceR' h a x (Node R _ (Node R _ b y c) z d) =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceR' h l x r = Node B h l x r
+balanceL :: Color -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+balanceL B h (Node R _ (Node R _ a x b) y c) z d =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceL B h (Node R _ a x (Node R _ b y c)) z d =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceL k h l x r = Node k h l x r
+balanceR :: Color -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+balanceR B h a x (Node R _ b y (Node R _ c z d)) =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceR B h a x (Node R _ (Node R _ b y c) z d) =
+    Node R (h+1) (Node B h a x b) y (Node B h c z d)
+balanceR k h l x r = Node k h l x r
+type RBTreeBDel a = (RBTree a, Bool)
+unbalancedL :: Color -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTreeBDel a
+unbalancedL c h l@(Node B _ _ _ _) x r
+  = (balanceL B h (turnR l) x r, c == B)
+unbalancedL B h (Node R lh ll lx lr@(Node B _ _ _ _)) x r
+  = (Node B lh ll lx (balanceL B h (turnR lr) x r), False)
+unbalancedL _ _ _ _ _ = error "unbalancedL"
+-- The left tree lacks one Black node
+unbalancedR :: Color -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> (RBTree a, Bool)
+-- Decreasing one Black node in the right
+unbalancedR c h l x r@(Node B _ _ _ _)
+  = (balanceR B h l x (turnR r), c == B)
+-- Taking one Red node from the right and adding it to the right as Black
+unbalancedR B h l x (Node R rh rl@(Node B _ _ _ _) rx rr)
+  = (Node B rh (balanceR B h l x (turnR rl)) rx rr, False)
+unbalancedR _ _ _ _ _ = error "unbalancedR"
+{-| Deleting the minimum element. O(log N)
+>>> deleteMin (fromList [5,3,7]) == fromList [5,7]
+>>> deleteMin empty == empty
+deleteMin :: RBTree a -> RBTree a
+deleteMin Leaf = empty
+deleteMin t = turnB' s
+  where
+    ((s, _), _) = deleteMin' t
+deleteMin' :: RBTree a -> (RBTreeBDel a, a)
+deleteMin' Leaf                           = error "deleteMin'"
+deleteMin' (Node B _ Leaf x Leaf)         = ((Leaf, True), x)
+deleteMin' (Node B _ Leaf x r@(Node R _ _ _ _)) = ((turnB r, False), x)
+deleteMin' (Node R _ Leaf x r)            = ((r, False), x)
+deleteMin' (Node c h l x r)               = if d then (tD, m) else (tD', m)
+  where
+    ((l',d),m) = deleteMin' l
+    tD  = unbalancedR c (h-1) l' x r
+    tD' = (Node c h l' x r, False)
+{-| Deleting the maximum
+>>> deleteMax (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b"), (7,"c")]) == fromList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]
+>>> deleteMax empty == empty
+deleteMax :: RBTree a -> RBTree a
+deleteMax Leaf = empty
+deleteMax t = turnB' s
+  where
+    ((s, _), _) = deleteMax' t
+deleteMax' :: RBTree a -> (RBTreeBDel a, a)
+deleteMax' Leaf                           = error "deleteMax'"
+deleteMax' (Node B _ Leaf x Leaf)         = ((Leaf, True), x)
+deleteMax' (Node B _ l@(Node R _ _ _ _) x Leaf) = ((turnB l, False), x)
+deleteMax' (Node R _ l x Leaf)            = ((l, False), x)
+deleteMax' (Node c h l x r)               = if d then (tD, m) else (tD', m)
+  where
+    ((r',d),m) = deleteMax' r
+    tD  = unbalancedL c (h-1) l x r'
+    tD' = (Node c h l x r', False)
+blackify :: RBTree a -> RBTreeBDel a
+blackify s@(Node R _ _ _ _) = (turnB s, False)
+blackify s                  = (s, True)
+{-| Deleting this element from a tree. O(log N)
+>>> delete 5 (fromList [5,3]) == singleton 3
+>>> delete 7 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5]
+>>> delete 5 empty            == empty
+delete :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+delete x t = turnB' s
+  where
+    (s,_) = delete' x t
+delete' :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> RBTreeBDel a
+delete' _ Leaf = (Leaf, False)
+delete' x (Node c h l y r) = case compare x y of
+    LT -> let (l',d) = delete' x l
+              t = Node c h l' y r
+          in if d then unbalancedR c (h-1) l' y r else (t, False)
+    GT -> let (r',d) = delete' x r
+              t = Node c h l y r'
+          in if d then unbalancedL c (h-1) l y r' else (t, False)
+    EQ -> case r of
+        Leaf -> if c == B then blackify l else (l, False)
+        _ -> let ((r',d),m) = deleteMin' r
+                 t = Node c h l m r'
+             in if d then unbalancedL c (h-1) l m r' else (t, False)
+-- Set operations
+{-| Joining two trees with an element. O(log N)
+    Each element of the left tree must be less than the element.
+    Each element of the right tree must be greater than the element.
+    Both tree must have black root.
+join :: Ord a => RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+join Leaf g t2 = insert g t2
+join t1 g Leaf = insert g t1
+join t1 g t2 = case compare h1 h2 of
+    LT -> turnB $ joinLT t1 g t2 h1
+    GT -> turnB $ joinGT t1 g t2 h2
+    EQ -> Node B (h1+1) t1 g t2
+  where
+    h1 = height t1
+    h2 = height t2
+-- The root of result must be red.
+joinLT :: Ord a => RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a
+joinLT t1 g t2@(Node c h l x r) h1
+  | h == h1   = Node R (h+1) t1 g t2
+  | otherwise = balanceL c h (joinLT t1 g l h1) x r
+joinLT _ _ _ _ = error "joinLT"
+-- The root of result must be red.
+joinGT :: Ord a => RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a
+joinGT t1@(Node c h l x r) g t2 h2
+  | h == h2   = Node R (h+1) t1 g t2
+  | otherwise = balanceR c h l x (joinGT r g t2 h2)
+joinGT _ _ _ _ = error "joinGT"
+{-| Merging two trees. O(log N)
+    Each element of the left tree must be less than each element of
+    the right tree. Both trees must have black root.
+merge :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+merge Leaf t2 = t2
+merge t1 Leaf = t1
+merge t1 t2 = case compare h1 h2 of
+    LT -> turnB $ mergeLT t1 t2 h1
+    GT -> turnB $ mergeGT t1 t2 h2
+    EQ -> turnB $ mergeEQ t1 t2
+  where
+    h1 = height t1
+    h2 = height t2
+mergeLT :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a
+mergeLT t1 t2@(Node c h l x r) h1
+  | h == h1   = mergeEQ t1 t2
+  | otherwise = balanceL c h (mergeLT t1 l h1) x r
+mergeLT _ _ _ = error "mergeLT"
+mergeGT :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> BlackHeight -> RBTree a
+mergeGT t1@(Node c h l x r) t2 h2
+  | h == h2   = mergeEQ t1 t2
+  | otherwise = balanceR c h l x (mergeGT r t2 h2)
+mergeGT _ _ _ = error "mergeGT"
+  Merging two trees whose heights are the same.
+  The root must be either
+     a red with height + 1
+  for
+     a black with height
+mergeEQ :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+mergeEQ Leaf Leaf = Leaf
+mergeEQ t1@(Node _ h l x r) t2
+  | h == h2'  = Node R (h+1) t1 m t2'
+  | isRed l   = Node R (h+1) (turnB l) x (Node B h r m t2')
+  -- unnecessary for LL
+  | isRed r   = Node B h (Node R h l x rl) rx (Node R h rr m t2')
+  | otherwise = Node B h (turnR t1) m t2'
+  where
+    m  = minimum t2
+    t2' = deleteMin t2
+    h2' = height t2'
+    Node R _ rl rx rr = r
+mergeEQ _ _ = error "mergeEQ"
+{-| Splitting a tree. O(log N)
+>>> split 2 (fromList [5,3]) == (empty, fromList [3,5])
+>>> split 3 (fromList [5,3]) == (empty, singleton 5)
+>>> split 4 (fromList [5,3]) == (singleton 3, singleton 5)
+>>> split 5 (fromList [5,3]) == (singleton 3, empty)
+>>> split 6 (fromList [5,3]) == (fromList [3,5], empty)
+split :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> (RBTree a, RBTree a)
+split _ Leaf = (Leaf,Leaf)
+split kx (Node _ _ l x r) = case compare kx x of
+    LT -> (lt, join gt x (turnB' r)) where (lt,gt) = split kx l
+    GT -> (join (turnB' l) x lt, gt) where (lt,gt) = split kx r
+    EQ -> (turnB' l, turnB' r)
+{- LL
+split :: Ord a => a -> RBTree a -> (RBTree a, RBTree a)
+split _ Leaf = (Leaf,Leaf)
+split kx (Node _ _ l x r) = case compare kx x of
+    LT -> (lt, join gt x r) where (lt,gt) = split kx l
+    GT -> (join l x lt, gt) where (lt,gt) = split kx r
+    EQ -> (turnB' l, r)
+{-| Creating a union tree from two trees. O(N + M)
+>>> union (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == fromList [3,5,7]
+union :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+union t1 Leaf = t1 -- ensured Black thanks to split
+union Leaf t2 = turnB' t2
+union t1 (Node _ _ l x r) = join (union l' l) x (union r' r)
+  where
+    (l',r') = split x t1
+{-| Creating a intersection tree from trees. O(N + N)
+>>> intersection (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == singleton 5
+intersection :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+intersection Leaf _ = Leaf
+intersection _ Leaf = Leaf
+intersection t1 (Node _ _ l x r)
+  | member x t1 = join (intersection l' l) x (intersection r' r)
+  | otherwise   = merge (intersection l' l) (intersection r' r)
+  where
+    (l',r') = split x t1
+{-| Creating a difference tree from trees. O(N + N)
+>>> difference (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == singleton 3
+difference :: Ord a => RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
+difference Leaf _  = Leaf
+difference t1 Leaf = t1 -- ensured Black thanks to split
+difference t1 (Node _ _ l x r) = merge (difference l' l) (difference r' r)
+  where
+    (l',r') = split x t1